How to draw peas correctly: the basics. How to draw peas: the basics

There was a case, one of my colleagues at work, abandoned by her unfaithful husband, asked me to help her choose a dress on which very high stakes were made - it was supposed to glue the broken cup of family life together. The Kustodiev forms of my colleague needed serious correction, and since there was no question of emergency weight loss, we decided that we would hide the bulging belly and full hips with a voluminous skirt, and emphasize the lush chest with a moderate neckline. We agreed that the ideal option would be a new-look style dress, up to or just below the knee. A colleague went shopping and later playfully announced that she had bought a chic polka dot dress.

The dress turned out to be "as the doctor ordered": the style perfectly emphasized the waist and hid full hips, but there was a nuance that nullified all the advantages - large, black circles the size of a soup plate on a white background.

I don’t know how this story ended and whether the prodigal husband returned to the bosom of the family, but I learned one thing for sure: peas and peas - what a difference!

Polka dots, like a cage, depending on the size, color and location of the pattern, can fill, slim or not affect the proportions of the figure. What kind of polka dots exposes forms in an unfavorable light, and which one, on the contrary, optically slims?
Let's figure it out!

Let's start with the pleasant: polka dot print that creates a winning illusion - the figure visually appears more slender.

You will appear significantly slimmer if you choose a dress or blouse with dark polka dots set against a dark background.

If rare medium-sized polka dots of light colors, but not white, will be located against a background of muted, cold shades. It is important to bear in mind that the less contrasting the colors of the main background and polka dots are, the more obvious the effect of harmony will seem.

Medium-sized light polka dots arranged vertically on a dark or black background.

Small white polka dots on a black or dark background.

And now we will analyze the options for pea prints that are capable of significantly enlarge the figure optically, this is:

Dark polka dots of any size on a white background. Obviously, the larger the peas, the more the space will visually expand.

Dolce&Gabbana spring-summer 2015

Small, frequent polka dots of any color on a light and white background.

Large peas of any size and color on any background.

Light and white polka dots on fabrics of warm shades - red, orange, yellow.

Clothing for overweight polka dots- a separate topic of conversation. Obviously, large polka dots, like a large check, greatly optically expand the space, but it is precisely this print that plus-size clothing manufacturers often impose on their clients.

Large peas of any color and on any background will certainly fill you up! And even frequent medium-sized polka dots enlarge the forms, and the contrast of the background and print only enhances the illusion.

The girl is not to say that she is plus-size, but the print (and the cut of the sleeve!) visually makes her look fuller.

Polka dots practically does not affect the visual distortion of the proportions of the figure:

You should not be afraid of strong distortions of the figure in the case when small dark polka dots, lined up vertically, are located on a light background: here the vertical organization of the print will compensate for the light background.
In the photo, the polka dots are not quite small, but the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe colors and the vertical organization are conveyed correctly

"Densely scattered" white polka dots on a black and dark background.

If the main background of the product is light and cold, and the polka dots are not often located, light and not large, for example, white polka dots on a light blue background, the proportions of the figure will not be visually distorted.

Dark and black polka dots on a light but not white background.

As you can see, polka dots - the print is diverse and difficult, if you wish, it is easy to find your own "pea miracle" for each figure, and even in the case when polka dots do not emphasize the figure in the most advantageous way, you can try to correct the print by completing the vertical lines. A scarf, a belt with long hanging ends, open cardigan floors - there are many ways, so imagination and knowledge will help you!

Have a nice day!

Good evening everyone! I continue the theme of the history of fabrics. Today is something about beloved by many peas.

It is difficult to name the exact date of birth of the polka dot print. This is either the end of the 18th century or the beginning of the 19th. The appearance of this fabric is associated with the creation of the technology of printed pattern on the fabric.
In Switzerland, in the middle of the 18th century, matter appeared, the name of which, in translation, sounded like “Swiss peas”. Initially, it was the thinnest translucent cambric with a very small speck. Over the years, the "Swiss polka dot" has changed - it has become embroidered, woven, monochrome and multi-colored. Later, at the end of the 18th century, this pattern appeared in France, when the Parisian elite got tired of boring plain clothes and tailors began to dilute the outfits of court ladies with different patterns. Lightweight fabric with small specks fit perfectly into the Amir style (from the French empire - “empire”), which dominated during the reign of Napoleon I. Beautiful flowing dresses with a high waistline were sewn from it.

Already in the middle of the 19th century, everyone wore polka dots. Here is an 1865 photo of a simple woman in a blouse with polka dots.

Traditionally, polka dots are used in the clothing of flamenco dancers and musicians.

It is associated with lightness, romance, flirtatiousness, as well as femininity and elegance. In the English version, the name of the polka dot sounded like "polka dot" (translated as a dot-polka), in honor of the cheerful dance "polka". When exactly this name originated is unknown. According to one version, "polka dot" was first mentioned in 1873 by the popular women's magazine Godey's Lady's Book, which referred to the old-fashioned white polka dot pattern. According to another version, the first mention of the pea pattern was in The New York Times on September 21, 1866.

Not only women appreciated this cute pattern. The famous 19th-century dandy George Brummell found polka dots exquisite and incorporated them into his wardrobe, mostly in the form of ties. Since then, this male attribute with pea colors has firmly entrenched itself in the wardrobe of the strong half, and such a pattern is considered one of the most conservative.

Polka dot dresses have become especially popular since the 1920s.
In 1928, thanks to Walt Disney, the famous cartoon character in a pea dress appeared: Mickey's girlfriend, Minnie Mouse. Peas on Minnie's dress appeared by chance - a drop of white paint fell on the artist's drawing.

In 1934, the film Stand Up and Cheer! with the participation of little Shirley Temple, where the charming six-year-old Shirley appeared in a white puffy dress with red polka dots. After that, they began to produce dolls in similar outfits. All little girls dreamed of receiving such a toy as a gift and, of course, such a dress.

But in the fashion world, the 1950s are called the years of the real birth of the polka dot print. It was everywhere - from swimsuits to hats, it was worn by movie stars and housewives. Peas have become a universally recognized classic thanks to the great designer Christian Dior (Christian Dior). He actively used peas in his work, creating light, romantic, delicate collections, which were so lacking in the post-war period.

Polka dot dress by Christian Dior, 1950

Marilyn Monroe in a polka dot swimsuit, as well as with actress Jane Russell in polka dot dresses.

Polka dots were especially popular in the USA. But in England, peas were very loved.
Pictured in 1951 are British policemen in uniform.

In the 60s, the pea theme was continued by Yves Saint Laurent, Rudi Gernreich, Mary Quant. At this time, the peas no longer seemed so sweet and gentle, he was impudent, bright, energetic and bold. After all, it was the fashion of the young and active.

To this day, the pea print remains popular and loved. Today you can look like a true lady in it - elegant and restrained; eccentric girl - bold, carefree, optimistic, mischievous and funny; romantic special - tender, feminine and a little frivolous.

Polka dot collections: Emanuel Ungaro, Miu Miu 2011 Resort, Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2010, Paul Smith Fall 2011.

Now polka dots are present in almost every season by different designers, but there are also entire collections of polka dot outfits.

In 2011-2012, Stella McCartney managed to offer a new reading of "peas". If this print has always been associated with youth, fun, mischief, then Stella suggested three-dimensional peas - large peas on a transparent dark or light fabric. These see-through polka-dot dresses from Stella McCartney are very popular with the stars. Kate Winslet, Natalia Vodianova, Liv Tyler, Gisele Bundchen, Jane Fonda - these and other celebrities wore transparent polka dot dresses from Stella McCartney.

Polka dots are a popular motif in nail design. In order to paint an even pea with varnish, special tools for drawing dots have been invented and are being produced. They are a metal needle with a ball at the end. The size of the dot depends on the size of the balls.

The famous Cerruti dress.

1987 The Cerruti dress worn by Julia Roberts in the cult film Pretty Woman is brown with large white polka dots. After leaving this

An interesting subject for drawing. It is usually drawn for practice by budding artists. And rightly so: the vegetable is not the most complex, but it provides a good opportunity to study the different behavior of light, shadow, highlights and reflections. But there is no need to have special knowledge on how to draw a pea pod. Let's consider the main points.

How to draw a pea

First of all, outline the main composition. To do this, it is better to take an HB pencil (TM - hard-soft). Draw lines that mark the overall width and length of the item. Then, to draw the rest of the details to the exact size, measure their size relative to this length or width. Measure proportions with a pencil.

Please note: the peas are rounded. Take any matte opaque ball and see how, under different lighting conditions, light, shadow, reflections and highlights are located on it.

Many people fail to correctly convey the volume of spherical objects, and they do not know what to do with it and how. Drawing peas will be easy if you consider the behavior of the shadow on a normal ball. On a plaster product, the shadow goes smoothly, from light to dark. But in the shadow, at the point of contact with the sheet of paper, there is a reflex. And in this part it is lighter.

Also, at the place where the shadows transition, there is a border that is darker in tone. And a shadow also falls from the ball. In the place where the object touches the surface, it is darkest.

Start drawing details. It is better to practice drawing from nature - this way you perceive the object better, and it will be easier for you to observe light and shadow, and you can also make a composition that is convenient for you. This is useful even if you just wanted to learn how to draw a pea pod with a pencil. Nature, set to your liking, is more pleasant and interesting to draw. But there are certain rules too.

Now draw the lines more clearly, make them bolder and darker in places where there will be a shadow. Consider nature carefully, try to convey the form with accuracy, roughness, any imperfections. Finally, compare proportions. From how you can draw peas now, it will depend on what work you will be able to do in the future.

Start shading. Always start with shadows and don't make them too dark. The optimal softness of the pencil for work is B and 2B.

How to choose lighting

Choose a location, the best place is directly opposite or slightly to the side. Good lighting is the main key in drawing and painting. Soft light from a soffit or window is the perfect solution. If the light is too harsh from the lamp, purchase a special fabric cover or cover it with tissue paper. If the sun's rays from the window fall in the wrong place, use different tricks. For example, use a large mirror or foil taped to plywood to reflect light from a window towards the still life. It's better to draw what you see than to guess how to draw a pea correctly and what it might look like.

How to arrange the composition

It is very useful to draw real still lifes, but it is often difficult to put a complex composition correctly. Interestingness and harmony are important features of any still life, even for the question of how to draw peas with a pencil, this will be very useful knowledge. Putting a bottle of wine and a plate of fruit is no problem. But how do you create a complex still life with lots of detail?

Organize a group. When composing, consider compositional elements, avoiding central position and symmetry. Items should not lie in one line or stand apart. For harmony, it is better to arrange them so that they slightly block each other, but do not interfere with viewing themselves. Avoid clutter. For example, fruits in a bowl - let them seem to spill out of a bag or basket, or as if they are half eaten on a plate.

How to choose a background

Think about your background. Architectural features such as window frames or doors can be added to the composition. A tone that contrasts with the subject is important for the background. Drapery can be ordinary, as long as it is the right color. No need to make unusual folds. The same with the surface on which the object lies. It is important that the color of the selected tablecloth does not merge with the object.

Select Objects: Beginners should avoid unusually shaped objects. However, even ordinary objects require accurate drawing of form and perspective. Even on the question of how to draw peas, it is useful to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcomposing a composition. Scatter a couple of peas around the pod.

How to compose on paper

Use the viewfinder to successfully compose the items on the sheet. Making it is very simple: cut out a rectangle in paper and look through it for the best view.

Leave more room at the bottom than at the top. Objects should be in the middle of the sheet or on the golden section line, and not rest against the edges of the paper. This will even help you in how to draw peas with a pencil. Gradually, starting to outline the general forms, you can make a harmonious work. Also, there should be free space at the edges.

golden ratio

Divide the sheet by about 1.618 to find. Position the object so that the golden ratio line crosses it in the center. Which side to choose? Better - on the right. Usually the first thing to look at is there. But if the movement is directed to the right, then it is better to give preference to the left side so that the subject is not crowded. Thus, your work will look more perfect and will not be ashamed to hang it on the wall, even if you painted an ordinary vegetable.

Start drawing details. It is better to practice drawing from nature - this way you perceive the object better, and it will be easier for you to observe light and shadow, and you can also make a composition that is convenient for you. This is useful even if you just wanted to learn how to draw a pea pod with a pencil. Nature, set to your liking, is more pleasant and interesting to draw. But there are certain rules in staging a still life.
Now draw the lines more clearly, make them bolder and darker in places where there will be a shadow. Consider nature carefully, try to convey the form with accuracy, roughness, any imperfections. Finally, compare proportions. From how you can draw peas now, it will depend on what work you will be able to do in the future.

Start shading. Always start with shadows and don't make them too dark. The optimal softness of the pencil for work is B and 2B.

How to choose lighting

Choose a location, the best place is directly opposite or slightly to the side. Good lighting is the main key in drawing and painting. Soft light from a soffit or window is the perfect solution. If the light is too harsh from the lamp, purchase a special fabric cover or cover it with tissue paper. If the sun's rays from the window fall in the wrong place, use different tricks. For example, use a large mirror or foil taped to plywood to reflect light from a window towards the still life. It's better to draw what you see than to guess how to draw a pea correctly and what it might look like.

How to arrange the composition

It is very useful to draw real still lifes, but it is often difficult to put a complex composition correctly. Interestingness and harmony are important features of any still life, even for the question of how to draw peas with a pencil, this will be very useful knowledge. Putting a bottle of wine and a plate of fruit is no problem. But how do you create a complex still life with lots of detail?

Organize a group. When composing, consider compositional elements, avoiding central position and symmetry. Items should not lie in one line or stand apart. For harmony, it is better to arrange them so that they slightly block each other, but do not interfere with viewing themselves. Avoid clutter. For example, fruits in a bowl - let them seem to spill out of a bag or basket, or as if they are half eaten on a plate.

How to choose a background

Think about your background. Architectural features such as window frames or doors can be added to the composition. A tone that contrasts with the subject is important for the background. Drapery can be ordinary, as long as it is the right color. No need to make unusual folds. The same with the surface on which the object lies. It is important that the color of the selected tablecloth does not merge with the object.

Select Objects: Beginners should avoid unusually shaped objects. However, even ordinary objects require accurate drawing of form and perspective. Even on the question of how to draw peas, it is useful to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcomposing a composition. Scatter a couple of peas around the pod.

How to compose on paper

Use the viewfinder to successfully compose the items on the sheet. Making it is very simple: cut out a rectangle in paper and look through it for the best view.

Leave more room at the bottom than at the top. Objects should be in the middle of the sheet or on the golden section line, and not rest against the edges of the paper. This will even help you in how to draw peas with a pencil. Gradually, starting to outline the general forms, you can make a harmonious work. Also, there should be free space at the edges.

golden ratio

To find the golden ratio, divide the sheet by about 1.618. Position the object so that the golden ratio line crosses it in the center. Which side to choose? Better - on the right. Usually the first thing to look at is there. But if the movement is directed to the right, then it is better to give preference to the left side so that the subject is not crowded. Thus, your work will look more perfect and will not be ashamed to hang it on the wall, even if you painted an ordinary vegetable.