How to choose a slimming. Choosing the correct corrective underwear

Every woman dreamed of having a perfect figure at least once in her life. Unfortunately or fortunately, many of us only dream of the cherished 90-60-90. What to do if the figure is not too close to the ideal, but you want to build up here and now, without waiting for the diet or sports to work. An excellent way out is slimming corrective underwear.

I first thought about slimming underwear when I, a young woman on maternity leave, was invited by colleagues to a New Year's Eve party. Coming out after a year of sitting at home is exciting. I wanted to look like a delightful fairy, and not a tortured mother of two preschoolers. Of course, you can't do without a magic dress. But somehow it was not there, “the cut did not sit”, the stomach and sides bulged out, the mood deteriorated.

A shift in consciousness occurred when the seller in the next store advised me to choose corrective underwear. Like, it will help to hide all unnecessary irregularities and emphasize the necessary ones. I immediately ran to the nearest lingerie store, but the choice was small. And I decided to first study the theory, find a suitable store, and then do the actual fitting.

When not to buy body shaping underwear

Of course, first of all, I was worried about the question whether wearing corrective clothing would harm my health. Of course, in our time there are no longer those terrible corsets, thanks to which the ladies of past centuries fainted. Modern manufacturers of such clothing are trying to minimize the negative effect of wearing it. They use high-quality breathable fabrics that reduce pressure on the most important organs, make the seams on modern underwear flat or do without them at all. However, it is impossible to completely remove the negative impact.

In the process of wearing, first of all, the circulatory system suffers. Violation of the normal blood flow in the pelvic organs (and most often it is this area that we want to correct) can even lead to infertility. Squeezing the chest does not allow the lungs to fully expand, as a result - oxygen starvation. It is also not recommended to wear corrective underwear for people with gastrointestinal problems, it can squeeze the diaphragm, then the stomach is poorly supplied with blood, as a result, we get digestive tract problems, heartburn, and improper bowel function.

Plus, many types of such underwear allow you to "rest and relax" the muscles. Of course, having removed the slimming breeches, you will not spread like jelly on the floor, but the loss of muscle tone will be on your face.

The way out is to set certain rules for wearing:

  • do not wear underwear with a strong degree of correction for more than 6 hours a day and more than 12 hours a week for people with skin, diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, pregnant women;
  • after wearing such clothes, it is very desirable to give a load to the muscles, it will come in handy here.

Does corrective underwear really help and make us slimmer - types and principle of work

So, what is the most corrective underwear? Firstly, very different in color, density, silhouette. Secondly, there is linen that simply pulls away due to the pressure created by a dense fabric, or with special impregnation, which theoretically also “melts” fat. Thirdly, there are manufacturers who claim that their creations are able to make the body remember the correct retracted shape and store it in the future. But, in my opinion, "fiction is in another department."

What are the degrees of correction?

  • Light

Such underwear will not hide large deposits of fat, it will only straighten the silhouette under a thin dress, remove the “orange peel” effect, and slightly tighten the tummy. The fabric is soft to the touch, yet thick. A light degree is worn even by super-slender Hollywood stars to make the chiseled silhouette even more divine. You can wear such things often, they will not bring harm to health.

  • Average degree

This is already for those who want to smooth out more significant irregularities, for example, "popin ears" or bolsters on the back from a bra. The fabric is denser and heavier, stretches less. It is this degree of correction that is the most common.

  • Strong or high degree of correction

Such underwear can visually throw off 3-5 kg ​​from the owner and reduce it by a whole size. It is rigid, hard stretching, the expression “worth a stake” can be applied to it. But the same linen and the most uncomfortable, hot. It is worn only on special occasions, under certain clothes.

There are a huge variety of types of underwear, depending on which parts of the body need to be changed.

How I chose good corrective underwear for myself - now I can advise!

In order to remove the stomach, there are special belts, panties with a high fit (there are even thongs), corsets, tops, t-shirts, bodysuits, graces and semi-grace. For the buttocks and hips, shorts, breeches, leggings, tights are good, for the chest - push-up bras, corsets.

I wanted to get rid of the stomach, and the butt needed some compression, so first I got high, under the bust, pantaloons. Personally, they were not very comfortable for me to wear. When walking, dancing, everything was fine. However, as soon as I sat down and relaxed, the upper part of the pantaloons rolled down my stomach into a tube, I had to rush to the toilet and fix the design.

I picked up a separate push-up bra for myself, which wonderfully lifted my chest, and a bodysuit under the chest with straps (so that nothing would roll down).

Most importantly, when I put on corrective underwear, I felt how my sense of self changed. I was all so taut, with a straight back and high chest, I was not afraid to sit down and relax (before, when I sat down, I was very tense due to the expanding belly). I really felt like a queen. The effect of magic was preserved when I even removed the secret parts of my wardrobe. I wanted to keep walking with my back straight and my stomach pulled in.

Soon I was going to the gym and quickly to stay always fit. True, I probably won’t part with my wonderful clothes. It's so nice and magical - to become slim and "smooth" in 3 minutes.

Since ancient times, women have found various ways to give their figure exciting curves and make it more attractive. In the past, women used to tighten their waists with tight corsets. Today, to achieve these goals, various types of corrective underwear are made.

What is shapewear for?

There are situations when a solemn and important event is planned ahead, and it is not possible to lose kilograms and bring the body into shape for it. In this case, you can call for help shapewear. It can be worn under the tightest outfits. Linen will tighten all the folds, make the figure magnificent and remain invisible.

Shapewear can be useful not only for obese ladies, but also for women with a normal figure. It will visually remove a few kilograms, emphasize the waist line and pull it off. Such underwear should be in the wardrobe of women of any complexion.

Slimming and shaping shapewear

Corrective underwear can be of two types.

  1. Pulling away.
  2. Modeling.

Slimming models are designed to remove unnecessary folds, adjust the volume and give the figure a proportional shape. These are all kinds of high-top panties, belts, shorts, combinations, corsets, bodysuits and graces.

These products are made of a special material, which is intertwined with elastic threads in a special way. They evenly distribute and hold well, smoothing problem areas.

Modeling underwear gives volume where there is little of it. It can be bras that increase the size of the breast. There are also panties to give extra volume to the buttocks.

Degrees of correction of corrective underwear

Weak degree of correction

A weak or light tightening slightly smooths out small bulges, slightly tightens the stomach. Tight tights have such an effect. This degree of correction is suitable for women who have minor complaints about certain parts of their body.

Average degree of correction

The average degree of correction is intended for a fairly rigid correction of problem areas. Corrective underwear with an average degree of tightening combines different densities of the material. It allows you to significantly improve the relief of the figure and remove unnecessary folds.

Strong degree of correction

A strong degree of tightening is needed for ladies with a problematic figure. Such underwear has a strong corrective effect due to the inserted bones and plates. It is very hard, dense and not very comfortable. At first, it is allowed to wear it for a short time, no more than 2 hours a day. Then the wearing time can be gradually increased. But excessively long wear can lead to circulatory disorders in the body, experts and manufacturers say this.

Types of shapewear

To correct the abdomen and waist, there are the following types of slimming underwear.

Corrective panties

Their main characteristic feature is a high waistline. Optionally, it can be thongs or regular slips. With their help, a protruding tummy is well hidden. Such underwear is recommended for women after childbirth, elderly ladies and all those who, with a slender figure, need correction of a sagging abdomen.

Slimming pantaloons

They also correct the waist and abdomen well, while also capturing the buttocks with hips, depending on the length. The stomach is tightened, the waist becomes more slender, cellulite is hidden, the line of the hips looks more elegant.


It is made in the form of a jumpsuit with fasteners between the legs. The bottom can be in the form of panties or pantaloons. Hides the stomach, makes the waist thinner, tightens the chest and buttocks, evens out the posture. Can be with deep cuts for a beautiful neckline. It happens with long sleeves for the correction of massive forearms.

Corrective graces

It is carried out in the form of a belt wide from the chest to the hips, maybe with straps. Semi-grace is a belt with a width to the waist. Well tighten the waist, help to acquire a beautiful posture.


This is also a wide belt for tightening the abdomen and waist. But it has lacing, with which you can adjust the desired volume. If the lacing is at the back, then outside help is required to tighten it.

The chest in corsets can be open, or maybe with a beautiful lace bodice that lifts the bust. It can be in the form of a special corset belt.

Slimming skirts

Such high skirts will help visually reduce the waist, remove the protruding tummy, and correct the line of the hips.

How to choose the right shapewear for the abdomen and waist

When choosing slimming underwear, it is very important to choose the right size. The opinion that underwear of a smaller size than necessary will pull more and better is completely wrong. It will dig into the skin and can harm the body. At the same time, the flaws of the figure will not be hidden, but will be even more visible. Small underwear will stretch very soon, lose its shape and purpose.

It is considered the best seamless shapewear. It does not stand out under clothes, it can be worn under any outfit.

It is good when there are inserts made of natural materials inside the slimming underwear. This will allow the skin to breathe and reduce the chance of irritation. On pants and shorts, it is preferable to have a natural gusset.

The quality of the materials from which linen is made depends very much on its price. Therefore, a solid and durable product with the proper correction effect will be quite expensive.

If underwear is purchased for a certain outfit, then it would be best to take it with you for trying on. This way, the required degree of tightening will be immediately understood and the choice of the most suitable type of laundry will be facilitated.

Linen should not lift up when moving, bulge or cause inconvenience. In good models, the lower edge of the products is finished with silicone to prevent rolling. If there are any questions, it would be better to ask a consultant to get rid of doubts.

It is not necessary to abuse the slimming underwear to reduce the abdomen and waist, it is better to wear it from time to time and give the body a rest. Constant strong squeezing leads to the appearance of heterogeneous fat. It is he who causes

Figures and emphasize its dignity. Putting on corrective underwear, it becomes much slimmer. In addition to its corrective effect, underwear also has a high practicality and ease of use. But to feel all the delights of wearing such products, only their right choice will help.

The first thing you should pay attention to is a modeling corset. It will help transform literally the entire body. The corset should be made of elastic material that can lift the chest and perfectly tighten the waist. It is worth paying attention to the material from which the corset is made. It is best if it is with inserts from the "pits".

Corrective panties will help to give the ideal plane to the stomach, and the waist - harmony. They have no seams, so they are perfect for any outfit. When choosing them, special attention must be paid to size. You should not buy panties of a smaller size, as scuffs, abrasions and general discomfort may appear.

Pantyhose and pantaloons, in addition to the corrective effect, have massage properties, giving the skin, thereby, firmness and elasticity. Such products must be bought strictly in size, be sure to try on before buying. Such a precaution is necessary in order to avoid feeling of excessive "tightness".

Corrective tops and T-shirts should be chosen by women who are involved in dancing or sports. They clean wrinkles well and do not leave red streaks on the body.

It is also worth noting that underwear should also be chosen according to the degree of correction. To wear it all day long, it is necessary to select underwear with a weak or medium degree of correction, which will perfectly tighten and smooth out the contours of the figure. Models of strong correction can reduce forms to 2 sizes, but they can be worn for no more than 6 hours. As a rule, such underwear has a special cut, which helps to achieve the maximum effect.

The choice of corrective underwear depends on many parameters, but it must comply with three: do not interfere with breathing, do not squeeze the body and do not cause discomfort.


For example, push-up busts, which visually increase the volume of the chest. Shapewear gives not only visual changes, but also "works" with the body. In the process of constant wearing of such underwear, changes in the figure are directly related to the changes that occur with the body. How to choose shapewear. First of all, any underwear must be chosen strictly according to its size, given that the body tends to change over time.

Useful advice

How to choose correct underwear. V. How to take measurements correctly. Wrong underwear: If you wear too loose underwear, it's like if you don't wear it at all - such underwear cannot support your breasts and buttocks. If, in order to emphasize your shape, you choose too tight underwear, then after a while the subcutaneous fat that is outside the underwear begins to grow rapidly, sagging and the formation of fat folds occurs.

Corrective underwear you will recognize without difficulty. Unlike the usual, it looks very modest - discreet colors, inconspicuous seams, rounded silhouette lines and no lush lace, frills, ribbons or playful bows.

There is also a difference between slimming and corrective underwear. Slimming underwear can be called a lightweight option, lighter and thinner ones are used in its manufacture, and its task is to make the forms less lush, it has a slimming effect. Whereas corrective underwear makes it possible to model the figure - lift the buttocks, reduce or enlarge the chest, emphasize the waist, make the hips more slender. It does not compress the body, but gently redistributes adipose tissue due to a special cut and special inserts.

Corrective underwear has two degrees of correction - medium and strong. It is very easy to figure out what kind of underwear you are holding in your hands - underwear with a strong correction on the inside has a very dense nylon insert - porous, compressed, resembling a honeycomb. It practically does not stretch, this insert will correct the problem area, removing excess relief. For every day, linen with an average correction is suitable - it can be worn for a long time and not feel any inconvenience. Leave underwear with a strong correction for a “special” occasion - it will, of course, make you slimmer, but it will not be easy to be in it for several hours in a row. It can be put on under a spectacular one and show off for a couple of hours at a reception or at a corporate party. But if your program includes dancing, then keep in mind that such lingerie restricts movement somewhat, and bending over or doing complex dance steps in it will be problematic.

Features of the choice of corrective underwear, depending on the problem of the figure.

There is an opinion that corrective underwear is necessary only for obese women. Nothing like this! It is worth putting on a tight-fitting dress, and all the flaws of the figure immediately become noticeable - a small tummy stands out, the waist turns out to be not quite perfect - in general, the silhouette needs to be corrected. It is unlikely that you will need the whole arsenal, corrective underwear is selected depending on the problems of the figure and on the tasks that need to be solved (what to emphasize and what to remove). And be sure to strictly in size and taking into account the degree of correction. If the underwear is smaller, then, firstly, you simply can’t “fit” into it, and secondly, blood circulation will be disturbed and your purchase will create health problems instead of being useful.

There are a lot of types of corrective underwear - bras, all kinds of graces and semi-grace, combinations, corsets, underpants, shorts, knickers, bodysuits. Each type can have several options - for example, one bra model will visually enlarge the chest, while the other will only correct the shape.

Bra. Manufacturers of corrective underwear have something to please both ladies with a magnificent bust and owners of small breasts. In the first case, a minimizer bra is ideal. It is designed specifically for women with a third size and above to reduce the size of the breast and give it shape. Such a model will “gather” an impressive bust to the center, lift it and keep its shape, not allowing it to disperse to the sides. Due to the fact that the bra has a specially tailored back shelves, and the straps are wider than conventional models, the load is distributed so that most of the weight will fall on the back. Not only the shape of the breast will improve, but also the posture.

A small bust can also become a “pride”, and a push-up bra (push-up) will help with this. The bras of this model have special inserts that will increase the bust by one and a half size, make it lush and visually correct the flaws.

If everything is in order with the size, but you are unhappy with the shape of the breast, pay attention to the balconette modeling bra. He lifts and "collects" the chest, a sexual hollow appears in the middle. A balconette may not have straps, but it is distinguished from a regular strapless bra by a special cut of the cups, side bones and a silicone snake that encircles the bra and securely glues it to the body. And so that the bra does not twist, there is an additional vertical bone on the side.

When problems with the waist are added to the problematic bust, semi-grace helps out - shaping bra with corset. Wearing such underwear, you get a dream figure with a flat stomach, high breasts and a thin waist. If you are only concerned about the waist, and there are no complaints about the bust, then it is enough to buy a corset belt. In the case when you need to adjust everything at once (chest, waist and hips), it is better to buy grace. This model resembles a one-piece swimsuit and will slim your figure without the appearance of treacherous folds at the waist.

Choosing corrective panties, decide for yourself - what effect do you need? Only then can you choose the right model. If you need to reduce the volume of the hips, tighten the tummy, and make your legs slimmer - choose long high pantaloons (they are ideal if you decide to flaunt in tight trousers). If you need to tighten the buttocks and waist, then a high half-body will do. When the task is to tighten the lower abdomen, and there are no problems with the hips and booty, then you can buy corrective thong panties with a high belt. Properly selected panties will hide figure flaws, emphasize the waist line and reduce the volume by one or two sizes.