The chest begins to hurt when pregnancy occurs. How many days after conception does your breasts begin to hurt?

With the onset of pregnancy, changes inevitably occur in a woman's body. The mammary glands are especially sensitive to them. Many expectant mothers, especially those who find themselves pregnant for the first time, are interested in when breast pain begins to hurt during pregnancy, and is it possible to mitigate the discomfort?

Changes that affect hormonal levels affect all organs and systems. Chest pain is a sign of successful conception and pregnancy development. It may appear within a few days after fertilization and remain present throughout pregnancy.

Determining pregnancy before a missed period is quite difficult. The test is still silent, the belly is not growing, the only sign of possible conception is pain and tension in the mammary glands. Not all women take this symptom seriously, since many begin to have symptoms, and only if they do not come on time does it become obvious that we may be talking about pregnancy.

So, at what week or what month does your breasts begin to hurt during pregnancy - when does this happen? An increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands will begin to manifest itself within a few days after conception. Since everything is individual, feelings and timing may vary. Pain most often appears at the beginning of pregnancy and goes away towards the end, only to return and remind itself shortly before the birth of the child.

Sometimes women complain that their breasts continue to hurt throughout the entire period, but the sensations will still be less pronounced than they were before 12 weeks. With repeated pregnancies, the mammary glands begin to worry earlier than when conceiving the first child. The severity of pain and the period at which breast pain begins to hurt depend on the characteristics of the female body.

Nature of pain

Regardless of when breast pain begins during pregnancy and how long it lasts, the nature of the pain is determined by the individual characteristics of the woman.

If pregnancy is confirmed, pain in the mammary glands is already present in many women. At the same time, some expectant mothers only note tingling in their nipples, while others simply cannot touch their breasts - the pain is so intense.

At the same time, the mammary glands noticeably increase in volume, their density increases, and therefore a “web” of veins forms under the skin, since the tissues need additional blood circulation. At the same time, colostrum may appear from the nipples; this symptom is especially noticeable in multiparous women.

Some expectant mothers begin to worry about the situation when the breasts do not hurt at all and do not cause discomfort during pregnancy. This usually occurs after the first trimester, but sometimes breast tenderness is absent even earlier.

This may also be a variant of the norm, due to the reduced sensitivity of breast receptors to hormonal changes. In this case, pain and the expected growth of the mammary glands may appear somewhat later - in the second half of pregnancy. To dispel worries, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Do breasts always hurt during pregnancy?

Pregnancy cannot be the same even among close relatives. Some expectant mothers complain of increased sensitivity of the breasts, others note increased pigmentation and enlargement of the areolas, and still others note slight soreness. But sometimes the mammary glands do not cause any discomfort to a woman at all, but at the same time they still enlarge and become denser, as they should be during pregnancy.

As a rule, chest pain in an expectant mother resembles the same feelings of tension and discomfort that they experience on the eve of their period. But if there is no pain, this should in no case cause panic, since this option is also within the normal range.

How long does this last?

We talked about at what period during pregnancy the breasts begin to hurt, but after how many weeks does the pain go away? Most often, discomfort in the mammary glands disappears by the end of the first trimester or closer to the 12th week. At the same time, the symptoms of early pregnancy soften for many women. In this way, the body tells the expectant mother that adaptation to hormonal changes has been completed.

It can be noted that the peak sensitivity of the mammary glands occurs in the morning; in the late afternoon the discomfort usually subsides. Thanks to increased blood supply, breast tissue begins to increase in size. If a woman follows a daily routine and leads an active lifestyle during the day, then in the evening her mammary glands will be less sensitive.

How to reduce pain?

Regardless of at what stage of pregnancy your breasts begin to hurt and how long it will last, you need to take care in advance to ensure that this stage is as comfortable as possible. There are several simple recommendations that can help you significantly reduce chest discomfort.

First of all, you need to pay attention to your wardrobe. The clothes of the expectant mother should be made from natural “breathable” fabrics and have a loose fit. You need to carefully approach the choice of linen. During pregnancy, a woman is forced to change several pairs of bras, as the mammary glands continue to gradually grow until childbirth.

Bras should fit your bust perfectly, have good support and have fairly wide straps. The purpose of this wardrobe item is not only to support the breasts, but also to protect them from other troubles, therefore, in order to preserve the beauty and health of the breasts, it is not advisable to save on a bra.

No matter how many weeks your breasts begin to hurt during pregnancy, you must not forget about constant skin care. Air baths, contrast showers, and rubbing with cool water tone and strengthen the skin of the chest.

We must not forget about personal hygiene: the breasts should always be kept clean; for this it is recommended to wash them daily with warm water or wipe them with a damp towel. When washing the mammary glands, for example, while taking a shower, it is not advisable to use soap or other detergents, as they greatly dry out the delicate skin.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


The expectant mother, as a rule, notices new sensations in the chest even before she learns about the new status. Breast tenderness is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy due to dramatic changes in the body after conception. The breasts enlarge, swell, their sensitivity increases and the usual color of the nipples darkens.

Is breast tenderness during pregnancy considered normal, what are the reasons, and how to reduce pain ?

When do pregnant women start to feel breast pain?

Of course, there are exceptions, but during pregnancy Almost all expectant mothers begin to feel breast pain , so there is no need to panic.

The level of sensation directly depends on the body : some people have constant pain and even itching, others have a venous network, and for others the chest becomes so heavy that even sleeping on their stomach becomes impossible.

What does medicine say?

  • Breast pain may appear soon after conception. Physiologically, this is easily explained and is not considered a pathology.
  • The disappearance of such pain usually occurs by the beginning of the 2nd trimester when the process of preparing the mammary glands for feeding is completed.
  • Sometimes your breasts may hurt until labor begins. This option is also not considered a pathology and is explained only by the individual characteristics of the mother’s body. Although the condition is not normal (consulting a doctor would not hurt).
  • Of the frequent manifestations of such pain You can note aching sensations in the chest, itching, burning of the nipples, increased breast sensitivity in the morning.

Why do pregnant women have breast pain?

Of course, given the low awareness of such conditions, Mom is alarmed and frightened by painful sensations . Especially if the baby is the first, and the mother is not yet familiar with all the “delights” of pregnancy.

Therefore, it would not hurt to find out about reasons for such pain:

  • Powerful hormonal changes during pregnancy has a direct effect on the mammary glands. In mothers giving birth for the first time, they are poorly developed milk lobules with the rudiments of glandular tissue (responsible for the production of breast milk). The remaining (main) volume of the breast is made up of muscles, skin, as well as connective tissue and subcutaneous fat.
  • When characteristic of pregnancy increase in prolactin and progesterone levels the maturation of glandular tissue cells in the mammary glands is stimulated: increasing in volume, it becomes similar to a grape brush, where the milky passages are “twigs” through which the milk produced by the tissue flows.
  • Growth of milky lobes leads to stretching of the connective tissue and skin, which causes a feeling of fullness and painful pressure in the chest. The sensations become aggravated by touching and (even more so) by accidental blows, and they are more pronounced during primary pregnancy.
  • The consequence of an increase in prolactin levels is increased sensitivity of the skin of the nipple itself and its foundations.
  • During lactation Oxytocin also increases (a hormone that regulates it) - this also contributes to the appearance of pain.
  • The level of gonadotropin also increases in the blood , which has a direct effect on the mammary glands of the expectant mother.

You can alleviate suffering using the following recommendations:

  • Regularly do light breast massage (from the second middle of pregnancy, be careful with this massage so as not to provoke premature birth). For example, rubbing the chest with a hard terry towel soaked in cool water (3-5 minutes). Or a contrast shower.
  • Tempering the chest and more often we arrange water/air baths for her to prevent lactation mastitis.
  • We don’t give up the joy of morning exercises. Naturally, we choose special exercises for expectant mothers. They will help you stay in good shape and reduce the level of pain.
  • Choosing the right and high-quality underwear for pregnant women (from 1 week). No pitting, extra seams, or excessive finishing. The material is exclusively natural (cotton), the size is so that the bra is not tight and at the same time perfectly supports the breasts, the straps are wide. At night you can sleep right in it, taking it off for a few morning hours to normalize blood circulation.
  • Regularly wash your breasts with warm water , giving up popular hygiene products (they dry out the skin).
  • We periodically consult with a gynecologist and mammologist.
  • We tune in only to positive emotions.

A daily breast care ritual will help not only reduce pain , but also properly prepare your breasts for feeding , and reduce the risk of developing mastopathy .

How long after conception do breasts swell is a fairly common topic of discussion on women’s forums. This question is most often asked by girls who are faced with this situation for the first time. When menstruation is delayed, women suspect a possible pregnancy, especially when changes begin in the breasts.

Why does breast swelling occur after conception?

Often, women recognize their pregnancy by their swollen breasts. The reason for swelling and hypersensitivity of the breasts is a change associated with the fact that the female body is preparing the body for the upcoming breastfeeding.

How long after conception does it take for breasts to swell in our article?

After conception, the level of female hormones in the body increases(estrogen, progesterone), which provoke the changes that occur. Most women notice breast swelling before their next period, but after conception, the breasts are more sensitive.

On what day after conception does breast swelling occur?

For each expectant mother, pregnancy, as well as its symptoms, proceeds individually. Breast engorgement occurs at different times for everyone. Based on the reviews, we can assume an approximate time frame for how long the first changes will begin.

The following days are usually celebrated:

  • three days after ovulation;
  • breasts may swell 7-10 days before expected menstruation;
  • after six weeks from conception;
  • a week after the date of delay.

Women's individuality is limitless, so the differences between the periods of swelling of the mammary glands after conception cannot be called a deviation from the norm.

Interesting fact: Medical observations of pregnant women have shown that overweight women notice changes in their breasts even before menstruation is due.

Do breasts always swell after conception?

The mammary glands always become engorged after conception, but the period at which this happens is different for everyone.

It is important to know: experts say that in some cases, women after conception notice swelling of the mammary glands only in the fourth month, and sometimes after six months. This does not in any way affect the normal course of pregnancy.

The distinctive symptoms most often depend on the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • predisposition to toxicosis;
  • individual sensitivity;
  • tendency to gain excess weight.

Gynecologists also highlight general indicators of breast changes after conception, which are presented in the table.

Do breasts swell during an ectopic pregnancy?

At the initial stage, ectopic conception generally has no differences from ordinary pregnancy.

Ectopic fertilization has the same number of symptoms as in a normal pregnancy after conception: cessation of menstruation, swelling of the breasts after a certain period, enlargement of the uterus, possible toxicosis.

However, it is still possible to determine the ectopic development of the fetus by bloody discharge, discomfort in the lower abdomen, with radiating pain of a pulling nature towards the anus.

Be careful: when a pipe bursts, acute pain occurs, fainting, vomiting, low blood pressure, and bleeding are possible. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Can breast swelling be painful?

When the mammary glands are modified, pain may occur. For some they are stronger, for others they are weakly expressed. Sometimes a woman is not bothered by pain at all, which is rare. This may depend on the particular sensitivity of the pain threshold of the expectant mother, as well as on hereditary factors along the female line.

How do breasts hurt after conception?

Most women compare the feeling of breast pain after conception with the sensations that occur before each period. Of course, such symptoms do not appear in all representatives.

Some women, during breast engorgement, feel bursting symptoms, as if pressure were coming from within. Other representatives describe the pain as a tingling sensation throughout all the glands, then they compare it to the feeling of milk remaining after childbirth.

There may also be painful symptoms that radiate to the armpit, sometimes creating a feeling that the arm is being pulled.

In some cases, in women who experienced similar symptoms every month before menstruation, after fertilization of the egg, the pain disappeared completely.

What to do if you have painful breast swelling during pregnancy

Symptoms that begin after the egg is fertilized do not require treatment. When breast swelling occurs, this is a completely normal, natural condition that reminds expectant mothers of the birth of a new baby.

Painful symptoms indicate that the woman requires special care and attitude towards this situation.

To improve your condition, you need to monitor the skin of your breasts. The skin should always be clean and breathable. To do this, you just need to take a shower often and get bras made of cotton fabric; you should refuse synthetic, beautiful underwear.

A contrast shower relieves painful symptoms well, but you can start such water procedures only after four months.

There are special bras for pregnant women on sale; they are designed to relieve symptoms due to wide straps that hold heavier breasts well in the cups. Thanks to this underwear, pain is relieved during movement, and the breasts do not fluctuate when walking.

When a woman feels chest discomfort at night, Sports bras or tops that can be worn at night can help relieve symptoms. The main thing is that the underwear is made from natural fabrics.

Considering the issue of swelling of the mammary glands during fertilization, there is no consensus that when the glands become engorged, this is pregnancy. To clarify the situation, you should consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary studies and make an accurate diagnosis.

How long after conception the breasts swell will be explained in this useful video:

What changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy:

If a woman has been dreaming of a child for a long time, then she constantly monitors every change in her well-being. So, there is a delay, that is, there is no menstruation, but there are no other signals about pregnancy? During pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience pain in the mammary glands. There is no reason to worry! Let's take a closer look at the causes of chest pain during pregnancy and how breast pain occurs during pregnancy.

Is pain always a sign of pregnancy?

At the very beginning of gestation, the female body undergoes dramatic changes. She experiences sensations that signal that fertilization has occurred. These changes have a particularly strong impact on the condition of the female breast, since hormonal levels always change.

The first signs of pregnancy include:

  • Nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Soreness of the mammary glands.
  • Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Feeling of swelling or soreness It can be in both mammary glands, as well as in just one.

Only the nipple area may become sensitive and pain and itching may appear. A characteristic feature is a venous pattern on the chest, which is clearly visible. Also, at absolutely any stage, a small amount of colostrum can be released from the breast.

There may be a completely different development of events when, before the expected start of menstruation, the usual pain in the mammary glands disappears.

Causes of pain in the mammary glands

If chest pain occurs during pregnancy, then a woman should not stress herself out and run to the clinic to see a doctor. . You should understand the reasons for this:

How long does the pain last?

Surely any woman has experienced discomfort in the mammary glands shortly before the onset of menstruation, but this pain went away in just a couple of days. Even if such sensations are familiar to a woman, then during pregnancy they become a little different.

Many people mistakenly believe that pain in the mammary glands during pregnancy is the same as the pain that occurs shortly before menstruation. But in fact this is not entirely true. After conception, discomfort in the chest resembles distension inside the glands; the woman feels as if her chest is full from the inside.

Do all pregnant girls experience the same sensations? Of course not. Pregnancy is a purely individual process and each pregnant woman experiences it differently. Some people experience pain in the mammary glands may radiate into the armpit, for some it is a strong tingling sensation, while others do not feel any discomfort at all.

There is also no clearly established time frame for such pain and discomfort. Absolutely everything happens individually and this symptom is no exception. Studies have shown that the fatter a woman is, the more breast pain she experiences.

Chest pain can occur either a day after fertilization or several weeks later. On average, women begin to feel discomfort in the chest around the seventh week of pregnancy. But by the end of the third month the woman’s condition it will get much better.

If pain continues to bother a woman in the second trimester, then there is no need to panic. Even a condition in which the pain does not go away until the birth of the child is considered normal.

Can breasts hurt during a frozen or ectopic pregnancy?

Do breasts hurt during pregnancy with pathologies? If a woman has doubts about complications during gestation, she should carefully monitor her body. But first, let’s figure out whether breasts can even hurt during a frozen pregnancy?

The death of the fetus leads to a significant disruption in the functioning of the woman’s body.. If, during the entire pregnancy, a woman felt pain in the chest, the mammary glands ached from a slight touch, then if the fetus dies, the situation will develop completely the opposite: the breasts will become coarser, and the discharge will become more abundant. The mammary glands become completely insensitive. Such changes can occur both at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy.

Breast pain and tenderness occurs due to significant hormonal changes in the body. An ectopic pregnancy is a pathological condition in which the fetus develops outside the uterus. As you know, such pregnancy and childbirth in such a situation are simply impossible. But all the processes that accompany pregnancy also occur when the fetus is ectopic. The mammary glands are no exception.

The pathology of pregnancy development should only be confirmed by a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist when examining a woman. Severe, unusual pain or sudden its disappearance is only a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

Breast care during pregnancy

There are several rules that can ease chest pain during pregnancy:

You should not compare your condition with the condition of your pregnant friends. It is not always possible to find something in common. Or rather, never! Pregnancy is different for everyone. Chest pain is just a signal about the restructuring of the body and preparation for the birth of a baby.

If you follow all the simple rules, a pregnant woman may not get rid of chest pain completely, but she will definitely improve her well-being.

By nature, a woman is given a very sensitive organ - the breast. Whenever hormonal changes occur in the body, breast tenderness may occur. Moreover, such uncomfortable sensations accompany even nulliparous women. Chest pain often accompanies girls during puberty, and later, every time before the onset of menstruation. But what does pain in the mammary glands mean after conception and subsequently at certain stages of pregnancy, what can this sign warn about?

When a woman becomes pregnant for the first time, she begins to be interested in various questions, for example, is chest pain typical for all pregnant women or does it occur only in some? According to statistics, breast tenderness to varying degrees manifests itself in almost 80% of pregnant women. Women may experience both excruciating acute pain and its complete absence. These pain indicators directly depend on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, that is, on physical fitness and equipment.

Breast pain after conception

It is well known that the prenatal period is characterized by the preparation of the mammary glands for feeding the child, therefore colostrum begins to be actively produced, resulting in pain.

There are cases when a woman feels discomfort in her chest just a few weeks after conception. This sign can frighten the expectant mother, and she will regard it as an alarming symptom.

Early stages are characterized by a different mechanism for the occurrence of chest pain, based on which the woman experiences certain sensations. They are explained by several factors.

Effect of hormones (hCG, progesterone)After conception, the body begins to actively restructure itself, producing certain hormones in large quantities, which leads to the dilation of blood vessels and, accordingly, to the expansion of the thoracic ducts. In this case, a tingling sensation occurs, and sometimes even a cutting pain. If the girl has a slender figure, then discharge can be observed from the nipples, which is not a pathology. In this case, it is recommended to use special sterile pads, but influencing (pressing, kneading) the mammary glands is strictly prohibited
Active growth of adipose and glandular tissuePain in the chest is accompanied by an aching and sometimes bursting character. Due to the growth of breast tissue, skin cells may not keep up with this process, which will lead to the formation of stretch marks. In some cases, the skin changes and becomes thinner. The resulting chest pain is additionally accompanied by itching and flaking.
Slim body compositionIf a pregnant woman has a slender body, then in the early stages soreness in the breasts will be quite noticeable. Breast size increases during the first trimester. The breasts are held in place by special ligaments, which, as the weight and size of the mammary gland increase, cannot cope with such a load - which is why pain occurs. A nagging but not severe pain is typical.

Experts advise choosing the right underwear to relieve the ligamentous apparatus, and, therefore, avoid pain

Attention! Often a woman’s breasts become so sensitive that they react with pain to every touch. The pain may intensify during sleep if the body position is incorrect. Experiences and stressful situations can also cause pain in the early stages, significantly increasing the pain threshold.

How is chest pain related to conception?

It happens that long before a delay occurs and the test confirms a positive result, a woman feels uncharacteristic soreness in the mammary glands. If pregnancy is not planned, then this symptom is confused with a premenstrual sign. It is distinctive that the pain is bursting in nature, therefore it is not typical for the premenstrual period.

Note! Added to the bursting pain is a change in the density of the mammary gland, which can be noticed upon palpation and hypersensitive nipples.

Women with children already accurately determine the fact of pregnancy long before a missed period is detected or a test is performed. Despite this, it should be understood that this sign is still subjective and pregnancy can only be accurately confirmed after an ultrasound examination.

At what stage of pregnancy can breast pain appear?

Unfortunately, experts cannot provide an exact answer. Since the occurrence of pain depends on several factors:

  1. Age of the pregnant woman.
  2. Presence of vascular diseases.
  3. Endocrine diseases.
  4. Hormonal levels.

The average period for the occurrence of breast pain is five to six weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, in heavier women, chest pain may not appear at all or two weeks later than the above period.

Attention! Breast pain does not accompany a woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Already in the twelfth week of the period, the body gets used to the new state and adapts to it, hormonal changes do not occur as actively, so the breasts stop increasing in size. Thus, the pain gradually subsides or disappears completely. After unpleasant sensations in the chest, a period of toxicosis begins.

But a pregnant woman should not relax, as chest pain often returns three to four weeks before giving birth. This is explained by the fact that the body begins to prepare for the lactation period and produces colostrum.

How to reduce pain?

There are several simple tips that help reduce pain in the female breast:

  • choose special underwear when your breasts begin to grow. It should be made of natural fabrics and should not put pressure on the mammary glands, but act as a supporting element. This will reduce the load on the supporting pectoral ligaments. This underwear is perfect for sleep, when the pain may intensify;
  • do not forget about the rules of hygiene. The possibility of discharge from the nipples cannot be ruled out, so you should wash your breasts daily and dry them with a soft cloth. For the washing procedure, you can use chamomile decoction;
  • perform health exercises so that there is an increased outflow of lymph;
  • at the twelfth week of the term, start taking a contrast shower. By alternating water at different temperatures, vascular walls are strengthened and muscle tone is improved.