Why is there hair in the nose? Why do you need nose hair?

The nose is almost the most important figure on our face. This “subject” is always the center of attention, so people often devote a lot of time to the appearance of their nose. And, of course, it is very important to keep your nose in perfect order and monitor its health and cleanliness.

It is precisely with the appearance of the nose that sometimes certain problems can arise. The fact is that many people have nasal hair and they are intended to protect the thin membranes of the internal passage in the nose. In some ways, such hair is quite beneficial for human health in general, because... prevent dust, harmful microbes and dirt from entering the nasopharynx. In addition, hair prevents moisture from evaporating from the nose, which is why it lingers in the nasal canals.

Why, in this case, does the hair in the nose begin to actively grow over time and its length may even be such that it will be unattractively visible to others? The reason for this is the presence in the body. It must be said that this hormone is produced by both men and However, with age, the male body begins to produce less of this hormone, so the hair begins to grow quickly and becomes more and more coarse in its structure. Most likely, it is the male gender that faces such problems.

Therefore, when hair starts to come out of the nose, then urgent measures must be taken to remove it. So how to remove nose hair? In principle, you can simply carefully pull them out with tweezers. However, this method is not only painful, but also dangerous to health. The fact is that when a hair is pulled out of the nose, a microwound is formed in its place, into which various pathogenic microbes can easily get in and lead to unwanted diseases such as meningitis or sinusitis. Therefore, you will have to remove hairs in other ways.

In principle, nose hair can simply be trimmed with scissors. This procedure is absolutely painless, and it doesn’t take much time. Before cutting your hair, it is recommended to thoroughly clean it of mucus and dirt, and disinfect the scissors themselves with cologne. Now you need to carefully insert the scissors into one nostril and start cutting the hair, being careful not to damage the mucous membrane.

If nose hair grows quickly and has already become a real problem, you will have to go to the store and buy a special device called a trimmer. This is a rather convenient device, especially since there are currently a large number of trimmer models. As they say, for every color and taste.

How to remove nose hair with a trimmer? In this case, you will have to remember that you only need to remove those hairs that have already come out. But you can’t insert the trimmer too deep into your nose. When the removal process is completed, the device should be thoroughly disinfected.

Currently, purchasing such a trimmer is not difficult. However, it should be noted here that it is advisable to buy only a high-quality device from well-known global manufacturers, and not “fall for” cheap Chinese counterfeits.

If such a procedure yourself is inconvenient for some reason, then you can entrust your nose to specialists from a beauty salon. In such a salon, a depilation specialist using an epilator cream or laser will be able to rid the patient of such hairs. Moreover, they will not grow for quite a long time.

However, the use of such creams is quite unpleasant, because... their chemical composition can easily make it difficult for a person to breathe. And the composition of creams can be a strong allergen for some people. Laser hair removal in salons will cost much more. But the effect will be great.

Nasal hair is the body's natural defense against various unwanted particles and bacteria entering the nostrils. They are called nasal cilia, they help trap dust and dirt, act as a barrier, and protect the body from upper respiratory tract diseases.

Usually the hair in the nose is short; in principle, for many it is invisible. However, there are not only men, but girls and women in whom this hair grows very long and is visible. This problem is more common in men, due to testosterone. Its increased amount in a woman’s body can also be manifested by an increase in hair on the face and nose.

Many women and girls ask questions, how to get rid of nose hair? Can this be done at home, is it safe, or is a trip to a beauty salon necessary?

The older generation of beauties believes that when you remove hair often, it will become coarser and darker. Modernity has long proven the opposite; it is possible to get rid of nose hair. True, they cannot be removed permanently, and there are removal methods that are not recommended for such a procedure.

Prohibited method

The most undesirable way to remove nasal hair is to remove it with tweezers or pluck it out.

Reasons for prohibiting the procedure:

  • it is unpleasant and painful;
  • after plucking, the nasal mucosa is injured, which can lead to infection and, consequently, to diseases; the wound that forms after hair removal does not heal for a long time due to the fact that mucus is constantly present in the nose, through such wounds bacteria are introduced into the body;
  • there is a risk of touching a branch of blood vessels (capillaries), which will lead to bleeding, and this is not only unpleasant, but also life-threatening;
  • It is not advisable to completely pull out the hair in the nose, because this is the body’s natural defense; it is only recommended to shorten the “cilia”.

You can get rid of unsightly nose hair in a beauty salon or at home.

There are several methods to combat nasal cilia, namely:

  • nail scissors;
  • trimmer;
  • depilatory cream;
  • wax for depilation.

You can also use the services of a beauty salon and get hair removal done.

Removal methods

1. Nail scissors.

This is the most inexpensive way to remove nose hair.

For this procedure, you will need scissors with rounded ends, the kind usually used for cutting baby nails. With such scissors you cannot cut yourself, prick yourself, or injure yourself. You also need to find a well-lit room and a mirror.

It's easy to trim your nose hair; just lift your nose up a little with your hand and cut off any protruding ends. It is not recommended to cut it very short, because the function of protection against the penetration of microbes has not been canceled.

2. Trimmer.

The procedure using a trimmer for hair removal is the most convenient and fastest. The device is not very expensive and can serve for a long time. Basically, trimmers operate on regular batteries, which are simply replaced.

Trimmers are available for men and women. The women's kit includes a nozzle for hair removal in the bikini area.

The trimmer has a comfortable rounded nozzle that you insert into the nostril and rotate it. The device will automatically remove excess hair without damaging the mucous membrane. This is a very quick and painless procedure.

Before using the trimmer at home, you must remember that the device must be disinfected and wiped with alcohol. And after the procedure is over, rinse the trimmer again, wipe it dry, lubricate it with cream and put it in a container.

3. Wax or hair removal cream.

The technique of removing nasal hair using wax was invented by Austrian cosmetologists. This procedure is quite painful and is used more often by men. This method is used only when the hair in the nose is too thick and long.

Special wax is heated, then you need to apply it to a strip and stick it to excess hairs; it is more convenient to do this using an applicator. Wait a little for the wax to harden and tear off the strip with a sharp movement.

After using this method to remove nose hair, the effect will last much longer. And in order to relieve pain, you can use an anesthetic cream before the procedure.

Another disadvantage of this method is that if the wax is heated too much, you can cause a burn to the nasal mucosa.

An alternative to wax is hair removal cream. This method is simpler: you need to apply a small amount of cream to an area of ​​skin, wait 10 minutes and remove the cream with a special spatula. Then rinse the nasal cavity with warm water and lubricate with balm.

The inconvenience is that while the cream is applied, it is recommended to breathe only through the mouth. And also before the procedure, you need to test the sensitivity and reaction of the body to the drug on a small area of ​​skin.

People are constantly trying to get rid of excess body hair, especially women. Such a cosmetic defect as noticeable hairs in the nose seems to be the least of the problems, because they are quite easy to remove with ordinary tweezers within a few minutes. But few people think about the possible consequences of such a procedure and how this affects the health of the body.

Why do we need nose hair?

The organ through which a person breathes, which means air enters the lungs and the blood is saturated with oxygen, is the nose. It is logical to assume that the hairs grow in it for a reason and are not an extra element. Medical research has long confirmed their necessity: hair in the nostrils perform protective functions.

  1. Firstly, they trap dust particles from the surrounding air and fine dirt, which can damage mucous membranes.
  2. Secondly, nasal hairs prevent viruses, germs and pathogenic bacteria from entering the respiratory tract. This is especially true during epidemics, when you have to be surrounded by sick people for a long time, for example, at the workplace or on public transport.
  3. Thirdly, hair in the nostrils helps reduce the effect of toxic substances on the human body. Sometimes this saves you from poisoning. In addition, recent medical research has shown that people who choose not to remove nasal hairs are 3 times less likely to develop nasal hair than others.
  4. Fourthly, behind the visible hairline there is another row of them, smaller in size but more dense. They are called cilia and are constantly in motion. These hairs ensure the retention of the smallest harmful particles and molecules, and subsequent envelopment of them with mucus, which is then rejected during sneezing or clearing the nose. Thus, removing nasal hair increases the load on the eyelashes, provokes allergic reactions, and increases the risk of pathogenic microflora entering the upper respiratory tract and maxillary sinuses.
  5. Fifthly, the hairs in the nostrils play an important role in the winter season. They increase the friction of cold air when you inhale, and this contributes to some heating. Moreover, the hairs retain moisture and protect the mucous membrane from freezing.
How to properly remove nose hairs?

If you still decide to get rid of visible and noticeable hair in the nostrils, then you should choose the least safe method. It’s worth noting right away that quickly pulling out hairs with ordinary tweezers in front of a mirror poses a significant health threat. During plucking, microscopic wounds are formed on the surface of the mucous membrane, into which pathogenic bacteria from the removed hairs can penetrate. This will lead to inflammation and the development of purulent processes, as well as the entry of harmful organisms into the blood.

The easiest way to get rid of nose hair is to trim it. For such purposes, you can use special equipment, for example, a trimmer, or ordinary nail scissors. Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to disinfect both the hairs themselves and the instrument with any alcohol solution.

Another simple way is to go to a beauty salon. The master will be able to quickly and almost painlessly remove hair using a special one that does not harden completely and does not injure the delicate skin of the nose.

Longer lasting results can be achieved using electrolysis. The procedure involves destroying hair follicles using electric current. Several sessions allow you to get rid of this cosmetic problem completely and for a very long time.

Why, why does nose hair grow? How to remove, trim, shave nose hair?

You are a very sociable and pleasant person. However, when you communicate with a person whose nose hair is noticeably sticking out, you lose all desire to contact him.

You don’t want to offend the “owner of the unaesthetic.” Rejection from it comes from somewhere in the “depths of the subconscious level.” You find such hairs something unhygienic and untidy. And the thought immediately flashes: “I wouldn’t let myself go like that.” Indeed, it is not worth showing off such hair, since it is not attractive at all.

Nose hair sticks out. Why, why does nose hair grow? Hair prevents dust from entering the respiratory tract of the human body. “Hairy” can settle literally inside every nose. And you are no exception, believe me. With age, hair “conquers” the nose of both women and men. They don't choose a person's gender. They don't care what shape people's noses have. And, in fact, they don’t pay any attention to the length of the nose. Here we can give an analogy of human behavior. Imagine that you got an apartment that you had been waiting for for many years and no longer even hoped that you would get your “corner”. When that joyful moment of housewarming comes, you pack your things and rush to someone else's (for now) house. And it doesn’t matter to you what floor the coveted apartment is on, it doesn’t matter how many entrances there are in the house, and so on. It’s probably the same with nose hair: the nose is important to them, and whose it is is a secondary factor.

Women are very lucky: They have significantly less hair than the opposite sex. This is due to the fact that hair growth has a detrimental effect on the action of estrogen (a female hormone). In men, this hormone is also present, however, not in such large “doses”. Due to this, men's nose hair is darker and coarser.

Nose hair sticks out. Beautifuland naturally? Many people, oddly enough, are calm about the appearance of such “guests” in their noses, because they consider it a completely natural process. That's how it is, in principle. But, you must admit that not all naturalness can symbolize beauty. Draw an analogy: for example, you have very thin lips. This is natural, natural. But not so attractive, despite its naturalness. To correct this situation, you take a cosmetic bag, take out gloss and lipstick from it, and begin to “camouflage” such “thin lips.” Cosmetics ultimately make your lips more expressive and prettier. Did you feel the difference? It’s the same with nose hair: natural, but in no way compatible with beauty. It is not customary to paint eyelashes on the nose with cosmetics in order to somehow improve their appearance. Apparently, they were created for this purpose, to get rid of them from time to time: it is too small for two types of eyelashes on one human face.

What should you do when these hairs suddenly appear? They need to be cut. But not with ordinary scissors, but with special trimmers. They should be chosen very carefully, since the nasal part is very sensitive, and it must be protected so that the nose is not damaged, while maintaining the area of ​​its health. By the way, don’t listen to those who say that after using a trimmer (any) the hair in your nose will grow more intensely and change from a light tone to a very dark one. It's just a myth, which I am now “dissolving” so that it does not prevent you from making the right choice.

No need to feel sorry these hairs, when you find out that in the scientific world they are called eyelashes, just like one of your “victims” of makeup. The name is beautiful and romantic, but in appearance, those eyelashes that you love to paint with mascara are much prettier and more fashionable than those below. Both cilia are identical and “related” in only one way: they are located on the facial part of the body.

How to safely remove and remove nose hair? - Should I cut my hair? Shave?

  1. The trimmer should be kept not very close to the nose so that the nose is not scratched or damaged. It’s not difficult to guess about this.
  2. The trimmer must be washed after use to prevent any germs from settling on it.
  3. Do not use the trimmer if you have a runny nose or other colds.
  4. Take a mirror and head to a room with excellent lighting so that the hair removal procedure takes place without “force majeure”.
  5. Choose the trimmer that will be most comfortable for your nose.
  6. Do not use tweezers to remove hair, as they can hit a very important vessel and kill you. Yes, such cases do happen.
  7. Remember: using nail scissors for these purposes, you will find, in place of one removed hair, five more of the same. Scissors are not the best tool.
  8. Buy scissors with rounded tips and use them to remove hair if the trimmer seems like a purely masculine device to you.
  9. If you want to get rid of hair for fifteen years, do “cool hair removal,” which is done by cooling the skin. This procedure “destroys” the possibility of hair growth almost safely, without causing the slightest harm to either the skin or the area from which excess hair is removed.
  10. Doctors do not advise saying goodbye to hair forever, as you will get sick much more often. There is hair in the nose for a reason, because it exists. In addition, thanks to hair, dust does not tend to enter the nose as much; dirt does not accumulate in the nose as much as it would accumulate if there was no hair.
  11. You shouldn’t pull out your hair using your fingers: you won’t be able to do anything sensible or effective: you’ll feel very unbearable pain and a lot of negative sensations. In addition, you “by mistake” can scratch the “depth” of your nose. Then, in addition, the bleeding will have to be stopped. In short, there is nothing useful or pleasant about it.

The stupid things that happen to us:

  1. A trimmer is a device only for men. What kind of nonsense is this? It is considered, in a sense, masculine, since they “get” more from the eyelashes in the nose.
  2. Men don't take care of themselves at all. And why offend them so much? Not fair! They also try to do everything to be attractive. It’s just that the female half of the population attaches greater importance to all this, and accordingly spends a lot of time on self-care procedures. A man would simply lose patience.

Nose hair is a completely unattractive part of the human hairline. Most women and men consider it a cosmetic problem and remove nasal hair. But at the same time, many people do not know that this procedure can pose some dangers to human health.

What are the functions of nose hair?

Recent research in the field of human anatomy and physiology has shown that removing hair from the nose is strictly not recommended. After all, this part of the human hairline is nothing more than an air filter and a biological barrier against the penetration of not only dust and dirt into the body, but also toxins, bacteria and viruses. World-famous otolaryngologist, Dr. Stanford University Justin Turner, after conducting an X-ray contrast study, made a statement that the hairs in a person’s nose trap various particles and bacteria until he blows them away or sneezes. Based on this, we can conclude that nasal hair is one of the most important components of human immunity.

Scientists from the National Medical University of Turkey conducted another study, the results of which showed that dense hair in a person's nose can be an advantage for his health. Scientists have proven the fact that people with a small amount of hair in their nose are three times more likely to develop asthma and colds than those who have thick hair in their nose.

If the hair is plucked rather than trimmed, open sores may form in the nose. These wounds subsequently cause nasal infections or abscesses.

Eyelashes in the nose are the second line of human defense

An interesting fact is that nasal hair is just the first barrier to the penetration of dust or microorganisms into the body. In the depths of the human nose there are tiny cilia that tirelessly move from side to side. Even after the death of a person, their movements do not stop. This property is sometimes used by criminologists and forensic scientists to determine the time of death. These cilia capture the smallest, potentially dangerous molecules, viruses, bacteria or microorganisms, after which they accumulate them and turn them into mucus. A person either coughs up this mucus or swallows it, and under the influence of gastric juice all dangerous bodies and organisms are destroyed. Under the influence of harmful factors, due to chemical and radioactive air pollution, due to smoking, the protective cilia in the nose can die, opening the way for unwanted bodies to enter the body.

Scientists have proven that people with thick hair, including in the nose, are less likely to suffer from infectious diseases.

Another function of nose hair

The hairs of the human nose are arranged in such a way as to block the flow of air. Subsequently, the air is heated by the blood vessels of the nose and enters the bronchi and lungs at a temperature ideally optimized for the body. Therefore, before removing nose hair, you need to weigh the pros and cons of this cosmetic procedure.