When to start potty training your child. When to potty train a child

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of the blog! Marina is with you. Today, analyzing the prices for, I thought: when to start planting a child on a potty and how to do it? For some, the procedure is easy, while most parents are faced with the iron stubbornness of their child.

It turned out that in practice it is not so easy to force a person, though small, to exchange a convenient way to “do their own thing” for an unfamiliar piece of plastic. At what age would it be right to start introducing a baby to an unusual procedure for him?

There are only questions around, and relatives and friends do not give the young mother peace of mind: “So big, and in diapers!”. Mom constantly scrolls through this in her head and, finally, firmly decides to start the fight for clean pants.

Stop and breathe, dear mothers! Everything goes on as usual, just a baby ... not ready yet!

When is X day?

One day I heard a story from a colleague about how she taught her eldest son to the potty at 6 months. He showed heroic fortitude and courage, choosing a curious object solely as a comfortable chair for watching cartoons, and used a completely different one for its intended purpose and much later. So is it necessary to rush things?

  • After a year, the baby becomes more intelligent
  • Confidently gets up, walks and sits down
  • Controls the process of urination
  • Feels uncomfortable when wet and understands why
  • Understands speech and learns to negotiate

You can set a goal and try for a very long time, and the little one - desperately resist. Only at some point he himself will take the initiative and do it without requests and persuasion, because he will be psychologically ready.

After what time this will happen, it is not known: children develop very individually. Your task is not to rush things and not to miss this significant moment, otherwise the matter will be delayed.

Note to moms

If you have the strength and desire to introduce a 7-14 month old baby to a potty, remember three NOT:

  • Don't insist
  • Don't force
  • Don't persuade

Otherwise, you risk losing the trust of the little man and the result will not wait very soon. Explain to him why you need to take off your pants and sit on the pot - most children are in no hurry to cope with their needs in it, because they do not see the connection between the subject and the procedure.

In this case, you should determine how often the baby is going to “go to the toilet”, and each time, guess in time so that the baby has a clear association with the plastic “high chair”. It is unlikely that the process will be conscious - this is still a reflex, understanding will come later. But you must definitely praise your little one if everything went well, and not force it if the little man cries and flatly refuses.

Summing up

So, by the time of the transition to an almost “adult” toilet, the child must be ready both physically and psychologically. You will need patience, as the result will not be immediate. Some children are calm about the potty at night and are indifferent to it during the day. Others, at different intervals, lose interest in it and regain it again, since for them it is just a game. Observe and draw competent conclusions, without forcing the crumbs to perform unnecessary feats to anyone.

The main thing is to always remember that the purpose of training is the next stage of development, and not a way to meet some standards. How many months the baby will be when he refuses diapers is known only to his parents, and this should take place on time and naturally.

There is still no clear answer to this question.

To date, many researchers believe that it is necessary to potty train a baby no earlier than the age of 1-1.5 years, since the developed reflexes at an earlier age turn out to be unstable and can quickly fade away. However, the fact that there is currently a boom in disposable diapers is not taken into account. Of course, being in a “dry and comfortable” environment, the baby does not experience discomfort and he does not need to ask for a potty to stay dry and clean.

When using reusable diapers, the need to “go to the potty” occurs much earlier. An important, and sometimes the main role in the development of this need is played by adults caring for the baby, since endurance and patience are needed in accustoming the baby to the pot - only then will the result be.
The other extreme is the so-called "planting" from the first months of life. It turns out that the mother only does what she “plants” - the baby. However, this technique has many supporters.

Of course, teaching a baby to “go to the potty” begins much earlier than the moment when the baby is ready for this. Already starting from 5-6 months, if the child woke up dry, he should be held over a basin or over a sink. This should be carried out systematically after each sleep, and not from time to time. Therefore, if you decide to potty train your baby, be patient.

When the child learns to sit well on his own, you should begin to teach him to sit on the potty. The connection of the position on the potty with urination and defecation is developed only when the child has a need for this: if he gets up dry after sleep and not earlier than 15-20 minutes after feeding. Potting time should not exceed 5 minutes. In order to develop a good attitude towards this process in a baby, it is necessary to plant it calmly, make sure that the pot is not cold, do not hold it in this position for a long time, even if the expected result has not been achieved. With the wrong method of accustoming to neatness, the baby may develop a negative attitude towards this process with inhibition of physiological functions: and then urination and defecation occur after the baby is removed from the pot.

In order to develop a conditioned reflex for a while, this procedure is carried out at the same hours: before bedtime, after sleep (if the child woke up dry), before a walk, strictly adhering to the regimen. So gradually teach children to ask for a potty. The baby sitting on the potty is not given toys, as this distracts him and hinders the development of the skill. Wash your hands after using the toilet.

The beginning of potty training should not coincide with the time when the baby is sick or naughty. By doing this, you will only develop a negative attitude towards the process and a “fear” of the pot. Never put your baby on the potty against his will. If the baby expresses displeasure at every attempt to sit on the potty, rests in every possible way and cries, postpone potty training for 1-2 months in advance, the baby is not yet ready to use the potty.

It is better to buy a potty with a back (so that the baby can lean on it a little), bright, colorful, of the color that, if you notice, the baby prefers.
At 9-12 months, if the baby is already "going to the potty", you need to carefully monitor the child so as not to miss the moment when the need arises to "pee or poop" (sometimes children begin to "grunt" and look at an adult, sometimes they freeze and "think about ”), and plant in a pot. This should be done calmly, slowly, so as not to slow down the baby's need. In no case should you put it on the potty if the child is wet. It is necessary to praise the child if he had a positive result during planting on the potty. Never scold your baby if he accidentally peed in his pants, even if he used to go to the potty. This can happen and at the age of 2 years, probably, the baby played too much or was distracted by something and “forgot” to ask for a potty.

Do not expect too much from the baby and do not despair if your attempts do not bring the desired success. Sooner or later, the baby will still ask or sit on the potty on his own without you. The process of potty training is strictly individual. It all depends on when you start potty training (too early planting, when the child is not ready for this, contributes to a longer accustoming), on individual abilities (for some babies, the process of accustoming can take a long time, and for some about a month) and on your patience .

The process of teaching a child begins from the very first days of a baby's life. And it consists not only of various pedagogical methods, but for the most part of ordinary life experience - learning the world by trial and error. That is, the child learns everything that he sees around him. However, there comes a time when the baby has to be accustomed to a special activity that concerns only him. It is on this topic that I would like to dwell now. How (Komarovsky and his methodology), what needs to be done, and what actions are best to refuse so as not to injure the psyche of your crumbs - this will be discussed further.

About the readiness of the baby for the potty

While the baby is still very small, he perceives the pot as a toy. It's just a piece of furniture for him. The baby does not yet understand all its significance and necessity. Therefore, you should not scold your child if he starts playing with the potty. By the way, it is very important not to miss this moment, because this is an excellent occasion to start accustoming the baby to this hitherto unknown subject. You can try to plant toys on it, try to sit down the baby himself. But if the baby rests and cries a lot, while you need to leave this idea for a while. Most likely, the baby is simply not ready yet.

Here it is worth saying that if mothers begin to plant their baby on a potty at the age of 8-9 months, and the baby does everything that is supposed to, we can only talk about a well-developed reflex. The baby will pee in the pot quite unconsciously. This can be achieved mainly by training (most often if punishment is used). Controlled urination at such a young age is out of the question. And all because the child's nervous system is still completely unprepared for this.

More specifically about the numbers

At the age of one year, a potty for a child is not yet a conscious toilet item. As mentioned above, it is perceived by the baby, rather, as a toy or piece of furniture. Until the first year of life, the baby can, of course, be introduced to him, but this will practically not affect anything and will only lengthen the learning time. Consciousness, concept and, most importantly, the first signs of self-control come to the baby at about the age of 18 months. For some, this may happen a few months earlier, but mostly later. You need to understand that all numbers are conditional. And you just need to know your baby in order to understand whether the child is ready for planting on the potty.

About day and night landings

Understanding how to potty train a child, Komarovsky also says that you need to take into account the time of day. If at the age of one and a half years the baby can begin to control the urges of his body during the daytime, then things are not so simple with the night period. At night, children can write even up to 4 years of age. And there is nothing wrong with that. After all, night control in children is approximately 3-3.5 years. Parents should not forget about this.

About indicators of readiness of the child

Often moms and dads wonder how to potty train a child a year? Is it possible to teach a baby these skills? Pediatricians say that there are certain indicators that will tell you that the baby is completely ready for planting:

  • The potty is not terrible for a child, the baby is not afraid of him and sometimes even tries to sit on it himself, even if he does not take his pants off.
  • One of the signs of the readiness of the baby is his ability to walk and sit on his own.
  • The next indicator is that the child can tell his parents about his desires, the needs of the body.
  • The baby understands when adults turn to him with various requests.
  • One of the signs is that the child understands the commands of the parents.
  • If the child understands the praise and encouragement from adults, he is also partially ready for planting on the potty.
  • Komarovsky claims that if the baby shows his dissatisfaction with a full diaper or wet pants, he is also ready to be taught.

If all these indicators, or at least most of them are present, experts are sure that you can begin the process of accustoming the crumbs to your potty.

Time to start learning not to

It sometimes happens that the child is afraid of the potty, it is uncomfortable for him to be on it. This indicates that the time has not yet come for the first accustoming to this toilet item. However, here it is necessary to strictly distinguish between the manipulative behavior of the child and really fear or discomfort. Other indicators that indicate that the first plantings need to be delayed:

  1. During the nervous tension of the baby or his illness, you should not start the process of accustoming.
  2. The time of change is not the best hour for potty training. If the family moves, is about to be replenished, etc., this is already stressful for the crumbs. And training during this period will be completely ineffective.
  3. And the last point is the absence of the above skills, which indicate the readiness of the baby to plant on the potty.

About choosing a pot

Where should the learning process begin? Of course, with the right choice of the pot itself! What should it be? Manufacturers today offer a huge selection. It can be a music pot for children, in the form of a horse or a car, with or without a back. Dr. Komarovsky advises choosing the simplest one. In this case, the baby will not perceive the pot as a toy. And the musical pot runs the risk of developing a reflex to defecate to music, which will turn out to be a big problem as a result. Rules for choosing this item of toilet:

  1. As mentioned above, the pot should be the simplest. The only thing is that you can choose the color that the child likes the most.
  2. The presence of the back does not hurt. The baby should be comfortable sitting on his "throne".
  3. It must be remembered that the legs of the crumbs should be at a right angle (or the knees may be slightly raised). This is very important, because otherwise the baby risks getting hemorrhoids or rectal fissures, constantly pressing the legs on the diaphragm.
  4. The pot should also be as stable as possible. The kid can spin while sitting on it, and if he falls several times, he may even refuse to sit on it.

Stages of potty training: introduction

So, as Komarovsky advises not to rush, but to divide the learning process itself into several important stages. The first one is introduction. So, it’s good if mom goes with her child to buy a potty. The baby will be able to choose exactly what he likes. You just need to remember that you should not doubt the choice of the baby. So, the pot is bought. Now it needs to be placed in the child's room in a conspicuous place. We must try to explain to the child what it is and what this item is intended for. It is best to illustrate your stories with pictures from books or an example of planting your favorite soft toy on a pot. Do not immediately try to put a child there. Let him get used to the new inhabitant of his room.

First landings

It is worth remembering that if the child does not sit on the potty, you should not insist on it. You just need to forget about this science for a few days and get distracted. And try again after a while. So, the first plantings should be carried out at the most convenient hours for defecation: after sleep or half an hour after eating. In this case, the result will be visible to the child. And, of course, do not forget that the baby needs to be praised after what has been done. Encouragement by children is perceived very positively.

If for the first time the child does not want to take off his pants and sit on the potty, you can not demand this yet. It’s good if the baby at least sits down on this item. This period generally takes from one week to 10 days.

Conscious hikes

Learn more about how to potty train a child. Komarovsky says that if the baby is no longer afraid of this piece of furniture and treats it calmly, you can plant it more often. Approximately every 2-3 hours. Mothers often refer to this period as “catch a pee”. That is, parents are just trying to catch the moment when the child may want to defecate. This must be accompanied by questions about whether the child wants to write. You need to formulate them in a form convenient for your crumbs. This stage also lasts approximately ten days.

However, don't get too hung up on the numbers. After all, all children develop in different ways, each baby requires a certain amount of time to learn. For someone, the entire learning process can take a period of one and a half months, and for someone - as much as six months.

About training and quick learning

Some parents sincerely believe that potty training a baby can be done very quickly. Especially after reading articles “we teach a child to potty in 7 days” or the like. It is, of course, possible to do this. However, only by intimidating your baby. Yes, many parents boast that their children are already asking for a potty a year. However, they will never tell anyone at what cost they achieve this. If you beat and scold the child after each urination in his pants, keep the crumbs for half an hour on the potty until the result is visible, of course, you can achieve quick learning. But is it worth it to mock your child like that, distorting his psyche from an early age? How to act in this case - only the parents of the crumbs decide.

How not to discourage the baby from going to the potty

There are three main taboos that all parents should be aware of:

  1. You can not insist and force the child to sit on the pot if he does not want to do this.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to keep the baby on the potty forcibly.
  3. You can’t scold a baby for peeing in his pants. At first, it will still be very difficult for a child to control the urges of his body.

If the parents made at least one of the above mistakes, they run the risk of discouraging the baby from the desire to land on the potty. You also need to remember that such behavior of a child can be the most common protest against the violent actions of adults. It certainly won't make any sense.

About diapers and potty

How much is a potty for kids? Its price depends on many factors. The cheapest of them costs about 100 rubles, and there are no upper limits on the cost. But, having bought this toiletry item, you need to remember that you should not abruptly refuse diapers. Moreover, pediatricians claim that wearing them does not affect the process of potty training. For the first time, diapers will be needed for night and daytime sleep. It will also be difficult to do without them on a walk. But gradually, you still have to give up diapers, but just not to the detriment of the child.

As a small conclusion, I would like to say that whether a child will have a potty with a back, in the form of a horse or a musical one, the entire learning process depends only on the parents. It must be remembered that it is important to be patient and calm. You also need to be consistent in your decisions. That is, having decided to teach your baby, you need to do it regularly, without giving yourself or your baby a vacation for a day or even a week. And most importantly, the whole process of the child should be associated with a good mood. Only in this case, the result will not be long in coming, and the learning process itself will take place without the child's tears.


Do not put your baby on the potty until he learns to sit on his own. An eight-month-old baby is quite capable of this, and some even earlier. But you can start accustoming to accuracy without a pot. Watch your baby. It is possible that he somehow outwardly manifests his needs for urination and defecation. He can make sounds, tense up, etc.

When you notice signs that the baby is ready to do his business, turn him around and remove the diaper. The first "pot" can be, for example, an oilcloth. The kid, of course, still does not understand why he was turned around at that moment, but he will begin to form a reflex that he should write or poop not in a diaper. Do the same if your child wakes up dry. At 6-7 months, you can begin to "plant" the baby some time after feeding. A child who is used to being neat usually perceives it as something natural. This item simply replaces the usual oilcloth or diaper.

For a child of the first year of life, a plastic pot is more suitable than a metal one. Simply because it is always warm. The procedure should not cause any negative emotions.

If you haven’t taught your baby to send his needs to a place specially designated for this until the moment of planting on the potty, for a start, give up. Wear them only for a walk and at night.

Put your child on the potty after sleeping if he gets up dry. You can also do this after a walk. Any other moment when you know for sure that it is time for the baby to go to the toilet will do. Don't let him sit on the pot for a long time. Five minutes is enough for urination, and even for a more serious matter. Do not forget to praise the crumbs if he did everything right. Form a positive attitude towards such a natural process for any creature.

If your baby in the first year of life has more or less regular stools, put him on the potty at the same time. You will succeed very quickly, even if the child does not yet understand that you need to ask. He will gradually get used to it. If you say what a fine fellow he is, be sure that after a few more consciously he will try to earn your praise by giving a sign that you understand.

In no case do not put the child on the potty after he has already soiled his pants. First, it's useless. If the baby has just done his business, then the next time he wants to go to the toilet only after a while. Secondly, he will begin to perceive such actions of yours as a punishment, and this does not contribute to a positive attitude towards the process.

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  • how to potty train a child

Potty training is one of the most important steps in raising a child. Some parents manage to do this quickly and easily, others need more time, effort and patience.


Some parents are sure that the sooner you start potty training your son or daughter, the better. In fact, this is not always the case. The child must be prepared for this procedure. It is not difficult to determine this. It's time to introduce the little one to the potty if he is already sitting well, remains dry for 2-3 hours, can show or tell you by his behavior that he needs to use the toilet, actively imitates adults.

It is also important to choose the potty for the baby. The peanut should be comfortable to sit on it. It is not recommended to purchase musical and bright pots. Children often perceive them as a new toy.

Introduce your child to the potty step by step. First, let's examine it, hold it in your hands. Place a doll or teddy bear on the potty. In a playful way, show what it is intended for. Then seat the baby. For the first few times dressed, and then - naked booty. During this process, the child can be shown a picture book or, where it will be available to explain what the pot is for and how to use it.

Try to put the little one on the potty once every half an hour or an hour. Especially catch the moments when the baby wants to go to the toilet. Talk to your child, explain why you need to go to the potty. During this process, pronounce the same sound. For example: "Ps-ps-ps" or "Ah-ah." Soon the child will perceive this sound as a signal to action. And it is quite possible that these same sounds will hint to you that he needs a potty. Praise if the baby has done everything right. In no case do not scold if an "accident" happened.

Ditch disposable diapers in favor of regular knit or cotton panties. The child will experience discomfort due to dampness after urination and will look for alternative places to pee to keep the pants dry.

Also, experienced mothers advise changing swimming trunks for children every half an hour, even if they are dry. At the same time, each time explaining to the little one that wet pants need to be changed. And when he learns to use the potty, he won't have to change clothes so often. Over time, the child will get tired of the fact that his mother constantly distracts him from games, and he will begin to show or say himself when he needs to go to the toilet.

Well, if your child has a brother or sister 1-2 years older. Let the baby look at their example, how to use the toilet. Toddlers love to repeat all the actions for others. Following them, he himself will begin to go to the potty.

As a rule, the child begins to control the muscles of the intestines and urinary tract at 12-18 months. Therefore, it is believed that this age is the most optimal for potty training a toddler.

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Useful advice

Under no circumstances should a child be forced to sit on the potty. Otherwise, even by the age of 6 you will not instill in him the habit of defecation where it should be. If the baby refuses to sit on the potty, he may not be ready for it yet. Postpone the process of toilet training for a couple of weeks, and then take it up again.

Small children really do not want to use the potty, and parents do not like to constantly wash their wet panties behind them. But there are 9 good ways to solve this problem.

9 ways

Method one (ideal)
Put the potty, put the child on it, that's all! From now on and forever the child himself goes to the potty. Unfortunately, this is practically unrealizable. Let's move on to more real options.

Method two (help a friend)

All children love to copy others, so a good example of the more advanced in this matter can encourage the baby to act independently. Minus: you may have to demonstrate the process more than once to consolidate the result. Alternatively, this can be taught in kindergarten, because there are a lot of children there.

Method three (fraudulent)

Parents can say that there are no more diapers and now they will have to do their own thing on the potty. Of course, you must first hide the aforementioned diapers. Minus: this method can be used only once, then the child simply will not believe you.

Method four (wet work)

If the child gets his pants wet, leave him in them. He will quickly realize that it is uncomfortable to walk in the wet, and he will realize that this can be avoided if he asks for a potty in time. Minus: this method is dangerous to practice in the cold season, as you can catch a child.

Method five (gadget to help)

There are many cartoons on YouTube on how to teach a child to use the potty. Often this is Japanese animation, accompanied by songs, which you can then sing with your child, setting it up in the right way. These need to be watched with a child, armed with a potty and patience.

Method six (imagination)

Similar to the previous one, but the main role is given to parents. A fairy tale is invented about the poop that lives in the tummy, but they are already tired of it, and they ask to go outside. The tale ends with a call to help the unfortunate poop and an offer of a pot.

Method seven (without water, not there, not here)

The method is based on the body's reaction to bubbling water. We put the child on the potty in the bathroom and open the faucet. The water flows, the right thoughts come to the mind of the child.

Eighth method (dictatorial)

We put the child on the potty and sternly declare that he will sit until he shows the results. Keep in mind that this is a strong psychological pressure on the child. In addition, you need to choose the right moment so that the natural urges of the body already appear.

The ninth method (who knows how - does, who does not know how - teaches)

Give your child the opportunity to teach someone else how to use the potty. It can be a doll, a bunny, after all, you yourself. Encourage your child to tell and show the goofy doll exactly how big boys and girls go to the potty.

You can try these 9 ways or any other in a different order, but remember, in this case, your calmness and patience are the main things. Good luck!

Advice 4: How to put a child on the potty: practical tips

Is the child one and a half years old? It's time to start teaching him to do "things" on the potty. But in practice, it immediately becomes clear: success is not easy, especially if a child who is accustomed to diapers has not yet become familiar with such a concept as the discomfort of wet pants. Therefore, the question of how to teach him to go to the potty on his own is still relevant.

The best solution during this period is the rejection of diapers, albeit partial: let the baby walk in ordinary underwear during the day, you can put it on at night, more for the sake of “protecting” the bed. Of course, at first you may have to wipe up unpleasant puddles here and there more than once, but be patient, it's worth it.

The habit of diapers often leads to the fact that the child sometimes does not even notice how he pees and does not get hung up. That is, this process proceeds rather unconsciously, automatically. And so, first of all, he will feel how uncomfortable it is - wet pants, then he will learn to recognize his urges in order to respond to them in a timely manner.

And the most effective way to potty train is to explain to the baby why this process is important. Do not be lazy, try to remind him of this as often as possible, until you achieve the desired result. Try to demonstrate visually this process right during the game. For this, ordinary toys made of rubber from the bottom (these are usually taken for the bathroom) are perfect, through which water is drawn in and out when they sit on the potty.

Do not forget: your praise means incredibly much to the child, inspiring him to repeat the “exploits” performed earlier. After he goes to the toilet in a civilized way, you need to draw his attention to clean, dry pants that are pleasant to put on and wear again.

In accustoming to the potty, do not go too far: do not get too hung up on this topic. The kid, despite his age, has character and will. And if he considers (rather subconsciously) that your educational methods are violent, he can oppose them and do the opposite, to spite you. He can even start going anywhere, but not on the potty.

Most children between the ages of one and a half to two years are already quite independent. So a trip to the potty can be turned into a real ritual, including a visit to the store together with the child, where he can choose the potty he likes. Even if you already have this device prepared at home, do not spare the money by buying another one, only this time with your child. When he masters it, then it will be possible to move on to the toilet (having acquired a special lining so that everything is the same as in adults). But by then the problem will have been solved.

Potty training is a very difficult process for both the baby and his parents. There is no specific timeline for this moment, since each child has an individual process of growing up. Consider how to potty train a child.

1. It is more difficult to potty train a child who has been wearing diapers since birth.

Moms and dads should take this into account. To make it easier later, you need to give up diapers as early as possible.

2. In addition, boys take longer to get used to the potty. it is more difficult for them to learn to control muscles than for girls.

3. It is best to teach a child to sit on the potty as soon as he has learned to sit on his own, and this happens closer to 7 months.

4. First you need to teach your child to sit on the potty for at least 10 minutes.

A child up to a year does not yet feel the work of his intestines and bladder: they are emptied on their own as soon as they are filled. However, the child begins to grunt, and then freezes. And it is at the moment of groaning that it is very important to put the child on the potty.

5. When a child is one and a half years old, he can already endure, though not for long, no longer than one and a half to two hours. It is important at this age to regularly plant it on a pot.

6. An important point is the choice of the pot itself: it is better for girls to choose a pot that has a rounded shape, and for boys - an oval one.

Pay attention to the material of the potty: the child's first potty must be made of plastic. Iron pots can cause discomfort to the baby, be cold. It is important that the pot has a back and is comfortable.

7. Be logical and patient.

Despite the fact that every mother wants to quickly teach the child to the potty, you should not be too zealous in this. Otherwise, you can get a negative reaction from your child to the potty.

Tip 6: How to gently potty train your child. 7 ways

The child is 1.5 years old, and his diaper remains dry for a long time. You can gradually start potty training your baby. We interest and unobtrusively involve the baby in the process!

First of all, we select a comfortable potty. You should not use a musical one - the child may develop a reflex to this particular melody. Game, in the form of cars and horses, we also use with caution. Extra details will distract the baby from the main task.

We form a conditioned reflex

While you hold your baby over the bath to pee, say the characteristic sounds "pss-pss" each time. If you see what you are going to do for the most part, then, accordingly, “aa-aa”. When you start to put on the potty, these sounds will tune the child in the right way.

Load the machine with cubes, take it with your child to where you have a pot and let him unload it there. Unconsciously, this process is associated with going to the toilet.

Watch cartoons and do whatever

Before offering to sit on the potty to your child, let him watch cartoons on this topic. Children often repeat the actions of cartoon characters.

Poster with drawings

Hang a nice poster with instructions where you plan to potty train your child. Look at the drawings with him and comment. Praise your baby if he wants to sit on the potty too.

The child is nervous and categorically refuses to sit on the potty

Set up a small toy house. You can buy or make your own out of cardboard. If the baby likes to sit in it, put a potty there. In a cozy closed space, the child will be calmer and, therefore, much easier to focus on the process.

Own example

Put the pot in the toilet and go there to do your business, take your child with you. Offer to repeat after you. An effective way, since children absorb all the actions of their parents like a sponge.

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Use your favorite toy

It is better to buy two pots. Arrange a game "to the toilet." Sit on one toy and tell why she is sitting here and what she will do now. Try adding water discreetly. And incline to do the same for the crumbs.

If the child categorically refuses to sit on the potty, leave attempts for ten days. In no case do not scold - this will provoke stubbornness and delay the desired result. Be sure to praise when you succeed. You can teach it playfully, but you still shouldn’t turn it into a game. The kid should be aware that going to the potty is not pampering, but a serious and necessary action.

Planting small children on a potty, in a sink or in a basin is done by mothers who adhere to the practice of “natural parenting”. The goal is to teach the baby to relieve himself in a pot or basin from the first weeks of life. This is done more so that the child is clean, rather than so that the child quickly gets used to the potty. Many people are skeptical about this method, but it still has its advantages.

Attention: The most common mistake of young mothers, which reduces the method of planting to nothing, is coercion. This is a gross mistake. Many moms on the forums ask how you can plant a child if he doesn’t even know how to sit yet. Disembarkation is the imitation of a sitting posture of a child in which an adult helps him - this is the meaning of this definition.


In the first weeks of a baby's life, urination and defecation are directly dependent on food intake. The baby goes to the toilet in a small way and in a big way when he suckles at the breast, or immediately after eating. Thus, you can catch the right moment when to plant a child over a pot or basin.

Any mother can plant a child from birth if she wants to learn this and understands that the child should spend most of the time in her mother's arms or in close proximity to her. If the mother believes that the child cannot be accustomed to hands, and is sure that the right child is a child who spends most of the time in the crib sucking on a pacifier, then she will not be able to plant the baby, and she is unlikely to want to. She better use a diaper.

When to plant

A newborn can show in different ways that the intestines or bladder are full - by screaming, crying, squeaking, whimpering, grunting, he can gesticulate in some special way. If you carefully monitor his signals, over time you will learn to separate them from everyone else, as well as quickly respond. Learning to understand the signals of the child must begin as early as possible.


Parents who practice the early planting method say that it helps to establish close emotional contact with the child from a very young age, because he needs to be constantly monitored to learn to understand his signals.

Also, some notice that planting eliminates the problem that appears a little later for many mothers. If a child is started early, the likelihood that he will start asking for a potty before his peers running around in diapers is much greater. Another advantage of early planting- saving on diapers, which are not cheap.


The early planting method is only for those mothers who can devote all their free time to their child, because you need to constantly monitor his behavior in order to understand what he wants. If you cannot spend a whole day with your child every day, this method is not for you. If you often travel with a child or are constantly with them in public places, it will be difficult to drop him off. It is also difficult to practice the drop-off method for working moms, even if it is work from home, because the baby needs to be monitored constantly in order to respond in time to his signal when he wants to go to the toilet.

The opinion that babies can control their defecation processes is a myth from the point of view of physiology. There is no evidence that early disembarkation is a basic need for a baby. But the fact that it is necessary to establish closer contact with the baby can be argued. Even those pediatricians who support the “natural parenting” approach are quite calm about the early planting method.

Diaper-wearing babies are potty-trained no later than toddlers who are weaned from infancy, and in general, the behavior of these two groups of children is not much different. Planting is done more for the purpose of hygiene than for the purpose of potty training at an early age. Toddlers, who began to be planted on the potty very small, really get used to the potty early. But in most cases, this habit appears in them at the same age as in all other children - at 2-2.5 years. But you can save on diapers.

For cultures with a low level of civilization, whose representatives live in hot countries, planting is a necessary procedure. In many of these countries, it is customary to constantly carry a child in her arms. If it is not planted, it will simply stain itself and the one who wears it. People living in more developed countries can take care of the hygiene of the child in other ways - it's just a matter of their own preferences.

According to the expert, pediatrician Olga Tkach, earlier planting and conscious use of the pot are not connected in any way. Children who were in diapers up to 1.5 years and children who were started from infancy were consciously potty trained at about the same time - at 1.5-2 years. Moreover, random acts of defecation at the most inopportune moments can occur in both.

You can catch the moments when you need to plant the baby on the potty. Then the number of soiled panties will be minimal. But the fact that the child will be accustomed to the potty quickly, the method of early planting does not guarantee.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Planting Rules

If you decide to start planting a baby, be consistent, do not forget that the child is not a toy, he must understand what you want from him (either diapers, or a basin and diapers). The sooner you start, the easier and faster the process will go.

  • Drop your baby off after every nap, whether he wakes up wet or dry;
  • Drop off when you feel anxious. Gradually, you will begin to understand what kind of anxiety indicates the desire of the child to pee or poop;
  • Plant at your request, if you need it, for example, before a walk;
  • Don't expect your child to pee as soon as you drop him off, especially if you're trying to drop him off on your own. Wait at least 2-3 minutes;
  • Do not insist on urination if the child has not suckled for a long time. He may have "nothing" to write;
  • Drop the child off if he has not written for a long time, and it seems to you that it is time;
  • The basin should always be at hand;
  • Babies a few months old or older may not pee immediately after sleep. Adapt to your child's changing needs.


  1. It is necessary to determine when your happiness goes to the toilet: before meals / after / during.
  2. Hold the baby over the basin (pressing the legs to the tummy) as soon as he wakes up, and repeat "piss-piss."
  3. Hold the baby over the basin immediately after eating, again with the same "piss-piss", and before eating, if the child has not written for a long time (for a long time - this is about 20 minutes for a baby).
  4. If your baby goes to the toilet while eating, in this case, as soon as you feel that the child begins to write (any mother can see this from her baby), hold him over the basin. At first, there may be an emergency, so put it under a small diaper - if anything, wash it.
  5. If you constantly repeat points 2 and 3 of this instruction, then over time the child will get used to it, and emergency situations will not occur during meals. He will get used to having to go to the toilet before or after eating (as you teach him).

Do not be discouraged if you don’t succeed in planting right away - everything will come with experience.

Poses for planting (photo)

The illustrations are taken from Ingrid Bauer's book Life Without a Diaper. Photos are old, the quality leaves much to be desired:

The baby lies "in an embrace" over the basin