How to ask a girl to meet so that she agrees. How to ask a girl to date: ways that work

When a guy is crazy about a girl, he unconsciously feels afraid to ask her out. This is due to the fact that the young man is afraid of rejection, as a result of which his hopes and feelings will sink into oblivion. If you really want to create a couple with the lady of your heart, you will have to take a risk. We have collected 3 effective methods: ordinary, non-standard and sincere. Let's consider each of them in order.

Method 1: Normal

Step #1. Get to know each other better
Start a full-scale operation to get to know the object of your adoration better. From now on, greet her at every opportunity, start unobtrusive conversations. Discuss the weather, animals, studies. Choose neutral topics, try to keep her nearby for a while. Tell us about an interesting book you read or share the release of new episodes of a popular TV series. Stay on topic.

If the lady of your heart studies with you at school or college and is constantly among friends, get to know her friends. This way you will become closer to the girl and gain the favor of your friends. This will count in the future. Approach the company more often, talk with those present, but do not forget, the main attention should be paid to the object of sympathy.

Step #2. Come up with a strategy

It is important to prepare in advance for the proposal and possible consequences. A plan will help contain your emotions in case of refusal, but now you shouldn’t think so negatively.

Think in advance about the setting in which you will invite her on a first date, what you will wear, and take care of interesting topics for conversation. Work to ensure that the proposal does not look frivolous, rehearse your speech.

As a venue for a date, you can choose a cozy cafe without a large crowd of people. If you are sure that the lady loves sushi, check out the Japanese restaurants in the city.

The cinema is considered a banal way. First, make sure that the girl likes the film, only then buy tickets. Otherwise, avoid this option.

Step #3. Be alone with her
Wait until the girl is alone. There is no need to embarrass her in front of strangers by inviting her to spend time together. Find the right moment and act. The proposal should be made after an unobtrusive conversation.

In cases where you can’t be alone, start a conversation in the company of friends. Let her know that you want to chat with her later. There is no need to be nervous, stay positive so as not to scare the girl away.

Set a non-romantic meeting place. For example, agree to meet at the gates of the institute, place of work or supermarket.

Step #4. Focus on important things
You have already prepared the ground, all you have to do is wait for the meeting. When the girl arrives at the appointed place, ask how the day went and what unusual happened. Make fun of her, but not rudely, then tell her about your business. Perhaps the two of you have common interests, the discussion of which would not be superfluous. You need to relax the lady and carefully touch on an exciting topic.

Smoothly transition to romantic subtext. Make it clear without any hint that you have a lot in common and get along great. This topic should be raised at the moment when there was a joke that made you both laugh. Celebrate similarities in views and sense of humor. Express yourself as usual, do not dramatize, but state the fact. Get the girl into her head that you are a great match.

Step #5. Express your feelings
When the lady confirms that you are a great friend, offer her more. Confess your feelings, but don't push. Let her know that you want to see her as a companion and want to invite her on a first date. Speak sincerely, and in a joking manner clarify that refusal is not accepted. It won't feel like pressure if you do it right.

The lady may fall into a stupor, don’t be nervous, wait. If she agrees, exhale, smile, and you can pick her up. Prove that you are serious. Even a victory dance from a peacock would do if you wish.

If the answer is negative, thank the girl for her honesty and express your understanding. Don't question or blame her.

Method 2: Non-standard

Step #1. Make a connection
The method is to project a situation where a lady is interested in a secret admirer. The operation can be started only after personal contact. Start talking to her every day, joke and tease each other, evoke positive emotions.

You must be able to establish a conversation and make it interesting, make the girl laugh and feel comfortable. Show interest in communicating with her, but don’t go overboard. Flirt, touch your hand “casually” and lean lower to better hear the phrase.

When all the points are completed, you can act on behalf of the secret admirer. It is better if the girl in the future guesses who he is. She must wait for further developments. Create a unique game.

Step #2. Write a letter
Add some mystery to your courtship by sending the lady a romantic message. The letter is intended to arouse interest, but its content should not be too loving.

You can compose a poem mentioning the girl’s name, but you shouldn’t sign it yourself. Write casually with a touch of humor, avoid loud declarations of love.

You should not present yourself as a maniac stalking the victim day and night. Don't apply pressure. Don't forget about flirting, intrigue her so that the girl wants more.

Step #3. Give a gift

After the first note reaches the addressee, and the lady begins to glance at you, make a new move. Write the message again and attach a small gift. It could be a small rose or a Kinder Chocolate stick. Place the gift in an envelope and seal it. In your letter, match the girl with a beautiful flower or sweet candy.

There is no need to give expensive gifts like perfume, bouquets of roses or jewelry. Choose cute options that will make her smile. Otherwise, courtship will be like bribery.

Pay attention to behavior. If the girl tears the envelope upon receiving the message, stop courting. In cases where she begins to avoid you, clarify the situation and apologize. If everything is in order and the lady reads them with pleasure, continue.

Step #4. Reveal your personality with hints
When communicating with a girl, gradually begin to reveal yourself. Don't talk about it directly, casually quote a phrase from a letter or ask if she likes Kinder (all girls love them). At this stage, you need to bring her to the point where you admit your feelings openly.

There is no need to delay with notes so that the lady does not lose interest. Care for her in this way for 2-3 weeks.

Step #5. Expose yourself
Write a final letter requesting a meeting. Choose a suitable location and clothing. Tell the girl the distinctive features by which she can recognize you. Express your desire to date her by stating this in a message.

Example: “Hey, it’s time to give up secrecy and reveal your identity. I want to ask you out on a date. I will wait for a personal answer in the cafe “...” on the street...”. The job is done, all that remains is to wait. Buy her a beautiful bouquet as a wooing gesture. Give it as a gift if you agree or refuse.

Method 3: Sincere

Step #1. Become good friends
First you need to become friends, this will take some time. The girl should feel safe and trust you completely. There is a likely risk of being just a friend forever, but it's worth a try. Communicate in general company, gradually getting to know each other.

Step #2. Spend more time alone
The moment will come when you can calmly communicate without third parties. Invite her to a movie or ask her for help choosing a new shirt. Buy medicine if she gets sick, laugh and have fun in a normal environment without a hint of more.

Tell her that a new cafe has opened nearby and invite her to try their dishes. Visit a theater, exhibition or entertainment show together. Pay for tickets, don't take no for an answer, be gallant.

Step #3. Give a gift
Give her a beautiful bracelet after a long period of your friendship, buy delicious cupcakes or a box of chocolates. You can give gifts for no reason, saying that you want to see her happy. Buy a soft toy, call it your name, let it become your joke. You can also give the lady a kitten or a parrot, thereby causing a storm of emotions.

Step #4. Show your sympathy
On your next day together, ask her to take a minute for a serious conversation. Grab her attention and tell her you like her. Don't beat around the bush, express your thoughts clearly. Don't mumble, but don't push either. Make it clear that the girl is an integral part of your life. For this reason, you want to take her on your first real date with a nice dinner and some candles.

To invite the lady of your heart on a date, use one of the proposed options. A classic of the genre suitable for shy young ladies. The role of a secret admirer is suitable for girls with a sense of humor. The sincere method will work on young people who do not have much experience in terms of relationships. Make contact, stay positive and proceed with caution.

Video: how to ask a girl to date

Darina Kataeva

You met a girl, got to know her as a person, you admire her merits and? Then you would definitely like to start dating her. However, due to shyness and inexperience, many guys find this extremely difficult. Because of a rush of feelings and a storm of emotions, they get lost in the presence of their chosen one and don’t even know what to say. What to do in such situations and how to properly ask a girl to date?

Why offer to meet?

People attach different meanings to the concept of “meeting”. Consider whether you are dating if:

— Do you spend a lot of time with the opposite sex every day?

— Do you feel mutual sympathy and regularly correspond and call each other?

— What if, among your friends, you pay close attention to the same person?

The first question is very easy to answer, but others puzzle many. Some guys and girls confuse sympathy, which is why the line between acquaintance, friendship and relationships is blurred. In order not to find yourself in a similar situation, it is important to understand for what purpose you want to start dating?

Both young and old people sometimes take dating lightly. They simply enjoy communicating with the opposite sex, and the thought of further married life does not even cross their minds. Often this behavior leads to disappointment for the other party, who develops their feelings due to close contact with the other person. Romantic relationships without the goal of marriage are entertainment for most young people. They underestimate the seriousness of the act, because this is how they prepare not for marriage, but for divorce.

The purpose of dating is to get to know the other person to determine if you are ready to spend your life with them. At this stage, preparations are made for a future happy life together with a loved one.

How to choose a good girl?

When meeting any person, the first thing we pay attention to is their appearance. Sympathy develops, but at this stage it is too early to talk about love. Not every girl will be a good wife and caring mother. Therefore, you are advised to use the following tips:

Look deeper.

When we meet, we often see in another person what we want to see. This is not always true. Therefore, your goal is to understand the true essence of a person.


Of course, the opinions of others should not be decisive, but it is worth clarifying this fact so as not to make mistakes. Some friends may even unconsciously point out specific shortcomings of a girl.


Think about who your chosen one communicates with and what qualities does she value in people? A circle of friends says a lot about a person. Meet her family too, if possible. The relationship between parents is also adopted by children, so draw conclusions by looking at her father and mother.

Try to start dating once you have gotten to know the person at least a little. During a date, the feelings are primarily involved, not the mind, so it is much more difficult to objectively assess the behavior of the other. Try to do this before starting a romantic relationship.

How to ask a girl to date?

Every girl understands perfectly well that sooner or later, you should expect an offer to date. If you have prepared the ground, and your chosen one also feels sympathy, then her answer will be positive. Despite this, you should use the following tips to avoid being rejected:

Prepare the girl and do not rush with proposals. Get to know each other better and understand how ready she is for. There is no need to rush, otherwise failure is guaranteed!
Find the right moment. Proposing to date is a romantic step for a long-term relationship, so don't take serious action in a hurry. If you see that the girl is not ready, it is better to postpone the proposal to a more favorable time.
Create the environment. Use your imagination, and if the right moment doesn’t happen on its own, organize it yourself! Take into account the girl’s individual characteristics, her inclinations and needs.

Just say sincerely what you feel, because the girl is a delicate nature, and any falsehood is obvious to her.
Be calm even if you are rejected. Thank the girl for her honesty and let her know that you accept even this answer. If she told you: “Yes!”, don’t shout or do a victory dance, just say that you’re glad she answered. You may admit that you were a little nervous, but now you are calm. The girl should see warmth, sincerity and seriousness in your words.

How to ask a girl to date in an original way?

Original proposals to meet are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the girl. If she loves horses, invite her to go horseback riding. Theatre, cinema, zoo, cafe - all these are ideal places for romance, but do not forget to choose the appropriate moment.

Poetry lovers will fully appreciate the poems that you personally composed. If you can’t rhyme even a couple of lines, use ready-made love poems that will definitely melt a girl’s heart.

To make the girl say the long-awaited “Yes,” organize a cafe in nature. Decorate the table and chairs beautifully, ask your friends to be waiters. There is no need to cover the feast, just a bouquet of flowers, glasses and a bottle of wine. The romantic atmosphere itself will awaken tender feelings for you in the girl’s heart.

5 February 2014, 11:23

Not all guys who have the most serious intentions can easily and simply decide to move on to a new stage of the relationship. This is usually due to the fear of rejection.

However, you still have to propose to a cute young lady, otherwise you risk losing her, because there will be a more confident and brash guy who doesn’t hesitate, but does it.

How to ask a girl to date? How to behave if a young lady refuses or considers your proposal inappropriate? A few rules will help you prepare for such a serious step.

The phrase “dating a girl” presupposes the existence of a certain relationship based on mutual sympathy or love. At the age of 12 or 13 years, such relationships usually look like this - walks together, visiting cafes, cinemas and discos.

Older couples move to a more intimate level.

Method number 3. Romantic

What's the best way to tell a girl that you like her and ask her out? Try to show your imagination, remember or find out what pleases her most. Perhaps it will look romantic:

  • confession in poetry (better if it is your own creation);
  • beautiful phrases on the asphalt in front of her window;
  • performing a serenade under the balcony;
  • recognition after a romantic trip;
  • a plush toy, when pressed, an offer to meet is heard;
  • important words spoken after a candlelit dinner.

Remember! Not every girl is romantic. Some young ladies are quite down-to-earth and do not dream of men of royal blood on white horses.

To understand whether your chosen one likes romance, take a look at her VK page, try to meet her friends and ask them.

Method number 4. Original

If you are interested in how to ask a girl to date in an original way, and in such a way that your “queen of the heart” will forever remember this pleasant moment, it is important to show your imagination and not be afraid to experiment.

  1. Try making a craft with your own hands. For example, write down in an album the character traits and qualities for which you like her. For each reason, choose a girl’s photo with characteristic emotions. At the end of the album you can depict your proposal.
  2. Flash mob is a fashion event that looks quite unusual and beautiful. Involve your friends or ask strangers for help, explaining to them the reason. For example, a girl goes out onto the balcony, and the “helpers” release balloons that make up a sentence. Or, for example, ask your VK subscribers to send her a message saying that you want to date her.
  3. Quest is a popular event nowadays. Why not use it in a capacity convenient for you. Arrange a similar game for the girl, during which she will visit certain places and find clues in them that will indicate where to go next. The finale is you with a bouquet of roses and a pleasant proposal.

You can find other original methods on the Internet or brainstorm with friends, who will suggest the most unusual and tempting proposal method. If you still want to make an offer by phone or SMS, you must:

  • speak clearly, with tenderness in your voice;
  • pause to wait for her response;
  • do not interrupt, even if her answer upsets you;
  • send intriguing SMS in which you confess your warm feelings;
  • Still, say important words in a personal meeting, but only hint about a serious conversation in SMS.

What is the best way to invite a young lady to date? Much depends on the psychological characteristics, age (12, 13 or 20 years) of the girl and the gentleman. In addition, it is important to choose the ideal place and time for recognition, so that no one can interfere with you or, on the contrary, people can help you realize your plans.

Remember one thing: if you consider your chosen one to be the girl of your dreams, feel free to propose!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

In many countries, dating is seen as a form of romantic entertainment and an opportunity to have fun. Therefore, it takes on a variety of forms, both formal and romantic. Is it a good idea to officially announce to a person of the opposite sex that you like him and you see him as a future life partner? No one knows how to ask a girl out better than you. However, there are some rules or tricks that will help you do it the right way.

Let's meet

Recently, your friend told you that he asked a beautiful girl to date and was refused. Now it's your turn and you feel a little unsure? You are afraid to stun your girlfriend with such a proposal. But before you figure out how to ask a girl out, check your feelings first.

Maybe you are just passionate about her, talked with her in the company. You watched her from the side, and she seemed sweet and interesting to you. Are you ready to get married, because this is the goal of those who are dating. After thinking a little, you may come to the conclusion that in fact the girl has not yet touched your heart much. Or maybe, on the contrary, you are ready for additional responsibilities, take a sober look at the prospect of marriage, and now all that remains is to approach the object of your choice and propose to her for a date. But how?

A beautiful approach to proposing to meet

From the very beginning, the guy thinks not about the beauty of the proposal, but about how to overcome the fear that the girl will refuse. But, having overcome your excitement, you seriously thought about talking to her. How to beautifully propose to a girl so that it conquers her, and she definitely doesn’t refuse?

What is the purpose of a good sentence? ABOUT! This can change a girl's opinion of you in a positive way. For example, she showed sympathy for you, but did not seriously consider you. Therefore, it is important to think through everything: words, gestures, place.

So, having prepared in advance, create a romantic atmosphere. Organize a meeting in your favorite cafe or in a beautiful place in the park. Have a picnic in the forest. And then all you have to do is say, “Let’s get to know each other better.” After your careful preparation, the girl will see your serious intentions, and it will be difficult for her to refuse the offer to date.

Correctly made proposal to meet

Even if you are confident, prepare well for the conversation. How to properly ask a girl to date so that she appreciates your efforts? We have already talked about the importance of words, gestures, and the place where the conversation will take place. But what should they be?

As for words, speak from the heart, with warmth and sincerity, since feelings are an integral part of our life. Gestures give color to words, they enhance feelings and your voice will be more confident and expressive. The place is as quiet as possible so that no one disturbs you. Do not make a confession amidst the noise, the result may be sad. The girl won't hear you or won't understand you, and there may not be a second chance.

And, take care of your appearance! Grooming, style, cleanliness are the main requirements of girls for guys. And also present yourself beautifully: speak competently and on topics that are interesting for a girl, joke appropriately, be gallant and respectful. These are some tips to help you correctly propose to a girl.

What's the best way to propose a date?

Here opinions differ. Some people think that it is possible to ask a girl to date after a week of dating. Someone watches for a long time how the girl they like behaves among friends. But what is the best way to ask a girl to date? It turns out that there are criteria that will help you figure this out.

If, when meeting a girl, you feel very nervous and find it difficult to find words, this is not the best time to tell her about your proposal to date. Time will pass, you will not be lost in her presence, and then you will be able to start a conversation about it. In the meantime, talk about neutral topics, show your erudition, so that the girl will form a personal opinion about you. This will play a role in the future.

Modern methods of proposals to meet

Today, the methods of asking for a meeting have expanded. Modern methods of communication have replaced personal face-to-face communication for some young people. Therefore, guys often wonder how to ask a girl to meet via SMS?

Don’t write banal phrases like “let’s date” or “will you be my girlfriend?” Often this just turns you off! Come up with something original. If you lack imagination, find suitable options on the Internet. Be sure to address the girl by name. A faceless SMS is an unsuccessful copy of someone else’s feelings.

Be brief and to the point. If your proposal to meet, conveyed through a message, will be long, i.e. will divide it into several SMS messages, the girl may not finish reading it. And, often the main idea is at the end.

Some guys think that it is not necessary to ask a girl to date. They just ask her on a date and see her reaction. If a girl always willingly agrees and accepts advances, then there is no need to propose a date. But remember, girls need to hear this proposal to be sure of your intentions. Be brave and try it!

Sometimes acquaintance and the communication situation are so vague that it becomes necessary to “secure” the right to personal communication with a girl by making her an offer to meet.

In most cases, the problem of how to ask a girl to date is irrelevant, because officialdom and a proposal in a serious form are more suitable for a marriage proposal. In the modern world, the transition from friendly relationships to more personal ones increasingly takes place without unnecessary “honors.” Sometimes attitude speaks louder than words. On the other hand, if you see a girl regularly, spend a lot of time together, are always “in touch,” then it’s clearly too late to propose to a girl. The relationship took shape without an official proposal. An offer to date a girl when the next stage in the development of meetings should be an engagement or wedding may look even more unfortunate.

Among teenagers, “let’s meet” is probably the most common thing to hear. This is a kind of ritual that is necessary because it is easier to understand a girl’s attitude towards a guy, without direct confession of feelings. It will be interesting for every teenager to know how to ask a girl to date if their friendships have begun to turn into something more personal.

Before you propose to date and become a couple, you need to understand what obligations this status imposes on you.

  • pay attention to a girl or girl, devoting part of your free time to relationships;
  • congratulate you on holidays, pamper you with surprises and gifts;
  • to be one in problems, conflicts, to be responsible for the girl’s safety.
  • do not flirt, do not show ambiguous signs of attention to other members of the fair sex if you are “in” a relationship. This is disrespect for your other half.
  • attend entertainment events, friends’ birthdays and other meetings with the girl.

Everything is very simple and even primitive, but such points are worth mentioning.

No matter how wonderful the moment is when a guy explains his feelings to his girlfriend face to face, the presence of the Internet inevitably changes life. Nowadays there are practically no young people who are not registered on any social network. Therefore, the question naturally arises: “How can it be nice to ask a girl to meet using social networks, and is it worth doing it virtually? Well, this is not the best way, because it reeks of cowardice and psychological immaturity. However, he has the right to life. Perhaps the option to invite the person you like to a meeting via social networks will be much more advantageous, then the refusal will not be particularly upsetting due to the lack of direct contact. An offer to become a couple through VK, for example, may be appropriate if you are having a good time over several dates, and the next meeting has already been scheduled. In this case, the girl will have time to weigh her decision and calmly understand herself. A direct question: “do you want to be my girlfriend?” can so stun an unprepared soulmate that she will say something completely different from what is on her mind, but will repeat some pattern she heard from her friends.

If the situation requires a direct explanation, then before you propose to a girl, remember the following points:

When inviting a girl to date, that is, to switch to the status of a “couple,” you need to:

  • express yourself as clearly and clearly as possible. She must understand exactly what she is talking about. A too verbose, veiled conversation can lead a young lady to believe that she is being offered marriage, or is hinting at intimacy, or wants to end the relationship, so they are flattering her before breaking up. At special moments, girls begin to get nervous and then what they hear is perceived in too two ways. Less verbal lace - more specifics.
  • choose the words and prepare a small surprise, a gift or something similar that will reinforce your words and remind the girl of such a wonderful moment. You can do without this kind of sentimentality, but this nice little thing (by no means an expensive gift) is a witness to your offer. It's more logical and interesting.
  • avoid alcohol, smoking during a conversation, and (if possible) gestures that indicate excitement. Let at this moment you become an example of masculinity and self-confidence for the chosen one. Sometimes self-control and overconfidence can work to your advantage. A bottle of champagne, flowers and chocolate are a standard set for such a situation, but it is better to go beyond the standards.

How can you ask a girl to date you if the standard options are not for you?

For those who are not afraid of difficulties, there is an option to persuade acquaintances and friends and, with their help, organize a flash mob for your chosen one. Any girl will remember and appreciate such an event, even if something doesn’t go according to plan. Let friends dance, sing, recite a line from a poem, or simply come out with signs (on which something original will be written about the proposal to date) to the girl’s windows.

If you suspect reciprocity on the part of the chosen person, but shyness prevents you from taking the first step, a good solution would be a video recording or presentation with an original question that will dot the i’s. What can be used for such a handmade message? Favorite music, good poems or aphorisms, beautiful photos and romantic pictures. Perhaps later this will become part of your family archive. By the way, even the cover of the disc can be designed individually for the selected girl, since her photo can always be obtained from social networks and creatively processed with special applications. This is the most touching option on how to beautifully propose to a girl. You can “touch it with your hands”, i.e. have proof of your feelings and review it many times - which your chosen one will undoubtedly do.

How to ask a girl to meet: phrases, the right words

Of course, the classic version will never become outdated. Making a date and proposing to a girl to meet in a romantic setting is the right decision.

The only thing left to do is to choose words so that they don’t sound banal, like in soap operas or TV series for teenagers. There is a unique phrase, most original in its laconicism: “Let’s switch to we!” The main thing is that such words are spoken with feeling, then they will be heard and understood correctly.

  • “I think we make a great couple, what do you think?”
  • “There is a vacant position for my girlfriend. How do you like this position?
  • “I really value the time we spend together, I want no one to steal you away inadvertently. Be my girlfriend?"

Whatever words you choose to explain, be sincere and the result will certainly please you.