How to apply concealer under the eyes. How to apply corrector on the face - step by step instructions

What he really is? This is a tool that helps modern girls always look fresh - it does an excellent job of masking almost all skin defects. Bruises under the eyes, age spots, freckles, as well as pimples and inflammation - all these shortcomings significantly spoil the lives of many. And if the disguise of spots does not cause great inconvenience, then acne becomes a nightmare in reality.

Visually, the corrector of any brand of decorative cosmetics will correct the situation, but the pores only become more clogged, and the next day the pimple increases in size. Is there a way out? Today there are many manufacturers specializing in mineral cosmetics. It not only does not cause any harm, but also benefits the skin due to its composition. Such cosmetics include minerals and exclusively natural ingredients, which is why cosmetologists recommend it to those who care about the health of their skin.

Benefits of mineral makeup

  • No allergen. These remedies are good even for those who constantly suffer from inflammation and rashes. As a rule, the composition contains kaolin, which is aimed at cleansing the pores.
  • Cosmetics are not of biological origin. This means that in the minerals of which it consists, the reproduction of bacteria is impossible. Of course, you should follow the rules - after using the brush and sponge, you need to rinse it so as not to transfer infectious inflammation to them.
  • Durability. The specificity of the ingredients allows us to say that the shelf life of such cosmetics is much longer than that of conventional decorative cosmetics.
  • Versatility. Mineral makeup is equally suitable for all skin types, it dries out pimples and oily skin, protects dry and damaged skin.

So, when choosing, you should definitely pay attention to mineral products.

How to use face correctors: instructions with step by step photos

Decorative cosmetics offers several options for corrective means - stick, liquid cream, oil cream. They are quite convenient to use if imperfections need to be masked quickly.


It is very convenient to use pencils - the smaller the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe focus of inflammation or the problem area, the agent should lie more densely there. The defect is painted over with a stick, and then the edges are simply shaded so that the skin looks natural. Solid is worth having in your cosmetic bag just in case, as this is the most convenient option. In addition, among the variety of sticks, you can choose the most mineralized and saturated with vitamins.


The texture of this tool is very similar to a standard foundation. In use, it is not as convenient as a stick. Different manufacturers produce liquid correctors in tubes, jars and special pencils with brushes. But you can’t even use a pencil quickly. Despite the fact that it is equipped with a brush, you will have to blend cosmetics on the skin with a sponge or fingers. At the same time, it is important that it does not have time to harden, otherwise it can clog pores and form spots. Nevertheless, there are also pluses - with proper distribution, the product will even out skin tone, although it will not hide redness.


Such a tool is not similar to either the first or the second option. Oil ones are reminiscent of professional make-up, which is used in the theater. They perfectly even out skin tone and at the same time completely hide all facial defects. Such a tool is easy to shade, it is very convenient to apply and creates the effect of "porcelain" skin. It would seem to be perfect! And yet, it should be noted that it is oil-based correctors that clog pores more than other decorative products and do not allow the skin to “breathe”. Experts do not recommend using them on an ongoing basis on a daily basis.


But almost all mineral cosmetics are presented in the form of powders, these are minerals processed into the smallest dust. The facial skin corrector looks like a pigmented powder and has several color options in the palette.

Many may find it difficult to use multi-colored powder to mask defects.

It's actually quite simple:

  • The first step is to cleanse the skin and apply a moisturizer.
  • Then apply it to the problem area with a special brush.
  • It must be covered with powder.

It is worth noting: in order to hide dark circles under the eyes or a network of capillaries, you can not apply a thick layer of even mineral makeup - this way you can only emphasize wrinkles, folds and bags.

You can see how to use the corrector for the face in the video - it will be much more visual.

How to use the Mineral Facial Concealer Palette

A specific shade is intended to correct each defect.

There is a hint for beginner makeup artists and for those who want to mask their imperfections - the Goethe circle. Colors located opposite each other will be neutralized.

  • Many are surprised by the presence of green pigment in the palette, but it is this color that will help get rid of redness and pimples. Green is located opposite the red in our tip and it is this shade that can visually neutralize inflammation.
  • Powder with blue tints perfectly covers freckles. Blue is the opposite of the orange segment.
  • Lavender can save you from unhealthy yellowness, purple on the circle is located exactly opposite the yellow sector.
  • Pinkish concealer powders will help those who suffer from a gray, sallow complexion.
  • Yellow can mask purple circles under the eyes - the face will become fresher.
  • Orange pigment will help hide the blue network of capillaries and bruises.

Now that we have decided on the choice of the product itself and the shade, let's talk in more detail about applying to the face.

How to use a face corrector: step by step instructions

  • We clean the face. Even if you apply make-up in the morning, you need to wash with foam - this way you will remove excess sebum and dust invisible to the eye.
  • Apply a day cream on the skin and let it absorb. This step is also not to be missed, as moisturizing is an important part of daily facial care. Please note that the product that you use to moisturize should be light, that is, not leave greasy stains.
  • If you have chosen a liquid decorative, the next step is to apply a corrective. In problem areas, carefully drive the product with fingertips - do not overdo it, the layer should be thin and just cover the skin defect.
  • Now we apply the foundation. If you have chosen a mineral loose or hard stick, it is applied under foundation. The tone should not be smeared with your hands - arm yourself with a sponge and “drive in” the product, so the cream will lie exactly on the texture of the skin.
  • Mineral pigmented powder is applied over the tone with a special brush.
  • Separate and small problem areas are masked pointwise. Usually, small redness and pimples require this approach - the corrector of the desired color is applied only to the desired area. When spotting the camouflage, be careful not to stain your face.

How to apply corrector on the face: a diagram with a photo

Now such a type of make-up as contouring or, in other words, contouring is quite popular. Such makeup allows you to achieve a visual change in the shape of the nose, eyes, face oval. Different colors work great for this. There are many schemes for each type of face, for any appearance flaws. We will highlight a few rules that you can combine and create your own scheme that suits you.

How to apply corrector on the face: step by step with photos and videos

  • To make the nose thinner and neater, draw lines along the wings on both sides with a dark corrector. If you need to make the nose longer, start drawing dark lines right from the eyebrows.
  • Cheekbones are in fashion now! But not all girls are the owners of a beautiful relief. Nevertheless, you can create cheekbones even on a round face. To do this, the area under the cheekbone needs to be darkened, and above - made lighter. Place the pencil in the direction from the ear to the lips - on this line you will find a depression under the cheekbone. It is this zone that should be darkened - we apply dark and shade it. Creating such a shadow will visually stretch the face. And to make this shadow pattern more expressive, apply a little highlighter on top.
  • For owners of a high forehead, there is also a way to fix this. We apply a dark shade along the hairline and on the temples, you can also slightly darken the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper eyelid.
  • Now the last step is applying a light tone to the T-zone. These are the areas that are more illuminated in natural light. We apply a light concealer on the middle part of the forehead, on the back of the nose between the darkened wings, in the “tick” above the upper lip and in the corners of the lips.
  • You should also highlight the areas under the eyes - applied in the form of a triangle, elongated down. This technique allows you to refresh the face and make it more radiant.

With the help of these simple rules, any girl can make herself a beautiful face shape with just a few strokes of the brush. More detailed tips can be found in the video on how to properly apply concealer on the face. You can find the most detailed diagrams specifically for your face shape.

Most girls in our time do multi-stage makeup, which includes a whole range of products: these are the usual tonal creams, mascara and eye shadow, and primers with highlighters, and correctors, and, of course, concealers. Despite how popular this tool has been lately, many girls still do not know what to do first: should I apply concealer or foundation? Let's figure it out.

What is a concealer?

This remedy is often confused with foundation due to their external properties. Concealer is a thick cream of various shades of beige, ranging from almost transparent to dark, almost brown colors. It is designed to mask skin imperfections such as dark circles under the eyes, age spots, rosacea, acne and even wrinkles.

Concealers often contain light-reflecting particles that can replace highlighter, giving the skin a healthy soft glow and highlighting the necessary areas. This helps hide wrinkles and is also a good help in sculpting the face. In addition, in such a remedy you can often find vitamins and minerals that can get rid of rashes and increase skin tone - so this product not only allows you to look beautiful, it is also good for the skin.

There are three types of concealers, differing in consistency and areas of application. Let's talk more about each of them:

  • Liquid concealer. Such a tool is usually sold in the form of a palette, it is slightly thicker than the average tonal. Very light and weightless, therefore it is able to mask only dark circles under the eyes or redness on the skin: it will not cope with acne, clogged pores and other major flaws.

  • Concealer in the form of a stick or pencil. Sufficiently dense, designed for spot application with a thin layer, it is almost not subject to shading. It hides acne, scars and wrinkles, age spots well, but is completely unsuitable for the skin around the eyes. Apply in a spiral and very carefully.

  • Mineral concealer. This tool is available in dry form and resembles powder. In addition to correcting skin imperfections, it helps with matting and has an antibacterial effect, so it is ideal for owners of oily and problem skin. On the area around the eyes and to cover wrinkles is not used.

In order for your makeup to look natural and natural, you need to know how to use concealer correctly.

Rules for applying concealer

The most important rule when applying concealer: do it in a well-lit room, otherwise you risk turning your face into a striped-spotted horror. It is necessary to carefully monitor whether the product has blended well, how it “sits” on the skin - daylight or correctly installed bright lamps are ideal for these purposes.

Responsibly approach the issue of selecting the shade of your concealer. An unsuitable color will only emphasize the imperfections on your skin, this is especially true for “snow whites” - a tool that is only half a ton darker than the right one will instantly give out your unsuccessful attempt at face correction. It is equally important to choose the right undertone - cold or warm, depending on your skin. If this is not done, the concealer will be very "yellow" or "pink" on the face.

Concealer should not be applied to dry skin that is not covered with a tonal base or at least not moisturized - the product simply does not blend under such conditions and will remain lumpy in one area! Moreover, it is also applied in a special way - only with a wet brush or sponge, by no means dry. Of course, this method does not apply to sticks and pencils; when using them, you should take care of the degree of moisture in your skin in advance.

The area around the eyes is worked out exclusively with a liquid concealer. Using thick products for this purpose will only accentuate wrinkles and dark circles more, because it will not work properly to blend it. But acne is covered with pencils and sticks: be careful when using them, do not smear them with a thick layer over inflammation. Such a tool is applied around the blackhead in a spiral, slowly approaching the center and leaving no sharp boundaries.

The T-zone and the center of the chin are covered with concealer a tone or two lighter than the shade of the foundation, while the contour of the nose and cheekbones is emphasized with a shade darker. A light concealer is applied under the eyebrow and on the corners of the eyelids, giving expressiveness to the eyes. The boundaries of the oval of the face are worked out with a tone-on-tone tool with the natural color of the skin of the face and neck, so as not to create the effect of a “rubber mask”.

After you finish applying the concealer, wait for it to dry completely. If after you notice that the boundaries of the application are still visible, apply a dense powder or a thin layer of foundation on top.

Concealer and foundation: what is the sequence?

And finally, the most important question: what to apply to the skin first, foundation or concealer? The answer is unequivocal: first, a tonal remedy is used.

After you cleanse and moisturize the skin, and then apply the base for makeup, the evening of the complexion begins. However, if you have severe redness or breakouts on your skin, there is one more important thing to keep in mind before applying foundation, BB cream, or CC cream: spotting a correct color corrector to help even out your complexion.

Important! Concealer and corrector are completely different cosmetic products, and they are also applied in completely different ways. While corrector is used before foundation to cover uneven skin tone, concealer is used after you have evened out your complexion. Do not confuse them, it can ruin the whole makeup!

And only after you apply foundation to the skin, you should use concealer. It is used both to hide imperfections and to sculpt the face, and in both cases this tool has proven itself perfectly. The concealer is applied from the edges of the area that needs to be worked out, and smoothly goes to the center.

Use foundation and concealer correctly and your makeup will be amazing!

Related video:

In this article, you will learn how to properly use the face corrector palette according to step-by-step instructions, and you will also find a large number of illustrative photos and videos. What is this remedy? This is a masking cover. Its application will help to make the perfect makeup. It hides almost all skin imperfections: pigmentation, spots of a different nature, mimic wrinkles, vascular networks, blackouts under the eyes.

Since it is difficult to find a universal solution for all these problems, it is necessary to understand the variety of options. It often happens that in order to create a make-up, you need to replenish your cosmetic bag with different versions of products. Consider all the items that can be found on sale, as well as their features and shades.

Types and features of correctors for the face: where to apply each of them

There are several varieties of this tool in stores.


It is a water-based composition. It is similar to a light cream and is sold in tubes, glass jars with a mini brush or sponge applicator. They are convenient to put down points or create broad strokes, lines. It cannot be fixed with powder, as stains and spools form.

Features of this product:

  • Hides dark circles from lack of sleep and fatigue. If they are very visible, apply two coats. First one translucent, let it dry. Then another.
  • It comes in pink, green and other colors.
  • Reflective looks are needed to hide swelling around the eyes.


Available in sticks and in the form of cosmetic pencils. The first has a dense, creamy consistency, it does not roll, it is easy to apply. But it is more difficult to shade, so it is used pointwise. Works well on dry skin. Paints over problem areas on the forehead, chin, cheeks, nose. The second has a hard and dry texture. Has a mattifying effect. Often the composition is antibacterial.

Such a product is multifunctional, it can be used as a primer (base) for lipstick and shadows, lip contouring and eyeliner (makes them more open when applied under the lower eyelid). Both types of products mask small scars, expression lines, redness and other cosmetic defects. We recommend solid concealers:


Available in palettes with different shades or jars. It is applied with a brush, sponge or hands. It is required when you need to solve several problems at once, for example, vascular network and pimple. It has a thick consistency and covers darkened scars and other imperfections well. May clog pores on oily skin. Lasts a long time. Cream concealers:


The basis is mineral powder. Hides red and other spots, rashes, inflammations, visually changes facial features. Suitable for extensive and local painting. Easy to apply with a brush or puff. Sold in a different palette, in a separate box or in sets. A fixing bodily composition is applied on top. Creates a matte effect. Dry concealers presented in our store:

How to use a face corrector palette

Colors may be in one box or purchased separately.


  • Neutralizes yellow tint, old bruises and freckles.
  • Gives shine.
  • The bluish evens out the tone in case of sunburn, and hides self-tanner stains.
  • Suitable for evening make-up, makes the skin porcelain.


  • Removes dark circles of different shades and pigmentation.
  • White-skinned girls will suit the salmon version, more swarthy - peach.
  • Refreshes the look, corrects irregularities.


  • Masks blue and purple color, dilated vessels, bruises from fatigue and lack of sleep, acne scars, visible scars.
  • Revitalizes an earthy complexion.
  • Covers allergic rashes.


  • Hides signs of inflammation, freckles, bites. If you need to neutralize redness most of the time, this is the perfect option. An alternative is a primer with the appropriate color.
  • To paint over the effects of sunburn, create a mix of such a product and foundation.


  • Suitable for swarthy girls.
  • Masks brown and blue bruises, age spots, removes the sharpness of nasolabial folds, corners of the lips.


Usually it is used not in its pure form, but for mixing with other, too saturated shades. It also brightens the darkened areas well, highlights the convex parts.


Removes orange and brown imperfections, freckles, moles. Evens out skin tone around the eyes.

Under natural tone

Such cosmetics are applied to color compositions and instead of a primer.

How to apply corrector on the face step by step: photo and video

Skillful use of products allows you to hide any flaws well and create a radiant look. For everything to work out, you need to follow a few rules.

How to use the corrector for the face: photo step by step

Blackouts under the eyes

To hide very noticeable circles, take a product from a yellow, orange or pink (for fair-skinned type) palette. Tint the layer with a shade that matches your appearance. Apply it in one of the following ways:

  • Put a few drops around the perimeter of the lower eyelid or draw strokes from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eyes.
  • Then gently blend them with your hands or make-up tools. Do the movements in this order, as if you were creating the shape of an inverted triangle. Do not rub makeup, but lightly drive it in.

Freckles and age spots

Apply the corrector locally to problem areas and spread it in a thin, even layer. To avoid blemishes, mix it with your base foundation. Well neutralizes the imperfections of blue, orange, green and flesh.

Vascular networks, inflammation and other redness

A creamy consistency is best. Put dots or strokes in the right places and drive in with your fingers so that there are no visible borders. To hide red spots, green shades are preferred. For vessels - yellow.

Mimic wrinkles

Soften and moisturize your skin first. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed. If there are leftovers, remove them with a napkin. Take a liquid concealer with a water or oil base and fill in the circles and crow's feet with fluid (one or two shades lighter than yours). Products with reflective particles and pencils are also suitable. Spread the selected shade along the back of the nose, above the lip, on the chin and forehead. Blend with a sponge.

Changing the shape of the face

With the help of a palette of shades, you can not only hide problem areas, but also change features. To do this, you need creamy and dry concealer cosmetics with a matte effect. The second option is suitable for quick, daytime makeup, as it has a lighter structure and is quickly applied.

  • Create a base with a primer, skin care cream or BB fluid.
  • Align the nose with two thin lines along the edges of the back from the bridge of the nose to the very tip. If you need to lengthen it, draw strokes from the eyebrows.
  • The relief of the face is achieved by highlighting the cheekbones. Place the pencil from the corner of your mouth to your ear. The area below it needs to be darkened.
  • Highlight the back of the nose with a strip along its center. With the same shade, create a highlight on the center of the forehead, in the inner part of the eyes, in the dimple above the lip and above the cheekbones indicated earlier.
  • Blend with a brush, starting from the highlights.

Application errors

There are several reasons why the use of such products becomes useless.

  • Painting only under the eyelid, without capturing the zone in the inner corner of the eye. It is necessary to distribute the product from the bridge of the nose to the temple in the form of an inverted triangle.
  • Creating a layer with cold hands. Makeup will be easier if the fingers are warmed up. But it is better to use brushes or sponges for these purposes.
  • Incorrect acne masking. A point of cream is applied to the inflammation itself and only the borders are leveled, and not the part above the acne.

Facial Concealer Overview

  • Alliance Perfect

Products from L "Oreal Paris hides bumps, removes bruises, redness. It does not contain oils, so it does not clog veins and is suitable for oily skin. It is convenient to use thanks to the applicator. It is shaded without problems. Due to the watery consistency, it can clog into wrinkles.

There are three versions on sale: mint, pink and lilac. Well neutralizes local pink, blue spots, yellowness, circles. Has a light structure. Can be used under or over foundation. Contains vitamin E.

  • Naked Skin

Liquid application applicator from Urban Decay. The line consists of a large number of shades (11), among them there are warm and cold. The coating is so weightless that even several layers look imperceptible. Enriched with antioxidants.

  • Finish Concealers

A creamy concealer from MAC. Available in six versions: four flesh and two color. Suitable for any skin. Effectively masks blemishes and helps to correct features. Protects from the sun.

  • Color Correcting Palette

NYX palette of 6 pigments: yellow, mint, lavender, two regular and pink. Covers dark places, inflammation. Can replace a highlighter. Contains vitamin E.

  • Lift Lumiere

Produced by Chanel. Removes signs of fatigue: circles, swelling. Smoothes fine lines and neutralizes redness and other temporary imperfections. Gently spreads, without visible borders with your tone and spotting. Doesn't dry out.

In this article, you learned how to properly use face correctors with step-by-step photos and instructions. To achieve the result, it is important to purchase quality products. Check out the First Moscow Customs Store for a good product to even out the tone of problem skin. The site offers a wide range of products at competitive prices.

Concealer is a special cosmetic product that resembles a tonal foundation for the face. Previously, it was believed that with the help of concealer, you can only get rid of bruises and circles under the eyes. However, makeup artists have proven the indispensability of this tool for masking any imperfections and defects in the skin of the face.

Purpose of concealer

The concealer has a wide range of effects and many functions that help to refresh, rejuvenate the face and improve the appearance of the skin. It is rightfully considered indispensable in both everyday and evening make-up.

The main purpose of the concealer:

  • Masking of age spots;
  • Hiding freckles and acne;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Elimination of redness;
  • Alignment of the skin surface;
  • Tinting of small vessels;
  • Masking of enlarged pores;
  • Hiding small scars.

Apply concealer with a dotted method and carefully shade the edges.

It was for the purpose of hiding minor flaws that a cosmetic product was created. Therefore, I often use it instead of a primer, corrector, and even foundation. Concealer helps create a flawless look without a lot of makeup.

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Additional features of the concealer

Currently, the possibilities of using concealer are not limited solely to masking the imperfections of the skin of the face. Professional makeup artists have found a lot of additional uses for this miracle tool.

The concealer is allowed to be used in other cases:

  • instead of primer. Applying concealer on the lips helps to tone down the natural color and make the make-up last longer;
  • Error correction. With the help of the tool, you can eliminate small errors in the make-up, remove stains without harming the makeup and adjust the shape of the applied shadows;
  • face sculpting- a popular trend in modern makeup. Familiar correctors designed specifically for creating contours can be replaced with a lighter or darker concealer;
  • Eyebrow filling. Before applying a pencil or eyebrow shadows, you must first cover them with a thin layer of concealer, then the shade will lie better and the coloring will be more resistant;
  • Lip augmentation. The combination of concealer and lip gloss helps to visually enlarge them. To do this, just apply a little in the center of each lip and shade, and then cover with gloss;
  • instead of a highlighter. With a light shade concealer, you can highlight the necessary areas of the face (forehead, cheekbones, chin) in the absence of a highlighter.

Concealer is an extremely compact tool, so it is always convenient to carry it with you and, if necessary, it is easy to touch up makeup. It is for this feature that most girls love him so much.

How to choose?

The choice of concealer directly depends on its purpose. Due to the increased popularity of the product, there was a need for other varieties that differ in texture, colors and functions.

It is worth giving preference to a concealer with a lifting effect containing vitamin A.

  • The concealer should match the natural skin tone and be a shade or two lighter;
  • In the fight against age spots, it is better to choose cosmetics with a creamy texture;
  • Light cream concealer is ideal for dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles;
  • Liquid remedy is suitable for girls with enlarged pores;
  • A green concealer will help hide small pimples and comedones;
  • Yellow undertone hides redness on the face and small capillaries;
  • Violet shade is best used against bags under the eyes with a grayish tint.

A concealer with reflective particles will help to visually reduce a few years. Supports skin tone means, the content of vitamins and antioxidants. Cosmetics with zinc and disinfectants will help get rid of inflammation.


Having decided on the shade and purpose, you should proceed to the choice of the type of concealer. Depending on the variety, the methods of using cosmetics also differ. Each type of skin suits a certain texture, as well as for the elimination of specific defects.

Types of concealer:

  • Stick;
  • Pencil;
  • Liquid;
  • Cream;
  • Dry;
  • Palette.

Accordingly, depending on the size, the methods of applying the concealer and its functionality differ.

Dry concealer is similar in texture to ordinary powder, which is why it perfectly complements makeup for oily skin. In addition to the standard masking of facial imperfections, the functions include:

  • Neutralization of oily sheen;
  • Elimination of age spots;
  • Hiding pimples and blackheads;
  • Wrinkle reduction.

Mineral concealer should only be applied to the area to be covered with a medium fluffy brush. In this case, be sure to use a base under the tone - a moisturizer.

The smallest in size is a concealer in the form of a pencil. It is used for spot application and hiding the smallest defects:

  • comedones;
  • freckles;
  • small pimples;
  • light moles;
  • small spots.

The unwanted mark is carefully circled with a pencil and left for half a minute, then gently blended with a sponge. It can also be used to correct the natural contour of the lips or to visually enlarge the lips by lining the inner part of the lower eyelid.

The stick-shaped concealer is more functional and economical. It is ideal for normal to dry skin as it promotes hydration. Due to the dense consistency, the stick is recommended for use by girls with the following problems:

  • small scars;
  • skin redness;
  • dark spots;
  • scattering of freckles.

It is this form of concealer that is very convenient to use for everyday face contouring. However, for girls with problematic or oily skin, it is better to avoid using a concealer stick so as not to make acne more noticeable.

Liquid concealer is like lip gloss. It is equipped with a special brush for application, has a light texture and suits almost any skin type. It is mainly used directly for dark circles and bruises under the eyes.

An all-in-one liquid concealer that won't clog pores and is easier to use than others.

Depending on the finish, the methods of applying liquid concealer also differ:

  • Matte is well suited for winter and evening make-up, it is more resistant and does not spread;
  • Satin is more relevant in the hot season, and its mother-of-pearl particles allow you to hide imperfections in the area around the eyes.

With the help of a liquid concealer, it is easy to mask not only acne, but also wrinkles, without focusing on problem areas.

Cream concealer is ideal for sensitive skin. Its density ensures uniform application even without shading, however, use a cosmetic product with caution. It is suitable for the area around the eyes and for masking large spots on the skin.

The coating provides makeup density and durability, therefore it is suitable for the cold season and when creating a complex multi-layered make-up. The creamy texture helps with sculpting the face, so more often these concealers are produced in the form of palettes.

Concealer palettes are extremely common, not only among professional makeup artists, but also for home use. One palette can include from two or three shades to fifteen. At the same time, concealers are not only beige nude tones, but also multi-colored.

Basically, to eliminate skin imperfections, the opposite shade of concealer is used.

Depending on the problem to be masked, colors are used:

  • Yellow from a wreath on the face and bluish spots;
  • Orange with "bags" under the eyes and bruises;
  • Pink with green skin tone;
  • Purple from yellow age spots;
  • Green from spots, irritation, traces of allergies;
  • White brightens the desired areas of the skin.

In some cases, make-up artists and beauty bloggers advise even color concealers to be applied zoned, then shaded, and only then covered with a thin layer of foundation or powder.

Conventional concealers should only be applied over foundation, BB cream, or primer.

Moreover, concealers in beige tones with a tonal effect help to correct the shape of the face and emphasize the dignity. At the same time, they should be applied already on top of colored ones after masking skin imperfections.

The difference between concealer and corrector

Most confuse concealers and proofreaders, although they have a number of differences, both in application and application methods. Accordingly, the purpose and composition of these cosmetic products are different.

When choosing between a concealer and a corrector, you need to consider the following features:

  • The corrector is intended exclusively for spot use;
  • The concealer can be applied zonal;
  • The composition of the corrector includes salicylic acid;
  • With the help of concealer, you can only hide skin imperfections;
  • Basically, the corrector helps not only to hide acne, but also to dry them;
  • The concealer nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but does not have a healing effect;
  • The corrector has a much denser texture than other products.

Unlike concealer, corrector is considered medical cosmetics. It is important to remember that it is applied to the “naked” face and then covered with concealer, foundation and other cosmetics. Concealer, on the contrary, is applied over the foundation.

Step by step makeup with concealer

Any makeup that includes the use of concealer includes a number of specific steps "before" applying the cosmetic product and "after". The concealer is auxiliary, as it hides those imperfections that could not be masked with a corrector or foundation.

Before you start applying make-up, you need to decide on the shape of the face. Accordingly, a specific method of applying concealer is suitable for each type. Depending on this, it is already determined which area is better to lighten and which to darken.

There are the following types of faces:

  • Oval;
  • A circle;
  • Square;
  • Heart;
  • Pear;
  • Diamond.

Girls with square shapes are advised to darken the lower and upper parts of the face to soften it. Owners of rounded options need to apply dark shades on the cheekbones to highlight them and visually reduce the face. For a pear-shaped face, it is better to lighten the forehead and vice versa darken the chin, without affecting the cheekbones.

For girls with non-standard outlines, for example: a heart, a diamond, the generally accepted method of using concealer as a contour will fit perfectly.

A universal method for applying concealer, divided into several stages:

  • Lightening of skin areas under the eyes, on the forehead, chin;
  • Darkening in the cheekbones and facial contour;
  • Concealment of skin imperfections.

Stage 1 - elimination of defects. At this stage, colored concealers are used to help hide minor flaws and skin imperfections, such as:

  • circles under the eyes;
  • wrinkles;
  • dark spots;
  • freckles;
  • pimples;
  • "bags" under the lower eyelid.

Accordingly, the corresponding color from the concealer palette is applied to each defect. You can use them both pointwise and zonal. Only after you can use nude concealers on top to sculpt your face.

Stage 2 - highlighting. Apply a light concealer, preferably one to two shades lighter than skin or foundation, to specific areas:

  • under the eyes on the lower eyelid;
  • under the eyebrow;
  • on the bridge of the nose and along the septum to the tip of the nose;
  • on the chin;
  • above the upper lip;
  • along the nasolabial folds;
  • on the forehead in the form of a triangle, with an acute angle down.

It is important to remember that under the eyes, to mask dark circles, it is better to apply the product not pointwise, but draw a triangle with it, the base of which coincides with the lower eyelid, then shade.

Stage 3 - darkening. Usually makeup artists advise to darken some areas of the skin in order to correct the contour of the face. As a standard, dark concealer is applied to:

  • wings of the nose;
  • cheekbones;
  • angles above the eyebrows;
  • around the chin;
  • along the contour of the face.

The concealer must be carefully blended to create the effect of a smooth transition and a slight shadow on the face. Thus, you can visually reduce the face and give expressiveness.

The main mistakes when using concealer

The most common mistake when applying concealer is using it under a tonal foundation. Makeup artists claim that this cosmetic product should only be used over foundation.

However, girls often make a number of other mistakes when making up with concealer:

  • The concealer is applied in a thick layer;
  • Use colors that are inappropriate for skin tone;
  • Replace foundation with concealer
  • Forget to apply a moisturizer before use;
  • Doesn't fray edges.

Incorrect use of concealer leads to the fact that colored spots form on the face. Without proper shading, the skin tone becomes uneven and, therefore, the rest of the makeup does not fit or looks out of place.

The corrector evens out the tone of the face. It can be of any shade, from classic beige to extreme green or lilac. Its main characteristic is the complete absence of shining and mother-of-pearl particles.

The corrector is designed to mask imperfections: circles under the eyes, age spots, inflammation, rosacea.

What is the difference between corrector and concealer

Even consultants in cosmetic stores often confuse concealers and proofreaders. Not every makeup artist can explain the difference between these products. This is not surprising: the functions of the funds are more or less the same. Moreover, sometimes they can be interchanged - for example, a beige corrector can replace a concealer. However, in general, their tasks are different.

    Corrector has a dense texture and masks color spots on the face (bruises under the eyes, redness, spider veins).

    concealer- usually translucent - contains caring components, and also optically hides wrinkles and provides a radiant effect.

What other differences?

The color range of concealers, as well as tonal foundations, is limited to the natural spectrum. Correctors are also colored: green, yellow, purple, pink, orange.

Concealer is applied over the tonal base, corrector - at the very beginning of makeup.

What's more, these two products can work together. For example, you cover dark circles under the eyes with an orange corrector, and apply a reflective concealer on top to get good camouflage and the effect of live, not plastic skin.

Concealers can be cream, compact or stick © iStock

What is a corrector for?

When it comes to dense beige corrector, then they are best to mask acne. For the area around the eyes, it may not be suitable - too rich and dry, such a texture will definitely emphasize wrinkles.

colored correctors work to cover spots of a certain color. For example, orange (salmon color) will cope with blue better than the densest foundation, and purple will remove brownish darkening in the nasolabial folds and above the upper lip.

Products for sculpting help to highlight the cheekbones or make the nose thinner.

Types of correctors for the face

Corrector difference table

Corrector color palettes: how to use them

Concealer and concealer differ in coverage density, palette of shades and method of application © iStock

Correctors of different colors

How to apply corrector

    Apply all correctors (except sculpting ones) only on clean, pre-moistened skin.

    The density of the coating depends on the task: if you are masking circles under the eyes, apply a thin layer. Want to hide inflammation with relief? Increase the application density.

    Use a flat synthetic brush when applying blemish corrector. For the area under the eyes, take a fluffy (preferably natural or taklon) brush. And on large areas with pigmentation, use a damp sponge.

    Fix your makeup with translucent powder - it will not let the corrector "run away" from your face.

    Pay attention to the following points.

    • Do not forget moisturize skin under the eyes: even the lightest concealer can dry it out, not to mention dense correctors.

      The easiest way to make friends with correctors is to apply them locally, then blend them out. wet sponge along with cream.

      If both inflammation and circles under the eyes are about you, get correctors in the palette. This tool will save money and space in your makeup bag.