How to wash horizontal and vertical blinds. How to clean vertical blinds at home How to clean plastic blinds

For many housewives, one thought that during the upcoming cleaning in a house or apartment it will be necessary to wash the blinds causes a deterioration in mood and a desire to outsource such a procedure. Such elements of window design can take a lot of time and effort in cases where the surface of their slats becomes dirty and begins to need high-quality cleaning.

There are several simple tricks that can greatly simplify the process of washing blinds. By correctly choosing one of these techniques, depending on the design of the blinds and the material of manufacture of their slats, you can quickly and most efficiently put them in order without even removing them from the windows.

The most popular materials for the manufacture of blinds are plastic and metal - aluminum alloy. Despite the fact that products made from these materials are easy to maintain, when caring for them, in particular, washing, certain rules should be followed in order to keep their external attractiveness in its original form for a long time.

The first thing to do when you are going to wash both plastic and metal slats of the blinds is to remove dust from their surfaces, for which you can use a vacuum cleaner, a soft brush or a dry soft cloth. If you ignore this recommendation and do not first remove dust from the lamellas of the product, this can lead to the formation of stains on their surface after washing, which will have to be eliminated additionally.

Plastic light-shielding structures, when compared with products consisting of metal lamellas, are easier to maintain; to clean their surfaces from contamination, you can use one of the following methods:

  • wiping the surfaces of the lamellas with wet wipes, which are intended for cleaning various equipment;
  • washing the product directly in the bathroom using a shower head;
  • washing after pre-soaking in an aqueous solution of soap or other detergents;
  • removal of fatty contaminants with an aqueous solution of acetic acid.

After wet cleaning, plastic products must be immediately wiped dry so that they do not form stains that are difficult to remove from already dried surfaces. Another feature of handling plastic blinds slats is that they cannot be wrinkled and bent, which can lead to deformation of such products and a change in their geometric parameters.

The methods that are best suited for removing contaminants from the surface of metal blinds are:

  • wiping with a sponge previously moistened with water;
  • cleaning with glass cleaner;
  • wiping with a soft cloth dipped in soapy water;
  • removal of serious contaminants with an aqueous solution of acetic acid.

When washing metal light-protective products, it should be borne in mind that they cannot be pre-soaked for a long time, as this can lead to the development of corrosion processes on their surface.

Cleaning of all types of blinds, as a rule, is carried out in the bathroom, while washing of such products can be performed both in a simplified and enhanced version. When performing a simple wash, selected in cases where the products are slightly soiled, their surface is rinsed with a strong pressure of water from a shower head, as a result of which all dust and dirt are washed off. Blinds, when performing such a wash, are placed on the bath tray, holding them in a vertical position with your hand. After all the dirt and dust from the surface of the slats is washed off, the blinds are straightened and laid on the grate above the bathroom so that water drains from them, and then wiped dry with a soft cloth and hung in place.

If there is serious contamination on the slats of the product, they need a more thorough washing, performed in the following sequence:

  • the roll of the product folded like an accordion is placed in the bath, placing it in a horizontal position as close as possible to its back wall;
  • each lamella, separating it from the general roll, is thoroughly washed on both sides with a solution of detergent, and then rinsed with a pressure of water from a shower head;
  • an accordion of already cleaned lamellas is installed vertically to ensure that water drains;
  • without waiting for the slats of the blinds to dry completely and stick together, they are wiped dry with a soft cloth that does not contain lint on its surface.

If the slats of light-shielding structures are slightly dirty, then you can wash the blinds without removing them from the windows. To carry out such a procedure, the slats of the blinds are set to the “Closed” position, and then, using a sponge or rag moistened with a cleaning solution, thoroughly clean each of them. After completing the washing procedure, it is necessary to wash off the remaining foam from the slats and wipe them dry. Having cleaned one side of the lamellas from contamination, similar actions should be performed in relation to their opposite surface. Instead of sponges, rags and detergents, to clean up the light-protective structure directly on the windows, you can use wet wipes designed for cleaning various equipment.


Before making decisions about how to clean horizontal aluminum or plastic blinds, you should evaluate how dirty they are. If the degree of contamination of the blinds is negligible, then there is little point in removing them from the windows in order to clean them. Before you clean up the appearance of the blinds in the unremoved state, you should set their slats to the “Closed” position, after which you can use one of the following cleaning methods:

  • Walk on both sides of the slats with a soft brush, which will remove all dust accumulated on them from their surfaces.
  • Remove dust from the slats with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Use napkins. When using such wipes, the slats of the blinds can be set to the “Open” position, which will allow you to easily remove dirt from both sides.
  • Using a spray gun, spray soapy water or a detergent solution onto the surface of the lamellas, then wipe with a damp cloth, and then a dry one that does not contain lint on its surface. When performing such wet cleaning, it should be borne in mind that the water, together with the soap or detergent contained in it, will definitely fall on windows, slopes and floors, which after that will also have to be put in order.

If, during the operation of the blinds, serious contamination has formed on their surface, in order to get rid of them, it will be necessary to dismantle the entire light-shielding structure and then wash it in the bathroom. By the way, the procedure for washing such products, carried out in the bathroom, is not only more efficient in itself, but also does not necessitate cleaning the entire area adjacent to the window. Depending on the degree of contamination, the procedure for washing the product in the bathroom can be performed in a simplified or enhanced version.


Vertical blinds are easier to care for, which is explained not only by the significantly larger width and length of their slats, but also by the fact that such slats do not stick together as a result of exposure to water. It is thanks to the latest quality that it is not necessary to wipe the vertical blinds after performing a wet cleaning. You can clean vertical blinds, thereby tidying up their appearance, in one of the following ways:

  • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, the working nozzle of which gently passes through all the lamellas of the product, removing dust and other contaminants from them.
  • Wet cleaning without removal. In such cases, a spray bottle is used, into which soapy water, a solution of washing powder are poured, or a special window cleaner is used if the slats of the blinds are very dirty. After spraying the cleaning solution onto the surfaces to be cleaned, they are left in this form for five minutes, and then, using a sponge or soft cloth, wipe dry.
  • Wet cleaning of removed products. To thoroughly wash heavily soiled vertical blinds in the bath, their lamellas are shifted to one side, the entire structure is removed from the window and carefully rolled up. Directly the process of washing the product itself is carried out in a bath, into which warm water is preliminarily collected with the addition of detergent. Having completely immersed the roll of the product in the washing solution, it is kept in it for half an hour, after which it is carefully unfolded and each lamella is wiped on both sides with a soft sponge, cleaning it from existing contaminants. The final stages of such a procedure are: twisting the product back into a roll, rinsing it in clean water and then hanging it out to drain the water and dry completely.

How to clean wooden blinds?

Particularly difficult to care for are blinds, the lamellas of which are made of natural wood. To wash wooden blinds at home, even if such products hung in the kitchen and their surfaces were stained with grease and soot, they should not be exposed to water for a long time, let alone soaked in a bath with a cleaning solution.

It is advisable to wipe the product with a soft cloth or microfiber cloth, previously moistened with soapy water and thoroughly wrung out. After cleaning in this way, the slats of wooden blinds must be wiped dry.

When caring for light protection structures made of natural wood, it should also be borne in mind that after dry or wet cleaning, they can be treated with antistatic or polishing agents.

How to keep fabric blinds clean?

Blinds vertical fabric can be put in order at home. The process of manual cleaning of fabric blinds is performed in the following sequence:

  • Remove dust from all lamellas of the product using a vacuum cleaner with a working nozzle for cleaning furniture.
  • If the material for making the lamellas is dense, then they are additionally wiped with a damp, clean cloth or cleaned with a brush.
  • If there is heavy dirt on the slats of fabric blinds, they are removed from the window to continue cleaning in the bathroom.
  • The product removed and rolled into a roll is lowered into a bath with an aqueous solution of washing powder or detergent previously prepared in it.
  • After a short soak, each strip of the product is washed separately, and especially contaminated areas are treated with a soft brush.
  • Washed fabric blinds are rinsed in clean water and hung out to dry.

You can also wash fabric blinds in a washing machine, but this should only be done in a “delicate” way and using mild detergents that do not contain chlorine and other aggressive additives.

Blinds are removed together with the cornice and carried into the yard or to the bathroom, you can wash it on a canopy or lay it out on a horizontal plane. Aluminum slats should not be soaked to prevent rust, but plastic ones can.

To prepare a cleaning solution, use laundry soap, shampoo, window cleaner or dishwashing liquid. Products made of wood or straw are cleaned only dry.

We have already written about how to wash the blinds without removing them from the window, and today we will tell you how to dismantle them and wash them in the bath.


Brush off the dust with a soft brush or vacuum before removing the cornice. Firstly, you will get less dirty when transferring the structure, and secondly, it will be easier to wash the lamellas.

To remove the shutter, you need to disconnect the cornice from the brackets. This is not at all difficult, but it is done differently depending on the type of fastening:

  • L-mount - you need to remove the side plugs, bend the front wall towards you, thus releasing the cornice.
  • Twist latch, is a bracket with a swivel element. There is a small metal tab in the attachment area, you need to pry it off with a knife or screwdriver and turn it towards the attachment, the mechanism will turn, and you can easily remove the entire structure.
  • The plastic clips are the easiest to remove, you just need to move them to the side and remove the cornice.

How to clean horizontal aluminum blinds

All methods of washing metal blinds are suitable for plastic, but not vice versa. If you soak metal lamellas, then pretty soon rust will appear in places where the paint is damaged.

You might be interested in learning how to remove rust from clothes.

Method number 1

Remove the curtain along with the cornice, as described above, and if the weather permits, take it out into the yard. If not, then you have to wash in the bathroom. Think right away how you will hang the structure, perhaps you can bend a few hooks from strong wire and hang the cornice from the ropes above the bath or use a pair of metal trempels and a horizontal bar on the street.

Before washing the slats, remove the side plugs, this is done in order to dry all parts well and avoid rust. They are washed separately and returned to their place only when the cornice and plates are completely dry.

You will also need a spray bottle with glass cleaner or anti-grease (if the product was hanging in the kitchen). And another sprayer with clean water or a watering hose. Hang the blinds and turn the slats to the closed position. Spray with detergent on both sides. Don't spare money.

After 5-7 minutes, rinse with clean water from a hose or spray bottle. If there are stains, rub with a sponge dipped in the working composition. Leave the curtain upright until completely dry.

Learn how to clean vertical fabric blinds here.

Method number 2

How to clean horizontal blinds at home? Gently spread on the bottom of the bathtub, moisten the sponge in soapy water and start washing, moving along the planks, when you finish one side, turn over and wash the other. Turn on the shower and rinse the slats with warm water. Hang the blinds from the ropes and wait until they dry, or lay them out on fabrics and blot well with a dry cloth.

After washing, it is imperative to lubricate the slat turning mechanism with silicone grease.

How to clean horizontal plastic blinds

Plastic does not rust, so the curtain can be safely soaked right in the bath for 20-30 minutes, which is very convenient when you are dealing with kitchen blinds, which usually accumulate greasy dirt, soot and soot. Do not be afraid, washing the lamellas is no more difficult than washing off the yellowed tulle.

First of all, decide what you will wash: it can be washing powder, soap solution, or one of the industrial products for washing kitchen surfaces. Take a little water into the bath so that it completely covers the product, add half a glass of the selected product and leave for 30 minutes. You can not pour water, but simply unfold the blinds and apply a washing solution with a sponge, it will turn out even more economically.

When the time has passed, unroll the roll and gently wash the records. The softened grease and soot will be easily washed off, and your blinds will be as good as new. After washing, hang the entire structure unfolded to the ropes above the bathtub to drain the water or lay it on a dry cloth. When the lamellas are completely dry, they are hung in their original place.

Caring for wooden blinds

Wood products are not washed, because the planks can warp from exposure to water, and the varnish can deteriorate.

In fact, caring for wooden blinds is quite simple: you need to regularly vacuum them or sweep away dust with a whisk; a damp cloth is not recommended for this.

Once every 2 weeks, the planks can be wiped with a soft velvet or flannel cloth moistened with a special agent for the care of wooden surfaces. For example: PRONTO, Cinderella, Chirton Anti-Dust, EMSAL, Sun Clean, YPLON, Mebelux, TORUS, etc.

Many industrial products contain an antistatic agent in their composition, due to which dust is repelled from the surface and it can be removed much less frequently.

You can take care of the tree the old fashioned way, with olive oil and lemon juice 1:2. The mixture is applied to a soft cloth and the lamellas are polished until a uniform sheen appears.

Straw curtains

The roll is rolled out on a horizontal surface and vacuumed from both sides. Then wipe with a damp cloth and hang in place. If the product is very dirty, then a little liquid soap can be added to the water, do not wet it too much so that the straw does not deform. The soapy solution is washed off with a damp sponge. Lacquered straw is almost never dirty and can be taken care of in the same way as wooden blinds.

Be especially careful when it comes to brightly colored items with a pattern. Very often, reed, reed and rice straw roller blinds shed. Usually they are made in China or Vietnam, where it is customary to weave new products when the old ones have become unusable, so the straws are usually not varnished, and natural dyes can shed from moisture. Hang such beauty only in dry rooms and often clean with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in caring for "office curtains".

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Due to the specifics of the structure, blinds with horizontally arranged slats quickly become covered with dust, despite the fact that manufacturers treat them with high-quality antistatic agents.

There are many manipulations that allow you to maintain the attractiveness of sun protection systems for a long time and protect them from pollution, but despite this, the owners should know how to wash horizontal blinds at home.

The process is quite troublesome and painstaking, it implies many features and nuances, non-compliance with which can lead to product failure or deterioration of its functional qualities.

How to care for blinds so that the products always remain clean?

If you simply hang horizontal blinds and do not pay enough attention to them, they will quickly become covered with a layer of dust, fade, and in the kitchen they will also become overgrown with greasy stains, a coating of soot and begin to exude an unpleasant odor. You can avoid such consequences only if you follow simple recommendations.

  1. If possible, it is best to install a mosquito net on the window clearance. It will not only protect against insects, but also block a significant part of the dust and dirt from the street.
  2. Rooms in which horizontal blinds are installed must be regularly and properly ventilated. If the window opening is additionally decorated with curtains, then they need to be moved apart as much as possible, otherwise the dust will settle on the fabric.
  3. Every day you need to spend on the lamellas with a special powder puff. This will keep dust and dirt from attaching to the slats.
  4. If the slightest spots appear, it is recommended to clean the affected area with a cotton cloth and water (you can add a little alcohol).

It is worth remembering that removing the blinds in order to clean them is possible only in extreme cases. It is better to choose the best option for caring for hanging slats. Otherwise, the mounting system will quickly wear out and cease to function normally.

Brushes for cleaning horizontal blinds

Traditional cleaning options for horizontal blinds

There are several ways to clean horizontal blinds at home.

The most common methods include the following manipulations.

  • Designs can be washed with a shower. To do this, sun filters are removed, transferred to the closed state (otherwise the lamellas will stick together). If there is no obvious contamination, you can simply wash the product with warm water. In the presence of serious stains, it is recommended to pre-soak the structure in soapy water for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, the system is removed, the lamellas are additionally wiped with a damp cloth. Drying is important. It is best to remove moisture manually with a clean cotton cloth and leave the slats to dry. It is undesirable to use a hair dryer, heat from a radiator and other artificial drying options. Plugs are put on only after the product has completely dried.
  • The layer of dust can be removed with a special soft brush. Now there are special double and triple tongs, covered with soft upholstery, which allow you to effectively remove dust from several slats at once. It is worth considering that even if you use this option correctly and carefully, a significant part of the dust will get into the air and remain in the room.
  • If you need to clean the blinds right on the eaves, you can take a little water with a couple of drops of liquid soap, mix the solution and use it to wipe the plates in succession. After cleaning, you will need to go through all the parts one more time with a cloth dipped in clean cool water. Then all the elements must be dried.
  • When carrying out regular dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, it is recommended to walk along the horizontal blinds. To do this, you need to use a special brush with the softest bristles. Processing of lamellas is carried out only in a closed form, otherwise there is a high risk of deformation of the elements.

Blinds can only be cleaned with a wet method when removed after removing all the plugs. Neglect of this rule leads to the formation of corrosion in hard-to-reach places, which is difficult to remove, and over time it grows, "eating" the material.

Wipes for office equipment do an excellent job of cleaning blinds

Effective and unusual methods of caring for horizontal slats

No wonder they say that laziness is the engine of progress. As a result of experiments, which are usually carried out by men, numerous options for washing blinds with the help of improvised means have been found that require minimal energy costs.

  • You can use a steam cleaner. With a properly selected mode, a careful and attentive approach, the device allows you to clean even the most complex dirt, grease stains. If the manufacturer of the blinds has not made special marks, then the method is suitable for structures made of any material.
  • A positive effect is provided by a window cleaner. This approach allows you not to waste time preparing a cleaning solution, the substance is applied clearly and evenly. In this case, it is possible not only to wash the lamellas, but also to give them antistatic properties and polish the surface.
  • It is not necessary to suffer with hanging structures. They can be put in the closed position and laid out on the floor, on a pre-prepared oilcloth, covered with a clean cloth. The work is done very quickly and efficiently.
  • The fastest and most effective way is to use wet wipes. The best option are products designed for office equipment. They eliminate dust and stains, endow the material with antistatic properties, and neutralize unpleasant odors.

The nuances of cleaning horizontal blinds depending on the material of the slats

Before cleaning horizontal blinds, it is necessary to establish whether the chosen method is not prohibited for this material.

  • Wood and bamboo can only be processed using the dry method. Even a small amount of water can ruin the product. In the case of severe soiling, a small amount of alcohol applied to a cloth or other volatile chemicals can be used.
  • There may be streaks on textiles after using water. In this case, as well as when working with parchment and rice paper models, only special paste or erasers can be used. In extreme cases, the use of a stain remover is allowed.
  • Aluminum and vinyl are water-resistant, but if washed with abrasives, there is a risk of unsightly scratches on their surface.
  • In order not to wash off special coatings and sprays, it is recommended to use a cotton cloth. In difficult cases, dense surfaces can be cleaned with a soft porous sponge or a regular brush with a short pile.

Whichever option is chosen, manipulations should be carried out carefully, without pressure. It is better to spend more time on the process than to restore the deformed elements later.


If possible, at least once every six months it is recommended to trust the cleaning of the blinds to professionals. At the same time, it is not even necessary to transport structures, cleaning companies provide teams that are able to quickly clean sun protection systems, renew impregnations and polish surfaces if necessary.

Self-washing horizontal blinds is not the most pleasant experience that requires certain skills. All manipulations must be carried out with great care, the risk of damage to the panels is very high.


How to wash blinds without removing from the window?

Blinds - the integral attribute of modern interiors. They reliably protect the room from street light and prevent fading of paint, wallpaper and furniture upholstery from UV rays. In the manufacture of products, they undergo special processing, the protective coating repels dust and dirt, but in order to maintain their attractive appearance for a long time, vertical and horizontal blinds need to be cleaned from time to time.

Simple ways to clean blinds without removing from the window

You can clean your blinds at home without even removing them from the window. The easiest and fastest way is to brush off the dust from the slats with a special brush with feathers. But this option is not entirely successful, since it will not take even a couple of hours, and all the dust will again settle on the curtain, and also on furniture, wallpaper and floors. To avoid such incidents, it is better, when doing regular cleaning, to vacuum the curtain using a soft small nozzle.

Today, a huge assortment of special brushes for cleaning blinds is on sale, they are two-, three-, four-row rake tongs with terry or fur tips. This design allows you to capture several lamellas from both sides with this device at once and wipe them. Tweezers can not only wipe the dust, but also wash the blinds without removing them from the window.

For more convenient cleaning of the lamellas, there is a special nozzle for the vacuum cleaner

Below we offer a video review of one of the types of brushes, explaining why this design is preferable and which nozzles are better to use.

Wet cleaning

How to wash fabric slats

It is better not to rub textiles with a damp cloth, but to remove them from the window for washing. But if this is not possible, then first you just need to thoroughly vacuum the canvas, and then treat each lamella with a steam generator, which can be rented if necessary. Steam vertical stripes from top to bottom. To prevent dirt from dripping onto the floor and not spoiling it, place a rag, towel or substitute a container.

If during the processing severe contamination was found, to wash them, rub for 10-15 minutes with a stain remover for cleaning furniture, rub a little with a brush or sponge. Wash not only the stain itself, but also the area around it. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and then treat the lamella again with a steam generator.

How to clean wood blinds

Separately, we will analyze the question of how to clean horizontal blinds? This type of product requires special, careful care. Wooden slats cannot be wiped with a damp cloth or brushes; for these purposes, it is better to use polishes. You can wash it with a flannel rag, tongs, or put a soft sock on your hand.

The canvas of horizontal blinds is lowered over the entire window, the slats are set to the “light scattering” mode - the flat part of the slats looks at the window sill. The vertical curtain is stretched over the entire opening, the planks are turned with their faces to the window, the flat surface is perpendicular to the glazing.

The polish is applied to the fabric, then each lamella is individually clamped and carefully rubbed. Do not forget to wipe the edges well, when cleaning, a lot of dirt accumulates on them.

Be sure to work with gloves, so you protect your hands from cuts with sharp edges and your skin from corrosive chemicals

Features of care for metal and plastic blinds

Blinds made of metal and plastic can be safely washed. The cheapest and fastest way:

  • open the curtain to the entire window, turn the slats into the “closed” mode;
  • prepare a container with soapy water, you can use powder, and experienced housewives recommend diluting dishwashing liquid;
  • dip a rag or sponge, wring it out a little so that the water does not drain much, moisten the entire canvas well, leave for a few minutes so that the dirt lags behind the surface;
  • rinse the rag, start wiping the stains from top to bottom;
  • places of strong pollution can be slightly rubbed with pastes, but do not press the sponge hard so as not to scratch the protective layer of the lamellas;
  • when one side is washed, repeat the procedure on the other side;
  • leave the curtain to dry, then spray glass cleaner on the canvas, rub the lamellas thoroughly with a dry cloth, they will shine like new;
  • raise the blinds and wash the window;
  • lower the canvas again and spray it on both sides with antistatic, so for some time the dust will not settle on the strips.

I must say that this option is good only for horizontal products, since the canvas can be pressed against the window, thus creating a support. There is nothing to support vertical curtains, you will have to wash each strip separately.

Instead of a soapy solution, you can immediately spray glass cleaning liquid on the canvas and rub the lamellas thoroughly with dry rags. But this option is advisable if the lamellas are not very dirty.

Plastic and aluminum blinds can also be washed with a steam generator. With hot steam cleaning, all the fumes and grease leave well, especially when it comes to the curtain in the kitchen.

The toe made of soft fabric is very convenient to wash and polish the slats

The method is easy, but not economical

In the following way, you can clean all types of horizontal and vertical slats, except for fabric ones. Before starting work, you need to stock up on wet wipes, it is better to clean those that are designed for wiping office equipment.

We open the canvas, put the slats in a position convenient for washing. We clamp the bar with a napkin, run our hand along and carefully remove the dust. In fact, this is the same as washing with a rag or tongs, but it does not require basins of soapy water and rinsing of working equipment.

If there is no time and desire to wash the blinds on your own, then you can order a professional dry cleaning at home.

In conclusion, we offer a video story in which one of the owners of horizontal blinds shares her experience on how to wash the blinds without removing them from the window.


The complexity of washing the blinds depends on the degree of contamination and the width of the entire product. It is necessary to figure out how to wash the blinds. Today the following options are presented on the market: wooden, plastic, aluminum, fabric blinds. Metal and plastic blinds require the least maintenance. And such cozy ones as wooden and fabric ones require enhanced care.

For blinds made of wood, bamboo and fabric, cleaning with a damp sponge and cleaning products is not recommended. After washing such blinds, the slats may become deformed or change color. They are suitable for dry cleaning. The attractive appearance of the blinds for a long time will allow you to maintain regular proper care.

  • For wooden, bamboo blinds;
  • Blinds with photo printing;
  • Straw curtains;
  • Fabric blinds.

To clean wooden blinds, it is best to use a dust whisk and a dry cloth. But, if you need to remove stains with water procedures, do not rub too hard and use products with abrasives.

To get rid of dust, blinds can be vacuumed using a furniture nozzle. The vacuum cleaner should be turned on to the weakest mode

Particular attention should be paid to vacuuming aluminum blinds. The metal plates are very thin and easily damaged.

To clean the blinds, wipes with an antistatic effect (for computer equipment) are also used. We wipe the rails on 2 sides with napkins. This is the same as washing with a rag or sponge, only without buckets of water and basins. The use of such napkins allows you to not accumulate dust for a longer time. This is a fairly easy way, but not economical.

Manufacturers impregnate fabric vertical blinds with a dust-repellent composition, and after wet cleaning and washing, it is gradually erased. For them, it is better to use dry cleaning with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

You can use a steam generator. First, carefully vacuum the vertical blinds, and pass the steam jet from top to bottom. To prevent dirt from dripping onto the floor or onto the windowsill, spread rags or substitute a bucket.

But, if washing is still necessary, we remove the fabric slats from the window, remove the chains from them, carefully roll each one into a roll, and put it in a special bag for washing. We wash on a delicate mode at 30 ᵒС without spinning. But still, it is better to wash by hand. Soak in warm water with powder for a couple of hours. After we take out the lamellas, unfold them, gently rinse them in running water, and lay them out on a flat surface to dry without squeezing. After drying, return to place.

Horizontal blinds are more commonly used in apartments, while vertical blinds tend to be more common in offices. But things may be different. For plastic and aluminum blinds, the cleaning procedure is simpler. They can be washed properly with water and powder, soap or dishwashing detergent. The latter is well suited if the blinds hung in the kitchen, in which case not only dust, but also fat and soot accumulate on them.

Important points:

  • Plastic blinds should not be washed with hot water;
  • Do not wet the metal cornice;
  • Do not use aggressive detergents.

Before washing the blinds, they must be thoroughly cleaned with a dry cloth.

You can wash the blinds in the bathroom. To do this, fill it with warm water, dissolve soap or powder. We close the blinds and lower them into the water. Do not soak metal blinds for a long time, as rust can form in places where the paint is damaged.

The blades of horizontal blinds are very thin. In the process of washing, it is necessary to carefully support the plates from below so as not to bend them and not spoil the appearance.

You can wipe the slats with a sponge. After the dirt and dust has been washed off, the blinds should be laid out on dry, clean towels to dry. When they dry completely, they can be hung in place. Do not forget to lubricate the mechanism for turning the slats with silicone. If there is no grease on the slats, the blinds can be washed under a warm shower. Before washing, they should also be closed, otherwise the slats may stick together, and you will have to spend time straightening them.

Benefits of a blinds brush

To care for the blinds, a special brush is useful. It allows you to clean the lamellas simultaneously from above and below. This brush saves cleaning time when dry cleaning. Today there is a huge selection of brushes for blinds.

Its advantages:

  • Thanks to the fork-shaped design, several slats can be cleaned at once;
  • Suitable for horizontal options of any size and type;
  • The brush can be washed.

The brush is useful for removing dust from horizontal blinds with narrow slats placed close together.

Some horizontal blinds are difficult to remove from windows. Such designs can be washed without removing. It is better to start from the top, so that during the washing process, the dirt does not fall on the already clean records. You can use a spray bottle. Sprinkling a soap solution or window cleaner on the blinds (if the dirt is complex enough), very carefully wipe the slats with a sponge.

Then wipe dry with a lint-free cloth. True, after washing the blinds, you will also have to wash the windows, but the room will become cleaner and brighter. Steam cleaning works well for plastic and aluminum blinds. At the same time, fat, soot and fumes are perfectly removed, this is quite effective if the blinds hung in the kitchen.

Cleaning blinds takes a lot of time, but bright shining windows are worth the time spent.

What are the reviews of the blinds brush

Many owners of blinds liked this invention. If the pollution is weak, such a brush copes with them quite effectively. But there are also disadvantages: such cleaning is not suitable for people who are allergic to dust, the blinds brush cannot cope with cleaning at the places where the rails are attached.

Blind brush saves time dusting the fins

But do not forget about dry cleaning, in some cases it is better to leave the job to professionals. Over time, when washing fabric blinds, the impregnation with a special compound will be washed off, and they will become unusable. Straw curtains with a pattern require special care.

Usually they are not varnished, and such curtains often shed. They are best hung in dry rooms and cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and a brush more often. It is quite difficult to take care of blinds with photo printing, it is better not to use water when cleaning, so as not to damage the pattern.

Blinds with an embossed pattern can be cleaned with a soft toothbrush.

Instructions: how to wash horizontal blinds (video)

Any item in the house requires care and respect for oneself. Blinds included. Proper care will extend the life of the structure for a long time without sacrificing cleanliness. Timely erasing of dust and small contaminants will save you from a long and not very pleasant laundering of layers of dust and dirt.


How to clean horizontal blinds

  • How to properly clean blinds. 2 ways.

Do you have blinds on the windows in your house? This is a very practical option. So, you also wondered how to properly care for them. How to wash horizontal blinds? How to maintain their durability during operation?

Blinds differ from curtains in their practicality, reliable protection from the sun and ease of care.

The most common way to protect your home from the hot sun is to hang blinds on the windows. They are very practical and durable in operation, are produced in a wide range and from different materials.

The most popular are horizontal blinds. They are made of plastic, wood, fabric and other materials. Accordingly, they require different care.

How to wash horizontal blinds without removing them from windows?

Of course, good housewives do not bring their blinds to a state of severe pollution and try to keep the house clean on a daily basis.

Such housewives can be advised to wash the blinds without removing them from the windows.

How to do it? Below are four possible options:

To wash the blinds, you can use household chemicals.

  1. You will need a basin of water, an antiseptic polish, rubber gloves, and a soft cotton cloth. In a bowl with a small amount of water, dissolve 1/4 of the antiseptic agent, mix well (you can use a rubber-gloved hand). Then take a rag and soak it in a bowl of solution. Half-close horizontal blinds so that they are edgewise towards you (at an angle of 90°). Gently wash them on both sides with a soft cloth. It is necessary to sort through each strip (lamellae). This is a very laborious task and will require diligence and patience. However, you will be satisfied with the result. The antiseptic cleans dirt well, and your blinds will not gather dust for a long time. At the end of the wash, they will need to be collected up and wipe the window with a clean rag so that there are no traces of polish left on it.
  2. This is the fastest and easiest way to clean your blinds without removing them from your windows. To do this, you need to purchase wet wipes for the care of office equipment in the store. With the help of these napkins blinds are put in order very quickly. It is necessary to wipe them from both sides, for which put them in the 90 ° position. No additional detergents are needed.
  3. One of the most time-consuming methods of washing is using a soapy solution. To do this, you will need a basin of water, detergents for dishes or tiles, ammonia, a soft kitchen sponge, a cotton cloth, and rubber gloves. In a bowl of water, add any detergent for washing dishes, lightly whisk into a stable foam. Add a few drops of ammonia to the soap solution. Using a soft kitchen sponge, apply soapy water to each strip of blinds on both sides. Then gently wash them with clean water using a cotton cloth. Wipe the windows with the same cloth so that soap stains do not remain on it. This method of care for the blinds is used in cases where the pollution is already significant and the dust has settled down in a rather thick layer.
  4. Manufacturers also offer to purchase related products for the care of blinds. One of these inventions is special brush-tongs. You can buy them in any supermarket. With their help, you can easily clean each panel from both sides at the same time, gently clamping it with a brush-tongs. The inner coating of the tongs has a velvet or velor base; any antiseptic agent can be easily applied to it.

If you started a general cleaning, then you simply cannot do without washing the blinds. Strong pollution cannot be washed out without removing them from the windows. How to do it?

There are 2 ways:

Design of horizontal blinds.

  1. Remove the blinds from the windows in the straightened state, roll them neatly into a roll. Draw enough warm water into the bath so that the entire roll can be placed there and the water would cover it entirely. Next, add washing powder or any other detergent that has the ability to foam to it. Stir the powder well with your hand so that it is completely dissolved in water. Put the blinds in there for a few hours. Periodically it is necessary to turn them over to the other side and shake. Dirt and dust will very quickly depart on their own, then it will remain to wash off the remnants with cool water. Next, they will need to be hung on the window and wiped with a dry cloth so that when dried, there are no drips and drops from the water.
  2. The second method does not involve long soaking in water with detergents. You can wash them much faster, but here you will need the help of one of your family members. Remove the blinds from the windows without turning them, take them to the bathroom, turn them sideways so that the strips are perpendicular to the tub. Using a sponge dipped in soapy water, remove dirt from both sides, thoroughly lathering them. Wash off the remains of dust, dirt and soap with a shower. Reinstall the structure in its original place and wipe with a dry cloth.

These tips will help keep your blinds in good condition and give them their original look.


Roller blinds all types of curtains and blinds to order Volgograd

Unfortunately, over time, horizontal blinds, like any other items: get dirty. And if the blinds are installed in a kitchen that does not have forced ventilation (exhaust) above the stove, they are also covered with resins and grease.

There are three options here:

1. Buy new blinds from us. (recommended)

2 . Buy them from another company. (not recommended))

3. Try to wash them yourself (seriously saving in this way on new products and their installation)

Consider the third option:

Dirty lamellas of horizontal blinds are lifted up (toward the eaves).

Then, in order to remove the cornices from the brackets (two, less often three brackets), we shift the protruding “flags” of the brackets towards ourselves and to the right, while holding the cornice with our hand.

After that, with a slight movement towards you and down, the blinds are removed from the brackets.

We straighten the removed products and then close them (as when protecting from the sun). In this form, we wash under good pressure on one side:

Then turn and wash on the other side:

If you try to wash the blinds in the assembled state, you will only achieve that the lamellas “stick together” with each other, while the dirt will not be washed off them. Ugh

After washing under pressure, it will not be superfluous to soak them in the unfolded state for an hour and a half in a washing (for example, soapy) solution:

Please note that before soaking or washing the blinds, it is necessary to remove the plastic plugs on the ends of the eaves and the bottom bar.

These plugs should be put in place only after complete drying. Otherwise, corrosion will develop under the plugs (and very quickly). As a result, you will still buy new blinds.

After soaking the products, we rinse them with running water and let the water drain, hang them in place. After hanging the blinds and unfolding them, carefully, so as not to wrinkle, we wipe each slat with a lint-free soft cloth.

Not earlier than the next day (when we are sure that the blinds are completely dry): we insert clean, dry plugs on the ends of the cornices and lower slats and lubricate the lamella rotation mechanism.

For lubrication, it is best to use silicone, or lubrication such as "WD-40" or its equivalent. Sold in all car dealerships in Volgograd (and in other localities))). In extreme cases, you can use any industrial oil, including oil for lubricating sewing machines.

It is necessary to drip drop by drop (no more) on the sides of the rotary mechanism and on top. (Grease will get inside through leaks itself). However, unlike silicone sprays and specials.

lubricants such as "WD-40" (which create a stable film on rubbing pairs) - ordinary oils often flow down through leaks, which does not add to the attractiveness of the mechanisms.

We hang the blinds in place and enjoy their updated look.

It has long become a familiar decor item for windows. They are used not only in offices, but also in apartments, private houses. A huge variety of types and colors of the material provides ample opportunities for creating a bright, memorable interior and a unique atmosphere in the room.

Even if the room does not accumulate much dust and dirt, cleaning should be done regularly. Therefore, sooner or later, any hostess faces the question: how to wash fabric blinds at home?

The method of cleaning the material from contamination is selected based on its characteristics. Fabric blinds are made from both natural and synthetic materials. To make them last longer, various impregnations from dust and burnout are often applied to the surface.

Vertical fabric blinds: two ways to clean at home

So, if you started a general cleaning, fabric blinds can also be cleaned of dirt. Below are two of the easiest ways:

  • Cleaning the surface from dust. In order to remove a layer of dust, you can use a simple cloth moistened with water. A vacuum cleaner with a small brush also helps a lot; some models come with special nozzles for cleaning curtains. In hardware stores, you can often find brushes designed specifically for blinds. In any case, in order to remove a dense layer of dust, you will need to wipe the slats several times. The first time it is advisable to use a mild soapy solution, and then plain water;
  • Washing fabric blinds. If stubborn stains have formed on the surface of the material of the lamellas and there are areas with strong contamination, you can wash them. In order for the protective impregnation not to come off, it is worth using this method no more than once a year. Washing can be done in a conventional machine on a gentle cycle. It is better to place the slats in a special bag, set the temperature not too high. Even following all these recommendations, it is worth remembering that washing has a bad effect on the material: the slats can shed and deform.
The ideal way to clean fabric blinds is still considered to be the use of a soapy solution. All lamellas must be removed from the eaves, rolled up and dipped in a soapy solution for a while. Then they are pulled out, carefully straightened and dried.

If fabric blinds cannot be cleaned by yourself: dry cleaning is a great solution

Modern dry cleaners often include in their list of services such an item as "cleaning fabric blinds." It is made delicately and carefully. Chemical compositions are applied to the material and a gentle thermal effect is exerted. The combination of these two components allows you to achieve maximum results, while maintaining the integrity of the structure of the fabric fibers. Dry cleaning is ideal for those who are faced with the need to remove stubborn dirt and old stains.

Deep cleaning of fabric lamellas with the help of chemicals and modern equipment is not cheap. In addition, despite the fact that this method is the most gentle, its use also negatively affects the condition of the material. If the pollution is very strong, and the lamellas are not expensive, it is often cheaper and easier to replace them with similar new ones.

Do not try to use chemical compounds to clean the lamellas on your own. At home, only plain soap is allowed. In modern dry cleaners, not only special formulations are used, but also ultrasound. The latter method most gently eliminates pollution.

How to keep the lamella fabric in good condition for as long as possible?

Even if the blinds are not expensive, they are usually selected according to the style of interior design, so you want to keep the look of the material as long as possible. Over time, the slats absorb not only dust and dirt, but also various odors, tobacco smoke. So that the fabric does not lose its presentable appearance, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. After installing the structure in place, the lamellas should be treated with an antistatic spray, which creates protection against dust on the surface;
  2. It is worth regularly using a vacuum cleaner, a fleecy rag or a special brush in order to remove dust;
  3. If the slats need to be washed, do not soak them in water for a long time;
  4. Do not use strong detergents or use hot water;
  5. So that the question of how to wash fabric blinds does not arise too often, you should not hang them in the kitchen and in rooms with high traffic.
A steam cleaner will help get rid of dirt on the slats of fabric blinds. Such a device will make cleaning simple and quick: the blinds do not need to be disassembled, even quite serious stains can be removed. It is important not to set the steam temperature too high

If you are wondering how to clean fabric blinds (vertical or horizontal), use the tips in this article. Following our recommendations, you will be able to keep the material in good condition for a long time and your blinds will decorate the windows in the room for more than one year.

How are vertical blinds washed without removing them from the windows? This question arises most often when dust, dirt and stains have accumulated on vertical blinds.

Vertical blinds are a sun protection structure with vertical slats. This product is quite in demand, due to its positive characteristics. They are easy to use, they perfectly fulfill their main purpose, suitable for a wide variety of designs. The scope of vertical blinds is extensive.

How to wash vertical blinds: without removing from windows, tools and methods

Steps to solve the problem yourself
In order to wash and clean vertical blinds with your own hands, and quickly, you must first know the material from which the products are actually made.

All cleaning steps directly depend on the material of the blinds:

1. Plastic vertical blinds

These products can be washed using a variety of products that are at hand. It is enough to wipe each “rail” with a washing solution in turn, then remove all moisture from them;

2. Fabric vertical blinds

These blinds can and should be cleaned and washed as you wish. They are perfectly cleaned, while they are even washed.
Order, as always:

  1. Close the blinds;
  2. Pass them carefully with a vacuum cleaner (this will simplify further work);
  3. Wipe each “rail” with a damp sponge soaped in detergent;
  4. Remove the resulting foam, and the remaining moisture;
  5. Wipe dry.

3. Aluminum vertical blinds

Aluminum lamellas are easy to clean, it is enough to follow the above-described method of successive actions, and they will shine with cleanliness. Skillful housewives have learned to use wet wipes to wipe vertical blinds (quickly and with their own hands - very convenient!);

4. Wooden and bamboo vertical blinds

These products require a rather delicate approach. Wooden slats need dry cleaning and some wet cleaning. If you wet these products abundantly, they will deteriorate and become unusable.

The United Cleaning Service company provides blinds dry cleaning services, it is performed using certified detergents and a steam generator.

To wash vertical blinds with your own hands without removing them from the windows, and at the same time quickly, you should know the little tricks of this process. Everything is much easier than it seems, just follow the advice of professionals, and you are guaranteed to clean the products without removing them.

There are many features of this task, but here are the most effective:

  • Washing the blinds without removing them from the windows is quite simple, the main thing is not to miss a single lamella when washing out;
  • When cleaning vertical blinds, washing should start from the top down;
  • After you have cleaned the product, be sure to wipe the soiled window sill, window.

Following our advice, everyone will learn how to wash vertical blinds.

Horizontal blinds - a spectacular comfortable curtain, consisting of many plates (lamellas) arranged parallel to each other. Blinds are especially loved for the mechanism that allows both to ensure the penetration of light into the room and completely block it. Plastic blinds are an inexpensive and beautiful decor option for an apartment, home and office. Today it is easy to purchase plastic curtains of any color and choose the option that suits the most sophisticated interior.

Some difficulties in operation arise when it is necessary to clean the horizontal blinds. After all, dust settles on each lamella (especially in the light transmission mode). If the design is used in the kitchen, contamination from fat, soot mixed with dust and dirt forms on the lamellas. For regular cleaning of blinds from simple dust, a vacuum cleaner or fanning with a dust whisk is sufficient. But with the formation of persistent dirt, it becomes necessary to thoroughly rinse the plastic curtains.

How to wash horizontal plastic blinds without removing from the window

In order for the structure to have to be washed as infrequently as possible, regular preventive dusting is carried out with a vacuum cleaner or a special dust whisk:

  • to remove dust with a vacuum cleaner, use a small nozzle and low suction speed (so as not to damage the lamellas);
  • fluffy panicle is designed to brush off dust from furniture and interior items.

If the contamination of the slats is not significant (or it is not possible to dismantle them), the blinds are cleaned without removing from the window:

  • before washing the structure, dry cleaning is carried out (with a vacuum cleaner or a whisk);
  • then each lamella is wiped with wet wipes, grabbing the plate “round”, immediately from above and below (we recommend using wipes for furniture and interior cleaning of cars, they are immediately impregnated with antistatic and polishing agents)
  • instead of a damp cloth, you can use an ordinary clean rag (experienced housewives advise using old gloves or socks), a liquid or foamy house cleaner in a spray bottle (for washing windows, furniture);
  • stores sell special brushes for wet cleaning of horizontal blinds; the design consists of several separate fabric (or fur) brush rollers, which simultaneously capture several lamellas at once (from 2 to 7); after use, the brush is washed from dirt.

If necessary, wet cleaning of the plastic curtain is carried out several times. Hooks and fasteners are wiped separately.

How to dismantle the structure and hang it back

Sometimes light dry or wet cleaning is not enough to clean the blinds well and they must be dismantled for a more serious procedure. For example, the blinds were not washed for too long, they were covered with an impressive layer of dirt. Horizontal curtains located on the kitchen windows, over time, along with dust, accumulate grease stains, soot, and these contaminants are particularly resistant and cannot be wiped off with a simple damp cloth.

It is important to properly dismantle and hang back horizontal plastic blinds so as not to damage their mechanism:

  • Set the slats to the "closed" position.
  • If the top panel (fixing) is covered with a decorative element, it is carefully removed.
  • On the upper bar there are clamps (or clips) that fix the curtains on it, you need to open them.
  • Remove the curtain from the bar.
  • Wash in the chosen way.
  • Put the dry, clean blinds back on the fastenings of the top bar.
  • Close the latches (or tighten the clamps).
  • Install the decorative element back, if any.

Usually horizontal blinds are removed and installed back easily, it is enough once without hurrying to figure out the scheme of their fastening.

Deep Cleaning Methods

When the structure is removed from the window, it is possible to carry out a deep cleaning of the horizontal slats. Modern blinds are made of high quality plastic, which easily tolerates any detergents. However, it is still worth clarifying possible “contraindications” with the manufacturer.

Note! Metal structural elements (fasteners, clamps) after wet cleaning must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Soak wash

If the size of the blinds allows, the curtain is soaked in the bathroom:

  • for soaking, water of medium temperature (about 50 degrees) is poured into the bath;
  • almost any liquid detergent is suitable (for washing dishes, washing powder for hand or machine washing);
  • the detergent is diluted in water, whip the foam with your hands;
  • blinds are carefully immersed in water;
  • soaking time depends on the degree of contamination, for example, it will take several hours to remove kitchen fat;
  • after that, the blinds are washed with plenty of running warm water using a shower;
  • if contamination remains, the procedure is repeated;
  • when the curtain is completely cleaned, the water is allowed to drain;
  • the lamellas are wiped dry;
  • the structure is mounted back on the window or wall.

It is necessary to mount, soak and wash plastic blinds very carefully. The slats must not be crushed, twisted, bent - this may cause cracks or creases on them.

Particularly persistent contamination on plastic is treated with kitchen products to clean old fat. To do this, the product is simply applied to greasy spots, as indicated on the bottle. Work is carried out with gloves, such chemical preparations contain chlorine, caustic soda, alkali, which, upon contact, will damage the skin of the hands.

Go to the address and read about how to hang a picture on the wall without drilling using scrap materials.

shower wash

If it is possible to tightly fix the blinds directly above the bathtub or in the shower cabin, and there are no serious dirt on the slats, washing can be done with a shower:

  • fix the curtain over the bath or in the shower;
  • turn on the shower. A weak pressure of warm water is required, which does not deform the lamellas;
  • the entire curtain is thoroughly doused with water from top to bottom;
  • apply liquid or foam detergent to the lamellas, the easiest way is with a spray gun;
  • leave to act for 15-20 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water several times;
  • if necessary, repeat the treatment;
  • leave clean blinds until the water drains completely.

The final stage of work is the same as when washing blinds with soaking. When the water from the structures is completely drained, they are wiped dry, mounted in place, and the plates are covered with polish and antistatic.

Washing horizontal plastic blinds is not difficult. But it is often not recommended to remove the plastic curtain so as not to damage the structure and lamellas during installation and “water procedures”. The optimal solution is preventive weekly cleaning, which does not require removal of the structure. Then it will be enough to carry out a “general” washing of plastic curtains 1-2 times a year.