How to use old cosmetics. How to make lipstick with your own hands? Various manufacturing options and recommendations What can be done from an empty tube of lipstick

  • How to get the rest of the lipstick out of the tube?
  • How to improve lipstick after restoration?
  • How else can you use lipstick leftovers: life hacks

After the next revision of the cosmetic bag, you find that there are several lipsticks with the remnants of a colored stick, erased almost to the ground, idle. Send them to the scrap?

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You will always have time to get rid of these funds, but isn't it better to give them a second life. After all, from the remnants of several lipsticks, you can make a new one. We'll tell you exactly how.

How to get the rest of the lipstick out of the tube?

Before you start creating a new lipstick from the remnants of the old, you need to remove what is left in the package. Improvised means will help to cope with this: toothpicks, cotton swabs. A knife with a narrow blade will also come in handy - to pull lipstick out of hard-to-reach corners of the tube. Many also advise soaking a paper towel in alcohol and wiping the sides of the tube you plan to refill.

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Other free tubes, if cleaned, can later be used as a holder for toothpicks, invisible hair clips or hairpins, as a container for pills or other small things that you need to carry with you in a compact package.

Before filling the tube with a mixture of lipstick of different shades, put a piece of foil on the bottom of the tube - thanks to it you will be able to twist the lipstick out of the tube after hardening in the same way as before.

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Please note that when creating a new lipstick, you usually mix the remnants of several old ones at once and get a unique shade that can be very successful.

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True, the lipsticks that you are going to pair must be color compatible. So, if you take brown and purple, you are unlikely to get a product that you want to use.

How to make lipstick from leftovers: step by step instructions

It may happen that after mixing two shades you will not get the color that you would like to see in your makeup bag. This is easy to fix.

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To make your new lipstick a little lighter, add some Vaseline to your existing color mixture. It will also make the composition softer and provide lips with comfort. Do you need a darker shade? In this case, shadows come in handy. Pour them into the heated mixture until you get the desired shade. By the way, if the lipstick is not over, but simply broken, you can also restore it. Useful tips you will find in this video.

Can I use leftover liquid lipstick?

Things are more complicated with things - at least because this remedy tends to freeze when exposed to air. In addition, inside a tube of liquid lipstick - the same as lip glosses, with an applicator built into the cap - is not so easy to get through. Having opened the tube, you can use the remnants of liquid lipstick, perhaps, only once.

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Pick up the tool on a beveled brush and use it as an eyeliner in makeup - for drawing arrows. If there is enough lipstick left, you can boil it together with the rest of the usual lipstick. An extraordinary result is guaranteed.

Have you ever used leftover lipstick? Write about what you did in the comments.

Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not trust the manufacturers of decorative cosmetics and are increasingly thinking about how to make lipstick with their own hands. I must say that this process is not at all complicated.

The rest are in business!

Surely every woman has stocks of running out or unsuitable lipstick, which is a pity to throw away, and it is no longer possible to use. So what to do in this case?

The idea lies on the surface. You can simply collect all your tubes and melt their contents. The result can be something exclusive and interesting. How to make lipstick at home? Yes, very easy!

You will need:

  • candle;
  • remnants of lipstick;
  • ladle;
  • small jar.

You can also take some running lip balm or did you know that any woman can do lipstick like this? After all, it is very simple.

Process description

  1. First of all, remove the contents of the tubes. Then place this mass in a ladle. If you use leftovers, remember that you need to take a little of it. It is better to take two parts of lipstick and one - gloss.
  2. Light a candle and bring a ladle. The lipstick should melt. At this stage, do not forget to mix the resulting mass.
  3. Take a vial and pour the contents of the ladle.
  4. Once the lipstick has completely cooled down, you can safely use it. This is the easiest way to make lipstick.

What can lipstick be made from?

How to make lipstick not only from the remnants of various cosmetics, but also completely from scratch? To do this, you need to take thirty percent of liquid oils and wax, as well as forty percent of solid oils. This formula does not take into account the content of aromatic and coloring substances, since these ingredients are always added at the final stage of preparation. In each case, their number will depend on your individual preferences.

  1. Prepare all the ingredients that are required by the recipe, and put them in a water bath or heat over a candle (as described above). Never bring it to a boil! Once the wax and oils are melted, you can safely remove them from the heat.
  2. Then add some color pigment and fragrance (optional).
  3. Love chestnut shades? Then use natural products and spices as coloring pigments: cinnamon, turmeric, cocoa.
  4. it will turn out if you add it to the base. Take a medical syringe and draw uncooled lipstick into it, you don’t need to put on a needle, because the mass is unlikely to pass through its thin hole. Cut off the plastic tip and squeeze the contents into the tube prepared in advance, but not to the very top, as the mass will harden and increase slightly in volume.
  5. To make the lipstick harden faster and you can use it, place the container in the refrigerator for just a few minutes.

Making colorless lipstick

Now let's start preparing hygienic lipstick. To do this, take a teaspoon of bees or palm wax, rub it, melt it together with half a teaspoon of grape seed oil or wheat germ oil. Don't forget the pigments! Add four teaspoons of mica and a spoonful of dioxide, or Slightly thicken this mixture over a fire and remove. Let cool slightly and add half a tablespoon of vitamin E.

Another recipe: natural lipstick

Now consider how to make lipstick in a different way. Heat 3/8 cup olive oil and a large spoonful of jojoba oil, add a spoonful of alkane powder. Hold on fire and strain. Separately, melt a teaspoon of beeswax and add it to the strained mass. Once the mixture has cooled slightly, add nine drops of rose oil and stir.

How to make matte lipstick

Melt a teaspoon of candelilla and the same amount of beeswax, add half a teaspoon of jojoba oil and castor oil. In some other vessel, you need to put 8 tsp. zinc oxide or 1 tsp. titanium dioxide. Pour half a tablespoon of wheat germ oil here and mix well. We add this mass to the one that was prepared earlier, and keep them in a water bath until they mix with each other. That's the whole secret of

DIY red lipstick

Many women are interested in the question: how to make red lipstick? You can prepare it by mixing heated wax, coconut oil and shea butter. All components are taken in equal proportions. As a dye, we will use a couple of drops of beetroot powder or a drop of food coloring.

You can prepare red lipstick in a different way. Melt a large spoonful of wax, add half a tablespoon of lanolin and the same amount of castor oil, mix and pour 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of beetroot juice (using a pipette). We collect the finished lipstick in a syringe and put it in the refrigerator.

So you learned how to make lipstick at home. Do not be afraid to experiment, try mixing different natural dyes, because this way you can create some new beautiful shade. If you are not used to taking risks, then add some of your favorite shadows to the mass and mix well. Such lipstick will be perfectly stored and will not exfoliate over time. But you are unlikely to throw such your own creation somewhere far away and forget about it. After all, cosmetics created with your own hands, taking into account your own preferences, will be a pleasure to use.

Surely you have a lot of tubes of half-finished lipstick lying around, which it’s time to throw away, but still. And, meanwhile, the size of these tubes is just perfect for taking them on all sorts of trips and travels, after filling them with useful little things.

So, to prepare the tubes we need:

  • The tubes themselves with the remnants of lipstick.
  • Alcohol or vodka.
  • Paper towels or napkins.

Let's get to the hardest part of the job. Well, if the lipstick in the tube is really over. Often the lipstick looks like it has already been used up, but if you use a brush to apply lipstick, you will understand that its reserve has not yet been exhausted.

In order to remove the remnants of lipstick from the tube, the first thing we did was use toothpicks. You can also take cotton swabs. The main thing is to pull out as much of the remaining lipstick in the tube as possible.

You can use any available means.

After the bulk of the lipstick is removed, take a napkin or paper towel soaked in alcohol or vodka. Put a towel in the tube and try to wipe it from the inside.

Alcohol dissolves grease very well. Finish cleaning with cotton swabs, also dipped in alcohol.

What can be done from the resulting tube of lipstick.

1. Sewing kit for the road.

Our sewing kit includes:

  • A small piece of felt.
  • Pins.
  • Threads.
  • Needles.

Take a piece of felt and arrange all the necessary little things on it, as shown in the picture. After that, start rolling the felt.

We roll it into a thin roll.

Cut off the remaining unnecessary piece of felt, if any.

Place the roll into the tube.

2. Mini first aid kit.

A tube of lipstick makes a great mini first aid kit. A band-aid, a couple of pills, a packet of painkillers. This set will fit even in a small handbag.

3. Stand for toothpicks.

4. Hairpins and hairpins.

The moral of this article is: don't throw away your lipstick tubes.

The main problem of commercial cosmetics and lipsticks, among other things, is that various synthetic components are added to these products that can cause an unpredictable reaction of the body. Often the use of even a sufficiently high-quality lipstick leads to manifestations of allergies or the formation of peeling on the skin of the lips.

That is why, in order to protect themselves, many girls prefer to create both care and decorative cosmetics with their own hands. Despite the huge range of commercial cosmetics, homemade products are now in great demand. If you wish, you can even make your own lipstick. If you are wondering how this can be done and how long it will take - keep reading and you will be pleasantly surprised.

What can be done with old lip products?

The easiest way is to experiment with old cosmetics. Even from unwanted old lipstick, you can make a completely usable mixture.

In this case, you will not need many additional components and even extra time. After all, preparing such a fondant is very simple - you need to remove the old lipstick from the case. You can even use multiple products from different manufacturers. Combine everything in a small bowl and put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. But here it is important to take into account one point: although manufacturers may be different, all products selected for processing should in no case be expired.

Lipsticks in a plate need to be heated for only five seconds, but at high power. So you get a soft enough substance that you can mix with a wooden stick. If you took lipsticks of approximately one shade, then the result will be quite predictable. And if you combine several colors at once, then you will get an unexpected and most often pleasant result.

If you do not have a microwave or you are afraid to ruin everything, then you can try melting the product in a water bath. In this case, you can enrich the product with useful components. For example, add some beeswax or petroleum jelly to the mixture. This will turn your lipstick into a moisturizer. This method is especially good for those whose lipstick dries out their lips.

After the mixture is ready, it must be cooled and poured into the container of your choice. It can be a special package bought at a cosmetic store or just a jar of cosmetics. For example, glosses are often produced in such convenient packages that can then be used to form new cosmetics. Before using your new lip balm, let it harden into a thicker consistency. Depending on which container you poured lipstick into, you can apply it either by simply touching the colored circle with your lips, or by distributing cosmetics with a brush.

In addition to this simple procedure of turning a few pieces of lipstick into a new lip product, there are other ways to give new life to a cosmetic product.

How to make matte from lacquer?

Since matte lipsticks have been very popular among girls for several seasons in a row, many fashionistas want one for themselves. But in order to make a beautiful makeup with matte lips, it is not necessary to spend money on another bright tube, especially if you already have a lacquer lipstick of the desired shade. With the help of simple manipulations, you can give it a haze.

You will need a simple lipstick without shimmer or large glitters and a simple lip liner. Draw a beautiful outline, fill the base with a regular makeup product. Then proceed to the procedure of turning your makeup into a trendy one. To do this, attach a simple dry napkin to your lips so that it absorbs all the excess. As a result, the gloss will disappear and only a tint will remain, which stays on the lips for several hours. If desired, you can lightly powder your lips. So they will look more matte.

This lipstick keeps well on the lips and looks very aesthetically pleasing throughout the day. So such a trick can save you in a situation where there is no suitable product at hand or you have not yet decided whether you need such an unusual cosmetic product.

How to make a different color?

If you need some special shade, then you can recreate it at home too. To make the tool a few tones lighter or darker, you just need to add certain ingredients to it. Let's look at what components make colored lipstick the way you need it.


You will not be able to get a beautiful plum shade with natural ingredients. But with the help of crayons of the desired shade, you can easily achieve the desired result. You can get both a rich plum shade and a pale, almost pink one.


With chocolate shades, everything is much simpler. To make your lipstick beautiful, just add a little cinnamon to the composition. This product, depending on its quantity, allows you to make a fondant both rich chocolate and beautiful nude with a slight brown undertone. You can also add a little cocoa powder to the mixture. In this case, the finished product will also have a breathtaking smell.


To get a product a tone darker than the original result, eye shadow must be added to the base when the product is heated. Choose the shade of the color that you want to see on your lips later, or even a little darker. So in the end you get exactly what you need.


With the help of shadows, you can even create a spectacular black lipstick. But in order for the shade to turn out not dirty gray, but beautiful, use transparent hygienic lipstick as a base.


The same can be said about the blue tint. To keep the color clean and beautiful, take a transparent base and complement it with shadows or wax crayons. You will learn how to do this a little later. Introduce shadows gradually to get the desired color. And you will have a product in your hands in turquoise, azure or sky blue - depending on your wishes.


If you have a pink lipstick that doesn't suit you, you can lighten it by diluting it with Vaseline or wax. And you can also give the product a more saturated color by adding dark shadows or mixing with a piece of dark lipstick. Therefore, if you got a cosmetic product that does not quite suit you with its tone, then you should not throw it away - give lipstick a second chance and it will not disappoint you.


Transparent lipstick is usually made from scratch. To do this, the wax base is mixed with the same amount of grape seed oil. In this mixture, it is necessary to introduce a teaspoon of zinc oxide and four tablespoons of mica in time. The resulting mass will have a neutral hue. Making the composition more beneficial for your lips is also quite simple - add a few drops of vitamin E there.

Homemade translucent lipstick is a great product to use on a daily basis with peace of mind. It will not only not harm you, but will also benefit by moisturizing and protecting your lips from the influence of the external environment.


Red lipstick is one of the favorite products of many girls. With the right shade of red, you can complete both a casual look and an evening look. The main thing when creating a red lip product is that it suits your color type. You can make both red-brown and bright scarlet lipstick at home, depending on your wishes.

For a copper tint, you need to add a little turmeric to the composition. And a scarlet shade is very easy to get by adding beet root powder to the product. If you use beetroot juice, you get a slight purple hue. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible with it. Especially if shades of purple do not suit you.

In general, it can be difficult to guess with the final shade. But after trying to make lipstick a couple of times, you will deduce for yourself the formula of the perfect color that will suit you much better than all the ready-made store cosmetics. Of course, this will not work right away, but after a few procedures you will learn how to mix the components in ideal proportions.

Easy DIY ways

Now it's time to move on to the most difficult part - making lipstick at home without a ready-made base. Since a product prepared at home on its own and with the selection of only useful components is safe, it can even be used on a child's face. Such natural lipsticks are harmless for both children and girls with allergies to cosmetics. So learning how to make your own lipstick is never superfluous.

What will be needed?

You can use different bases to make lipstick. The most common are wax crayons or Vaseline. The latter makes good lipsticks that moisturize the lips. And from wax crayons, you can prepare products of unusual shades. Well, you already know how to prepare lipstick from the remnants of unnecessary cosmetics.

If you plan to make lipstick from wax, you will need the wax itself, a dye of the desired shade and oils. Wax can be bought at almost any pharmacy, honey shop or specialty store. If you are allergic to it or if you do not use animal products for ethical reasons, then you can use candelilla or carnauba wax as an alternative. Such a base will not spoil the product and, in fact, will not differ much from ordinary wax.

As for oils, you can choose them at your discretion. For moisturizing or nourishing, choose cocoa, avocado, almond, mango or shea butter. If you add this ingredient, the product will lay down on the lips in a more even and beautiful layer, nourishing them throughout the day. And for shine, you can supplement the base with coconut or olive oil. Just a few drops of pure olive oil will make your lipstick glossy and more effective.

Now a few words about dyes. They can be both natural and synthetic. You already know about different products for giving lipstick the right color. It can be seasonings that are in almost every kitchen or shade

Flavorings can also be added to the mixture if desired. It is advisable to use light fragrances that will not interrupt the smell of perfume and attract too much attention to themselves. Otherwise, the aroma can get boring very quickly. Vanilla is a favorite scent for many. Getting this flavor is as easy as shelling pears - buy vanilla in the seasoning department and add it to the composition when boiling.


If you want to get a lipstick that will not only make your lips more beautiful, but also heal them, then you can choose healing mixtures or oils as an additional component. One of the most popular products of this kind is aloe or honey.. Lipstick prepared according to a recipe with the addition of such products will be useful to everyone. It can be used to increase the lips, since everything in this composition is chosen so that the lips are more hydrated and voluminous.

Beautiful colored lipstick is easiest to get using colored crayons or shadows. If you want to use a crayon-based recipe, choose non-toxic ones with minimal odor. The best option is crayons based on beeswax. The recipe for making such a lipstick is very simple - finely rub the crayons and add them to the base during a water bath. Be careful - the color after using crayons, as in the case of making lipstick from shadows, can turn out to be too saturated. So introduce the additive gradually and look at how strongly it stains the base.

Among lovers of natural cosmetics, recipes using spices and beets are popular. Beetroot juice makes the shade of lipstick purple-red. And seasonings allow you to get a spectacular shade of brown or red. You need to introduce all additional components at the stage when you melted the lipstick and its consistency turned out to be soft.

How to make lipstick from crayons and olive oil - in the next video.

How to cook

To cook lipstick you will need dishes for a water bath, a wooden stick and all the necessary components. You can use an old broken lipstick or create a new one almost from scratch. In fact, the procedures differ little, except in terms of the naturalness of the components.

There is never too much cosmetics - most women think so. It's nice to replenish stocks with new jars, tubes and boxes that will help in creating an irresistible image. But there is only one problem: sometimes cosmetics dry out, crack, and it becomes inconvenient to use. If the hand does not rise to throw away your favorite shadows or mascara, you can find a use for them and extend their lifespan. Some interesting tips for those whose cosmetic bag has accumulated too much.

1. Mascara dried up - it doesn't matter

The mascara has expired, or it just dried out without waiting in the wings. Sometimes it happens. No need to rush and throw the tube into the trash can. It is better to wash it properly with neutral soap or ordinary dishwashing detergent and get an excellent brush, which is very convenient for combing eyelashes, removing unnecessary lumps of mascara from them. The resulting accessory is suitable for eyebrows, and in addition, it can be used to apply your favorite scrub on the lips.

And that is not all. With the help of mascara, you can quickly and accurately mask the hair roots. Of course, the color of the carcass must be taken into account. For example, a dyed brunette will immediately get rid of the problem by wetting the brush in water and applying a little product to the hair roots. It is better that the formula of cosmetics is waterproof, then you can not be afraid of streaks. As a temporary disguise - perfect.

2. Pencils for lips and eyes: draw not only on the face

Yes, crayons sometimes get too dry to use on delicate areas of the face. But they can be perfectly used as ordinary pencils. Such pencils are also useful during repairs, for example, for marking walls, floors or ceilings. They paint well on wood, drywall or plastic, and the marks are easily erased from smooth surfaces.

3. Old varnish will give a new shine to things

If the varnish is very tired, it can be used not only for painting nails. For example, you can varnish the arms of your favorite glasses. Or fix them with a falling screw on the frame. If desired, any surface can be coated with mother-of-pearl varnish: a worn belt buckle or buttons on clothes, favorite shoe laces or transparent straps. It is also suitable for masking small cracks on the window glass - draw a snowflake or a flower.

4. Old lipsticks equal new lip balm

If your old lipstick has become hard and dry but hasn't reached its expiration date, you can make a wonderful tinted lip balm. To do this, the remnants of lipstick must be gently melted in a spoon over a fire and mixed with the resulting mass with cosmetic petroleum jelly. While the balm is warm, it should be poured into a suitable container, for example, into a jar from an old balm.

By the way, lip balm can help not only delicate female lips, but also legs. If sandals or shoes rub, just apply a little balm to dangerous places, and you can move on. There will be no nasty and painful blisters on the fingers, heel or ankle.

From several old lipsticks that have already run out, you can make one new one. Using a toothpick or a small knife, you need to remove the remains from the tubes and also melt them in a spoon, holding over the fire. For those who are afraid to drip the stove, a microwave is suitable - pieces of lipstick are laid out in a glass container and placed in a microwave oven. It is important to monitor the state of the mass and not overheat it, otherwise the lipstick will simply curl up.

5. Eye shadow will decorate the fingers

Sometimes women do not have time to use eye shadow, and after the expiration date, cosmetics become dry and crack. Throwing away? In no case! Today, in the light of the most fashionable nail trends, you can make a unique nail polish from such shadows. It is enough to simply mix well-crushed shadows with transparent varnish, and a stunning textured nail coating is ready.

And if you mix the powder from the shadows not with varnish, but with glue, you get a beautiful paint. Just use it quickly before the glue dries.

6. The cream did not fit - should I be upset?

It happens that after buying a new cream it turns out that it does not fit. Too greasy, too dry, or too strong-smelling - there can be many reasons. Don't throw away the jar! Not suitable for the face - suitable for the body: you can make an excellent scrub from the cream, and ordinary granulated sugar will help with this. Mix the cream with sugar immediately before use in a 50/50 ratio. The mushy mass is applied to the body until completely absorbed, after which the scrub is removed with a regular napkin. It is not recommended to wash it off with water. The effect of this procedure is felt immediately.

7. What to do if your eye shadow, pressed powder or blush is cracked

Cosmetic pressed products often crack. After all, women wear them in their purses, and cosmetics do not like shaking. Is it worth it to be upset because your favorite shadows are cracked? No, no panic. Regular alcohol will come to the rescue. The contents of the cosmetic container must be taken out, crushed and mixed with alcohol until a thick paste is formed. That's all. The mass must stand - the alcohol will evaporate, and the powder will become solid and solid again.

8. Didn’t have time to buy a foundation - grab a moisturizer

You can replace the foundation with a moisturizer and pressed powder of the desired shade. A piece must be crushed and mixed with a proven moisturizer. Up - and the tonal moisturizer is ready. And most importantly, there will be no undesirable reaction to it, since the components are familiar.

9. How to make body lotion with your favorite perfume

Not always body lotions have the right scent, so some women prefer fragrance-free lotions. But you can create a unique product that will smell like your favorite perfume. You just need to drop a little perfume into the unscented lotion and mix thoroughly. The aroma will create an elusive haze and stay on the body until the lotion is removed.

And it's no secret that most of the cosmetics can be