Happy birthday greetings to a woman by name. Personalized

[L-N] [O-Z]

Names, L-N


We wish you a happy birthday to Lara:
May her work always be respected,
Supported by friends, understood, loved, -
After all, Lara lives only by her own work!

Ah, Lyubochka, Lyubasha,
You are our beauty!
We wish you on your birthday
Good luck and good luck!
Let the boys adore
Not only for the outfits,
And they see you as a person
And they respect your views!

Stay, Lyudmila, still as sweet,
So that people love you gratefully,
Any business ended in success,
And the years of your life were joyful.
We wish you coziness, comfort, warmth
May life be good and cheerful,
So that there are more holidays in it,
Gifts, flowers and smiles from friends!


We wish you happiness and goodness,
So that life is as bright as day,
Further joy in fate
We wish you, Ritochka!

Our little Mashenka, congratulations to you
Happy birthday and happiness!
Great happiness and true friends,
Health, success and sunny days!

Our glorious Marina!
You are always appreciated by us
Let's wish you to be loved
And unique in everything,
We wish you good health,
We wish you success,
So that the tears shine
Only from laughter!

Maxim, let him always be the greatest
And your joy, and fate, and road,
And the holy star rules over everything,
May you live beautifully, richly and long.
And all your life, wherever you are, Maxim,
Always stay loved.

Life gave you to us like a holiday,
Which is impossible not to celebrate.
Today is Mikhail's birthday,
And here we are, your friends!
Let your life flow without sorrows
Carrying with you affection, joy, light.
We want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you happiness for many years to come!

Let the sun brighten the holiday
And the warm breeze frolics,
A bouquet of flowers smells fragrant,
The melody of the round dance is spinning!
And we congratulate Nadezhda
And on her birthday we wish
To be our earthly compass
And a golden talisman!

Let's congratulate Natasha on her birthday
And we definitely won’t leave you without a gift!
All its advantages cannot be counted,
So let there be a holiday in her honor!
Natalya, from the bottom of our hearts we wish you:
May success in everything be endless,
Always be healthy, never be sad,
And with such a mood live to be a hundred years old!

Let them wait for you in life, Nikita
Only warm words
And my heart will never cry in pain,
And let your head spin forever
From joy, love and good luck!

We wish Nikolai well,
Health, tenderness, warmth,
May your life be pure
Like spring water
Let everything in life be as before:
Love, confidence, hope,
Movement towards the goal and good luck.
And the heart is kind and warm.

Assyrian queen
Both beautiful and smart
With you, dear girl,
Today the whole country will be
Celebrating not a housewarming
And not the old New Year -
Birthday. And fun
All limits will be crossed.
For which we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and joy!
Always good health,
Never lose heart!

Names, L-Nimes:

Dear, (Name)! Congratulations
Happy long-awaited birthday!
We will celebrate your holiday and throw a banquet,
The day will end with a dinner party!
Songs will sound, we will rock in our arms,
Birthday boy, we won’t tire of you!
And when the roosters crow, if you're ready,
We'll deliver you to your bed with the breeze!
In the meantime, we wanted to wish you
Have good health,
Be rich, happy and go through life
With faith in fidelity, and in the heart with love!

17.04.2016 | 23:25:08

Happy Birthday, (Name)!
Be lucky like the devil
Let life be like heaven!
Money even sticks to your heels!
And don't skip exercises!
And to wealth and health
We want to wish you with love,
So that everything you dreamed about
It certainly did!

17.04.2016 | 23:25:44

Your birthday is your finest hour!
Accept, (Name), from us
Congratulations, gifts, poems!
Say “hee hee” to all problems
Say “ho-ho” to all diseases
And you can walk through life with ease!
Always be so mischievous
Charge us all with your laughter!
After all, with a smile you can do it
Afford everything in the world!

17.04.2016 | 23:26:13

Today is the best day!
Why are you sad, old stump?
(Name), come on, get your head up!
You've grown another year!
And let the sand pour in,
Your ringing voice groans!
Let's better drink beer,
Wash your birthday!
Well, be healthy and don’t get old!
Better pour it quickly
A gram is somewhere around half a hundred,
May you live to be at least a hundred years old!

17.04.2016 | 23:26:53

At thirty-two of your teeth
Showed his whole smile!
(Name), happy birthday!
I told you all my life
I have a lot of words, my friend,
You are my bosom friend!
And I've seen so much
I'll give you your hearts, friends!..
I know all your secrets
And I know your character!
And I respect you for that,
Dear birthday boy!
Be healthy, live, don’t cough!
Be secure, rich!
Let the house be a full cup!
Know that I am always glad to see you!

17.04.2016 | 23:27:34

Well, even if you’re not eighteen anymore,
On our birthday we want to confess
That everything is the same, (Name), you are beautiful -
Your torso is pumped up, but your look is clear!
Stay bold, nimble, brave,
Always back up your words with your actions!
Let your enemies be afraid of your fist
Such a super man!

Is there a connection between a person's destiny and his name? Should we trust the personal characteristics? After all, often before the birth of a child, parents carefully choose his life guide - a name, having read many of his descriptions before that. Each of them contains a certain character, so people have always paid special attention to choosing a name.

We all love original congratulatory toasts that are intended just for us and no one else. One of the best options to surprise the people you care about is congratulations by name. It may take more time to compile them, but the result, namely surprise and gratitude from the person being congratulated, will give you a storm of pleasant emotions. When composing the text of a holiday greeting or writing happy birthday poems, be attentive to the qualities that are inherent in the hero of the occasion. After all, there are millions of Nastya, Svet, Van, etc. living in the world. But this does not mean that they are all the same, that is, they have the same qualities. It is necessary that the congratulation suits the birthday person, displaying everything characteristic of him.

Congratulations on your name day

Let the white wing behind you
Your guardian angel is watching over you
Let him be strong, protect him from troubles,
Today is a holiday - your Angel Day!

Congratulations on Angel's Day

Live and remember: behind you
You have a Guardian Angel
Invisibly guides with his hand,
And he's always watching you.
Let Angel Day remind you
About this unearthly connection.
Let him be the most careful
And your Angel will be strong!

Congratulations on your name day in verse

Live without bad weather
Without troubles and adversity!
And let only happiness
Your holiday is coming!
Swear and laugh
Always from the heart!
And let the name day
Add some love!

Congratulations on the Name Day

Today is your holiday, may God grant you good health and long life. May there always be peace in your hearth, warmed by happiness, joy, and love. What could be more beautiful in the world! I wish peace and happiness to your home and the sky with only small clouds above your head.

Birthday greetings for your daughter

Dear daughter! May your life always be healthy, cheerful, happy, loved. I believe that you will always delight us with your kindness. I would also like to wish you, my birthday girl, to achieve high results in life and achieve your goal. And remember that I am always by your side because I love you very much.

Happy name day greetings for Nina

Whose name day is it!
Well, of course, Nina’s!
Should be proud of the name -
In Latin you are “queen”!
And like a mountain eagle
You want to achieve everything!
But today is the name day
Our beautiful Nina!
We sincerely congratulate you
And we wish you good health!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend

Divine protection,
And in life - beauty,
The roads are all open
Bon voyage!
Fortune will smile
And he will take your hand!
To the land of a wonderful fairy tale,
He'll bring a friend!
May your hopes come true
And plans and dreams!
Always live wonderfully
And be happy!

Happy birthday greetings to sister

Let the heavenly angel descend
He will show his wonderful face!
Let him bring it on his name day,
He brings joy and happiness to his sister,
All bad weather will go away faster,
And kindness will enter your home!

Happy name day greetings for a friend in verse

I wish to live like Christ in his bosom,
And don’t suffer, and don’t get bored, and don’t get sick!
And life shines with colorful rhinestones,
And there will be so many happy days that you can’t count them!

Congratulations to a friend on his name day

____ (Name)! Congratulations! Today is the day of your name. As they say: “Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail.” I wish that your name will help you in creative development and in achieving your goals, and that your voyage on the caravel ________ (name) will be long and happy!

Short birthday greetings

On this day, be cheerful
Be joyful on this day!
Happy name day to us (name)
I'm not too lazy to congratulate you.
Be healthy,
Be rich
Be happy,
And always,
Let it be everywhere
they will be with you
Your true friends!

SMS congratulations on name day

We congratulate you on your name day today,
May the angel protect you, we wish you
And we, your friends, wish you happiness.
And may all bad weather pass by.

Congratulations on Tatiana's Name Day

Today is a holiday without deception,
My beloved Tatyana!
Your day has come, what do you wish?
What should I call you?
You are good! Well, it's just amazing!
Sweet, natural, beautiful.
Isn't there a smile on your cheeks?
Well, smile, your lips are flexible.
Leave your sadness, your doubts,
Sad thoughts only cause torment.
I wish to celebrate freely
For the rest of the share!
Tatiana! Birthday - happiness
And bad weather does not suit you.
Today, I know for sure
There's plenty of room for happiness!

Happy name day greetings in prose

My dear friend and faithful comrade, today you are celebrating your name day, I am very sorry that I am so far from you and will not be able to hug you in person and congratulate you on Angel Day. But I am with you in my thoughts and wish you a bright path and endless happiness.

Congratulations on your daughter's name day

May the Blessed Virgin Mary
Cover your head with a scarf
And it will protect you from sorrows and adversity!
And he will lead you along the bright path,
May your cherished dream come true!
Will give you a lot of joy and happiness,
It will quickly drive away all bad weather!

Congratulations on Anna's name day

An angel rustling with its wings
Behind Anna.
Will hurry to the name day
He is from heavenly manna.
He will wish Anna
listen to the voice of the heart,
Holy Divine Law
You can't break it in life.
Enjoy every day
Lived in the world.
Remember what we give to others
We'll meet later.

Cool congratulations on your name day in verse

I'm in a hurry to get to the table
There are always reasons for this!
I love to eat and talk.
Celebrate the name day noisily!
Friendly clink of glasses
The desire to drink will not diminish!
Let's sing together
For the name day that you are glorified!

Congratulations to Larisa on her name day

In Greece they called her "sweet"
Well, in Ancient Rome - just a seagull.
The main thing in our Larisa is feelings,
Well, the worship of art,
Let them surround you on the name day
The best pictures for our Lara,
There are flowers and gifts waiting for you,
Beauty, smiles and comfort.

Congratulations on the name day Tatiana's day

Happy birthday to Tanyusha
I hurry before my devoted friends.
Let bliss rule her heart,
Let her life become fuller.
Let Tanechka bloom and prosper,
We miss her smile so much!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl

Our dear birthday girl! Let the flowers of faith bloom in your kind, sympathetic soul. We wish your moment of happiness to last forever. Always know that you will not find more loyal and faithful friends. For our birthday girl and for her faithful and loving friends.

Congratulations on Marina's name day

Look, Marina, an angel behind your shoulders
I came to congratulate you on my name day,
Together with close and true friends
Wish good days for Marina.
He will promise to protect you
As before, every minute.
He told us in confidence that he knows
Someone would be lucky to have such a wife.
You, Marina, can believe us,
And quickly blow out all the candles.
Joy cannot be measured today
On this wonderful birthday evening.

Birthday greetings to son

Dear son. I wish you that all your cherished dreams come true and that you are happier than ever. Usually on such a big day, on Angel Day, friends with open souls always bring congratulations. So let life be pure, And let every day be brighter, and let the beauty of life itself come to you as a gift!

Congratulations to Sergei on his name day

Happy name day, dear Sergei!
May happiness come to your home from now on,
May illnesses go away quickly
Taking bad weather with you.
And instead of worldly vanity
Let peace, tranquility, faith come.
After all, the soul needs them so much,
And to the family of dear Sergei!

Congratulations to Vera on her name day

You, Verochka, are photogenic,
And you always look great
We congratulate you all
Happy Bright Angel Day, loving.
What do we wish for a friend?
Be cheerful, don't be bored!
Be healthy and full of strength,
May every day be wonderful!

Congratulations to Vasilina on her name day

Congratulations to you, Vasilina,
Whatever you want, I wish you had!
You are as beautiful as a dahlia
And you always strive to do everything,
All wishes come true
On this best of days
Your endeavors always succeed,
Life is getting better, brighter!

Congratulations on Alexander's name day

Happy name day, Alexander!
We wish you today
To have a sober outlook in life,
To have good health.
May you always be lucky from now on
Alexandru on dusty roads,
And may he find his happiness -
Not a grain, but a lot, a lot!

Happy birthday to Misha

On St. Michael's name day
I haven’t completely forgotten about Mishenka.
Congratulations to my beloved on Angel's Day
And I will bring him joy as best I can.
After all, Misha translated means “who is like God,”
Who could be more valuable to me than him?
Well, maybe God. And after that - only Misha.
Love for him was given to me, apparently, from above.
Be happy, Misha, man of God!
My love for you, dear, forever.
Be respected and loved by everyone
And we keep him as our Angel all our lives!

Magical congratulations to Alevtina on her Name Day

Congratulations, Alevtina,
Today is your name day!
I wish you a prince
To age a little over thirty!
So that the azure that is in the sky,
Everything was in his eyes
So that he was on a Jaguar,
Or at least a Ferrari,
So that he can only breathe you,
He loved and respected him!
Fulfilled all my wishes
And he called me a princess!

Congratulations on Tatyana's name day

It's Tatiana's birthday!
What a holiday, a miracle day!
We didn't invite guests
But we meet you at the door.
Bring them in a basket
Two kilograms of dreams,
And then he flew through the window
Bright angel, look!
Tanya many gifts
Received it on this day.
She's so sorry to leave,
Come see her more often!

Happy Birthday greetings to a man

Our birthday boy is a devoted keeper of all the secrets of his friends, and we always trust them to him. He is a wonderful husband and a reliable companion in life, and always remains faithful to his beloved wife. We wish you to always be reliable and loved by everyone. Yes, your Guardian Angel is protecting you.

Congratulations to Inna on her name day from girlfriends and friends

Please your girlfriend Inna
We decided on the name day,
But what should we give her?
Dishes? Beads? Maybe a jacket?
The dispute flared up in earnest.
How can we please you better?
There are many friends - many opinions,
And also a lot of doubts,
We decided to do it easier -
They put the money in an envelope,
Having drawn on it, believe me,
Everything you would like to give.
Girlfriend! Inna! Expensive!
You're glad to see us, we know that
And you will receive us without a gift!
Let there be a lot of colors in life,
Happy, bright is the road,
Today, tomorrow, every hour!

Congratulations to Yanina on her name day

It's Yanina's name day.
And I hasten to congratulate
I want to give paintings,
I want to wish her.
Always be lucky in everything,
And be a witch in the kitchen,
Always be happy
Forget about the years!
You're still the same laugher
And, as before, fun.
I love you like this!
You are my beautiful angel!

Congratulations to Kaleria on her name day

Name day is more of a religious than a secular holiday. This is the day of remembrance of a revered saint, which is a holiday for a person who is named by the same name as this saint. Therefore, when organizing birthday greetings, pay attention to this. There is no need to make a theological argument out of your congratulations - ignore the fact that you may not be a believer. Treat this holiday like any other - use your imagination to congratulate a person on an important holiday. Give him something that corresponds to the spirit of the event: an icon with the corresponding saint, a small cross, some book related to the church and name days. Try not to offend the feelings of the person to whom you are writing birthday greetings, but also do not indulge in officialdom - you must show your personal attitude towards this person and congratulate him as appropriate. It doesn’t matter what holiday it is – the main thing is what feelings you put into your congratulations.

The site contains modern and original Happy Birthday greetings, in verse and prose, which will quickly and easily be remembered by you and the recipient. Unique birthday wishes will lift your spirits and will definitely please the happy hero of the occasion! The “Happy Birthday” section includes more than 7,000 congratulations: universal, happy anniversary, relatives, funny, by name, loved ones, short, to colleagues, friends, among which you will definitely find what you need. In addition to wishing you a Happy Birthday, you can also find out the details and secrets of the origin of a particular name by simply clicking on it.

Happy Birthday greetings by name in verse and prose

A name is something that is given to a person at birth and remains with him for life. A lot has been written and said about the influence of the name day character and fate of its bearer. There are also wonderful congratulation poems for every name, and giving such a poem on a birthday would be very appropriate. Original birthday greetings by name. A large variety of popular names. Personalized birthday greetings in verse and prose for friends, relatives, acquaintances and colleagues!