Intrauterine development of a child in the sixteenth week of pregnancy. Intrauterine development of a child at the sixteenth week of pregnancy What a baby's fetus looks like at 16 weeks

Good night everyone!!! I still couldn’t decide to create a topic... I decided... My dears, does anyone remember what the children’s indicators were at the 1st screening... The doctor unconvincingly said that everything was fine... but she said, what’s scary nt what she personally doesn’t see...but...screening 1, dimensions:
nasal bone - 1.6
Head circumference 64 mm
Abdominal circumference 58
hip -5 mm
Term 12 weeks and 2 days...
I’m worried that the head is small and the nasal bone, thigh... I can’t find a place...


Most likely, you did not feel the baby's movements until the sixteenth week of pregnancy. Now it can start at any time. At first, it is difficult to say what these tremors are connected with: either the fetus has finally decided to make itself known, or it is gases in the intestines, or something else. Over time, you will learn to understand when the baby moves in the stomach, pushes with a leg or arm.

At 16 weeks, the child is growing very quickly, and the time is approaching for the second screening - the next visit to the gynecologist.

How long is 16 weeks?

What happens to the child?

His inner ear has already formed hearing ossicles, so he can hear you and remember your voice. According to scientific research, a newborn recognizes the melodies that he heard while in his mother’s belly. Taste buds form on the tongue. Hair grows in the area of ​​eyebrows and eyelashes.

The child's bones are getting stronger. His spine straightens more and more. New nerve cells and connections between them continue to appear. The fetal movements become less chaotic, and its reflexes improve. Movements appear in the facial muscles, but the baby cannot yet control them. His skin is still transparent, with internal organs and blood vessels visible underneath.

The eyelids still remain closed, but the fetus can turn the eyeballs and bring them to the bridge of the nose. Soon he will learn to react to light and will turn towards its source if something is shined on his mother’s belly.

Every day the fetal heart pumps almost a liter of blood, and over time this volume will constantly increase. The volume of functionally active tissue in the kidneys increases.

What happens to the expectant mother?

At the 16th week of pregnancy, many people experience lower back pain - this is the result of hormonal effects. Hormones increase the extensibility of the spinal ligaments, while at the same time the unborn child is actively growing, so the load on the lower back gradually increases and the center of gravity of the body shifts. You can reduce pain with gymnastics and stretching.

You've probably noticed that your hair and nails have begun to grow faster. The appearance of the skin improves, it seems to glow. And in general, many women feel great and full of energy at this time.

The mammary glands have already grown quite large and continue to grow. By the end of the second trimester, they should be completely ready to feed the baby.

The enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines: the expectant mother faces a problem such as constipation. A diet rich in fiber, drinking plenty of fluids and physical activity will help normalize stool. Urination may become more frequent - this is the result of pressure from the uterus on the bladder.

Your eyes may not feel as good as your skin, hair and nails and may become dry and itchy. Ask your doctor what drops can help relieve these symptoms.

You've probably noticed that it's become more difficult for you to concentrate on work and daily activities. You began to forget more often what you were going to do today, where you put your keys or other things. For the second trimester of pregnancy, these are normal phenomena, although scientists cannot fully explain why this happens.

In a pregnant woman’s body, blood volume increases, the walls of blood vessels relax and blood flow to various organs increases. This is necessary in order to provide the growing fetus with the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen. But the expectant mother may have some problems because of this. For example, increased blood flow to the nasal mucosa leads to nasal congestion and nosebleeds. If you experience these symptoms, install a humidifier in your apartment. To cleanse your nose, use seawater-based sprays.

Belly and uterus at 16 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, for many women, the belly becomes so large that it can no longer be hidden from others.

Weight gain depends on what the woman's body mass index (BMI) was before pregnancy. In order to calculate this indicator, you need to divide your body weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. If you were at average weight (BMI ranged from 18.5 to 24.9), then you should now gain an average of 400 to 500 grams per week.

At the sixteenth week, the upper part (fundus) of the uterus is halfway between the pubic symphysis and the navel. The uterus is approximately the size of a grapefruit and continues to actively grow along with the fetus.

What tests should be done at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

The doctor will measure the height of the uterine fundus, abdominal circumference, your weight, blood pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature.

From the 16th to the 20th week of pregnancy, a second screening is carried out, which identifies the risk of chromosomal abnormalities and congenital malformations in the fetus. It includes an ultrasound examination and a triple test (blood test for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, alpha-fetoprotein, free estriol).

Ultrasound at 16 weeks of pregnancy

During an ultrasound examination, the doctor can evaluate the anatomical parameters of the fetus, the condition of its skeletal system, and internal organs. The blood flow in the heart and large vessels of the baby, the vessels of the umbilical cord, the condition and place of attachment of the placenta, and the volume of amniotic fluid are assessed. An ultrasound will help you find out the sex of the baby - of course, if he does not “hide” his genitals from the sensor.

The main indicators that are assessed during an ultrasound examination in the second trimester:

  • Biparietal size is the transverse size of the head, which is measured at the level of the thalamus of the brain. Normally, at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy it is from 2.6 to 5.6 cm.
  • Head circumference - from 11.2 to 18.6 cm.
  • The length of the femur is from 1.3 to 3.8 cm.
  • The length of the humerus is from 1.3 cm to 3.6 cm.
  • Abdominal circumference - from 8.8 to 16.4 cm.
  • The estimated fetal weight should correspond to the norms for the week of pregnancy in which the study is carried out. At week 16 - an average of about 100 grams.
  • The amniotic fluid index is an indicator that helps assess the volume of amniotic fluid. Normally, at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy it ranges from 73 to 230 mm.
  • Motor activity of the fetus: normally it is relaxed and periodically makes movements.
  • Position of the placenta: if it is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, there is an increased risk of abruption.
  • Umbilical cord: assess the place of attachment, the number of vessels, and the state of blood flow in them.
  • The normal length of the cervix is ​​4 to 4.5 cm. If it is shorter, there is an increased risk of miscarriage.

Nutrition at 16 weeks of pregnancy

A healthy, nutritious diet during pregnancy helps ensure the proper development and growth of the unborn child, optimal weight gain and overall good health. You can often hear that an expectant mother should “eat for two.” In fact, doctors do not give such recommendations: in the second trimester, a woman needs only 300 additional calories daily. It is much more important that the food is correct and contains all the necessary substances.

The basis of the diet at the 16th week of pregnancy should be vegetables and fruits, cereals, lean meat, dairy products, fish, eggs.

Undesirable products include:

  • Alcohol is definitely not allowed during pregnancy, in any form or quantity.
  • Red and processed meat (fried, grilled, barbecued, sausages, sausages, semi-finished products) - you should try to minimize its consumption.
  • Fast food leads to excessive weight gain and is generally bad for your health.
  • Any foods that contain added sugars. First of all, these are sweet soda, chocolate, sweets, and confectionery. Such foods have a bad effect on the cardiovascular system. The added sugars cause the expectant mother to gain weight and increase her risk of gestational diabetes. Such products provide the body with energy for a while, but this state is quickly replaced by fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Experts have an ambiguous attitude towards caffeine during pregnancy. There is no convincing evidence that it can lead to complications or any health problems for the fetus. However, it needs to be limited. During pregnancy, one small cup of weak coffee per day is allowed.

Physical activity at 16 weeks of pregnancy

Physical activity is needed at any stage of pregnancy, especially now, in the second trimester, when a woman has a minimum of symptoms and is full of energy. Physical exercise along with proper nutrition helps maintain normal weight gain, reduce the risk of certain complications, prepare the body for childbirth, improve sleep and the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother.

Experts recommend exercising 30 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week. The intensity and duration of exercises should depend on the degree of fitness and physical capabilities of the expectant mother. If you have never exercised before, you should start with 10 minutes and gradually increase the duration.

The following are good for expectant mothers: walking in the fresh air, exercise on an exercise bike, yoga, visiting the pool. Housework and gardening also count.

When playing sports during pregnancy, you need to remember some safety rules:

  • If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, or the expectant mother has concomitant diseases, be sure to consult a doctor before starting classes.
  • No need for fanaticism. If you feel tired, have unpleasant sensations, or pain, you need to stop training.
  • It is better to practice swimming, water aerobics, and yoga in special groups for expectant mothers, where there are professional instructors.
  • For walking, you need to buy comfortable shoes and choose smooth paths with special coatings. Due to the fact that the unborn child is growing quickly, the mother’s center of gravity of the body shifts: there is a higher risk of tripping, falling and getting injured.
  • Dehydration is now dangerous for the woman herself and her unborn child. Therefore, when training, especially in the summer, you need to take a bottle of water or another drink (remember the dangers of sweet drinks with added sugars!).

How to sleep properly at 16 weeks of pregnancy?

As your baby gets older, sleeping on his back becomes uncomfortable. In this position, the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, a large vessel through which blood from the lower part of the body returns to the heart. Research shows that women who sleep on their backs during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy have an increased risk of stillbirth.

The 16th week of pregnancy represents the 16th week after conception, and the 18th obstetric week. At this time, regular movements of the fetus begin, the formation and development of the central nervous system occurs. Week 16 is characterized by the early fetal period.

From a medical point of view, week 16 can be considered relatively calm. At this time, a much larger list of necessary medical procedures may be available that will not lead to abnormal development or death of the fetus.

Week 16 is the time when your situation becomes noticeable to others. This is due to the appearance of a pink blush, characteristic of many pregnant women, as well as an increase in the size of the abdomen.

At week 16, the expectant mother can feel the baby's first movements. At this stage they are just beginning, and may be quite insignificant.

Not every woman can feel them right away; there is a high probability that you will feel your baby moving, which occurs in women who are undergoing a second pregnancy. If a pregnant woman does not feel any movements, then there is no need to panic, this is absolutely normal, since the size of the fetus is still small, the movements are quite insignificant. Thin girls are more likely to feel the first tremors at this stage, which are often confused with gas.

By this time, toxicosis should already have passed, pain in the mammary glands subsides, a good appetite appears, due to the active production of the hormone progesterone.

By this week, the fruit reaches a size of approximately 11-13 centimeters and a weight of 80-100 grams. The composition of the blood is fully formed, the organs are actively functioning, the kidneys remove urine from the body, and the heart beats intensely. At this stage, in addition to the fatal hemoglobin, an “adult” one already appears in the blood of the unborn baby; over time, after birth, it will completely replace the fatal one. Now it is already possible to determine the baby’s blood type and Rh factor.

By this time, the child’s muscles have become well strengthened, so he is able to hold his head straight and turn it from side to side. The baby actively moves his fingers and toes, and even tries to play. The baby learns to swallow and suck, grabs the umbilical cord and his hand. He clearly distinguishes between day and night. If a bright light hits him, he can cover his face with his hands. The child already hears voices. Also, the baby begins to hiccup, and soon you can feel it in the form of rhythmic and short jolts.

His facial expressions are already quite developed, he smiles, frowns, yawns. The intestines are fully functional while in training mode. The baby pees approximately every hour, and original feces consisting of bile also comes out. A baby’s heart pumps 25 liters of blood per day.

On ultrasound examination, the baby looks like a pear, and is similar in size to an orange. His arms are already proportional to his body, but his legs, although enlarged, still remain small compared to the rest of his body. Nails have already appeared on my hands and feet. At this stage, it is already possible to determine the gender of the unborn baby, however, this is not always possible; often the baby is in an uncomfortable position, from which it is not clear whether it is a boy or a girl.

It is also worth including spinach, pumpkin, asparagus, apricots, melon, and avocado in your diet. These products contain a lot of folic acid, which is important for the proper development of the baby’s circulatory system and immunity.

The body must receive enough water. It is better to drink non-carbonated ordinary or mineral water. Avoid packaged juices and sodas. This is not only harmful, but can also cause digestive problems. A pregnant woman does not need excess gases at all.

Note: Try to have a light dinner and a heavy breakfast, then you will feel light.

Nutritionists advise eating everything that the body requires, but subjecting all foods to heat treatment as much as possible, including liquids. It is worth limiting yourself in consuming spicy and salty foods.

Doctors strongly recommend taking this stage of pregnancy seriously. A routine examination is required, during which a specialist will assess the course of pregnancy and the condition of the expectant mother: measure the size of the abdomen, weight, and listen to the fetal heart. It is also worth taking urine tests and definitely blood tests. A blood test will determine the level of hCG, AFP and NE in the blood. This will immediately eliminate defects and developmental anomalies. Also at this stage, an ultrasound examination and, sometimes, amniocentesis is performed - sampling amniotic fluid to identify developmental anomalies. Amniocentesis is a procedure that involves inserting a needle into the vagina and therefore has some risks. It is not planned and is carried out only when necessary and with the consent of the pregnant woman.

In addition to being examined by a gynecologist, from the 16th week you should adhere to some rules:

  • No sudden movements, do everything smoothly and measuredly;
  • Shoes and clothing should be as comfortable and convenient as possible;
  • No diets, only balanced, healthy nutrition;
  • Even if your belly is not yet visible, you can no longer sleep on it by this time; go to sleep on your side.
  • To avoid constipation, eat a lot of fruits along with the peel, as a fruit salad, seasoned with sour cream.
  • Do not sit in one position for a long time, change your position, especially your legs.
  • When going outside, protect your head from the sun and wear a hat.
  • Use sunscreen with a UV level greater than 40.
  • Take care of your skin, make only proven and natural masks; now there are special cosmetics for pregnant women.
  • It is better to buy clothes made from natural cotton.
  • To prevent your breasts from sagging, buy the right boneless bras.
  • Since the skin is very sensitive now, do not wash under hot water using chemicals and hard washcloths.
  • After your bath, apply a moisturizing lotion.
  • Ask your spouse to give you a massage, this will help you relax and relieve lower back pain.
  • Take care of your hair, use high-quality shampoo that suits your hair type.
  • Don't blow dry your hair.
  • Do not eat fast food, completely eliminate fast food.
  • Do not use hair dyes, as the result of dyeing can be unpredictable, and besides, chemicals in the body are not needed at all. If your hair roots have grown and this causes you discomfort, then choose tinted shampoos or tonics with a minimum amount of chemicals in their composition.
  • To remove unwanted hair, it is better to use wax or sugar depilation. This is the safest and the results will last longer.
  • Do not use polishes or nail care products that contain acetone.
  • When washing dishes, floors, windows, be sure to wear gloves. Protect your skin from chemicals.
  • Now it is extremely undesirable to visit solariums, baths and saunas. The baby inside the mother is very sensitive to any temperature changes.
  • If there is a need for dental intervention, then it is worth doing it right now, as there may be contraindications later.
  • If you haven't given up on heels yet, now is the time. The load on the spine increases, heels will only double it.
  • The 16th week is considered one of the safest for lovemaking. The fetus has already passed critical moments, so now is the time for solitude with your loved one.
  • If your spine hurts, then you should buy a prenatal bandage.
  • Drink enough water in small sips.
  • If you have a heavy discharge, do not use pads as they create a greenhouse effect where bad bacteria multiply, which can lead to thrush.
  • For rhinitis, use only the drops prescribed by your doctor.
  • Take good care of your oral hygiene.
  • Carry out hardening procedures.
  • Nowadays it is highly undesirable to use any kind of medications. With the exception of vitamins prescribed by the doctor. If you need to take medications, be sure to consult your doctor.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman. Week 16 is less than four months of pregnancy. By this time, those around you may notice a rounded tummy and facial skin covered with a healthy blush. Compared to the first trimester, the second can be considered relatively calm. If a woman felt toxicosis, now it may be replaced by a strong appetite. The baby will grow and develop quickly, and in the next couple of weeks his weight may increase up to two times. It is important to carefully monitor your health and take into account absolutely all the recommendations of your doctor, starting from diet and sleep, water treatments and all the necessary examinations, and then your pregnancy will be comfortable for you.

Video - 16th week of pregnancy

The special need for minerals, organic acids and esters is due to the increased load on a woman’s body. All resources are aimed at maintaining the normal development of the fetus, therefore, without maintaining balance, a deficiency of certain vitamins occurs and a metabolic disorder occurs. There are several important vitamins that are important to consume during pregnancy with food and dietary supplements.

Vitamin A (beta-carotene, retinol). A lack of retinol leads to child underweight and iron deficiency anemia, while an excess, on the contrary, leads to serious developmental pathologies due to increased cell regeneration (mutations are possible). That is why retinol should be taken no more than a daily dosage. Obstetricians recommend supplementing your regular diet with synthetic vitamins. The daily dose should not exceed 3000 IU. Beta-carotene is found in young cheeses, dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk), egg yolks, beef, sea fish and seafood (shrimp, mussels, scallops).

Folic acid (folacin, vitamin B9). Folacin is indicated for the normal formation of the child’s central nervous system. Lack of folic acid causes serious pathologies in fetal development. The daily norm is 600 mcg. Obstetricians recommend supplementing the diet with a synthetic analogue, since the amount of the component supplied from food is not enough. Folic acid is found in fish and meat by-products (beef liver, chicken hearts), spinach, buckwheat, feta cheese, and oatmeal.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Actively participates in carbohydrate metabolism, maintaining normal function of the heart and nervous system, activates the functioning of the brain, muscle structures, and digestion. Contained in the following food ingredients: nuts (cashews, pistachios), buckwheat, peas, cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli), tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Promotes the absorption of selenium, zinc, iron, and participates in the synthesis of vitamin A, which is important for the normal formation of connective tissue and adequate hemodynamics. It is found in high concentrations in eggs (quail, chicken), lean meat (chicken breast, turkey, young calves), greens, and cereals (rice, corn).

Vitamin B3 (niacin). Affects the condition of the skin, improves immunity, regulates cholesterol balance, participates in the synthesis of hormones, and cleanses toxins and toxic substances. Contained in apples, avocados, potatoes, white poultry meat, cereals (barley, oatmeal, wheat germ).

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Actively participates in metabolism, promotes the breakdown of fats, normal regeneration of skin cells, and reduces cholesterol levels. Found in poultry, nuts, avocados, broccoli, and almost all legumes (beans, peas, beans).

Vitamin B7 (biotin, vitamin H). Participates in the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, promotes the production of “good” cholesterol, hormones for the formation of the thyroid gland. Biotin has a positive effect on the level of the glycemic index and prevents congenital pathologies of fetal development in relation to metabolism. Contained in bananas, meat by-products (liver, hearts, kidneys), yeast. It is healthy to eat dark chocolate, milk, and egg yolks. Biotin is necessary for the healthy development of the fetus due to the active synthesis of glucokinase, which is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, namely, in the formation of tendons and muscle-connective tissue.

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Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It is a water-soluble antioxidant that suppresses the production of free radicals, stimulates the body's protective functions, and promotes iron absorption. An adequate daily dose for pregnant women at 16 weeks is from 60 to 100 mg per day. It is found in large quantities in citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons with zest), black currants, sea buckthorn berries, and in a decoction of rose hips.

Vitamin D3 (otherwise known as cholecalciferol). Synthesized in the adrenal glands under the influence of sunlight, it increases the absorption of calcium, iodine, selenium, and phosphorus. Cholecalciferol ensures the strength of the immune system, forms bone tissue, tooth buds, and adequate metabolism. Cholecalciferol is found in fish oil, butter, rennet cheeses, and red caviar.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Participates in the formation of the respiratory organs: lungs, respiratory tract. The daily dose is 10 mg. A lack of vitamin often leads to intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus, up to frozen pregnancy or miscarriage. Tocopherol is found in vegetable oils (linseed, corn, olive, sunflower, rapeseed, sesame, sea buckthorn).

Vitamin K (lipophilic fat-soluble and hydrophobic vitamins). Participates in the formation of skeletal bones, participates in the synthesis of protein, phosphorus, vitamin D, and prevents the occurrence of early osteoporosis in children and bone deformities. Contained in the following foods: all greens, fresh vegetables, nuts (especially pine), dried figs, dried fruits, kiwi.

Vitamin P (rutoside, rutin, natural complex of bioflavonoids). It has a powerful antioxidant effect, has pronounced detoxifying properties, and helps cope with infectious and inflammatory processes. Under the influence of rutin, the function of the fetal cerebral cortex improves, suppresses allergic reactions, and reduces the risks of pathologies from the cardiovascular system. Included in apples, rose hips, black plums, tomatoes, onions, asparagus, dark chocolate.

Iron (from Latin ferrum). It is an important component of the blood, without which it is impossible to saturate the brain with oxygen. Considering that the volume of a pregnant woman almost doubles by the 16th week, the daily dosage should be 2 times greater. Lack of iron leads to chronic fetal hypoxia and woman's fatigue. It is found in large quantities in chicken or beef liver, pomegranates, cranberries and lingonberries, buckwheat with milk.

Iodine. The component is vital for the normal function of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. If there is a lack of iodine, the woman’s body begins to compensatoryly use up the resources of the baby’s thyroid gland. For the normal formation of the brain, central nervous system, and thyroid gland, pregnant women at 16 weeks are advised to take a double daily dose of iodine. Iodine can also be obtained from food by eating seaweed, seafood and fish, and fish oil.

Calcium (calcium gluconate). Mineral No. 1 for the normal formation of skeletal bones, tooth buds, blood clotting and hemodynamics in general. Calcium gluconate is necessary for both mother and fetus. Daily calcium intake is 250 mg. The mineral is a conductor for magnesium and vitamin D, improving their absorption and absorption. At week 16, it is recommended to include cottage cheese in the diet (more often than 3-4 times a week), sour cream, and powdered eggshells. In the absence of an additional source of calcium, a woman’s body experiences increased stress, which is reflected in hair loss and brittleness, and dental diseases. Calcium is taken throughout pregnancy and lactation.

Zinc. The mineral is involved in osteogenesis, ensures correct genomic structures, activates the division and growth of tissue cells, and creates conditions for the normal development of hematopoietic organs. The daily dose is 13-15 mg, for the entire pregnancy - 375-400 mg. To compensate for the lack of zinc, the diet includes pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, chicken egg yolks, beans, and coconut milk.

Lutein (nutrient, group of oxygen-containing carotenoids). It is of enormous importance in the development of the fetal visual apparatus and brain. If there is a deficiency, the mother’s vision deteriorates; it replenishes the body’s resource costs throughout pregnancy, starting from 15-16 weeks. Contained in orange and green fruits, vegetables, nuts, quail eggs.

Selenium. Necessary for the normal maintenance of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthens muscle structures, and participates in the formation of healthy connective tissue (especially kidney and liver tissue). It is found in large quantities in broccoli, tuna liver, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, corn, legumes, fish and seafood.

During these 7 days, the expectant mother is in a great mood. The baby continues to develop and gain strength. For some expectant mothers, the 16th week may be significant because right now you will feel your baby moving.

Features of fetal development

During the 16th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is as follows: weight about 80 grams and height (that is, in length) about 11 centimeters.

This week the child behaves actively, and his coordination of movements improves each time. The child’s arms are already well developed, they have become longer, and now he can reach the elbow of his other hand with his fingers. He constantly actively tosses and turns, grabs with his hands, and moves his legs. The neck muscles have already formed, the baby holds his head straight if desired. The facial muscles are also formed, he is already smiling, grimacing, frowning.

The baby swallows amniotic fluid, urinates, and there is original feces in the intestines. That is, your baby has already formed a gastrointestinal tract system. The liver now, in addition to performing the function of hematopoiesis, is now also involved in digestion.

In girls, at 16 weeks, the ovaries descend into the hip area, and eggs are actively produced in them.

The baby's skin is still translucent, but during this period brown subcutaneous fat begins to be deposited, which will then begin to perform its function and generate heat. The body is currently completely covered with light hair. By the end of pregnancy, it should completely disappear; there are cases that a child is born with this hairline, it goes away a few weeks after birth.

The placenta has fully formed, now the placenta and the baby are a single whole organism. The lungs continue to form. In the meantime, the placenta is responsible for the respiratory system, that is, it transfers oxygen and, of course, all other nutrients from you to your baby.

A child's blood already contains all the cells of an adult. True, there is no hemoglobin yet; it is replaced by the so-called fetal hemoglobin. The baby's hemoglobin will form after he is born, in a month.

What happens in the female body?

The sensations are mostly pleasant. There is no toxicosis and the mood is wonderful. And, most importantly, what you can feel is the baby moving. The baby is most active when you are resting. So if you want to feel your baby move, lie down and put your hands on your stomach when your body is relaxed and you can probably feel it.

Woman's tummy


  • Your body continues to change, your uterus grows, and your weight increases. Blood volume increases. During this week you should gain about 500 grams. If you gain weight more than two kilograms, then this will indicate that you have started swelling of the limbs or placenta, and this is dangerous for the child. But, there is no need to worry, since you are registered with the antenatal clinic and regularly visit a gynecologist, who will definitely notice changes and, if anything happens, will recommend what to do.
  • Because the volume of blood increases, you may experience nosebleeds or feel stuffy. If you have a nosebleed, tilt your head back and it will go away.
  • During this period, you may feel short of breath. This is a normal feeling, don't worry. After all, your lungs are now working at their best to provide oxygen to you and your baby. If you feel attacks of suffocation, and these attacks cause blue lips, this indicates that your body cannot cope with the load, then consult a doctor immediately.
  • Also, during these 7 days, a slight increase in blood pressure may appear. Due to the fact that blood volume increases and its circulation also increases, when a woman is worried, the pressure may be higher. Most often, a pregnant woman gets worried when she sees a white coat, that is, she experiences fear of the doctor. If you cannot calm down, then start measuring your blood pressure at home twice a day and bring the measurement results with you at your next visit to the doctor.
  • The belly is already clearly visible. The uterus has increased in size to 250 grams and is located approximately 7 centimeters below the navel.

One of the unpleasant sensations is heartburn, which occurs because the uterus enlarges and constantly puts pressure on the intestines, causing disruption in the digestive tract.

Baby's first noticeable movements

The baby begins to move from the fifth week of pregnancy and as the weeks progress, its activity develops. He is very active in the womb. But, of course, the expectant mother cannot feel it, since it is still very small. In the period from the sixteenth to the twentieth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother can already feel her baby moving, since the uterus is located in the abdominal cavity and the baby is already of such a size that it can make itself felt. But when exactly you feel it is a matter of your sensitivity and attentiveness.

Of course, due to the small size of the fruit, you will not feel large kicks. It’s just that the baby is very active, he spins and turns, pushes off the walls of the uterus. And it is this activity that you can feel. As women who have already given birth say, the sensations are similar to the fluttering of butterflies in the stomach, and some associate them with bowel movements.

Tests to be taken

The second trimester of pregnancy has already begun, and I still have toxicosis and am tormented by nausea. I thought that at 16 weeks of pregnancy there should no longer be toxicosis. What should I do?
Yes, toxicosis usually subsides by 16 weeks, when the placenta is already fully formed. But increasingly, in obstetric practice, a slightly different picture is noticed; on average, by the 18-20th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers are just beginning, as they say, to eat well and enjoy their “pot-bellied position.” The drug Polysorb, which is harmless to the fetus, will help alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman with severe toxicosis. However, like all sorbents, it is capable of removing not only toxins from the human body, but also leaching useful substances from it, so such drugs should be taken with a difference of 1 hour from taking food or vitamins. Also, sorbents are not recommended for constipation, as they produce a fixing effect.

Discharge similar to water. Can there be leakage of amniotic fluid at 16 weeks of pregnancy?
At the 16th week of pregnancy, the amount of discharge increases, so some expectant mothers mistakenly believe that this is amniotic fluid leaking. A gynecologist will be able to accurately determine whether the water is normal, but simply heavy discharge, characteristic of this stage of pregnancy, by taking a smear from the cervix for elements of amniotic fluid.
Or you can purchase a test pad at the pharmacy to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid. Please note that some pads of this type change their color to green-blue and with bacterial infectious secretions. This is also useful to know, but such a home test is not cheap. Only a laboratory analysis of a cervical smear, a gynecological examination and an ultrasound can accurately determine.

We are expecting twins, but nowhere can we find information about the normal size of babies at 16 weeks during a multiple pregnancy.
Each fetus should ideally be the same size and weight as in a singleton pregnancy - each 11-16 cm long from head to tailbone and weighing 80-120 grams. But usually babies do not develop at the same rate, so one’s coccygeal-parietal length and weight can be, for example, 12 cm and 80 grams, while another’s may be 15 cm and 100 grams.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, your lower back hurts. How to alleviate the condition?
As pregnancy progresses, the load on a woman’s spine also increases. Therefore, to prevent lower back pain from getting worse, it is recommended to wear low-top shoes. A semi-rigid mattress and a low pillow help normalize the load on the spine. It is also important to sleep in the correct position: on your left side, with your knees slightly tucked.

Cold at 16 weeks of pregnancy: sore throat, tongue coated, but no fever. How can you treat your throat?
During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take antibiotics for colds, so if you have a sore throat, an antiseptic, for example, Lysobact lozenges, will help you.

Sex at 16 weeks of pregnancy in the cowgirl position causes discomfort. In what positions is it safe for the baby and painless to have sex during pregnancy?
When choosing sex positions during pregnancy, give preference to those in which the penetration is shallow and there is no pressure on the abdomen. The most suitable postures during pregnancy are the “side”, “angled” and “standing” positions.

What concentration of hCG in the blood should be at the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy?
At the sixteenth obstetric week of pregnancy, the normal hCG level for a singleton pregnancy is in the range of 14,000 - 80,000 mU/ml, according to the results of tests by the Invitro laboratory in your city. Each laboratory has different standards, which you need to find out from “your” laboratory assistant.