The most touching congratulations for the new year. How to congratulate your family and friends on the New Year

May these new 365 days be better than all the past ones, may the new 12 months give hope and confidence in a bright future, and may every new minute of life be brighter, more joyful and more fun. Happy New Year to you, in which every new second will be filled only with sincere friendship and mutual love.

I wish you a Happy New Year. We always associate this holiday with the smell of spruce, the taste of tangerines, the explosion of firecrackers and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with new plans, ideas and endeavors. I wish that everything you wish would definitely come true in the New Year. Happy holiday to you!

I want to wish you a Happy New Year! I wish you fairy tales and magic in the coming new year! May all your wishes come true, the most cherished, the most unusual, and the most long-awaited. May the New Year bring new successes and achievements, new joyful emotions, happiness and love to your home!

The most fabulous time is coming, which not only children, but also adults are looking forward to - the time of the New Year! These days, it’s as if we are opening the door to our completely different life in order to start it from scratch. I would like to wish everyone that this happens. So that good bright beginnings will definitely come true in the new year. Let's be hospitable to the owner of this holiday, make friends with him so that he can help us live this year under a lucky star! We’ll also look into the New Year’s sky, think that everything will turn out well, and make our deepest wish! And we will believe that it will definitely come true! Let's fill our glasses and dream that this year we will all have good health, success in business, good spirits and definitely love!

I wish you an abundance of interesting and useful acquaintances, solid and honest partners in the New Year. At the same time - a reliable and devoted rear in the form of a loving family, ready to help in everything.

Congratulations on the most wonderful holiday! We wish you an optimistic outlook on life, we wish you to enjoy even the little things, and find a reason to smile and be positive in everything. Let what is not particularly successful give invaluable experience, but what succeeds gives joy. Let inspiration and love make life more beautiful in the New Year!

Let the crystal clink of glasses turn your life into a fairy tale. May peace, comfort and sparkling joy reign in her throughout the next year. Let there be only sincere smiles around, and let all the problems and adversities remain in the outgoing year. Happy New Year!

May your life in the New Year be as bright as a clear sunny day, as full as a glass of champagne, as carefree as that of an oligarch’s daughter. And may your eyes always shine with joy, positivity, optimism!

I would like to wish you a Happy New Year with all my heart! Let all the worst and saddest remain in the passing year, and the next one will be filled only with warm and heart-warming events. I wish that in the new year all your dreams come true, and all your deepest desires come true.

Another year is approaching - this is a great opportunity to look back at all your achievements in the past year and set new goals for the coming year. May it be happy, prosperous, sometimes difficult, but always successful and exciting!

New Year's greetings in your own words

I wish you to get wet in the dollar rain next year, and may the falling leaves of good fortune fall into your hands all next year. Let happiness fall on your home in any season of the year, like New Year’s snowfall. I wish you to enjoy every minute of the coming year.

The anticipation of the holiday is more pleasant than the celebration itself. We wish you sweet anticipation and a wonderfully spent, long-awaited New Year! Let your wildest dreams come true during this chiming clock, and let the fiery euphoria of the holiday not dissipate throughout the coming year!

Happy New Year! I wish that this year all your dreams, even the smallest ones, come true. So that there is more warmth, more opportunities open up, incredible prospects appear, new friends appear, the fire burns in the home, a smile plays on the faces of loved ones. Let your most cherished dreams come true!

Happy New Year with a new happiness! May the year be the most successful and kindest of all previous ones. May it bring joy and smiles to faces, erase and correct all the failures of this year. I wish everyone happiness, luck, prosperity this year, and may this year become a year of fulfilled hopes and expectations.

New Year is an amazing holiday that makes even adults believe in a fairy tale. Let's believe in a fairy tale together, then hope for better times will not leave us all next year. Let's wish that our families are healthy and happy, that our friends will always be there and support us. May every day you live in the new year carry deep meaning and an endless supply of optimism. May everything be wonderful and even better for you. Happy New Year!

Soft snowflakes swirling and dressing the earth in a snow-white outfit. The most long-awaited holiday has come - New Year! Congratulations! I wish you career growth, material well-being, peace of mind and peace. May the coming year bring only positive emotions and dizzying impressions.

Each of us expects only the best from the New Year, because it must be more successful and joyful than the previous one. I wish this to happen! May bright impressions, pleasant meetings, and sincere smiles await you in the new year. Good luck to you, financial well-being and mutual understanding!

On this wonderful New Year holiday, I would like to wish you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires, good health, and sincere laughter. Let there be more bright and colorful moments in life, mutual love, happiness and kindness. Let all the troubles and anxieties that you encounter on your way pass by. All the best for the coming year!

Short greetings for the New Year 2019 in your own words

May the New Year be successful for you in every way: on the personal front, at work, in your family, with friends. Good health to you and be happy! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I wish you new successes and achievements, new ideas and desires, new opportunities and aspirations, new horizons of happiness and spaces of inspiration in the coming year!

Happy New Year! I wish you good luck, material well-being, a lot of warmth and light, fullness of colors in vivid impressions, pleasant moments, exciting travels, health, love, beauty and success!

Happy New Year! I wish you many bright days this year, surrounded by good and loyal friends. I wish you luck, happiness and health along the way.

May your life in the new year be, like champagne, light, exciting, beautiful and overflowing!

We wish you an ocean of joy, pleasure, laughter, smiles, entertainment, adventures and surprises in the new year! Let exactly what you want happen in the coming year, and let unpleasant surprises pass by. We wish you to become even healthier, wealthier and more energetic in the coming year.

May the New Year be light in your soul, easy in business and interesting at work. In your personal life, bright, pleasant moments and complete understanding with your loved one prevail!

Happy New Year! We wish that a sparkling mood accompanies you all year round, that wonderful people and good friends are nearby. May your most desired dreams come true, may unexpected and joyful events occur, and may your life be filled with love, kindness and light!

Beautiful Happy New Year greetings in prose

Happy New Year not in verse

Happy upcoming magic! In the new year, true friends, ambitious plans and infinitely beautiful love await you! Open your heart for the best!

"SMS Happy New Year greetings in your own words"

May the magical New Year turn your life into a fabulous world of pleasure, positivity, hope, may it reward you with joyful sparkling eyes, a radiant smile, wonderful music of the soul, excellent health, excellent mood, constant luck, untold wealth, endless happiness, and I will help him in this, just let him always be there.

Mini Happy New Year greetings in prose

This New Year should become a colorful bridge to a new life, filled with happiness, joy, and bringing only pleasant sensations.

"Touching Happy New Year greetings in prose"

New Year is the holiday of the wizard Santa Claus! He fulfilled our wishes as children because we believed in him. The main thing is to believe in a fairy tale and then the fairy tale will come into our lives! I wish that your most cherished dream comes true in the coming year!

Humorous Happy New Year greetings in prose

New Year is approaching! Hurry up and let this reckless holiday into your home and enjoy blissful idleness all night long! We wish you persistence in your bottomless and most secret desires! Let Santa Claus persistently fulfill each of them, not giving rest from the merry festivities and delightful pleasures!

"Beautiful words Happy New Year"

The coming New Year should be very fun and exciting, because you are already tired of struggling with problems and being sad in the past year. The New Year will bring good luck, every fantastic and crazy plan in the New Year will come true and every cunning maneuver will end in complete victory.

New Year's greetings in your own words

Let the magical fairy tale of New Year's Eve spread its brilliant trail throughout your entire future life. So that every morning of yours next year begins with a sincere smile, gentle rays of the sun and a sweet anticipation of a miracle, and that this anticipation certainly comes true every day.

Let's all wish for the New Year,
To each other what we dream of
And then we will exchange our gifts,
This is how we have fun on New Year's Eve!
It’s interesting to find out who dreams of what,
And it happens that desires are very surprising,
By desire you will learn everything about a person,
But you take your desire for yourself!

On New Year's Day we'll ask for some warmth,
So that the harsh winter returns it to us,
Still, we miss him in our souls,
And our soul sometimes freezes!
But the New Year's gift will warm us,
Then it doesn’t matter what the weather will be like for us,
We love the New Year and its surprises,
He easily fulfills all our whims!

Let the old year gallop into the distance today,
And the New Year will bring us good luck,
And may fate not play tricks on us,
And he will simply and easily reward you with a gift from fate!
We will wait for good news
We invited dear guests to this holiday,
We want to celebrate the New Year all together,
And cement the fun in a New Year's song!

Happy New Year and good health!
Let freedom and freedom reign in your soul,
And let passion rage in your heart,
And you have power over magic!
Let peace hover over your home,
Let happiness fall on you like a snowball,
Let's raise our crystal glasses to you,
May you have enough of everything in the New Year!

New Year knocked on the window in the evening,
Just a minute ago we spoke for him,
He is not late, he is punctual to a fault,
He definitely arrives on the thirty-first of December!
We've been waiting for a while, glad to see you! New Year!
You invite us to move forward confidently,
We'll follow you, not remembering the past,
With you, our happiness will have no end, no edge!

May the New Year be filled with hope,
May the New Year be filled with happiness,
May everyone be happy in the New Year,
Let's celebrate this under the tree with a round dance!
We wish that the New Year opens all doors for us,
And I gave every possible chance to be happy,
So that the New Year is more fun than the old one,
May the New Year not be in vain!

May the New Year give you everything you need,
So that your soul feels airy with happiness,
We wish you to be pleased with his arrival,
We wish you to fully enjoy the New Year!
We wish everyone a big bowl of Olivier,
We wish peace to all the inhabitants of the earth,
We wish you to be healthy for a hundred years,
Let this kind of magic happen today!

Let the dream always live in our souls,
And the New Year will help you fulfill it,
Because sometimes we lack magic,
Just on the eve of such a celebration!
I wish that in spite of the old year,
All people on the planet are very lucky,
May the New Year bring happiness to everyone,
And the basis of our life will be laughter!

The chimes are striking, the New Year is coming!
An exciting trip awaits us in the future,
We don’t yet know what and how it will be there,
But the New Year will not forget to make us happy!
We wish everyone happiness in the New Year,
Everyone can find their soul mate in the world,
We wish you a happy, endless journey,
May the joy of the holiday last forever!

Happy New Year to you, ladies and gentlemen!
May trouble pass you by in the New Year,
May there be a happy occasion in the New Year,
Let everything be much better in the New Year!
Let no deceit, evil and nasty things touch you,
Let only joys happen in your life,
Let the old year take sadness with it,
And let the New Year bring only happiness!

In the New Year, may trouble pass by,
May there be peace in your heart and soul,
Let passions not boil over in your personal life,
Don't let people say bad things about you!
Let harmony settle in your home,
Let the enemies spend a year in slumber,
May sadness and adversity not touch you,
We wish you bright and clear weather!

May you have a friend in the New Year,
We wish you not to know separation with your loved one,
Let your home be filled with affection,
We wish that life seems like a fairy tale to you!
May your New Year not be in vain,
May everything be great at work,
May the New Year bring you a lot of things,
And may fate diligently protect you!

New Year's greetings: According to the Eastern calendar | In prose | Short
Ukrainian | Cool | Happy New Year | Happy New Year | From Santa Claus | To the teacher

Smells of citrus and pine,
This means New Year
Will be in our house soon,
Will come to visit with a holiday!

Let him bring gifts
The adults are waiting for them too
May you have joy and happiness
Five minutes left.

May a miracle come for everyone,
But everyone has their own.
So that life flows like a song,
Even sweeter than nightingales!

My beloved little man,
I hasten to congratulate you,
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
I want to wish you magic!

And also, more miracles,
So that life is bright,
So that all dreams come to life,
To always live in abundance.

So that the soul is at peace,
So that everything is like in the movies,
In the New Year, good, glorious,
May everything be fine!

Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart
Cherish every moment
Get high from life!

Smile, let your dreams come true
Santa Claus is fulfilling!
A sea of ​​happiness and kindness
Let your soul accommodate!

White snowflakes fall and fall,
It’s as if blonde girls are twirling in a dance.
The New Year is about to come with new dreams,
Let simple miracles happen to you!

Friendship, peace, kindness, happiness and fun!
Find them quickly under the fluffy spruce tree.
So that life is full of joyful days,
Learn to create them with your own hands!

The chimes are striking solemnly,
We drink champagne with you,
May this year be happy
Let it be yours and mine.

All ideas will come true,
Let your dreams come true.
The main thing is that in this world,
You and I were together.

Let love warm us
Gives strength to move.
May he be the best
This bright New Year.

New Year is an amazing holiday,
Gives joy, fun and laughter!
Then he teases with sparkling fireworks,
It throws snow at our windows!

I congratulate you at this hour,
May luck come to your door.
I promise to love you even more
And take care, believe me!

I wish you in the New Year
It's sweet to drown in love and romance,
And the brightest star in the sky,
To always illuminate your path.

So that happiness spins around you like in a waltz,
All plans were easy
Warm congratulations, madly loving,
Let life be filled only with joy!

Champagne is poured into glasses,
And this means we need to congratulate
Happy wonderful holiday, cheerful,
And wish you happiness at home!

More miracles, kindness, patience,
And so that your wishes come true,
So that there is a mood in the house,
So that success and luck start!

So that there is magic everywhere,
Happy New Year, from the bottom of my heart,
So that the past is forgotten,
Please accept my congratulations!

I want to say a lot on New Year's Day,
We can only wish for the best,
Joy, laughter, radiant goodness,
And may your dream magically come true!

So that the desires that you love to dream like that,
This year would immediately begin to embody everything,
To suddenly want to say to you,
“This year has brought nothing but happiness to my destiny!”

My love, may it be a New Year
Knocking on the door with joy!
May the holiday bring a miracle,
Just believe in magic!

We are very happy together
Let's always love each other
After all, we are getting closer every day,
Snow and blizzard will not separate us!

Let the snow fall through your window
Suddenly he knocks with a letter,
He will give it from me
Wishes at a wonderful time!

Happy New Year, and with dreams,
What are you wishing for?
Let your wishes come true
And all your dreams will come true.

Let love be stronger
And all the problems will melt away,
Let a fairy tale happen in life,
Because we believe in it!

Good and faithful friends are the best support in any life situations. They are the ones who can lift your spirits in bad times, help in a difficult situation, or give excellent advice for the future. You can congratulate your close friends and girlfriends on the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in different ways: by expressing your respect, love and affection to them in person or in a personal congratulation. Poetry, prose, and wishes in your own words are great for solving this problem. You can select Happy New Year 2017 greetings to a friend from touching texts or with funny words. Heartfelt wishes are more suitable for childhood friends. It is not so important who it is intended for: a man or a woman. It is important that the words chosen fully convey the attitude towards the addressee.

Beautiful congratulations to a friend on the New Year of the Rooster - poems for a man from a woman

For the New Year of the Rooster 2017, every friend will be pleased to receive beautiful and kind congratulations from a woman they have known for a long time. They will help express gratitude to him for his help and support. Such New Year greetings to a male friend from a woman can take the form of a poem. Original lyrical congratulations will certainly please the recipient and lift his spirits. You can also send funny SMS messages to your childhood friends for the New Year of the Rooster 2017. Short poems can be no less sweet and attractive than long poems. It is recommended to send SMS congratulations to a friend on the New Year on the eve of the holiday (for example, in the morning or afternoon on December 31) or send congratulations while the chimes are striking. Women can choose beautiful wishes for a close friend from the options below:

May the year bring you a sea of ​​accomplishments,

Victories of real and valuable awards,

Wonderful days, many bright moments,

May you be happy, healthy, and rich.

May the fair sex have success,

He reached unprecedented heights in his career.

So that I believe in Santa Claus, as in childhood,

And he gave you a surprise on holiday.

Happy New Year!

Be lucky always.

Let any troubles in life

They never bother.

Friend, I wish you happiness,

Blessings, success and goodness.

Strong friendship between us

Let the years not weaken.

Congratulations buddy,

Happy New year to you,

And I wish you good luck,

More day by day.

Lots of happiness and money

Lots of pure love

Lots of joy in life

And good luck on your way.

I congratulate you,

And from the heart of everything,

I wish the best for everyone in the world,

May you be lucky in everything!

I’ll tell you: “Happy New Year!”

Be happy and don't get sick.

We've both been related to you since childhood,

And there are no friends closer to you!

Therefore I wish:

Good health and good health.

So that you never know grief,

And life was happy.

Original congratulations in verse on the New Year of the Rooster 2017 for a friend

The main advantage of true friendship is complete mutual understanding and selfless support in any situation. That is why friendship must be preserved and not forgotten about a close friend or girlfriend not only in bad times, but also in wonderful times. Therefore, you should definitely congratulate your loved ones on the upcoming New Year of the Rooster.

Beautiful and sweet Happy New Year greetings to a friend from a friend will help you forget about the pre-holiday bustle and just read the warm words with a smile. You can also send funny Happy New Year 2017 greetings to your friend: incendiary humor is the best way to forget about fatigue and begin holiday preparations with renewed vigor. Original congratulations can not only be sent via SMS, but also delivered in a personal conversation. You can also sing them or read them in a serious voice to 100% lift your spirits before celebrating the New Year of the Rooster.

May the New Year bring you

A strong bag of health,

For easy vacuuming

You could have your own two-story house.

So that your wife has no problems

You could carry it in your arms,

So that if a friend feels bad,

I could have a drink and a snack with him.

So that the New Year brings with it

Slender beauties from Playboy,

Don't let them pass you by

Topless models from Maxim.

And may the wind blow you away

Dollars or euros in your pockets.

And let the office be on New Year's Eve

With the authorities it will be covered with snow!

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness, friend,

Let your dreams come true

Have fun today!

Eat Olivier and fur coat,

Drink champagne, dance,

Let the lights burn everywhere

Forget all your problems!

You must, my friend, today

Celebrate New Year's holiday

So, to set the tone for success,

Not with sadness, but with laughter,

Forget about all the grievances

Let troubles out of sight

And for next year

You'll definitely be lucky!

How to write Happy New Year 2017 Year of the Rooster greetings to a friend in your own words?

When writing a unique personalized greeting for a friend, you need to not only evaluate your creative skills, but also carefully think about the words that will be written in it. It’s not difficult to express heartfelt Happy New Year greetings to a friend in prose in your own words, you just need to think about them well and put them together on a piece of paper. The following tip will help you write a beautiful wish for your boyfriend or girlfriend. In friendly congratulations you can:

  • indicate why the sender values/loves/respects the friend;
  • remember a funny situation we found ourselves in together;
  • express gratitude for support/attention;
  • point out the most attractive (or the most “harmful”) character traits.

It’s easy to create unique New Year greetings for a friend in your own words; you just need to think about both the happy and sad days that you spent together. It is warm memories that will help you write beautiful, touching and sincere wishes for the upcoming New Year of the Rooster 2017. Examples of wishes can be found below:

Have a magical holiday and a fabulous night! Let the new year be better than the old one, let it help you realize everything that is usually ordered when the chimes strike. I wish you good luck and success, luck and attentiveness to the chances that arise. Let your talents be revealed and your debts covered. Happy New Year!

This day has come again, we get together again, congratulate each other, give gifts. Life flies by quickly, it seems that we were just enjoying one year, and now it has already been replaced by another. Everything that happens in life is always for the better. On this New Year, I wish you: health, strong friendship and love, success in all your endeavors, fulfillment of your dreams, peace in the world. Don't forget about those who are close to you, give them care and loyalty, and they will repay you in kind. Happy New Year.

Congratulations on a magical, fantastic holiday, Happy New Year! Let all the failures, tears, all unfulfilled hopes remain in the past year. And the New Year will bring exciting meetings, desired gifts, success and happiness. And the minute when the clink of glasses merges with the chiming clock, your tiny, but most secret wish will come true.

Cool friendly greetings for the New Year - poetry and prose for a friend

From cool friendly congratulations you can make real poetic toasts dedicated to one of those present. Such an exciting meeting of the coming Year of the Rooster will definitely be remembered by all those present. To solve such a problem, funny and laudatory New Year greetings to a friend in verse are perfect. But for men you can choose simply cool and even touching texts. Girls present and even close male friends can dedicate sweet and sincere Happy New Year greetings to a friend in verse. You can also use beautiful prose for a cheerful company celebrating the coming Year of the Rooster. You can choose the best Happy New Year greetings to your friends from the options below:

I learned from Santa Claus

That great success awaits you,

And the Snow Maiden gives me forecasts,

That you will be the happiest of all.

The New Year will bring you a miracle,

You will not tolerate failures in the future.

I wish you magical moments

Get drunk on love without wine!

You, friend, believe me, everything is possible!

A fairy tale happens more than once in life.

The end of complex thoughts comes,

And the hour for joy comes!

To a friend this New Year

I wish from the bottom of my heart,

So that all his affairs

They were very good

Surrounded by love

May happiness be near

He will say “no” to sorrows

And will drive away the darkness and sadness!

Dear friend! Happy New Year to you. With all my heart I wish you to maintain the positivity and optimism that you radiate, despite the problems that sometimes arise in life. Stay as cheerful and spontaneous as you are. May the sun of good luck and the wind of good changes warm you throughout the next year.

Let happiness and grace burst into your life to the clink of glasses, to the noise of champagne in your head, to the explosions of fireworks. May the coming year have as many good moments as there are prickly needles on your Christmas tree. Let the New Year's illumination attract not Santa Claus to your home, but health and well-being. Let it not be snow, but bags of money that creep under your feet, and let it not be radiators and fireplaces that save you from the blizzard, but the warmth of your dear hearts.

Short congratulations to your friend on the New Year of the Rooster 2017 - for SMS

Funny congratulations on the coming Year of the Rooster are great for sending in SMS messages or for copying into blank purchased postcards. If desired, you can supplement them with personal wishes or include in the message a picture congratulating your friend on the New Year 2017. It is recommended to select an image of the Fire Rooster or simply use thematic emoticons and images: Christmas tree, snowflake, Santa Claus.

Special attention should be paid to the text of the congratulation itself. These could be wishes about reaching new heights, meeting your love. You can wish your girlfriend or friend that your cherished dream will come true. You just need to send a congratulations to a friend with a neutral text, which indicates the fabulous atmosphere of the holiday. Using the examples given, you can find truly original texts that can lift your friend’s spirits. Sending Happy New Year greetings to a friend via SMS will certainly warm her soul, distract her from the pre-holiday bustle and help her remember the magic of the upcoming holiday.

Happy New Year.

You are my friend.

May the coming year prepare

Only happiness for you!

Let your eyes shine

Joy, warmth, kindness.

Let your dreams come true

The house will be full of happiness!

Happy new year, dear,

Congratulations to you!

May you be happy and healthy

And look at the world with love.

Let goodness and warmth

Your house is filled,

New Year's time

To bring joy!

Well, friend, congratulations!

I wish you women's happiness.

May you have a merry new year

He will bring what you want.

Let your loved one be near

The look warms your soul.

May everyone's dreams come true.

Health, peace, kindness!

I congratulate you on the New Year,

Let him fulfill his dreams,

Smile more often

And get together with friends

Girlfriend, I wish you

Let success not leave you,

Let him add health,

It makes me happy and helps!

Beauty and happiness to you,

So as not to encounter troubles,

And unearthly wealth,

Always live with love!

Beautiful poetry and prose with wishes are a great way to congratulate friends who live with the sender in the same city or are located far abroad, in a neighboring region or even country. You should select Happy New Year 2017 greetings to your boyfriend and girlfriend based on their preferences and desires. After all, you need to send your friends such congratulations that will definitely lift their spirits and help them prepare for the New Year and celebrate it with a smile. It is also important to remember about the duration of communication: you can send cooler or more heartfelt poems, prose, or SMS messages to close childhood friends. You can write an original message to your most beloved and best male friend and female friend in your own words. It is worth expressing your warm feelings, remembering the past and wishing the recipient a bright and bright future.