How to make hair smooth and thick. How to make hair shiny and silky

Smooth and shiny hair always have a healthy and well-groomed look, favorably complementing the image.

Unfortunately, adverse environmental influences, frequent use of hair dryers, irons and curling irons, as well as improperly selected care products make hair dry and lifeless, like straw.

To return your curls to a natural, healthy shine and make them smooth, it is worth use simple guidelines.

wash my hair properly

For starters, you need to decide with whether we wash our heads correctly at all. It would seem that there is absolutely nothing complicated in this procedure: we just take the required amount of shampoo in our palm and start lathering the hair, tugging at it like a washcloth.

However professionals say that in order to give the hair smoothness and shine, it is necessary to “close” the hair scales, so when washing your hair, you should follow some rules:

  • Before Shampooing on the hair, it should be diluted a lot with warm water in order to achieve the optimal concentration of detergents and ensure easy distribution of the product through the hair.
  • Shampoo should only be applied to the roots., for the ends, foam flowing from the root of the hair will be enough.
  • When washing, do not collect hair at the top, lathering movements should be carried out from top to bottom, it is necessary, as it were, to close the scales of the hair, washing each strand.
  • Rinsing the shampoo out of your hair, no need to lower your head, you should direct the stream of water (best done with a shower) so that it flows from the crown to the ends of the hair, so the scales are closed, and the hair after washing looks smooth and shiny.
  • Rinse your hair after shampooing cool settled or melted water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or citric acid, which will also close the scales and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Healthy hair always looks shiny and smooth, so, first of all, it is worth providing the hair with the right care. It is best to give preference to shampoos, free of SLS and parabens.

But what to do if the hair structure is broken, and it is simply necessary to look luxurious, for example, on the occasion of some special event?

As an emergency measure you can resort to using a shampoo that contains silicones in its composition, which envelop each hair, making the curls smooth and shiny. However, you should not abuse such products, as this will negatively affect the condition of the hair.

Balms for making hair smooth and shiny

Using a balm will help you quickly make your hair smooth and shiny. To achieve the desired effect, should be remembered, what:

  • Do not apply the product to the root of the hair, because after that the hairstyle will be devoid of volume. Hairdressers recommend nourishing the hair with a balm, stepping back from the roots to a distance equal to approximately 1 palm;
  • Keeping the product on the hair is exactly as long as how much is recommended in the instructions for use, usually 3-5 minutes, after which the balm should be thoroughly washed off with running water.

Very useful at least once a week pamper your curls with useful masks to make your hair smooth and shiny.

How to choose the right comb and comb your hair to make it smooth and shiny?

Their appearance directly depends on how well the tools for hair care are selected. And the first thing to do is to make sure that buy a good comb. So, let's arm ourselves with the necessary information:

  • It is best if the comb is made from natural materials., however, if it is a tree, then it should be ensured that there are no notches on the teeth, otherwise the hair structure can be damaged.
  • When choosing a massage comb, it is important to pay attention to so that the tips of the cloves have a rounded shape so that the effect on the hair is as gentle as possible.
  • Preference is best given to professional combs, despite the rather high cost, such a tool will last for many years and bring invaluable benefits to the hair.

When combing curls, remember that you can not comb wet hair, and if the hair is long, then you should first comb the tips, and only then go to the root part.

And further little trick for those who want to give their hair extra shine: once a week, you can apply a couple of drops of essential oil (rosemary, ylang-ylang, orange or lavender) to the comb. Such aroma combing will not only improve the appearance of the hair, but also take care of their health.

To make your hair smooth and shiny with styling, you should consider the characteristics of your hair.

For some, simply combing their hair is enough to make them looked luxurious, and someone will have to make some effort using a hair dryer or hair straightener.

Should be remembered that the frequent use of "hot" hair styling devices can adversely affect their health, so it is not recommended to resort to such methods all the time. And before the "hot" styling, it is necessary to protect the hair with special thermal protective agents.

Smooth and shiny hair with a hair dryer:

  • apply to damp hair protective agent and foam, distributing them along the entire length;
  • dry your hair with hair dryer and comb, directing a jet of air from top to bottom;
  • enhance the effect of smoothness and shine by including cold air function.

Give your hair smoothness and shine with a hair straightener:

  • dry your hair with a hair dryer or naturally;
  • apply a protective agent;
  • straighten your hair with a flat iron, working through each strand;
  • if necessary, if the humidity is high outside or you want to keep the styling for a long time, fix the result with varnish for hair.

It is worth noting that many manufacturing companies produce styling products that give hair smoothness and shine without the use of a hair dryer and ironing. For example, such products are in the line Sunsilk, Got2b, Maria Nila and etc.

Salon treatments for smooth and shiny hair

For those who want their hair to always look shiny and smooth, but do not have the time or desire to do daily styling, we can advise do a professional procedure giving your hair a great look.

Here are the most common ones:

  • Lamination or ellumination- application to the hair of a special composition containing proteins that smoothes the scales, making the hair smooth and shiny. Depending on the structure of the hair, the effect lasts from 1 to 3 months.
  • Shielding- a procedure whose purpose is to surround each hair with a dense film that gives the curls a glossy shine and protects them from the negative influence of the external environment. The composition applied to the hair is based on soy protein and various plant components and does not contain ammonia;
  • Keratinization is a hair treatment with a composition that does not contain any chemicals that adversely affect the structure of the hair. The procedure provides long-term moisturizing of curls, clogging of split ends, smoothing of scales and, as a result, smoothness and shine of hair.

Each girl makes her own decision on how to make her hair smooth and shiny, however, first of all, it should be remembered that healthy hair looks amazing.

Learn how to make your hair smooth and shiny by watching the video:

Every girl dreams of healthy, shiny, as well as smooth and manageable hair. Everyone wonders how to make hair silky, smooth and give it shine at home? Let's look into the intricacies of the issue thoroughly.

To achieve that the hair exuded beauty and was well-groomed, you can not only contact the salon, but also carry out all the procedures at home. Masks, conditioners and oils, chosen correctly, will help to make them outwardly beautiful, as well as strengthen them from the inside, saturating them with useful vitamin compounds.

  • the head should be rinsed or washed only with cold water. It is she who helps against brittleness, sealing the hair scales, and also helps to get a charge of vivacity;
  • after washing, do not rub your hair with a towel - this leads to damage. You just need to gently blot the strands;
  • do not abuse the hair dryer, curling iron, ironing. Hot air dries out the hair, which leads to damage. A thermal protective spray will help mitigate the negative impact;
  • wash your hair twice a week;
  • trim the ends, even girls who want to grow their hair need once a month, a maximum of one and a half. This procedure is aimed at improving the hair and preventing their section and dryness;
  • for five minutes, comb the curls with a wooden natural comb to circulate the scalp and stimulate the growth of curls. This procedure should be carried out several times throughout the day. The procedure is relevant before washing the head and going to bed;
  • In summer, care should be taken to protect hair from the negative effects of solar ultraviolet rays, and in winter - from hypothermia.
  • homemade natural masks should be made;
  • it is impossible to dye your hair often, and apply the chemical perm method without damaging the hair, therefore, such procedures should be avoided.

Elements included in masks

The main natural elements that make up the composition are:

  • essential oils: lavender and coconut, burdock, almond and castor;
  • vitamin complex;
  • gelatin;
  • chicken eggs;
  • liquid honey;
  • lemon juice;
  • scarlet;
  • kefir;
  • and other natural ingredients.

Masks for shine, as well as health, incredible smoothness and excellent silkiness, which include these components, are suitable for any type of hair.

Recipes and methods for making masks

There are many masks for shine and smoothness of curls available for cooking, as well as for home use. Let's figure out how to make hair silky with natural masks and look at their basic recipes.

Honey and oil mask

To make it you will need:

  • olive or burdock oil in the amount of three tablespoons;
  • yolk;
  • fresh lemon juice in the amount of two tablespoons;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey in liquid form.

The yolk should be rubbed well with honey. Pour oil and lemon juice into the resulting consistency. After that, everything must be thoroughly mixed and brought to a state of homogeneous mass. The composition must be spread on dry hair. From above they should be covered with cellophane. Wrap well with a towel. Rinse the solution from your hair with lukewarm water. The mask can be done once a week.

For shine, nutrition and smoothness

It's easy to prepare. You just need to mix three tablespoons of three types of oils: coconut or almond, olive and burdock. Then warm up. Rub warm mixed oil into hair. Put a hat on your head and wrap it with a thick towel. The composition must be kept on the head for an hour. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water. The mask is not easy to wash off, you have to wash your hair with shampoo repeatedly. This mask can be easily made at home.

For shine, silkiness and volume

Would need:

  • chamomile tincture - six tablespoons;
  • gelatin in the amount of two tablespoons;
  • hair balm. Only 6 teaspoons.

Cooking steps:

  • dissolve gelatin in chamomile tincture;
  • add balm
  • mix thoroughly and bring to a homogeneous mass.

The solution is applied to clean and well-dried hair. After that, they should be wrapped in cellophane and wrapped well with a towel. The mask on the curls should remain for one hour. Then the mask should be washed off under running water. Shampoo or balms should not be used to achieve the effect.

Oil-egg mask for curls

Elasticity, smoothness, silkiness of hair will help to give an oil-egg mask.

For its manufacture you need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • 2 yolks of chicken eggs;
  • burdock oil in the amount of two tablespoons.

How to make a mask at home:

  • put the yolks in a porridge and grind;
  • pour in the oil and stir in the mayonnaise;
  • mix everything well.

The composition must be applied to the hair and roots. Leave the mask on for thirty minutes, then wash your hair with water and shampoo.

Kefir mask for shine

To make it, you only need warm kefir in the amount of four tablespoons. It should be distributed among the strands. Then wrap your hair with a film or put on a shower cap. Wrap a towel over the top. The mask should be kept on the hair for one hour and then rinsed with water.


Rinses containing natural ingredients will help make curls smoother, silky, and shiny.

Some recipes:

  • crushed birch leaves should be poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. Strain the solution and apply it to rinse your hair two to three times a week for a month;
  • peel 3-4 apples and pour the peel from them with a liter of water. Then boil, let cool, strain and use as a rinse;
  • add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a liter of boiled water;
  • parsley decoction: for 50 grams of greens, half a liter of water. It is necessary to boil for a quarter of an hour, let it cool and strain through cheesecloth;
  • chop the burdock, boil and insist for half an hour. Rinse hair with hot broth;
  • nettle rinse. Add a decoction of nettle to the water, and rinse the curls.

All products prepared at home, only from natural ingredients created by nature, will help to give curls shine, silkiness and smoothness. Their preparation will not be difficult.

Long hair is beautiful if the look is neat and well-groomed. When the strands are electrified, crumble, stick to the body and clothes, they look more like a broom than a stylish hairstyle.

How to make hair smooth and silky so that it looks shiny and attracts everyone's attention with a healthy look?

This problem can be solved at home with the help of industrial and home remedies, cosmetic balms and shampoos, folk masks.

Professional cosmetics

Salon procedures are performed with the same smooth hair products that can be used at home. If you spend money once and see how professionals work, then next time it’s quite easy to make curly curls obedient and silky.

The fluid acts on the ends of the hair, and styling should begin with them. This is the most problematic place on long strands, if you do not stop the section, then the curls will become brittle and dry along the entire length. You can also make the ends of your hair smooth with an elixir, oil, liquid crystal - marketers give these tools different names. Apply them after washing or on dry ends no higher than 2-3 cm from the end of the strand, otherwise they will look dull.

Loose hair should be treated with care, you need to comb it only with a comb made of natural materials, but not iron or polymer - plastic accumulates static electricity, and metal can further damage the structure - exfoliate the scales. It is worth splurge on a wooden product or purchase a natural bristle massage brush. Such a product for hair care will not only help remove static electricity, but also carry out massage effects on the hair zone, activating the metabolic processes of the hair follicles. Regular massage of the scalp strengthens the hair follicles, stimulates the growth of healthy strands.

Home hair lamination

The secret to smooth and shiny hair is lamination. During it, a transparent film forms on each hair, clogging all the scales, as in a case. This procedure in 3-6 sessions eliminates unpleasant problems:

  • overdrying;
  • brittleness;
  • sections of tips and hair along the entire length.

How to make lamination at home?

  • Recipe #1
  1. The head is washed with a shampoo that stops excess sebum secretion, regardless of quality.
  2. After the strands have been thoroughly degreased, they must be dried;
  3. Then the “tail” is wrapped with plastic wrap and hot air is blown into it with a hair dryer;
  4. Apply a laminate purchased at a cosmetic store;
  5. The heating-cooling process is repeated several times.

An hour later, the procedure, an alternative to professional lamination, is over.

Hair lamination can be performed without industrial means - the “case” on the hair is made of gelatin.

  • Recipe #2
  1. A bag weighing 15 g is dissolved in boiling water - 3 tablespoons;
  2. Then add any balm or hair mask - 1 tablespoon - you can get by with a self-prepared remedy;
  3. Mix and apply to strands along the entire length;
  4. Wrap in plastic wrap and heat with a hot hair dryer for about 5 minutes;
  5. Repeat the procedure one more time;
  6. Leave the composition under the film for another half an hour.

If it is not possible to rinse with a stream of water without the use of detergents - the curls stick together - you can again call for help from folk remedies. For example, make rye shampoo: dissolve rye flour to a creamy consistency and add the yolk there.

Express methods for making hair smooth

How to make your hair smooth, when there are only a few minutes left before the “publication”, and the appearance is far from ideal?

Any varnish or spray for fixing curls can handle this, even the cheapest. Each strand is separated with a comb made of natural materials, and processed along the entire length.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the tool with which you solve the problem of how to remove curly hair. Inexpensive varnishes have shiny particles in their composition, and in the daytime you can look funny. But in a club or cafe in the evening, such additions will give the look the necessary charm - especially if the girl is young and energetic.

If you don’t have any of the above home or store remedies at hand, and your hair is disheveled, you can get by with the express method - comb the strands by dropping a few drops of vegetable oil on the comb. Ideally, it is desirable to use almond or jojoba oils, but you can get by with refined sunflower. Within 3-4 hours, the strands will remain smooth and shiny.

Folk recipes for smooth hair

If you devote time to your hair, engage in it, not limited to routine hygiene procedures, then in 2-4 months you can achieve healthy shiny curls that are not afraid to dissolve at any moment.

homemade masks

  • Recipes #1


  • olive oil - 3 teaspoons;
  • liquid honey - 3 teaspoons;
  • juice squeezed from a small lemon;
  • banana puree - from 2/3 banana;
  • yolk.

The mixture is interrupted with a blender and applied to the hair for 30 minutes, insulated in the usual way. If the hair needs not only to be made soft and smooth, but also to be healed, such a mask is used: an egg yolk and a tablespoon of mayonnaise are driven into the base oil for hair smoothness - castor, burdock or almond.

It is rubbed into the roots and distributed along the length. Keep 40-60 minutes under a warming cap.

  • Recipe #2

When the hair is oily, in order to remove excess greasiness and give a healthy shine, the mask that is applied to the strands is made from whipped yolks and high-quality alcohol:

  • Roma;
  • brandy;
  • cognac.

Proportions: 1 egg - 4 dessert spoons of alcohol.

Decoctions for rinsing

After applying homemade masks, the head should be rinsed with herbal infusions or acidified water - this will add shine and softness to the strands. Proportions for the preparation of decoctions: 4 tablespoons of dry herbs per liter of boiling water. Herbs that increase the smoothness and softness of hair: chamomile, lovage, calendula, mint.

If acidified water is preferred, then juice of any citrus or apple cider vinegar is added to it - 2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of warm water.

Another way to make hair crumbly and shiny is to treat it with a decoction of flaxseed.

  • 3 tablespoons of flaxseed are boiled for 10-15 minutes in 100 g of water over low heat;
  • Then they insist for about an hour, constantly stirring - shaking in a sealed container. If the broth turns out to be very thick, like jelly, it is diluted with water to the consistency of thick jelly;
  • Before applying to the hair, the infusion is activated with essential oil - up to 10 drops per 1 liter of the mixture. You can use essential oils of conifers, citrus fruits, esters of rosemary, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, chamomile. When it is difficult to stop at one product, you can take several - the main thing is to observe the mixing proportions.

Wash off after half an hour, without shampoo.

The rest of the girls in this regard are less successful. Either individual curls spoil the overall picture, treacherously twisting in the most unexpected places, or the hair is very fluffy, creating a “creative mess” on the head.

It takes a lot of effort to keep your hair smooth and frizz-free. However, modern cosmetic and technical developments make it possible to turn even the smallest curls into perfectly even and smooth hair. Hair straightening is one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons today, and various straightening products occupy a large share of space both in cosmetics stores and on the shelves of girls' and women's bathrooms.

Eyes run up from everything that the beauty industry offers to women who are eager to feel like the owners of perfectly smooth and shiny hair.

But are all these methods so safe? We have prepared for you an overview of the various methods of hair straightening, having studied all the advantages and disadvantages.

Whereas women used to go to hairdressers to get their hair curled with a perm, now they go to salons to straighten their hair. Chemical hair straightening is not so often called. Much more often you can hear the name "professional" or "permanent" hair straightening. And yet the basis of this method is precisely chemical reactions.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure of professional straightening on your own. Such a ban is explained by the too active action of the components that make up the straightening products: if used incorrectly, they can cause significant damage to the hair.

Sodium hydroxide is one of the main components of modern professional hair straightening products that can cope even with elastic curls. Getting on the hair, this component opens the hair cuticle and softens each hair, changing its structure. For slightly wavy and damaged hair, hair straightening products with a less aggressive active ingredient, ammonium thioglycolate, are used.


The main advantage of this method is the long duration of action: you can straighten your hair for a long time, and with each shampoo you do not have to think again about how to pacify naughty waves or curls. Of course, this is not permanent hair straightening, but for a few months you will definitely forget about problems with curly and wavy hair. Or rather, until the hair begins to grow.


Any chemical effect on the hair cannot pass without a trace. Penetrating into the hair structure, professional hair straighteners have a negative effect on the hair, destroying the structure. When the hair itself is damaged, additional intervention can affect them especially negatively. This method is not recommended for dyed hair. Preparations for chemical straightening are quite toxic, so this method is also not suitable for pregnant, lactating and allergy-prone women.

Do not forget that, despite the beautiful appearance, your hair after professional straightening is very damaged by chemical components, so if you still decide on this procedure, use the most gentle hair care products: sulfate-free shampoos, nourishing masks and oils.

This is another way of professional hair straightening, which appeared in our country not so long ago, but has already managed to establish itself as a method that provides the most gentle hair straightening for a long time.

The developers of keratin hair straightening products, as well as masters in beauty salons who use this method of hair straightening, claim that it not only does not have a negative effect on the hair, but also additionally restores it, renewing the lack of keratin. But is it?

In the process of keratin straightening, a special composition is applied to the hair, then it is dried and styled with a flat iron to straighten the hair.


This method not only gives visible results for 1-2 months, but is also believed to benefit the hair, as it protects them from external influences.


The composition of straighteners includes aggressive components, including formaldehyde, which are unsafe for our health. For pregnant women, this procedure is completely contraindicated.

And one more significant minus - 1-2 months after the procedure, the hair returns to its previous state, despite the promises of the salon masters.

Before entrusting your hair to a master for keratin hair straightening, ask what kind of straightening method is used in the beauty salon of your choice.

Ask the master about the products that he will use to make sure of their quality and a really high concentration of keratin, and only then decide on the procedure.

If you decide on the procedure, then after it, be sure to use gentle sulfate-free shampoos to care for curls.

Below we will talk about how to strengthen hair and make it smooth and shiny without a keratin straightening procedure.

How to make hair straight without ironing and hair dryer? A number of manufacturers offer a whole series of cosmetics, promising hair straightening.

Typically, such series include a deep cleansing shampoo, conditioner, mask and leave-in. Of course, the use of several products from such series gives a more noticeable effect, however, a stunning result from cosmetic products alone will still not work.

Carefully read the composition of such products, even professional salon series sin with aggressive detergents and an abundance of silicones. They smooth hair scales and are able to pacify unruly waves. However, there can be no talk of any therapeutic effect, most often.


No need to spend extra time on the hair straightening procedure. You just wash your hair and use caring cosmetics, and as a bonus you get straighter hair.


The effect of hair straightening using cosmetics will not last long. Sometimes the hair takes on its normal, wavy look long before the next wash. In addition, the effect is not as pronounced as when using other methods.

Pay attention to the fact that damaged hair is very often unruly and curly. Sometimes it is enough to treat them well so that they become denser, even without the use of special cosmetic series for hair straightening. Hair treatment is to restore their structure.

Think about it, maybe instead of exposing your hair to aggressive influences, you should come to grips with their treatment?

Example: Nano Organic hair mask. Its advantage lies in the fact that it contains 10% keratin in its composition - this is a fairly high concentration for home hair care. Also, a complex of vitamin F, cognac gum and broccoli oil work to restore and smooth hair - this is a safe alternative to silicones. The mask is enriched with vitamins A, E, C, B5, and their effect and penetration of natural lecithin liposomes are enhanced. As a result, we get a completely natural and really effective care for hair restoration.

The task of the mask is to restore the damaged structure, nourish and thicken the hair. For an intense effect, apply to clean, damp hair, then put on a shower cap and wrap in a towel. To enhance the effect, you can warm your head with a hairdryer for a while. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the mask and style your hair as usual.


Already after the first procedure, the hair looks shiny, obedient, easier to style. Of course, the mask is not designed specifically for straightening hair, but due to the fact that it thickens the curls, the hair looks much neater, the hair does not fluff, smoothes and at the same time retains volume.


The mask will not give the effect of salon hair straightening. However, with a course application 2-3 times a week, it intensively restores hair and, quite possibly, looking at their healthy state, you will no longer want to chemically expose your curls.

A few more nourishing masks for restoring and smoothing hair:

Co-washing is a balm instead of shampoo, which is very gentle on the hair. It helps to pacify fluffy curls, make hair smooth and shiny. Please note that this method will not work for owners of oily hair, but those who suffer from “dandelion” on their heads will be delighted. Do not forget that after co-washing, you must definitely use the usual balm, as this is still a cleanser.

Another method with which you can straighten your hair at home is blow-drying using the so-called round-shaped combs-brushes.

Using this method of hair straightening requires some skill. However, over time, you can learn to handle the hair dryer and comb easily, making straight strands out of fairly wavy hair.

A brush with mixed bristles will add shine to your hair and won't damage your hair. You can avoid breakage and splitting, and the uniquely placed V-shaped plastic bristles allow you to detangle and comb your hair more thoroughly. With such a brush it is easy to give the necessary shape when styling and maintain the volume of hair when straightening.

The main thing to remember: the hair dryer should be directed to the comb with hair from top to bottom, and apply a little effort, pulling the hair in the direction of the comb. It is desirable to finish processing each strand using a cold stream of air. In this way, you will close the scales of the hair, and they will look healthier.


With the help of a hair dryer and a comb, you can create not just straight hair, but also slightly twist at the ends, style it in separate strands. With this method of straightening, the volume at the roots is preserved.


For self-straightening in this way, skill is required, you will have to try hard. Also, the hair is exposed to the heat of the hair dryer, so be sure to take care of thermal protection.

Keep in mind that if you blow dry your hair too often, you will also damage it. Be sure to use nourishing and oily hair masks 2-3 times a week, give your curls a rest from thermal exposure, do not abuse this method. And be sure to use thermal protection.

As protection against a hair dryer, natural sprays and hair creams are suitable, which will smooth the curls and fix the result.

Perhaps one of the easiest home remedies for quick hair straightening.

Every day, hair straighteners are being improved, they are equipped with thermostats, a tourmaline coating that relieves hair from static stress, and other devices that make the straightening process less harmful and more effective. But is it always so safe?


An effect comparable to that which gives professional hair straightening, a one-time investment of money. True, a good hair straightener costs several times more than the same comb, but it must be remembered that with proper care, a hair straightener will last you not one or two years, but much longer.


Even with the most delicate plates, the hair is damaged by exposure to high temperatures. And besides, the effect is not as durable as with professional hair straightening (it lasts until the next hair wash).

  1. To minimize the negative effects of high temperatures on the hair, use heat-protective leave-in products during the straightening procedure.
  2. Don't use the straightener too often, let your hair rest.
  3. No need to iron the strand for too long. It is quite enough to walk through it once, maximum twice, tightly holding the hair between the tongs.
  4. If you have thin hair, do not use the maximum heating temperature. For porous hair, 150-160 degrees is most often enough to gently straighten and style them.

When straightening with a flat iron, stronger protection is required than when exposed to a hairdryer. Logona Natural Spray does a good job of this. It does not stick hair, moisturizes it and prevents damage from ironing. Hair becomes more elastic and retains its shape throughout the day.

We presented your review with various ways to straighten hair, then the choice, of course, is yours.

  • Salon methods(permanent and keratin straightening) give instant and lasting results. But such an impact is often detrimental to hair, despite promises. The effect depends very much on the master, on the quality of the products used and on the initial state of your hair. If you still decide on this method, carefully select a specialist to whom you entrust your curls, find out everything about what exactly the procedure will be carried out with and be sure to provide restorative care.
  • Professional cosmetic complexes products are able to straighten and smooth hair for a shorter time. But it is worth carefully studying the composition of such funds. After all, if they are “stuffed” with silicones, then you run the risk of getting broken thinned tips after a temporary effect of smoothness.
  • natural cosmetics are aimed at restoring the porous and damaged hair structure, nourishing them with useful microelements and making them denser. Indeed, the cause of naughty and uneven curls is often precisely the damaged hair shaft. Such products will not give an instant straightening effect, but will make the hair smoother and gradually bring it back to life.
  • Thermal exposure hair dryer and straightener helps you quickly style your hair and straighten strand by strand at home. But excessive abuse of this method without proper care can greatly damage your curls, making them thinner, brittle and dry. Be sure to use a heat protectant and never straighten your hair in this way too often.
Whatever straightening method you choose, never forget that you need to pay special attention to hair care. Nourishing masks, oils and gentle shampoos should become your constant companions.

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Shiny, silky and healthy hair is an adornment for any woman. Procedures for hair smoothness can be done not only in the salon using professional products, masks for hair smoothness prepared at home will help get rid of fluffiness and dullness. A competent approach to the selection of ingredients will make hair treatment pleasant and most effective.

How to make your hair smooth at home

There are a number of elementary rules on how to achieve smoothness for hair, and at the same time not leave the house.

    1. It is recommended to wash your hair as it gets dirty, and not daily. Daily cleansing of the head using the shampoo that suits you disrupts the natural microflora of the scalp, such excessive hair care significantly worsens the condition of the hair, after all, this is chemistry.
    2. Rubbing and combing wet hair is a crime. In no case should this be done, because rubbing with a towel only contributes to the delamination of the hair shaft, and combing stretches it and causes mechanical damage. Agree, this can not give smoothness to the hair.
    3. So that the strands do not look like tow, do not tangle and do not break, try to regularly moisturize them. Buy along with shampoos a conditioner and a serum that does not need to be washed off. Such products provide intensive nutrition and strengthening of the hair, in addition, there is a perfect smoothness of the hairline, shining in the sun.
    4. The strands will be smooth and straight if they are cut periodically. Try to visit your hairdresser once every 2-3 months and cut off about a centimeter of hair, this will not greatly affect the total length, but it will improve your health.
    5. At least twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed, try to spend 5 minutes combing. Such a routine procedure can strengthen hair, enhance growth, and even become a way to combat hair loss. This is because during this action, a head massage occurs, blood rushes to the skin better and nourishes the follicles more intensively, and healthy follicles are the key to beautiful hair.
    6. In summer and winter, wear hats, protecting from too low temperatures and sunlight.
    7. In addition to the standard shampooing of the top of your head, take the trouble to use folk recipes. DIY masks are much more useful than purchased ones. For your information, the best mask components that smooth the hair shaft are all, without exception, vegetable oils, and they are suitable for any type of hair.
    8. To preserve the beauty of your hair, try to use hot styling devices as little as possible, minimize dyeing and perming your hair.

    • The best smoothing of hair is that it injures them as little as possible. A home mask made according to the rules is much more effective than one made at random.
    • To eliminate negative reviews about masks, it is important to remember that not a single mask made from natural ingredients gives an instant effect. They need to be done regularly.
    • Many people are allergic to many foods. When preparing a healing mixture for your hair for the first time, do an initial test on your wrist. If redness, itching and other troubles do not appear at the place where the mixture is applied, then you can safely apply it to the top of your head.
    • Before using the finished mixture, it is important to wash your hair with shampoo, but do not use a balm, then dry naturally and comb the curls.
    • Almost all mixtures, except for gelatin, should be applied to the scalp too. This further nourishes the hair follicles.
    • If possible, then after treating the hair with a treatment solution, it is worth carefully combing each strand with a rare comb. This will spread the mask more evenly and reduce tangles.
    • Next, we traditionally create a greenhouse, wrapped in a film and a towel.

The exposure time of each mixture is individual, each product is absorbed into the hair at different speeds, but on average the procedure can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Wash off the masks with warm water, at the end, you can rinse with herbs. Dry naturally.

Homemade mask recipes for smooth hair


    • 50 ml of honey;
    • 40 ml of burdock oil;
    • yolk;
    • 1 st. l. lemon juice.
Preparation and application:

Stir the yolk with honey, add the remaining flowing ingredients, mix again, process the crown. We wrap ourselves with a film and a scarf for an hour. Wash off.

Mask for smoothness and volume

"Silk mask" giving the hair airiness and radiance. The components moisturize the skin and shaft well, smooth the scales.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


    • 3 art. l. coconut oil;
    • 5 drops of rose oil;
    • 5 drops of rosemary ether.
Preparation and application:

We heat the oil, drip the ethers, stir. We carefully coat each strand, cover the head with a film and a towel for an hour. We wash our hair with shampoo.

Mask for smoothness and straightening

The mask envelops each hair with a transparent film, glues the scales, masks the split ends.


    • 1 st. l. henna;
    • 100 ml of water;
    • 10 ml of oils: grape seed and orange.
Preparation and application:

Pour henna with warm water, let stand for an hour, then combine with oils. We smear the resulting slurry on the strands, departing from the roots of 2 centimeters. Leave under a warm cap for 45 minutes. Traditionally wash.

with egg

Moisturizing mask for hair smoothness perfectly nourishes, gives shine and elasticity.


    • 1 st. l. sour cream;
    • 30 ml of honey;
    • protein.
Preparation and application:

Beat the protein with butter, sour cream, grease the moistened curls along the length. We cover the crown with polyethylene and a turban. After half an hour, wash off as usual.

with gelatin

Gelatin mask is one of the products with which home lamination of hair is successfully done. The procedure is completely safe for the hair and solves the problem with fluffiness.


    • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin;
    • 6 art. l. chamomile decoction;
    • 3 art. l. balm.
Preparation and application:

We soak the gelatin with warm broth, wait for it to swell for about 30 minutes, drown it in a bath and combine it with a balm. We smear each curl with the resulting mass, retreating 2 centimeters from the roots, comb through with a comb. Leave under a warm cap for one hour.

With burdock oil

The mixture deeply nourishes and moisturizes the hair, smoothes, adds shine, enhances growth.


    • 2 yolks;
    • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
Preparation and application:

Beat warm butter with yolks and mayonnaise. Lubricate the roots and curls with the finished composition, leave it under a warm cap for 45 minutes.

With cognac

A cognac recipe is a great way to improve your hair, restore radiance, good growth rate and minimize hair loss.


    • 100 ml brandy;
    • egg.
Preparation and application:

We rub the products into a homogeneous consistency, distribute them along the length, wrap ourselves in heat for 45 minutes. Rinse with warm water, to neutralize the smell of alcohol, rinse with water with lemon juice.

With kefir

Kefir mask saturates the hairstyle with radiance and volume, improves hair growth, eliminates the active work of the external secretion glands.


    • egg;
    • 100 ml of fatty kefir.
Preparation and application:

We combine the fermented milk product at room temperature with honey and an egg, soak the hair, wrap ourselves for 60 minutes. We wash the head as standard.

with banana

Nourishing mask for smoothing hair, supplies all the necessary vitamins, adds shine.


    • ½ banana;
    • 20 ml olive oil;
    • 60 gr. honey;
    • 20 ml of lemon juice;
    • yolk.
Preparation and application:

We knead the pulp of the fruit, combine with other products, mix well. We process the scalp with the resulting slurry, distribute the remainder along the length. Wash off after 40 minutes.

With oils

Broad spectrum oil mask. Moisturizes, nourishes, restores the normal functioning of the external secretion glands, relieves dandruff, treats alopecia and helps to grow a long mane.

You will need 20-40 ml of oils:

    • burdock;
    • olive;
    • castor;
    • almond.
Preparation and application:

We heat the mixed oil concentrate in a bath to a comfortable temperature, do not boil. Apply along the entire length, carefully processing the roots and ends. We build a greenhouse at the top, we walk like this for 2 hours. We wash our hair traditionally, if necessary, we wash twice.