Conspiracy to get married. Marriage conspiracies: read them yourself at home

You've probably noticed - some girls get married successfully, live in marriage all their lives, give birth to good children, and some are unlucky, no matter how much you cry. Moreover, this does not really depend on personal qualities and even appearance. Luck... Luck... " Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy" - they say among the people. On the magical plane, several factors influence luck in finding female happiness.

Firstly, it is important whether there is a parental blessing for marriage on the subtle plane.

Secondly, is there Rod’s consent? If a girl cannot get married for a long time, although she strives for this and God did not offend her with her appearance, perhaps there is a so-called “crown of celibacy” in her energy field.

All these problems can be solved and corrected magically.

If your parents do not want to let you go into adulthood, they do not recognize you as an adult, ready to become a mother and wife, you can carry out a ritual of separation, leaving your parental family. If you live with your parents, stand by their bed in the evening (there should be no one in the room except you) and say:

Everything goes on as usual, everything happens and becomes. My home is no longer here, it’s up to me to build my nest!

If you live separately, but maintain a strong psychological connection with your parents (especially your mother), mentally imagine yourself being in their house.

A more serious problem that prevents a successful marriage on the energy plane is the prohibition of Rod. This happens if your future descendants are undesirable to the Family for some reason. Perhaps your parents violated the will of the Family in some way, or you are repeating the fate of some forgotten relative (almost every large family has such a “skeleton in the closet” - someone about whom it is not customary to talk). There are many reasons, and this is a topic for an entire book. Here I will say that the ceremony of Rod’s permission to marry is useful for everyone who feels that marriage has become a problem. If you are the only daughter in the family, the youngest or oldest of the sisters, if you want to get married a second time, you must enlist the support of Rod.

Rod's permission to marry

This ritual is carried out on a new moon, at night, in an empty room, as much as possible cleared of furniture and objects and a cleanly tidied room. Light three candles and read:

Three, three, three times three, nine, nine, nine nine - all my ancestors, love me as I love and remember you! Please my relatives for me, forgive my guilt, help my dear! Give me a groom, give me a woman’s share, give me an honest marriage, a happy crown! So be it, amen!

Having said the text of the request, sit and look at the flames of the candles. Let them burn out - don't put them out. Imagine all your relatives - those who are alive now, those who have already passed away, and those whom you did not know personally, and those you have never heard of. When the candles go out, collect their remains in a white linen handkerchief without a pattern and store it in a secret place in the house.

Plot for marriage with your loved one

Just as Eve went for Adam, so you, God’s servant (name), go for God’s servant (name). So that they could live together forever, share bread and bed, keep up with each other, and know no peace without each other. Where the servant of God (name), there goes the servant of God (name). Amen.

To get married a second time

Black time, black burden, bodily night, narrow gates! Make way, untie yourself, give me a day. For (name) happiness, for the night of dawn!

Another conspiracy for a second marriage

For this ritual, you need to collect rainwater or snow in advance. This can be done on any day, but the ritual itself must be performed on Friday, on the waxing moon. “Heavenly” water collected in advance can be stored in the refrigerator. So, wait for it to rain or snow, place a cup (or glass) in the rain so that water drips from above. After filling the cup, bring it into the house. On Friday (it is advisable to choose a Friday between the 2nd and 14th lunar day - not to be confused with the solar calendar), on the waxing moon, splash a few drops of this water into each corner of your bed. Then sit in the center of the bed, holding a cup of remaining water in your hands. Say three times:

I ask You through this fresh, sweet rain to give me a person who will ease my pain of loneliness.

Leave the cup of water open so that the water can evaporate freely. Place it where no one will see. You shouldn't look at it either until the water has completely evaporated.

Request to join the Groom's Family

If you already have a groom in mind, but he’s just in no hurry to get married, maybe the fact is that his Family does not give permission for this marriage. Making a request to your loved one’s family is an effective means of changing such a situation.

Mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother of my beloved servant of God (name)! I love and honor you, I worship and submit, I accept your entire will, servant of God (name). Let me marry God's servant (name). To please you, to please your family for continuation. Amen.

Love words for water

Crossing the water, you must say: The Kingdom of God to the servant (name). Amen. Drink water in three sips.

Spell for a guy's love

The girl should bite her tongue slightly while saying:

I bite myself, I attach God’s servant (name) to myself. So that the servant of God (name) would be bored, from melancholy he would not know rest either during a bright day or during a dark night. Anything to make him think about me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love spell on a towel

If a man comes to your house for the first time and you really like him, watch the moment when he washes his hands and wipes them on a fresh towel.

This towel must be removed immediately so that other people do not dry themselves. Until the towel is dry, you need to tie it in a knot, while saying the following:

My dear washed his little hands and put them on the towel. I'll twist the towel and pinch my dear heart. The towel is damp - my dear soul aches for me. Let the towel dry - my dear one will sigh. I’ll hide the towel and stick my dear one to myself. They won’t untie the towel - my darling will show me love.

Morning love spell

You must say three times at dawn:

The blacksmith is coming from the forge,

A blacksmith carries three hammers.

Blacksmith, blacksmith, forge me a crown,

Forge me a crown, both gold and new;

From the remains - a gold ring,

From scraps - a pin.

I should be married in this crown,

I should get engaged with that ring,

I need to use that pin to pin the lining.

Groom's drying

Take a white rope made of natural material. Tie as many knots in a row on it as possible.

If the number of knots is odd, leave this task until the next day. If it’s even, you can read the dry spell:

No matter how long the rope is, there will be a last knot.

No matter how you, servant of God (name), walk away from me, my slander will reach you. Love, soul of the servant of God (name), the soul of the servant of God (name). Amen.

The spoken rope is thrown to where the man you want to marry lives.

To marry a girl

You need to pick a pod with three beans. Plant one bean on the grave of the last deceased family member, boil and eat the second bean, and throw the third one to someone you like. At the same time say:

The beans should grow, and I should get married. Amen.

Scent of love

Smell plays a significant role in sexual attraction, so the way to the heart of a loved one can “lie through the nose”! Make your own “magic perfume”. While mixing the ingredients, imagine that what you want has already happened: you married your loved one and are living happily ever after.

How to make perfume? Take two cups of spring water, add a tablespoon of sea salt and any three of the following ingredients: apple, cloves, cinnamon, lovage root powder, yarrow flower, strawberry oil, patchouli oil or musk oil. Mix everything and let the smell of this perfume fill your home. You can also sprinkle a few drops on your lover's desk, pillow, car, door handle or clothing. The smell, of course, will disappear sooner or later, but the magic will remain and will act for four days.

Love spell with yarrow

Yarrow, which has the power to bind two hearts into one, was once often used in love spells. It is believed that if it lies under the mattress of the partners when they make love, their souls will unite and love will last forever. And swimming together in water with crushed yarrow will help your souls recognize each other when you meet again in another incarnation. Yarrow is at its most powerful during the full moon.

Charged mirror

Since ancient times, the magic of the mirror has helped the female witch. It will also help girls find a good and faithful groom. For the ceremony you will need a small mirror that can be hung on the wall. But before that, let the mirror “watch a movie.” Buy a CD or videotape of some romantic film that ends with the happy wedding of the hero and heroine. Place the mirror against the screen or position it so that it reflects what is happening on the screen. It’s a good idea to do this manipulation several times. After this, hang the mirror in a prominent place in your home. When someone you are in love with comes to your house, try to look into this “charged mirror” together with him. This will give maximum love spell effect. But even if the man is reflected in the mirror alone, the magic will also work.

How to bewitch a guy

I go, blessing myself, crossing myself at the icon. Just as the Mother of God suffers for her Son, so from now on the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) would hurt each other, their hearts would burn, they would not live without each other, they would only love each other. Not a day, not a night, not an hour, not a half hour. I will close my hex, I will hang a lock on the fence, on the church gate. I close the words, I break the deeds, I invite the husband and wife to my porch, to the wedding ring. Key, lock, God is on the threshold. Amen.

Charming with hands

The magical technique of enchantment can be made an element of physical contact - by charging your hands with warmth and articulating your desire. After this, touch the wrist of the desired man. The wrists are the part of the hand that almost every person keeps open. Touching the wrist sometimes happens automatically, without concentrating attention on it, and at such a moment even two seconds will be enough to “introduce” your thought form into the man’s energy field. You can help the mental magic a little by saying (to yourself) the words:

I touch my hand, I touch my destiny, be you mine!

Love spell on ginger pie

On Tuesday or Friday you need to arrange it so that you can share the baked goods with your desired spouse. Choose a recipe that can use ground ginger. Luckily, ginger is a common spice used in baking and can be easily added to most cakes, pies, and cookies without radically changing the recipe.

When baking, take ground ginger and dip your fingers into it, all the while visualizing how its spicy taste inflames the passion of the one you want to get. Add ginger to the batter and bake, then share the baked goods with your desired one.

Rose wine

For this magical ritual you need to prepare wine from rose petals. To do this, take a few blooming roses, tear off the petals, wash them and place them in a decanter of rose wine. Place the decanter in the refrigerator overnight. When you take out the wine in the morning, look through it at the rising sun. Tell:

Drink, get drunk with me, (name). We will be together for many years. Let it be so!

When you are waiting for your loved one to visit, decorate the table with something pink or green - these are the colors of Venus. You can place a bouquet of roses in the center of the table.

Every girl dreams of marrying her loved one, every mother wants her child to be happier than herself and to successfully create a family with a wealthy and kind husband. It is in this matter that marriage conspiracies will help - they will help you attract your betrothed and make the right choice, create a strong and happy family.

The ritual for a quick marriage is carried out with church candles. To carry it out, certain preparation is required, when the girl who will practice it must fast for 3 days, and the time itself is an exclusively young, growing month. After fasting, you should prepare white cloth in advance and follow these steps. Wake up early in the morning, before sunrise. Spread a cloth on the table and fill any glass with holy water, first dissolving 1 tsp in it. fresh honey. Place a candle in the middle of the tabletop and simply bring honey holy water to your lips - it is above it that the words of the spell are read 12 times.

“Mother Holy Mother of God - help me find my betrothed and unite with him in marriage. To whom I give my heart, he will put a ring on his finger, I will wear it - Mother will trust in you. Bless me for a quick marriage."

After this, sprinkle the enchanted sweet water on the frame of the front door or the gate of a private house - suitors will fly to the girl like bees. But the most important thing is that you should not throw away the rest of the water, but rather wash your face and drink every last drop.

A powerful plot to get married quickly

To count on a wedding, and a quick one at that, you should turn to Saint Martha with a ritual spell. Some practicing magicians advise reading a conspiracy for the growing moon, however, we will consider a different scheme. In this case, the ritual is performed every Tuesday, in the morning, reading the words of the conspiracy 9 times.
First of all, it is worth mentioning some nuances and features that play an important role during the ritual.

  1. Anyone who correctly reads the words of the conspiracy 9 times will quickly achieve the desired result in the form of marriage.
  2. Before performing the ritual, formulate your own desire as briefly and clearly as possible.
  3. All words are spoken out loud without hesitation, all the words of the conspiracy and one’s own desire, while it is important to imagine the image of your future spouse as clearly and clearly as possible.

When all this is done, it is worth saying the words addressed to the saint and helping to quickly call your future husband. They sound like this:

“Saint Martha - help me fulfill my cherished desire. Give me the joy of a wife, the knowledge of motherhood, and endow me with your favor. So that the guy marry me, and deliver me from my evil mother-in-law. Turn away…the guy’s name…from single life - make me his wife.”

As a rule, such a prayer works within a week - the guy himself will show you his serious intentions.

Broom in attracting marriage

It was this household attribute that our ancestors used not only in cleaning the house, but also in a magical ritual aimed at getting a guy to marry a girl. To carry it out, you should buy a new broom and carry out the ritual itself exclusively on women’s day during the week - it can be Wednesday or Friday. It is important to remember - when you bought a new broom, you should not take change from the money for it, and after purchasing, immediately go home, thinking at the same time how clean your home will be.
The ritual itself should be carried out during the new moon and at the very beginning it is worth taking out all the garbage from the apartment and collecting it in a dustpan, which must be yellow. After this, read the words of the conspiracy for a quick marriage:

“I sweep the sweeper, I drive suitors into the house, and the misers and traitors - get away from me - come to me suitors from foreign cities and distant lands, but no one can interrupt my strong word.”

After this, they throw the garbage into a canvas bag and such an improvised amulet should be hidden in a secluded place, leaving it there until the new new moon. Perform the new ritual on the new moon and so on until your betrothed is found and invites you to marry. In addition, it is worth noting that to enhance the desired effect and speed up the onset of the desired result, before performing the ritual, it is worth reading the Orthodox prayer “Our Father” 9 times.

Marriage plot with Tarot cards

To get married very, very successfully, you can resort to the help of Tarot cards. They can help not only in predicting fate, but also in finding your betrothed or marrying the guy you know and love with all your heart.
At the very beginning, you should take the following cards from the entire deck - 10 and the Page of Cups, plus Lovers and the Strength card. Next, take 2 candles - these should be yellow and burgundy candles, which you light the first one exclusively from a match and at the same time pronounce the words:

“I praise our love - it will sweep away everything in its path.”

When lighting a burgundy candle from a match, pronounce the following words:

"I wish us a happy marriage."

After this, the cards are laid out in the following order - Strength, it is covered by the Lovers and on top there are 10 Cups and the Page of Cups completes the layout. At this moment, it is important to imagine in your mind how your gentleman proposes marriage to you. And when you feel the maximum peak of your emotions, say out loud:

“May our love overcome all adversity - soon we will get married. The 4 elements and the ancient Tarot will help us - let everything turn out the way I want.”

Afterwards, wait for the candles to burn out and, together with 4 cards, put them in a secluded place - this is a kind of talisman that will fulfill your plans. After all your wishes have been fulfilled, throw them away from the house.

Ritual for a successful marriage

To have not just a man propose to you, but a prominent and promising gentleman, perform one of the rituals presented below for a successful marriage.

Conspiracy with a silver ring

They read it late in the evening - the main thing is that the sky is overcast, the moon is not visible and the main place in it is given to the silver ring. If you perform the ritual on a man’s birthday, its effectiveness will increase.

At the very beginning, take an opaque cup and light a wax candle from a match - throw a silver ring into the container and pour spring water over the top. Then the words are spoken on the ring:

“I’ll throw the ring into clean water and I’ll say the sacred word. Call me servant of God ... name ... to marry - do not hesitate, and the Moon will not stand in my way. As she said, so it will be.”

Read the ritual words 3 times and, each time, sign yourself with the sign of the cross. Afterwards, pour water on your head, wash your face with it, but the ring itself should be worn on your right hand as an amulet.

Honey bait

It is easy to carry out and at the same time effective in its action - to carry it out, you just need to pour liquid, fresh linden honey into a bowl and leave it on the windowsill until the morning. In the morning, say over him:

“The bees collected honey - they did not know fatigue, so I work for a long time - to bring joy to my husband. Money and happiness in our home, children's laughter in our rooms, family life - smooth and sweet. I need to drink that honey - to attract a husband, but my words cannot be cut with an ax.”

Ceremony performed on Easter

In this ritual, it is worth calling on the white powers of magic for help - to carry it out, it is worth preparing 9 eggs in advance. On the eve of the holiday, they are painted red, blue and green, stick pictures on them and while doing all this, say the following words over them:

“Every Orthodox Christian honors Easter - men come to me from all sides, kiss me deeply, ask me to marry. I will choose the strongest and most beautiful, healthy and rich - with him I will celebrate Easter and while away my old age.”

Afterwards, leave them on the windowsill until the hurray, and in the morning eat the one that you liked the most.

Conspiracy to marry a specific candidate

If you have a gentleman in mind whom you want to see as a potential spouse, you can perform a ritual for marriage; basically, every girl can perform and read these conspiracies at home. Such a ritual will help you quickly summon him to your home.

Such a ritual is performed exclusively on the street, in the open air - preferably in a field, and if this is not possible - go out onto the balcony and stand so that endless space opens up to you. After this, the following words are read three times:

“I’ll go into an open field and stand under the Moon - I don’t want to break down the forest and mow the grass, but with a loud voice call for happiness, Let the servant of God ... name ... hear me, flare up for me and find my home-threshold, remember me every minute , will be inflamed with love for me. I will order you to appear before my clear eyes - come and appear, so that we can be married forever.”

As practice shows, within 3 days the gentleman will come to you and then you will definitely have to decide the issue of an imminent wedding.

Spell to attract a rich husband

A conspiracy for a rich spouse is carried out using millet - it is over it that the following words are pronounced.

“Fathers and matchmakers should not walk barefoot, send the groom to my house - like a bird he will peck the millet and bring the matchmakers to me. The key is for my thoughts, the millet is for my birds, for all centuries and at all times.”

Then put these grains under your pillow at night and feed them to the birds in the morning. A rich groom will appear in your field of vision after as many days as you performed the ritual. Because to avoid fraud, so to speak, it is best to ask the child to measure out a portion of wheat grains, so to speak, for the authenticity and purity of the ritual.

Which girl doesn’t dream of a strong and happy marriage with her loved one? But not all ladies can make this dream come true on their own. Sometimes you have to wait a very long time for the second half. And having married a loved one, not everyone can boast of a cloudless union. Since ancient times, conspiracies for marriage and for the love of a husband have been considered effective. With their help, they attracted worthy young people and brought harmony to existing families.

In order for the conspiracy to fully fulfill its mission, a number of rules must be followed when reading it. It is following the rules that will help you quickly marry a good guy or save an existing family, so:

  1. Pronounce each phrase of the spell as clearly as possible, especially pronounce the name of your lover clearly. There is an opinion that frequent pronunciation of the name of a loved one during a conspiracy greatly increases the chances of a successful outcome of the ritual.
  2. When performing a magical ritual, believe with all your soul that it will be fulfilled.
  3. Absolutely all love spells are carried out in complete solitude and in a calm atmosphere.
  4. When making a plot to quickly marry the person you want, concentrate completely on his physical image. You need to think about your beloved both while reading the prayer and during the ritual itself. If you are not yet familiar with your soul mate, but really want to meet the one, feel free to draw in your imagination a picture of an ideal man and images of your happy life.
  5. Do not tell about the magical ritual even to your closest people. If a second person finds out about the marriage plot, it will not be valid.
  6. To strengthen your energy, and therefore the power of your words, you need to undergo a three-day fast before the magical action.
  7. Conspiracies for a successful marriage are read only for the growing month.

Spells for a successful marriage and a happy family life

In fact, there are many rituals aimed at finding a good husband. We invite you to try the most effective of them:

Spell for a silver ring

The ritual on the ring is carried out at midnight, in complete solitude, when the moon is hidden behind the clouds. You should be absolutely alone in the room and nothing should distract you. Light a wax candle and place a ring in a non-transparent bowl. Fill the cup with clean water and cross yourself three times, say the following prayer:

“I throw the ring into the water, I whisper the cherished word: servant of God (Name), marry me, servant of God (Name), without delay! As I said, so everything will be. Amen"

When the last word of the prayer is said, pour some water on your crown and put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand.

Conspiracy on a new broom

Young ladies who want to have the right to choose a partner, that is, to attract several good suitors at once, can make a spell on an unused broom. For this ritual you will have to stock up:

  • a new panicle;
  • a homemade garbage bag;
  • a yellow scoop.

At midnight, notice the kitchen floor, scoop up the trash with a dustpan and place the trash in a cloth bag. While performing these manipulations, say the following words:

“I’m driving the fellows into my house. Not quitters, not greedy, not thieves. Come quickly, my suitors. From your own or even other people's yards. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The bag of garbage should be put in a dark corner, inaccessible to prying eyes, and the Lord’s Prayer should be read next to it once a day.

Conspiracy for the holiday of the Resurrection of the Lord (Easter)

If a young girl wants to find a good and reliable life partner, when going to church on Easter, she needs to put some grains of wheat in her bosom. When leaving the service, the girl cannot talk to anyone. And when you get home, you need to scatter the grains at the doorstep, saying:

How many burning lights I saw in the temple, so many, God grant me, grooms. How much wheat there was in a handful, let so many dear ones knock on my house. Amen".

Conspiracy for Epiphany

On Epiphany morning, a girl who wants to get married needs to weave a red ribbon into her braid. You need to walk around with a ribbon in your braid all day. Before going to bed, you need to unbraid the braid, burn the ribbon and scatter the ashes, while simultaneously saying the following words:

I light a candle, throw the maiden’s ribbon into the fire, and order the servant of God (name) to marry the servant of God (name) and call him his dear wife. Forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for marriage during the wedding ceremony

If you suddenly become an eyewitness to the wedding ceremony of a couple in love, this can help you get married quickly and successfully. To do this, you need to learn a special prayer and read it to yourself at the wedding:

“Just as these newlyweds got married in church and exchanged gold rings before the Lord, so I, God’s servant (name), will be married to God’s servant (name) in the near future and exchange gold rings. Amen"

Spell on the bride's shoes

This spell can be made on the wedding shoes of any of your relatives or close friends. But remember that you cannot divulge the secret of the magical action, so everything must happen incognito. With wedding shoes, for example, a sister, everything is simpler. But you can ask a friend for shoes, referring, for example, to a very important date.

And there is nothing complicated in the magical ritual itself. On the waxing moon, you need to wash the bride’s shoes; it is advisable to do this in the light of the moon, saying the following words:

Stomp on your shoes, work for me so that I can get married as soon as possible. Keep your mouth shut, keep quiet about everything. Amen.

This conspiracy is very effective and within a few months after it is carried out the girl will get married.

Spell for spouse's love

Anything can happen in life, and it happens that even in the most exemplary family dark times come. After living together for several years, a woman suddenly begins to notice that her beloved is becoming a stranger to her. There may be several explanations for this. One of them is the appearance of a third party in the relationship, and the other is that the husband simply stopped loving his wife.

But our great-grandmothers knew a lot about love affairs and left us a legacy of a powerful conspiracy to kill a mistress and return the love of a spouse.

For a magical ritual you will need the following items:

  • candle from church, matches;
  • salt;
  • water blessed for the holiday.

The ritual is performed at night in complete solitude. Pour water into a bowl and add a little salt in it. Place a lit candle and water in front of you. Read the saline prayer exactly 12 times:

Then leave the candle to burn out and sprinkle water on the four corners. When the bowl of water is empty, leave the room without looking back. And when going to bed, read the Lord’s Prayer 3 times.

To return the husband to the family

This is a very powerful conspiracy and if everything is done correctly, the husband will return in the very near future. The conspiracy is done on the full moon. At midnight, a woman should go out onto a road with four intersections and read a prayer three times at each of them:

For the love of a young husband

A conspiracy for your husband’s love needs to be read for the new month. To fulfill the spell, you will need a candle from the church, a new white tablecloth and a few strands of your spouse’s hair.

At 12 o'clock at night, close all windows and doors in the room. Place a clean tablecloth on the dining table, sit at the table and carefully connect the hairs with the candle without destroying the shape of the candle. Then slowly roll the candle into a circle shape. Next, open one window and look at the month through the resulting circle of the candle, and whisper the following prayer:

After the ritual, wrap the candle ring in a piece of fabric and hide it in a safe place.

Plot of allegiance

This plot is made for a gift. You can arrange a gift for any holiday, or make a pleasant surprise for your loved one just like that. You can give anything as long as the gift set includes a deck of cards. Read the following plot above the gift:

Afterwards, give your loved one a gift, and keep the deck for yourself. The cards cannot be shown to anyone, and every time for a growing month you need to read the same prayer for it. This simple ritual will allow you to save your family. And your spouse won’t even think about going to the left.

How to keep your husband's fidelity and love

It has long been known that a man’s heart can be easily reached through his stomach. Well, if the food is also flavored with a special spell, the devotion and ardent feelings of your loved one are guaranteed to you. The dish over which the prayer is read must be in the top ranking of the beloved’s favorite food. Often men prefer meat, so it is better to read the plot for meat foods.

Conjuring food is quite simple. You just need to read a special prayer seven times while preparing food:

“The mighty beast was overcome by longing and longing for the beast; he came to Nikola the Pleasant and begged: “Let me go, Nikola the Pleasant, calm me down, put me to sleep. Nikola waved his stick, the animal fell to the ground as if knocked down. Crows circle over the animal, wanting to peck the meat. Don’t give meat to the crows, grandfather, but give it to the servant of the Lord (spouse’s name). Let him remember the servant of the Lord (your name), and dry up with fierce longing for her. This shall be according to my word, neither by negotiation nor by cross.” “The blood is boiling from the heat, black smoke is pouring out. Whoever eats this meat will burn for me all his life, and no one will cool him down for me until the end of time. The words are in the casket, the casket is locked, there’s a squelch in the water, that’s all they saw.”

And if you decide to conjure a sweet dish or baked goods, then you need to read the following plot:

“Just as the presence of a rich man is sweet, so from me, the servant of God (name in full form), the servant of God (name) will be sweet. And if he doesn’t come to me, any food will taste bitter to him. Key, mouth, lock." “The Likhov forest stands up to the skies. The winds in the forest are icy, the trees in the forest are stone, the grass is thorny, the animals are biting, hungry for human blood. In the middle of that forest there is a mountain, and on the mountain is my hut. The hut is light, warm, nourishing and peaceful. The oven bakes the bread itself, the tablecloth sets the table itself, the bed spreads itself. Come to me, light Nikitushka (replace the name), stay forever and never know Likha. Amen, amen, amen."

Pamper your other half with such food more often and always be loved and the only one!

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Protective magic is designed to protect us from evil spirits, evil spirits, damage and the evil eye, and the negative effects of our ill-wishers.

If you dream about dead people

There are times when dead people who love us come to us in dreams. If this is an isolated case, then there is no need to worry. But if this happens regularly, then measures need to be taken. Otherwise, this can result in various problems, often with health and possibly death. We may often dream of a dead person for various reasons. This could be unfinished business on earth, a feeling of guilt towards you. Or you loved the deceased person very much and cannot come to terms with his loss. If you dream of a dead man, it is not at all necessary that he wishes you harm; perhaps, on the contrary, he wants to help you. But not knowing exactly how to do this only makes things worse.

It is necessary to break the necrotic connection between you, namely, to get rid of things that belonged to the deceased; everything that is burned must be put on fire, bedding, clothes, shoes. It is also necessary to order a forty-day funeral service for the deceased person in the church. Go to the grave of a deceased person, bring treats with you - boiled chicken, candy, fruit, fried fish, some alcohol. Set aside some of the food immediately as treats that cannot be touched or taken with you. Sit at the grave for a while, you can eat a little and talk with the departed person. When returning home, do not look back until you enter the house or apartment.

How to protect your home from witchcraft and evil spirits

A simple way to find out if there is evil spirits in the house is by heating consecrated salt in a frying pan for twenty minutes; if the salt turns shades of black or brown, then there are evil spirits in the house. If it's yellow, then everything is fine.

Carefully inspect the entire house, yard, apartment for foreign objects. Needles, dolls, nails, threads, ropes with knots, water. Volos, cemetery land. Found suspicious objects must be taken either with a rag or a broom with a dustpan, they must be burned and buried. If you find suspicious items, then someone among your ill-wishers and envious people has cast a spell on you. You will feel it - deteriorating health, a streak of failures.

Everyone knows that it is not customary to pass objects across the threshold, say goodbye or say hello. A horse's shoe, bunches of garlic, onions, nettles, and thistles are hung above the threshold of the house.

If scandals and quarrels are not uncommon in the house. Plant a cactus in a flower pot, it will take and accumulate all the negative energy. After some time you will have to get rid of it.

An aspen branch placed in your room will protect you from nightmares.

With the help of scented candles you can maintain a positive atmosphere in your home, and by fumigating your home with incense you will drive away evil spirits.

If you have a serious sin or illness, this is the best time for forgiveness of sins and healing. This is Christmas from one in the morning to five in the morning. Ask.

Birch branches, consecrated on Trinity, put in a house or apartment, will protect you from evil people.

Sprinkle your house or apartment with holy water. Take water from the church or draw water from a tap or well on the day of Epiphany.

Crosses drawn on candles on the inside and outside of the house; the candle should be lit on Maundy Thursday.

Cats and dogs have an increased reaction to all kinds of evil spirits. You will immediately notice the unnatural behavior of your pets. This could be loud barking for no reason, snorting, or hair standing on end.

Walls and entrance doors whitened with chalk repel evil spirits.

Protection from witchcraft and evil in the home

You will need nails, a church candle, salt. Available except Monday and Tuesday. After sunset, start cleaning the house - wipe off the dust and wash the floors. At this time, say the “Our Father” prayer. After removing the nails, mix them with salt and sprinkle this mixture on all window sills and doorways. Then take a lit candle in your right hand and walk with it through all the rooms, saying the spell “Do not come here, neither a sorcerer, nor a witch, nor a demon, nor evil spirits, nor evil, neither today, nor tomorrow, never, nor forever, Amen.” . Then go to bed, at dawn, collect a mixture of nails and salt and bury it away from the house in an uninhabited area. When returning, do not communicate with anyone and do not turn around. This way you will drive away evil spirits, protect the house and cleanse the aura of the house and its inhabitants.

If one of your enemies constantly casts spells or damage on you.

Take a large black candle and a large bowl. The candle should be slightly higher than the top edge of the bowl. Place a black candle in the center of the bowl and two white ones on the left and right. Fill the bowl with water; the candles should not fall. The top edges of the candles should be six to seven centimeters above the water. Light the white candles, then the black candle. Tune in to the ritual, concentrate your attention on the candles and drive away unnecessary thoughts. Imagine a clot of dark, negative energy inside a black candle and how the power of this energy decreases. As soon as the flame reaches the water, the candles will go out and the spell will leave you. Pour the water into flowing water, river. All this may seem simple and ineffective to you, however, the attitude is important here; if you have the right attitude and do not allow unnecessary thoughts to interfere and confuse you, then everything will work out.

Conspiracies and rituals can change a person’s life. Dear ladies, if the years fly by and there are no more princes on the horizon, you can resort to love magic and attract mutual feelings.

Many girls dream of getting married quickly and, most importantly, successfully. In the old days, special spells and rituals were used for a happy marriage, allowing you to meet your love and forget about loneliness forever. After all, it often happens that a woman seems to be beautiful, and has a soft character, and is calm, and gentle, but is deprived of family happiness. And no matter how hard she tries, love does not want to break into her life. Modern psychologists convince women that first she must become independent and independent, build a career, forgetting that deep down everyone dreams of simple female happiness - to marry the man she loves, and so that the house is a full cup, and children - a copy of the beloved. But finding the one is not as easy as romance novels say, which is why you can turn to ancient magic that will help you attract love and get married successfully.

Ritual for a quick and happy marriage

This ritual belongs to white magic and does not harm anyone’s feminine energy, but only if the woman or girl does not want to take the man away from the family or tear him away from his beloved wife. Of course, the homewrecker will achieve her goal, but such a marriage will not bring happiness: the man will strive to return to his ex-wife, and the new chosen one will only cause irritation over time. Remember: you cannot force a person to love himself against his will; this has never brought happiness. It follows from this that a marriage ceremony cannot be performed in order to marry a man who is indifferent to you. Over time, even the strongest magical ties, if this is the only thing that keeps a man close to you, will break, the family will fall apart, and only bitterness and pain from disappointment will remain.

It is possible and necessary to carry out rituals, but only to attract your man, who is wandering somewhere around the world and does not know how to find the road leading to you. Before performing the ritual, you should keep a strict fast for exactly three days: do not eat meat, abstain from alcohol and tobacco products. The ritual itself is carried out during the waxing of the Moon, preferably in the first three days after the New Moon.

Lay a new tablecloth on the dining table, preferably white. Place a lit red candle and a glass of sweet water filled to the brim on the table. The ceremony takes place early in the morning. We will speak to the water. You will have to repeat the plot at least 20 times without a break. While reading, to enhance the effect, it is advisable to imagine the image of an ideal companion in all details. As soon as the candle burns out, you should take three sips and spray the front door with the remaining water. CONSPIRACY:

“By lighting a candle, I praise love, express my desires loudly and clearly. I tie knots and know that one knot is for love, another is for passion, the third is for fidelity. But I’m not tying threads, but crossing souls. I can be with my beloved, never know troubles, always receive reciprocity and happiness from my beloved. No one is able to untie my knots, what happens cannot be avoided.”

Keep in mind that the conspiracy must be rewritten on a piece of paper: the words that you read from the monitor will not have power.

Ritual for a happy marriage

This ritual is performed on a moonless night. Take a container, fill it with water and place it next to a white lit candle. You need to throw a ring into the water and say:

“A ring was thrown into the water, boundless love was asked from the Lord himself: God’s servant (name) needs help, the one who is destined to marry me is the path. My word is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, take out the ring and place the bowl of water on the floor. Dip your feet into the water, put the ring on your ring finger and go to sleep. Wear the ring without taking it off.

Conspiracy to marry a rich man

If you want not just to get married, but to find a rich groom, this conspiracy will help you. For the ritual you will need a handful of millet, which after reading the plot should be scattered at the intersection of two roads. The plot goes like this:

“Don’t pass by, beloved, step over the threshold of my house, invite family happiness with you. Just as the birds peck the millet, so female happiness will come to me (your name). I lock my words with a key. I throw the key into the sea. I expect your wishes to come true."

A powerful spell to get married successfully

The ritual begins with the purchase of a new broom. This must be done on women's days of the week: Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. When buying the main magical attribute, it is prohibited to take change. Arriving home, you should use a new broom to sweep away all the rubbish and restore order in the house. While sweeping the floor, say the words:

“I sweep loneliness and unhappiness out of the house. Cleanliness and order await your loved one. Come, my love, and hurry up, our shared happiness is long overdue. In the name of all saints. Amen".

Collect the rubbish in a dustpan and pour it into a canvas bag or rag, put it out of reach and wait for the birth of the New Moon. On the day of the New Moon, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer seven times over the garbage and bury it on the street.

Now you know how to attract love, all that remains is to wait for the lover who is destined for you by fate. In conclusion, I would like to say that each conspiracy and ritual can be carried out countless times, the main thing is Do not interrupt one conspiracy with another, it is better to choose one. We wish you true female happiness, success in everything,and don't forget to press the buttons and