Birthday “My little pony. Holiday in Ponyville: ideas for a colorful birthday in the style of “My little pony My little pony birthday

I really want to tell you about the holiday that we organized for Lizaveta on the occasion of her fifth birthday and about how we prepared for it))) This is my first such holiday, and I really hope it will not be the last)))
So. Exactly two weeks before our birthday, we got sick... And we probably would have been very sad and depressed, but the horses from my little pony saved us. It must be said that during our “abuse” of television, this opus caught our eye only ten times - it was shown on the carousel at inconvenient times. that's why sometimes we allow ourselves to watch it on YouTube

The idea of ​​making a holiday with your own hands loomed shortly before the illness, which is probably why on October 30 Princess Celestia materialized in our living room, and not just like that, but with a gift and a letter addressed personally to the future birthday girl.

I was captivated by how unconditionally the girls believed in the fairy tale: Lizka carried her with her all day - she rode astride her, combed her hair for half an hour, fed her, played with her, slept with her, talked... I immediately wrote her a letter - so that Marusa I also gave her something as a gift, otherwise she would be offended)) And I drew a picture)))

Celestia read the letter and the next morning she sent Sparkle and her little dragon to cheer up our hospital confinement))
Of course, they both rode horses all day, slept and ate with them too. Marusya was happy that she now had someone to ride

They didn’t bring any gifts, but they did bring supplies of colored paper from my childhood and a task - to cut and glue garlands from flags for the holiday. Lizka conscientiously cut out the flags all day, Marusya smeared everything with glue... and of course my mother helped

Lizaveta drew their portrait, and also a drawing and a letter for Rarity, we glued the flags together - it was enough to decorate the whole room later

Rarity was not at a loss and the next morning appeared in our living room with a pile of colored corrugated paper for making tails... well, yes, for the horse festival, all the participants needed tails)))

The coloring book, given to Marusya in the hope that she would not want to cut out her tails, had to be divided in half and immediately colored all over before breakfast

My sister and I painted the poneks that arrived one day with pleasure ourselves, even before the start of all the adventures

And then the whole day with Lizka we cut and stapled the tails... I only had to ask for help sometimes - to help me with the stapler or with rubber bands
That's a bunch of tails. Just some corrugated packaging paper (cheap and the colors are great... but the water then colors everything) and a stapler

And the coloring books really helped the girls feel equal, otherwise Marusya was sad on the first day that the gifts weren’t for her and that she didn’t care)))

Fluttershy spent half the night collecting various images of horses in folk art, printing them and pasting them on flags - for clarity))

In the morning she dropped them off in the living room. The girls were stunned by such variety and at first only Mama drew...

But after a few days of hard training

Straight out of bed, in pajamas, yeah: “Mom, draw this horse”... Every day the horses turned out to be more and more interesting

Both painted and your own

On the fifth day, Rainbow arrived and, in her not very polite way, asked why we still weren’t counting the days until our birthday (mom forgot, yeah) - and suggested making an advent calendar out of multi-colored envelopes. It’s good that she also gave Dobble as a gift - this gift brightened up her harsh tone a little)))

Applejack brought stickers and treats, but hid them in such a way that we spent half an hour counting our steps around the apartment and figuring out how to solve her riddle))

The girls decorated our envelope calendar with stickers, and it became completely festive. There we began to lay out all the letters that came from the horses and count the remaining days until the next day, and mom and dad calmly got their hair cut while the girls devoured treats

November 5 was Dashkin’s birthday, and Pinkie Pie, who arrived in the morning, did not burden us with preparations for our holiday, but simply reminded us not to forget to draw a gift for the birthday girl
On November 6, Pinky flew in again and brought a hole punch... And the girls spent the whole day diligently cutting candy for the holiday

On November 8, at the clinic, we were not bored sitting in line thanks to postcards with horse breeds from Fluttershy - we read about them and acted out scenes with them...

There were several more undocumented days -
On November 7, Rarity again brought colored cardboard for crowns (ears, or manes) with an insignia
and mom and dad mentally cut out these crowns to “Flesh and Blood” in the night, so that at the holiday they could only be stapled and pasted with a sticker
On the 9th, Cheerilee asked me to learn a poem about horses - well, we knew a couple, read twenty more, learned a couple more...
On the 10th, Rainbow and Scootaloo got away with coloring pages for both girls, which gave their parents time to spend a little more time in bed)))
On the 11th, Lizka and I went to the toy library, and also cleaned the whole house, prepared a cake and all sorts of little things...

On the 12th, the birthday girl in two (!) T-shirts with horses, as well as her younger sister in a T-shirt with a horse
We were sent to the garden for half a day so that my mother could assemble a fairytale castle, drawn a couple of days ago with Dasha, my sister (thank you very much to her), hang all the flags prepared with Lizka and hide 30 helium balloons behind the castle towers... well, cook food, where would we be without it))
Then all that remains is to write a letter from Celestia, lock the living room with a key and hang the letter on the door... stick a bunch of dragons on the way to the holiday..... and, after exhaling three times, put on Celestia’s crown and tail and start creating a fairy tale) ))

Actually, the holiday itself. The living room door was locked and it was dark. On the door hung a letter from Princess Celestia that a couple of dragons had fallen asleep in the castle where the holiday was planned.
And the food, decorations and mood - everything was put there before the guests arrived
We need to wake up the dragons and ask them to give us the castle for the holiday...
Surely the dragons will be unhappy, so you need to cheer them up and give them gifts
But you still need to get to the castle: ride through the orchard, have a snack in the garden afterwards, cross the river, go through a scary dark forest, then ride through endless fields, spend the night in the high mountains, and then the castle is not far away...

We tried to get ready at the same time to enter the apartment at the same time (I was so worried that I lined up almost all of the guests. Only the only ones were a little late, they had to catch up during the holiday)
The letter with the legend was read practically in mittens)) because Lizka was already impatient - on the way home she was met here and there by little dragons (stickers) and on the front door was her favorite Sparkle with a cake and candles on her head))

The children pressed themselves against the dark glass of the door to the living room, blocking out the light with their palms, and impatiently screamed, “There’s a castle! There’s a castle!!” But the castle was guarded by dragons, and Lizka even climbed on top of her dad for a second out of real fear - she was waiting for real horses, there’s a real castle, what if there are real dragons)))

First of all, we distributed the roles - in accordance with the character, favorite color and color differentiation of the pants. Everyone was given tails and crowns, and distinctive signs were stuck on them (stickers of who is who).

and we all galloped into the room - the orchard
There are apples scattered there. We divided (haha) into two teams and began to collect the harvest in two baskets: ripe (red and yellow) and green (green and blue)

Having gathered, we galloped into the living room to have a snack in the garden.

Well, everyone from the garden was hungry)) sat down on the sofa, closed their eyes, and began to guess fruits and vegetables

Well, “sat down,” of course, that’s a strong word, everyone galloped like those same horses)))

After guessing and having a snack, we galloped into the dark forest (into the room, yeah)

But along the way - crossing a stormy river

We galloped into the dark forest - and began to guess riddles, mainly about horses and what they eat, of course... (here I had an incident - I wanted to hang a thread with our autumn leaves and stick riddles on it... there was no need to take it off it was from the window - I couldn’t unravel it - I had to improvise - choose the color of the pocket and pull the riddle out of there)

Having guessed all the riddles, we galloped across endless fields)) and suddenly remembered that we need to give gifts to the dragons

And they began to do... decorate the cardboard template with plasticine - I really liked the waxy plasticine, cut into pieces in advance

I also planned to make a rocking horse for everyone, gluing a piece of cardboard to the bottom, but it didn’t come to that

But it turned out that the horses had all quarreled and ran away and could not divide the space in the house among themselves.

It was necessary to help them - arrange everyone according to height - the largest - on the 1st floor, the smaller ones - on the second and the smallest - on the third

The next morning (after lying in bed) the horses galloped to the castle... but their path was blocked by a huge cobweb... then they took their apples and threw them at the spider, "fed" them, and climbed through the web while he slept well-fed

Having galloped to the castle, we woke up the dragons
The dragons woke up dissatisfied and began asking tricky questions about the horse:
name all the fairy-tale horses you know, what horses eat, how they sleep, what they saddle a horse with in the stable, etc.

And then they asked me to tell a poem about... a horse, of course, but what did you think (she asked everyone to learn it)
and this is my favorite moment of the holiday - after two or three modest recitations of poems, there was a unity of all mothers and children, and we recited the rest of the poems known to us with the whole company - sometimes in chorus, sometimes line by line, sometimes by role... and everyone was so glowing in this is a time of happiness... wow

Finally we gave the dragons gifts. they completely melted and opened the castle gates for us...
and from there the balls will fly, the firecracker will fire, and the music about horses will play (thanks to Papa Vasya for the selection)
and then everyone started dancing, throwing confetti, which I didn’t have time to stuff into balloons, of course, giving gifts...

Well, for now we set the table (everything was pre-cut and stood on the balcony)

I didn’t get any photos of the cake from the children’s party... and the cake itself didn’t work out - there should have been a horse, of course, but there wasn’t enough time for it. horse candles fell on me themselves in a store on Kuzminki

But we managed to implement all this at an adult party, so there will be photos from there

I wanted to draw Celestia with food dyes, but I didn’t take the risk... even this drawing only came out the second time... but in general, of course, you need to order in advance))

Happy birthday girl...
who, by the way, was still upset that the real fairy-tale ponies didn’t come to her for the holiday... although within a day she was running after me asking me to “play like that again”
and we will play))) for sure! And of course thanks to our Lizaveta, who is so passionate about horses and so confidently believes in miracles)))

On August 21, Oksanka turned 7 years old. All year my daughter dreamed of inviting her beloved friend from dancing, Arisha, to her birthday party. But it so happened that on August 21 we were still at the dacha, and Arisha was relaxing at sea. Therefore, it was decided to postpone the main celebration until the last week before school, when everyone would have gathered in Moscow. And on the 21st, at the dacha, I just played dodgeball and other outdoor games with the local Oksanka’s company and gave everyone tea and cake with candles.

In Moscow, we were able to sort things out only by the 30th, and on the 30th the children were waiting for the holiday and the only guest, Arisha, to visit.

All year Oksanka was fascinated by donuts from the cartoon “My Little Pony. Friendship is a Miracle,” so I chose these ponies as the theme for her birthday.

I prepared a couple of days in advance and tried to use the props I had at home. I only bought gifts - small sets of ponies for girls and a “Children’s engraving” for Stas (since he is indifferent to ponies).

Oksana loves the pony Sparkle most of all, so the holiday began with the fact that the children received a scroll from Spike (Sparkle’s assistant), in which it was written: “Hello, guys! I found out that today is your holiday, and I want to congratulate the cute girl Oksana Happy birthday! And I invite you to Ponyville!

Then I told the children that they were going to Ponyville to visit the little ponies. They walk and walk (the children played along and joyfully walked a couple of laps around the room) and meet the pony Rarity (in the cartoon she loves fashion and dressing up). I didn’t have any big pony toys, but I did have a wall calendar based on this cartoon, where on each page there was a large bright image of all the ponies in turn. So I opened the desired page and “drove” this image. The girls got into the game very well and enthusiastically interacted with the drawn ponies :)

So, Rarity was the first to appear and said that in order to get to the festival in the city of little ponies, you need to dress up as a pony, that is, make yourself a mane and tail.

To attach the manes, I made frames with ears from whatman paper the night before. We stapled the tails to a regular white elastic band, and then tied the elastic band with the tail to the children’s belts. The children made the mane and tail from corrugated paper. I had a lot of flowers at home, and the children themselves chose which ones they would use and what color they would paint their ears. I gave the children watercolors and brushes and asked them to paint their ears first, and while they were drying, we would assemble their tails and manes. Stas painted his ears orange, Oksana painted them light purple (I just spooned white from a jar into the palette to get a fairly delicate color), Arisha painted them pink (they also needed white). I needed a wet cloth to wipe the children's hands and table and aprons so they wouldn't get dirty. For horsehair, we cut such a “roll” 3 centimeters thick directly from a whole bundle, unraveled it, folded it in half, cut it and folded it again. It turned out to be just the right length. I fastened everything with a stapler, it’s very convenient, quick and no one gets dirty with glue.

The children were very pleased with the result - they jumped around merrily and shook their manes. When the children themselves “dressed up,” Rarity said: “Oh, you have become so beautiful! You will be a real decoration for the holiday! Could you help me?” The children unanimously said that they would certainly help. Then Rarity continued: “So many residents of Ponyville turn to me to help them dress up for the holiday, and I don’t have time... Please help these three horses dress up.” Our soft toys included one unicorn pony, one horse and one zebra. So the children dressed them up. As props, I gave them a bowl of jewelry and rubber bands and a pile of neckerchiefs. Here's what happened (we had fun dressing up and didn't fight over decorations :)

Rarity praised their work, thanked them for their help and wished them a good journey.

I tried to alternate between calm and active competitions, so the next one to fly out to the children was the pony Rainbow (in the cartoon she is very energetic and knows how to control the weather - she flies across the sky and disperses the clouds).

Rainbow cheerfully greeted the children and said: “Happy birthday to you Oksana! A real feast and ball is being prepared for you in the palace, but unfortunately, the weather is deteriorating and I can’t cope! Look, it even seems to be starting to rain.” Then I began to blow soap bubbles were thrown at the children, and they had to pop them to stop the rain (not very logical, but very fun). The children really enjoyed this competition. When the rain was “defeated,” Rainbow now asked to disperse the clouds. I still have a bag of rag snowballs left over from winter children's parties. I threw these cloud snowballs into the room from the corridor, and they threw them back out the door. This was a real delight!!! When everyone got wet and the clouds were outside the door, Rainbow praised the children, and the sun rose - I lit the chandelier in the room. Rainbow said goodbye, and the children moved on.

The next one to come out to meet the children was the gentle, quiet Fluttershy, an animal lover.

She said that she had a problem - a photograph of her beloved kitten was broken, and asked the guys to help put it back together. I poured out a 54-piece puzzle with a photo of a kitten on the table in front of the children. Since it was not a drawn image with clear contours, but a photograph, they did not assemble it very quickly, it was interesting. At first they were even completely confused, they called Princess Celestia, and she helped them put the frame together a little!

Fluttershy thanked the children, praised them and asked for one more favor. Her animal friends have scattered through the forest, and in order to go to the holiday, she needs to take them home, and they only agree to go home in pairs, so she needs to find these pairs. We had two boxes of the Animal Memory game, I combined them and laid them out on the table. The children opened the pairs one by one. At first it was difficult (it turned out to be a lot of cards), then it went faster. All the animals were found :)

Fluttershy thanked the guys again for their help and praised the guys, and then said: “I see that you are kind children and love animals, but do you know how animals talk? Let’s check!” We have such a board game "Meow Cards", where animals from different groups are drawn on the cards (cats, dogs, fish, birds, monkeys, etc.) etc.) and it is written how to react to each group. For example, if it is a cat (lynx, tiger), then meow. If it is a dog (wolf, fox), then bark. If it’s a goat (ram), then scoot and scoot and put horns to the head. Etc. I explained the rules to the children and we played this game. It was a lot of fun:))
Fluttershy again praised the children for their intelligence and good reactions and wished them a safe journey.

I also had a lotto with animals, at first I wanted to do a competition with him (guess who lives where (Antarctica, desert, etc.). But it was clear that the children had stayed too long, so I didn’t hold this competition If there are no board games with animals, you can use soft toys. For example, find who eats what (use toy products, lotto cards, or draw food for everyone yourself).

After Fluttershy, cheerful Pinkie Pie, a party lover, burst into the room. In her wildly cheerful way, she asked if the kids liked to have fun and suggested they play her favorite fun party game, Twister (we've had one for a long time, like this one). I turned the arrow, and the children squirmed on the field. We played 4 rounds (before the first fall). Everyone really liked it! Pinkie Pie chatted a little more with the children (they really liked her cool and cheerful manner of communication) and wished them a good trip.

Apple-Jack came out next to the children (in the cartoon, this cheerful pony grows and picks apples).

She invited the children to harvest apples with their eyes closed: “Did you pick apples? And with your eyes closed?” I blindfolded the child with a scarf and placed two apples in different places in the room. A blindfolded child had to look for these apples, relying on hints from his “sighted” friends such as “straight”, “step to the left”, “sit down”, “look, look!!!” Everyone liked it, they suggested it very enthusiastically :) When all the apples were collected, Apple-Jack invited the children to the kitchen to prepare apple pies for the holiday. In the kitchen, a board, an apron, a safety knife (the kind for guests with serrated blades) and silicone baskets for pies were prepared for everyone. While the kids were chopping apples, I whipped up the charlotte dough. Everyone cut their own apples into cubes, put them in molds and filled them with dough.

I placed the molds on a baking sheet and into the oven. While the pies were baking, the children moved on.

And then Sparkle flew out to meet them. Twilight asked if they liked reading books as much as she did. And if they love you, can they tell you some poems about ponies and horses? The children remembered something (“One white horse”, “I love my horse”, “Pony rides girls”, “And only horses fly with inspiration”, etc._), Arisha, in my opinion, even with fright that I composed it myself :) Then we also remembered fairy tales and cartoons about horses. (I also wanted to hold a competition “Come up with 10 words starting with “MON”, but I forgot) Iskorka said that she saw that they loved to read, but could they write? She poured out a pile of Zaitsev’s cubes in front of them and asked them to lay out “Sparkle” first, and then “Friendship is a miracle” (the name of the series about ponies) We worked together :)

As a reward, Sparkle gave them a scroll with the coordinates of the treasure. The message on the scroll was encrypted.

But Stas immediately remembered that he had seen such a code in the book Pirates of the Cat Sea: Boarding! , found it on the shelf and the children sat down to decipher it.

The code read: "Surprise in the laundry bin." Everyone rushed into the bath and found a bag with prizes: bags of ponies for the girls and an engraving for Stas.

Then the children ate, danced and played on their own.

I admit, I’m glad that my daughter fell in love with a kind and sincere cartoon about little ponies living in a magical land. Therefore, I gladly took on the task of preparing a “My Little Pony” themed party for her birthday. The girl was turning 8 years old, and, of course, the birthday girl deserved the most cheerful and rainbow-filled holiday. I hope I succeeded.

How we prepared for our birthday

First, I decided on the design of the room. I have prepared:

  • balloons of all colors of the rainbow;
  • clouds made of cotton wool on a cardboard base (glued with PVA);
  • posters with cartoon characters;
  • small pictures that decorated the table: rainbow, clouds, sun, pony.

As for the menu, it was decided to limit ourselves to a sweet table. Since in the cartoon there is a heroine who grows apples, she made a little emphasis in this direction and served apple pudding, juice, and baked a pie. In addition, on the table there were multi-colored sweets, a lot of fruit (fruit skewers were popular), marshmallows and marmalade. During the celebration, we baked cupcakes with the children. And of course, the highlight of the evening was the cake. I made it from seven cake layers of different colors so that the cross section would look like a rainbow.

All that remains is to prepare the props for the game program:

  • mane and horn for the image of Princess Celestia;
  • pony manes (made from colored yarn attached to a hair hoop);
  • colored envelopes with tasks inside;
  • colored beads, laces;
  • balloons, long rope;
  • several sheets of Whatman paper, markers;
  • apples on strings;
  • ingredients for muffins (2 eggs, 0.5 tbsp. sour cream, 200 g sugar, 100 g margarine, 200 g flour, tsp. quenched soda, a pinch of salt).

The birthday scenario for an 8-year-old girl is designed for 12 people. The celebration lasts approximately 2 hours. It is best to celebrate in an apartment or country house, but you can adapt it a little for an open area. The approximate age of the participants is 8 years.

Girl's birthday in the style of "My Little Pony"

The presenter is the ruler of Equerestia, Princess Celestia. This is a unicorn pony, so you can recreate the look with the help of a small horn on the forehead, as well as a colored mane made of threads, made in blue, light blue and pink.

Celestia: Hello beauties! Today is an unusual day for us - the birthday of a beautiful girl. Therefore, today we should expect miracles. I, Princess Celestia, will guide you through the magical world of Ponville. You are ready? But first, I'm going to ask you to try on these adorable manes!

Children choose the ones they like most from the pre-prepared manes. We had both plain and colored options.

Celestia: Great! I really like the way you look now. And look what I have. The ponies have handed over tasks for you! So, let's start, the first envelope we have is from Sparkle. She wants to give you some good cheer and invites you to make each other laugh.

Game "Nesmeyana"

One of the guests sits on a chair and is not allowed to laugh. But the rest of the guys have to make the contestant laugh. The one who succeeds takes the honorable place of Nesmeyana.

Celestia: It was fun! May laughter and joy continue to accompany us. And I open the next envelope. Who is it from? Wow, this is Rarity who writes about how you shouldn’t forget about fashion while having fun and suggests making your own jewelry.

Game "Collect beads"

Various beads are poured into several bowls. Children are given threads on which to string them. You can also make bracelets.

Celestia: How amazing! I love beautiful jewelry and you did such a great job. Rarity will be pleased. Are you tired of sitting still? Rainbow sent her assignment, most likely it is something moving and fun. Are we opening?

Game "Flip the ball"

A rope is stretched in the middle of the room, and the children are divided into two teams. There are the same number of balls on each side. The task for each team is to throw the balls into the enemy’s territory and at the same time keep their half clean.

Celestia: Class! I see you've had a lot of fun. I have an envelope with an order from Pinkie Pie. Oh, our little cook pony is asking you to bake cupcakes! Let's jump into the kitchen, let's show what we can do.

Cooking process: beat eggs with sugar, pour in sour cream, melted margarine (you can use butter), soda, salt, add flour and mix. The dough turns out liquid, you can add berries if desired. The children performed all the steps in turn, I only controlled and prompted. Then pour the dough into molds and put it in the oven for about 40 minutes (heat the oven to 200°).

Celestia: In the meantime, we are waiting for the result of our labors, I think I’ll look into the next envelope. I wonder what task awaits us next? An envelope from Fluttershy. What does this animal lover have in store for us? I open it... Hurray, we will draw!

Game "Draw as a team"

Children are divided into teams of 5-6 people. The task is to draw a specific animal (cat, pig, giraffe, penguin, goat). Each participant has the opportunity to make only one line, which greatly complicates the task. The winner is the team that gets the picture that is most similar to the hidden beast.

Celestia: I think it was very funny! And what do I have! This is a message from Apple-Jack. Well, of course, she came up with an apple competition.

Game "Eat an Apple"

Apples are hung on strings at the level of children's heads. We stretched the rope across the room and hooked it to picture nails. Children must bite into the apple without using their hands.

Celestia: Hmm, interesting, there are no more envelopes from Pony, but there is one more. Who could it be from? Wow! It's the dragon Spike who hasn't forgotten about us!

Game "Dragon"

Children stand one after another, holding their waists. The first child is the head, the last is the tail. The head wants to bite the tail, but he, in turn, does not allow this and dodges. The task of the other guys is not to get unstuck.

The abbreviation “MLP” today is known, perhaps, to all mothers and fathers, grandparents, if their family has girls aged 3 to 12 years. The animated series “Friendship is Magic” (original title “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”) about the adventures of six fairy-tale ponies was so popular with the kids that without any effort it turned into a famously promoted Hasbro brand.

With the advent of the series on the Karusel television channel, all the little girls (and even some boys) literally “fell ill” with it. That's why the My Little Pony party is the most popular theme among kids today. And you can create such a holiday with your own hands, if you wish!

What should a children's party be like in the style of “Friendship is Magic”

Fortunately, you don't have to go far. Among the main characters of the animated series there is a party virtuoso - the pink pony Pinkie Pie. She is a real holiday generator, and all her parties can easily be taken as a basis.

A few rules for a perfect party from Pinkie Pie:

Competitions and entertainment for a children's party in the style of "My Little Pony"

The main pony heroines will become the initiators of competitions and entertainment at your holiday. Adults can transform into these fairy-tale girlfriends and lead competitions on behalf of each of the heroines. Between competitions there are musical breaks of 15-20 minutes - those who want to dance, let them dance, those who are tired, will rest and refresh themselves with treats.

  • From the fashionable pony Rarity organize a competition for the best image of the cartoon character “Friendship is a Miracle.” Warn guests about this competition in advance so that they have time to prepare their costumes. Girls can dress up as their favorite ponies - wearing headbands, wigs and stylized ponytails. Boys can dress up as Spike the dragon, a friend and assistant to fairy-tale ponies, as well as Prince Shining Armor and other heroes.
    Participants with numbers in their hands take turns to parade in front of the guests. After the fashion show, guests write the numbers of their favorite looks on pieces of paper and put these sheets of paper in a basket. The winner is chosen based on the number of votes. It is better to hold this competition first, so that children do not worry about their costumes during outdoor games and dances.
  • And here competitions from Apple Jack who lives on an apple farm. Who can eat an apple suspended on a thread faster without helping himself with his hands? Who will collect the most apples in a basket: symbolic apples cut out of colored paper are laid out on the floor, one team collects green apples, the other - red apples.
  • Competitions from the sports Rainbow Dash, of course, for speed and agility. This could be a sack race, a relay race, or throwing a ball into a basket.
  • From the smart princess Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) erudition tasks. This could be a word game similar to the city game, where you have to come up with a word starting with the last letter of a word invented by your opponent. Players stand in a circle and name the words one by one; those who make mistakes leave the circle. The last remaining participant receives a prize.
  • Modest and shy Flutter Shay, which at the same time finds a common language with any creature, can also offer an idea for entertainment. For example, a competition to see who can best draw a pony (or other animal) on a large sheet of whatman paper, but blindfolded.
    Another version of her competition. Two players are blindfolded, given a stylized ponytail in their hands and placed at some distance from two posters depicting a pony without a tail. The winner is the player who approaches the portrait of the pony and most accurately attaches the tail to it (using plasticine).
  • From ringleader Pinkie Pie- the famous piñata. This is a three-dimensional paper figure filled with candies and sparkles. The piñata is hung from the ceiling. To open a hole in the piñata and shower guests with a “rain” of sweets and confetti, the figure must be hit with a stick, sometimes while the player is blindfolded. The little hero of the occasion or the winner of previous competitions is assigned to break the piñata.

This is just a small sampling of the entertainment that you can come up with for a children's party in the My Little Pony style. Imagine, experiment and you can throw an unforgettable party on your own. You will get even more pleasure from preparing and hosting the party than the main participants in the fun - the children, for whose sake you will try.

If your child is a fan of ponies and unicorns from the animated series “My little pony: Friendship is Magic”, arrange for him. And we will now share ideas on how to do this in a truly bright and beautiful way.

Girls of different ages are rushing to the cinemas to have time to watch a full-length cartoon released with the heroes of the series “My little pony: Friendship is magic”. The animated series started back in 2010, but still continues to delight children. And if your family knows firsthand who Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle are, remembers it by heart and believes in the victory of good over evil, a children’s birthday in the “My little pony” style will become the most unforgettable holiday for a child.

Birthday girl outfit. This is one of the most important points of a birthday celebration, which should be taken care of in advance. , which you can make with your own hands, will create a fabulous image for your girl and charge her with a wonderful mood for the whole day.

Accessories for guests. You can also take care of the appearance of the guests at the birthday party so that everyone remains in the style of everyone’s favorite cartoon “My little pony”. Cardboard little pony masks that can be printed and cut out, headbands with a unicorn horn or cardboard caps will create festive images for guests. And from threads you can make cute tails for everyone.

Treats. To make the celebration memorable for everyone, not only the festive table, but also the dishes should be decorated in the style of ponies and magical unicorns from Equestria. Rainbow pizza, jelly and cupcakes will also attract children's attention and whet their appetite. Other dishes and sweets should also be decorated in the colors of the rainbow and ponies to maintain the overall style of the holiday.

Parents should not worry about bright colors in food, because such rainbow colors can be obtained exclusively from.

Birthday cake. This main hero of the celebration is awaited by everyone without exception: both adults and children. Figures of little ponies from the cartoon can be made from mastic if you or the pastry chef are skilled in the technique. If not, simply decorate the frosted cake with toy ponies from Ponyville.

Entertainment at a birthday party. Games for children at the holiday can be very diverse, but the main thing is that the main theme of the day is preserved. So you can invite children to glue a pony tail with their eyes closed, color a unicorn for speed, or make multi-colored ones. And so that after the holiday everyone has funny photos, arrange a bright photo zone for children, decorating the wall with multi-colored fabric drapery, garlands or balls.

Inspired by these ideas, you can make an amazing birthday for your child in the style of the favorite animated series “My little pony”, which will be remembered for a very long time by both the birthday girl and her guests.