How to grow and care for a beard. Step by step instructions on how to grow a beard for a man at home

So, having decided to get brutal facial hair, putting the razor away and having patience, the man begins to grow a beard and wait for hair to appear on his face. The very next day after shaving, the skin becomes rough to the touch, because in a fairly short time it appears on the face. The very first stage of beard growth is stubble.

The time for which the bristles grow is associated with many factors, and the main ones are heredity and metabolic characteristics.

REFERENCE. The rate at which your face grows back is highly dependent on your lifestyle, diet, health status, and whether you are genetically predisposed to rapid hair growth.

Very few men can afford not to shave for three or four days, because in most cases, growing hairs appear on the face the next day. On the second day, the stubble grows and becomes noticeable, especially if the hair is dark in color, so men usually shave every two days, and sometimes more often.

The border between bristles and a short beard is usually drawn along the length of the hairs of 3-5 millimeters.

Typically, hair reaches this length after a week from the last shave. Weekly stubble often looks rather untidy, but at the same time, she can seem brutal and daring. Such vegetation is often liked by women, and it is not for nothing that a face overgrown with week-long stubble is one of the cinematic clichés of "bad guys".

In the following weeks, the long stubble continues its active growth and the formation of a beard, but the process is still very far from complete. First time a growing beard will look thin and generally unaesthetic. And this is absolutely normal, because it takes a long time to achieve natural density and fullness.

This is due to the fact that different hairs grow at different rates. Even if you have already grown a five-millimeter stubble, many hair follicles may still “sleep”, they are activated a little later.

ADVICE. So at this stage, the main thing is not to despair and continue to grow a beard.

After waiting for a month, you can already draw conclusions about the nature of hair growth on your face. If by this time the "sleeping" hair follicles have sprouted and added density to your beard, you can be calm - everything is going according to plan. In the case of insufficient hairline density, you should think about accelerating its growth (more on this later).

During the second month of growing, the hair continues to grow. Long hairs cover small empty areas and overlap each other, as a result, the beard even visually seems to be thicker. The hair of dormant follicles quickly catch up and acquire a sufficiently large length, due to which the density of the beard during the second month can almost double.

For this reason during the first two months it is not recommended to cut, trim and shape the beard, because it has not yet reached its maximum density, and such adjustments will not bring the desired result.

As soon as the beard gains maximum density, it remains only to wait until the hair grows to the required length. If you prefer short beards, then at this stage you can already begin to design facial hair in the desired form.

An expert talks about how to grow a beard.

Stages of appearance of hair on the face

The whole process of overgrowing a man's face with hair can be divided into several stages. Each of them has its own characteristics of the appearance of a growing beard and specific requirements for hair and skin care.

  1. From close shave to 1 week. During the first week, a short stiff bristle appears on the face, sticking out perpendicular to the surface of the skin.

    The ends of the hair are quite sharp from a recent razor cut.

    During this period, it is worth rethinking your intentions. If you're serious about growing a beard, put down your razor and use patience instead.

  2. 2-3 weeks. Brutal weekly stubble becomes longer. Now the hair is not perpendicular to the skin, but almost parallel. The sharp tips of the hairs touch the skin and irritate it, in addition, without regular removal of the upper layers of the epidermis with a razor, the condition of the skin changes.

    Together, these two factors often cause severe itching. It is often at this stage that many men give up on the idea of ​​growing a beard. The most motivated ones persevere.

    ATTENTION! It is important to endure this period and not comb your face, otherwise there is a high probability of infecting the skin and aggravating the situation.

    At this stage, there are still “sleeping” hair follicles, the length of the hairs is small, so the beard grows unevenly and has a liquid, unkempt and untidy appearance.

  3. By 4 weeks or 1 month from the moment the beard begins to grow, the beard will begin to gain density due to the growth of new hairs and the lengthening of old ones. By this time, itching usually disappears, the skin gets used to the new condition.

    Care during the first month is mainly the use of cleansing and soothing facial products. The skin needs extra attention in terms of hygiene, so do not neglect daily washing with special gels or lotions. It is not necessary to correct the beard at this stage - first you need to let the "lagging" hair grow for the appearance of natural density.

  4. 2 months. By this time, all hair is actively growing on the face, the beard is growing in length, and its density has reached its maximum and does not change anymore. Now you can take up the machine and trimmer to trim the beard, adjust its shape and contour.

    However, if you want to have not just a beard, but a really long beard, you should grow the vegetation further. To the care procedures at this stage, periodic washing of the beard with a special shampoo is added, as well as the use of oils and other emollients.

  5. 3-4 months. The beard is getting longer, so now it is necessary to comb it daily so that the hair does not get tangled and does not stick out to the sides. A long beard is much longer and more difficult to dry naturally, and after washing it is necessary to dry it with a hair dryer.

    The jet of air should always go from bottom to top, so you can give the vegetation on your face splendor and volume. The length that grows after four months is enough to shape most beards, for example, a skipper's beard, a long goatee or a decent "duck tail".

  6. 5 months - 1 year. If you are a fan of long extravagant beards in the style of ZZ Top, then it is quite possible to grow a beard for an arbitrarily long time, even several years. True, with the length of the vegetation, the complexity of caring for it also increases.

    Now, in order not to look like a victim of a shipwreck, you will have to constantly adjust the length of individual hairs sticking out to the sides, waxing and combing your beard regularly throughout the day. It is worth noting that such a long beard will be an excellent evidence of not only extraordinary taste, but also remarkable willpower and patience of its owner.

Is it possible to speed up the process?

Sometimes it happens that after one month the beard is still as rare and uneven as it was in a two-week period. In such a situation, we can say that the condition of the hairline does not correspond to the desired stage of growth. It is quite possible to think about accelerating the growth of facial hair.

  • To start, think: is everything going smoothly in your life? Yes, yes, because it is stress and poor emotional state that are the most common cause of slow hair growth. Try to avoid nervous stress, rest more, relax in your free time. Avoid lack of sleep. Often, the normalization of the psycho-emotional state alone is enough for the beard to begin to grow rapidly.
  • Balance your diet. Hair consists of the protein substance keratin, and the sebum that lubricates them is of a lipid nature, so a deficiency of proteins and fats in the diet should not be allowed.
  • Eliminate skin problems. Acne, dermatitis, and other skin conditions can also significantly slow down facial hair growth. Unfortunately, treating these diseases under vegetation is quite difficult, so the best way out is to shave off the regrown stubble and re-grow after the problems are fixed.
  • To enhance the effect you can turn to various aids that enhance hair growth. In folk medicine, onion juice and locally irritating masks based on mustard powder or red pepper are often used for this purpose (most importantly, do not overdo it and do not burn the skin).

    ADVICE. If folk remedies do not help, you should seek help from official medicine, which has modern effective medicines that stimulate hair growth.

How does Minoxidil help in beard growth?

Literally not so long ago, a new product came to us in Russia - Minoxidil for beard growth. This tool has a cool composition (read on the site), they promise rapid growth (and reviews already prove this), plus it costs almost a thousand rubles (this is at a discount), so it’s a sin not to try. My results are small so far, but I've only been using it for two weeks. I leave the link below for you so that you can also buy Minoxidil at a discount.


Growing a good beard is a fairly long process, and you can’t do without patience in this matter. The main thing is to clearly set a goal for yourself and stubbornly strive to achieve it, and then in a couple of months you will be able to transform your appearance beyond recognition by introducing such a masculine element as a beard into your style.

After reading small guides on how to grow a beard, you involuntarily wonder: do they even have a beard?
- Yes, all these tips about sleep and good nutrition seem to be understandable and partly true. And where did you see that a person would go into the shower and not wash his beard. There are some tips, as soon as you are in the shower - be sure to wash your beard.

Personally, my opinion is this - all this is fine in two cases:

  1. You are robot;
  2. You are a millionaire with plenty of time.

My take on how to grow a beard

It would probably be worth starting to simply list all the methods that will help grow a beard at home. But we are not writing instructions for a bearded zombie, but we are sharing real experience for people who have begun to grow a beard!

Hello. My name is Sergey Eremin and I am a bearded man, whatever one may say, with a couple of years of experience. And with you my friend, I will share my experience if you decide to grow a beard or are just wondering whether to grow a beard.

How to grow a beard fast

In the early stages, the most important thing is not to shave and not to mislead yourself that the beard will grow faster from shaving. All this is a myth. It is worth a little patience and just let your face grow a little stubble.

At this stage, you should not resort to leveling, cutting your precious hairs.

After a short time (in my case it is three weeks), you will notice how much your beard is progressing.

If the beard has grown and the hair is coarse enough, you will undoubtedly experience itching and all its charms. Oh yes, this can not be avoided, be a man and be strong.

Is it possible to make this moment easier?
- Yes, take a closer look at these products (they will help make life easier for a beginner bearded man, and they will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the general condition of the hair follicles).

How to grow a beard if it's not growing

If the beard is not a beard, but a little hair.
- You are lucky, you will not experience the initial stage of itching - but the beard will not appear instantly either. Remember, this is a matter of genes, but do not despair.

I'll explain why. If there is at least some kind of hairline on the face and it appears in the form of thin fluffy hairs, this is very excellent and it means that not everything is lost and you can very well become the owner of a thick and beautiful beard. But it will take a little more time to form the correct density than with the case above.

  • Extract from Wikipedia:
    • The mechanism by which minoxidil promotes hair growth is not fully understood. Minoxidil contains nitric oxide (II) - a chemical functional group of nitrogen and can act as a nitric oxide receptor agonist. In addition, minoxidil, due to the opening of potassium channels, leads to hyperpolarization of cell membranes.
  • Don't forget the side effect:
    • Side effects include burning or irritated eyes, itching, redness, and irritation in the treated area, and unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body. Stop treatment and contact your doctor immediately if any of the following serious side effects occur after applying minoxidil: severe allergic reactions (eg, rash, hives, difficulty breathing, chest pain, or swelling of the face, lips, or tongue) , dizziness, fainting, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), sudden and unexplained weight gain, or swelling of the arms and legs.

So you should not despair, well, you should not climb into the pool. Advice from me: try to pick up something more natural and without side effects.

I will explain with my example. My beard seemed to have grown, but there were pieces on the cheeks and under the lip, which, well, did not want to overgrow. Of course, I was lucky, working in an online store for bearded men, I was able to test a number of products and the conclusion is this.
It helped me personally. Those parts of the beard that didn’t want to overgrow in any way were overgrown (you won’t be able to grow a beard quickly, it takes time).

And we also had a bearded man, whose beard was just powerful, but he first bought 1 bottle of oil, and later a month later he stopped by for another portion of oils. To my question, why so much, you already have it cool.

She got even bigger! Our friend answered and took 5 cans of oils.

How much to grow a beard

The question is rhetorical. On average, facial hair growth in the first option will be from 1 to 3 centimeters. With the second option, it is a little more difficult, and if you help her, then at least it will take from 3 to 6 months to form a more or less correct beard.

Started to grow a beard - move on

The beard has already formed in a month and the next stage appears. It starts to fluff or grow incorrectly. Here you immediately want to go to the barbershop or take up scissors, a trimmer.
- Do not do that. Everything is quite trivial and simple. You can always cut your hair, but decide what shape it is and whether you want to grow it further.

At a time when I did not have a beard, I looked at the bearded men a little strange.
- And here I am with a beard. My opinion has changed. I'll tell you from experience - it's awesome! There is something to compare.

Half a year later, I already had a pretty decent beard. So I decided, let me shave. Unfortunately, the result was not recorded. I will say this: if you started to grow a beard, you can no longer imagine yourself without it. I became as if naked =) In the literal sense, the face became somehow ordinary and not familiar, in general, it’s worth a try .....

So, it is better to style a beard, there is a separate line that helps to do this without using radical haircut methods. And here you are with a fairly normal beard and without bristling hairs. But if you are not going to grow a mustache further, it is worth trimming it. I use the regular trimmer from M Video. Only if you decide to take a trimmer to trim these areas, take a more powerful one. My home assistant has power ...., cost around 3,000 rubles and does its job quite well.

How to grow a beard at 14, 15, 16, 17

This category of people should not take radical methods to grow the first facial hairs. There are, of course, the lucky ones whose nature has already rewarded them with rather thick bristles at this age. For these guys, read the advice above.

It should be understood that at the time of acquiring a thick beard, you will notice that ordinary detergents make your beard quite coarse and some of the hair may begin to fall out. It's all about the excellent cleansing properties of these products, but they are intended for most people who do not have a beard and they are not so important. Therefore, you should pay attention to this or try using a more gentle soap. Regular shampoo isn't great.

Why grow a beard

Many people, especially ladies, sometimes wonder why men grow beards? The answer is simple enough. This is a kind of subconscious step to stand out from the crowd. And when he grew the right thick beard, it just becomes a matter of course. And all attempts to shave off the beard lead to the understanding that by shaving off the beard, you lose face. The beard becomes part of the male image, reborn in our modern world, and I’ll say it’s cool!

  • I thought for a long time how to finish this article, but I did not find the optimal words. So I decided to ask you:
    • How did you manage to grow a beard?
    • And what difficulties, or maybe interesting stories, occurred after the beard appeared?

Men's beard is back in fashion!

Many guys dream of becoming the owner of a stylish beard.

Where to begin?

How to grow a thick and fluffy beard?

We have collected the best tips for future bearded men.

How to prepare the skin for this event?

So, you are at the very beginning of the journey. You have thought about whether a beard is right for you and how to let it go. Before starting this lengthy process, we advise you to prepare the skin on the face for regrowth.

Get rid of such troubles as dryness and acne. After all, only healthy skin in tandem with a beard will look beautiful and stylish!

If you have acne, see a specialist. He will advise treatment and conduct an additional examination. For dry skin, choose the right face cream, and also review your diet. You may be deficient in vitamins A and E. Include nuts, oil, fish, and vegetables on your menu.

What factors affect the rate of hair growth?

Many factors influence beard growth. They can both increase the intensity of the appearance of hairs, and reduce it. So what can stand in your way to your dream?

  • Genetics. Indeed, not all men can physically grow a beard from scratch. In some males, due to hormonal and genetic characteristics, the beard will grow in “islands”. It will not be thick and fluffy even with proper care. In this case, you have only one way out of the situation - to remain the owner of clean-shaven facial skin.
  • Smoking. Tobacco constricts blood vessels, has a detrimental effect on the endocrine system. Hormonal disruptions slow down the growth of hairs and reduce the density of the beard.
  • Wrong nutrition. Lack of vitamins and minerals worsen the condition of the skin, hair and nails. You will not become the owner of a beautiful beard if your diet is illiterate.
  • Stress. Serious nervous shocks, lack of sleep can significantly slow down the growth of hairs.
  • Irregular physical activity. It would seem, how can this affect the growth of a beard? It's simple: playing sports supports a healthy hormonal background. Namely, he is responsible for hair growth.

How to grow a beard at home?

So, you have prepared the skin of the face and minimized the influence of negative factors. What to do next? Be patient! And hide the razor and machines in the farthest corner of the cabinet! So you will not be tempted to give up this idea and become the owner of smooth skin on your chin.

After all, growing a beard is not so easy. At first, you will have to not shave your stubble for 4-6 weeks. During this time, regrown hairs will begin to look not quite presentable, they will prick and itch. Get ready for it! And in a moment of indignation, imagine in your dreams the perfect beard of your dreams.

To ease the most difficult first 6 weeks, follow a few tips:

  1. Start growing your beard while on vacation! So you will save yourself from the intrusive question of colleagues and the anger of your superiors about your imperfect facial skin.
  2. Become the owner of a trimmer. It is indispensable for owners of facial hair! Even if you entrust regular care to professional barbers, you can make the necessary touches every day to correct your precious beard.
  3. Eat right. If you can not provide yourself with a complete diet, take extra vitamins. Vitamins of group B, as well as A and E, are especially important.
  4. Purchase facial softeners. To keep the bristles from prickling and itching less, keep the growing beard clean. Wash it with warm water with a special product, apply a moisturizer regularly. Don't use soap! It dries the skin and negatively affects the structure of the hair.

Lasted? Congratulations! Now you can already assess the density of vegetation and determine whether you need a beard.

Be sure to visit a professional barber stylist. It is he who should make you the formation of a beard, designate clear lines based on your type of face.

What tools will help make this process faster?

To accelerate hair growth and give the beard the most neat look, even at the initial stages, you can use special tools.

Pharmacy preparations

A powerful drug is Finasteride. These are pills that affect the quality of vegetation on the face and scalp. The drug increases the level of testosterone - the hormone responsible for the density of the beard. Tablets are convenient to use, but are sold only by prescription. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor.

Another effective drug is Minoxidil. Sold in the form of tablets and solution for external use. It has a vasodilating effect, enhances blood microcirculation, stimulates the growth of new hair follicles. So your beard will grow very quickly.

The drug is relatively new, and its prolonged effect on the body has not been studied. Consult a specialist before purchasing and refrain from using it if you are under 18 years of age.


Oil is a natural, safe, inexpensive hair and skin care product. Perhaps the most effective is burdock oil. It nourishes the hair, increases their thickness. To enhance the effect, add a few drops of vitamin A and E to the oil if you want the beard to be not only thick, but also long. They can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Apply warm oil to your hair, massaging it thoroughly into your face. Leave it on the skin for about half an hour. Rinse with water and finish with a thin layer of a suitable cream. To notice the effect of burdock oil, you must complete a minimum course of 10 procedures.


Oil application is ideal to combine with massage.

The easiest way to provide a beard massage is to brush it several times a day with a special comb.

This mechanically irritates the skin, which can cause follicle growth.

Connect and massage the head: from the back of the head to the ears, from the ears down to the chin. This will not only provoke hair growth, but also help to relax after a hard day's work.

Folk methods

Homemade masks will provide you with naturalness and safety. For example, a mask based on red pepper.

Mix in equal proportions tincture of red hot pepper and olive oil. Add one yolk and aloe juice. Mix thoroughly, apply to the beard and leave for 15 minutes.

When applying any homemade masks, follow your feelings. Have you noticed severe itching and redness? Wash off the mask and take an antihistamine.

How to properly care for facial hair?

Now you are rightfully considered stylish and bearded. It remains only to maintain this title. To do this, you need to get a quality trimmer. With it, you can easily cut your beard, giving it a neat look.

You need to trim your beard regularly. The frequency of the procedure depends on the individual hair growth rate.

By setting the desired length of the trimmer, you can easily cope with this matter. A quality trimmer will also help trim the edge of the beard. To look stylish, from time to time you still have to visit a specialized men's hairdresser.

Washing your beard should be part of your daily hygiene ritual. This will keep it clean and fluffy. For this purpose, special products or mild shampoos and lotions, such as children's, are suitable. Experiment to determine what suits your hair and facial skin. You should not feel dry and tight.

Remember that the hair on the skin of the face absorbs odors very strongly. The smells of food are especially corrosive - garlic, onions, fried meat. To prevent others from guessing about the ingredients of your lunch or dinner, wash your beard with warm water after each meal.

Groom yourself regularly, visit a professional barber, and lead a healthy lifestyle. A beautiful neat beard, strength of mind and body will make you the standard of masculinity and help you win women's hearts.

Whether it is worth growing a beard (you will learn how to grow a beard for a man later) or whether to remain beardless is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But, approaching any issue, you must always study its pros and cons.

The benefits of wearing a beard include:

  1. Brutal look. There is no doubt that with the presence of a beard, the look becomes more solid and older. You can verify this by looking at photographs of those who were beardless, and then let go of their hair on their faces. No need to shave. Shaving in general is not the most pleasant procedure. And not that the process itself caused hostility, but not everyone can always eliminate the consequences of shaving. And, having a beard, you can forever forget about such unpleasant sensations.
  2. Attention-grabbing personality. No one else will have such a beard. Plus, a man with a beautiful, well-chosen beard always attracts a female look more strongly.
  3. adult image. It’s not that everyone doesn’t look solid and grown-up without a beard, but situations and types of appearance are different.

    It happens that at 30 a man looks 19 and this is a bit problematic. In this case, a beard will definitely help.

If you look at the reverse side of the coin, you can see following points:

  • the need to spend time on care. If you grow a beard, then a beautiful one. And in order for it to remain so, you need to maintain its appearance and condition, shave properly so that it grows. This requires time, skill, adaptation and strength;
  • minor inconveniences. Sometimes a beard can bring discomfort. For example, when eating, one should be careful or smoking men should make sure that the hair on the beard does not scorch;
  • uneven tan. In the event that a decision is made to shave off the beard, and earlier the skin tanned, then, naturally, there will be no tan at the site of the beard growth.

The above facts are rather a small price to pay for beauty and a chic appearance, without it anywhere.

What determines beard growth?

There can be several reasons, and they are all equally important, because those who want to stand out with a chic beard should take care of this and take them all into account. Then there is the opportunity to start growing and make a beard grow, and.

If you want to know when the beard starts to grow, go to. How to grow a beard if it grows poorly? There are also options when you can grow only through medical intervention. Look at the main reasons for the growth of a beard.

  1. hereditary causes in the fact of the growth or absence of a beard can often play a decisive role.
  2. The wrong daily diet affects hair growth in general, so it must be properly built.
  3. Balanced lifestyle, lack of stress and other similar reasons affect the general condition of the body, and hair is only an indicator of this.
  4. Lack of care for your appearance is also a good reason why hair growth on part of the face may not occur. Men should definitely be able to properly carry out facial procedures.
  5. Proper shaving technique should be taken as a rule, because its improper conduct threatens to damage the hair follicles, which are very difficult to restore, and sometimes there is no possibility at all.

Experts express the opinion that none of these factors can be neglected if there is a desire to achieve the desired result.

How long does it take to grow?

Depending on the desires of a man, with regards to the beard that he wants to let go, the time it will take to grow it varies.

How long does it take to grow a beard? You can use real ways to help.

How long does it take to not shave to grow a beard? The duration of ford growth depends on the length that needs to be achieved. Depending on this there are beards:

  • monthly who need 2-3 months;
  • those that should grow 3-6 months.

So that during the time when the beard grows, it always has a neat appearance, you should already start caring for it.

Let it still not be the length that there is a desire to grow, you still need to at least give it a shape with scissors.

Scissors will especially come in handy for those who are faced with letting go of facial hair for the first time, because with a razor you can make the wrong gesture and cut off the wrong area.

With such a haircut, it is better to cut a very small amount of length. In this case, it is better to undercut.

A small comb with a small gap between the teeth will help to cut the required amount of hair.

Photo of beards in men

We decided to grow a beard, which beard to grow, the photo will help you make a choice.

How to grow?

I want to grow a beard, what should I do to grow a beard? In order not to miss the chance to start growing a beard and increase the effectiveness of regrowth, you need to follow some recommendations.

What to do to grow a beard? If care is provided competently, then it is possible to grow a beautiful long beard. In the process of observing the growth of hair on a beard, there is an opportunity.

What needs to be done to grow a beard? How to grow a beard the right way? Next events help you achieve the desired results grow a nice beard.

  1. Lack of rush. The first stage in growing is the most difficult, because the hair that is used to being shaved will begin to sprout in different directions. Therefore, you need to be patient and simply do nothing, then after a month the bristles will become uniform.
  2. Food. In the diet, it is better to include foods that contain the necessary vitamins and micro, macro elements. These include A, B, C, E. You can also additionally drink folic acid. If we talk about food, then you need to include eggs, cereals, legumes, vegetables, nuts, fruits and dairy products.

How to properly grow a beard and care for it can be seen in the video.

What to do to grow a thick beard? A separate item with the growth of facial hair can be identified folk methods that will help solve. How to stimulate beard growth? From the most popular and effective recipes will choose each for himself or combine several:

  • scrub. In order to improve blood flow in the epidermis of the skin of the face, skin scrubbing can be performed. Scrub is prepared from the usual lotion and coffee brewing. It is not necessary to maintain any special proportions when mixing, everything is clear even without it. The procedure should be carried out no more than 3 times a week and do it gently and gently. Use the scrub with massaging movements for several minutes;
  • burdock. The oil of this plant has amazing properties with regard to hair and bulbs. The procedure is simple, you just need to apply heated oil to the desired areas of the skin, while you can additionally massage. Better to use every other day;
  • chamomile decoction. Twice a day, you should wipe the skin with this remedy, except for those who have a dry skin type. The broth is easy to prepare, you need to pour a teaspoon of raw materials with 150 ml of boiling water and let stand for half an hour.

Do not abuse products that stimulate hair growth, because they can grow thin and lifeless.

It is necessary to give time to the follicles to gain the necessary amount of nutrients.

When did you grow up?

The time will come when the desired result will be achieved, so you should be prepared for how to carry out the procedure for caring for her. Here are some tips to help you do it.

Initially selected, on this issue you can take advice from a professional or contact to facial hair has been "decorated".with the means and indicated recommendations, he will definitely let go of a chic beard, which will become a source of pride and decorate the appearance.

How to grow a beard? From time immemorial, the beard has been an integral attribute of the male face, symbolizing strength and masculinity.

In contact with

In Russia, she adorned every married man and was a sign of a certain social status. To have a beardless face was considered the height of indecency. That is why the reforms of the time of Peter the Great, concerning the shaving of facial hair, stumbled upon stubborn resistance from both the noble classes and the common people.

Nowadays, the beard is no longer associated with belonging to any class and has only a decorative purpose. In some cases (if the owner of the beard has chosen its especially original configuration), it may indicate his original nature.

How to start growing a beard

If the decision to let go of the beard is made, you need to set yourself up for the fact that the process of growing it will take a lot of time and at the first stage will be associated with a number of inconveniences.

How to grow a beard?

  • The first step is no shaving.

You will have to forget about the existence of a razor for at least a month (or better, one and a half). After waiting this time, they determine exactly what type of facial hair a man has.

The fact is that the hair on the faces of different men grows differently: for some, the process of growing ends with the appearance of a thick and luxurious beard, for others, hair grows in tufts, and the attempts of others do not end with any result at all.

For some teenagers, a beard appears already at the age of 16, while for someone it does not grow even at 40. The reason for this is genetics. Having learned what type of vegetation nature has endowed him with, a man can choose the appropriate shape of a beard, but this is a conversation yet to come.

  • Letting go of the beard, no way do not rush to correct its shape even if a man dreams of a small beard. By accidentally removing extra hairs, he risks nullifying all his efforts. It is better to show truly Nordic stamina and wait until the facial hair reaches a certain length.
  • After that, you can begin to choose the shape of the future beard and outline the line of the neck.

How to choose a beard shape?

Choosing a beard depending on the shape of the face

How to determine the lower limit of beard growth?

In order for the beard to decorate its owner, and not give him the wild appearance of an aborigine overgrown with shaggy hair, it is necessary to determine the line that it should not cross.

The most acceptable option is the lower border, passing just above the Adam's apple.

How to speed up beard growth?

How to quickly grow a beautiful beard?

  • Proper nutrition- the key to the successful growth of any hair, including those that make up the beard. A valuable source of natural proteins (of which hair is mainly composed) are fatty fish, chicken and beef.
  • Saturated fats, found in eggs, nuts and fish, are very important for a lush beard, as their presence in the diet helps to increase the level of the main male hormone - testosterone.

Including green spinach and kale in your daily diet, which promote the conversion of female estrogen, will also keep testosterone levels at the proper level.

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally - Tips Video:

Calcium, which is an important component of all dairy products, is essential for hair health, so you can eat them as much as you like.

  • The use of multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements(a type of biotin) is an excellent hair growth stimulus. No less effective are vitamin supplements, including the content of beta-carotene, a complex of B vitamins, nettle and linseed oil.

Excellent hair growth accelerators are fish oil and a number of trace elements (zinc, phosphorus and selenium). When purchasing vitamin supplements, you need to pay attention to the presence of these substances in their composition. Rapid hair growth stimulants are vitamins A and E, which are included in the formulation of the drug Aevit.

When caring for a beard, it is advisable to use a special shampoo to wash it, which stimulates hair growth. The basis of such stimulation is the action of vitamin supplements that are included in its formulation and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair follicles and hair structure.

  • The use of nourishing masks will help strengthen the hair roots. By adding a small amount of mustard powder to a simple shampoo for washing hair, the beard is soaked with the resulting composition and kept for about half an hour, after which it is thoroughly rinsed with warm water. Men with very sensitive skin can use a mustard oil mask. To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of mustard powder. After mixing the components, the mixture is applied to the beard for twenty minutes.

Mask for beard growth - video:

  • An excellent hair growth accelerator and skin moisturizer is burdock oil.. After adding a few drops of vitamins A and E to it, the healing composition is rubbed into the beard and kept for at least 40 minutes. After completing the procedure, thoroughly wash the hair with plenty of warm water and shampoo. Since the oil does not wash off well, you will have to wash your beard several times.