How to check the feelings of a man, how to understand that he loves you? Test: check the feelings of a man What a guy feels for me test.

Do you want to know how your man treats you and what to expect from your relationship with him?

First, answer the questions, count the points, and then in the answers, select the sign of the Zodiac to which your beloved belongs.

For answer:
a) write down 4 points for yourself,
b) - 3 points,
c) - 2 points,
d) - 1 point.


1. Does your man pick you up from work?
a) always;
b) only if we are going to go somewhere together after work;
c) never;
d) we work together.

2. Does your man give you flowers?
a) yes;
b) yes, on March 8 and birthday;
c) if I ask him about it;
d) no.

3. Do you talk to your man about the future?
a) yes, we often discuss plans for a joint future;
b) yes, if the future is next evening;
c) no, I'm afraid to jinx it;
d) no, my man is annoyed by such conversations.

4. How does your man react to other people's children?
a) touched, but does not pick up;
b) indifferent;
c) begins to lisp and squeeze;
d) hints that it is time for you to have a baby.

5. Do you visit both his and your friends together?
a) yes, we often pay joint visits. We have many common friends;
b) yes, for birthdays and weddings;
c) no, he doesn't like my girlfriends and doesn't introduce me to his friends;
d) no, he believes that everyone has the right to privacy.

6. Do you live together or separately?
a) we live together;
b) we plan to live together in the near future;
c) no, we would like to, but there is no such possibility;
d) No, we are not that close.

7. Does your man help you with the housework?
a) yes, he has his own duties;
b) yes, when I ask him for something;
c) no, he's too busy at work and I don't want to download him;
d) No, he doesn't care about my problems.

8. Do you often talk about love to each other?
a) yes, we regularly confess our feelings;
b) no, my man is afraid of such conversations;
c) no, we once found out that we love each other, and we don’t return to this conversation anymore;
d) No, it's too early to talk about feelings.

9. Does your man give you a reason for jealousy?
a) no, I completely trust him;
b) maybe it does, I just don’t think about it;
c) yes, he likes to tease me;
d) yes, he often pays attention to other women in my presence.

10. Does your man sacrifice his interests for you?
a) yes, my life is more important for him;
b) yes, but not vital. May not go to friends when I have a headache, but will not give up work to meet me;
c) no, he is too selfish;
d) No, he does not think about the fact that this is important to me.

11. Do you often quarrel with your lover?
a) no, we have nothing to share;
b) no, I yield to him in everything;
c) no, my man extinguishes conflicts in the bud;
d) Yes, we often cannot agree.

12. Did you break up "forever"?
a) we regularly disagree, but we cannot live without each other for more than three days;
b) no, we have not had such situations yet;
c) yes, at the very beginning of the relationship;
d) We are separated now.

Count your points. Remember who your chosen one is according to the horoscope, see the answers for his sign and find out the whole truth about his feelings for you.

If you scored 40-48 points
Your man takes you very seriously, he makes plans for your joint future, even if he does not voice them yet. But he, without reminders, takes out your garbage, and will take care of you, gradually arranging your life and your life. He considers himself responsible for everything that happens to you, and in the future will take responsibility for raising children.
If you scored 31-39 points
Your man will be with you, but only if you yourself keep him next to you, take the initiative in your own hands and "lead him on a string." You will have to push and guide him all his life, constantly reminding him that he loves you.
If you scored 22-30 points
Your man will never put you first in his life, his own life and work are too important for him. It may appear in your life on a rare weekend, but it will frankly let you know that you should not count on more.
If you scored 12-21 points
You are not very interesting to this man. Are you sure that he treats you as a woman he loves or likes, and not just as a convenient and reliable friend? Although this is not bad - Aries know how to value friendship, and if you do not claim his heart, you can become an important part of his life for him.


If you scored 40-48 points
Your Taurus perceives you as his soul mate. He is madly in love and is not ashamed of his feelings. Although sometimes he quarrels with you, but this is a consequence of the mood, and not hostility. You will be fine with this person if you do not give him a reason for jealousy. He will not forgive you for betrayal, even if he loves you very much.
If you scored 31-39 points
Don't pressure your lover! You suit him as a soulmate, but he clings too much to his freedom. You should not speculate with your love and experience his feelings by reporting an imaginary pregnancy. He is too stubborn, so he will not accept your conditions.
If you scored 22-30 points
He plays with your feelings, and he himself is in love with someone else or has not yet decided on his attitude towards you. He is satisfied with your relationship, as he believes that they do not oblige him to anything. As soon as you start to "tighten the screws" - he will run away, and without explanation.
If you scored 12-21 points
The one you consider your lover is indifferent to you and meets you only because there is no one else around. You should not expect that he will change his attitude - as soon as he likes another woman, and she reciprocates, you will not see him again.

If you scored 40-48 points
Your man not only loves you, but is also proud of you. It gives him pleasure to brag about his possession of such a woman, he believes that you are completely suitable for him, even if you are 10 years older than him or 15 centimeters taller. And while you cause his admiration and the admiration of his friends, he will be happy to be around. Don't disappoint him.
If you scored 31-39 points
Your man sees you as a patroness or mother, perhaps he lacked a firm hand, and he trusted you when he realized that he could count on you. Just don’t show him that you figured out his plan - the Gemini is painfully conceited, and it’s hard for your lover to admit even to himself that he needs guidance.
If you scored 22-30 points
This man is guided only by his own interests. If he is with you, then he needs something from you. Think about how often he asks you for something or demands something? Meanwhile, he is not ready for any worthwhile act for you, he is used to receiving, not giving. How long are you willing to endure the “one-sided game”? Maybe it's time for you to look for someone else?
If you scored 12-21 points
Quarrels and disagreements are the basis of relations with this man, he does not love you, so everything in you annoys him. Tyranny and eternal discontent will not allow relations to develop, you will not be able to create a normal family with him. And if for some reason he marries you, then all his life he will demand gratitude from you.

If you scored 40-48 points
Your loved one is ready to build a house for you, plant a tree and give birth to a son himself. It is important for him that it is you who are next to him, he already now perceives you as his wife, even if for some reason you do not live together. He will be faithful to you all your life, will make your life convenient and comfortable. Just try to match his ideas about the ideal wife, mistress and mother of his children.
If you scored 31-39 points
Your man is not yet ready to entrust you with cooking in his kitchen, but has already found a place for your toothbrush in his cup. He looks at you, evaluates your potential family qualities, admits the likelihood that you will become his wife. Do you want to be with him? Show that home and life are as important to you as they are to him.
If you scored 22-30 points
Your man keeps you at a distance because something in your behavior or in your character goes against his values ​​in life. Maybe your business activity annoys him, or maybe you just don't know how to cook. Cancers are rarely chosen as a life partner by a business woman, since a woman for them is the keeper of the hearth, and not a money-making machine.
If you scored 12-21 points
You and your man are absolutely not suitable for each other, you are too different, and your lover understands this very well. He is ready to occasionally sleep with you, but you are not even suitable for meeting his parents. Perhaps you are too different from his mother for him to introduce you to her, or maybe his mother once saw you and expressed her very unflattering opinion about you.

a lion
If you scored 40-48 points
Your man is fascinated by you. He keeps your portrait in his wallet or on the nightstand next to the bed (on the phone, on the desktop, etc.). And while love lives in his heart, he will shower you with gifts, fill you with flowers, and ... will try to lock you up at home so that no one steals you. He will not tolerate competition. If you want to continue to remain the lady of his heart, in no case do not show that there are still men in this world. Convinced of his uniqueness, your man will make you an offer.
If you scored 31-39 points
Your man is also considering other candidates, although you are number one with him. He does not want to make hasty decisions, it is important for him to choose the best from the good. You will be able to prove that you are an ideal, he will go with you to the ends of the world or down the aisle. If you can't, file a complaint against yourself. You had your chances.
If you scored 22-30 points
This man plays with you like a cat with a mouse. He perceives you as another fan, with whom you can not stand on ceremony, because he understands that you will not get away from him anyway. And if you get away, sadness is not great, there are many like you. He will appreciate you more if you show that you have self-esteem, character and your own personal, private life.
If you scored 12-21 points
Run from this man. Otherwise, he will break you, ruin your life, but he will never call you his wife. You were an episode for him, and, bored, turned into a hindrance. And if he hasn't told you about it yet, it's simply because he didn't have time for it. He does not appreciate you and will not appreciate you, because you are not interesting to him.

If you scored 40-48 points
You're lucky. A more devoted and patient husband is hard to imagine. Your man will beautifully look after, proving his feelings not with words, but with deeds. Do not expect compliments from him - he is not a master of speaking. But he will always wash the dishes, walk your dog and take you shopping without nodding or pushing you with purchases. Behind him you will be like behind a stone wall. Just don't drink it. He cannot bear it.
If you scored 31-39 points
Your man will be with you, but not only with you. He will not give up friends and work for you, and the more you reproach him for inattention, the wider the gap between you will be. If you calmly accept his absences, in gratitude, sooner or later, he himself will not want to leave you anywhere.
If you scored 22-30 points
Do you know what this man wants from you? Clean shirts, delicious dinner and easy sex. He is comfortable with you, but he himself is not ready to give up any of his habits, not one old acquaintance who is ready to listen to his stories on the phone. Maybe he is deep down and grateful to you for the comfort you have created, but, in essence, this does not change anything.
If you scored 12-21 points
If you still continue to stay with this man, you are just a masochist. You seem to like setting unrealistic goals for yourself and going towards them with perseverance worthy of a better application. Otherwise, why do you need a man for whom you are an “empty place”?

If you scored 40-48 points
Your man has finally decided on his future program. He chose you and is now just waiting for an opportunity to arrange his confession and proposal beautifully and magnificently. He has already planned your entire future life together up to the wedding of your grandchildren. The main thing is that when he begins to initiate you into these plans, you do not disagree with him. For example, in the name of the firstborn.
If you scored 31-39 points
Your loved one has not yet decided - he wants to see you as a wife, or you are still arranging him as a mistress. Maybe he loves you, but something is holding him back from making a final decision. Perhaps he already had a negative experience of family life or he is simply afraid of rejection. Try to delicately hint to him that Mendelssohn's march is your favorite music.
If you scored 22-30 points
Do not rush your beloved, do not impose your decisions and views on him. As soon as he feels that you are pushing him, only a memory will remain of him. In your relationship with him, and so everything is fragile and ambiguous. Most likely, he not only did not determine your place in his life, but he is not at all sure that your dates with him are love meetings, and not just friendly gatherings.
If you scored 12-21 points
Are you sure you want to be with this man? Maybe you are so lonely that even these rare meetings give you pleasure? By the way, such relations have no prospects. The only exception is this situation - you met him only yesterday, and you still do not have any common past at all.

If you scored 40-48 points
Your man is internally ready for a long and serious relationship, but still he is in no hurry to burden his passport with a marriage stamp. He has a lot of other things to do, and there are so many sexy women around! However, in his own way he will be loyal to you, will help you in your career and in the household. If you are ready to turn a blind eye to his trips to the "left", if he understands that you are not going to keep him on a short leash, he will live a long and almost happy life with you.
If you scored 31-39 points
Your man likes to fool you. He deliberately does not take any steps towards a joint future in order to see how you will "get out". In some way, he arranges a test for you, after passing which, if you do not escape, you will receive his hand and heart as a prize.
If you scored 22-30 points
For this man, you are an example of an ideal woman. Do not climb into his affairs and are always ready for experiments in sex. And he doesn't need anything else from you. Do not rush to fill his wife, it will not give you pleasure. You will still be only a mistress for him, although with the status of a legal wife. He will not brighten up your loneliness, on the contrary, will exacerbate it, since you, waiting for him at home, will not even have the right to visit friends.
If you scored 12-21 points
This is not your person. A fleeting connection is all that he can offer you, and not because you are bad, he just hasn’t tried everything yet, he strives to where it will be even more interesting and sweeter. And if you start to hold on, he will do anything to get rid of your obsessive presence.

If you scored 40-48 points
Your man has already proved to you the seriousness of his intentions. Most likely, he has not separated himself from you for a long time, even if you have not formalized your relationship yet. Your loved one cares what you eat for breakfast, what you wear to work and what to get your mom for her birthday. Further will be even better. You, becoming his wife, will be sure that he will always ensure your well-being and well-being, especially if he sees your constant encouragement and admiration for his actions.
If you scored 31-39 points
Your man responsibly approaches all your requests, shows you devotion and worship, but is not yet ready to make you his wife. Perhaps he feels that he cannot provide you with a decent standard of living, but this is very important to him. If you earn many times more than he does, then it may still be a matter of self-esteem - Sagittarius cannot tolerate the superiority of a woman in what they consider male duties.
If you scored 22-30 points
Your man only evaluates you, you meet some of his specific needs, but otherwise you cause concern. Perhaps he is afraid of your independence, and he does not want to be an "appendage" of your social status. You can remedy the situation by surreptitiously finding him a good job without advertising that it was you who made sure that he was on the same level with you.
If you scored 12-21 points
This person does not see you as a faithful companion. He likes to spend time with you, but with the same pleasure he will watch football and drink beer with a neighbor. For him, you are something like an electronic chess partner: bored - turned it on, played it, turned it off. Most likely, he has a secret lover, whom he is afraid to confess his feelings to, but this is not you.

If you scored 40-48 points
Congratulations! You are a strong woman. Far from everyone is given to charm Capricorn so much. Maybe you are his boss? In any case, he sees in you a way to get to the very top of the career and social ladder, so he will love and please you in every possible way. You were able to prove to him your indispensability and your influence, and therefore he will be out of your hands. At least until he reaches a position in which you can no longer help him. However, there is a possibility that by this time he will get so used to you that he will be too lazy to change something.
If you scored 31-39 points
Don't be fooled. Phone calls and visits from this person do not give you reason to think that he is going to propose to you. You are an intermediate link, he is passing through you. Most likely, the bouquet and candy period will remain the first and last. This man needs to show up at parties with someone.
If you scored 22-30 points
You are anything for this person, but not a potential wife. He may sympathize with you, but he does it in his sophisticated manner. You can continue a relationship with this man if you enjoy listening to stories about his women, his work, and his money.
If you scored 12-21 points
You will not wait until he leaves you. You yourself will run away from him, and even change the phone so that he does not bother you. Most likely, you yourself have already figured out what “treasure” life has pushed you into, and you passed the test purely out of curiosity.

If you scored 40-48 points
This is absolutely your man. He understands you perfectly and really wants to have a common home and children with you. Most likely, he was bribed by a common interest, he likes not only to sleep with you, but also to talk. You have every chance to live with this man all your life, and even in old age you will not get bored with each other. Such couples age beautifully together and often become ideological like-minded people. That is, you will not only be a wife to this person, but also, perhaps, a “combat girlfriend”.
If you scored 31-39 points
For this person, you are still only a comrade-in-arms - at work, on a trip to museums or theaters, in interesting conversations. But the further, the more clearly he understands that you are a worthy candidate for the role of wife, and that he will not be bored with you. And if you do not get tired of waiting and do not go over to the “enemy camp”, then he will appreciate you and make you an offer.
If you scored 22-30 points
He only has fun with you, and goes home to sleep. And it’s not a fact that another woman isn’t waiting for him under the covers. If this man suits you as a lover or friend, leave it as it is. Don't claim more. If he still hasn’t decided to change your last name to his own, then he won’t decide. And if you dream of a family, then look for another man.
If you scored 12-21 points
To be with this man, you will have to completely change yourself, tune in to his wave, become the same as him. This is called "brain recoding operation". Ready for a similar feat? Take action! And if you are not ready, then do not waste your time on this person.

If you scored 40-48 points
You and this man will make a wonderful harmonious couple. He will work for the benefit of the family and walk slowly, and you will wait for him at home and raise children. Moreover, both of you will be satisfied - he will receive a faithful and inquisitive wife, and you will receive a good husband. It's not a joke. The more he sins, the more he will love you, and the more actively he will fight for the well-being of the family. The main thing is that your feminine pride does not push you to reciprocal adultery - what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull. So do not pay attention to his spree, he still loves only you.
If you scored 31-39 points
Your man is subconsciously ready to see you as the mother of his children, but is not yet sure that he wants to call you his wife. He goes with the flow, obeying certain circumstances. Perhaps if you become pregnant, he will propose to you, as he will be confronted with a fact. But as long as everything suits him without the need to take on additional obligations, he will fool you.
If you scored 22-30 points
For this person, you are just a lover. And although he claims that this word comes from the word "love", he only allows you to love himself and will not reshape his life for you. He is too comfortable in his current position, and he does not care about your feelings and expectations.
If you scored 12-21 points
Satisfying his momentary whims, he never thinks about you, he will appear for 15 minutes, quickly have sex with you and run on. He is not interested in how you live without him, he cuts you out of life as soon as he puts on his pants. And even if he gives you some gifts and flowers, it's only because it's supposed to be. Needless to say, as long as you allow him to treat you like this, he will see you, start demanding more - he will evaporate, he will go looking for another patient "girlfriend".

Nadezhda Popova specially for the site

It is often difficult for a woman to understand how a guy treats her. This applies to both unfamiliar men and regular partners. At some point, it becomes unclear what to expect in the future and how serious his intentions are. Then you have to come up with ways to check the feelings of a man, because it can be inconvenient to ask directly.

How to check if a man loves you?

There is no need to rush into this matter. remember, that everyone loves in their own way and perhaps your partner shows feelings as best he can. And if his behavior does not meet your expectations, this does not mean that he does not love you. Therefore, first try to understand it. When that fails, push:

  • Start act indifferent. Psychologists believe that this is one of the most reliable ways to bring a man to "clean water". If you are interesting to him, he will become worried, will ask what happened, call more often, show attention;
  • Or maybe leave, few pass the test of distance. You will immediately feel care and attention even when you are far away, if he is really bored;
  • Say you want to introduce him to your parents. This is a crucial moment, he will immediately understand the seriousness of your intentions. And either he will agree that he already means something, or he will simply disappear from the horizon.

So the main advice is watch. Note whether he cares, worries, listens to your opinion and gives in.

A person remembers only important information

pay attention to little things sometimes they help to get a more complete picture of what is happening. When something is important to us, we try to remember it or write it down so as not to forget. Whether it's an unmissable event or a phone number.

The same is true for a young man. Remember, does he always wish you a happy birthday, remember when your mom's birthday is? Or he regularly skips these events.

It is also important whether he remembers your phone number by heart or can only name it by looking into the smartphone's address book. If the device is lost, he will not be able to contact you if he did not try to learn the cherished numbers.

Of course, circumstances are different, and this is far from an indicator of an indifferent attitude if he forgot to wish you a happy birthday. Could be important things - work or study, or tired. It's not worth sounding the alarm. But such events still leave an imprint and form a certain opinion in his direction.

How to test a man for the sincerity of feelings?

Also, pay attention How does he act around. There are things that show how he treats you on a subconscious level. This is a basic concern:

  1. Does it help to carry heavy bags, does it hold the door;
  2. How to respond to requests for help and assistance;
  3. How to say goodbye. Reread the messages, see what words are at the end, whether they speak of tenderness and care.

If you can not objectively assess his behavior, ask a friend to help. Spend a few weekends or evenings together and let her watch. Just choose for these purposes a person who can be trusted with such delicate topics.

How not to do it?

Now the main thing is not to do stupid things. Some women go to extremes, then regret their mistakes. Noticing that you are trying to test him, a man may be offended.

He will also begin to distrust and the matter may end in parting. To keep this from happening it does not follow:

  • make jealous. Light flirting with someone in front of a loved one, late phone calls, or other similar tricks can convince him that you are cheating. Then he will either just get up and leave, or he will also slowly change, feeling the right to do so;
  • Tempt. Don't try to test its reliability by using a pretty girlfriend. Sometimes girls do this, ask a neighbor to meet a guy to see how he does. Often this ends with the wedding of a neighbor with your boyfriend.

The best way to clear things up - talk or at least hint that you are tormented by doubts. Explain what you are missing, what is not clear. This is an honest and courageous act that deserves respect. And most importantly - it will help get rid of misunderstandings.

How do men test women for availability?

Guys are tricky people too. They sometimes weave intrigues no worse than women. To understand which girl is more accessible and what feelings she experiences, the guys come up with different “moves”:

  • They make you jealous, start talking about ex-girlfriends. How to react to it? The best option is to listen with restraint and simply not continue this topic;
  • They go with her to an expensive store. There, they offer you to choose whatever you like. Thus, the essence of a woman becomes visible: one will rush to buy everything, the other will refuse, because it is expensive, and the third will buy a shirt for her beloved;
  • Meet friends and watch them. If the girl’s entourage is her comrade-in-arms, concerned about finding a husband with money, and conversations constantly revolve around financial well-being, the young man can conclude that the chosen one cannot afford him;
  • They can try to find out the reliability in such a tricky way - send SMS from friends' numbers with offers to get acquainted;
  • Or they may even persuade a friend to try to have an affair.

Again, the best way to respond to this behavior is with a frank conversation. Specify what is happening, why does he arrange exams for you? You will disarm him with your directness, and he will have no choice but to confess his deed.

Distrust is a shortcoming of modern man. We are constantly looking for a catch in people, look at them, listen. And often we offend them with this. Therefore, before you think about how to check the feelings of a man or a girl, decide if time will put everything in its place and you should not rush.

Video: test for feelings

In this video, psychologist Diana Volodina will tell you how to find out with 99.9% accuracy how a man feels towards you, how much you care about him: