How to marry a Swede. Women and men Looking for a man for marriage from Sweden

Swedish men are considered (quite deservedly) handsome - well-groomed, tall, dress well. And yet somehow strangely unpopular with women in the rest of Europe. Nevertheless, many Russian women dream of marrying them and ... dumping them. From the point of view, dumping is probably a good option, the country is convenient for living. But who do you have to live with? Read the text below carefully before making a decision. Hold on to chairs so you don't fall...
materials of an article in the Swedish newspaper Aftonlbladet on May 9. The results of a study made by Professor of Practical Philosophy Bengt Brulde are described (British sources are also mentioned).

So - a Swedish newspaper writes about the results of research - what makes (in their own opinion) Swedish men and women happy. The result, frankly, is amazing, for us, of course, with our mentality. So, what do men and women put at the head of the list (it’s also interesting who will compete for these very Swedes, isn’t it?)

Men are made happy
1. Salary
2. Career
3. Self-importance
5. How others view them
6. economy
7. Permanent position at work
8.Activities (in the sense of sports and other hobbies)

Women naturally prioritize differently (do not ask why the sheet is shorter - this is not explained in the newspaper):
1. Love life
2. Family
3. SEX
4. Health
5. Apartment and place of residence (in the sense of the area where the housing is located).

For those who haven't got it yet after reading the list: Swedish men don't mention Family, Love, or even SEX.
They have enough salary, career, and ... look good. What started and ended.
For women, the first two points I think are the same as in Russia, but the third one is sex higher than health?
Where is it good to look? There is not!
Further, neither men nor women mentioned FRIENDS and CHILDREN. Well, they don't make them happy. However, women may include children in the concept of "family", but men, alas, do not have this either. Now imagine a society where there are smug, good-looking men walking around who, as it were, do not need women at all, even for sex. And next to them are women who clearly lack this sex, but for some reason they want to have a family without children and friends.
In general, such advice - do you want to dump in Scandinavia? Get out with your own husband or wife, or get used to a different value system.

By the way, if you read the article itself, the journalist describing the results of the study is not at all surprised. The title of the article is "Money or Love" and the conclusion is that the difference between men and women is small (in what makes them happy).

Hearing the word "Sweden", many girls imagine mountains and serpentine roads, cute European houses and a calm expanse of lakes. And next to it is a wealthy man with an expensive watch and a bank account. But this not entirely correct idea arises only among those who confuse Scandinavian Sweden with European Switzerland. In addition to the name, these two countries do not have much in common, in fact, like their inhabitants.

Sweden is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula and is the birthplace of Astrid Lindgren and Pippi Longstocking, as well as the band ABBA, under whose songs in the 80s the most interesting and fun things happened on the dance floors.

If we talk about the inhabitants, then the girls really like the Swedes. How could it be otherwise?! After all, these are tall, blue-eyed blondes, accustomed to living simply, but very comfortably. But this is only one side of the coin, although girls pay attention to it when they think about the Swedes. They seem to be literally dream men, but there are nuances. After all, a high standard of living is not achieved by itself, it requires hard work, in which, by the way, the Scandinavians are also very good.

Features of the Swedish character

A girl who plans to marry a Swede must have at least a little knowledge of the Swedish language. To do this, you need to gradually start listening to it and try to perceive it by ear, and it is best to think in Swedish at all. However, not everyone succeeds in eradicating the Slavic accent.

There are other, truly Swedish features that must be taken into account ...

Firstly, the inhabitants of this Scandinavian country do not like to go out, preferring to spend time at home with their relatives, because it is not very easy to get along with other people. At the same time, there are a lot of different circles and interest groups in Sweden, as well as trade unions.

Secondly, Swedish families are more of a common stereotype than the true state of affairs. A feature is perhaps the separation of the spouses, despite a strong and very warm relationship. And the fact that the Swedes can live their whole lives without registering a marriage is not uncommon even in conservative Europe. In general, interpersonal relations there do not differ in any way from the usual ones.

To better understand the mysterious Swedish soul, you can watch several films by Ingmar Bergman or read books by Swedish authors. Then it will be easier not only to communicate with representatives of this nation, but also to better understand them and their culture.

Previously, tolerant Scandinavians themselves treated visitors very calmly, but the fact that hundreds and thousands began to immigrate to their prosperous country made them treat representatives of other nationalities somewhat more restrained and wary.

They have a special attitude towards Russians, due for the most part to criminal elements, many of whom came from Russia to Sweden in the nineties. Now they are almost gone there, but, as they say, the sediment remained.

The Swedes appreciate the ability of Russians to find a way out of any difficult situation and, if necessary, to work very hard and hard. And women from Russia became wonderful wives for many Swedes, who contributed to the development of their husband's career.

The standard of living in Sweden is one of the highest in the world, but there are also those who earn little. The state provides such people with benefits and subsidies, the money for which is actually taken from those who have a high salary. Recently, the dissatisfaction of the latter has especially increased, which, in general, is not at all surprising.

However, there is no great social stratification in the country. There are practically no rich people and extremely poor - thanks to taxes.

People with average and below average levels of income also live quite well. Many visitors cannot afford this, although the state supports them too, preventing them from dying of hunger. The poorest Swedes rent housing, but almost all have a car. But flaunting your wealth here is considered bad form.

The Swedes love to spend the money they earn on a house, which, according to their concepts, must necessarily be large and bright. They never spare money for this, although in terms of little things they are very inventive, coming up with original and sometimes strange ways to save money.

There are a lot of different cafes and restaurants in the camp, and although the food in them is not cheap, the Swedes often visit such establishments with friends and family. By the way, they cook in Swedish catering establishments very well and tasty.

As for recreation, in this respect the Swedes are very homely and like to spend holidays with their families. Resorts prefer hiking in the old cities of Europe, they love to visit museums. Young and young Swedes are usually happy to travel around the world. A separate story is the elderly residents of the country, who during their work have accumulated enough money to go on a well-deserved rest, not to sit on a bench near the entrance, but to watch the world.

However, you can not leave the country to have a good time. Sweden has very beautiful landscapes, many forests and parks, where locals often relax on weekends. There are also special cottage settlements where you can rent a house for a while and spend your vacation or vacation there. The Swedes also like to visit swimming pools, of which there are several in every city. What the Swedes do not like is to arrange noisy alcohol feasts. This does not mean that they are all completely non-drinkers, but they usually prefer to spend their leisure time differently.

Divorce in Sweden is extremely negative. What distinguishes their laws from, say, Russian ones is that you can never guess with whom the court will decide to leave the child after the parents divorce. It is not enough just to express a desire (which, by the way, is usually done by both spouses), you also need the opinion of the child, as well as documents, after considering which the court will decide which parent is able to provide the best conditions for the child.

This old Russian proverb is fully relevant for you, girls, if you are going to marry abroad.If you are already sitting on suitcases or just thinking of sitting on them, stop for a minute and read this article.

I really hope that you have found a wonderful person with whom you want to live the rest of your life. It is understandable, compared with most of our Russian men, foreign husbands seem like fairytale princes. And they don’t go into drinking bouts, many don’t even smoke, and they can help around the house, and their life is somehow arranged, with an apartment / house / car, and they don’t terrorize you with eternal demands like bring - give - take away. It is clear that the real living prince, right? ;-)))

After 16 years in Sweden, I would say "maybe yes, maybe no". In 80% - no, and only in
20% - yes. Girls, I feel so sorry for you and feel sorry for the fact that you, in most cases, fall into some kind of stupid nets about which you, being on the other side of the border, have no idea. And it's hard to guess.

I once watched a couple of documentaries about suitors from overseas countries, looked back at myself and my girlfriends, and I came to the sad conclusion girls: these foreign suitors looking for Russian wives are not listed on the marriage markets in their countries. Their last chance to find a wife is to follow her to Russia. In 80% of cases. There are other 20%, but there is no particular trouble with them, and therefore I will not write about them here.

After all, who is going, precisely with the aim of finding a wife? Postmen from the States, shepherds from Greece, working people from Sweden and Germany. Of course, of course, there are people with higher education who found you on the Internet ... But the bottom line is that they all have something wrong. Or they are old, or small, or poor, or socially so constrained that they are afraid to approach a woman. Or maybe they live in areas of the country where a woman of indigenous origin will not set foot. That is, there is a reason why they are not in demand.

How do you like this idea? ;-)))) Do you wave your pen? ;-))) Let at least an old Swede / Englishman / American? Anything is better than a (comparatively) young Russian. That's exactly what I thought too. And then I became convinced that the age of 50+, or a large age difference between you, leads to other negative consequences. For example, that they, our future lyalechki, have already traveled around the world, have worked hard and have already abandoned all their plans to reach any heights in their careers. They raised children (up to a certain age), and in fact they only want peace and a pleasant measured life with a beautiful young woman who does not make any special demands.

And here you come, a 35-year-old, educated smart and beautiful woman who, in fact, has just begun to enjoy life and teases him, her husband, with various wishes. Trips, new kids, the desire for a career. Who will convince whom, do you think? ;-))) Without receiving support, you will slowly begin to "go out" like a candle. This is not to mention the fact that in the event of unemployment, your beauty will not be able to find a new job. And there is age discrimination.

But God bless him with age, and with growth, and with the lack of social skills. It will be much more difficult if your betrothed has a deplorable economic situation. This is indeed a pipe. And you can get into a deplorable situation in two ways: lose your job / go bankrupt or become a debtor.

Your betrothed can get a debt, for example, for non-payment of alimony, and it very quickly reaches large sizes, as interest on interest goes. Together with the current payment, this can lead to large monthly expenses.

Another type of debt is tax evasion. These can be taxes on the sale of a house / apartment or on the sale of goods / services in one's own enterprise. The state does not like such an attitude to taxes, and these debts are never forgiven. That is, a person pays them until his death.

Conclusion, directly or indirectly, by receiving income, you will pay the debts of your loved one.

In order not to fall into this debt hole, it would be good for you to collect the following information in advance:

- Availability of work or business with a loved one. With address, telephone, occupation, home page, business economy. It would be nice to know what his salary is, how much he pays for a house / apartment, etc.

- Having children to whom he pays alimony. As I said, this can be quite a big expense, especially if you have 2-3-4-5 children under 18 years old.

- Having any debt: state, relatives, acquaintances, friends. My ex-husband owed everything. But relatives and friends-acquaintances eventually gave up on this, that is, they stopped demanding their money back. But the state became stubborn and forced him to sell the house and pay his debts monthly until his death. Even when he was diagnosed with lung cancer, he didn't back down and say, "Come on, I'm sorry." It demanded its money to the end.

What else to remember

Many Swedish men are happy to ask you to marry and offer a civil marriage. They claim that in Sweden it is very common and such a marriage is no different from the official one. It's true, it's common. But the dogs are cunning. The difference is that if you scatter with him, then you will not be able to divide the property in half. As in a registered marriage.

What he bought and what he owned BEFORE your marriage is all his. What you have earned together, a new apartment / house and things in the house, this is divided in half. But not the money in the stock account, or other securities, etc. Remember the housing, if you bought it together, and what's in the house! Money in the account and securities are inherited by children. And if they are not then parents and only then brothers and sisters.The same if the lyalechka dies.

There are girls out. Do not be sad.;-))) Even two. The first is to marry him. If he agrees. Or second, write a mutual will, where you tell which of you inherits what.

On the other hand, even if you marry him, he may "ask" you to sign a marriage contract. And it already says that in the event of a divorce, you do not claim his property. And also with a beautiful foam at the mouth, you will be assured that the marriage contract is a completely normal phenomenon for Sweden. Or for some other country.

I don't know where but in Sweden it's really normal. With marriages of oooooochen rich people and marriages with foreigners.

Well, did I completely turn your head? ;-))) Excuse me. But believe me, no one will tell you this in advance. And by the time you find out, it might be too late to do anything about it.

Good luck to you! ;-))

You have made the decision to marry a foreigner. But you don’t know a man from which country to choose. You are a confident, strong woman. Dreaming of a stable future and a strong family. Then you should take a closer look at the option of getting to know the Swedes. Northern men are reliable life partners. They are laconic and rarely give flowers. But they respect a woman and see her as an equal partner. Her opinion is highly valued. You can always rely on them in raising children, because they are wonderful family men.

Don't know where to start? Marriage agency "Happy Family" will help you understand: who are Swedish men. And what you might like about life in the Scandinavian country.

Swedish men. What are they?

You have decided that your ideal is a fair-haired man from a northern country who knows how to cook well and is willing to spend his free time at home with you and the children. Then feel free to get married in Sweden. Swedes are wonderful husbands and fathers. They love comfort and stable relationships.

What you need to know about Swedish men

  • They follow fashion. Most men take care of their appearance. Respects global brands and local designers. The main rule is to match the environment in which you are. Appreciate comfort in clothes. Favorite wardrobe items: shirts, blazers and jeans. From shoes - boots and sneakers.
  • Look after your body. Prefer active sports such as cycling and running. They love fishing, but not for the sake of the catch, but out of sporting interest.
  • Indecisive at the beginning of a relationship. In Sweden, a woman is more like a partner than a weaker sex.
    A man will wait for a sign and a show of interest from her, so when you go to a dating site with Swedes, be prepared to take the initiative sometimes.
  • Appreciate punctuality. For a Swede, this is a very important quality. If it’s normal for us to be late for a first date, then the Swede may perceive such a step as an insult.
  • They value independence in a woman. Don't expect to be showered with gifts and flowers every day. Moreover, in Sweden it is customary to pay for yourself in a restaurant, and spouses often have a separate budget. When marrying a Swede, be prepared that he may ask you for an expense report if you have a general budget.
  • They love children and help around the house. In a country where gender equality is accepted, all household chores are divided between spouses. Men go on maternity leave. This is a fairly common occurrence. Moreover, according to Swedish law, out of 480 days of maternity leave, the father is obliged to spend at least 90 days with the child.
  • They like to plan ahead. They plan their vacation at least a year in advance. They know how they will spend the weekend next month. Spontaneity is not their forte.

How to behave in Sweden

Let's talk about how it is customary to behave in society. What to do if you are invited to visit.
What does the mysterious word "fika" mean? And other little things in life that will make your first days of acquaintance with the Swedes more comfortable.

  • In transport

In Sweden, you rarely see a bus or tram packed to capacity. It is customary to enter calmly, you will not be forgotten at the bus stop. Pushing when landing is bad form. Remember, a woman in Sweden is equal to a man. It is not customary to give way to a woman, a child or an elderly person.

  • Away

If you are invited to tea, it will be tea with buns or something sweet. In Sweden, it is not customary to set the table for any arrival of guests. And guests always warn in advance about their visit. You should not come empty-handed, take flowers or a bottle of wine. In most houses it is customary to take off your shoes.

  • Fika

In Sweden, everyone loves fika - a coffee break. It usually happens a couple of times a day. Accompanied by a joint hike with friends or colleagues in a cafe. A big and cheerful company is a must. Swedes can spend quite a lot of time over a mug of coffee with a “cookie”. Go to a dating site with Swedes and ask if they like fika. A long, sincere conversation is guaranteed to you.

  • Topics for conversation

Decided to get married in Sweden, but afraid of difficulties in communicating with his friends? What topic to choose? Feel free to talk about the weather. In Sweden, this topic is loved and discussed always and everywhere. You can discuss children, a trip on vacation. The topic should be neutral. Speak calmly, raised tone is not accepted. If the Swede takes a step back during a conversation, most likely you have come too close. Personal space should be at arm's length.

  • Appearance

In Sweden, it is customary to dress simply but tastefully. Good and high-quality things in calm tones can say a lot about you. Shoes are comfortable and practical. The smell of perfume is subtle, unobtrusive. It should frame your image, but not scream about it.

Obtaining Swedish citizenship

In order to obtain Swedish citizenship, you must meet certain criteria. They are enough exactly standard for European countries.

  1. Identity document.
  2. Adulthood (over 18 years old).
  3. Permanent residence permit.
  4. The period of continuous residence in Sweden is at least five years. Pay attention to the word "continuously" - this is very important. If you live for three years and decide to take a vacation in another country for a year, then your Swedish “experience” will freeze at three until you return.
  5. No problems with the law.

Are you lucky and have you already married a Swede? Then a shorter path is available to you. Provided that you have been married for two years and live together (this is very important), it takes you three years to obtain citizenship instead of five.

But your child will receive Swedish citizenship by birthright if his father is a citizen of this country. But there is a nuance, if you are not married, then the child must be born in Sweden for automatic citizenship.

Benefits of living in Sweden

Life in Sweden is very secure and stable. Having obtained citizenship, you get many advantages in health care, education, protection of your rights before the employer, and Sweden always helps its citizens in solving problems abroad. Let's dwell on the advantages of Swedish citizenship.

  • Standard of living

Sweden is a stable, developed country. Having married in Sweden, you can be sure of the stability and regularity of your life. The standard of living here is one of the highest in Europe. The average salary is 3000 euros. And the prices for goods are in the average price range for Europe.

  • Education

Education is free for citizens of the country. You can learn regardless of age and level of training. The minimum condition for studying is knowledge of the English language. A huge number of universities with different directions. But be prepared for the fact that the university will observe your progress. Nominally attending classes, as we say for show, will not work. But the quality of Swedish education is known all over the world.

  • The medicine

The Swedes are long-lived. This undoubtedly contributes to the quality of their medicine. Most medical services are funded by the state. The population is served in polyclinics equipped with all modern facilities. Dentistry is free until the age of 20.

  • Protection of the rights of the worker

In Sweden, it is customary to get a job with a probationary period. If you pass it successfully, you will be signed an employment contract. After that, it is very problematic for your employer to fire you without a good, justified reason. The labor union in the country is a real force that closely monitors the observance of the rights of the worker.

  • Ecology

Sweden is one of the most ecological countries in the world. Care for nature is carried out at the state level. And the Swedes themselves pay great attention to this issue. Clean air and environmentally friendly products, what could be better?

Marry in Sweden with "Happy Family"

The Swede is a reliable and devoted life partner. He will help you with the housework. And he will get up at night to the child if you are tired. With it, you will find a changeable and stable life in one of the most developed countries in Europe and the world. Sweden is a country where a woman can realize herself in all directions on an equal basis with a man.
Have you decided? But questions and doubts remain? Fill out the questionnaire on the website of the marriage agency "HappyFamily". Experienced consultants will be with you at every stage of communication with a foreigner. Over 1000 women have already found their soul mate with Happy Family. Take the first confident step into your future.

1. "LovePlanet" is a large international dating site that has a huge number of users. Regardless of age, gender, nationality, worldview, they are united by the main thing - the desire to find a devoted friend, a faithful lover. Among them you can meet your destiny.

2. "LovePlanet" - a site with a convenient search system. It includes various options - you can choose the desired hair color, height, temperament, character traits and make acquaintance with the Swede, whose appearance and inner world will blow your mind.

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How to meet a Swede on LovePlanet?

Sweden is the birthplace of not only a well-fed man in the prime of life named Carlson, but also tall blue-eyed blondes. The appearance of an aristocrat, the manners of a gentleman, the talent to find a way out of any situation make the Swedes pleasant companions, sincere lovers, reliable spouses.

Do you think such men do not exist? Pass a free registration on "LovePlanet" and see for yourself the opposite. It is not difficult to get acquainted with a Swede on our website. An advanced search will help you find the perfect candidate. Act, and love will not keep you waiting.

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