What to cook for dinner by candlelight. How to quickly prepare a homemade romantic dinner - tips and recipes

Every woman tries to arrange a romantic dinner at home for her beloved. There doesn't have to be any reason or event for this. Such an event can be organized at any time, regardless of the circumstances. To create a truly unusual evening, you need to think through everything carefully, create the appropriate atmosphere, decorate the table and prepare delicious dishes.

A romantic dinner for your loved one at home should be an unforgettable moment for both lovers.

To arrange an evening, you need to pay attention to the following details:

Atmosphere To create a romantic atmosphere, you can use a standard set: dim lighting, lighted candles (scented ones can be used), menu, calm relaxing music.
Lack of strangers A romantic evening is an intimate time between two people, and the presence of other people is unacceptable. If there are children in the family, they can be taken to their grandmother. When one of your relatives lives in the apartment, you can buy him tickets to a new play in the theater or ask him to leave for a while.
Dishes No romantic dinner is complete without culinary treats. The menu should not be banal or everyday, which the husband sees every day.
Beverages Every person associates wine with romance, as it is ideal for such an event. Wine is great for relaxing after a working day. The drink must be chosen after drawing up the menu, otherwise the dishes will not go well with it. You can consult with the seller of a special store. He will help you choose the right variety within the established budget. You should not buy strong drinks, such as cognac or vodka. They do not fit into the romantic atmosphere at all.
Surprise You can give your husband a present in the middle of the evening. He will be pleased with the attention from his wife and perhaps he will make a reciprocal gesture.
Mood The specialness of such an evening must be experienced in advance. At the same time, you shouldn’t expect much from dinner, so as not to be disappointed later if something doesn’t go according to plan.

A romantic dinner for your loved one will be possible only after following the basic points. It’s quite easy to implement your plans at home.

Romantic atmosphere

A romantic dinner for your loved one at home cannot be imagined without candles, so you will have to stock up on different types. You can choose any color and shape. It is recommended to take a closer look at the floating candles. They look impressive on the table in an unusual vase or plate of water.

Some people prefer to use scented candles with their favorite scent. They will put you at ease in the evening and relax you after a long day of work. The windows need to be curtained and the lights dimmed. Flowers will also be a great addition. You can put them in a vase, or scatter the petals throughout the room.


First you need to choose the room in which the idea will be implemented. More often than not, women choose the kitchen. Everything is at hand there and it’s convenient to prepare a surprise.

Owners of the private sector have more opportunities to create a romantic dinner. In warm weather, it can be spent in a gazebo or on the terrace.

Musical accompaniment

Music is a great addition to a romantic evening. These can be classical compositions by great musicians, or songs by modern performers. The music should be calm and unobtrusive, so that at the end of dinner the spouse wants to invite you to a slow dance.

Important nuances

A romantic dinner for your loved one at home should be clean and tidy. Most women don't clean up before a surprise. No man wants to spend the evening sitting at a dusty table and drinking wine from a finger-stained glass. Therefore, general cleaning is mandatory. Otherwise, a romantic mood and atmosphere will not appear.

It is not recommended to have dinner on weekdays. Firstly, the woman will not have the proper time to prepare everything, and secondly, work takes a lot of energy, and the only thing both spouses want is to just relax. But the weekend is ideal for implementing the plan. To make it a surprise for your husband, you can give him a few errands so that he is not at home all day.

What to cook for a romantic dinner for two: menu

A romantic dinner should consist of a set menu, namely:

  • hot dish;
  • snacks;
  • dessert;
  • drink

Meat lasagna with vegetables

For the dish you will need:


  1. Start preparing the vegetable sauce. Make small cuts on the tomatoes and place in boiling water for a minute. Give them time to cool.
  2. Chop the garlic and onion and fry in a frying pan with olive oil for 10 minutes.
  3. Grate the carrots into the pan using a medium grater. Stir and continue frying over low heat for a few more minutes.
  4. Add the ground beef to the vegetable mixture, gently stirring it with a wooden spatula and stirring. Continue cooking for half an hour.
  5. Chop celery and bell pepper into a frying pan. Mix.
  6. Using a blender, puree the tomatoes until smooth. Pour the resulting consistency into the vegetable mass and mix. Continue cooking for several minutes, not forgetting to add spices and herbs.
  7. Start preparing the sauce. Take a deep saucepan and heat the oil in it.
  8. Gradually add flour. The ingredients must be vigorously mixed to avoid the formation of lumps. Bring to a homogeneous mass. Pour milk in a thin stream and stir. Continue cooking until the sauce resembles liquid sour cream. Turn off the heat and remove the sauce.
  9. If necessary, some lasagna sheets need to be boiled in water. Carefully remove after cooking and allow time to cool.
  10. Take a baking dish and grease it with oil. Place the workpiece, and the filling and sauce on it. Make several layers and grate cheese on top. Place in the oven for 40 minutes.

French meat with potatoes

For the dish you will need:


  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Place on a baking sheet and grease with oil.
  2. Peel the onion and cut it into thin rings. Place on potatoes, adding spices;
  3. Cut the pork into cubes and add to the preparation.
  4. Lubricate everything generously with mayonnaise.
  5. Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the workpiece. Place the dish in the oven for about 1 hour.

Breaded chicken balls

For the dish you will need:


  1. Boil the fillet, eggs and carrots. Cool the ingredients. Peel eggs from shell. Grind the products with a blender, adding a little salt, mayonnaise and pepper. You should get a homogeneous mass. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. Make a breading from crackers, crushing them thoroughly.
  3. Roll out the prepared minced meat into a ball and dip into breading.

Crab appetizer

For the dish you will need:

  1. Boil the eggs and peel them. Grind together with crab sticks, a spoonful of mayonnaise and cheese in a blender. You should get a creamy mass.
  2. Prepare a pastry bag and fill it with crab stock. Place cream on crackers.
  3. Decorate with greens. If desired, you can add other details, such as viburnum berries.

Fig appetizer with bacon and cheese

For the dish you will need:

  • figs: 5 pcs.;
  • bacon: 5 slices;
  • cheese: 150 g;
  • salt: optional;
  • pepper: optional;
  • sugar: optional;
  • zira: at discretion.


  1. Wash the figs and make cross-shaped cuts.
  2. Divide the bacon pieces into lengthwise slices.
  3. Cut the cheese into equal cubes;
  4. Take cumin and sprinkle it on the insides of the figs. Add salt and pepper. Place a piece of cheese into the figs and wrap the workpiece in fried bacon. Place in the oven for 5 minutes.


For the dish you will need:

Cooking sequence:

  1. Take a deep bowl, pour coconut flakes into it and add condensed milk. The products must be thoroughly mixed until a paste forms. Place in the refrigerator for an hour.
  2. Roast the nuts.
  3. Pour coconut flakes into a separate bowl, take almonds and condensed mass.
  4. Form a small cake from the sweet pulp, put a nut and roll it into a ball. Roll it in coconut flakes.

Cake "Air"

For the dish you will need:

Cooking sequence:

  1. Start preparing the biscuit. Break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. In a separate container, beat the whites with granulated sugar. Add flour and mix thoroughly. There should be no lumps. Beat the yolks and add to the dough. Mix thoroughly and leave for half an hour. During this time it should brew.
  2. Preheat in the oven and place the dough for half an hour. The readiness of the biscuit can be determined using a match. Allow the dough to cool and cut it into 2 layers.
  3. Start preparing the cream. Pour gelatin over warm water. Take eggs and separate the white from the yolk. Place the whites in the refrigerator. In a small bowl, beat granulated sugar and yolks. You should get a fluffy white mass. Pour milk, add flour and stir.
  4. Place the workpiece in a water bath. You definitely need to stir. The cream must be brought until the first bubbles appear. It should also increase greatly in volume. The custard is ready. It needs to be cooled.
  5. Next, beat the butter, gradually adding the finished cream. Add sugar vanilla and stir.
  6. Take the whites from the refrigerator and beat with granulated sugar. Add dissolved gelatin.
  7. Mix the custard with the protein mixture until it becomes homogeneous.
  8. Start assembling the cake. The cakes can be soaked in syrup to enhance the flavor. Pour in the cream and spread throughout the biscuit. Place the second cake layer on top. Place in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning, cover the top of the cake with chocolate icing.


For a romantic evening, light drinks such as wine or champagne are best. If a man prefers stronger options, then he will have to buy whiskey or cognac. You should not get carried away with drinking alcoholic beverages, otherwise the evening will lose all meaning. Therefore, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of strong drinks.

If you are planning a romantic evening for your beloved husband or boyfriend, it is better to opt for light alcoholic drinks

For dessert you can serve a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. It all depends on everyone's individual preferences. You can add a little variety and offer some milk or cream.

How to decorate a table for a romantic dinner

Decorating and setting the table is an important stage of preparation. It is not enough to simply cover the tablecloth, arrange the kitchen utensils and invite your husband. The table can be covered with an openwork tablecloth. It is not recommended to choose white color as it will leave stains.

You can sprinkle rose petals on top, or put flowers in a vase on the table. The bouquet should not be too large and take up a lot of space. Crockery and cutlery can be placed on napkins. At the same time, they must fit the prepared menu.

Creating a romantic dinner for your loved one is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to think through all the details, decorate the interior, prepare unusual dishes and create the right atmosphere at home.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: romantic dinner for your loved one

Tips for girls: a romantic dinner for your loved one:

Having decided to please herself and her beloved with a quiet evening together, every housewife inevitably thinks about what to cook for a romantic dinner. The question is really difficult, because you need to create an amazing atmosphere of celebration, love, feed a hungry man and at the same time not overfill his stomach, causing drowsiness. A dilemma that I propose to deal with today.

When can you organize such a quiet holiday? The occasion can be different - a loved one’s birthday or yours, which you want to spend away from noise and friends, the anniversary of an acquaintance, a wedding, the completion of an important task, a promotion, the arrival of a loved one from a long business trip, or just a day when the spouses for once stayed at home alone, without children. Just like that, when you’re in the mood, why not? After all, it is precisely such evenings that give relationships warmth and tenderness, which are often lacking.

A romantic evening for two, in a pleasant home environment (you can also do it outdoors, on the roof, but then the organization will take more time and hassle, because the prepared dishes will still have to be delivered to the place) - an excellent way for recently met people to get to know each other better, and for long-time spouses will help refresh feelings that have faded under the pressure of everyday life.

In addition to the surroundings itself, that is, traditional candles, a beautiful tablecloth, the decor of dishes and, naturally, the attractive appearance of the hostess herself, food is of great importance. We all remember that the way to the heart of the stronger sex is through the stomach? Then head to the kitchen!

Here it is important to choose the right menu so as not to leave the man hungry and to preserve your strength. Agree, a tired woman, exhausted from hours of cooking, is not the best interlocutor, much less a lover. Therefore, you should not spread yourself too thin by preparing mountains of dishes; a couple of appetizers, a salad, a main course and a dessert will be enough. Tasty, varied, but does not distract attention from the main thing - communication.

  • Snack rolls

To prepare the dish you need:

0.5 cans of pink salmon, grated cheese, eggs, mayonnaise, herring, toasted bread;

  • Peel the crust off the toasted bread, carefully roll it out with a rolling pin, spread it with different fillings and wrap it in a roll.

the bread must be taken fresh, otherwise it will simply crumble when exposed to it, and rolls will not work

  • For the first type of rolls, combine chopped cheese, eggs, pink salmon, add mayonnaise, mix everything, apply on bread
  • for the second, combine fine cheese, egg, dill, garlic again
  • for the third - grind the salted herring to a puree.

This way we get three types of rolls, which just need to be cut into neat pieces with a sharp knife, placed on a plate, and decorated.

  • Croutons with fish cheese

We need:

Prepare baguette, curd cheese, tuna;

  • cut the baguette into cubes, fry in a dry frying pan until browned
  • combine cheese with dill, fish (drain the juice from the can, mash the fillet with a fork)
  • brush the bread with the mixture, garnish with lettuce leaves and other herbs.
  • Meat chops

For a man, the only thing better than meat is meat.

Take meat, onions, champignons, bell peppers, garlic, sour cream, cheese;

  • cut the meat into large pieces

  • salt, pepper, beat through cling film on both sides

  • chop the onion into feathers
  • simmer it in vegetable oil
  • Cut the champignons into cubes, add to the onion, fry for 2-4 minutes

  • cut the bell pepper into slices, fry for a minute on each side

  • finely chop the garlic, add to the mushrooms, pour in a couple of tablespoons of sour cream

  • In a dry frying pan, fry the meat on both sides over high heat, sealing the juices inside

  • Place the chops on a baking sheet, place peppers and mushroom mixture on top, sprinkle with cheese, and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipes for a romantic dinner for your loved one at home

It will be easy for men to prepare a few simple, cheap, quick recipes for a romantic dinner to organize a holiday in just a couple of hours. I suggest starting with appetizers.

  • Tomatoes under a fur coat

You can make this snack in a couple of minutes:

  • cut the tomato into slices
  • mix mayonnaise with spices (the original requires garlic, but it is not very suitable for such a dinner), chopped dill
  • brush the tomatoes with the mixture
  • sprinkle cheese on top.

The turn of salads has come; they should also be original, but light, tender, without excessive spiciness or too-smelling ingredients. Agree, fresh onions and garlic are not the aromas you want to smell in a romantic setting!

  • Salad with pine nuts

It is prepared like this:

For dressing you need to take 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. heavy cream, ¼ tsp. Tabasco sauce for spicy lovers;

Main ingredients – 1 squid, half an apple, half a head of Chinese cabbage, 1 tbsp. pine nuts;

  • The squid is quickly boiled, cut into thin strips
  • shredded Beijing and thinly sliced ​​sweet and sour apple are added to it
  • combines with sauce
  • The salad is sprinkled with small nuts on top.

You can also prepare light salads, for example, - original, but not too filling.

The main decoration of the table will be hot. What you choose, fish or meat, is up to you. I offer ideas for both options.

  • Fish under oranges

This dish is juicy, tender, unusual and looks really beautiful - just what you need for a special occasion!

The preparation is simple:

  • take the prepared fish fillet, add salt, pepper, add spices (coriander), orange zest, juice of half an orange, a little lemon juice, leave to marinate for 15-20 minutes
  • cut the remaining half of the orange into slices
  • dry the fish, fry in breading (flour, then beaten egg, breadcrumbs) in butter until cooked
  • fry the orange in the same pan until nicely colored
  • then pour the marinade into the frying pan, evaporate to the desired thickness, taste, add salt and lemon juice if necessary
  • put an orange on the fish, pour sauce over it, garnish

How to quickly prepare simple recipes for dinner in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an amazing invention of mankind, which allows many dishes to be cooked not only faster, but also without human intervention. That is, you don’t need to stand at the stove, constantly stirring your food. Another plus is the ability to use one appliance instead of a mountain of dishes. For example, replace a frying pan, a baking sheet, a saucepan, or a saucepan with a multicooker bowl. I offer several delicious recipes for this wonderful machine.

  • Chicken steak

Take 2 chicken breasts, a little garlic, 1 tbsp. vegetable fat, 3 tbsp. soy sauce, chicken seasoning;

  • cut the fillet into steaks (split in half lengthwise)
  • marinate in a sauce of seasoning, chopped garlic, soy dressing, vegetable oil for about 10-15 minutes
  • fry in a dry multicooker bowl, after lightly blotting the meat from excess marinade, about 2-4 minutes on each side
  • garnish and serve with salad.

  • Meat in French

A dish familiar to many, which is easy to prepare using a slow cooker.

To do this you need:

potatoes, onions, heavy cream, meat (preferably fatty pork);

  • cut the meat into 1.5-2 cm cubes
  • Chop peeled potatoes, wash with water, dry, mix with chopped onions
  • add cream, salt, spices, mix well

  • Set the multicooker to frying mode, fry the meat for 10 minutes, add salt and spices.

  • Place potatoes on top of the meat, smooth, close the lid of the device, leave in baking mode for 30-40 minutes
  • then add the cheese, leave for 10-15 minutes to melt the cheese
  • serve with greens.

Sweet desserts for two

All that remains is to discuss desserts; I offer fairly simple ideas for a sweet end to the evening.

  • Strawberries under the snow

It has long been established that strawberries are an aphrodisiac, so using them for dessert for a romantic dinner is practically a rule. Let's not deviate from it, having prepared this delicacy:

300 gr. strawberries, 5 pcs. proteins, 370 gr. sugar, a little lemon juice;

  • make syrup from 100 ml of water and 370 gr. sugar, evaporate until the liquid turns into caramel
  • Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, cut into halves, place in molds (one-piece glass molds are better, since the berries will then give juice)
  • Separate fresh, cold whites from the yolks, pour into a large container, beat
  • add a few tablespoons of lemon juice to the syrup

  • hot syrup is poured in a thin stream into the whipped whites

  • All that remains is to put the “snow” on the strawberries and bake at 250 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

  • Simple panna cotta

You can also surprise your loved one with a luxurious dessert that many have heard about but never tried. Shall we take a risk?

To do this you will need:

1 l. cream 15% fat, 150 gr. powdered sugar, 20 gr. gelatin, 60 gr. cocoa, dark and white chocolate, vanillin;

  • Heat the cream until boiling, but do not boil, soak the gelatin with 3 tbsp. cold water
  • add powdered sugar and vanillin to the cream, cool to 60°, add gelatin, stir with a whisk for 5 minutes;
  • pour half of the masa into the molds, then add cocoa to the rest, mix, pour in there
  • Place the frozen panna cotta on a plate (dip the pan in boiling water for a couple of seconds, turn it over), decorate with melted chocolate.

If you want to cook something more substantial, you can bake it.

How to decorate a table and decorate dishes for a candlelight dinner

Traditionally, we imagine a romantic evening for two as a dinner on the roof or a room decorated with armfuls of flowers, rose petals, and thousands of candles. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to organize such decor, and it is not necessary - the main thing is to create an atmosphere of comfort, love, tenderness.

In addition, men are not so romantic, often not appreciating, and sometimes not even noticing, lovingly lit candles, and considering the petals to be just garbage. Why, some individuals even lose sight of a new dress, sexy lingerie, carefully created hairstyle, beautiful makeup... Well, never mind, we will adapt to the person’s characteristics, creating an atmosphere that suits both.

The bare minimum is:

  • cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth
  • organize gentle lighting (put the same candles, light wall sconces, lamps instead of too bright overhead light)
  • put a minimum of dishes - two glasses, plates, dishes with food
  • prepare a drink, it can be champagne, your favorite wine, mulled wine, an interesting cocktail or even juice (there are people who don’t drink!)
  • It’s worth decorating delicacies with bright colors - greens, vegetables, fruits, so that even the sight of food lifts your spirits, excites your imagination, and pleases the eye.

Everything else is at your discretion!

It remains to add a few secrets for creating such a quiet holiday. I recommend:

  1. Choose a good date, timed to coincide with a memorable day or just a romantic mood. It’s better if it’s Friday or Saturday evening, so you don’t have to rush anywhere in the morning
  2. Make sure that no one or anything interferes with communication - complete all urgent matters, ask grandparents, friends to look after the children in the evening, if you have them
  3. Decorate the room so that the overall picture puts you in a loving mood (the same candles, flowers, beautiful dishes, unusual bed linen
  4. Take care of your appearance - a luxurious dress (and underwear too), a spectacular hairstyle, makeup, hair removal, manicure, pedicure
  5. Prepare the delicious dishes we talked about earlier
  6. You can prepare a small gift, a surprise - close the man’s eyes, tie a scarf, give a symbolic present
  7. Last, but not least, is the right attitude, the desire to please your loved one, to demonstrate all those tender feelings that are in your heart.

Romantic evenings for two are a great way to get to know each other better, no matter whether you have known each other for two weeks or twenty years. Communicate, talk, admire your loved ones, because this is so important for a strong relationship! See you soon, look for new tips on our blog, bye!

Treat your loved one to a romantic evening. And how to do this at home so that everything goes like clockwork, read our material.

Every person in love will not give up time spent with their soulmate in an intimate atmosphere. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a first date or you’ve already had ten years of married life behind you. In addition, in two days the whole world will celebrate the holiday of love -. This means you don’t need to look for a special occasion to have a romantic evening.

Both a man and a woman can make such a pleasant surprise for their soulmate, because regardless of gender, we all love attention and romance. And you don’t have to spend fabulous money on a romantic evening away or in a restaurant; everything can be beautifully organized at home.

Our script will help make your romantic evening for your loved one or your beloved home the most unforgettable. You can use our recommendations as a basis, adding your own ideas, because you and only you know all the desires and preferences of your other half.

Date and time for a romantic evening

If you are planning to have a romantic evening at home on Valentine's Day, then just warn your significant other so that there is no delay at work, because a special one will be waiting at home.

Of course, to organize a romantic evening, you don’t have to wait for a special occasion. Your desire to give your significant other an unforgettable surprise is enough. To do this, do the following:

  • Decide on the date and time in advance. Make sure that on the day you choose there are no important sporting events or your loved one has not signed up for a massage/manicure/haircut at the salon.
  • It’s better if it’s Friday, then the next day you won’t have to get up early and run errands.
  • It would also be a good idea to ask your grandparents if they can pick up the children for a day so that a romantic evening for two can be just for the two of you.
  • If grandparents have their own plans or live in another city, choose to have your baby supervised so you can completely relax.

Romantic room decoration

If you can’t choose compositions for a romantic evening on your own, look for similar collections on the Internet, you’ll probably find what you need there.

Romantic dinner

A romantic evening cannot be imagined without. If you don't doubt your culinary abilities, prepare your own dinner dishes. Just remember, for a romantic evening the ideal option would be a couple of salads, one hot dish and. For a romantic evening, choose lighter drinks: champagne, light wine or low-alcohol cocktails.

If tea is the limit of your skill in the kitchen, order food at a restaurant, but before serving, be sure to place the food on dishes and plates. Shouldn't everything be served in plastic containers? Find more at the link.

Options for a romantic dinner:

  • fondue. First of all, it's delicious. And in combination with a glass of good wine - it’s also festive.
  • seafood food. Shrimp and oysters are also aphrodisiacs!
  • . Great for dessert or as a light salad for the main course.
  • order Chinese food or heart-shaped pizza.
  • arrange delivery of delicious sushi rolls.

The end of a romantic evening

To end a romantic evening on a pleasant note, you don’t have to rush straight to bed. Of course, such a scenario cannot be ruled out, because an intimate atmosphere and tender confessions can inflame attraction for each other to such an extent that it will be unbearable to wait for dessert. But if romance is to your soulmate’s taste, take your time.

  • Dance together, for example, to.
  • Look, snuggled up in each other's arms.
  • Take a bubble bath together.
  • Arrange an aromatherapy massage.
  • Talk about your deepest desires and fantasies.

And only then you can smoothly transform the romantic evening into a passionate night.

Well, if all the details of a romantic evening are thought out to the smallest detail, send your other half an invitation in the form of a postcard. After all, the anticipation of an event is no less important than the event itself. And start preparing for this evening of love.

A romantic dinner at home is cheaper than a date at an expensive restaurant. How to arrange a cheap but promising romantic date that ends in sex?

A romantic dinner at home can be much more special than a meal at a restaurant, not to mention much cheaper. If you want to prepare a romantic dinner at home, you need to carefully plan the menu and set the mood before your dinner begins. Follow these steps to make your romantic dinner at home special.

1. Menu creation

1.1 Select drinks. If you are planning to have a romantic dinner at home, then the first thing you need to do is have a drink to mark the start of your delicious home-cooked dinner. Wine is the most romantic drink, so if you and your partner drink wine, stock up on a bottle of red or white wine (or other), depending on what you're having. Red wines tend to pair better with steak and other meats, while white wines are better for summer and pair well with lighter foods like shrimp or salads. If you have a casual setting or just like beer, this will work too.

If you plan to drink beer, white wine, or another drink that should be served cold, be sure to put it in the refrigerator in advance.

You should also prepare lemon water. Place a jug of cold water on the table. You don't want to run to the refrigerator for it in the middle of dinner.

1.2 Choose simple snacks. After you've poured the drinks, you need to serve the appetizers. You don't want to spend an hour sipping drinks while waiting for your main course to be ready. While cooking together is fun, you probably won't enjoy it if you're both too hungry. Prepare simple snacks, such as finger foods, to whet your appetite. Here's what you can try:

Prepare bruschetta in advance, but on the same day. All you need is a baguette, garlic, olive oil, onions, tomatoes and a few other simple ingredients.

If you want to make something special, you can make the deviled eggs the day before and serve them while you wait for dinner.

Make ahead or store-bought guacamole and serve with a small bowl of chips.

In the summer, make a simple four-ingredient salad: watermelon, feta cheese, sunflower seeds and mint.

Hummus with pita chips and fresh vegetables are always great.

Although cheese and crackers are traditionally eaten after the main course, you can put them on a plate and serve them as an appetizer. Gouda, brie and fontina go great with crackers.

1.3 Choose your main course. The main course should be simple and not require much preparation, or you should be able to partially prepare it in advance so that it takes you no more than 45 minutes to finish in the evening.

If you're making homemade pizza, have all the ingredients ready and preheat the oven so all you have to do is put the ingredients on the pizza and put it in the oven. Here are a few more dishes for you to consider:

Chicken fried with vegetables is perfect for a romantic dinner at home. Wash, marinate and bread the chicken in advance so that it doesn't take long to prepare later.

Baked salmon with rice and Brussels sprouts is another great option for a homemade dinner.

If you decide to make pasta, instead of spaghetti or fettuccine, choose penne, tortellini, orzo or ravioli, which will be easier to eat.

Don't prepare dishes with too many ingredients or that require a lot of cleanup after cooking. You can make your mom's 12-layer lasagna recipe, but you'll spend all evening fussing and then have a lot of cleanup to do.

Choose aphrodisiac foods to create an even more romantic atmosphere. Such foods include oysters, almonds, basil and asparagus.

Do not use too much onion or garlic during cooking, otherwise you will not feel romantic after dinner. The same goes for fatty and creamy foods, which will leave your stomach feeling heavy.

Avoid foods that are easy to get dirty, such as lobster or French onion soup. If you are making a salad, chop it thoroughly so that the pieces are easy to eat.

Choose a simple main dish that your partner can help prepare, such as chopping celery or tomatoes or preparing a simple salad.

1.4 Choose a simple dessert. If you've done a good job with the wine, appetizers, and main course, you may not have much room in your stomach for dessert. Instead of making an elaborate dessert, simply buy cupcakes from your favorite local bakery or ice cream and serve it with whipped cream and a handful of raspberries and blueberries.

1.5 Have a backup plan. While your romantic dinner at home should go as smoothly as possible, you should have a backup plan in place just in case. This doesn't mean you have to prepare anything else, but it does mean that you should have a plan for what to do if something goes wrong. You can simply keep the menu from your favorite sushi restaurant on hand or put frozen pizza in the freezer. If something happens and you don't have any other products on hand, you're in trouble.

2. Creating a mood

2.1 Determine the location. You can always have dinner in the garden if you have one. This can be very romantic at the right time of year if you have a nice insect-free garden. You can also eat in the kitchen, but then you will be in a rush to clean everything up to make the kitchen look nice. If possible, choose a place where you don't usually eat to make the evening special. If you have a fancy dining table that you never use, now is the time.

2.2 Use beautiful dishes. Perhaps you have a nice set of crystal glasses, pretty plates, napkins and silverware that you never use because they're for special occasions. Now is the time to use them and enjoy the romantic atmosphere they create.

2.3 Choose romantic decorations. Flowers, rose petals and unscented candles work great. There are many options you can use, just use your creativity. Remember that candles are important for a romantic dinner, so light a few and place them near the table. Flowers, such as elegant roses, are almost as important. Both extravagant and simple flowers look good on the table. Just remember that you should be able to see each other across the table. Light jazz or romantic music can also help create a romantic mood, as long as it is not distracting.

2.4 Get dressed. Before you start your romantic dinner, take a shower and apply some perfume or cologne. Dress as you would if going to a restaurant. Wear casual but nice clothes that make you look fresh and attractive. Your partner will appreciate the effort and make the evening even more special. Discuss the dress code with your partner to ensure your clothing is appropriate.

Avoid any distractions. Think everything through and avoid distractions so that you and your partner can easily enjoy delicious food and each other's company. If you have children, make arrangements in advance to have a nanny look after them outside the home. Also, turn off your phones, TV and radio and focus only on each other. If an important championship is being shown that day, and you both really love sports, reschedule the date so as not to be distracted. Once you get rid of all distractions, you can enjoy your romantic evening.


Play slow, quiet music that you both enjoy.

Dinner and the table should be ready when your partner arrives.

Dim the lights and light candles before your partner arrives.

Make sure the house smells good.

Make sure your home is at a good temperature.

When your partner gets home, call and make sure everything is okay.

Your home should be clean.

You can have dinner together, have a drink, and then give your partner the opportunity to shower, change clothes, and maybe watch a movie together.

Turn off your phone so that a random call doesn't ruin your mood.

Leave the dinner mess for the next day.

Do you want to spend the evening with your loved one and surprise him with your culinary skills? But don’t know which dish to choose?

Let's try to understand this situation and find the best solution.

Dinner for two or what to cook for a romantic dinner for two?

A romantic dinner for two at home is a very important event that requires a little effort and a little imagination, otherwise you should follow the advice of experienced people.

A great dinner will leave only positive emotions, and romance will allow you to establish an emotional connection, provided the right romantic context. Therefore, you should not be careless about such an evening, but it is better to understand the little things and nuances. A serious approach to this matter is an integral part of success.

The determining factor will be the prevailing atmosphere. Try to create the most accurate effect of a romantic nature, otherwise you risk deviating from the real situation. The best moment for a dinner of this nature was and remains the evening or when the sun sets behind the horizon.

But for such a moment, you should stock up on candles, because they emphasize the mood and atmosphere. Don’t forget about music, as well as flowers and other irreplaceable attributes.

Few people notice, but even table setting creates the right mood. Here's what they use for this:

  • nice tablecloth
  • candle holders
  • fresh flowers should be placed in a beautiful vase
  • do not forget about the style of glasses, as well as the style of dishes
  • cutlery for the table and of course napkins.

It is these notes of celebration that will shape your mood during communication. Another determining factor is the menu or dishes for your dinner. It’s not worth preparing a lot for dinner, because you didn’t come to eat, but on the contrary, you rejected everything except the two of you.

But food is also an important link for the formation of relationships, because a loved one’s favorite dish will emphasize attentiveness and respect, and this, in turn, is a feature of a real relationship.

In the case where nothing is known about your favorite dish, it is worth focusing on the most relevant dishes for such an event. Here are some modern and trendy ideas for a romantic dinner.

You should start with a couple of sips of wine, served in beautiful glasses.


You can even choose sangria as a wine, which will allow you to enjoy the mixed flavors of fruits.

The Bellini cocktail is also a good choice, because it allows you to lift your spirits with its sparkling bubbles.

Shrimp and arugula

An excellent variation of a light salad. At the same time, you can determine the lightness of the salad based on calories.

Cook at home:

  • shrimp about 150 grams
  • bunch of arugula
  • a little vegetable oil
  • balsamic vinegar
  • apricot flavored syrup
  • parsley and dill are added at discretion
  • if you like almonds, feel free to add them to your salad
  • and of course ground pepper and a little salt, to taste.

Preparing the salad:

  • wash all the pre-prepared greens and chop them finely
  • Arugula is used as a small addition, so take no more leaves of the plant.
  • deep type plate, perfect for salad and stirring.

Prepare the salad sauce:

  • mix balsamic vinegar and oil, which we prepared in advance (choose proportions based on the amount of greens)
  • Add apricot syrup to the resulting mixture by eye.

Pour the resulting mixture into the salad and mix it well, turning it over so that the oil does not drip onto the bottom of the dish.

Place the shrimp on top and sprinkle the salad with almonds. It should first be grated or chopped using kitchen appliances.

That's it, the salad is ready. Once brewed, it will acquire a mixed aroma.

Pork with champignons

Pork in champignons should be baked to achieve the desired taste and aroma. The dish is not only pleasant, but also tasty, and also very filling.

Mixing Ingredients:

  • any type of pork, but not smoked
  • a little bit of cheese
  • mushrooms of your choice, preferably champignons
  • tomato
  • homemade or store-bought mayonnaise, your choice
  • salt in proportion to the weight of meat
  • ground black pepper

Cooking process:

  • preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees
  • salt and pepper the meat on a pan (put foil under the meat, this will help avoid burning)
  • add chopped mushrooms and tomatoes on top
  • pour mayonnaise over it
  • scatter the grated cheese over the entire mass of meat
  • bake the pieces for 30-40 minutes.

Steak with salmon

For a couple of steaks you will need:

  • ground black pepper
  • olive oil
  • salt in proportions relative to weight.
  • heat up the frying pan
  • pepper and salt the steaks and place them in a frying pan
  • fry in olive oil for about 20-15 minutes
  • readiness is determined by a golden crust
  • add some rice or vegetables to the finished steak.

The dish is ready.

Photo of a romantic dinner for two