Games to increase self-esteem in the group. Games and exercises that help increase the self-esteem of preschoolers methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic Art therapy self-esteem

Correction and development program "Preserving the psychological health of children by means of art therapy" for children of older age groups

This program is designed for children 5-6 years old, the older age group of the kindergarten and is designed to be implemented within 1 academic year.

The program contains a detailed description and recommendations for organizing art therapy using different techniques. Isotherapy (non-traditional drawing techniques), sand therapy (sandplay method - sand game), creative paper design techniques - origami and technologies for stabilizing the emotional sphere of preschoolers through the interactive dark environment of the sensory room.

This program contains detailed outlines of activities with children. Each of the correctional and developmental activities includes games and exercises aimed at developing, correcting and stabilizing the emotional sphere of children, developing imagination, fantasy, attention, self-control, fine motor skills of the hands, increasing self-esteem, reducing anxiety, as well as body-oriented exercises. In addition, a large amount of therapeutic games and game exercises are presented, built on the basis of art therapy techniques for preschoolers, which increase the effect in harmonizing personality development through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge in the process of perception and creation of art products, creative activity.



Tyumen region

Khanty - Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children" Snegurochka "

Considered at the meeting

Pedagogical Council MADOU

"Kindergarten of the combined type "Snegurochka"

Protocol No. 1 dated 15.09.2011.

Correction and development program

Preservation of the psychological health of children

means of art therapy

Age of children 5-6 years

senior group of kindergarten.

The correctional and developmental program is designed to implement

During 1 academic year.

Year of development of the correctional and developmental program 2011.

Russu N.Z.

Correction and development program "Preserving the psychological health of children by means of art therapy"for children of older age groups

This program is designed for children 5-6 years old, the older age group of the kindergarten and is designed to be implemented within 1 academic year.

The program contains a detailed description and recommendations for organizing art therapy using different techniques. Isotherapy (non-traditional drawing techniques), sand therapy (sandplay method - sand game), creative paper design techniques - origami and technologies for stabilizing the emotional sphere of preschoolers through the interactive dark environment of the sensory room.

This program contains detailed outlines of activities with children. Each of the correctional and developmental activities includes games and exercises aimed at developing, correcting and stabilizing the emotional sphere of children, developing imagination, fantasy, attention, self-control, fine motor skills of the hands, increasing self-esteem, reducing anxiety, as well as body-oriented exercises. In addition, a large amount of therapeutic games and game exercises are presented, built on the basis of art therapy techniques for preschoolers, which increase the effect in harmonizing personality development through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge in the process of perception and creation of art products, creative activity.

Work with parents is presented in the form of final lessons joint with children, as a form of summing up after each block of classes.

This program includes guidelines for working with each thematic block of classes, as well as a list of necessary materials and equipment.

In addition, the program contains a block of diagnostic material. To reveal a more complete picture of the child, psychological and pedagogical monitoring is carried out by several specialists: at the stage of enrolling children in a correctional and developmental group, the supervision is carried out by the educator. Then the teacher-psychologist conducts his block of psychological monitoring of the development of the emotional and personal sphere of preschoolers.

The program is intended for implementation in a preschool educational institution by a teacher-psychologist.

Explanatory note. Relevance of the topic ______________________________ 5

Purpose of the program ________________________________________________________ 8

Objectives____________________________________________________________________________ 9

The structure of the lesson _________________________________________________________ 10

Methods and techniques of work ________________________________________________ 15

Educational and thematic plan _____________________________________________ 16

Educational and thematic plan of interaction with the families of pupils ________ 18

Approximate set of equipment and art materials ___________ 30

- References ____________________________________________________________________32

Attachment 1

Psychological tools for examining the psychological health of preschoolers of the older age group. Luscher color test ___________ 35

Annex 2

Psychological tools for examining the psychological health of preschoolers of the older age group. Anxiety test. Tamml, Dorky,

Amen" _________________________________________________________________ 40

Appendix 3

Psychological tools for examining the psychological health of preschoolers of the older age group. Test "Ladder" (Martsinkovsky T.D.)

Appendix 4

Child observation map “Assessment of the developmental features of a preschool child” Semago M.M. ___________________________________________________ 45

Annex 5

Lesson notes ____________________________________________________________ 47

Appendix 6

Neuromuscular (progressive) relaxation according to E. Jacobson _______________ 67

Appendix 7

Breathing exercises Strelnikova A. N. _______________________________ 79

Appendix 8

Mimic gymnastics __________________________________________________ 92

Appendix 9

Finger gymnastics and self-massage according to M.S. Ruzina _______________________95

Annex 10

Prevention of visual disorders according to Martynov S. _____________________111

Annex 11

Interaction with the families of pupils (workshops and advisory material) _______________________________________________________________115

Appendix 13

Results of the implementation of the program __________________________________________145

Explanatory note.


At present, great attention is paid to the physical health of children, and often their psyche, their emotions, i.e., are left without attention. mental health in general. Parents pay little attention to the emotional and personal characteristics of their children. An increased level of anxiety, low self-esteem and the presence of any fears are not arguments for parents' anxiety about the child's health. But this needs to be given great attention, as well as a runny nose and fever. Fears, anxiety, low self-esteem are symptoms of psychological ill health in children. And if a child has problems with the psycho-emotional state, then what can we talk about his physical health.

In this regard, there is a need to search for new effective methods not only in the upbringing and development of children, but also stabilizing their psycho-emotional state and psychological health in general. And therefore, along with the use of traditional methods, innovative methods, such as art therapy, can play an important role in overcoming the difficulties of development.

Art therapy is a specialized form of psychotherapy based on art, primarily visual and creative activities.

The main goal of art therapy is to harmonize the development of the individual through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge in the process of perception and creation of art products, creative activity.

Art therapy is a set of psycho-correctional techniques that have differences and features that are determined both by the genre belonging to a particular type of art, and by the direction, technology of psycho-correctional therapeutic use.

Research conducted under the direction of L.D. Lebedeva, showed that art therapy sessions with preschool children allow solving the following tasks:

Educational. Interaction is built in such a way that children learn correct communication, empathy, and careful relationships with peers and adults. This contributes to the moral development of the individual, provides orientation in the system of moral norms, and the assimilation of the ethics of behavior.

Corrective. The image of the “I”, which previously could have been deformed, is corrected quite successfully, self-esteem improves, inadequate forms of behavior disappear, ways of interacting with other people are being established.

Psychotherapeutic. The “healing” effect is achieved due to the fact that in the process of creative activity an atmosphere of emotional warmth, goodwill, empathic communication, recognition of the value of the personality of another person, about his feelings, experiences is created. There are feelings of psychological comfort, security, joy, success.

Diagnostic. Art therapy allows you to get information about the development and individual characteristics of the child. This is the correct way to observe him in independent activity, to get to know his interests, values ​​better, to see the inner world, originality, personal originality, and also to identify problems that are subject to special correction. In the process of classes, the nature of interpersonal relationships and the real position of each in the team, as well as the features of the family situation, are easily manifested.

Developing. Thanks to the use of various forms of artistic expression, conditions are created under which each child experiences success in a particular activity, independently copes with a difficult situation. Children learn to verbalize emotional experiences, openness in communication, and spontaneity. In general, a person's personal growth takes place, experience of new forms of activity is gained, abilities for creativity, self-regulation of feelings and behavior develop.

The method of art therapy originated in the 30s of the twentieth century. The first lesson in the use of art therapy relates to attempts to correct the emotional and personal problems of children who emigrated to the United States from Germany during the Second World War.

The term "art therapy" (literally: art therapy) was coined by Adrian Hill (1938) when describing his work with tuberculosis patients in sanatoriums. This phrase was used in relation to all kinds of art classes that were held in hospitals and mental health centers.

In our country, the method of using visual activity for medicinal purposes is called drawing psychotherapy (A.I. Zakharov, 1982) or isotherapy (R.B. Khaikin, 1988).

Initially, art therapy arose in the context of the theoretical ideas of Z. Freud and C. Jung, and later acquired a broader conceptual base, including the humanistic models of personality development by C. Rogers (1951) and A. Maslow (1956).

The main goal of art therapy is to harmonize the development of the individual through the development of self-expression and self-respect.

Art therapy in education is a systematic innovation characterized by:

  • a complex of theoretical and practical ideas, new technologies;
  • variety of connections with social, psychological and pedagogical phenomena;
  • relative independence (separation) from other components of pedagogical reality (teaching, management, etc.);
  • ability to integrate, transform.

The child in the art - therapeutic process acquires valuable experience of positive changes. Gradually, there is an in-depth self-knowledge, self-acceptance, harmonization of development, personal growth of the child.

When developing the correctional and developmental program “Preserving the psychological health of children by means of art therapy”, we relied on the following regulatory and legal documents:

“Typical regulation on a preschool educational institution”, where one of the tasks of the preschool educational institution is prescribed to implement the necessary correction of deviations in the development of the child, including in the emotional-volitional sphere.

"Convention on the Rights of the Child" Art. 23 Children with special needs have the right to a life of dignity and fulfillment in conditions that ensure their dignity, promote their self-confidence and facilitate their active participation in society. Art. 27 Children have the right to a standard of living adequate for physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. Art. 29, paragraph 1, the education of children should be aimed at developing the personality, talents and mental and physical abilities of children to their fullest extent. Art. 31 children have the right to participate in cultural life and the arts. Thus, this work implements state guarantees and observance of the rights of the child in the field of education.

The novelty of the correctional development programis to combine innovative art therapy techniques and technology to stabilize the emotional sphere of preschoolers through an interactive dark sensory environment to solve the set goal and objectives.

As priority directionthe influence on the emotional health of the child was chosen, through the use of art therapy techniques, which activates the acquisition of emotional and social experience.

General psychological and pedagogical principles on which the correctional and developmental program is built.

Basic principledevelopmental activities of teachers ischild empowermentin the “zone of proximal development”, and not the tactics of accessibility, i.e. work in the “zone of actual development”.

The principle of a person-oriented and activity approachis based on the recognition of personality development in activities, as well as the fact that the activity of the child himself within the framework of the leading activity for his age is the driving force of development.

Dialogic principle. In creative interaction, there is an opportunity for the development of positive qualities of a person, his unlimited creative possibilities, solving social and pedagogical problems, etc.

Principle of an optimistic approachin corrective work with children, it involves the organization of an “atmosphere of success” for each child, faith in its positive result, the affirmation of this feeling in the child, and encouragement of his slightest achievements.

The principle of universality of artistic and aesthetic developmentmeans that artistic and aesthetic development is necessary for all children, without exception, regardless of their individual characteristics, artistic abilities, national origin, characteristics associated with the presence of certain developmental disorders in the child. This principle is a condition for the formation of a socially active personality already in childhood and its preparation for spiritual life and work.

The principle of relying on the positive in the child, on the strengths of his personality.Revealing the positive in a child with developmental problems and relying on it, relying on trust, the teacher helps him master new ways of artistic activity and behavior, experience joy, inner satisfaction.

The principle of the integrated use of methods and techniques of correctional and pedagogical activities.The use in the work of a set of means, methods and techniques that take into account both the individual psychological characteristics of the individual, and the state of the social situation, and the level of material and technical and educational and methodological support of the pedagogical process, and the preparedness of specialists for its implementation.

The event principleaccording to which not an event is held with children, but a joint existence is organized in a certain space, time and organizational forms, uniting both children and adults on the basis of common values ​​and experiences.

Program goal:

Preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of preschoolers by art-therapeutic methods and techniques.

One of the important directions in the formation of the health of preschoolers is the preservation of their psychological health, therefore this goal is the most relevant in the work of a teacher-psychologist with children, and is also successive with the goals outlined in the main general educational program of a preschool institution that meets Federal state requirements (Order No. 655 November 23, 2009).

To achieve this goal, we have set the following tasks.

Program objectives:

  1. To stabilize the emotional-volitional sphere of preschoolers.
  2. Contribute to the neutralization of negative personal manifestations: disorganization, conflict, aggressiveness, resentment.
  3. Contribute to the expansion of emotional experience.
  4. To promote the development and improvement of motor skills of the hands and fine finger movements.
  5. Develop imagination and fantasy.
  6. Develop cognitive processes.
  7. Build self-esteem and self-confidence.
  8. Cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards adults, peers and oneself.
  9. Promote awareness in children of their feelings, experiences, encourage reflection, self-examination.

The system of work of this correctional and developmental program is built in accordance with the section "Correctional and developmental work" of the main general educational program of the institution, is aimed at developing the integrative qualities of preschoolers, and corresponds to FGT.

Before the implementation of this program, it is necessary to conduct a survey of children to fix qualitative changes in the emotional development of preschoolers in the older age group. A diagnostic examination must be carried out before and after the course of classes.

  1. Luscher's color test (allows you to identify the child's emotional attitudes towards home and kindergarten, as well as to identify psychological characteristics, emotional background and prevailing mood) (Appendix No. 1)
  2. Anxiety test R. Tamml, M. Dorki, V. Amen (determines the level of anxiety of the child) (Appendix No. 2)
  3. Test "Ladder" T.D. Martsinkovskaya (a study of the level of self-esteem of preschool children) (Appendix No. 3)

This correctional and developmental program consists of 4 thematic blocks using art therapy techniques:

  1. Block "Sensory world" - 8 activities with children in an interactive dark sensory room.
  2. Block "Art Studio" - 8 lessons using the methods of isotherapy (drawing in non-traditional ways).
  3. Block "Games with sand" - 8 sessions using sand therapy methods (sandplay method - sand game).
  4. Block "Paper Fantasies" - 8 lessons using the origami technique.
  5. Final lesson for the entire course - 1 lesson (entertainment - an exhibition of children's works).

The correctional and developmental program involves holding one lesson a week in the psychologist's office, the "Sensory World" block takes place in the sensory room. These classes are conducted by a teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution and are correctional and developmental, they are held additionally, in the afternoon. Children are enrolled in a correctional and developmental group based on the observations of educators (Appendix No. 4), and the wishes of the parents. The recommended number of children is 6-8 people.

The program is designed for one academic year and is designed for children of older groups (5-6 years old).

  1. The total number of classes per year is 33 (Appendix No. 5).
  2. The duration of the lesson is 20 - 25 minutes.

Lesson structurebuilt taking into account the psychophysiological and age characteristics of children of the sixth year of life. The lesson consists of three parts:

Part 1. Introductory.

primary goal - set up a group for joint work, create a positive emotional mood, activate the attention of children.

Part 2. Main or working.

This part accounts for the main semantic load of the entire lesson, and it depends on the thematic block, the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

  • Activities of self-knowledge and stabilization of the emotional sphere through an interactive dark sensory room (exercises with elements of meditation, listening to music and relaxation).
  • Visual activity using non-traditional drawing techniques (isotherapy).
  • Sand therapy (playing with sand using the sandplay method and drawing on the sand).
  • Creative activity is an artistic way of designing from paper (origami technique).

Part 3. Final.

primary goal - creating in each child a sense of belonging to a group and consolidating positive emotions from work in the classroom.

Since the developmental program is designed for preschool children, the psychologist must ensure that the children do not get tired, are not distracted, and are included in the work. Therefore, every lessonnecessarily includesincludes health-saving technologies, body-oriented approaches, methods and techniques that contribute to the self-regulation of children, namely:

  1. muscle relaxation exercises according to E. Jacobson (reduce the level of excitement, tension) (Appendix No. 6)
  2. breathing exercises according to Strelnikova A.N. and Kulikovskaya T.A. (has a calming effect on the nervous system, enriches the brain with oxygen, which contributes to the activation of thinking) (Appendix No. 7)
  3. mimic gymnastics (aimed at relieving general tension, plays a big role in shaping the expressive speech of children) (Appendix No. 8)
  4. finger gymnastics and self-massage according to Ruzina M. S. (relieve stress, have a developing and therapeutic value on fine motor skills of the hands) (Appendix No. 9)
  5. exercises for the prevention of visual disorders according to Martynov S. (aimed at relieving tension from the eye muscles and mental stress) (Appendix No. 10)

The beginning and end of the lesson are “ritual” in nature and are repeated at each lesson, which allows children to maintain a sense of integrity and completeness of the lesson, as well as to feel more comfortable.

After each lesson, the psychologist notes the most difficult games and exercises for children and, based on them, corrects his work. Tasks that children cope with quite easily, it is recommended to further complicate them. At the same time, children should not be overloaded with complex tasks, since it is the experience of achieving success that increases self-esteem.

The use of art therapy technology in this work is not only a means of developing a preschooler, but also a means of correcting a child's personality. On account of this method, there are many cases of improving the mental health of preschoolers, reducing the level of aggressiveness, eliminating phobias, establishing emotional contacts with peers and family.

Despite the close connection of art therapy with medical practice, in this case, art therapy acquires a predominantly psycho-prophylactic, socializing and developmental focus.

The correctional and developmental program for preschoolers of older groups begins with the "Sensory World" block of classes. The sensory room is a powerful tool for expanding and developing a child's worldview, sensorimotor and cognitive skills.

This type of training is conducted in an interactive environment of a dark sensory room and is aimed at:

  • stimulation of sensory activity and motor activity of children;
  • removal of muscular and psycho-emotional tension, achievement of relaxation and peace of mind;
  • activation of various functions of the central system, by creating an enriched multi-sensor environment;
  • stimulation of weakened sensory functions (vision, touch, hearing, etc.), development of motor functions;
  • creation and stabilization of a positive emotional state and development of children.

In the sensory room, all conditions have been created in which children will receive only positive emotions. This, in turn, makes it possible to achieve maximum relaxation in a minimum time.

At the lessons in the interactive environment of the dark sensory room, children learn to relax, meditate, perform various body-oriented exercises, do self-massage, listen to soothing music.

Sensory room equipment can be divided into two functional blocks: relaxation - it includes soft coverings, ottomans and pillows, a dry pool, safe mirrors, devices that create diffused light, mobile devices (suspended movable structures, toys), relaxation music. The child, lying in the pool or on soft forms, can take a comfortable position and relax. Slowly passing diffused light or air clouds, combined with soothing music, create an atmosphere of safety and tranquility. activation - it includes all equipment with light-optical sound effects, touch panels for hands, feet, massage balls, mobiles, dry pool. Bright light-optical effects attract, stimulate and maintain attention, creating a joyful holiday atmosphere.

The use of the sensory room significantly shortens the stage of establishing emotional contact with children, and this stage is the initial stage in all psycho-correctional and developmental work.

The following blocks of correctional and developmental classes are based on the art therapy method. In each of the blocks of this development, a particular preference is given to one specific technique of art therapy.

In the "Art Studio" block, preference is given to various drawing techniques (isotherapy). You can draw with anything, be it paints, pencils or chalk, charcoal, bulk food products and sand. Among the techniques of this direction, the following are used in our work: experiments with color, the use of contrasting colors and styles, monotypes (creating a pattern on glass and a print on paper), prints of various objects, the technique of blowing paint, ink spots and butterflies, mixing paints, drawing with fingers hands and palms, inkblotography, etc. These techniques have a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills, tactile perception, have a relaxing effect, and have a positive effect on the emotional state of children, which is especially important for children with developmental problems.

In the "Playing with the sand" block, two areas of sand therapy are used - this is drawing on dry sand and the sandplay method. Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. A child, especially with special developmental needs, often cannot express his feelings, fears in words, and here games with sand come to his aid. The first direction of sand therapydrawing on dry sandis basic, and can be used in working with children from 3 years of age. This method is based on exercises aimed at general relaxation, removing motor stereotypes and convulsive movements, increasing concentration of attention, developing logic and speech. In their system, these exercises stabilize the emotional state of children, along with the development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands, teach the child to listen to himself and pronounce his feelings, which is important for the development of speech, voluntary attention and memory. The child receives the first experience of reflection (introspection), learns to understand himself and others. This lays the foundation for the further formation of positive communication skills. It is important that these games open up the potential of the child, developing his creativity and imagination. On a flat sand surface, children leave prints not only of their hands, but also of various objects (top, ball with spikes, rakes, etc.), hide and look for small toys, beads, pebbles, etc., draw any pictures with using a mirror panel.

sandplay method (literally - sand game) is one of the unusual art therapy techniques, during which the child builds his own world in miniature from sand and small figures, expressing in the sand what spontaneously arises during the lesson. In the process, the child can mix sand with water if he needs to form hills, mountains, or create various wet landscapes, such as a swamp. In addition, many miniature figures are used in the work: people, animals, trees, buildings, cars, bridges and much more. Such a variety of figures and materials is necessary in order to give the child an incentive to create his own world. This method allows you to solve the following problems in the development of the child's personality and his relationships:

  • behavior disorder;
  • difficulties in relationships with adults (parents, caregivers) and peers;
  • psychosomatic diseases;
  • increased anxiety, fears;
  • difficulties associated with changes in family (divorce, the appearance of a younger child, etc.) and in social situations (kindergarten, school)
  • neuroses.

Sand is an ideal developing environment where you can create without fear, spoil or break something (unlike a sheet of paper). Sand classes contribute to the development of speech, fine motor skills, memory, imagination, are an effective tool for the sensory-motor, general development of children, as well as the correction and development of the emotional sphere and cognitive interests.

Among the modern means and directions in art therapy, a relatively new promising direction is becoming more and more pronounced - origami - the design of various paper figures by folding a square without cutting and gluing. We use this direction in correctional and developmental work with children in the “Paper Fantasies” block.

Being engaged in origami, the child becomes a participant in an exciting action - the transformation of a paper square into an original figure - a flower, a box, a butterfly, a dinosaur. This process resembles a trick, a small performance, which always causes joyful surprise. By successively simple folding of paper along geometric lines, we obtain a model that amazes with its beauty and changes the emotional state of the child for the better. There is a desire to show someone this miracle, to add something else. The feeling of isolation disappears, communication is established, including between the teacher and the child. (2).

The final moment of all correctional and developmental activities is the holding of an exhibition of children's creativity. We devote the last final lesson to the preparation of children's crafts for the exhibition. Preparation is carried out together with the children. The children themselves decide which masterpieces of their work they will show to their friends, parents and educators. This method (exhibition) was not chosen by chance to sum up the results of the work. When a child sees his creations and the enthusiastic views of the visitors of the exhibition, this will be the most powerful stimulus for increasing his self-esteem, relieving all anxieties, developing the emotional and personal sphere.

This correctional development program containsmethods and techniques of work that are innovative:

1. Elements of art therapy:

  • isotherapy
  • sand therapy
  • origami
  • relaxation, meditation
  • psycho-gymnastics

2. Use of information and communication technologies (multimedia equipment, interactive whiteboard, interactive sensor room equipment).

For the successful solution of not only the tasks set by this program, but also for the effective development of the inner world of children, close interaction with the families of the pupils is necessary. In addition to conducting joint child-parent final classes in each thematic block, interaction with parents also takes place in informational and advisory and educational work (Appendix No. 11), parents can get the necessary information at the information stand of the teacher-psychologist at the preschool educational institution, on the personal page of the psychologist of the site kindergarten (link see Appendix No. 12), on the psychologist's personal Web site (link see Appendix No. 12) and during individual consultations.

Educational and thematic plan.

No. P / P

Name of blocks, topics

the date






Block "Sensory World"

"Amazing Familiar World" (introduction)


"Colors and Mood"


"Help of Friends"


"Happy Change"


"Magic Water"


"Walk in the Enchanted Forest"


"Through the Stars"


Final lesson "I am you ..."


Block "Art Studio"

"Such different colors"


"Colorful Beauty"


"Northern lights"


"Winter mood"


"Winter flowers"


"Magic Snowflakes"


"Christmas Tree"


Final lesson "Gift of my dreams"


Block "Games with sand"

Dry sand "Imprints of my mood"


Dry sand "Palms of the Sun"


Dry sand "Fear go away"


Dry sand "Sand Sea"


Dry sand "Paint a picture"


Dry sand "Find the treasure"


Wet sand "My home"


Final lesson "Building the world of your dreams"


Block "Paper Fantasies"

"Magic Paper"


"Gift for Mom"


"My true friends" (Cat)


"My true friends" (Dog)


"I am a king and I am a princess" (paper hats)


"Sea, sea ..." (Chinese)


"Sea, sea ..." (Yacht)


Final lesson "Give me joy"


Final session of the entire course


Exhibition of children's works

"My fantasies"


Psychological and pedagogical examination


Educational and thematic plan of interaction with the families of pupils

Type of work / Topic

the date


Consultation "Psychological health of the child".


The final lesson "parent-child" in the "Sensory World" block. Theme "I am you..."


Seminar - workshop "Non-traditional techniques



The final lesson "parent-child" in the "Art Studio" block. Theme "Gift of my dreams"


Consultation "Development of the emotional world of the child at home"


The final lesson "parent-child" in the block "Games with sand". The theme is "Building the world of your dreams."


Consultation "The role of sand in the development of the child's psyche"


Master class "Technique of creative design from paper - origami: Flower - seven-color".


The final lesson "parent-child" in the block "Paper fantasies". Theme "Give Me Joy"


Consultation "How to form an adequate self-esteem in a child?"


Final event "My fantasies"

Exhibition-presentation of children's works


  • Block "Sensory world", classes No. 1 - 8

Lesson #1

Theme: "Amazing familiar world" (acquaintance)

Goal: Development of the cognitive sphere of children; activation of voluntary attention and mental abilities; development of tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills; development of the sense organs and vestibular apparatus; strengthening the ability to convey their feelings and sensations in a coherent speech; development of communication skills; formation of the ability to relax in the process of ideomotor movements and representations of images; formation of self-regulation skills.

Lesson #2

Topic: "Colors and mood"

Goal: creating a favorable atmosphere in the group, activating passive children; removal of emotional and muscular tension and discomfort. Development of the ability to convey sensations in verbal form; development of the cognitive sphere: attention, memory, thinking; development of color perception, consolidation of knowledge of the color spectrum; stimulating the imagination. Teaching relaxation techniques.

Lesson #3

Theme: "Help friends"

Purpose: Development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking; development of tactile, auditory and visual analyzers; development of the ability to convey sensations in verbal form; stimulation of search and creative activity; creating a positive emotional mood; training in relaxation techniques and constructive ways to relieve stress; development of imagination, sensory skills.

Lesson number 4

Theme: "Cheerful changes"

Purpose: Development of coordination of movements, sense of body image, general motor skills, imagination, creation of a favorable atmosphere in the group. Consolidation of ways of self-regulation of behavior.

Lesson number 5

Theme: "Magic Water"

Purpose: Creation of a favorable atmosphere in the group, correction of attention, development of imagination, motor skills, communication skills; development of tactile, auditory and visual analyzers; self-massage training.

Lesson number 6

Theme: "A walk through the magical forest"

Purpose: Creation of a favorable atmosphere in the group, development of mental activity, voluntary attention, memory, imagination, perception; correction of the emotional sphere; strengthening relaxation skills. Teaching meditation and self-massage techniques.

Lesson number 7

Theme: "Through the Stars"

Goal: Creating a favorable atmosphere in the group, relieving emotional stress, developing imagination and fantasy; development of courage and self-confidence; development of verbal and non-verbal forms of manifestation of emotions, facial expressions, pantomimics. Teaching meditation techniques.

Final lesson number 8

Topic: "I am you..."

Purpose: To create a favorable atmosphere in the group for communication and collaboration between children and parents. Correction of relationships between children and parents.

  • Block "Art Studio", classes No. 9 - 16

Lesson number 9

Theme: "Such different colors"

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with the expressive and visual possibilities of art materials. Development of fine motor skills of hands, imagination, perception and fantasy.

Drawing children with their favorite art materials on a free topic.

Lesson number 10

Theme: "Colorful beauty"

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with non-traditional drawing techniques - blowing, development of color perception, imagination, figurative thinking; Removal of emotional stress, anxiety. Increasing the level of self-esteem.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Drawing "Blowing beauty" using the technique of blowing paint from a cocktail tube.

Lesson number 11

Theme: Northern Lights

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with non-traditional drawing techniques - blotography, development of color perception, imagination, figurative thinking, fine motor skills of hands. Rdevelopment of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.Creating an emotionally positive climate in the group, increasing the level of self-esteem, relieving anxiety.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Drawing "Northern Lights" using the blot technique.

Lesson #12

Theme: "Winter mood"

Purpose: Acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques - monotype, development of color perception, imagination, figurative thinking, fine motor skills of hands. Development of the sensory apparatus based on sensory standards. Reduced impulsivity, anxiety and aggression.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Drawing "Winter mood", using the technique of monotype or printing with palms, fingers, caps.

Lesson #13

Theme: "Winter Flowers"

Purpose: Teaching non-traditional drawing techniques - monotype, development of color perception, imagination, figurative thinking, fine motor skills of hands. Correction of sensory perception (colors, shapes, sizes, spatial representations); development of cognitive processes.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Drawing "Winter Flowers" using the monotype technique.

Lesson #14

Theme: "Magic snowflakes"

Purpose: Acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques - splashing, development of color perception, imagination, imaginative thinking, fine motor skills of hands. Development of the sensory apparatus based on sensory standards. Relieve stress and emotional discomfort. Correction of interpersonal relationships.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Drawing "Snowflakes" using the splatter technique.

Lesson number 15

Theme: "Christmas Tree"

Purpose: Acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques - finger painting, development of color perception, imagination, figurative thinking, fine motor skills of hands. Increasing the level of self-esteem.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Drawing "Christmas tree" using the technique of finger painting.

Final lesson number 16

Theme: "Gift of my dreams"

Goal: Creating an emotionally positive climate in the group for productive interaction between children and parents. Strengthening the ability to work with non-traditional drawing techniques. Removing emotional clamps, increasing self-esteem of children.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Drawing in tandem with the "Gift" parent, using any non-traditional drawing technique you like.

  • Block "Games with sand", classes No. 17 - 24

Lesson #17

Topic: "Imprints of my mood"

Purpose: Acquaintance with sand, its features, awakening interest in playing with sand, stimulating attention; development of motor skills of hands, subtle tactile sensations. Development of a positive attitude in the group, removal of emotional and physical discomfort. Anxiety correction.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work in the sand tray "I can ...";

Group work in the sandbox “Imprints of my mood”.

Lesson number 18

Theme: "Palms of the Sun"

Purpose: Teaching children to draw on dry sand. Creating a positive emotional mood in the group, developing the ability to express their feelings non-verbally, imagination.Development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children;Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work in the sand tray “My Sun”, decoration of the work with natural materials (pebbles, shells, cones, etc.);

Group work in the sandbox "Palms of the Sun".

Lesson #19

Theme: "Fear go away"

Purpose: To continue learning to draw on dry sand. Working out fears, orienting the child to their own abilities in overcoming fears by drawing; developing the ability to express their feelings non-verbally using symbols; the development of imagination, the consolidation of a positive attitude and an increase in emotional tone.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work in the sand tray "My fear"

Lesson #20

Theme: "Sand Sea"

Purpose: To continue learning to draw on dry sand. Removal of psycho-emotional stress, increased self-confidence. Continue developing the ability to express your feelings non-verbally using symbols; the development of imagination, fine motor skills of the hands, the consolidation of a positive attitude and an increase in emotional tone.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work in the sand tray "Sea", decoration of the work with natural and non-natural materials (pebbles, shells, cones; beads, small toys, etc.);

Lesson #21

Topic: "Draw a picture"

Purpose: Strengthening the ability to draw on dry sand; increased self-confidence, development of fine motor skills of hands and orientation in the space of the sandbox (tray with sand),artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.Consolidation of an emotionally positive attitude in the group.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work in the sand tray “My Fantasy”, decoration of the work with natural and non-natural materials (pebbles, shells, cones; beads, small toys, etc.);

Lesson #22

Theme: "Find the treasure"

Purpose: Development of imagination and fantasy, consolidation of an emotionally positive mood in the group; relieving emotional stress, increasing self-confidence, developing tactile sensitivity.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Group work in the sandbox "Treasure".

Lesson #23

Theme: Wet sand "My home"

Purpose: Acquaintance with wet sand, its features and ability to pass water, awakening children's interest in playing with wet sand, stimulating attention; Correction of emotional discomfort and relationships at home, development of fantasy and imagination.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work in a sand tray with wet sand “My Home”, decoration of the work with natural and non-natural materials (pebbles, shells, cones; beads, small toys, etc.);

Final lesson number 24

Topic: "Building the world of our dreams"

Purpose: Correction of the relationship between children and parents. Creation and consolidation of a positive emotional mood in the group. The development of fantasy and imagination.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Work in pairs "parent-child" in the sandbox at will with dry or wet sand "World of my dreams".

  • Block "Paper Fantasies", classes No. 25 - 32

Lesson #25

Theme: "Magic Paper"

Purpose: To introduce children to the concept of "origami",Teaching children to cut squares of the required size from paper evenly. Rdevelopment of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers of the child, the eye;development of arbitrariness of children's cognitive processes;formation of logical thinking and development of creative thinking skills. Relieve muscle tension.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work of children "Magic Squares" (cutting with scissors from colored paper)

Lesson number 26

Theme: "Gift for Mom"

Target: Continue learning to work with paper and scissors,with basic geometric concepts and basic origami shapes.Development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children; R development of fine motor skills of the hands and fingers of the child, the eye; creating favorable conditions for the development of the emotional sphere of children, a life-affirming, positive attitude towards the world around them and themselves.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work origami "Flowers", the design of a postcard with a flower for mom.

Lesson #27

Theme: "My true friends" (Cat)

Target: Creating a favorable atmosphere in the group.Continue learning to work with paper and scissors.Developing the ability to follow verbal instructions. Promotethe development of attention and memory, the removal of emotional stress, the consolidation of a positive attitude in the group.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work origami "Cat".

Lesson #28

Theme: "My true friends" (Dog)

Target: Learn how to work with paper.Development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children. Consolidation of a positive attitude from the creative design of paper, increasing the level of self-esteem.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work origami "Dog"

Lesson #29

Theme: "I am a king and I am a princess"

Target: Creating a favorable atmosphere in the grouppositive image - I; formation of the components of logical thinking: skills for the development of creative thinking, research activities leading to one's own discoveries. The development of mental processes (memory, attention), imagination, fine motor skills of hands, perseverance.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work origami "Hat".

Lesson #30

Theme: "Sea, sea ..." (Chinese)

Goal: Creating a favorable atmosphere in the group, developing mental activity, voluntary attention, memory, imagination, perceptionand fine motor skills. Building independence, self-confidence,positive image - I. Expansion of emotional experience, reduction of impulsiveness and anxiety.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work origami "Whale".

Lesson #31

Topic: "Sea, sea ..." (Yacht)

Goal: Creating a favorable atmosphere in the group, relieving emotional and muscle tension,reduced impulsivity and anxiety. The development of mental activity, voluntary attention, memory, imagination, perceptionand fine motor skills. Building independence, self-confidence,positive image - I ..

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work origami "Yacht".

Final lesson number 32

Theme: "Give Me Joy"

Goal: Creating an emotionally positive climate in the group for productive interaction between children and parents. Strengthening the ability to work with the technique of creative paper design - origami. Removing emotional clamps, increasing self-esteem of children.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Individual work paired with a parent origami "Tulip"

Group work parents and children - designing a large postcard "Give me joy" (the postcard is made out with individual works "Tulip").

  • Final lesson of the entire course No. 32

Topic: "Preparation for the exhibition"

Purpose: Raising the level of self-esteem of children; rallying the group, consolidating the acquired positive skills and moods in children.

Practical work (productive activity) of children:

Children choose and decorate their creative works for the exhibition.

The introduction of this correctional and developmental program for two years since 2011 in the MADOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority activities for the physical development of children" Snegurochka ", Yugorsk, has led to positive dynamics in the formation and strengthening of the psychological health of children using art therapy technician.

The results of the implementation of the program "Preserving the psychological health of children by means of art therapy" for the period from 2011 to 2013 (Appendix No. 13) were:

  • In 2011-2012 academic year year:

An increase in the "average" level of psychological health in children (normal) from 0% to 77.8%.

Increasing the "high" level of psychological health in children from 0% to 22.2%.

  • In 2012-2013 academic year year:

Reducing the "low" level of psychological health in children from 100% to 0%.

An increase in the "average" level of psychological health in children (normal) from 0% to 45.8%.

Increasing the "high" level of psychological health in children from 0% to 54.2%.

The dynamics during the implementation of the program can be traced positive:

The "high" level of psychological health of children has increased from 22.2% to 45.8%.

(Appendix No. 13)

After completing this course of classes, by the end of the year, children experience a decrease in the level of anxiety, an increase in the level of self-esteem, an equalization of the emotional background, thus maintaining and strengthening the psychological health of children. In addition, not only creative abilities are corrected, but also the ability to interact in a team, the ability to express themselves verbally and non-verbally.


"One picture is worth a thousand words." This Eastern wisdom, perhaps, most accurately reflects the main idea of ​​art therapy. Fine and other creativity can be called a universal means of visual communication. It is in this language that the dynamic interaction of the participants in the so-called "art-therapeutic process" takes place in an atmosphere of emotional care and support. This is how the rich healing potential of spontaneous artistic activity is realized, positive changes occur in the intellectual, emotional and individual-personal development of the child. Now we can say with confidence that the means of art therapy used in classes with children allow:

  • Create a positive emotional mood in the group;
  • Facilitate communication with peers and other adults. Joint participation in artistic activities contributes to the creation of relationships of mutual acceptance, empathy;
  • Turn to those real problems or fantasies that for some reason are difficult to discuss verbally;
  • Give the opportunity to experiment on a symbolic level with a variety of feelings, explore and express them in a socially acceptable form. Working on drawings, paintings is a safe way to discharge destructive and self-destructive tendencies (K. Rudestam). Allows you to work out thoughts and emotions that the child is used to suppressing;
  • Promoting creative self-expression, development of imagination, aesthetic experience, practical skills in visual activity, artistic abilities in general;
  • Increase the child's adaptive capacity for everyday life. Reduce fatigue, negative emotional states and their manifestations;
  • Build relationships with the child on the basis of love and mutual affection and thereby compensate for their possible absence in the parental home.

In my work, I saw that children became more active, proactive, capable of making independent decisions, asking new questions and finding their own original answers. Their fear of failure, a possible criticism, has clearly decreased. Increased self-confidence and self-confidence. To a certain extent, the guys formed a habit of free expression. We can safely say that by developing the imagination, the creative potential of the child, we affect the development of both his personal and individual characteristics. We contribute to the preservation of both psychological and physical health. After all, if you make a generalized "portrait" of a psychologically healthy child, you can see the following. A psychologically healthy child is a creative, emotionally responsive, inquisitive and active child, learning about the world around him, having mastered the necessary means and methods for communicating with peers and adults. Able to manage his behavior, able to solve various problems adequate to his age. In general, we can conclude that the optimization of the development of psychological health has a positive effect on the physical health of children and this is facilitated by art-therapeutic methods and techniques.

An approximate set of materials, tools and equipment necessary for the implementation of the program.


Tables and chairs corresponding to the height indicators of children;

Magnetic board,

Interactive whiteboard, projector;

Balls, hoops;

Dry pool,

- "dry shower";

- a bundle of fiber-optic fibers with a side glow "Star rain"

Fountain water desktop;

Children's mirror corner with a bubble column;

floor mats;

Ottomans-chair "Pear";

Color modules;

Projector "Solnechny-100";

Mirror ball with motor and professional light source;

Music center and a set of music discs.

Illuminated sand therapy table,

sand trays,

Art materials and tools:

Fingerprint paints,

Gouache paints 12 colors,

Brushes of different sizes (No. 2, 3, 6, 9),

cocktail pipes,

Empty plastic bottles of different sizes,

Colored and simple pencils,


Cotton buds,

Scissors, colored paper,


Buttons, stencils,

Cotton buds,

Stencils, plastic caps of various shapes and sizes,

Natural material (cones, dry leaves, stones, sand, shells, dry leaves


Sets of small thematic toys (transport, people, animals, etc.),

Balls of different shapes and textures, spinning top,


Sheets of white paper (A4, A3, A1 format)

Sheets of multi-colored double-sided paper,

Rolls of paper based wallpaper,


Music line:

K. Orff “Autumn. Gnomes"

D. Hristov "Golden Droplets"

E. Botlyarov "Brawler"

S. Rachmaninov "Italian Polka"

P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"

P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker"

M. Mussorgsky "Tear"

M. K. Čiurlionis Symphonic poem "Sea" (fragment)

C. Debussy "Clouds"

L. Shestakova "The Tale of Rain and Cloud" (fragment)

P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", "Summer".

P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker" (dance of the fairy Dragee)

E. Goldenberg "Etude on black keys"

N. Artbolevskaya "Trained dogs"

P. I. Tchaikovsky "Winter Dreams" (plays "December", "January", "February")

E. Botlyarov "Music box"

W. A. ​​Mozart "Lullaby"

Collection "The Greatest Composers of Our Age": Beethoven, Bach, Mozart.

Relaxation music: "Moonlight Night", "Ocean", "Fire", "Spring", "Sunset".

Light instrumental music Chakras Dream & Anne Dubley.


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  21. Tarabarina T. I. Origami and child development. A popular guide for parents and educators. - I.: 1997
  22. Khukhlaeva O.V., Khukhlaev O.E., Pervushina I.M. The path to your Self: how to maintain the psychological health of preschoolers. - 2nd ed. – M.: Genesis; 2007. - 175 p.
  23. Tsareva Yu. V. Correction of behavioral disorders in children ”Collection of exercises and games - M .: Knigolyub, 2008.- 48 p.
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  26. Shchetinin M. N. Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises for children. - M .: Iris-press; 2007. - 112 p.

Russu Natalya Zakievna, MADOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children" Snegurochka ".


Theoretical foundations of art therapy methodology

1 Goals, objectives of art therapy methodology

2 Different types of art therapy

Practical application of art therapy with older preschoolers

1 Comprehensive use of art therapy in kindergarten

2 Programs for classes with older preschoolers with elements of art therapy


List of used literature





In working with children, it is very important to use flexible forms of psychotherapeutic work. Art therapy provides the child with the opportunity to play, experience, realize a conflict situation, any problem in the most convenient way for the child's psyche. Art therapy techniques allow you to immerse yourself in the problem as much as a person is ready to experience it. The child himself, as a rule, is not even aware of what is happening to him.

The objects of the study were art therapy as a type of psychotherapeutic and correctional activity for children of senior preschool age.

The subject of the study was the process of working with children of senior preschool age using the methods of art therapy.

The purpose of this course project is to study the theoretical and practical features of the use of art therapy with older preschoolers.

The objectives of the course project are as follows:

1.To reveal the tasks of art therapy in working with older preschoolers.

2.To analyze the possibilities of art therapy methods for correcting the psycho-emotional state of older preschoolers.

3.Theoretically, develop and practically test a program of art therapy classes with older preschoolers

The course work consists of an introduction, a section theoretical foundations of the methodology of art therapy, section practical application of art therapy with older preschoolers, conclusions, applications and list of sources used.

During the course work, the scientific works of the following authors were used: Kopytin, Grabenko, Osipov, Kiselev, Lebedev, Nazarov.

1. Theoretical foundations of the art therapy methodology

.1 Goals, objectives of the art therapy methodology

Literally translated from English, art therapy - (Art-therapy), means "treatment based on artistic creativity", or "the use of art as a therapeutic factor". In English-speaking countries, art therapy (Art Therapy) “is referred primarily to the so-called visual arts (painting, graphics, sculpture, design), or to such forms of creativity in which the visual channel of communication plays a leading role (cinema, video art, computer creativity). , performance, etc.). This is reflected in more detail in the works of A.I. Kopytina, E. Kramer, M. Libman and others.

Term art therapyintroduced in 1938 by Adrian Hill. The pioneers of art therapy drew on Freud's idea that a person's inner self manifests itself in visual form whenever he spontaneously paints and sculpts, as well as on Jung's thoughts on personal and universal symbols. The central figure in the art therapy process is not the patient (like a sick person), but a person who strives for self-development and expanding the range of his abilities.

The term art therapy refers to both a set of art forms used in psycho-correction, and the method itself or a set of techniques. Art therapy as a method involves the use of certain techniques aimed at teaching a person to see a certain meaning in his visual products and understanding its connections with the content of his inner world and experience, as well as developing the ability to conduct an “internal dialogue”, to introspection and reflections.

The attractiveness of the art therapy method for a modern person is that this method mainly uses non-verbal ways of self-expression and communication. In the process of creativity, the right hemisphere of the brain is actively involved. Modern civilization uses mainly the verbal system of communication and the left "logical" hemisphere. Normal, harmonious development of a person presupposes the equal development of both hemispheres and normal interhemispheric interaction. Moreover, some types of human activity require just the work of the right hemisphere - creativity, intuition, cultural education, family organization, raising children and, of course, romanticism in love relationships. Art therapy appeals to the internal, self-healing resources of a person, closely related to his creative abilities. A distinctive feature of a person is the ability and at the same time the need to display his inner world. This feature allows you to actively process information that comes from outside. As a result, various adaptive mechanisms are developed in the psyche of the individual. They allow a person to better adapt to life, to be more successful in an ever-changing world. In the process of interaction with the world, a person seeks to realize himself as a person, to understand his role in life, to leave a “trace”. This trace remains not only in the form of economic activity, but also in the products of his active mental activity. One of the brightest forms of its manifestation can be considered art and creativity. Art and creativity are the result of information processing processes in interaction with the outside world. Moreover, the personality will develop harmoniously if these processes, in general, are constructive in nature.

Despite the close relationship with medical practice, art therapy in many cases acquires a predominantly psycho-prophylactic, socializing and developmental focus. During its existence, art therapy has assimilated the achievements of psychological science and practice, theoretical developments and techniques of different areas of psychotherapy, the experience and strategies of fine arts, methods of pedagogy, certain ideas of the theory of culture, sociology and other sciences. The areas of application of art therapy include:

) individual, group and family art therapy;

) art therapy centers at psychiatric clinics, counseling, psychotherapy, social centers and specialized medical centers;

) in general education schools, kindergartens, in specialized schools, in boarding schools, in centers for children's creativity - work with children with limited learning abilities, with developmental delays, with emotional problems or living in difficult social conditions, with pedagogically and psychologically neglected children, with children with behavioral disorders, personality disorders or character accentuations, with gifted children, with children showing interest in artistic creativity;

) with elderly people (in nursing homes, in specialized centers);

) with persons suffering from various kinds of addictions (drug, alcohol, etc.),

) in medical institutions for general somatic and psychiatric purposes.

The objectives of art therapy are:

1.Without coercion and danger, create conditions for the exploration of feelings, the development of self-understanding and self-respect, both in a group and individually.

2.Organize activities that develop cognitive and motor skills; in order to maximize rehabilitation, give the opportunity to experience success from activities and navigate reality.

3.To create conditions for facilitating and encouraging self-expression, communication and socialization, to the acquisition of personal value.

4.Give the opportunity to turn to internal creativity to change attitudes towards oneself and others, which leads to the weakening of internal and external conflicts.

5.Create conditions for self-knowledge and self-exploration, which expands the range of personal creative experience.

Art therapy, like other pedagogical innovations, has the following features:

· a set of theoretical and practical ideas, new technologies that make up its essence;

· variety of connections with social, psychological and pedagogical phenomena;

· relative independence (isolation) from other components of pedagogical activity (for example, learning processes, management);

· own history of origin and development, described in the literature, documents and other materials;

· capacity for integration and transformation .

Art Therapy Can Contribute to the Following Goals:

1)Give a socially acceptable outlet for aggressiveness and other negative feelings. Working on drawings, paintings, sculptures is a safe way to “let off steam” and defuse tension.

2)Facilitate the healing process. Unconscious internal conflicts and experiences are often easier to express with the help of visual images than to express them in the process of verbal communication. Non-verbal communication eludes the censorship of consciousness.

)Get material for interpretations and diagnostic conclusions. Products of artistic creation are relatively durable, and the patient cannot deny the fact of their existence. The content and style of the artwork provides the therapist with a wealth of information about the patient, who can help him interpret his artwork.

)Work through thoughts, feelings that a person is used to suppressing. Sometimes non-verbal means are the only way to express and clarify strong feelings and beliefs.

)To establish relations between the therapist (teacher) and the patient (object, subject). Joint participation in artistic activities can help create a relationship of empathy and mutual acceptance.

)Develop a sense of inner control. Working on drawings or modeling involves arranging colors and shapes.

)Focus on sensations and feelings. Visual arts provide rich opportunities for experimenting with kinetic and visual sensations and developing the ability to perceive them.

)Develop artistic abilities and increase self-esteem. A by-product of art therapy is the sense of fulfillment that comes from discovering hidden talents and developing them.

1.2 Different types of art therapy

Art therapy is a private form of art therapy and is mainly associated with the so-called visual arts (painting, graphics, photography, sculpture, as well as their various combinations with other forms of creative activity). In the domestic literature, art therapy is the closest to the Western concept of art therapy.

Along with art therapy, the group of various types of creative therapy also includes music therapy, drama therapy, dance and movement therapy, etc. Some authors refer to creativity therapy (or creative self-expression therapy) as therapy with creative communication with art and science, creative collecting therapy and other forms of creative activity that have psychotherapeutic and psycho-prophylactic significance.

One of the main methods of art therapy - art therapyprimarily by drawing. It is based on a special “signal color system”, according to which a technology participant signals his emotional state through color.

Modern isotherapy is basically a process of artistic creation. Art therapy by drawing is widely used. The process and result of the drawing is analyzed according to the following parameters: the speed of filling the sheet, the nature of the lines and shapes shown in the drawing, and the prevailing color tones. Bright colors express creativity, a positive emotional state; the predominance of pastel colors indicates a high sensitivity. Colors, their arrangement, the play of colors - this is a special, individual language, there are no established rules here, it is rather a drawing of the soul, reflecting its state. Specific methods of isotherapy are selected depending on the condition and capabilities of the child.

In general, visual art therapy promotes self-knowledge, mutual understanding and activation of the group process. In the interpretation of drawings, attention is drawn to the content, ways of expression, color, shape, composition, size, specific features repeated in various drawings of one child. Isotherapy reflects the child's direct perception of a particular situation, various experiences, often not realized and non-verbalized.

For the correct interpretation of children's drawings, the following conditions must be considered:

the level of development of the visual activity of the child, for which it is necessary to view the drawings made by him earlier;

features of the drawing process itself (selection of content corresponding to the theme; preservation of the theme throughout the drawing process or its transformation);

sequence of images as a manifestation of hyperactivity.

When analyzing drawings, the level of visual skills is not taken into account. It should only be about how the emotional experiences of the child are transmitted with the help of artistic means (color, shape, size, etc.).

A feature of isotherapy in working with children is that isotherapy is used to create positive motivation, helps to overcome children's fears of difficulties, helps to create a situation of success, and also fosters a sense of mutual assistance, mutual assistance, helps children develop their imagination using different colors, different materials for work. Isotherapy is of great corrective importance in the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, participates in the coordination of interhemispheric relationships.

Music therapyis a method that is widely used even at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus. Specially selected pieces of music allow you to "train" the child's emotional world in a dosed manner. Music affects many areas of human life through three main factors: vibrational, physiological and mental. Sound vibrations are a stimulator of metabolic processes in the body at the cell level. These vibrations are able to change various functions of the body (respiratory, motor, cardiovascular). Thanks to the associative connections that arise in the process of perception and performance of music, the mental state of the child also changes. One of the components of musical art therapy is vocal and breathing trainings, movements to music.

Preschool children easily distinguish major-minor, as for emotional reactions to them, when presented with melodies with accompaniment, they appear at an earlier age. In children aged 3-12 years, minor melodies with accompaniment are often associated with evil or sadness, and major melodies with accompaniment are often associated with a cheerful or neutral emotional state.

In principle, there are no restrictions for the perception of music by all people, but preschool age is an intensive period of development. The perception of music can occur on a subconscious or conscious level.

Emotions occupy a central place in the process of musical perception. The emotions reflected are the full range of human experiences, both positive and negative. Music is emotional in its essence, and therefore its perception is emotional knowledge, provides an excellent opportunity for the development of a person's emotional sphere.

Compared to other art forms, artistic images encoded in a piece of music are the most abstract.

Classes with children on the perception of music are aimed at modeling their positive emotional state. The process of the child's perception of music takes place together with the teacher, who helps him "step" from real life into another, imaginary world, a world of bizarre images and moods. In a short story that precedes listening, the teacher sets the child up to perceive a certain figurative musical picture, then the melody, as it were, takes the child away from negative experiences, reveals to him the beauty of nature and the world. After listening, the teacher in a conversation (analysis of the work) with the children finds out what they "saw", felt, "did" in an imaginary journey, what picture they can draw in words, describe. This perception of music provides stress relief, improves the psycho-emotional state of children.

The purpose of music perception: harmonization of the child's personality, restoration and correction of his psycho-emotional state and psycho-physiological processes by means of musical art.

fairy tale therapy- this is the process of forming a connection between fairy-tale events and behavior in real life. This is the process of transferring fabulous meanings into reality. A fairy tale for a child is a special reality that allows him to expand the boundaries of ordinary life and face complex phenomena and feelings in a form that is understandable to a child. Given the variety of forms, soft impact, naturalness and ease of perception of art therapy, this form of medical psychotherapeutic support becomes a very promising, valuable, and sometimes indispensable tool for practical work with certain categories of young patients.

Since a fairy tale is a multifaceted material, it can be used in psychological work using the perspective that best suits psycho-correctional and psycho-diagnostic goals. There are several directions of fairy tale therapy.

The essence of the analytical direction is the interpretation of fairy tales. In this case, the emphasis is placed respectively on the mental, cognitive, mental sphere of the human psyche. The purpose of the method is awareness, interpretation of what is behind each fairy-tale situation, phrase, plot construction.

Fairy tales are very pleasant to listen to, but no less pleasant to tell them. Many parents, educators, teachers tell fairy tales to children, however, telling fairy tales as a direction of fairy tale therapy has its own characteristics and forms. Children can also tell stories.

When rewriting a fairy tale, a child, a teenager, an adult himself chooses the ending that best suits his inner state. He finds the option that allows him to free himself from internal tension. This is the psycho-correctional meaning of rewriting fairy tales. Rewriting favorite childhood fairy tales can be useful if the favorite fairy tale has become a life scenario and does not allow a person to freely and consciously build his life.

Listening or reading a fairy tale, a child or an adult plays it in his imagination. He imagines the place of action and the characters of the fairy tale. Thus, in his imagination he sees the whole performance. Therefore, it is quite natural to use the staging of a fairy tale with the help of puppets for psychological purposes. "Reviving" the doll, the child feels and sees how each of his actions is immediately reflected in the behavior of the doll. Thus, the child receives prompt, non-directive feedback on his actions. And this helps him independently adjust his actions, improving puppetry. The child really becomes a magician, forcing the motionless doll to move as he sees fit.

Modern science considers methods game therapyas one of the most effective means of correction. It is based on the recognition that the game has a strong influence on the development of personality. The purpose of using play therapy is not to change or remake the child, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” in the game the situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult. Currently, game therapy is a wide range of opportunities to influence the child's subconscious.

Types of play therapy

If a theoretical approach is put forward as a criterion, then the following types can be distinguished:

game therapy in psychoanalysis;

game therapy game therapy centered on the client,

relationship building game therapy;

primitive play therapy;

game therapy in domestic psychological practice.

According to the functions of an adult in the game, they distinguish

non-directive game therapy;

directive play therapy.

According to the form of organization of activity, there are:

individual play therapy;

group play therapy;

According to the structure of the material used in play therapy:

play therapy with unstructured material:

play therapy with structured material.

puppet therapy(mask therapy, work with puppets and puppets) - can be used in various areas of art pedagogy: psychodrama, game therapy, fairy tale therapy, etc. Modern “puppet therapists” consider puppet theater to be perhaps the most effective way to work with children. This option is also offered to adults, but less often. Children play either in specially invented performances or in ordinary plays of suitable content. Roles, of course, are distributed with feeling, sense and arrangement. An applied version of puppet therapy - making puppets (from threads, shreds, etc.) - carries a large charge that releases latent energy.

The following functions of puppet therapy are distinguished:

· Communicative - the formation of emotional contact of children in a team;

· Relaxation - removal of emotional overstrain;

· Educational - psychocorrection of personality manifestations in game models of life situations;

· Developing - the development of mental processes (memory, attention, perception, etc.), motor skills;

· Educational - enrichment with information about the world around.

Bibliotherapy(creative writing), self-expression based on literature through creative “writing”, composition. At the same time, completely free expression is possible (what I want, what I want and how I want), as well as given topics. In bibliotherapy, the therapeutic effect is based on the Henneken law: the protagonist of any literary work is always the author. This also includes the autobiographical method, and the composition of dramatic works, and versification, keeping diaries, writing letters (although the epistolary genre is clearly degenerating in our time), and much more.

There are three main tasks of bibliotherapy:

1.biblical, the library for the sick should play the role of a factor distracting from thoughts about the disease, helping to endure physical suffering (the goal of guiding the reading of a particular reader or homogeneous reading groups is not set);

2.psychotherapeutic, Bibliotherapy is a component of the psychotherapeutic treatment of patients with neuroses and some of the mentally ill (performed by a neuropsychiatrist or psychiatrist without the participation of a librarian);

.an auxiliary, and in some cases an equal part of the treatment process for neuroses and somatic diseases (requires the participation of a psychotherapist and a specially trained librarian).

sand therapy. Sand play as an advisory technique was described by the English pediatrician Margaret Lowenfeld in 1939.

Playing with sand is one of the forms of natural activity of the child. That is why you can use the sandbox, conducting correctional, developmental and training sessions. Building pictures from sand, inventing various stories, knowledge and life experience are transferred in the most organic form for a child, the laws of the world around are learned. Interaction with sand cleanses the energy of a person, stabilizes his emotional state, improves the well-being of adults and children. All this makes sand therapy an excellent tool for the development and self-development of a person. In addition to the sand itself, miniature figurines of people and animals, doll houses, trains, trees, towers, as well as a variety of materials are used for sand therapy: fabric, thread, braid, clay, plasticine, colored paper, markers, dried flowers, pieces of wood, beads, pebbles, coins - in general, everything that a kid may need to create his own world within one small sandbox.

From other forms of art therapy this process is distinguished by ease of manipulation, the possibility of inventing new forms, and the short duration of the existence of the created images. The possibility of destruction of the sand composition, its reconstruction, as well as the repeated creation of new plots, gives the work a certain kind of ritual. The creation of successive sand compositions reflects the cyclical nature of mental life, the dynamics of mental changes. It does not require any special skills. Miniature figurines, natural materials, the possibility of creating three-dimensional compositions give the image additional properties, reflect different levels of mental content, and help establish access to the preverbal levels of the psyche. When working in psychotherapy on disorders originating from the time of early childhood, when the child could not yet speak, the visual image is very important.

Chromotherapy- the science that studies the properties of color. Color has long been attributed a magical meaning, a beneficial or negative effect on a person, because for a person vision is the most important of all types of feelings. Teachers need to have basic information about color therapy and use this knowledge in the educational process, correctional and medical pedagogy. So, the blue color has a calming effect, relaxes, relieves spasms, reduces headaches, and reduces appetite. Blue color has an inhibitory effect in a state of mental excitement. Violet color has a depressing effect on mental and physiological processes, reduces the mood of people. Red color activates, increases physical performance, causes a feeling of warmth, stimulates mental processes. Green color calms, creates a good mood. This color has a beneficial effect on somatically weakened children, in the treatment of inflammation, with impaired vision. Pink tones up with a depressed mood, and yellow is the color of joy, peace, warmth, and neutralizes negative actions.

2. Practical application of art therapy with older preschoolers

.1 Comprehensive use of art therapy in kindergarten

Creativity is closely connected with the life of a child, filled with a rich play of fantasy and symbolic activity. Children still do not know how to clearly express their thoughts, but they know how to draw, sculpt, fantasize. Namely, the methods of art therapy allow the child to express his state through drawing, dance, fairy tale, game. Feelings and emotions are often expressed through symbols used by children. There is a mixture of internal and external reality. In their work, children, without hesitation, draw, depict, reproduce what they feel. It is "art therapy" that allows you to achieve a positive developmental effect in working with children.

It must be remembered that during art therapy classes there should be no prohibitions and rules. Here you can not set the task for the child to do everything “beautifully” or “correctly”. Let him be left to himself - here he is the master of his universe.

The main goal of using art therapy methods in working with children attending preschool educational institutions is the psychocorrection and psychoprophylaxis of various emotional and mental disorders. In this case, the following tasks are implemented:

)adaptation of children to the conditions of an educational institution and increasing the level of assimilation of the educational program;

2)the ability to release aggressiveness and other negative feelings in a socially acceptable way (working on drawings and collages is a safe way to let off steam and defuse tension);

)facilitating the correction process; unconscious internal conflicts and experiences for children are often easier to express with the help of visual images than to express them with the help of words;

)obtaining material for interpretation and diagnostic conclusions;

)establishing contact between the teacher and the child; joint participation in artistic activities can help create a relationship of empathy (empathy) and mutual acceptance;

)developing a sense of internal control; work on drawings, provide for the ordering of colors and shapes;

)development of concentration of attention on sensations and feelings;

)development of artistic abilities and self-esteem; a by-product of art therapy is the sense of satisfaction that comes from discovering hidden talents and developing them; o development of cognitive and creative skills.

In working with preschoolers, it is possible to use the following art therapy techniques:

.Music Therapy.

Thus, the practical significance of the work being done lies in the fact that teachers and psychologists of preschool educational institutions of various types in the course of the educational process can master certain methods and forms of interaction with pupils based on techniques borrowed from the practice of art therapy.

There are two main forms of art therapy. In the passive form, participants “consume” works of art created by other people: they look at paintings, listen to musical works; with an active form, they themselves create products of creativity. Art therapy classes can be structured or unstructured. In structured classes, the topic is set rigidly and the material is offered by a psychologist. In unstructured sessions, participants choose their own topic, materials, and tools.

The art therapy process consists of the following main stages:

) stage of preparatory organizational procedures and initial diagnostics;

) correctional stage, assessment of intermediate results;

) stage of completion of work, evaluation of final results.

The main results are psychological changes among the participants in the process (harmonization of the emotional sphere, development of healthy attitudes and motivations, correction of behavioral disorders, etc.), which make learning and psychosocial functioning more successful.

The use of art methods has no age restrictions and can be used both as the main and as one of the auxiliary means. The range of problems for which art therapy techniques can be useful is quite wide: intra- and interpersonal conflicts; age crises; trauma; losses; neurotic disorders; psychosomatic disorders; development of the integrity of the individual and much more.

Basic principles of art therapy:

The desire of the child is the main condition for the lesson. Creativity without desire is impossible, and, of course, a confidential dialogue with a child is impossible.

Encouragement and gratitude to the child.

The teacher should be prepared for the fact that during a dialogue during a lesson, the child sometimes answers “I don’t know” to general questions about himself or a drawing, and offers him options for answers.

An important condition for successful work is the direct participation of the teacher himself in the work that he offers. The teacher, together with the child, talks about his mood (at the beginning and at the end of the lesson), draws, sculpts, talks about certain works, in a word, performs all the tasks that he gives to the child. Only then does the child develop confidence in the teacher and in the unusual activity that is offered to him.

It is necessary to use bright, beautiful, solid material with which work is being done in the classroom. Paints, pencils, plasticine, paper have a neat appearance, because the child feels an attitude towards himself through the material with which he is offered to work. For those guys who are reluctant to join the work, bright beautiful stationery and other equipment can be an attractive moment.

In many classes, the teacher talks about a particular phenomenon. His monologue is most useful if it contains elements of hypnotic storytelling, i.e. to some extent, the speech of the teacher should introduce into a light trance by repeating words, sentences, using epithets, metaphors, changing the voice. This helps to create an atmosphere of unusualness, mystery of what is happening and helps to accomplish the miracle of spontaneous self-disclosure of the child.

The main thing is to enjoy the very process of drawing, when even scribbles and scribbles play the role of healing!

The most common in psychocorrectional work with preschoolers is isotherapy, which is used in the presence of psychosomatic disorders and personality disorders. Drawing here is not an end in itself, in art therapy we do not deal with drawings or other products - they are only an occasion for our attention to the personality of the child. This is where the value of art methods lies.

For art therapy work, it is necessary to have a wide selection of different visual materials. Along with paints, pencils, wax crayons or pastels, magazines, colored paper, foil, textiles, clay, plasticine, special dough for modeling, sand with miniature figures for "playing with a sandbox", wood and other materials are also often used. Paper for drawing should be of different formats and shades. It is also necessary to have brushes of different sizes, sponges for painting large areas, scissors, threads, different types of glues, adhesive tape, etc. mental emotional children art therapy

It should be taken into account that the choice of one or another material may be associated with the characteristics of the state and personality of the child, as well as with the dynamics of the art therapy process. The child should be given the opportunity to choose one or another material and means for visual work. As a rule, at the beginning of work, children prefer to use pencils, wax crayons or felt-tip pens. These working tools allow them to have good control over the drawing process, which meets the need to avoid confrontation with their feelings in the initial stages of work. The choice of these means may be associated with the need for psychological security.

When using art therapy techniques, it must be taken into account that each visual material has a certain range of possible ways to act with it, stimulates the child to certain types of activity. By selecting visual materials in accordance with the individual psychological characteristics of the child, one can to some extent control his activity.

For example, when working with hyperactive and disinhibited children, it is not recommended to use materials such as paint, clay, plasticine.

These materials stimulate the child's unstructured, non-directional activity (scattering, splashing, smearing, etc.), which can easily turn into aggressive behavior. It is more appropriate to offer such children medium-sized sheets of paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, i.e. visual means that require them to organize and structure their activities, fine sensorimotor coordination and control over the performance of an action, and corresponding tasks, for example, “Drawing by dots”.

On the contrary, children who are emotionally “tightened” and with high anxiety are more useful materials that require wide, free movements, including the whole body, and not just the area of ​​the hand and fingers. Such children should be offered paints, large brushes, large sheets of paper attached to the walls, clay and plasticine, drawing with chalk. The tasks "Drawing with fingers", "Magic spots" have the greatest effect on reducing emotional tension and anxiety.

2.2 Programs of classes with older preschoolers with elements of art therapy

Preschool age is the most sensitive for mastering various activities, including creative ones.

An environment in which the creative potential of a child can effectively develop requires the creation of special pedagogical conditions. For the successful development of visual abilities, it is necessary:

1.Teach your child the joy of communicating with art. Develop the ability to perceive, emotional response and the ability to analyze what they see;

2.Formation of technical image skills, without which a child, even with a well-developed imagination, will not be able to create works adequate to the task;

.Develop imagination;

.Creating a favorable microclimate in the process of engaging in creative activities.

The main tasks of the classes:

Relieve emotional and muscle tension.

Decreased impulsivity, anxiety, aggression.

Improving communication skills and creative abilities.

Fostering interpersonal trust and group cooperation.

Development of cognitive processes.

Development of the sensory apparatus based on sensory standards.

Expansion of emotional experience.

Learning new drawing techniques and developing the ability to experiment.

Lesson 1

Mask therapy (summary of classes with children of senior preschool age with elements of art therapy)

Target:help children reincarnate, determine their emotional state, relieve mental and physical stress, liberate children.

Material:a mirror, face painting paints, brushes, napkins, a piece of sponge, glitter, a glass of water, colored cardboard, scissors, glue, cosmetic milk, etc.

Work description:

1)Dilute the paint and apply with a sponge the main tones - raspberry and yellow.

2)Gently apply a white tone on top.

)Draw the fur on the muzzle with a brush.

)Draw the contours and muzzle with black paint (Appendix A).


The teacher offers to turn the children into a brave kitten.

The guys are located near the mirrors and decorate their faces, depending on their plan. It is necessary to use the entire palette of colors of the spectrum. If you need to create an even basic tone, you can apply the desired color with a sponge and distribute over the face. Face painting is well wiped with a napkin, washed off with water. It is necessary to have a clean towel, as well as, just in case, baby cosmetic milk, cotton wool. There are children who, due to their psychological characteristics, refuse to apply paint on their faces. They need to be additionally told that face painting is easily washed off, so we paint our faces with these paints, that there is a clean towel, and at the end of the lesson all the guys will wash themselves thoroughly, they will go home clean, without traces of paint.

If an adult paints his own face for show, it is easier for children to start acting. The usual first reaction is chuckles and glances. But then the children are actively involved in the process, sometimes enthusiastically painting over the entire face and hands. Children may flatly refuse to apply paint for several reasons: hypersocial, egocentric upbringing, neurotic reactions in the form of tantrums, conflicts in the family, refusal to communicate with children, etc. In the process of independent work, children can be involved in helping each other, thereby creating trusting relationships . At the end of the lesson, you can invite the children to guess who turned into whom, organize staging, entertainment, using costumes and attributes in addition to masks. Then they turn into children again (wash themselves). By creating conditions for free action, we thus help children get rid of the basic prohibitions that burden them.

Lesson 2

Drawing decoy with children of senior preschool age. Using the light table

Target:develop children's imagination, relieve emotional stress, relax.

Material: semolina, light table, pebbles, shells, various waste materials, gouache.


Games with semolina using a light table develop imagination in children. Fantasy, tactile sensitivity, reduce emotional stress, relax. Manka is pleasant to the touch. A few unpretentious movements on semolina - and you can get wonderful semolina art. This is a great opportunity to express your feelings. And if suddenly something does not work out, you should not be upset, because you can repeat everything from the beginning. Drawing decoy gives an excellent result of relaxation. To complete the drawing, we use river pebbles, shells, and various waste materials. Artwork becomes more effective when the light is off, when the backlight is on. The spectacle is mesmerizing. Even shy children are liberated and show themselves in creativity.

You can offer your child to perform several simple exercises aimed at developing tactile sensations:

)Slide your palms over the surface of the semolina, performing various wave-like movements;

2)Leave cam prints, fingerprints;

)Step along the decoy with the fingers of the right and left hands alternately, and then simultaneously (Appendix B).

Physical education:

Children stand around the table and say the words together:

Look at our hands

They have become wiser.

Thank you, our dear sand

You helped us all grow!

The teacher, together with the children, discusses the activities that they carried out and reflects the feelings and sensations of the children.

You can change the color of the manga. This can be achieved with the help of alcohol and gouache of the desired color. It is necessary to measure 2 tablespoons of alcohol, pour into a container, dilute with 2 tablespoons of water. Then add gouache of the desired color. The color will be richer if you add a lot of gouache. Mix everything well. Then add so much semolina. To feel when stirring that the semolina has become raw. Mix well for uniform coloring. Put on a tray and leave to dry, constantly stirring and pouring with your hand so that there are no lumps. Semolina dries quickly, in a few minutes. The alcohol has evaporated and you can paint.

Lesson 3

“Drawing Trees” with Art Therapy Elements


development of fantasy imagination, creative abilities;

contributes to the formation of a sense of belonging to the team, group cohesion, friendly relationships;

improving the speech of preschoolers, fine motor skills of the fingers;

development of communication skills;

allows you to clarify the personal characteristics of children, their position in the group; contributes to the identification of interpersonal relationships.

Materials:a sheet of A4 paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, glue stick. Technical means for playing music. Recordings of musical compositions.


1. Set up/warm up:game-exercise "Ball in a circle"

Purpose: to repeat tree species, remove inhibition.

Children passing the ball to each other name different types of trees.

Search for an image through movements to music:

Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle (a slow, melodic musical composition sounds without the words “Walking through the forest”)

Close your eyes and try to see, imagine a forest in which different trees grow.

Imagine yourself as a tree. This tree can be a real tree growing in our forests, or maybe it is a tree from the southern forests or a fabulous, magical one invented by you.

Open your eyes. Imagine that you are a small tree (sit down) and then it rained, and you began to grow (slowly get up, as if growing up).

The wind is blowing and the trees are swaying from side to side.

Take a look around. You are not alone. Hold hands. It's good to have friends around. Give each other a smile.

2. Individual work:

The teacher invites the children to sit down at the tables and continue to work:

On a sheet of paper, using any visual means, draw the trees you have presented.

The teacher can then invite the children to take turns telling the story of their tree in the first person.

Children can be asked indirect questions:

Where would your tree like to grow: on the edge or among other trees?

Does he have friends or not?

Is this tree afraid of anything?

Is this tree happy or not?

What is this tree dreaming about?

Cut out your tree with your fingers, tearing off the excess part of the pattern along the outline of the tree.


The teacher draws the attention of the children to a sheet of paper on which a background has already been drawn in the form of a sky and a meadow (Appendix B).

Imagine that this sheet of paper is a clearing in which your trees will grow. Everyone has the right to decide where it will be more convenient for his tree to grow: among others in the forest or aside from everyone at the edge of the forest.

Choose a suitable location and glue your tree.

While choosing a place and filling the space of the glade, the teacher then makes sure that the children agree, concede, and compromise. Only when all the children are satisfied with the arrangement of the trees, do they stick.

Sketch the rest of the clearing. If you wish, populate your forest: with animals, birds, insects. Draw other plants, buildings, water bodies (rivers, lakes).

4. Final stage(verbalization and reflection):

The general drawing is attached to the easel, to the wall, so that everyone can see the resulting picture.

The teacher notes that through joint efforts and thanks to cooperation, joint creativity, an ordinary sheet of paper turned into a beautiful picture "Wonderful Forest". Each tree in our "wonderful forest" is not alone, many other "trees - friends" grow next to it! You are not alone either. Look around you too friends. Together you are “one for all and all for one”!


Modern preschool education is constantly being improved with the latest pedagogical methods, trends and technologies, which makes it possible to change for the better didactic approaches to the process of education, development and training of the individual.

One of the leading areas used in pedagogical practice is considered to be art therapy for preschoolers.

This method of psychological correction consists in the development and disclosure of the child's personality with the help of artistic activity and combines pedagogical, psychological and medical knowledge.

Any creative activity has a beneficial effect on the inner world of the child. After all, development occurs in activity, and this is what underlies the art-therapeutic effect, which consists of:

· Isotherapy (drawing, modeling, designing);

Game therapy;

· Color therapy;


· sand therapy;

· Fairy tale therapy (theatrical performances);

· Music lessons.

In working with preschoolers, it is possible to use the following art therapy techniques:

1.Technique "mandala" (drawing in a circle) - includes spontaneous work with color and shape inside the circle, contributes to a change in the state of human consciousness and opens up the possibility for personal growth.

2.Directed visualization technique - stimulating and directing the flow of the child's imagination in a certain direction.

.The technique of the image and plasticity of mood - work with plasticine, dough or clay is used to relieve muscle tension, and also contributes to the development of self-control skills, forms creative activity.

.The technique of working with sand - such work makes it possible to express a variety of feelings, well removes aggression.

.The technique of drawing on glass is used for pair work, it contributes to the development of communication skills.

.The technique of photo collage and applications helps to relieve muscle tension, develops abstract thinking and creativity.

.Body-Oriented Therapy Technique.

.Music therapy.

The main goals of art therapy are self-expression, expansion of personal experience, self-knowledge, internal integration of the personality (its various aspects and components) and integration with external reality (social, ethnic, cultural). In art therapy, spontaneous drawing and modeling are a kind of imagination activity, and not a manifestation of artistic talent. Fine art is a bridge between the world of fantasy and reality. It includes elements of both, allowing you to create a kind of synthesis that neither a child nor an adult can create without the help of artistic means.

Nowadays, art therapy is gaining more and more popularity. Creating and creating, a person expresses his concerns, fears, problems in the materials used for creativity.

Art therapy is, first of all, an integral medicine, without age restrictions and side effects. Art therapy is a very progressive direction. Using the knowledge of related sciences as an addition applied to the canvas of creativity, art therapy will gradually take its rightful place among other therapeutic methods.

List of used literature:

1.Art therapy - new horizons / Ed. A.I. Kopytin. - M.: Kogito-Centre, 2009. - 336 p.

2.Art therapy // Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia / Ed. B.D. Karvasarsky. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - S.52 - 58.

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4.Burno M.E. Therapy with creative self-expression / M.E. Burno - M.: Medicine, 2010.

5.Vachkov I.V. Fairy tale therapy: the development of self-awareness through a psychological fairy tale. M., Os-89, 2009.

6.G.L. Landreth. S.S. Sweeney. Child-centered play therapy: group work. Journal of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. December 2007

7.Grabenko, T.M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T.D. Miracles in the sand Sand play therapy / T.M. Grabenko, T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva - St. Petersburg: Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, 2010.

8.Zakharov A.I. Day and night fears in children / A.I. Zakharov - St. Petersburg, 2010

9.Game therapy as a means of correcting non-constructive behavior of children of senior school age. Morozova O.V. Chekasheva N.I.

10.Kiseleva M.V. Art therapy in work with children: hands. for children psychologists, teachers, doctors and specialists working with children / M.V. Kiseleva. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2009. - 158 p.

11.Kopytin A.I. Art therapy in a secondary school. Methodological guide / A.I. Kopytin - St. Petersburg: Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, 2005.

12.Kopytin A.I., Svistovskaya E.E. Art therapy methods used with children and adolescents: a review of current publications. Journal of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis

13.Kopytin, A.I. Theory and practice of art therapy / A.I. Kopytin - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012.

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.Lebedeva L.D. The practice of art therapy: approaches, diagnostics, training system. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2009. - p. 54.

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Mask therapy

brave kitten


sand therapy


"Drawing trees" with elements of art therapy (music therapy, isotherapy)

Tags: Practical application of art therapy with older preschoolers Diploma in Pedagogy

In primary school age, the formation of self-esteem, first of all, is influenced by educational activities, since it is the leading one at this age. Consequently, it depends on it how a student's self-esteem will be formed, it is directly related to his success and academic performance. Therefore, it is very important to form an adequate self-esteem.

In September 2016, we conducted the ascertaining stage of the study of the formation of adequate self-esteem in children of primary school age. The following methods were used:

1) "Ladder" (V. G. Shchur);

2) "Draw yourself" (A. M. Parishioners and Z. Vasilyauskaite);

3) "Definition of emotional self-esteem" (A. V. Zakharov).

The experimental base of our study is the Gymnasium No. S. S. Karimova" in the city of Neryungri, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The experimental group involved 29 children from the 2nd "B" class at the age of 7-8 years.

According to the data of the study, we stated the fact that low self-esteem prevails in children of this age: according to the method of A. V. Zakharov in 13 children (45%), V. G. Shchur - 12 children (41%). According to the method "Draw yourself" by A. M. Prikhozhan and Z. Vasilyauskaite, the majority of the children studied, in the amount of 13 people (45%), have an overestimated self-esteem.

These studies prompted us to the following task: to develop a psychological and pedagogical program "Believe in yourself".

As a basis for writing our psychological and pedagogical program "Believe in yourself", T. A. Grigorenko's programs "All facets of my Self" and O. V. Blank "Program of group correctional classes for younger schoolchildren with elements of fairy tale therapy" were taken.

Program goal: creation of conditions for the formation of adequate self-esteem of younger students.

Program objectives:

1) to form a conscious self-perception of their shortcomings and merits;

2) to form the ability to adequately show their own and understand other people's emotional states;

3) develop the ability to have a positive attitude towards others;

4) help in understanding the value of one's personality.


1) fairy tale therapy (reading and writing a fairy tale);

2) isotherapy (drawing, collage);

3) music therapy (listening);

4) game therapy (role-playing, outdoor games);

5) dance therapy (psycho-gymnastics).

Work form: group.

Contingent: students of primary school age.

Duration: 24 lessons of 45 minutes, 2 times a week.

Expected results:

  1. The acquisition by children of primary school age of an adequate indicator of self-esteem.
  2. Awareness by younger students of the value of their own personality.
  3. Conscious perception by children of their "I", their shortcomings and advantages.
  4. To form the ability to adequately express their own and understand other people's emotional states.
  5. Develop a positive relationship with others.

Class structure consists of three stages:

I. Introduction.

II. Main part.

III. Final part.

The introductory part includes a greeting ritual, which is aimed at creating an atmosphere of trust; the main part contains methods of work that are aimed at solving the above problems, the final part - the farewell ritual is aimed at summing up the results of the lesson and team building.

Consider the content of the thematic plan of the program "Believe in yourself" for the formation of an adequate self-esteem of younger students by means of art therapy (Table 1).

Table 1

Thematic planning of the program for the formation of adequate self-esteem of younger students

Topic of the lesson

Target lessons

Working methods

Acquaintance. "Know Yourself"

Purpose: introduction to the class; acceptance of group rules; expanding children's self-image

Game therapy method - "Affectionate name", "Business card";

dance therapy method - exercise "Dance" to a musical composition;

isotherapy method - exercise "The way to the goal"

"My feelings"

Purpose: to create a positive emotional mood and an atmosphere of acceptance of everyone

Game therapy method - "I'm good", "Name your strengths", "Magic confectionery";

fairy tale therapy method - G. H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

"Draw yourself"

Isotherapy method - exercise "Self-drawing";

game therapy method - "Magic mirror", "Why my mother loves me..."

"All in my power"

Purpose: development in children of a sense of self-confidence, in their own abilities, actualization of the child's potentials

Game therapy method - "Hares and elephants", "I am a lion", "Suitcase on the road";

isotherapy method - exercise "Housewarming".

"Learn to love yourself"

Purpose: to accept myself as I am and love myself, to feel the uniqueness of my own personality

Isotherapy method - exercise "I am different";

dance therapy method - exercise "Repeat after me" with musical accompaniment;

game therapy method - "Think of a name for yourself"

"What am I?"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the main components of the "I" -image

Game therapy method - "Three houses", "Autobiography";

isotherapy method - exercise "Monotopy"

"All facets of my self"

Purpose: development of self-awareness, self-expression

Game therapy method - “My light, mirror, tell me”, “Finish the sentence”;

isotherapy method - making a collage on the theme "All facets of my self"

"Fairy Tales in Our Lives"

Purpose: to strengthen and stimulate self-esteem, form adequate self-esteem, get rid of negative qualities

Fairy tale therapy method - D. Brett "The story of Annie (shyness)", exercise "Group fairy tale";

dance therapy method - exercise "Forbidden movement" with musical accompaniment

"I actually"

Purpose: the formation in children of positive emotional reactions in relation to themselves, their appearance, the formation of a desire to please themselves and other people, to promote the emancipation of the child

Game therapy method - "I can handle it";

isotherapy method - exercise "I am who I am";

dance therapy method - exercise "Dance on a chair" with musical accompaniment

"Me and my qualities." Part 1

Purpose: to study your positive qualities and develop adequate self-esteem

The method of game therapy - "A bag of good qualities", "Magic chair";

isotherapy method - exercise "Colored sounds of my body"

"Me and my qualities." Part 2

Game therapy method - "My pros and cons", "Compliments", "Whose qualities?";

dance therapy method - exercise "Aram-zam-zam"

"It's me". Part 1

Purpose: to develop a child's sense of self-confidence, in their own abilities, actualization of the potential of each child, his merits

The method of game therapy - "Praises", "Boastful Contest";

isotherapy method - making a collage on the theme "Great people who bore my name"

"It's me". Part 2

Game therapy method - "Magic glasses";

dance therapy method - exercise "Dance of meetings and partings" with musical accompaniment;

isotherapy method - exercise "Palms"

"My portrait"

Purpose: demonstration of individual characteristics of a person

Game therapy method - "Sculpture", "Name the emotion";

isotherapy method - "My portrait through the eyes of the group"

"I am everyone's eyes"

Purpose: to develop the ability to accept yourself and others

The method of fairy tale therapy - D. Brett "The story of Annie (If the child is teased)";

game therapy method - “Fly”, “If you like it, then do it!”

"I and others." Part 1

Purpose: to develop the ability to give and receive feedback in an unusual way

Game therapy method - "I and others", "Affectionate name";

method of fairy tale therapy - "Little fish";

isotherapy method - "Pair drawing"

"I and others." Part 2

The method of play therapy - "Mode of the day", "Fair of virtues", "Rays of good qualities";

dance therapy method - exercise "Freeze dance figure" with musical accompaniment

"Fairytale Transformation"

Purpose: mastering the methods of self-diagnosis, self-disclosure, communication activity

The method of fairy tale therapy - A. Dorohova "The Tale of the Little Hedgehog";

game therapy method - "Motto", "All of us"

"I can do everything"

Purpose: awareness of the value and uniqueness of the personality of each

Game therapy method - "Five qualities", "No one knows";

isotherapy method - exercise "My portrait in the rays of the sun", exercise "Mandala"

"I'm confident." Part 1

Goal: knowing one's unrevealed potential, forming adequate self-esteem, developing confidence in one's abilities

The method of fairy tale therapy - "A case in the forest";

isotherapy method - free drawing with musical accompaniment;

game therapy method - "The most-most"

"I'm confident." Part 2

Game therapy method - "Funny ball";

isotherapy method - "We draw cards of positive emotions"

"I am very good"

Purpose: to develop ideas about their positive qualities, to determine their merits

Game therapy method - "Give a card", "Autopilot", "Theater";

dance therapy method - exercise "Stand in a circle according to ..." with musical accompaniment

"That I love?"

Goal: development in children of the ability to evaluate their desires, the formation of adequate self-esteem

Methods of play therapy - "5 steps", "Gift";

method of fairy tale therapy - V. P. Kataeva "Flower-semitsvetik"

"I want to be happy"

Purpose: the formation of ideas about the positive and negative qualities of a person, teaching children to determine the advantages and disadvantages of their own and other people, to understand the reasons for their actions

Fairy tale therapy method - "Chamomile and Rose";

game therapy method - "Fishermen and fish";

isotherapy method - "Creating your coat of arms"

We think that the psychological and pedagogical program "Believe in yourself" developed by us will form an adequate self-esteem in children of primary school age, and it can also be used as a means of forming an adequate self-esteem of younger schoolchildren by teachers, educational psychologists, teachers of additional education and students for passing practice.

Art therapy helps children develop positive self-esteem, and if you are looking for ways, try doing the “Sunshine” exercise with it.

These judgments can be both positive: “Well done”, “Clever”, “You are kind, smart, neat ...”, and negative: “Sloppy”, “Fidget”, “Naughty, non-executive, roar ...”

The exercise "Sunshine" shows well how certain ideas about themselves have been fixed in the mind of the child.

So, let's move on to the essence of the exercise to increase self-esteem.

To complete it, you will need a landscape sheet, felt-tip pens or pencils.

. Exercises "Sunshine"

Ask your child to draw a sun with rays. There are no requirements for the drawing, the child draws the sun anywhere within the sheet and with what he likes.

Art therapy for children: exercise "Sun" to increase self-esteem

Let the child talk a little about the sun.

The sun, what is it?

Bright, yellow, red, kind, warm, joyful...

Now imagine that the sun is you. The sun has your name.

Let the child sign, if he can, his name in the sun. If he does not know how to write yet, then sign the name yourself. The sun must have rays. If there are few of them, then paint up to 7-9 rays.

You listed how wonderful the sun is: warm, bright, kind ... Let's sign each ray of the sun, naming some of your wonderful qualities. What are you?

The child may not respond immediately. Help him by saying, for example: “I think you are kind. And what else?

Each quality named by you or a child is signed along the ray.

Task: try to ensure that each ray is named. And let the child dream a little, brag. Do not mind, even if you think that this quality or habit is not developed in him or is absent at all.

So you can hear what the child considers his achievements. “I wash the dishes… I put away the toys…” Write down everything you hear, even if it is sometimes done with tears or even a scandal.

There is no need for replicas: “Yes, this is done when you say ten times ...”, etc. In the exercise "Sunshine" we work only on the positive.

The reaction of parents who see in the classroom how the mood of the child changes (and this is confirmed by computer diagnostics) is interesting, changing from gloomy black to sunny yellow. At one of the last classes, the mother of 5-year-old Andryusha asked if it was possible to draw this sun on a large sheet at home and attach it to the wall.

You can, of course you can!

And you can, even need to ask everyone who knows the child to sign the rays of this sun. You can add rays every time you notice something in the child for which he needs to be praised. Rays can be added by the child himself.

One very important condition: No matter how angry you are with your son or daughter, no matter what they are guilty of, punishing them, never mention your man-made sun at this moment.

Believe me, one seemingly innocent phrase like “You are the sun, but you do it ...” can destroy the entire effect of the exercise. Misdemeanor, no doubt, requires a reasonable punishment, but not to cross out the fact that your child is your sun.

And another version of the exercise "Sunshine". It is performed when the child's sun is drawn. Invite him to draw a similar sun for his grandmother or dad, for his sister or kindergarten teacher. Let it be a birthday present or just a pleasant surprise.

We all want to hear kind words, but this needs to be taught. Let this simple exercise "Sunshine" help you create a warm and sincere atmosphere.



Grebneva Irina Valerievna

1st year master's student, Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology, VlGU, Vladimir


Danilova Marina Vladimirovna

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology, VlSU, Vladimir

Self-esteem is that component of self-consciousness, which includes both knowledge of one's own self, and a person's assessment of himself, and a scale of significant values, in relation to which this assessment is determined.

Self-esteem is one of the central formations that is actively developing in the context of the formation and development of personality. The most sensitive period for the formation of an adequate level of self-esteem is adolescence, therefore, knowledge of the features of this process is necessary for the harmonious development of the individual as a whole. Such indicators as the level of claims, motivation to study, self-esteem, self-confidence are closely interconnected with self-esteem. Often in schools, psychologists and social pedagogues pay insufficient attention to the problems of self-esteem formation, which subsequently manifests itself in various behavioral disorders at later stages of growing up, affects academic performance, as well as the psychological climate in the team.

The subject of study by many domestic and foreign researchers are such issues as the ontogeny of self-esteem, its structure, functions and patterns of formation. Many psychologists consider self-esteem as a product of self-consciousness, which reflects the level of its development in an individual.

The formation of students' self-esteem is influenced by many different factors, such as family, school, immediate environment, personal characteristics, etc. The importance of developing an adequate self-esteem has been repeatedly proven by theoretical and empirical studies. Adequate self-esteem, as a rule, leads to self-criticism and self-criticism, forms self-confidence and an adequate level of personality claims, the ability to correctly correlate one's strengths with tasks of varying difficulty and with the requirements of others. Violation of adequate self-esteem, both in the direction of underestimation and in the direction of overestimation, leads to deviations in behavior. Underestimation of the level leads to the fact that a person is afraid to show his achievements in a particular activity, expecting failure in advance. Overestimation of self-esteem also leads to negative phenomena. So in the period from the 70s to the 90s of the XX century. it has been widely believed that high self-esteem underlies all positive achievement, and is a decisive factor in student achievement. These assumptions in the United States have caused a surge in the development and implementation of a variety of programs to improve student self-esteem in schools and colleges. However, as the foreign psychologist L. Burke describes, such an approach did not improve the situation in American schools, but rather worsened it. Studies have shown that the motivation and desire to learn in children brought up in such a system is even lower than that of their predecessors. The inflated conceit of children and adolescents led to the fact that they considered themselves better and higher than other people, and therefore did not consider it their duty to study and observe any rules and norms of morality. Maintaining high self-esteem, constant approval and praise, regardless of real achievements, without an adequate assessment of one's abilities and qualities can lead to the fact that high self-esteem turns into narcissism and narcissism incapable of criticizing oneself. Adequate self-esteem is directly related to the process of self-regulation of behavior, communication and social interaction of people, it determines the successful adaptation of the individual. Therefore, it is so important to conduct research and develop possible ways and methods of forming an adequate self-esteem.

The problem of our study was that in the presence of an extensive and fairly fundamental base of scientific research on self-esteem, schools pay little attention to the level of self-esteem in students, the formation of its adequate indicators.

There are many different techniques used by psychologists and teachers in the work on the formation of adequate indicators of self-esteem: training work, movement, dance and play therapy. The most effective technique in carrying out this work, in our opinion, is art therapy. Art therapy is a technique based on the assumption that the inner self is reflected in visual forms from the moment a person begins to paint, draw and sculpt. According to the psychotherapist S. McNiff, art therapy helps to increase the sense of one's own personal value, increases artistic competence, promotes a sense of internal order, and provides an opportunity for negative and even dangerous emotions to come out in the form of images and colors. For art therapy, the process itself and those features that the creative product itself makes it possible to detect in the mental life of the creator are important. A participant in this type of training should understand that the artistic merit of his work does not matter, and he may not worry about it. Artistic creativity used to express feelings and thoughts can be of great help in developing socially adapted behavior and raising the level of self-esteem, contributing to the growth of its adequacy. Art therapy, as a professional activity, is a new field of science and practice, and the fact that artistic activity has a healing effect, known since antiquity. Throughout human history, art has reflected the world of human passions from endless joy to the deepest sadness, from triumph to tragic loss, and has served people as a miraculous means of psychological and spiritual rebirth.

In recent decades, artistic creativity as a great healing force has been rediscovered and highly appreciated. Many people have found that art has helped them relieve stress, solve problems, overcome the pain of losing loved ones, and even relieve pain and other unpleasant physical symptoms. A guiding principle of art therapy is that it is the creative process , which includes artistic creativity, is healing and capable of improving human life. This idea is explained by the great similarity between art therapy and the creative process. Both art therapy and the creative process are about problem solving - finding new solutions to habitual ways of being, thinking, feeling and interacting. The creative process, like the therapeutic process, also provides an opportunity to explore new ideas and ways of being. Both processes are acts of modification, opposition, improvisation and transformation. In art therapy, these characteristics are important for creating a new understanding, insight and awareness that precedes a change in personality, its perception, its life. Both processes involve meeting with oneself. In art therapy, this meeting takes place through art materials, the experience of artistic creation.

So, for example, the use in our study of such an exercise as "Drawing of one's Self" allowed many children to most fully express their experiences, actualize in the drawing, previously unconscious intrapersonal conflicts. The use of group creative work: making collages, joint drawings made it possible to achieve unity in the group, as well as to assert the identity and necessity of each of its members in the group.

Art therapy in working with children, in our opinion, is the most effective method of influencing the problem directly, this influence bypasses all the psychological defenses of the individual without injuring the child's psyche.

To identify the effectiveness of the use of art therapy in the formation of adequate self-esteem of students, an experimental study was conducted. We have developed a special program for the formation of an adequate level of self-esteem, designed for ten lessons, in each lesson we used such techniques of art therapy as: drawing, making collages, drawing up an image based on abstract ideas about oneself, etc.

The purpose of the program was: the formation of adequate self-esteem in students.

Program objectives:

1. Obtaining the skill of expressing oneself through creativity and game forms of activity;

2. acquisition of the skill of forming an active life position;

3. help in understanding the value of one's own personality;

4.increased positive attitude towards yourself.

The sample consisted of 40 students aged 13-15 years.

Primary diagnostics of the state of self-esteem of students was carried out using the following methods: verbal diagnostics of self-esteem of the personality N.P. Fetiskin; test-questionnaire of self-attitude V.V. Stolin; methodology for the study of personality self-esteem S.A. Budassi.

The diagnostic results determined the group in which the program for the formation of adequate self-esteem was implemented.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed program, a secondary diagnosis of the control and experimental groups was carried out.

The method of verbal diagnosis of self-esteem (N.P. Fetiskin) in a comparative analysis of primary and secondary diagnostics reflected an increase in the number of persons with an average level of self-esteem from 10% to 45% in the experimental group, and therefore a decrease in persons with a low level of self-esteem. In the control group, the percentages remained almost unchanged.

The results of the self-attitude questionnaire by V.V. Stolin in the experimental group, determined the improvement of indicators on the following scales: self-esteem from 49% to 65%; autosympathy from 68% to 74%; self-interest from 59% to 70%; self-confidence from 55% to 67%. The values ​​on the scales in the control group changed insignificantly and most likely situationally.

Methodology of self-assessment A.S. Budassi revealed positive changes in the experimental group. The number of students with an indicator of discrepancy between ideas about real and ideal qualities has decreased from 40% to 30%, and the number of people with an adequate level of self-esteem has increased from 20% to 30%. Indicators for the control group showed minor changes towards the worse.

Thus, the use of art therapy techniques in working with students has shown its effectiveness in the formation of adequate indicators of self-esteem of the individual.


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