Children's makeup of the snow queen. Snow queen makeup for a girl or a photo shoot

  • When is queen makeup appropriate?
  • Makeup and hairstyle ideas for a fabulous look

When will “royal” makeup be appropriate and what tools will be needed?

When is queen makeup appropriate?

There is probably no girl / girl / woman who at least once in her life did not want to feel like a queen. Luxurious outfits, balls and magnificent jewelry - it's hard not to dream about this. But if we represent palace life more and more in cinematography, then we can try on the image of the queen in less status interiors. The master of reincarnations - makeup will come to the rescue.

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True, it is worth considering where to go with such makeup. A masquerade party, New Year's Eve or Halloween are win-win options. But if you choose a look from the photo tutorial below, then it is also perfect for a creative bride who loves experiments.

Features of the makeup of queens from fairy tales and cartoons

The color scheme and the choice of makeup techniques will depend on which queen you decide to reincarnate as. Let's talk about the most popular heroines.

The Snow Queen

Even a girl who has just begun to get involved in makeup can repeat the makeup of the Snow Queen. It is enough to know certain nuances.

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Foundation, for example, needs to be used a tone lighter than your skin tone to achieve the desired pale color. Shadows choose from a cold range with a shimmer. Shades of ice are best suited: silver, gray or blue.

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To make the skin shine like a snow cover, do not spare the highlighter. If you want to achieve the maximum transformation into the Snow Queen, strands of hair can be dyed with a silver spray. We showed in more detail the stages of creating such an image in this video.

Red Queen

To repeat the image of the Red Queen, you will have to practice and, most likely, replenish your cosmetic bag with special products. The skin should be the shade of paper: either the lightest foundation in the line will come in handy, or professional make-up pigments. On the eyelids to the very eyebrows, apply turquoise shadows, and hide the eyebrows themselves under a layer of foundation.

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In the makeup of the Red Queen, the eyebrows should be very thin and graphic and located well above their natural line. So you need a brow liner. Makeup lips in the style of the Queen of Hearts will be unusual: try to draw a heart with red lipstick or gloss. Don't forget to coat your lashes with mascara that separates and lengthens well. You will find useful life hacks for this image in the first part of this video tutorial.

Evil queen

To reincarnate as the Evil Queen, you can be inspired by the image of Maleficent. The first step and the base for a difficult make-up is perfect skin. Cleanse your face with a scrub, apply a moisturizer and do not forget about the primer: it will ensure the durability of the tone. It should be, as in previous cases, the lightest shade. An important step in makeup will be sculpting. It is difficult to imagine an evil queen without expressive cheekbones. Highlight the area above the cheekbone with a light shade of foundation to emphasize the play of light and shadow. Read about what other tricks will help make your cheekbones more expressive.

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When drawing eyebrows, make their shape more curved. Black and gray shadows are useful for eye makeup. The final touch to the Evil Queen's makeup is scarlet lipstick. We showed all the stages of creating this image in more detail in the video tutorial.

How to do queen makeup: step by step photo tutorial

Prepare your makeup.

For tone:

For eye and lip makeup:

  1. 1

    Cleanse your skin with Garnier Micellar Water. Then wash with water.

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  2. 2

    Don't forget care. Toleriane Sensitive Creme from La Roche-Posay will help prepare the skin for makeup and moisturize it. where to find it?

    © site

  3. 3

    Apply Kiehl's Avocado Cream under your eyes. where to find?

  4. 4

    Giorgio Armani Fluid Sheer illuminator will help to give the skin a healthy glow, which should be applied to the tone on the entire face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

  5. 5

    Apply NYX Professional Makeup High Definition Foundation in shade 103 to create the perfect tone that looks great in photos and videos.

    © site

  6. 6

The best time for the Snow Queen makeup is the New Year holidays and Christmas, but if you really like the fabulous beauty, you can make a snow makeup for a girl for any holiday, and besides, the Snow Queen makeup will help create a very interesting look for a photo shoot.

She has long since melted away from the fairy tale, but her image is still alive today. Therefore, she inspires many makeup artists and just amateurs to the most fantasy experiments with images.

Militta decided to collect 15 of the most striking images of the snow beauty. Some are simple and easy to repeat at home, while others are very complex and only a real makeup artist or master of theatrical makeup can repeat them. But if you have the time and desire to experiment, you can do your own beautiful makeup of the Snow Queen for a photo shoot.

Makeup Snow Queen

Do not be afraid of the lack of a master class on the video, it is far from always necessary to have a clear image plan. True creativity often assumes that the artist initially does not know what kind of painting or make-up he will create in the end. Experiment, look in the mirror and take photos, the main thing is to get the image for real, and not the make-up of a tasteless girl.

The easiest way to implement this idea is for owners of blond hair and cold skin tones, they seem to have a relationship with the real Snow Queen, and therefore they do not have to work hard on makeup, such girls will easily take on the color of a snow beauty. Brunettes will have to experiment a lot more in order to achieve the majestic ice image of the Snow Queen.

Creating an image of a snow queen is easier than it seems at first glance. But, of course, you still have to work hard. This article will tell you how to do the snow queen makeup step by step, what makeup is needed for this and who suits this look the most.

How to create the image of the snow queen

First of all, carefully consider every element of your appearance - from clothing to hairstyle, without missing anything. The slightest carelessness, thoughtlessness or inaccuracy can turn you from a majestic snow queen into a frostbitten tramp. It is also worth noting that the image of the snow queen is most often associated with girls with fair skin and hair. Although dark-haired beauties can also try this image on themselves if they correctly select the colors that suit them.

One of the most important elements of the image of the snow queen is the skin. Make sure to carefully mask all the imperfections - enlarged pores, pimples, redness, irritation - all this has no place on the face. The skin should be light, clean. It is advisable to use a translucent loose powder over the tone. This will help create the effect of thin and radiant, translucent skin. All colors used in makeup should be light, radiant, cold shades. The eyes and lips of the snow queen can be decorated with cosmetics that mimic snow or frost.

How to apply makeup in the style of the snow queen?

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the skin: clean and moisturize well. You can use your favorite makeup base or regular moisturizer.
  2. Then apply foundation to the face and blend thoroughly. It is best to use a special foundation brush for this purpose. It is necessary to apply the tone along the massage lines, without stretching the skin. Further, on problem areas we use a corrective agent (its color is chosen depending on the purpose: green masks redness, yellow - dark circles under the eyes, lilac - yellowness of the skin, white - freckles).
  3. To fix the tone and provide the skin with haze and translucency, you should apply a transparent light-diffusing loose powder all over the face. It is better to do this with a powder puff or a soft large brush.
  4. If desired, you can use very light, cold tones of blush, but this is not necessary. If you still decide to use them - emphasize only the protruding areas of the cheekbones with blush, you should not apply a lot of blush.
  5. On the eyelids we apply mother-of-pearl or matte shades of cold shades (turquoise, blue, bluish). It is best to use several shades of shadows - apply the lightest to the inner corner of the eye, and the darkest to the outer corner, shading to the temples. You can use white or light gray eyeliner, artificial frost, rhinestones.
  6. A white or silver pencil should also be applied to the inside of the lower eyelid. This is done in order to whiten the lower eyelid, make the eye bigger and avoid the effect of "rabbit" eyes (after all, in contrast with light cold shadows, the inside of the eyelid may appear red, inflamed).
  7. We apply black mascara to the eyelashes, let it dry for a couple of minutes, repeat the application. After that, we apply another layer of mascara to the tips of the eyelashes, but now white. This will create the effect of "snowy" eyelashes. It is necessary to use only white mascara, applying it in 2-3 layers. Alternatively, you can add false eyelashes of an unusual shape or color (blue, blue, silver).
  8. We comb the eyebrows, emphasize their shape with a light eyebrow pencil. If desired, you can add "hoarfrost" (using white ink) or artificial snow.
  9. We form the contour of the lips with the help of a contour pencil of a suitable color, and apply light lipstick. You can use several shades of lipstick, applying them one on top of the other in such a way that an ombre effect is obtained. For example, in the center of the lips, the darkest color, and towards the outer border of the lips, it gradually brightens. Or vice versa.

As you can see, becoming the ruler of the ice is not so difficult. All you need is suitable cosmetics, minimal knowledge in the field of makeup, desire and a little patience.

No New Year is complete without an image of icy sophistication, cold elegance, which embodies the makeup of the Snow Queen. All of us were once little girls who believed in miracles and loved to listen to fairy tales. For many girls, the Snow Queen has become the ideal of eternal beauty, cold grandeur. Such a character caused a lot of conflicting feelings. But in their hearts, almost all the fair sex dream of being like her, such a fabulous embodiment of ideal femininity and cold sophistication. It is not for nothing that in our time, boutiques, beauty salons, fur stores and even clubs are named after this character.

Creating a memorable image is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. But whatever one may say, you still have to try, because such an image obliges a lot. You must be the epitome of perfection. Your costume, make-up, gait should radiate confidence and a certain mystery.

But how to make the right makeup of the Snow Queen, what cosmetics to use, how to combine the texture and structure of cosmetics, and what type of appearance is this make-up best suited for?

The main principle of success in creating a complete image is a careful approach to each element and stage of your appearance. It is necessary to think over everything from hair and makeup to clothes. In such a case, it is important not to miss a single detail. A negligent attitude towards oneself and negligence in trifles can turn a triumphant snow beauty into an icy, gloomy impostor.

It is worth noting that the image of the Snow Queen, the makeup of ice flowers will harmoniously “fall” on a fair-haired and blue-eyed girl with a cold skin tone. But burning brunettes with a warm skin tone will have to make every effort to make the cold notes “play” with the right colors.

Make-up base

Read also: Rihanna's makeup: 6 main star looks

The main element of the image of the Snow Queen is leather. The success or failure of the entire appearance depends on the quality of the preparation of the skin. Initially, it is necessary to mask all irregularities, redness, age spots, enlarged pores, redness and bring the skin into perfect condition. Before applying correctives, the skin must be cleansed and moisturized, for this you can use a cleansing toner or milk for your skin type, and then apply a facial moisturizer or serum. As a result, the skin should be clean and bright without visible flaws.

  • green corrector hides redness;
  • yellow - dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • blue removes pigmentation.

The corrector is applied with soft strokes and touches in the problem areas.Then the makeup base is applied. Moreover, it is necessary to choose a similar tool a tone lighter than your complexion. Most of all, a translucent tone is suitable for these purposes. It is best not to rub the foundation when applying, but to gently apply the tone using a damp sponge. Thus, the pores will not be clogged, the irregularities on the skin will be filled with a tonal base, without penetrating deep inside.

After the preparatory process is completed, apply foundation using a sponge or brush. Please note that the foundation should be light, cream powder is not suitable in this case. It visually gives the face a tired look, can emphasize the flaws, so to speak, make the face heavier. In order to mask dark circles or bags under the eyes, it is necessary to use a corrective agent for these areas of the skin or choose a light texture foundation a few tones lighter than usual, while such a remedy must be applied with “patting” finger movements, in no case rub the cream to this delicate area.

Read also: Makeup brushes: how to choose

Apply powder over foundation. Powder must be given due attention. It should be the same tone as the base or simply colorless. Colorless powder perfectly merges with the natural color of your skin, creates a snowy make-up. Choose loose translucent powder, this version of the powder will create the effect of transparency, lightness, a kind of "frostiness". Powder is best applied with a brush, after shaking off excess from it, or with a downy sponge. This method of application will allow you to evenly distribute the powder.

Colors, palettes and tones

But how to make the Snow Queen's makeup to fully match this image? The entire palette of colors used in the make-up should be light, radiant and cold. Sequins and stones, imitation of snow and hoarfrost are appropriate here.

Blush should be treated very carefully. Only cool pink tones will look good. Warm beige tones are best left for another occasion. Blush needs to be applied in such a way as to emphasize the sharpness of the cheekbones and the sharpness of the whole image, so pick up a little blush on the brush, shake off the excess and apply to the protruding areas of the cheekbones. On top of the blush, you can put a transparent powder with a shimmering effect, while the blush should be a matte texture. This powder will give the image of "winter mood".

Eyes - the culmination of the image! Your gaze should be cold and alluring at the same time. You can't overdo it here. Color range from blue to lilac, from white to silver. Shadows can be both pearly and matte. If you use mother-of-pearl shadows, then it is better to refuse sparkles so that your eyes do not visually “float”. You can use eyeliner to visually enlarge the eye and draw a beautiful arrow. To do this, take a blue or blue eyeliner.

It is best to use several shades of shadows. Apply the lightest shadows to the inner corner of the eye, and darker to the outer. After applying the shadow, it is necessary to shade it so that one tone flows into another, it is necessary to “erase” the edges. Rhinestones or sparkles can be applied to the drawn arrow. Apply a white or silver pencil to the lower inner eyelid. This technique allows you to whiten the eyelid to avoid the effect of "red eyes". The lower eyelid can be emphasized with shadows, as if shading them along the contour of the eye. The lines are smooth, even and neat to give the image that very “cold elegance”. With a white pencil, you can bring out the corner of the eye and decorate with rhinestones. This will give some "wateriness".

You can use black mascara, while applying several layers, and dilute the tips of the eyelashes with white mascara, thereby creating a make-up in the style of the Snow Queen - the image of "melting snowflakes". You can also use blue, blue and even lilac mascara, everything will depend on the color palette of the shadows. For creative and daring, false eyelashes of any shape and color will be an ideal option:

  • silvery;
  • white;
  • blue;
  • multicolored cold tones.

Eyebrows can be hidden, made inexpressive, for this the eyebrows must be lightened, emphasizing the eyebrow line with a white pencil, making an imitation of snow or frost. And you can emphasize. To do this, comb your eyebrows and make a contour in the usual way and color, then decorate with rhinestones along the contour of the inner edge of the eyebrow.

On the eve of the New Year or preparing to celebrate Halloween, the popularity of which has increased significantly in recent years, many parents are wondering what kind of image to come up with for their child.

If for the most part it is enough for adults to simply update their own wardrobe before the holidays, then it is the fabulous mood that is important for children, and in this sense, the carnival costume is considered as one of the main elements that create it.

In our country, among the many options for a girl for the New Year, they often choose the image of the Snow Queen. This character is equally suited to the spirit of the New Year holidays and, being undeniably negative, would be suitable for Halloween as well.

In addition, this option in itself is interesting in that it provides a wide field for experimentation and the implementation of the most radical solutions.

In this article, we will show you how to create the Snow Queen makeup, while avoiding common mistakes and choosing the right costume.

Basic principles

It is important, when working on the image of the Snow Queen, to always remember the charisma of this character Hans Christian Andersen. The storyteller very accurately outlined all the specific features she has, and therefore it is necessary to preserve them as much as possible in the created image.

Children are also familiar with the Snow Queen from cartoons and films. It always shows up there.

  • a very beautiful woman;
  • cold;
  • ironically cruel;
  • indifferent and self-centered;
  • endlessly lonely.

For this reason, care must be taken that not a single flaw on the skin is visible. The face is cleansed, and defects are masked with a corrector.

The main scale used for makeup is cold. Ideal fit:

  • grey;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • silver.

However, for contrast, you will need a small amount of bright “hot” shades. The main thing is not to overdo it with them. In particular, juicy scarlet lipstick will somehow breathe life into the image.

To create a severe Nordic aesthetic, vertical lines are preferred, combined with various patterns and arrows.

It is important to understand that turning a girl with swarthy skin into the Snow Queen will not be easy. Ideally, this option is suitable for owners of the Summer and Winter color type.

Brunettes should not despair - dark hair will look great in the image.

Snow Queen makeup step by step

For a child, it will be enough to use a light foundation, as light as possible, or transparent powder. After that, it's time for the actual make-up. Creating an image is divided into several main stages.

First of all, the cheekbones must be treated with a dark color corrector so that they become as sharp as possible - “prickly”. However, you need to avoid drawing too sharp borders, otherwise the face will come out too aggressive. With the help of a sponge, the transitions are shaded.

The area under the eyebrows and the corners of the eyes are covered with pure white shadows. In their absence, pale blue will do.

Shadows that have glitter in their composition require the bridge of the nose.

The lower eyelids are covered with a matte blue product (both bright and dark will do).

Blue or light gray with sparkles paint:

  • cheeks;
  • whiskey.

Shadows here are applied with light touches and in small quantities. The result is a frosted skin effect. On top of such a background (if there is a desire), they draw patterns with a white pencil that resemble those that appear on frozen windows. This achieves volume.

Lipstick is used either as pale as possible, combined with the overall color scheme, or any other. Lips must be outlined with a pencil so that their line is strict.

Common mistakes

In some cases, blush is used to create this look. However, you need to be very careful with them. The fewer of them, the better. Otherwise, the Snow Queen will become more like the Snow Maiden.

To muffle blush is easy with powder. You should choose a product with a slight sheen and as transparent as possible. This will create the illusion of cold and freshness.

Quite often, when working on makeup, they use an excessive amount of sparkles. Of course, many believe that this option is ideal for the Snow Queen, but the thing is that their excessive number turns the face into a shimmering spot, behind which the owner is practically invisible. Thus, it would be more correct to treat only individual protruding areas with sparkles and that will be limited.

Important nuances

According to makeup artists, foundation should be just light. You need to apply it in a thin layer, so that the result is a cold, detached face with an aristocratic, rather than painful pallor. In the last version, when using bright scarlet lipstick, you will get the perfect image of a vampire from Van Helsing.

Eyebrows should also be properly prepared. The Snow Queen is a strict character, because protruding hairs or a not very beautiful shape can destroy the whole image. They are trimmed and tinted with a pencil of identical hair color.

If native eyelashes are long enough, then they are simply tinted. Otherwise, it makes sense to use invoices. You should not be afraid that naturalness will be lost, because the Snow Queen is the heroine of a fairy tale, and she is allowed to look fantastic.

How to choose a dress

In the event that blue-blue gamma was used when creating makeup, then the clothes should be silver or neutral gray. The dress must be flowing and loose enough. A layered organza with a metallic sheen will do just fine.

However, it is allowed to combine several shades of a cold palette. Small elements of bright red color will also look spectacular. You need to refuse:

  • golden;
  • green;
  • orange, etc.