Classes for children from 1 year old at home. Developing a one-year-old child

When the baby turns 1 year old, the very time comes when it is necessary to teach the child something; only one thing is asked: “How?” In fact, everything is simple, you need to learn it by playing! It is unlikely that your baby will refuse to play with you.

But at the same time, you cannot scold the child, much less punish or beat him; pronounce the words correctly, there is no need to distort them, because the child remembers exactly your pronunciation of words, and then you definitely won’t need a speech therapist. And most importantly, do not try to force your child to play a game that he does not like at the moment, but on the contrary, adapt to his mood and get involved in his game, but play for good. Even if you offer your child to play a game that he always loves to play, but this time he categorically refuses to do so, then it may be that he is tired of it and is no longer interested. Taking into account all the listed nuances, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

Developing creativity games for children from 1 year old

  1. If you are somewhere in nature or at the dacha, you can put a large cardboard, approximate size A1, on the ground or grass, and next to it put a basin or any other suitable vessel for this and dilute paints in this basin, then invite the child to stand with his feet in basin. Accordingly, the paints will be on your feet and will walk on this cardboard, that is, paint with your feet. If it's summer, you can go barefoot; if it's cold outside, you'll need rubber boots. This game will be exciting not only for the child, but also for you.

  2. Sculpt with your child from plasticine, of course, at that age the child will not be able to sculpt something useful, but this is normal. You too sculpt, show what can be sculpted, give the finished figures to the child, let him look at them, play with them or take them apart. Help your child mold, preferably with his own hands, something elementary, for example: a ball, a cube or something like that. This procedure also helps develop motor skills, which are very necessary for the child. Don’t be afraid to get dirty, as even plasticine stains can be removed from clothes if you follow the instructions.

  3. Draw with your baby with pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, or all of these in turn, as you feel comfortable. As in the last game, don’t expect your child to draw a masterpiece, at first it will just be “scribbles”, the main thing is that the child has an interest in drawing and tries to express something of his own in the “drawings”. Take yourself a separate drawing sheet and give a separate one to your child. First, draw on your piece of paper, tell and show the baby everything you draw, and at this time numerous multi-colored lines will appear on the baby’s sheet of paper. Then try to draw something elementary on his piece of paper with your child’s hand; he will quickly get bored with it. Ask him to help you, because you cannot cope with this on your own. As a rule, the child really wants to add something of his own to your drawing, so to speak, to add his own finishing touch. If you draw with felt-tip pens, this will contribute to the development of not only the baby’s creative abilities, but also the motor skills of the baby’s hands, because each felt-tip pen must be closed after drawing, that is, a thin object must be placed into a fairly thin hole.

  4. Color coloring books with your child, the rules are almost the same as with drawing, the only thing is that this is a more delicate work where you cannot go beyond the edges. After your baby has put the finishing touches, he will look at this colorful masterpiece with great pleasure, tell him everything you have colored, tell him what color you did it with, ask your baby to show the colors he already knows, perhaps it will be just 1 or 2 colors. Ask to show objects in the picture that the baby already knows. In addition to everything, such a game will develop the baby’s memory, which is also important.

  5. Make an applique with your baby, take a white landscape sheet, cut out simple shapes, for example: a sun, a tree, a flower, something that can be quickly cut out and not abuse your baby’s patience. Spread these figures with a glue stick and glue them, you need to involve the baby in all these actions, but be very careful with the scissors and make sure that the glue does not end up in the baby’s mouth, otherwise your own inattention will lead to unpleasant consequences.

  6. Build a castle with your child from Lego. Despite the fact that it is believed that this construction set is intended for children aged three years and older, in this case this warning can be ignored, the only thing is that each part of this construction set must be large in size. Most likely, your baby will want to help you in this activity, but even if in your opinion this is not help, still do not neglect it and be sure to praise your baby for helping to create a castle, which will also serve as an exercise for fine motor skills.

Games for developing fine motor skills for children aged 1 year and older

  1. When you go for a walk outside, take with you one empty 0.5 liter water bottle without a lid, and invite your child to collect small pebbles and try to put them in this bottle.

  2. Give your baby unnecessary printed materials: newspapers, magazines or something else - and let the baby tear the leaves; the smaller the pieces he tears off, the more fine motor skills will develop.

  3. For the next game you will need an empty water bottle of any size with a lid, screw the lid on and ask the child to unscrew it, then on the contrary, unscrew the lid and ask the child to screw it on.

  4. Scatter some small objects and ask the baby to collect them; he is unlikely to collect them, but while he tries to pick up a small thing, fine motor skills will again develop.

  5. Ask your child to assemble a pyramid, at first you will do it yourself, and the child will be an outside observer, and later the roles will change, and you will become an outside observer, and your baby will assemble this pyramid on his own. When assembling a pyramid, name the colors, ask the baby to show this or that color, which will also help develop the child’s memory.

  6. Take a landscape sheet, you will also need buttons, they can be anything, but there should be a lot of them. Invite your baby to paint a picture using these buttons, for example: an apple, but when working with buttons, don’t take a single step away from the baby and don’t turn away for a second so that he doesn’t pull it into his mouth. You can also give your child a toy dish and ask him to prepare lunch from these buttons; in this case, you can use pasta, but only large ones.

Games designed to develop attention and memory in a child from one year old

  1. Ask the baby: “Where is the nose?”, answer: “Here it is,” while gently touching the tip of the baby’s nose, at first all these actions will only make your little one smile, and then in response to this question, he will show you the nose, the same can be done with any other part of the body.

  2. Show your child how you cook, take a pan, cover it with a lid, then open it, take a spoon and stir the contents of the pan, invite your baby to repeat all this and you will be sure that your child will do all this with pleasure.

  3. Show your child pictures of various animals, and then ask him to show these animals, saying their names.

  4. Show the baby a toy, then ask him to close his eyes, put this toy in a visible place, then ask the baby to open his eyes and find the toy.

  5. Take three glasses, turn them upside down, hide a candy under one of them and swap the glasses, do all this in front of the baby, then ask the baby to guess where the candy is.

Thus, the result will be a satisfied and joyful baby who will delight calm and happy parents with his successes.

Online games for 1-year-old children will be primarily appreciated by parents. The kids themselves have nothing to compare with yet: there is almost no experience, and their horizons are tiny. By the way, well-chosen online games will fix this in a matter of months. For mothers and fathers interested in the comprehensive development of children, they will become invaluable assistants. We propose an experiment. Devote 10-15 minutes a day to online children's games for 1-year-old children, and in just a couple of weeks the number of words your baby learns and understands will double. Children of the first years of life, like a sponge, absorb everything that the world around them offers. And the quality of the “content” available to them depends only on the parents. So why not take control of the process? Moreover, the information coming from the network can be dosed and distributed as you see fit. Another significant plus: all game materials on our website are posted for free. To access them you don't need anything other than an Internet connection.

  • For children 1 year old

    A collection of didactic games for the sensory development of children. You can also play educational coloring puzzles on mobile devices.

  • An online version of the most popular children's game "Pyramid", which all experts recommend playing to develop motor skills, thinking, and intelligence.

    An educational game in which children will learn to recognize objects by shape. Look at the outlines on the field and select an object that matches them.

  • Didactic about animals for children 1-2 years old

    In this educational game, kids will expand their knowledge about farm animals. Point out what they eat, what sounds the animals make, feed the animals.

  • In this game, parents will be able to introduce their baby to the animal world and train their hearing. Find out by the sound what animal it is.

    An educational game to improve knowledge about the world around us. First, select the things in the picture that sink in the water, and then those that float on the surface.

    A nice coloring book for kids, the picture of which depicts farm animals. One click is enough to color.

    A collection of 6 coloring pages depicting characters from the children's cartoon "Cleo and Siquin". Bring your pictures to life with flowers in just one click.

    An exciting html5 game based on the Sesame Street educational program for children. Choose from a variety of gingerbread cookies of a given color.

    Educational fun like "Pyramid". Kids will have to choose the largest one from a variety of balls until they have all sorted them out.

In general, the kids and dad went to grandma’s, and I decided to finish the housework a little (I finally removed the snowflakes and lights from the windows), wash my hair and I’m ready to go out. In the end, I finished everything, went to the shower, washed my hair, and rinsed it off. And at that very moment the light went out in the apartment, as it later turned out there was no light in the entire area. The water suddenly becomes hot, the bathroom is dark.

In general, somehow I got out of the shower, then turned off the water by touch and went to look for a phone with a flashlight. The house is dark and cold, because before the shower I opened all the windows to ventilate the apartment. Of course, it became more comfortable with a flashlight. After about 30 minutes the lights were turned on. But without light, alone in the apartment and even in the bathroom, it’s not a very pleasant feeling, I’ll tell you.

Well, let's get back to children and their development.

My son and I have already passed this stage, and our daughter is now 1 year and 8 months old. And with the birth of your second child, you realize the shortcomings that you made in raising your first. You adjust something and add innovations. Among other things, there are many new games and techniques for children. This is what I will tell you about today.

But before we begin to engage in the early “education” of the baby, let’s figure out what the child is interested in at this tender age. After all, you can buy a bunch of rubbish, which will safely gather dust in the corner and wait for the child to mature. And when the moment comes, we forget about it. We find things when the baby is already grown up and is not interested in it. Has this ever happened to you? With us, yes. It was not us who bought it, but friends and acquaintances. Of course, these are not dresses, but children also grow out of toys. And each age has its own preferences.

Now let's take a look at the list of what the little one likes to do at home and what his hobbies are:

  • walk around the house with your favorite attribute in your hands;
  • hide things, for example, under a rug and find them;
  • make pyramids of 2 - 3 cubes and immediately break the structure;
  • throw rattles into boxes, playpens, drawers;
  • copy gestures and intonation of adults;
  • fulfill requests: show pictures, come when called by name, bring objects;
  • climb onto sofas and armchairs (fall due to negligence!)
  • move to the music

Have you noticed your children? My daughter really loved and still loves refrigerator magnets, we have numbers on them. This is how we learned to count to 5. The only drawback is that when you go to the refrigerator and open it, she sneaks up and tries to close the door. At the same time, pinching a person between the door and the refrigerator itself! But this is more of a comical moment than an annoying one. Kids love order. Since the door was closed, there was no point in going in there to raise the temperature!

What should be in the house

Depending on the interests of the little creature, you need to ensure the presence of the necessary items in the house:

  1. Of course, our parental attention. The baby needs to be oriented in space, shown new things, and told about their properties.
  2. A container for collecting toys should be at hand. I gave her a small box with rattles and a durable paper bag. Things were transferred from one to another.
  3. Books with interesting pictures. When the child finds his way around here, at your request he will show the characters. Well, or ask an adult to tell the plot in his “tili-mili-tryam” language.
  4. Boxes with lids, thick tin cans with lids.
  5. Rugs on the floor, tightly fixed with furniture. Underneath we have a treasure trove of magnets that we are looking for.

During such an important period, memory and imagination are formed. Therefore, fine and gross motor skills and attention to large and small details should be trained. Be sure to involve your relatives who live with you in this process. After all, the little one knows people by name.

It’s good to put any toy item on the shelf and show it to your child. Be sure to comment: “Mashenka, where is our little bear? So he hid!” After a while, put the bear on another shelf and ask that question. This is required to perceive the object, and not the place where it should be. It trains your horizons very well. The child understands that the bear can be anywhere and begins to search for him!

These are elementary things through which a child learns about the world. But it’s good to stock up on the necessary toys. Which ones? I'll explain it now.

A set of the most important toys

A year for children, a period of active interest in everything that happens. The baby enthusiastically watches what is happening, copies, studies. Why doesn't a square cube fit into a round hole? Through trial and error, everything gradually works out. But parental help is needed, who else will explain all the subtleties. The work is daily and intense. Let's stock up on patience and educational toys!

  1. A house the size of a toddler. Available for sale plastic, are more expensive, but there are rag with frame- cheaper. It's a lot of fun getting in and out of there. Coordination and thinking are trained. Hide a doll there, it will be doubly interesting for the little one! This advice is acceptable when introducing a child to a new place. What if he’s taken aback and doesn’t want to go there? And your favorite doll will serve as a motivator!
  2. Game complexes. If space and resources allow, this is a great option for improving dexterity and gross motor skills. This may include slides for skiing, and swings, and stairs.
  3. Mats for foot massage. You can buy them, or you can sew buttons on fabric, the same effect. There are also prefabricated rugs with various pictures. These are kind of large puzzles, the baby puts the pieces together and then uses them to walk.
  4. Pyramids. Legendary large rings that fit on a stick. This is the study of color and size of parts.
  5. Of course, drawing and sculpting for fine motor skills.
  6. Books play an integral role in raising a child. From one to three years of age, vocabulary is actively formed and replenished. So read to your little ones as much as possible!


When a little person begins to see the world around him further than 25 cm (no further than 25 - 30 cm a baby sees at birth), he begins to be interested in TV. This happens before a year or 3 months. During this period, television programs are strictly prohibited. But at one year of age, it is allowed to watch educational videos for about 15 minutes a day. Although some doctors speak out against it, limiting TV viewing to children under 3 years of age.

We turned on educational cartoons when we were 1.5 years old. It was not possible to completely exclude the TV, since we have an older brother who sometimes does not mind watching Luntik or Robocar. Little by little, of course. We have 2 episodes of Luntik and 1 Robocar or 3 Luntik coming out. There is even a choice. But my husband and I no longer watch TV and don’t turn it on at all.

Very interesting cartoon tiny love. Here little viewers get acquainted with the simplest concepts: hello - bye, colors, animals, day, evening, night, morning. An affordable and simple option that interests the baby. The main idea of ​​the cartoon is changing pictures and plot. After all, restless people get tired of monotony. There is an acquaintance with new concepts. New knowledge is reinforced through stories.

Tools at hand for learning

The child studies the world around him, so all means are good for this. As I already wrote, involve your household in the process. Tell your little one who is who, what color grandma’s dress is, what she’s doing in the kitchen. If the little one pays attention to the light bulb, tell him that the light is shining, show him how it turns on. Such simple things, at first glance, will cause delight.

And for games use:

  1. Krupa
  2. Clothespins
  3. Dishes (wooden, plastic)
  4. Old bag


You can do different manipulations with cereal. For example, pour semolina into a basin, hiding a rattle there. You can put beans, buckwheat, and lentils in front of the fidget. Roll out the plasticine on a sheet of paper and let the grains stick into it. Another interesting tip: put socks on your baby, add buckwheat to the second pair and put them on his feet. Let it go like this for half an hour. Great foot massage!


Small, loose ones will do. They are put on a piece of cardboard, ask your baby to take them off.


This attribute is good in deep size. You can pour something in, rearrange it, etc. When you bathe a tomboy, you can use the dishes to pour water or pour it on yourself.

Old bag

This is a gift from fate for the little explorer! Just get all your things out of there. And put the same rattle or a small bunny. Let him search. You can put a lot of funny things in there.

The role of the book

At this tender age, the book should train the toddler in speech, logic, and observation. A great option with illustrations about animals, seasons, parts of the day.

  1. Natalya Chub "Palms". The reader gets acquainted with the heroes - animals. Various exercises for fine motor skills and logic, multi-colored illustrations. Rhymes and stories captivate the baby and give a lot of positive emotions.
  2. Orlova A. "Apples - heels". The children's book contains funny poems, songs and nursery rhymes. They are quite short, interesting and kind.
  3. Guido Genechten "Who where?". The publication can be used both for teaching counting and for viewing colorful illustrations. Logical questions, for example, you need to find who is going to the birthday party? The little reader must find the little animal with a gift and in a cap.
  4. Savushkin S. "First steps, first words". On one spread there is text and an image. Logical puzzles for children that teach numbers and train their intelligence. Everything is presented very harmoniously.
  5. Zhukova L. "My first book". This is a real encyclopedia for little ones. The surrounding world with plants, animals, nature. Bright large images interest and train attention and memory.

In addition to such publications, you can purchase several magazines with stickers and Russian folk tales. At this age, the child pays great attention to what he sees. Therefore, an option with good illustrations is what you need!

Games for one-year-old toddlers

The formation of thought processes and intelligence occurs very actively at one year of age. Provide your little one with a comfortable play area. Be sure to purchase a table and chair. Now is the time to create and explore! Drawing, the first creativity from plasticine, the simplest construction sets. Don't forget about training your speech apparatus. From one to two years, the number of words spoken increases from 15 to 100. Perhaps more.

In a playful way, train fine motor skills and do articulatory gymnastics. The baby will not perform any serious manipulations yet, but he will be able to repeat the simplest ones.

  1. Demonstrate how it peeks out and looks left, right, up, down. Comment with a funny joke.
  2. Train your lungs. Blow pieces of paper on the table in a bowl of water. You can diversify your bathing procedures by launching a paper boat into the bath.
  3. Buy interesting magnets and magnetic children's board. A good option for fine motor skills.
  4. The simplest activity is hide and seek. There is no need to go far. Just throw a scarf over your head or cover your eyes with your hands.
  5. Learn to catch a ball. Show how the ball rolls and bounces off the floor.

Simple rules will bring a lot of positivity and benefits to your child. And you will enjoy spending time together.

With this, dear parents, let me say goodbye. If you have not yet subscribed to updates, do so to stay updated on new interesting articles! And also share with our readers in the comments how you develop your children and what interests them at the age of one.

Good afternoon, dear readers! I recently wrote about what to do if... Now let’s take a closer look - how to prevent such a situation? How to teach a baby to play? And you need to start this at 1 year!

Of course, we instill independence in the child even before the age of one year. We give as much freedom as possible. We allow you to study a variety of subjects. We organize it for him... But conscious elements of the game appear only closer to the year.

And today we will talk about the game. Let's move away from the topic of separation from mother, carrying in arms and attachment to the breast... How to play with a child at 1 year old?

Simplicity of games

Scientists believe that at this age the baby is most susceptible to everything that happens. What can you tell him about the structure of the world, read “Onegin” - and all this will be deposited somewhere inside him.

I don’t know how true this is, but it’s better to play games that are appropriate for his age. Only what he can understand... And repeat.

The most striking example: at that age I played with my eldest daughter rather strangely. It seemed to me that the child was not yet able to play. In my understanding, a game was a whole performance of toys.

This game would be good for a 4-5 year old child. But not in a year! My one-year-old daughter could not repeat my actions. She sat and watched with pleasure as the toys “talked” to each other, solved some problems...

I constantly came up with new stories. It seemed to me that the child would be bored watching the same “play.” And this went on for 2-3 years, until the child began to join the game. However, by this time my daughter was already accustomed to being entertained all day long. And we faced a number of problems.

All this could have been avoided if I had approached the game wisely. At one year old, the toddler is able to perceive only the simplest actions. For example:

  • spoon feeding toys;
  • put the doll to sleep, rocking it to sleep;
  • comb the doll's hair;
  • roll cars;
  • collect something in a box;
  • “vacuum cleaning”, sweeping, washing something with a rag and imitating simple household chores;
  • "talking on the phone";
  • push a stroller with a doll;
  • “stomp” with a doll, etc.

Karapuz repeats the game

Once upon a time it seemed to me that a one-year-old boy should not be shown two identical toy “performances”. And then it turned out that on the contrary - at this age you need to play the same thing many times. Only then will the baby remember the game and understand what is required of him.

In one year you can “feed” dolls all day long. And perform some simple actions with toys. The main thing is to teach your child to do this with you.

First, perform the game action yourself several times. Then try to repeat it, but with your child. Feed your army of toys with your baby's hand. If he resists, don't be upset. Continue to enthusiastically put a spoon in the dolls' mouths.

All children grasp new games differently. Some people connect right away. And someone needs to see it from the outside 20-30 times. The main thing is not to complicate the task. Choose only the simplest games. We go through them in three stages:

  1. Only the mother plays, the child watches.
  2. The child plays, but with the help of his mother.
  3. Only the child plays.

And remember that our task is to teach the baby to play independently. At least for a few minutes. In my opinion, this is more useful for development than any activity involving searching for a spout or smearing plasticine.

How to make the game more interesting?

At one year old, it will be enough for your child if you simply twirl toys in your hands, put them somewhere, constantly “feed” them and roll them in a stroller. However, not all mothers can withstand this test.

With my second baby, I learned the main rule: the game should be interesting to the mother! If you don't like the game, then:

  • the child does not receive a portion of enthusiasm from you and also does not want to play, preferring to hang on his chest or in his arms;
  • motherhood begins to seem like hell to you;
  • you try to isolate yourself from the child and spend less time with him. He feels it - and tries to become more attached to you.

But the good news is that you can make the game fun! However, for this you will have to work a little.

And if you, like me, have no idea what to play... Download yourself a lot of books about games at this age. There are very, very many of these books. And different books give different approaches to the game. Download, read and try.

Sooner or later you will find something that inspires you. Some people like games with handicraft elements... Some people are more interested in something educational. I prefer games with poetry.

I’ll give you an example of our favorite game... I already wrote about it on my VKontakte page, but I’ll duplicate it.

We pick up any large toy and “walk” with it, repeating the words:

"Get out of the way, cat,
Our Little Bunny (Doll, Girl, etc.) is coming!
Our Zainka is coming,
There's no way he'll fall.

And then we say: "Bang! Fell!" and with these words we drop the doll. Then we continue to stomp again.

The topic of first steps for a one-year-old baby is very relevant. And our son enthusiastically joined the game. Moreover, this game develops a calm attitude towards falls in the child. Which are inevitable in this period.

The subtext of the game is this: if you fall, get up and move on. Falling is normal.

In addition, the son tries to repeat simple words - “top” and “boom”. In this case, they are included in the text for a reason. This is how it’s easier for a one-year-old to start talking.

You may not be inspired by our game. This is fine. But believe me, there are millions of different games in the world. Look for them. In books, on Internet sites, in educational programs... You will definitely find “your” games. You just need to be patient.

Here is a video of one of the game options:

If the article was useful, repost it on social networks. And subscribe to blog updates. See you again!

How to captivate a curious one-year-old toddler? Many mothers ask themselves this question, since combining activities with the baby and household chores is quite difficult. Moreover, after a year, the baby becomes more active, but he still lacks perseverance.

We offer you a list of exciting games that will help keep a 1-2 year old child busy for a while and at the same time develop his finger motor skills, attention, and sensory skills.

It is not difficult to captivate a baby under one year old; for this you will need a regular rattle, a rotating mobile or an educational mat.

But by the first round anniversary, children begin to actively explore the space: they either crawl quickly or take their first steps. It's no surprise that parents now need to come up with new ideas for activities with their little ones.

Let's look at two options: joint games with the mother and independent activity of the baby, when a woman needs to free up a little free time for herself and at the same time keep the child occupied with something.

We offer several interesting games for children from one to two years old.

What to do with a 1-2 year old child: joint games

The best partner for one-year-old children is his beloved mother.

At this age, the child is not yet attracted to the company of his peers, since neither he himself nor other children can yet come up with ideas for entertainment.

What games can parents offer their baby?

  1. Bubble. There is probably not a baby in the world who would not love to watch how water turns into multi-colored transparent balls. Children are interested in everything in this process: where do bubbles come from, how can they be blown out, why do they burst? The little one will definitely want to create soap bubbles herself, which is why this activity sometimes drags on until the solution in the jar runs out.
  2. Drawing. A 12-month-old child already paints with finger paints with obvious pleasure; by the age of two he can already cope with gouache and watercolor painting. The most important thing is to choose safe paint and create a workspace, and then watch how the baby mixes paints and makes handprints and fingerprints. By the way, rolls of old wallpaper will come in handy in this matter. They are much more economical than expensive albums.
  3. Modeling. You can sculpt from special salted dough or ordinary soft plasticine. Just don’t buy fragrant plastic mass, because the child will definitely want to try it. Show him the simplest exercises: roll a ball, a sausage, demonstrate how to make a flat cake. Don’t expect beautiful figures; at this age children are interested in studying the properties of materials. The advantage of such an activity is undeniable - the active development of fine motor skills!
  4. Role-playing games. A one and a half year old child is already showing genuine interest in role-playing games. At this moment, he imitates the actions of his parents, which he sees every day. Usual scenes: feed the doll, do exercises with her, swaddle her, rock her in a stroller, put her to sleep. And yet we can’t do it without my mother’s help. Closer to three years, the plots of games will become more complex, because imagination will be added to direct experience.
  5. Reading books. One-year-old children cannot yet comprehend long works with a plot, so leave fairy tales for later. One or two years is the age for reading poems and jokes. Typically, classical children's literature goes off with a bang: poems by A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, etc. By the way, take these works as a basis for children's mini-performances by purchasing a finger theater or making one from ordinary gloves.
  6. "Walking" games. Options for outdoor games are limited only by mom's imagination. You can play with other children on the playground by taking a ball with you outside. Feed the pigeons a piece of old loaf, thereby developing children's motor skills and observation skills. Swing on a swing, build a snow woman in winter, and collect bright leaves in autumn. In summer, the list of entertainment expands significantly.
  7. Outdoor games at home. It’s hard to imagine a normal day with your baby without these useful activities. You can’t sit a baby down at the table for several hours and expect him to draw, sculpt, or assemble something. If the baby walks confidently, play hide and seek, tag or tag with him. If he is just taking his first steps, just roll a ball on the floor or jump on a fitball.
  8. Cubes, nesting dolls, pyramids. Let your activities with your baby be not only fun, but also useful. To do this, it is not enough to buy educational toys; adults must get involved in games and teach the child to interact with objects. For children aged 1-2 years, cubes, pyramids, insert frames, sorters, large construction sets, and musical instruments are suitable.
  9. Games with cereals. Take a large basin with semolina, place a lot of “secrets” and “treasures” in it. These can include small toys, jar lids, and shaped pasta. By the way, you can draw unusual pictures with children’s fingers on pallets or on large dark dishes.
  10. Balloons. An amazingly fun activity to do with young children. You can draw funny faces on the ball with a felt-tip pen. The balloon can be inflated and released without tying the neck - joyful screams cannot be avoided. The little researcher will be interested for a long time in how such a small rag turns into a large and light ball.
  11. Housework. Sometimes you don’t need to come up with new activities for your child; it’s enough to just let him help you with the housework. For example, give your toddler a sponge and a damp cloth and show him how to wipe off the dust. Two-year-old children can already use a floor brush and wash dishes. Place your child on a small pedestal near the sink, lather the sponge and let him wash the plastic dishes.

What can you do with a one or two year old baby: independent games

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the concept of “independent games” is quite relative, since at this age the child cannot yet occupy himself. And it’s not safe to leave such a little toddler alone.

However, no one is stopping you from keeping your baby busy for a while to do household chores or take a break. What ideas will your child like?

  1. "Miracle box" In a regular box you need to put various trinkets and small things. The contents need to be updated regularly, and the box itself should not be kept in plain sight. Let her appearance be a surprise. Inside the “wonderful” box there may be parts from construction sets, small toys, bottles, packaging for vitamins, that is, everything that your imagination tells you. Be careful - do not put small parts that the baby could swallow.
  2. Fun with paper. Both at 12 months and at two years old, children are interested in paper products - they love to rustle paper, tear it into pieces, crush it and make balls out of it. The cheapest and safest option is playing with a roll of toilet paper. But you shouldn’t give glossy magazines and newspapers. Newspaper pages get dirty with printing ink, and magazine gloss has sharp edges that can hurt small fingers.
  3. A package of clothes. In a textile bag, put things that the baby has already outgrown, or clothes that are out of season. Little fashionistas and fashionistas are usually captivated by such wardrobe games for about 20-30 minutes. They love to stand in front of the mirror and try things on themselves. By the way, this way you can teach your baby to dress independently.
  4. Water activities. Fill a basin with not too much water, hand the baby a variety of rubber toys (ducks, bear cubs, boats), and let him play. Many children enjoy the completely innocent fun of slapping their palms on the surface of the water and watching the splashes. However, you should not allow your baby to play in the bathroom without your supervision. It is better to lay an oilcloth in the room and place a basin of water on it.
  5. Cartoons and educational presentations. Of course, it’s better to watch cartoons with your child, but if you need a break for 10-15 minutes, you can turn on a good animated film or an interesting presentation. However, you should not get carried away with this method; nothing can replace a child’s communication with adults and interaction with real objects.