Where to spray perfume. How to properly apply women's perfume to leave a trail

Is the situation familiar? You opened the coveted vial, pressed the atomizer and... the magic disappeared. Instead of fairies who danced to you from a blotter (or from a catalog page), you hear a vigorous confectionery, wet pieces of wood or sticky cookies. Or maybe you are wearing your perfume incorrectly? How to apply perfume right, says the expert. Be sure to read if you still think: enough generous "zilch"on famous pointa m- and you are on top!

Material consultant: Oksana Shin, perfumery expert

Let's start with the mistakes we make. Many of us believe that applying perfume correctly means spraying wrists with it in one concentration or another. In this case, do not expect a beautiful and soft train. On this "side where the veins show through" you can "puff" perfume in the store in order to try it. But in everyday use and before going out to a celebration, this is not our method.

How to apply perfume

Another popular method - from a spray gun on the neck and under the ear - is not only not good, but also dangerous to health. This is where the jugular vein runs. Substances in perfumery (and by perfume we usually mean eau de toilette and eau de parfum with a high alcohol content!) quickly reach the brain. Hence the possible dizziness, swelling, allergic reactions. The expert of this material had a case when one of the perfume lovers fainted, spraying a new perfume from a spray bottle on her neck: she was allergic to some component of the fragrance. Plus, due to careless movement, splashes can get into the eyes, mouth, nose. Therefore, it is impossible to choke in such a way. If you really want to wear perfume "under your ear", you should first put it on your fingers - and then gently touch the cherished points.

And, of course, it makes no sense to perfume clothes with perfumes - stains can remain on them. Especially when it comes to delicate natural silk.

How to apply perfume correctly? The consultant of the article believes: they should be worn like a dress. There are four ways to perfume and lasted longer, and melodiously opened up, and the trail remained. Choose yours!

1. Cloud . D aleko not secret method, which for some reason we often neglect. You need to spray the fragrance over your head with a spray bottle and enter this cloud. So we wear perfume from top to bottom like an outfit.

2. More moisture! Especially recommended by our expert. You should take a shower, blot your skin with a towel and use lotion - preferably with a weak fragrance (or without it at all!) Or from the same series as your au de parfum. Then spray a cloud of perfume and enter it, so that the aroma gets on the skin and wet curls. Through the pores opened after the shower, the lotion will better penetrate into the upper layer of the epidermis and deliver fragrant substances there. We will "work" like an aroma lamp; perfume It becomes like our second skin.

Then we blow-dry our hair and get dressed. You can renew the fragrance by entering it like a cloud. And you can do without it. It is the wet way, how to apply perfume, that will provide us with a soft, unobtrusive and beautiful plume that will be pleasant to others.

3. Eastern (Arabic). This is the application of perfume under the knees or in places closer to the heels, where the Achilles tendons pass. The fact is that oriental women are sure: if we perfume ourselves from above, then the aroma ascends to heaven like a bird. But we need to conquer people ...

(!) We are talking about de toylette and de perfume with a spray. Oil perfumes are worn differently. For example, along the points of the so-called upper triangle - to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples and the dimple under the throat.

4. In places. And one more reception, very similar to how we usually perfume ourselves - only without a shower from a spray bottle. You must first apply perfume to your fingertips, and then touch the places where you want to "settle" the fragrance. It can be, for example, the border where hair begins to grow at the temples, the secret territory "behind the ears", the same wrists, neck ... But remember: spray perfume on the neck Yu not directly from the vial. But you can apply it with your fingers wherever your heart desires!

Persistence of fragrance is a cornerstone for many fashionistas. What to do if the perfume stops "working" too soon, but are you sure that they are not a fake? Perhaps the "salt" is in the method of application, and not in quality. The rules are the same everywhere – both for Chanel #5 and S.Oliver Superior. How to use your favorite fragrance in order to wear it for a long time - we figure it out together!

What is the difference between different types of perfumes

Let's start with the flavor. The decision will be influenced by the season of the year, mood and budget.
For ease of perception of information, we have placed all types in a comparative table.

Comparative table of different types of perfumes


Perfume perfumed water Eau de Toilette
Advantages Base: alcohol (- 97%) 15-20% essential oils in a bottle 7-10% aromatics
Essential oils (20-30%) Longevity on skin 4 to 6 hours Base - 80-85% alcohol
Pleasant train Base - 90% alcohol Ideal for sports and summer
Lasts” up to 10 hours on fabric Pronounced, but not "heavy" aroma of "core" Democratic price
Ideal for an evening look and cold weather Acceptable price
Flaws "Heavy" for the heat Weak scent trail High consumption of eau de toilette, which compensates for the affordable price
High price
No atomizer

Where to apply perfume - a couple of women's secrets

For greater durability, perfume is applied to certain points of the body - this way you get a long-lasting effect of the aroma, but also its fuller disclosure. These places are considered to be:

  • Neck. Applied to the back of the neck, the fragrance will live on the body for a long time and will not bother others. Spray on the inside of the collar that is in contact with the skin and be amazed at the effect.
  • Hair retains a halo of fragrance much longer.

Attention!Alcohol, which is contained in perfume, has a bad effect on the hair. It is recommended to use special fragrances. If you don’t have one, spray perfumed water (for example, Baldinini Woman) on a brush and comb: the fragrance will be absorbed delicately.

  • The back of the knees is the most "effective" area (it works even for men). The smell applied to this point does not appear immediately, but only when the air rises up, where it is hotter than below.
  • The inner part of the elbow. Experts advise moisturizing the place where the fragrance is applied so as not to break its magic.

  • The wrist is a common point on the body where perfume is applied the fastest.

Remember:The wrists are a piquant area where the fragrance lasts especially long. The secret is in the veins located close to the skin, which create excellent conditions for the amber to evaporate. Perfume lasts longer thanks to jewelry.

  • Navel. Liv Tyler confessed that her father rubbed the perfume with his finger and touched the navel area with it, which helped the notes of the perfume to open up perfectly. Warming up, the aromatic components open up more strongly and “play” longer.

This applies to both fruity and floral fragrances, such as Betty Barclay Pure Style. In addition, these places interact with air currents, which, blowing the body, gently “spread” the aroma, without imposing it on others or irritating it.

The only bottle of eau de toilette, even the most beloved, is not suitable for permanent use. Some fragrances look better in summer. As a rule, these are marine, citrus and green perfumes, whose smell does not suffocate and does not mix with the smell of sweat, turning into an unpleasant cocktail. In winter, such light smells do not sit so well, and you can use something heavier - with spices, alcohol, notes of tobacco and leather.

Don't give in to age

The age of a man affects his sense of smell (in women, this trend is less pronounced). The scent is dulled, and the usual pair of "puffs" seem invisible. I want to pour more fragrant water on myself to feel it. Don't give in to this illusion. If you are unsure, ask your or colleagues how far they can smell you coming from. Ideally, people should smell your perfume as soon as they get within arm's reach of you.

Also, the sense of smell can be dulled as a result of certain diseases. Try not to overdo it with the amount of perfume after recovery and do not choose new fragrances.

Use but do not mix

You don't have to buy cologne, shampoo, shower gel and aftershave from the same collection. However, if you want a perfume that fits you perfectly, opt for neutral-scented skin care products that won't mix with your expensive eau de toilette.

Where to apply perfume

Correctly apply perfume to those places where you can feel the pulse. These are the wrists, the recess between the collarbones, the chest in the region of the heart, the points behind the ears. If you use rich colognes and are afraid of overdoing it, take a few “puffs” into the air and stand in a fragrant cloud that will then sit on you.

The fragrance moves up, so you should not apply it exclusively to the area behind the ears - it will be practically inaudible to others.

You can also use perfume on your hair, but keep in mind that your usual smell may change. Use cologne or toilet water should be only on clean hair and in small quantities.

But spraying clothes with cologne is not recommended. Firstly, your perfume stains may remain on things, and secondly, on some fabrics, the smell is heard differently, and sometimes it can become unpleasant (for example, perfumes do not sit well on synthetics). You can apply a small amount of perfume on wool or fur.

Today website explains how men should use toilet water: where to apply, how much and in what life situations.

1 - Behind the ears 2 - Back of the neck 3 - Chest 4 - Shoulders

So, we can distinguish three situations for which the use of perfume will be different: this is a work/school situation, a date with a girl, a street/club situation.

There are also 4 points on which it must be applied:

1 - behind the ears; 2 - back side of the neck; 3 - chest; 4 - shoulders;

Note: On the shoulders, the perfume is applied directly to the clothes, the first three points are applied to the skin. One click is enough for each point. Before spraying on the shoulders, test in an inconspicuous area for traces, especially on light-colored fabrics.

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In a working environment, when you are indoors, it is better if you emit a light, unobtrusive fragrance that does not interfere with any of your colleagues, so use perfume only at point number 1 - behind the ears.

How is this version better than the classic one, when you apply fragrance on the front of the neck? It will not interfere with you, as it is not directly under your nose.

Date with a girl

For a date, everything is already more interesting. Apply to 4 places: once behind the ears, on the chest, and on the back of the neck.

Why on the back? In situations where a girl follows you, when you open the door for her, etc., she will feel the trail of your perfume.

Thanks to these four points, a kind of “aura” of perfume forms around you, and during hugs and kisses, the girl gets into it.

Street or club

On the street and in the club, you need the full potential of your perfume, so use 6 points, plus a fourth in addition to those for a date.

Why are shoulders added here? When you walk, stand, sit, your shoulders are the closest part of your body to the people who are nearby, thanks to this, they will hear your aroma better.

How to make a fragrant trail stay with you all day long? You can, of course, carry eau de toilette or perfume in your purse, but is there any other way out? There is! You just need to consider when, where and how to apply your favorite fragrance.

If you really want to make your perfume last longer, choose scents with sensual sweet notes like chypre, bergamot (Mitsouko, Femme, Miss Dior) or oriental vanilla (Shalimar, Samsara, Spellbound, Angel, Coco).

In addition, there are small secrets that will extend the life of your favorite perfume:

It is better to apply fragrance before putting on jewelry - some perfumes leave indelible stains on clothes and accessories, especially on synthetic fabrics and pearls. Apply the scent in layers: first soap or shower gel, then milk or cream, powder, and only then eau de toilette.

If you have dry skin or you are an excitable, sensitive person, then you will have to apply fragrance to the skin more often (it evaporates too quickly). On oily skin, the smell lasts longer - the sebaceous glands retain it for a long time.

Change scents from time to time. Try something new, experiment, enjoy! Otherwise, you will experience "olfactory fatigue" - a condition where your nose does not perceive the aroma that you use.

If you're going to buy a new eau de toilette, go to the store in the morning and try no more than three fragrances at a time.

Where you apply perfume is almost as important as which fragrance you choose.

To keep it fresh, remember the following:

Apply fragrance to pulse points - on the wrists, behind the ears, in the crook of the elbows, in the area. The skin in these places is warmer, so the smell dissipates faster in the air. And if the air temperature is high, don't forget to apply the scent on your ankles, on the inside of your knees, and on the inside of your thighs.

Apply your favorite scent to your brush and comb through. As Coco Chanel said, "put perfume where you want to be kissed." Don't miss out on this great tip! Madame Chanel even applied perfume to the hem of the clothes she created, so that the models, walking down the catwalk, would leave a fragrant trail behind them.

How should you apply fragrance for maximum results?

Here are some secrets you should know:

Spray eau de toilette at a distance of 30 cm from you. Or take Estee Lauder's advice: spritz in front of you and then step into the fragrant cloud you've created.

Fixatives, or base notes, help bind scents together. They prolong the fragrance as they slow down the evaporation. They contain natural sensual aromas: spicy, woody, coniferous scents such as musk, amber, vanilla, sandalwood, patchouli.

Proper storage of perfumes can prolong their life. Store them in a cool, dry, dark place. In a bottle of perfume, like a bottle of fine wine, the oxidation process begins, so protect your fragrances from heat, light and humidity.

And the last thing to know:

Perfume - contains 20-30%, lasts from 4 to 6 hours.

Eau de parfum - contains 10-20% aromatic oils, lasts about 4 hours.

Eau de cologne contains 5% aromatic oils and lasts 2 to 3 hours.

Eau fraiche - contains 3% aromatic oils and lasts from 1 to 2 hours.

Lotions contain from 3 to 5% of aromatic oils.

Valeria Belenkaya [email protected]
according to ivillage.com