How to draw a picture on the nails with a toothpick. Simple nail patterns for beginners (50 photos) - Step by step instructions

Nail design, especially if it is created by oneself, is a great idea in terms of self-expression and image creation. The easiest way to decorate simple nail designs. Making them is not at all difficult, there are many ideas that have already been invented earlier. But there will be even more of them if you connect your own imagination. You should start with the simplest techniques, gradually improve your talent and capabilities.

Simple drawings for new masters

At first, not everything will go as smoothly as we would like. It's because:

  • firstly- you are worried, afraid that you will not succeed;
  • Secondly- you have not yet gained experience and skill - this is a matter of time and diligence;
  • third- you probably do not quite understand what you can draw and how exactly it is done.

If you follow the main rules, the self-learning process will be more effective:

  • Before work, you need to remove the cuticle from the nail plate. This will help a simple warm bath, in which the hand falls for 10 minutes. So it will be easier to lag behind the nail.
  • With a wooden stick (you can use a toothpick) and manicure tongs, cut off the coarsened dermis (skin) around the nail plate.
  • Next, you need to polish the nail plate. By the way, this should be done not only before applying a manicure, but also for prevention, at least once a month. Instead of polishing, if a special nail file is not at hand, a simple degreasing with a nail polish remover will suffice.
  • In principle, the nails are ready for drawing. But there is one caveat. Apply foundation before painting. On it, the drawing lies more accurately, the drawing process becomes easier. Manicure as a whole will look neater.
  • After applying the foundation, wait approximately 20 minutes.

Now, for sure, everything, you can safely start drawing.

What tools and materials should be at hand

Before the drawing procedure, prepare materials and tools for work, their list and varieties will depend on what you plan to work on, what material you know how to use better, decide on the theme and color parameters.

Nail polishes

At work you will need:

  • clear nail polish;
  • fortified;
  • medical;
  • varnish fixative;
  • sequins;
  • glitters;
  • decorative powder;
  • several different shades of varnish.


Drawing is impossible to imagine without tools, so everything will be listed below, it may come in handy in one case or another:

  • stickers;
  • ready-made stickers;
  • template plates;
  • brushes;
  • needles;
  • toothpicks;
  • adhesive tape ordinary or decorative;
  • foil;
  • dots;
  • acrylic paints.

The easiest drawing ideas for beginners

Having prepared the nails for work, you can apply a drawing on them with any tools, even handy ones - those that every girl absolutely has at home.

Working with a needle

Original and even in some places uncomplicated drawings can turn out drawings from a needle. How to use it:

  • You don’t need to immediately draw on the nail, try to do it on paper. Firstly, you will understand how it works, and secondly, you can choose the proportions as close as possible to your nail.
  • Apply the base (transparent base) on the nail plate, wait until it dries completely. The base is always applied in 1 coat.
  • After the first base layer has dried, you will need to apply another layer - the background. Choose the color of the varnish that will be accented on the nail, for example, white.
  • There is no need to wait until the second layer dries. You can immediately work on.
  • Somewhere in the middle of the plate, drip on a white background, three small dots, for example, red varnish, forming a triangle or one after another along the nail.
  • You can draw with a needle, immediately poking it in the middle of the highest point, stretching it to the bottom, and so on to everyone, in turn. There will be such an ornament, as in the photo.
  • You can drop, for example, the same white varnish into the center of the red drop, then when stretched, a white stripe on a red background will follow the needle.
  • You can stretch the varnish from side to side, then in general an unusual pattern is obtained.

The color palette in such simple drawings has no definite boundaries. The author himself decides what and with what to combine.

No need to work on all nails at once. Draw them in order from the very beginning to the victorious finish. Otherwise, you definitely won't succeed.

Draw with a brush

This drawing technology is a little more complicated, but with a great desire, any novice master will cope with this task.

Practice, for starters, no artificial nail plates - this will be a very good workout. If they are not at hand, draw a nail on paper, approximately the same size and shape as yours.

Drawing technology:

  • On prepared nails, first, as always, a base coat of colorless or therapeutic varnish is applied.
  • Leaves the nail to dry. In this technology, all layers must dry completely as they are applied.
  • After the base is completely dry, apply a background coat. The color in this technique should be chosen so that it contrasts with the future painting. First, in one step, the brush is drawn from the center towards the cuticle, then the left side of the plate is painted over, then the right. If you notice, then you should get only 3 strokes of the brush.
  • Further in the work you will need a very thin brush. Soak it in varnish, be sure to remove the excess. And, as they used to do at school, start drawing a pattern element or the drawing itself.
  • The final step should be the consolidation procedure. That is, the nail is completely covered with colorless varnish, along with the pattern.

For clarity, here is a photo of simple drawing ideas.

This technology uses a different number of colors. First, try drawing hearts, simple flowers, lines, and other geometry. If you feel the strength to draw a more complex ornament, feel free to get down to business.

Simple painting on nails with acrylic paints

These paints are respected by professionals, and those who know how to draw with them. Their peculiarity is that they, in the process of work, do not spread, are easy to apply, dry fairly quickly, and last a long time. In addition, they are not dangerous for human health. On sale are:

  • colorless;
  • translucent;
  • opaque (overlapping the previous layer);
  • pasty.

Diluted with water without problems. Easily mixed with each other. After drying, on top of them, you can safely apply another pattern without fear of damaging the original layer. The coating is breathable, looks very attractive and bright.

According to the drawing technique, there are:

  • Oily. It is used in pasty and undiluted form. They are called so because they resemble oil paintings.
  • Pasty. The consistency is similar to batter. The composition is not diluted, it is used in the form in which it was purchased. You can only add pigments to it if the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drawing requires it. Draw in thick strokes. When the paint dries, it looks like gouache painting.
  • Watercolor. Water must first be mixed with a binder, only then watercolor is added here. The drawing in its purest form is similar to a watercolor ornament. Characterized by high quality.
  • Sliding. You can mix this composition with structural nail gel. Here the difficulty is that it will be quite difficult for a novice master to predict the final result. But after a few trainings, this can be learned.
  • Glazing. This material must be handled with care. All layers to be applied must be very thin, almost invisible.

You can paint with any type of brushes that you know how to work with. For training, it is enough to purchase 6 basic shades and whitewash in order to correct the errors in time. To understand them in work, you must first draw a field on paper in the form of a chessboard.

For 6 colors, you will need 6 squares of about 2 × 2 cm. Apply the purchased paints one by one (alternately) to this field - paint over the entire square with one pigment, then draw them with horizontal rulers of a different shade, and finally with vertical lines with a different color. You should end up with 36 colors.

Drawing with a brush using acrylic paints

Draw a branch with acrylic paint:

  • Select a very light color for the background (then select dark for the drawing) or vice versa. In our example, it is lilac.
  • Draw curved lines in yellow. Choose the location at your discretion, not necessarily exactly as shown in the photo.
  • On this arc, draw figures in the form of leaves of the same tone with curved lines.
  • Make the veins inside the leaves lighter for that.
  • Fix the result with a transparent fixing layer.

If this drawing seems too easy for you, try to recreate these simple ideas. In the first photo, the drawing technique is shown in pictures.

Learning to draw with dots

From the simplest drawings to very complex ornaments, professionals draw with dots. The simplest techniques are a combination of dots, commas, rulers of different sizes, and so on. The tool must be soaked in paint or varnish and begin to draw with it, as with a regular brush. In the process of work, the amount of coloring agent decreases, this can be seen from the ingredients on the nail ornament, which makes the drawing more natural and realistic.

You can draw nails with dots as you like. With it, you can draw:

  • flowers or animals;
  • modify the traditional version of the French manicure;
  • it is easy for them to create New Year's motives;
  • personify the seasons on the nails;
  • very stylish abstractions can be drawn with dots.

Drawings using ordinary tape

Ordinary household tape can greatly help in creating nail art. With it, you can make very different shapes, drawings and even compositions. Geometry is the easiest to do - it is based on lines, and it is very easy to cut their adhesive tape. Cut strips can be applied to the nail plate in random order or sequentially if you want to create a specific shape.

Tape technique:

  • As in all previous cases, the nail is first prepared.
  • The first layer is the base.
  • After drying, apply the background - at your discretion.
  • While the varnish is drying, cut some thin strips from the adhesive tape (about 1 mm wide, you can thicker if you want it yourself), the length should be larger than the size of the nail, so that later there will be no difficulty in removing the strips.
  • If the background layer is dry, stick the adhesive tape on the nail in the way you yourself want it.

It is very important that it is fundamentally high. Otherwise, when removing the strips, you can damage the background layer if it has not dried well.

  • From above, cover the entire surface of the nail with a varnish of a different shade or several - this is also your prerogative in choosing.
  • Allow a few seconds for the polish to begin to dry, but not completely dry.
  • Remove the glued strips and see what you got.

You can leave everything as it is, or you can still refine the drawing with a thin brush or dots. By adding glitter, circles and other elements, also in a different color of varnish.

Today, there are many types of decorative tape on sale, it can also be used to create drawings. Here, the need to cut the strips yourself is eliminated. It can also be used for decoration. Glitter on nails always looks beautiful, and with decorative tape - excellent and unique.

Toothpick drawings

Simple, but unique patterns on the nails can be done with a regular toothpick. She is a mandatory attribute of every home, always at hand, can always help in creating a complete image. If you have already learned how to work with a needle, then there will be no problems with drawing patterns with a toothpick. The drawing technique and sequence are similar here, only the drawings are slightly different.

Other methods for creating simple designs on nails

In addition to drawing with your own hands, you can use ready-made drawings - stickers, stencils, stockers, template plates.


Choose a polish of a certain color for the base. Paint them on your nails.

After complete drying, glue the selected sticker on top. They are adhesive based.

There are also those that need to be placed before sticking in warm water. After 10 seconds, they take it out, gently grab the figure with tweezers and transfer it to the nail.

Another type of sticker

Recently, the design of nails in women is not fake interest. In addition, nail design with a pattern in modern times can be considered as an art.

Of course, most women take care of their appearance, and nails are of no small importance. Therefore, every lady wants to have very beautiful nails with an unusual and stylish pattern.

However, not every woman can make a high-quality decoration of her nails, since not everyone has an idea where to start and how nails are painted.

This article will help solve this problem and will be a visual aid with various illustrated pictures.

It is worth noting that the design of nails, as well as their painting, is a very funny and creative event.

However, if you decide to decorate your manicure yourself, you will need to have various tools and necessary materials that you may need in the process.

Tools and materials for drawing

The most important and basic thing that you will initially have to acquire is various chemical elements, as well as additional compounds and solutions: a fixative and a nail polish remover and other liquids.

Next, you need to have acrylic paints in your arsenal. This type of paint has no harmful and side effects on the nails, while they have a very large range of colors. Their main advantage is that acrylic paints fit very well on the nail and dry very quickly, while they have a low cost.

It is also necessary to purchase an important tool when working with nails, this is a set of brushes made from natural hair, it is advisable to have two different sets.

As decorating elements of decor, you can use various items that must be available: a variety of rhinestones, stones, beads and other items. You can not do without glue, which is used when gluing various decorative elements on the nails.

All beginners need to study well the theoretical materials on painting and decorating nails, and only after that you can get down to business.

The design of the simplest nail design with a pattern is made with a special brush having the thinnest tip.

They are designed to work with special acrylic-based paints, with which it is desirable to apply small arbitrary outlines, it is allowed to supplement these lines with various points.

This work will have a very chic and unique look, but the work will not be very difficult.

The procedure for applying drawings on nails

Before you start decorating your nails using acrylic paints, you must:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to prepare the nails for work, that is, it is necessary to degrease them.
  • Next, you need to apply a special nail plate, on the surface of which a transparent base is applied.
  • After that, you need to apply a special nail polish and wait until it dries well.

So, let's move on to the most important and serious stage, this is the decoration of nails, in other words, painting nails.

For those who are going to perform such an operation for the first time, and even on their own, it is recommended to practice a little with a pattern on any surface. This is necessary so that the hand can get used to the brush a little.

After a short period of time, the hand will adapt well to the brush, and only after that you can apply a variety of patterns, as well as beautiful patterns on the nails and smooth lines.

It is worth noting that the easiest way to decorate your nails after painting with paint is to perform high-quality decoration with decor items, such as beautiful sparkles.

French manicure with a pattern

Manicure design in this image is a classic style of nail design.

At the same time, the pattern has a bright and saturated shade, in which there may be a small line or small uncomplicated lines of a dark color.

Colored nails with drawings

If you add colors of golden or gilded shades to a light and bright manicure, this will give the manicure more freshness and lightness.

Drawings on nails - floral motifs

This is one of the most difficult manicure designs.

The fact is that it is necessary to paint in this style with a very thin brush, which in itself is very difficult.

In addition, the execution process will take quite a long time, and it will also require a lot of patience and perseverance.

Leopard print on nails

This is one of the most popular and sought-after manicure styles. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite simple to explain. The fact is that drawing a drawing on your own will not be difficult.

In order to perform a unique and stylish nail design, you will need to have all the special equipment and tools, as well as high-quality material.

Equally important is the condition of the nails and skin of the hands, since fingers that are not well-groomed can cause negative feelings.

Non-standard drawings on nails - hieroglyphs

Today, a certain interest is shown in the eastern theme. Oriental themes and manicure did not go unnoticed.

The painted hieroglyphs on the nails look very impressive and unique.

As a rule, the main color of this style is red, and black must be used as an additional color. This color scheme is typical for the design of the Japanese theme.

How to decorate drawings on nails with rhinestones and stones

Quite an interesting design in this way. Nowadays, a very relevant manicure design has the presence of decor items on the nails, such as rhinestones or pebbles.

How to care for nails and hands

Equally important is the condition of the hands and nails, since their untidy appearance will negatively affect the appearance.

Therefore, in order for this not to happen, you will have to follow the following rules:

  • after you get rid of the old varnish immediately it is not advisable to apply a new layer, but it is necessary to give the nails a little respite for a certain amount of time.
  • it is not recommended to find nails in any chemical preparations, and in case of urgent need, you need to put on rubber gloves on your hands.
  • periodically dip your nails in a special solution that makes the skin of the hand and fingers more beautiful.
  • periodically wipe your nails with lemon or its juice, this will provide them with a bright and rich shine for longer.
  • It is recommended to carefully consider a healthy and proper diet. Include in your daily menu, dairy products, various nuts and even marmalade.

Thus, beautiful drawings on nails with varnish can be done by yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists, if you follow all the necessary recommendations in this article.

There are also many different samples of photo drawings on the nails. Therefore, you can safely get to work, and the result will surprise not only you, but also your loved ones.

Photo examples of drawings on nails

Bright, memorable manicure is the dream of every woman, especially on the eve of a family celebration or upcoming holidays. It is not at all necessary to seek the services of expensive masters - with due perseverance and imagination, you can create magnificent nail art yourself.

Using an ordinary needle, you can draw unique, exquisite patterns on your nails.. This method of drawing a picture is quite popular, but many consider it too complicated.

This is by no means the case: it is enough to master a few simple tricks and even a novice master can bring to life a real work of art of nail service. The main thing to do is constantly improvise.

Required tools and materials

First of all, you need to decide on the color of varnishes and pick up a needle. You can use both sewing and purchased in a professional store for manicure masters - it has a long comfortable handle. In principle, you can also take an ordinary pencil with a needle inserted as a tool.

as a tool, you can take an ordinary pencil with an inserted needle

The main thing is a thin tip with which you can draw graceful patterns. In addition, you should consider purchasing:


  1. Before you carry out your fantasies directly on the nails, it is worth practicing on other materials.. Glass or tile is great. The main secret of successful pattern application is speed and attentiveness. Only thanks to the “wet”, not dried-up surface, the drawings on the nails, which are ideal in their beauty, are obtained with varnish and a needle.
  2. The movements of the needle should be carefully monitored, because it is quite simple to damage the nail plate, but it will take a long time to restore the health of the nails.
  3. For smooth, but at the same time clear patterns, some skill is required.. The needle should be at an angle of 90⁰ relative to the nail - only in this case the pattern on the varnish will turn out perfect and even the most demanding fashionistas will like it.
  4. Remember to wipe the tip of the needle regularly nail polish remover - this will help to avoid the appearance of lumps that can completely ruin the entire composition.

Simple beautiful patterns in 10 minutes

Beginning craftswomen should start with the simplest patterns. They allow you to create original drawings on nails with varnish and a needle in a minimum amount of time.

On the Internet, you can find many schemes that do not require much experience, but are extremely effective for creating a stunning manicure. For example, by painting the nail on the sides with two contrasting varnishes and making zigzag movements with a needle in the center, you can get a unique stylish pattern, similar to a “water” manicure.

It's important to know!
To create the most beautiful patterns, a fairly dense layer of varnish is required. As a result, the drying time of the coating may be delayed.

To speed up the drying process, you should use a special top product that can be purchased at any cosmetic store. The top coat will also extend the life of the manicure.

The most impressive patterns

A manicure, complemented by various decorative elements, looks really stylish and festive.

Popular nail designs include:

  • sequins;
  • rhinestones;
  • beads;
  • foil;
  • feathers;
  • lace;
  • "bouillons".

Patterns on the nails, tinted with small but bright details, will look really impressive. For a stronger fixation of decorative elements, you can use special glue, and it is better to lay out such tiny details as beads or bouillons with an orange stick.

The most beautiful drawings on nails with varnish and a needle undoubtedly require at least minimal experience, so it’s worth moving on to additional decorations after mastering the basic skills.

Master class on creating nail art with a needle

Before you start creating a masterpiece on your nails, you should do a hygienic manicure. Giving the nails a neat shape, removing dry cuticles - all this is necessary for the perfect appearance of the hands. It is also necessary to prepare in advance all the materials and tools that will be used in the process of creating nail art.

Step 1. For a base coat, the surface of the nail must be dry and free of grease. The base will protect the nail from the appearance of a yellowish color and strengthen the plate itself.
Step 2 After the coating has dried, the first layer of varnish can be applied and dried thoroughly.
Step 3 The second layer is applied quite thickly. On it, without waiting for drying, you can apply neat drops of contrasting varnish in accordance with the direction of the future pattern (dots are also suitable for this).
Step 4 Using a thin or gypsy needle (the choice depends on the desired thickness of the pattern), you need to draw the lines indicated on the selected pattern of the pattern along the nail. Movements must be made quickly and accurately so that the varnish does not have time to thicken.
Step 5 The final stage is the coating of the created nail art with a finishing layer. It can both give a glossy shine and matte the surface of the nail - it all depends on the idea of ​​​​the master.

Interesting fact!
If it is difficult to apply a pattern on the working hand (for example, it is difficult for right-handed people to draw with their left hand), you can make nail art on only one finger, and cover the rest with plain varnish. It looks interesting bright pattern on the nail of the ring finger.

Drawings on short nails

A short manicure is by no means an obstacle to creating an interesting, memorable pattern. The main thing is that the drawings on the nails with varnish and a needle are not too overloaded with details. In addition, large, heavy items should be avoided.

Small, lacy patterns are what you need to emphasize the beauty and well-groomed hands

It is undesirable to use more than three shades of varnish and too many sparkles. In fact, there are no more restrictions for owners of short nails.

Most suitable drawings:

  • Diagonal stripes applied with varnish - they visually lengthen the nails, you can add "marble" stains and other patterns with a needle. On such a coating, small touches made with sparkles will look appropriate.
  • Contrasting dots in the form of peas - applied at the edge, they will also make the nail longer.
  • Ethnic and any color drawings made with varnishes of neutral shades.

How to decorate long nails

Long nails give complete freedom of imagination. On them, any pattern will look harmonious. The use of various decorations is encouraged, for example, nails with an original pattern and complemented by a tiny piercing on the free edge look stylish and unusual.

Either way, don't limit yourself.- constant bold experiments will help you choose the most suitable pattern, which will reveal the bright personality of the owner as much as possible.

How to make drawings on "wet" varnish

Drawings on "wet" varnish require speed and high accuracy. That's why before starting nail art, you should carefully consider the future design. You should not be limited to schemes from the Internet, because unique drawings invented by yourself can look much more interesting.

  • A velvety finish can be applied to the wet lacquer pattern. It is enough just to pour a special flock for nails on the coating, wait a few minutes and shake off the remnants with a dry brush. As a result, the drawing will acquire an unusual, pleasant to the touch texture.
  • On the "wet" varnish, you can create not only floral patterns, but also small plots - New Year's motifs, unusual safari design, or cute animal drawings.
  • Try to add small strokes - special varnishes for painting, with a long and thin brush, are ideal for this. Thanks to such nuances, the drawing will look more “alive” and textured.

You need to know that for beautiful, blurry lines, you should select products with a certain structure. For example, a perfect drawing will never work with too liquid varnish.

A few secrets will help make the manicure process easier and more convenient.

Many girls, having tried to make a drawing with varnish and a needle with their own hands, are surprised to note that it is much easier than it seemed at first glance.

The main thing is to do such a manicure more often - after all, the more practice, the better the patterns will turn out, and constant experiments will help you find the very pattern that will maximally demonstrate the taste and sense of style of your mistress.

Here you will learn how to create simple and beautiful drawings and make simple nail designs that are not ashamed to show in public! It seems easy - there would be a desire and clear guidance. In fact, the World Wide Web is filled with outdated articles and thousands of completely tasteless drawings made with needles, toothpicks, pencil stems, and whatever! But not with normal tools... If you master easy drawings on nails, this will become the first step to more complex ones, and then you can even rise to the level of a sensei of nail painting!

What do you need to create drawings on nails?

Stylish art rests on three pillars.


Only brushes and only high quality! The notorious needles and toothpicks were synonymous with clumsiness in their best times, and now it’s simply a shame to walk around with such “art”.
Beginners are advised to purchase brushes made of nylon, they are easier to use and clean, the material does not spread on them. Plus, nylon tools are cheap. Usually they are sold in whole sets, and this is very convenient. A beginner artist needs three things:

1. Spot

This is a brush with a short pile, narrowed at the end. Draws small details.

2. Liner

The hairs are longer and suitable for geometric shapes, monograms. There are short, medium and long liners. All will fit.

3. Dots

This is a metal stick with a ball on the end. They can “poke” garlands, highlight holes, suitable for simple drawings.


It is most convenient to work with gel paints or thick gel polishes. They do not spread, one layer is enough for a rich color and the result looks nice and convex. In addition, they do not dry out in the air, which means that you can improve your creation as much as you like!

Training cards for nails

These are sheets with elements that are proposed to be repeated in the free space nearby. Enter “real-size nail painting training cards” into the search engine, download and, sitting at home, practice on paper until you get your hand.

Many of these sheets are lined in the form of nail plates, this teaches you to keep the proportions.

Fashionable, stylish, youth: step-by-step lessons of simple drawings on nails

Trends change so quickly… Until recently, shiny petals on the claws bloomed in lush color, but today fashion requires something completely different.
Now the drawings are located on one or two nails in order to avoid unnecessary variegation.

We bring to your attention fashionable ideas for simple drawings on nails to perform at home with a step-by-step description.

Lesson number 1: simple monograms on nails

Neat curls are very popular and very easy to do. Even if you skipped drawing lessons and never touched brushes, you can do it with a bang.

You will need:

  • Base, top for gel polish.
  • Gel polish gray and dense black.
  • Spot brush.
  • A piece of foil.


  1. Prepare your nails for work, cover them with a base and dry them in a UV lamp.
  2. Apply color, dry.
  3. Drop black varnish on the foil, dip the tip of the brush into it and put a dot in the corner of the nail. Without breaking away, with light pressure, stretch the semicircular monogram. Drag until the line becomes thin.
  4. Continue in the same spirit, changing the direction of the curls and their length. Periodically wipe the tool, otherwise the drawing will be too greasy and smeared.
  5. Dry the monograms under ultraviolet light and cover with a top.

And in this video, the dots work scheme is described in detail. They make it even easier:

Photos from the masters will inspire you to create!

Lesson number 2: easy drawings of twigs

Very gentle and simple pattern on the nails, which will decorate your hands!

Materials and tools:

  • Brushes - medium liner and dotted.
  • Base and top.
  • Black gel paint and any color for the bud.
  • Pastel gel polish for the base.

How to draw branches step by step:

  1. Apply base and polymerize.
  2. Cover with base tone.
  3. Drop gel paint on the foil and dip the liner into it until the middle of the length. Immediately run the pile over the foil, removing excess.
  4. From the base of the plate, touch the brush to the surface and draw a trembling line in one touch until the color is transparent. Separate short articulation lines from a thin trunk.
  5. The stem is ready. Draw another one next to it, but shorter or longer - you don't need twins.
  6. The buds are depicted with a dotted brush. Immerse the very tip in color, put a dot at the end of the branch and pull it up - you will see an unblown flower.
  7. Dry and apply a top coat.

The video will demonstrate the lesson clearly:

Lesson number 3: simple stencil roses on nails

Beautiful inflorescences are always in trend! Surprisingly, roses are considered the easiest to draw.

For a beautiful design, you need a spot brush, a base and a top coat, gel paint of any color and a pastel gel polish on which you will plant your rose.

Drawing scheme:

  1. When the base and two coats of color are applied and dry, remove the tack so the paint doesn't run.
  2. Slightly above the center of the nail, draw a small squiggle, as in the photo. Place the second one next to it: first make a weightless touch, then deepen the pressure, slightly shifting the brush to the outside and complete the stroke with a light touch. The petal will be wide in the middle and narrow at the edges.
  3. Opposite it, draw another petal, their edges should overlap each other, but not touch.
  4. Make the next strokes wider and longer. When the outline of the rose seems complete to you, send it to the lamp and cover it with a finish.

The video tutorial "on the fingers" will show all the steps:

Lesson number 4: a simple geometric pattern on the nails

This design is at the peak of trends and is quite simple to perform at home. All you need is a steady hand and the ability to draw thin lines. This is achieved only by practice: before taking on nail art, a brush and gel paint, ruin a few sheets of paper.

For a fashionable and simple geometric pattern, you will need:

  • Brush liner and point.
  • Black gel polish.
  • Base and finish for gel polish. Base color.
  • Silver shimmer.

Step by step technique:

  1. Apply base and color in two layers. After polymerization, you can create.
  2. You need to pick up the paint correctly: drop the varnish on the foil, immerse the liner in the black lake to the middle of the pile and stretch it over the foil, turning the brush. So excess pigment is removed from the villi.
  3. Draw lines with one touch, and not with the tip, but with most of the length. Touch with a brush and light pressure, without stopping, draw to the edge of the plate.
  4. Draw lines in different directions, at different angles. Dry.
  5. Mix a drop of base with a pinch of shimmer to form a consistency like a varnish. Pick up this mass with a dotted brush and fill in the space between the intersecting lines. This will add sophistication to your work. Send to UV lamp.
  6. Put on a layer of top and admire the beauty!

Another visual video:

Don't expect amazing results the first time. At first, even light drawings on the nails are performed on training sheets. Then you can try to embody them on tips or nails. It is quite within your power to bring zest to your image, most importantly, a little patience, imagination and more inspiration! Everything will work out for you!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Many girls strive to look perfect, so every time they improve themselves and their appearance. Well-groomed nails and a good manicure are an essential feature of a beautiful woman. For a quality design, it is easy to turn to specialists in a beauty salon, but if you decide to perform such a procedure at home, then there is nothing complicated. In the article we will tell you: how to paint nails in Chinese technology, in what ways to make art drawings or images in the Japanese style.

Chinese nail painting technique for beginners

Chinese painting involves the creation of any drawings on the nails - flowers, panoramas, landscapes, but with the help of a certain technique. The essence of such a process is to draw a separate design detail with one brush stroke. Here you do not have to paint the nail in several layers, you need to apply the desired colors to the tool, mix them and run over the nail.

  • Acrylic paint is the main component. The material has excellent viscosity and the right consistency so that the pattern is perfectly applied to the nail. An excellent choice would be water-based acrylic paints with the addition of silicone. This material is easy to buy at any store with stationery or art supplies.
  • Brushes. This natural wool tool is chosen by true craftsmen because it is durable and easy to clean. For beginners, artificial brushes are suitable for the first time, they are cheaper, more practical. In the arsenal of the master should be several types of such tools:
    • flat - for applying smooth patterns;
    • brushes - to give texture to the drawings;
    • liners - for drawing contours, straight lines, thin elements;
    • fan - to create a background, one-color fill;
    • beveled - for drawing small elements of an elliptical shape.
  • Skewers of different diameters for drawing dots, circles.
  • Water tank,.

Execution steps

First of all, it is worth preparing all the tools and materials that will be required for the job. It is worth taking care of the nails, they should already be with a good manicure. For test execution of drawings with Chinese painting, it is allowed to take artificial false nails that are long. It is recommended to copy the first images from ready-made pictures in order to analyze the correctness of the design, its similarity with the original. If you need to make a blooming rose in Chinese technology, then the stages of its implementation will be as follows:

  • We take white, red, black acrylic paint and a wide brush. We dip the tool in the first two paints, shade a little on a piece of glass, in a plastic plate or other container.
  • We apply the first rounded stroke on the nail, it should turn out to be convex at the highest point. We make the width of the future petal minimal, and its left edge should be lower than the right side.
  • We do the second stroke in the same way, but its end should be located higher than the initial one.
  • The next two movements will be similar to the previous ones, but in a symmetrical reflection. The first strokes should look a little smaller and close with subsequent strokes.
  • We add a few more petals with the help of similar movements with a brush, performing wave-like movements (up and down).
  • We apply black acrylic paint on a thin brush and draw all the contours that we want to see on a blossoming rose. With the same color and tool, it is allowed to make several closed buds, leaves.

Art painting of nails with acrylic paints

Acrylic paints are the most popular material for painting nails, although this design can be done with varnishes, gels. The positive qualities of such a material consist not only in the presence of a wide palette of colors, the correct consistency. The main advantage of acrylic paint is the speed of its drying, the ease of correcting the image with water and the impossibility of the paint to crack, lose its shade.

Necessary materials and tools

To decorate nails with art drawings, any master needs a set of different brushes, a wide palette of acrylic paints, water and a place to apply a new design. For beginners, it is also recommended to take an example of the required image in order to be able to step by step study the process of creating a drawing, and then reproduce it on the nails. Do not worry about an incorrectly applied smear, it is easy to fix it with a thin brush dipped in water.

Execution steps

The first thing to create a beautiful design on the nails is to draw a background. To do this, it is better to take a classic, matte varnish in a pastel shade. A bright color can also be used here, but in this case the entire pattern should be contrasting. Consider the stages of performing art painting with an abstract pattern on female, short nails:

  • We clean the nail hole from the cuticle, with the help of a nail file we give the desired shape to the nails.
  • We polish the plate with a special nail file, degrease the nails with a special tool or nail polish remover so that the drawing stays for a long time.
  • We apply a colorless base so that the nails do not absorb the color of the varnish.
  • We paint the plate with any bright varnish.
  • We wait for complete drying, prepare acrylic paints, brushes, water, napkins.
  • We start the artistic painting with the nail on the ring finger. Here the drawing should be the most saturated: we draw the contours of a butterfly with white acrylic, put a series of dots, several wavy lines.
  • On other nails we draw similar elements, but not exactly the same as on the first nail. It is better to decorate the little finger and the big one only with wavy lines, dots, without butterflies.
  • We take a bright shade of acrylic paint adjacent to the background (if the base is pale yellow, then we prepare a bright lemon color or others) and apply a few strokes that create the appearance of flower leaves.
  • We cover the nails with a transparent varnish or a special fixative.

Japanese nail art lesson for beginners

Japanese-style drawings are very popular among young girls, as they combine notes of tenderness and a certain severity. Such painting can be done with any paint, but for beginners it is recommended to take acrylic, as it is very easy to use and apply. At the first stages of learning nail art, it is better to give preference to simple variants of sakura, light hieroglyphs.

Necessary materials and tools

  • Acrylic paints in purple, pink, white, black, green, yellow.
  • Clear lacquer and light enamel.
  • Brushes, napkins, water.

Execution steps

  1. We prepare the nails for coating, for this we do a cosmetic manicure, polish the plate with a soft nail file, and degrease the surface.
  2. We apply a transparent layer or any other fixative. After that, cover the nails with soft pink varnish.
  3. We dilute purple acrylic in water and apply it with uneven, sparse lines on the nail. In this case, the strips can be short and long, wide and narrow.
  4. We dip the brush in water, blend the applied purple lines to get a beautiful background.
  5. Apply black paint with a thin brush, bringing out the branches of sakura. To make the drawing look organic, the beginning of the lines should be thicker than the end. It is worth imagining what a tree branch looks like in order to depict it correctly.
  6. On each edge of the branches we draw sakura inflorescences with pale pink acrylic, for this we put 6-7 dots representing petals. Some flowers may not have blossomed, in buds, it is better to depict them simply as a pink dot.
  7. With white acrylic we direct the contours of sakura flowers, giving tenderness to the petals.
  8. We take a brighter pink shade and direct the middle of the flower with small strokes from the center to the edges. In this case, you do not need to add a lot of this color, it is more correct to use it in a small amount.
  9. We put a yellow center in the center of the sakura flowers. This should not be done in buds.
  10. On some branches we draw green leaves, while you can mix this shade with white acrylic.
  11. Outline some of the larger flowers with a thin black line to express them.
  12. On an empty background, it is possible to add an ornament in the form of white drops, for a showy picture.
  13. We cover our nails with a transparent fixative varnish, and admire them every day.

Training cards for painting nails

Many nail technicians are not perfect artists, but they still produce beautiful and sophisticated designs. Learning how to paint nails is not so easy, but with practice cards it is much easier. Such auxiliary material helps to fill your hand on paper, and after that it is possible to easily perform similar sketches. There are different training cards: with flowers, monograms, insects, abstract images.

The principle of their work is to create an idea in the head of the master: how to draw a line correctly. Training cards for painting nails can look like children's coloring, only classic acrylic or varnishes are used to complete them. Here, if desired, gel polish can also be taken, but this practice will be expensive. For the first works, it is allowed to take a needle and use it to draw beautiful patterns along the contours.