How to get your abuser fired using magic. How to get your abuser fired using magic How to get your boss fired

Relationships with superiors play an important role in the scenario of career growth and business advancement. turns out to be a difficult psychological test for many people. When a leader doesn't control himself, the problem gets worse. Not everyone can tolerate rudeness, but a decent response requires strength. What to do if your boss behaves defiantly? How to deal with rudeness and tyranny? When is it better to remain silent and what actions are suitable for emergency situations? The answers to the questions will be provided by applied psychology of business communication.

What kind of bosses are there?

Leading people is a complex art that requires a person to have a set of certain qualities: self-control, flexibility, ambition, sociability, organization... the list goes on forever. When work in a team is not going well, it is worth thinking about the competence of the boss.

Destructive managers are destroyers of office peace and order. You can’t cook porridge with them, and you can’t solve the problem. But there are always plenty of problems.

  • Creepy- This is a god of the middle order. He is a small leader at the beck and call of a big boss. Today he is satisfied with your work, and tomorrow he scolds you, having received criticism from higher management.
  • Dictator- won’t let you say a word against it. Doesn't accept criticism, advice, doesn't listen to wishes. He thinks he knows everything better than you. And even if you are a first-class architect, and he does not distinguish a load-bearing wall from a non-load-bearing one, his authoritarian wishes are undeniable.
  • slob– his element is lack of concentration and disorganization. He forgets about important meetings, deadlines, assignments, does not control the progress of work, lashing out at his subordinates for his mistakes.
  • Sadist- a tyrant who knows all the weaknesses of his subordinates. He loves to mock. The sadist becomes firmly attached to the victim, skillfully steps on sore calluses, humiliating the person. The tyrant experiences sadistic love for his subordinates. He cultivates a sense of dependence and slavish obedience in the team, instilling a sense of fear in his subordinates.
  • Actor– plays at being a competent specialist. His only goal is to maintain his image, even by humiliating his subordinates.
  • Coward- afraid of competition. He is suspicious and strives to prevent the slightest danger. By humiliating his subordinates, he kills the spirit of competition in the team.
  • Father-mentor, mother-director– most of the time, father-type managers cope with their responsibilities professionally. Manifestations of destructive behavior arise unexpectedly, but soon pass without bringing obvious destructive consequences.

Your response to your boss depends on the reasons and forms of inappropriate behavior.

Inappropriate leadership behavior:

  • increased intonation, rough speech,
  • ridiculing and belittling the dignity of subordinates,
  • familiar behavior
  • flirting, obscene hints,
  • passive derogatory gestures (humiliation in a veiled form: sarcastic remarks, ambiguous smiles, hints).

These are signs of unprofessionalism. In Russia, management literacy is poorly developed.

Positions often go to the strongest, but not to the most worthy. Assess your strengths and capabilities before you enter the fight.

The slightest mistake will be your defeat and will worsen your situation at work.

How to put an arrogant leader in his place?

  • Calm. Don't get emotional. In an excited state, you are easier to manipulate. Start preparing for the conversation in advance. Take a couple of minutes, close your eyes. Breathe evenly: inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Repeat several times. Don't stress yourself out before the conversation. Stay calm, even, try not to show emotions. Calmness will moderate the boss's ardor.
  • Politeness. When a manager is rude, ask him to justify the reasons for the behavior. Speak in a cold, reserved tone, politely. Show that you are well-mannered. Uncultured behavior is a sign of low intellectual development. You are above rudeness. There is no place for unprofessional communication in business ethics. Politeness and restraint are a sign of courage. Controlling your emotions means conquering your fears. Having mastered yourself, you become an uninteresting toy for a sadistic boss or an actor.
  • Conversation face to face. Public attacks on superiors are fraught with unpleasant consequences. To avoid them, choose a place and time to talk to your boss alone. Try to find out what doesn't suit him about your work. Take a piece of paper, a pen and write down. If any of the above is not true, ask again. By forcing your boss to repeat a lie, you emphasize the illegality and incorrectness of his actions, awakening his conscience.

If the boss is a tyrant, during a personal conversation you can make an attempt to hurt his ego. In this case, there are 2 nuances:

  • Self-doubt and natural timidity will prevent you from winning a confrontation. Outcome: tyranny will become harsher.
  • You risk going too far. Your relationship with your boss will deteriorate completely, and your job will be in doubt.

During a conversation, do not let them wipe their feet on themselves, show your inner core and confidence. Don't give in to provocations. If during a conversation your boss attacks you and engages you in an altercation, imagine yourself under the protection of a glass dome. You are inside, and the boss is outside. His rough and aggressive attacks are reflected from the glass surface without touching you. While you are fantasizing, the boss will cool down. Start speaking when the boss has let off steam and finished his tirade. Don’t interrupt or try to outshout your boss, as you will make the situation worse.

  • Ignoring. Suitable for interaction with bosses who show aggression inconsistently: a creep, a slob, a mother-director. In their case, negative attacks have a specific reason. Bosses are people too and they have their weaknesses. The feeling of increased responsibility, almost paternal love for the team, forces the father-boss to go beyond business communication. The slob is aggressive in the event of major failures. A creepy boss behaves inappropriately after a shake-up from senior management. It’s easier to survive such attacks by immersing yourself in work, trying not to pay attention to the raging management.
  • Nonverbal techniques. With dictatorial leaders, methods of verbal influence are powerless. You can convey your dissatisfaction to an authoritarian leader using gestures, facial expressions, glances, and intonation. This method is suitable for employees who especially value their workplace. By influencing the subconscious, you will avoid direct confrontation and bypass conflict situations.

Indirect methods of influencing a boss or supervisor

A person receives about 80% of information non-verbally! If you build a behavior model correctly, the information will be firmly entrenched in your boss on a subconscious level.

  • Forget about smiling. Don't try to smooth things over by smiling at your boss during an awkward moment.

Be serious. Women, when communicating with men on a subconscious level, use a smile to achieve sympathy. In business relationships, this technique may not work.

By smiling awkwardly, you show softness and provoke an attack, especially from a sadist, dictator and actor. An emotionless facial expression cools the boss's ardor.

  • Follow your gaze. Look your boss in the eye. If you find it difficult to maintain eye contact, keep your gaze at nose level. When you lower your eyes, you recognize the strength of the other person. On a subconscious level, he feels that you have given up and goes on an active offensive.
  • Control your gestures. Lowering the head, constant nodding, nervous gestures, defensive postures and movements, and weakness. Watch your behavior:
  • Don't lean back in communication with the boss;
  • Don't look for additional support in the form of a table or chair when standing in front of the boss;
  • Don't isolate yourself away from him with crossed arms and legs;
  • Stop blowing away non-existent specks of dust and remove imaginary specks from clothes;
  • Take your hands off your face and lift up your eyes;
  • Express agreement with a discreet single nod;
  • Formulate your phrases precisely and answer questions.

  • Don't hesitate trying to avoid answering. By hiding behind vague phrases, you are admitting insecurity and weakness.
  • Work on your clothes. Business style in clothing is a symbol of distance. A formal dress code sets subconscious boundaries of communication in the boss’s head. It is not for nothing that in large companies employees are required to comply with mandatory appearance requirements, the main one of which is business attire.
  • Don't pay attention to jokes and provocations. Failure to respond as expected will disrupt your boss’s plans. Move on to discuss work issues without noticing sarcasm and inappropriate jokes. This technique does not work with tyrant leaders. Silence for them is a sign of weakness and fear, which affects sadists like a red rag on a bull.

Coping with habitual nonverbal reactions is difficult, but necessary if you want to show your boss his place.

When choosing a method of response, be guided by your own strengths and the character of your boss. The more individual factors you take into account, the more effective your behavior will be.

What can't you do?

  • To endure public insults in silence. This way you risk losing the respect of not only your boss, but also your colleagues.
  • Respond with rudeness. Rudeness breeds new aggression. Don't stoop to the level of a boor, respect your dignity.
  • Criticize the boss. No boss likes criticism. If your boss is a dictator, you risk deepening the conflict. By judging your boss in a fit of anger, you provoke a negative outburst on you. A single aggressive attack will turn into persistent hostility on the part of the manager.
  • Humbly ask for forgiveness and take the blame upon yourself. This way you humiliate your own dignity and give the tyrant a free hand. You will be held responsible for all incidents in the office. This behavior is especially dangerous with a sadist and slob. If respect in the team does not play a big role for you or the dialogue with the boss takes place in private, you can take the blame for communicating with a dictator or a coward. Aggressive attacks will stop.

Forewarned is forearmed!

Conflicts with superiors are easier to prevent than to deal with their consequences.

  • Achieve a balance of interests. often arise from misunderstandings. The boss does not try to explain his position and desires to his subordinates, and the employees tolerate and silently carry out the manager’s vague tasks. Result: dissatisfaction on both sides. Look for benefits for yourself and for your superiors. Find the optimal balance of interests.

  • Understand the boss. Take a closer look at the boss. By studying his habits, requirements, character traits, you will be able to avoid controversial situations and conflicts. Knowing the hidden reasons behind inappropriate behavior gives you a secret weapon in the fight against your boss's misconduct.
  • Establish dialogue. People open up in communication. Through dialogue, you can convey to a person not only verbal information, but also your internal state. Surely you have seen employees who are able to calm their father-boss in anger or influence the boss - a slob. It's all about the right approach to communication, and every boss has weaknesses.
  • Confidence from the first days. When you start a new job, . Sadists and actors avoid confrontations with such people. Excessive confidence can unnerve a boss - a coward or a dictator. It's up to your leader how much you can raise the bar for your fearlessness.

You can find a balance in your relationship with any boss. Be more careful and don't be afraid of leadership.

  • Conspiracy against the boss
  • Conspiracy for the favor of the boss and superiors
  • Magic - Low Moon
  • How can you frame your boss?
  • Five conspiracies that help against boss’s nagging
  • What to do if your boss is nagging?

What to do so that the boss quits in the event of which any employee can be dismissed from the enterprise or organization, regardless of his position and length of service: layoff of an employee during reorganizational staffing changes, such as job reduction or liquidation of the organization; the employee’s inadequacy for the position he or she occupies; failure by the employee to fulfill his duties, elevated to the system; absenteeism; reinstatement on legal grounds of the employee who performed this work previously; committing theft at the place of duty; appearing at work while intoxicated.

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Powerful ritual A powerful ritual for dismissing a boss involves preliminary preparation. It consists of the following actions:

  • You need to find an intersection where paths intersect (for example, in a park or square);
  • From the center of the intersection you should collect three handfuls of earth.

After this, say the following magic words: “Holy Mother Earth, I am collecting land not for myself, but for justice.”

When you come home after sunset, you need to lay a piece of black fabric on the windowsill and pour earth onto it. On it, using a ritual knife or simply with your finger, draw three inverted crosses.

If you need a person to be fired from work - strong conspiracies from our ancestors

How to fire your boss

Torment him, scare him, force him to make a decision that is beneficial to me. Live from this and this world. Day and night, don’t feel sorry for him until he goes to write a statement.


My word is strong." Poppy seeds and salt There is a solution to how to make a person quit his job - a salt spell. Take a package of salt and poppy seeds, select three handfuls of each substance, place in a bowl.

Mix everything with a knife, oriented counterclockwise. After this, you need to bend over the container and cast the spell seven times.

The ritual takes place during a debilitated moon - this is an important point. The charmed mixture must be dragged into your opponent’s office and scattered in the four corners. Throw grains on the threshold, in desk drawers, on bookshelves. The remains of the mixture are scattered on the opposite side of the office.

How to remove your boss from your position

Remember that black magic is fraught with various bad consequences. Visit temples, periodically atone for sins. How I got rid of herpes using lipstick Hello everyone! Previously, I suffered from herpes for 6 years.

I had rashes every month. From experience in dealing with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs initially help quite well, but then the effect of treatment disappears.
She was observed at a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment turned out to be ineffective. A lot of money was spent and all to no avail. Having learned about lipstick for herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it.
Used it for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days.

Conspiracy against the boss

Don't let the manager cross the boundaries Most employees so that their bosses love them. At the same time, keeping in mind a good attitude and material incentives.


However, the proportion of female employees, such a formulation can often mean an ambiguous interest on the part of the manager. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this if the feelings and desire to be together are mutual.

But what do you do when a potential relationship with your boss doesn't excite you? Quit or step over your “I”? You can stop harassment with the help of a special ritual. To implement this, you need to purchase a lock. The conspiracy is carried out at dawn, facing the sunrise.

The castle must be open, and the following words are read on it: “As the red sun rises across the vault of heaven, so I, the slave (name), run away from the homewrecker (name) and take refuge in the vault of heaven. Amen".

Rituals and conspiracies to fire a person from work

Method No. 5, magic and conspiracies There are also other ways to get rid of your bosses. Some resourceful employees turn to fortune tellers, make conspiracies about the bad work of their superiors, and ask magical powers to remove him from a leadership position.

Indeed, many tenth generation magicians are ready to take a considerable amount of money for performing rituals, but they cannot guarantee the unhindered departure of their boss. It is better to act on your own and not rely on someone else.



  1. Write the name of the enemy employee seven times on a piece of paper.
  2. Draw the phrase “go away” in a cross pattern (also 7 times).
  3. Place a handful of dried nettles on a leaf.
  4. Make a bundle and fasten it with woolen thread.
  5. Place the package in a jar and fill it with vinegar.
  6. Screw the lid on the jar and place a black candle on top.
  7. Say the spell several times (the candle should burn out completely).

Text of the spell: “Blow, my candle, drive away evil people from me, drive my enemy away. Let him bypass my life. Let him leave this place forever and never return. Amen". We fire you based on a photograph. This ritual, like the previous ones, belongs to the sphere of black magic. Therefore, get down to business when the usual means of struggle have been exhausted.

Advice! If you are caught with a “tough nut to crack”, you cannot retreat; you just need to distribute minor offenses among the employees of the department so that each employee has only one disciplinary sanction, otherwise they will be fired even before defeating their superiors. Method number 2, espionage and blackmail The second method requires maximum patience.

You must first gain the trust of the new head of department or director of the company. During this period, you can collect incriminating evidence, for example, unflattering statements about the employer’s work, minor violations of business management, or evidence of superiors’ involvement in embezzlement in the organization.

You should collect as much information as possible about the misconduct, prepare evidence of it, and then show the materials to the employer. You can act anonymously. Then, upon further inspection, the person will be fired under an article, for example, for disclosing a trade secret.

In our life, in order to achieve something or get something, we need to work and earn a lot of money. To do this, you need to go to work every day. The work of the average person takes place in a small office or a large company, in a work shop at a factory, well, it doesn’t matter where, and the main thing is that the same ordinary people work in such work. Some have good character, some don't. An ordinary person will not be able to adapt to all people, and in most cases, minor conflicts occur between employees. Conflict that occurs every day at work will not bring anything good. For some people, constant quarrels in the team make them reluctant to come to work every day and fulfill their immediate responsibilities. And it often happens that a conflict appears for no reason, but it’s not without reason. If a person is being bullied at work, why not show character. And the best punishment is to take revenge, and we will take revenge with the support of mysterious forces.

How to identify an angry person in a team

You began to notice that one of your colleagues is spreading bad, untrue gossip about you, discussing your work and family around the corner, insulting you - this means that you have crossed the employee’s path and he is asking for conflict. In order to punish the enemy, you must determine who exactly this is, otherwise it is unlikely that you will be able to punish the entire team. For help, you can turn to magic yourself or seek the help of a professional. I will offer you several options for ritual rites that will help resolve the conflict radically, that is, by eliminating your opponent from work altogether.

Magic rituals for dismissing a person from work

Before you magically punish a bad person, you need to find out who this person is, who exactly provokes that very conflict, the effect of which is reflected on you and your work. After you have found your ill-wisher, you will need to perform a magical ritual to fire your colleague from work. This ceremony is carried out right at the workplace.

Ritual on a sheet of paper

This ritual is unique in that it can be done quickly and relatively hidden. But it is quite effective and operates with high power.

What is needed for the ritual

For this ritual you will need what is on every desktop, namely:

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • black pen.

How to perform a ritual

Before you start performing the ritual, you will need to do a not entirely pleasant thing, namely, challenge your opponent to an open conflict.

  1. In the process, try to hook him as strongly as possible, wound him as deeply as possible, the stronger his rage, the more effective the ritual you perform will be.
  2. When the conflict is in full swing, simply turn around and leave your table, leaving a final phrase, you can even say it to yourself:

    “What am I doing here in front of an empty space? Three times scum, scum on you!

  3. Now go to your workplace.
  4. Take a sheet of white paper and place it in front of you.
  5. Take a pen and draw the image of your opponent as best you can.
  6. When the drawing is finished, draw a cross directly on the image. Cross out the person you drew.
  7. And then start sketching and drawing it with all your anger, uttering a conspiracy:

    “Go, go, find another job for yourself, and leave this one, forget about it and don’t think about it. Amen"

  8. Next, you need to take this piece of paper and go to the toilet with it. There, just tear it into pieces and flush it down the toilet with the words:

    “This is where you belong!”

    After reading the plot, your colleague will begin to experience some changes in his behavior. He will start making mistakes at work, be late, or simply quit his job right away.

If he didn't quit after a while the magic ritual must be repeated several more times. For conspiracies to work correctly, you must do everything, and most importantly, you must believe in them.

Complex rituals for dismissal

In magical practice, there are also other rituals for dismissing a person from work. I will tell you about some of them now.

Complex rituals for dismissal

Witchcraft ritual for the name

Having found a religious holiday in the church calendar, read the following plot before going to bed:

“I walk, the slave of the Lord (name) and look around according to the ranks. From among the ranks, Saint Samson appears to me. I call on the name of the Almighty for support and ask Samson to give me a prophetic dream. I’m going to watch in my dreams the face of my damned enemy. Let the Holy Trinity orient me on the path that allows me to free myself from my harmful adversary. May Jesus bless my dream and give me the enemy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever. Amen".

After reading the text of the conspiracy to the end in silence, without talking to anyone, go to bed. This night you should have a prophetic dream. Try to remember it, as it will show the true events and the image of your hater.

When you come to work the next day, observe the behavior of your colleagues. One of them must definitely feel bad, get sick, and talk about quarrels and problems in the family. This will be the person who wished you harm or wanted you to be fired. But you will be left with the job, not your evil enemy. This person can resign himself.

Magic ritual to earth from the crossroads

What to do if a work colleague continues to work and spoils your nerves or tries in every possible way to set you up to get fired? It is necessary to think about this issue and begin to perform a magical ritual. To carry it out, you will need to go to an intersection at night, which does not have an asphalt surface, and collect three handfuls of earth with your bare hands. During this you need to read the magic plot:

“Mother Earth, I take you not for my own ambitions, but to fight for justice.”

After the ritual, go home to sleep. Along the way there is no one to talk to, no looking back. Place a small piece of black cloth on a clean and empty table and pour out the soil from the intersection. With your index finger or knife, draw three upside-down crosses and say the spell words three times:

“I appeal to you, unclean spirits and dark forces! Pounce on my hated enemy (name) and frighten him. Torment him from early morning, don’t let him go in broad daylight and don’t spare him in the dark at night.”

When you have done everything, we move on to the next stage of conducting a strong ritual to fire the ill-wisher from work. Upon completion of reading the plot, take a sheet of white paper, write all the information about the enemy, starting with the first and last name. Next you need to write where he works, by whom, where he lives, with whom he communicates, what he did and said to you that was bad. Take the written sheet, light a match, set it on fire, and mix the resulting ashes with the charmed earth. While you are performing this ritual, whisper the magic words:

“Just as pedestrians and riders used the crossroads without knowing the way, so you, my adversary (name), will lose your way to life. Either hurry up to leave the service, or expect everything bad that can happen to a person. Let your journey to ... (place of work) tire you and become overwhelming. Don’t reach for your familiar place, enemy. Let the devil beckon you over the threshold. From this second I am blocking for you every path and road leading to our doorstep. May my strong words be spoken on time, may they carry my evil intent into the Universe. And let it be this way and not otherwise.”

Witchcraft ritual with poppy seeds and salt

You came to a new job, and your colleagues looked at you, began to discuss, report to the boss about every step, envy your family and financial well-being? Do such people interfere with your work and life? There is a conflict between you and a colleague, and you want to get rid of these problems? Don't be sad, there is a way out. There is no need to immediately run to your superiors and write an application for settlement. Black magic will help you get rid of this problem.

The word black magic definitely scares you. You shouldn’t be afraid of such words, magic is magic, it’s one energy, just like the two sides of the moon. It will not bring you any negative consequences if you properly prepare for the ritual and carry it out correctly. Everything you do will affect your unfriendly colleague. If you have already decided to have the person leave his job on his own, or if you are trying to get him fired from his job, then you need to start performing magical rituals.

Using a poppy you can plot to quit your job

How to conduct a ritual

  1. It is necessary to carry out a witchcraft ritual with poppy seeds and salt on the waning moon.
  2. Buy one pack of salt and poppy seeds at the store. Come home and open the packages of poppy seeds and salt.
  3. Take three large pinches from each bag.
  4. Place in a small bowl or bowl and stir counterclockwise with the tip of a knife.
  5. While stirring the mixture, you need to bend over a bowl or bowl, so that while reading the spell, your exhaled air lightly touches the prepared mixture. The plot must be read seven times in a row:

    “I overcome all obstacles, thresholds and doors in the form of a black viper. I bring to the servant of God (name of the enemy) tears, misfortunes and quarrels for every reason. I command the poppy to be tears, and the salt to be grief. I stir up trouble on them and give it to the slave (so-and-so). I lock my mouth and throw my valuable key into the depths of the sea. No one will interrupt my action or thwart my plan. Let it be three times stronger.”

  6. Scatter the poppy mixture enchanted by this conspiracy at work in the corners of the office of the person who wished you harm and wanted you to be fired from your job.
  7. Place the rest of the poppy mixture, a few grains at a time, in drawers of tables, on shelves, cabinets, sprinkle under the threshold and on it, and also scatter the remaining grains on the other side of your office.

After the work done, wait for the result. Don't worry if it doesn't appear right away. It will take some time.

Black candle ritual

The magic program also has the most powerful rituals that allow you to quickly remove a person you don’t need from a high position or remove them from work altogether. You can use this magical ritual.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform this ritual you need:

  • a blank sheet of white paper;
  • black candle, vinegar;
  • nettle;
  • black wool thread;
  • empty small jar or bottle;
  • pen with black paste.

How to perform a ritual

  1. On a blank piece of paper, we write with a pen the name of your work colleague who always set you up or offended you. We write the name seven times.
  2. Then, crosswise we write the words:

    "go away"

    also seven times.

  3. Pour a pinch of nettle herb onto the written paper.
  4. Fold the sheet of paper away from you, turn it to the other side and also fold it in half. We carefully tie the resulting small bundle with black woolen thread.
  5. Then, put the package in an empty jar or vial and fill it with acetic acid. Close the lid of the jar tightly and place a black candle on it.
  6. We light a candle and mentally pronounce a magic spell:

    “Burn, burn my candle, drive away bad and evil people from me. Let them bypass me and never touch me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  7. Repeat the magic words until the candle burns out completely.

After such a ritual, something will happen to your colleague. He may get sick, will not perform his job duties at work, is threatened with dismissal or his boss will fire him, and he may also suddenly move to another city, find another job, and you will remain at your job. No one will touch or touch your soul, you will work calmly and prosper. Your energy will be healthy and intact.

After such rituals, if they are fulfilled, the person who performed them acquires a new source of energy, happily goes to work, puts all his effort into it and comes home not tired, but joyful and cheerful.

For the ritual you will need a black candle

Magic ritual from photography

Have you found out who doesn’t love you, who is jealous and puts a spoke in your wheels, provoking you into conflict? Did you want to take revenge on this man, so much so that his spirit would not remain at your work in your office? Practical black magic will help you with this. She will perfectly reveal to you her dark sides of magical rituals and spells. Seek help only when you have no more strength left and you can no longer communicate and fight with your enemy.

What is needed for the ritual

To conduct a ceremony based on a photograph, you will need to prepare:

  • a photograph of your employee;
  • a thick light candle;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • water.

How to perform a ritual

  1. First, take a photo, light a candle and hold the candle over the photo three times, counterclockwise.
  2. Take the threads, cut off two small threads and place them crosswise on the photo.
  3. Move the knife over the photo three times and say the words:

    “Just as I follow a photograph, so you, servant of God (name), leave me once and for all. Get away from me so far that they can’t find you. Let it be so. Amen".

You need to read the plot three times. After such a black ritual, a person will suffer from headaches, toothaches, and his health and mood will also deteriorate. He will no longer be able to work at his job if you do everything correctly. Don’t be afraid, you won’t be able to kill him with such rituals and spells, but you will only scare him a little so that he knows that people don’t need to do bad things.

Work takes up a major part of most people's lives. For some it brings income, for some it brings moral pleasure from career growth, for others it is a way of self-realization. To each his own. But everyone, one way or another, wakes up and gets ready to go to work in the morning. When this happens with pleasure, this is a wonderful life scenario. But there are situations when people go to work as if they were going to hard labor. The reason for this may be envious colleagues, constant scandals and misunderstandings with employees, or a tyrant boss.

In such situations, there are several ways out: you can continue to work and suffer, you can go and quit your job, but there is no guarantee that it will be better elsewhere, but you can also enlist the support of the Higher Powers and have reliable protection from all sorts of enemies.

Support in work activities looks like several ways: it can be protection from an egregor, which helps you achieve your goal and build a career, or maybe one-time help in dismissing a colleague who is bothering you. A ritual or conspiracy to remove a person from work should be carried out only when information is reliably known about who exactly is preventing you from performing your job function normally.

By the way, in order not to become a victim of someone else’s libel for dismissal, ours will help you.

Before carrying out a conspiracy to dismiss, you should know exactly and reliably what you are doing to the person who deserves it. You obviously won’t be able to fire the entire team, but you can direct your forces to one energy vampire. And it won't take much effort. First, you need to find the nearest church holiday in the church calendar. Only on holiday is it worth starting this ritual.

Having decided on the day of the ceremony, begin cleansing procedures. To do this, you should not eat after lunch, or at least after sunset, then take a bath or shower, wash off all the negative energy that has accumulated during the day, and wash your hair.

Having cleansed yourself spiritually and physically, you can move on to defining an enemy. To do this, you will need to make a prophetic dream. A person will come in the night and give you the torment of being at work. After this, it is already possible to carry out dismissal ceremonies. Whispered words to a prophetic dream:

“I walk around the yard, looking for something unclean. I ask Samson to help me. I ask you to open your eyes to my enemy, to the one who interferes with my work, who is dripping with envy, who puts a spoke in my wheels. Give me his face. For this, the heavenly powers will reward you and praise you with honors! Amen!"

Having spoken whispered words in private, go to sleep silently. Be sure not to talk to anyone! And don’t tell anyone that you are expecting a prophetic dream. On this night, the colleague who interferes with normal work will reveal himself. And, if the enemy does not show his face, take a closer look at your colleagues at work the next day. Maybe someone will have a strong cough, or someone will complain about problems in the family, or someone will not go to work at all - this will be a true enemy. It’s just that his energy is so strong that it doesn’t allow him to show his face.

Rituals for dismissing a specific person

Having learned the name of your opponent, you can begin performing rituals to eliminate him. After performing the ritual, it will be possible to observe several reactions of human behavior. The first option is that the enemy will independently change his attitude towards the work process and decide to change jobs. The other is an option when everything for a colleague will collapse and fall out of his hands and he will not be able to perform his functions normally. Due to poor performance of duties, his boss will fire him. The dismissal conspiracy must be carried out alone and preferably on the waning moon. To enlist her support in eliminating the ill-wisher.

Ritual with earth from the crossroads

To dismiss a person, you can perform a ritual with the earth from the crossroads. For these purposes, it is worth looking at an intersection without any covering. In the evening, after sunset, go to this intersection of four roads, and pick up a handful of earth with the words

“I take the land, I deliver justice!” . And go home without turning back, no matter what happens there.

At home, you can do it on the same day, or you can do it on another convenient day, but only on the waning moon, perform the ceremony itself. For this you will need:

  • black tablecloth or fabric;
  • paper;
  • black pen;
  • the land you brought;
  • matches.

The ritual is carried out as follows. You spread a black tablecloth on the table. Pour the soil from the intersection on top. Use a knife to draw a circle on the ground. Afterwards, on a piece of paper, write down all the information about your opponent: his name, surname, age, horoscope, where and by whom he works, etc. It is also worth writing down all the negativity that this employee brought to you. You can enhance the effect of the ritual if you draw an image of a colleague on paper or attach his photo to a piece of paper. Then tear the paper into small pieces and place them on a handful of soil. You set the paper on fire and let it burn to the ground. Along with these actions, pronounce the words of the conspiracy. The spell goes like this:

“Extraterrestrial forces, omnipotent forces, fall on my enemy, do not let him sleep and eat peacefully. Let him (colleague’s name) not be able to live a normal life at this job. Take him out of my sight, out of my workplace! Give him a new home, a workers' meeting. Give him no rest until he accomplishes this! Let it be so!"

The conjured earth along with the ash is wrapped in cloth and taken to the crossroads at midnight. You need to throw it all away so that no one sees your actions. On the 9th day you will see the ritual begin to work. After completing it, you will find peace and success in the workplace.

On poppy seed and salt

In order for a colleague to leave work as quickly as possible, you can perform a poppy and salt ritual. This ritual is performed only on the waning moon. For it, it costs to buy a poppy seed and a pack of kitchen salt. Take 3 pinches of each ingredient and pour them into one container. Then stir everything with a knife three times counterclockwise. At the same time, you should whisper. Hex words:

“I add salt, sprinkle it with tears, mix in poppy seeds, and force him to leave. I overcome walls and all obstacles - I help you (name of the enemy) find a new job! Go save yourself and help me! Amen!"

The spelled poppy and salt must be scattered in the four corners of the office of the enemy employee. A couple of seeds will be good. It is also recommended to enhance the effect of the hex by adding this mixture to your desk drawers. If it is impossible to sneak into a colleague’s office unnoticed, you can pour salt under the threshold. But the effect will not be as strong. And only after the spoken mixture has been distributed, the whisper will begin its action. But the result will be immediate!

Ritual with a black candle

This ritual is aimed at protecting you from the unclean and evil gaze of your colleagues at work. It will allow you to put up an energetic curtain and all pranks, and evil words will either pass by or be fought back and return back to their original source.

For the ritual you will need:

  • paper;
  • black pen;
  • vinegar or alcohol solution with acid;
  • black candle (not church);
  • black wool thread;
  • nettle;
  • jar with lid;
  • matches.

The ritual can be performed in any lunar phase. The main thing is to remain alone with yourself and your thoughts. On a piece of paper, write down all the information you know about your opponent. Then sprinkle this leaf with nettles (can be either fresh or dry). Nettle has been used since pagan rituals and serves to establish a protective dome on a person. Fold the sheet in half twice to create an envelope. It is rewound with thread and three tight knots are tied. This note is placed in a jar and filled with vinegar or an alcohol solution (this can be boric acid or chloramphenicol). Close the lid tightly and place a candle on top. They light a black candle and read the hex. Words:

“Burn the candle clearly. Protect me with your flame. Don’t let evil words, thoughts, and actions harm me. Take my enemies away and transfer them to another job. Help them find a new place. Hear my words and carry them out to the end! Let it be so!"

While saying these words, you should put out the candle with your fingers. All the details of the conspiracy should be buried where people don’t go. The next day you can go to work with complete confidence and know that not a single bad word can affect your energy and drain your inner strength. And soon you can expect your enemy colleague to move to another workplace.

According to photo

You can effectively remove a person from work by performing a ritual based on his photo. This ritual has the support of black forces, therefore, you should be 100% sure that it will be directed in the right direction. After all, by performing this ritual on an innocent person, you can bring disaster upon yourself.

For the ceremony you should take:

  • photo of the opponent;
  • a thick white candle;
  • black threads;
  • scissors;
  • matches.

Place the photo on the table, place 2 pieces of black thread crosswise on top. Using scissors, draw circles three times counterclockwise. Then they light a candle and circle it over the photo against the solstice, whispering. Conspiracy words:

“As I drive you, I ask you to leave me. Leave my darling alone and find something else for yourself. Go, go away, away from troubles and adversity. Find a job you like, and let me live according to freedom and human laws. Let it be so! There is no turning back to my words!”

Put out the candle, fold the photo in half and hide it in the far corner of your desktop. The colleague will often begin to worry and be tormented by doubts about this job, and will want to start looking for another one. As soon as he quits, throw away the photo and enjoy life.

To dismiss a boss

If a colleague who humiliates puts a spoke in your wheels and does not allow you to live a normal life, you can still leave for another office or even transfer to a neighboring department. It’s very difficult to escape from a despot’s boss. Communication with him is part of your life at work. You obviously won't be able to avoid it. Moreover, he can recognize your plans and deliberately provoke you into conflict.

The easiest way is to carry out a ritual to block his actions or even gently push him to leave. You can use the ritual to the ground from the crossroads. Or you can perform a similar ritual, but strengthen it with nettles, which must be added to the ground. Strengthening will also occur if the ritual is performed on a full moon. Spell words:

“Tall enemy, distant enemy, go away, don’t disturb, give way to the young. Don't hurt me. Help yourself. (boss’s name) find yourself a new and better place, and leave me alone, let me live and work normally. Get settled in a new place and don’t come back here! There is no turning around my words!

So you roll up the black cloth with cross-soil, ash, on which you wrote down everything you knew about the boss, and nettles, and take it to the crossroads at midnight. Throw it away so that no one sees or knows. The ritual will begin in the near future. But for full realization it is worth waiting for 3 new moons. But the result will definitely come! Be confident!

Find a common language with your boss

When there is no work, there is trouble. And when there is work, but there is no mutual understanding with management, it’s also a problem. A conspiracy against your boss will help change the situation for the better.

Such magical rituals are designed to protect the employee from moral bullying and eternal nagging from his immediate superiors. And, if the ritual is carried out correctly, after just a few days, the person will feel how the stress at work gradually goes away, and a normal relationship is established with the boss.

A special approach is needed for leadership, which can be classified as energy vampires. Such people cannot calm down until their subordinate is deprived of emotional balance.

How to avoid your boss's demands

Don't let your boss overstep boundaries

Most employees, so that their bosses love them. At the same time, keeping in mind a good attitude and material incentives. However, the proportion of female employees, such a formulation can often mean an ambiguous interest on the part of the manager. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this if the feelings and desire to be together are mutual. But what do you do when a potential relationship with your boss doesn't excite you? Quit or step over your “I”?

You can stop harassment with the help of a special ritual. To implement this, you need to purchase a lock. The conspiracy is carried out at dawn, facing the sunrise. The lock must be open, and the following words are read on it:

“As the red sun rises across the vault of heaven, so I, the slave (name), run away from the homewrecker (name) and take refuge in the vault of heaven. Amen".

Such simple words must be memorized and pronounced seven times. Then, the castle must be buried in a place where no one goes, and the key must be thrown into a river or other body of water.

Gets rid of the vampire leader

Protect yourself with a spell

How often, after another planning meeting, does your head begin to hurt, your mood worsens, your pulse quickens, and other uncomfortable sensations appear? Of course, this can be attributed to a general malaise, but if this is repeated systematically, it is better to think about how to get rid of the boss-energy vampire and protect yourself and your health.

Of course, such a leader may not be aware of such an impact, but the situation should be resolved quickly. As in the previous case, this ritual is performed at dawn. The following spell is pronounced:

“I (name) will stand in front of the sun. Just as you, sunshine, warm and warm, protect plants, protect me (name) from the bad influence of (boss’s name), protect and give me health. Amen".

The plot is read seven times without missing a beat. No additional preparation is required.

Escaping from picky management

Know how to properly accept nagging from your superiors

No one is immune from the nagging of their superiors. But it’s one thing when the criticism is sensible, and quite another when nit-picking is poured in at every turn with or without reason. And it doesn’t matter that the employee makes every effort to prevent the boss from finding fault. It is clear that in such a situation, work becomes a burden, and salary is not a joy.

A special ritual will help you radically change your circumstances. Before carrying out a conspiracy against the boss’s nagging, some preparations must be made. For the ritual you will need: a small shallow plate and salt. Before reading the text, you need to pour seven pinches of salt into a plate and slander them:

“Salt, take away bad thoughts and bad speeches with you. Let the resentment and anger go away. Amen".

Then the salt must be poured at the entrance door of the organization, the boss’s door and in the corners of the office. All procedures must be carried out in such a way that no one notices.

How to fire your boss

How to fire a boss...

If relations with management have reached a dead end, and there is no desire to quit, then the best option would be a conspiracy to remove the evil boss. Performing the ritual is quite simple and can be done right at your workplace. To do this, draw a leader on a blank sheet of paper (schematic drawing). Then methodically cross out the image and read the conspiracy to fire the boss:

“Go, go, find another job for yourself, and leave this one, forget about it and don’t think about it. Amen."