Hot manicure: the essence of the technology, contraindications, how to do it at home. Manicure technology: basic rules Who is a hot manicure suitable for?

Now let's talk about the simplest actions that will help you do your nails well-groomed and beautiful. These actions are called by one well-known word - manicure.

In order to do it right manicure you will need the following items:

Nail file (avoid metal files, they are too rough);

Sharp nail scissors;


Nail polish remover (without acetone);

Bowl with warm water;

Soft brush for cleaning nails;

Wooden or plastic stick for pushing back cuticles;

Moisturizer, oil or nail balm;

Base for varnish, nail polish, protective coating for varnish (the last item is optional).

To get the right manicure, we will follow a certain procedure.


If the nails were covered with varnish, then you need to carefully remove it;

Wash your hands and brush your nails with a soft brush. Then dry your hands;

- take a nail file and give them the desired shape. Gently file your nails at the corners. By filing too much, you weaken the nail. If your nails are too long, it is better to trim them first. This must be done while the nails are wet. Movements when filing nails should be from the edges to the middle. After giving your nails the desired shape, you can check their smoothness. To do this, run each nail over the old tights - there should be no puffs;

Now we’ll make a warm bath (you can add chamomile decoction to it) and immerse your fingers in it for 10-15 minutes;

After taking the bath, the skin on the fingers around the nails has softened and all excess can be removed. But not the cuticle! This thin skin is needed to protect the nail root from dirt and bacteria. Simply push back the cuticle with a wooden or plastic stick. Manicure is a pleasant procedure; there is no need to be zealous in the process of removing rough and excess skin;

Lubricate the skin of your hands and nails with cream, oil or balm. Massage your hands and each finger for several minutes;

As a matter of fact, the manicure is finished. But if you want to coat your nails with varnish, then proceed to the next step. Remove any remaining cream from your nails and wipe them dry. (If you lubricated your hands with oil, you will have to wipe your nails with nail polish remover). Apply sequentially base coat, nail polish, and topcoat.

Little tricks:

You can cut only wet nails, and file nails, on the contrary, only dry ones;

Products containing acetone degrease nails. As a result of using such products, nails stop shining. Therefore, try not to use such means;

Often the nail polish cap dries to the bottle. To prevent this from happening, lubricate the thread with a thin layer of Vaseline or thoroughly wipe the neck of the bottle before closing;

To make the varnish last longer, apply not one, but 2-3 layers;

The problem of premature drying of the polish can ruin the entire process of painting your nails. To ensure that the varnish retains its liquid form longer, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator;

It is best to mix the varnish by rolling the bottle between your palms. When we shake the polish, bubbles are formed;

Some varnishes contain toluene and formaldehyde, which cause allergies. When buying varnish, it is advisable to pay attention to this.

Beautiful and well-groomed nails incredibly decorate hands, so manicure is a necessary and mandatory procedure not only for women, but also for men. After all, systematic nail care is not only about their beauty, but also about their health.

A step-by-step manicure is a sequence of performing a set of hygienic and cosmetic procedures for caring for nails and hands.

From time immemorial, well-groomed, beautiful hands were a sign of aristocracy and belonging to the upper class. The history of manicure goes back thousands of years. Even during excavations in Ancient Egypt, manicure sets were found. At the court of the rulers there were special people who kept the secrets of manicure. The pharaohs painted their nails with henna. Both women and men resorted to the procedure. In ancient Rome, a mixture of animal fat and blood was used as a polishing paste.

Representatives of Chinese dynasties also grew long nails. Men - to demonstrate their masculinity and as an amulet, and women - to show that they do not engage in physical labor. In Europe in the Middle Ages, nobles also did not neglect manicure, which consisted of cutting, cleaning and polishing nails. For polishing, a stick covered with suede was used.

Types of manicure and their features

At the beginning of the 20th century, a real manicure boom began. The industry begins to massively produce manicure sets and the first nail polish. Nowadays, the importance of hand care can hardly be overestimated. A neat manicure is one of the main components of a business, formal and everyday look.

There are 3 main types of manicure:

  • classic (edged);
  • European (unedged);
  • hardware.

For rough cuticles and short nails, it is better to use a trimmed one. If the skin is thin and the blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin, then it is better to choose a European manicure. The hardware is universal, it can be used in any case. It is suitable for both delicate and rough skin. Let's look at each of them step by step.

Classic (edged) manicure

First you need to prepare everything you need for the procedure:

  • tools (file, scissors, nippers, pusher, polishing file);
  • nail polish remover;
  • base coat;
  • drying;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • cuticle remover;
  • cuticle oil;
  • hand cream;
  • container with warm soapy water;
  • towel.

Treat hands and tools with antiseptic. Carefully remove old varnish. A nail polish remover without acetone is considered the most gentle on nails, but removing polish with it takes longer and is more difficult.

Use scissors to trim your nails if necessary to remove length. Use a nail file to give it the desired shape. You need to file parallel to the nail, strictly in one direction, to avoid delamination and brittleness of the nails.

Using a polishing file, sand the surface of the nail plate. You shouldn’t be too zealous, because, firstly, you can damage the nail, and secondly, the applied varnish will stick worse.

Apply cuticle remover to one hand and immerse in a container of warm water for at least 3 minutes. Do not add oil to water. It is better to use a neutral cleanser as a cleaning component.

Pull your hand out. Dry with a towel. Using a pusher or wooden stick, carefully push back the cuticle. You need to remember that the cuticle protects the base of the nail from damage, so this must be done as carefully as possible. If you press hard on the nail plate during the process, the nail will begin to grow curved. Then clean under the nails with the pointed end of the pusher.

Trim cuticles and excess skin near the nail using pliers. In case of cuts, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Repeat all steps with the second hand.

Apply nourishing cream to your hands and massage your fingers and palms in general. Let the cream absorb, apply cuticle oil and wait another 2 minutes. If you skip this step, the cuticle will soon become rough again, and the manicure will look untidy.

If you will be applying varnish, degrease your nails with a cotton swab. Apply a base coat to ensure durability of the polish and to prevent yellowing of the nail plate. Apply 2 layers of varnish, if desired, decorate with designs and fix by drying. It will give the manicure a beautiful shine and speed up the drying of the coating.

European (unedged) version

The steps are the same as for a classic manicure. Only the stage of cutting the cuticle after the bath is skipped; it is simply moved away with a spatula or stick.

It is worth mentioning hot and spa manicures as varieties of European manicure. Hot is performed in the same way as European. Only instead of a soap solution, warm (35-40°) oil, balm or nourishing milk is used. Hands are immersed for 10-15 minutes. The remains of the nutrient are rubbed into the skin and hands are lightly wiped with a paper napkin.

Spa care involves using a scrub after a warm soap bath, with which your hands are gently but thoroughly massaged. Then a nourishing mask is applied.

For a more effective effect of the mask, it is advisable to insulate your hands. After 15-20 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water without soap. A nourishing cream is applied and a massage is performed.

In the winter season or if your hand skin is very dry, you can add paraffin therapy to your spa care. Liquid warm paraffin is applied to the prepared skin. This mask helps improve blood circulation, nutrition and rapid nail growth.

Hardware manicure

Very popular at the moment. Performed without steaming procedure:

  1. First, hands are thoroughly washed or treated with an antiseptic.
  2. After complete drying, the free edge of the nail is processed with a file and given the desired shape.
  3. Then, using various attachments, the cuticle and rough skin are removed, and the nail is polished.
  4. Apply hand cream and cuticle oil.
  5. A massage of the hands and fingers is performed.
  6. The remaining cream is removed with a paper towel.
  7. If there is a desire to make a decorative coating, then the nails are degreased and varnish is applied.

The hardware manicure procedure, performed by an experienced master, is absolutely safe, painless and takes less time than a classic manicure.

You can successfully use it at home. To do this, you need to purchase a device, preferably less powerful than in the salon, take lessons from a specialist and start practicing. Considering that such care takes much less time, your nails will always be in perfect condition.

Which care to prefer, everyone decides for themselves, listening to the opinions of specialists. The main thing is that it is consistent and regular. Then the hands and the image as a whole will always attract admiring glances.

Any objectively thinking woman realizes that the beauty of hands is not only a bright and attractive varnish or gel coating on the nail plate. First of all, it means well-groomed, healthy and soft skin without damage and even, strong nails, uniform structure and uniform thickness. To keep them in order, you need to pay a lot of attention to care procedures, and you need to take care of your hands every day throughout the year, because each season is characterized by its own nuances that affect the condition of the epidermis. You are already familiar, but in this article we will talk about the classic one.

You can entrust the care of your hands to a master in a specialized salon, where all necessary procedures will be carried out quickly, professionally and hygienically. But often, salon care costs quite a significant amount of money, so every thrifty young lady one day thinks that all care activities can be done independently, without leaving her own home.

What is called a classic manicure?

The classic method of “putting your hands in order” is a procedure when the nail plate is leveled on previously steamed fingers and excess cuticle growths are removed or pushed back. It is understood that the best aesthetic effect can be achieved only through complex actions.

Despite the fact that some girls consider cuticle removal an unsafe and painful process, preferring to simply push it aside, it has been proven that this does not lead to any serious problems, although occasionally it can actually feel quite uncomfortable. For adherents of the untrimmed method, the sequence of manicure is no different, except that sharp metal tools are almost never used in the work.

A classic manicure, regardless of the type, is, first of all, a health procedure that must be performed regularly. It would be wrong to perceive it as an exclusively aesthetic process that can be neglected in everyday life. Even for women who do not cover their nails with decorative varnishes and do not focus their attention on the beauty of their hands, this procedure will be very useful, since it can help prevent cracking and drying of the skin, the appearance of microtraumas, as well as brittleness and layering of nails. But, nevertheless, it should not be confused with such a concept as, since these are completely different things.

Advantages and disadvantages of trimmed manicure

It is worth noting that the unedged type of manicure is completely safe; its only drawback is that it is not applicable in every specific case. Most often, rather neglected hands and nails can be brought back to normal only by cutting the cuticles. But here there are several important nuances.

The advantages are considered to be extreme ease of execution and the absence of the need for special skills - only accuracy and patience are important. The effectiveness of this method has been proven - with the help of pruning with pliers, you can deal with even the roughest and most overgrown cuticles and skin of the nail folds, as well as correct calluses on the fingers and palms.

The disadvantages include the strict need to sterilize all instruments - because sometimes this can be quite time-consuming. There is also always a risk of damaging the skin, which can lead to infection. In addition, wounds in the periungual space are usually very painful and do not heal quickly. And a classic manicure, done incorrectly, can even provoke the opposite effect - removing the cuticle too actively can only cause its increased growth.

Necessary tools and equipment

Even if the manicure accessories are personal, and no one except the owner uses them, it is extremely important to regularly disinfect all used tools. Ideally, you need to clean the manicure set after each use, but it is acceptable to do this less often, at least once a month. Disinfection is carried out by wiping with alcohol, although if desired, you can disinfect them by boiling; the main thing is to make sure that such manipulations do not harm them.

Hygiene during the manicure process is really very important, especially when it comes to the cutting method. After all, hands are one of the most “usable” parts of the human body, which constantly interacts with various substances and is subject to contamination and damage. This means that any injuries can be very painful, and an infection introduced into them can complicate or significantly slow down healing. Therefore, it is important to choose devices that can withstand disinfection and washing, preferably made of glass, ceramics or metal. Manicure accessories made from materials that tend to absorb various substances and accumulate dirt, for example, foam rubber, fabric and wood, must be periodically replaced with new ones, or even replaced with disposable ones.

The basic set for a classic manicure includes:

  1. Suitable size nail scissors with sharp, long tips.
  2. Sharp nail clippers, or, as they are otherwise called, nippers.
  3. A durable coarse abrasive file for shaping the nail plate.
  4. A polishing file with a thin coating of glass or plastic.
  5. A special tool is a pusher, which looks like a small spatula.
  6. A pusher of a different modification, with a pancake-like pointed “sting.”
  7. Several small soft towels.
  8. Water container.

The unedged manicure method requires a slightly different set. It does not require sharp tools at all, since all manipulations are performed with special non-traumatic files, so you only need:

  • Laser file for European manicure.
  • Polishing file.
  • Orange stick.

It is important to properly prepare the place for the procedure - it should be a comfortable spacious surface, well illuminated by a powerful source, the light from which falls exactly from above or to the left. It is even rational to purchase a special lamp on an adjustable stand for this purpose. Because when working with sharp tools, extreme precision is extremely important.

Necessary cosmetics

In principle, you can do a classic manicure with even the most minimal basic set of products, for example, warm soapy water, nail polish remover and moisturizer for final application. But if you approach the issue thoroughly and thoughtfully, then you can prepare a whole personal set of “rapid transformation” and carry out procedures for your hands that are absolutely not inferior in effectiveness to those in the salon. Even for years, if you really want to, you can do it at home.

You can steam your hands in plain water, but if you add a couple of drops of a suitable essential oil, your skin will receive much more benefits, and the event itself will turn into a kind of aromatherapy session. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of oil, as its excess can cause a chemical burn.

You can make the most of your time and add peeling and scrubs to your main activities. To do this, you can use both purchased and home-made products. Today it is not difficult to find hundreds of recipes for effective scrubs from simple products available in almost every kitchen - these are honey, coffee, salt and sugar compositions that will make the skin soft and free from dead cells.

For high-quality cuticle removal, it is convenient to use special products that can be purchased at cosmetic stores. The cuticle remover softens it and makes it as pliable as possible to any manipulation, which undoubtedly makes the whole process easier. Such products are oil- or water-based and may have a warming, disinfecting or analgesic effect.

Products for the care and restoration of nails will be most effective when applied to a thoroughly steamed nail plate, which, like skin, will become more susceptible under the influence of water and temperature. You can take step-by-step complexes, when oil is first applied, then balm and a fixing protective layer, or you can choose a single multi-tasking product.

After prolonged contact with water, the skin will need deep hydration; if this is neglected, then in the very first hours after steaming your hands will begin to peel, become dry, tight and extremely sensitive to any changes in the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a good hand cream with a thick consistency. By the way, the principle of layering also applies here - first you can apply a quickly absorbed moisturizer, and then a richer nourishing one. Ideally, you can even put on special cosmetic gloves and walk around in them after a manicure for at least an hour. Then the skin is guaranteed to receive its standard of high-quality hydration and nutrition.

Sequence of cutting manicure

Before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that enough time is allocated for its implementation, since this is a rather long and painstaking process that can last from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. It is better to do everything without haste in a calm environment and a relaxed mood, so the actions will actually bring a positive effect and will not cause any further difficulties. When performing the procedure, you should follow clear instructions:

  • The first step is to prepare a container with warm water and place it nearby. It is important that the water temperature is not scaldingly high, but too cool it will also not bring any benefit. After this, you need to dry your nails from the remnants of the old coating, wash them thoroughly with soap and treat them with an antiseptic (at least gel alcohol).
  • Next comes the stage of giving the nails the desired shape. In order to shorten their length by more than a millimeter, you need to use scissors, and then adjust the shape with a coarse file. When working with a file, by the way, it is important to constantly hold it at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the edge of the nail. Filing movements should be made only in one direction in order to prevent delamination of the nail. There is a “rule of three nails”, which states that the length of the nail plate of the index, middle and ring fingers should be identical. In this case, it should be larger on the thumb, and smaller on the little finger. The shape of each nail on both hands should not differ from all the others.
  • After this, you need to thoroughly wipe your hands from any remaining nail dust and immerse one brush in a bath of water. You need to steam each hand for at least 10 minutes, adding hot water to the container as it cools. If desired, gentle scrubbing and peeling is performed at this stage.
  • Leaving the entire brush in the water, you need to pull out your fingers one at a time, wipe them on a towel and treat them with a cuticle remover. Then use a spatula-shaped pusher to gently move the softened cuticle to the base of the nail bed. There is practically no need to apply pressure on the tool, acting very gently so as not to damage the surface of the nail. Not only the cuticle at the light lunula is moved back, but also on the sides, at the nail folds, and the plate is also cleared of a thin layer of skin, which is called ptergium.
  • After this, it’s time to trim the cuticle. You need to cut it very carefully, getting as close to the base as possible. It is desirable that the cut line be continuous and not interrupted, this will minimize the chance of burrs appearing. After removing the cuticle, you need to gently sand the nails with a polishing file, and then generously treat their edges with oil, which limits subsequent regrowth.
  • At the end of the procedure, a moisturizing cream is applied to towel-dried hands, and a special protective coating is applied to previously degreased nails.

You can use decorative varnishes immediately after a manicure, but it is better to give your nails a break from heavy coatings as often as possible, especially after deep steaming the skin. If the next step is to apply acrylic or gel polish, then you need to wait until the skin absorbs all the cream and becomes completely dry. Since the aggressive environment of an ultraviolet lamp for drying such coated materials can negate all care measures.

Features of performing unedged European manicure

For ladies with extremely thin and delicate skin, sensitive to any mechanical damage, the unedged manicure method is more suitable. The same can be said about women on whose hands the blood vessels are located very close to the surface of the skin, and about the owners of thin and rarely growing cuticles.

In general, the process is very similar to a regular manicure, only with some nuances taken into account. You need to be prepared for the fact that the rule excluding the use of sharp metal tools may lead to the process being somewhat delayed. This occurs due to the fact that manipulating a file takes significantly more time than working with scissors and wire cutters. But in the end, the process turns out to be more gentle, which often outweighs all the time and diligence.

In the case of an unedged manicure, you can do without the stage of steaming your hands, although it certainly won’t be superfluous. After cleansing, removing any remaining varnish and subsequent disinfection of the skin, there comes a time when a special laser file comes into play. She needs to carefully file each nail to give it the desired shape, and then begin filing away the dried side ridges. After completing this process, you should treat the cuticle with a special softening agent, wait a minute and use an orange stick to carefully move it to the base of the nail. After this, you can wash your hands, treat them with oil that prevents the appearance of hangnails, then with cream, and apply the necessary coatings to your nails.

In addition to regular files for grinding and polishing and trimming tools, you can use special manicure machines, which are equipped with a variety of attachments of various shapes, sizes and abrasiveness.

Not every woman can afford a manicure in expensive beauty salons, but everyone wants to have beautiful and well-groomed nails. Therefore, you just need to know how to make a beautiful manicure yourself, without the help of a specialist. At the moment, there are two main types of manicure: edged and unedged. The first is quite complex and requires certain skills, the second is accessible to almost everyone.

Doing a trim manicure at home

You will need:

  • set of tools;
  • bath bowl;
  • essential oil;
  • liquid soap.

Girls often wonder: how to get a beautiful manicure without visiting beauty salons or seeking the help of a professional? After all, learning how to do a trim manicure at home is not such an easy task, but if you know some secrets and practice a little, your nails will always look stunning. Every woman who wants to have beautiful and well-groomed hands should know the basics of manicure. The first step is to acquire quality tools. It is advisable to purchase a ready-made set, but if this is not possible, then buy only barnacle and nail scissors or tweezers, as well as a cuticle spatula (replaceable). For beginners, these tools will be enough.

The manicure technology includes several stages. The first step is to steam the cuticle well: take a bath bowl, pour warm water into it, add a little liquid soap and a few drops of essential oil (fir, juniper, lavender or tangerine). To make the procedure more effective, use the following method: take gauze, pour a little sea salt into it, drop some essential oil, tie it in a knot, put it in a bath of water - then all the components will be distributed evenly and drops of oil will not float on the surface.

Instead of water, it is advisable to use an infusion of chamomile or calendula. As you know, these herbs have an excellent antiseptic effect, which in this case is simply necessary. Place your hands in the bath for 10 minutes (this time is enough to thoroughly steam the cuticle). Remove your hands from the bath and push back the cuticles using a special spatula. Then take barbed scissors or tweezers and cut off the pulled back cuticle. It is important to cut smoothly, avoiding jerky movements, otherwise you will end up with a ragged edge. Don't cut the cuticle too close to the skin, otherwise you may get hurt. Once you've trimmed your cuticles, rub essential oil into them. Using this technique will help you get a great manicure without the help of a professional. With a little practice, you can easily trim the cuticles on your own, thereby saving a lot of money and time.

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Read also: Gel manicure

Doing an unedged manicure at home

You will need:

  • cuticle remover gel;
  • orange stick or curette;
  • nail file;
  • nail scissors.

Many women are interested in: how to do a beautiful manicure without cutting the cuticles; is it possible to learn this on your own at home? Manicure technologies are constantly being improved; nowadays there is no need to think about how you can make your nails beautiful and well-groomed. After all, there is a wonderful tool that will help you get rid of cuticles without resorting to painful and complicated trimming.

The technology for performing unedged manicure is quite simple, but there are nuances that you need to know. The first step is to trim your nails using special scissors. Never use clippers for this purpose, as this may damage the nail plate. Shape your nails with a nail file.

It is important to file your nails only in one direction - this way they will not split. The glass nail file must be moistened with water.

After you have shaped your nails, apply a special gel to the cuticles and wait for the time specified in the included instructions. If your skin around the nail plate is too rough, then one softening agent will not be enough. In this case, it is advisable to first make a bath, then use a gel to remove the cuticle. Apply the product to only one hand, otherwise the gel will simply dry out and will not give the desired result.

Next, take an orange stick or a special curette for unedged manicure. When using a wooden tool, it is not always possible to completely get rid of the cuticle; you may end up with a “fringe”, which is removed using scissors. Using a curette will help avoid such problems.

A manicure always looks beautiful on well-groomed nails. Therefore, it is important to know a few secrets that will help reduce cuticle buildup and make it softer. Rub essential or olive oil into the skin around the nail at least once a day, take baths with herbs, and use a special brush when washing your hands. These simple secrets will help you prevent the appearance of hangnails and make your cuticles neater.

Hands are a woman’s calling card. Well-groomed fingers with soft skin and clean, neat nails will never go out of style. Unfortunately, the pace of life, a sea of ​​household responsibilities, and weather conditions can lead to skin damage, brittle nails, hangnails and other unpleasant manifestations. Hand care takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, recently the fashion and health industry has been developing many products to simplify a woman’s life.

The nail industry is developing so rapidly that some women do not have time to follow the changes and continue to use old methods that are ineffective and inconvenient. We invite you to familiarize yourself with trends in nail art and nail care.

Types of manicure

Manicure is the basis of hand care and we look at it from several angles. This includes both nail decoration and nail plate care.

First, let's look at what types of manicure there are, which is also a preparatory stage for coating and decorating nails.

In our article we provide examples of types of manicures and their descriptions with detailed photos that will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Manicure techniques

There are 5 main techniques:

  • - this is when the master trims the cuticle using scissors or nail clippers. This type of care is characterized by simplicity of technology and can easily be done independently at home by purchasing inexpensive equipment. The disadvantage of this process is the high risk of injury, especially for people whose capillaries are located very close. Therefore, proceed very carefully and do not allow other people to use your equipment.

  • - a more gentle technique that requires special equipment and operating skills. Using rotating attachments, the cuticle and keratinized skin around the nail plate are removed, after which polishing is carried out using a soft attachment. This procedure is more gentle and is suitable for people with thin and brittle nail plates. There is also no risk of damaging capillaries and causing infection. But to use it you need to either purchase a special device or visit a salon.

  • European- the safest technique. It does not use metal tools to trim dead skin and cuticles, but only an orange stick and a special pumice stone. It is absolutely painless and safe. First, an emollient is applied to the cuticle and the area around the nail, after a few minutes it is wiped off, and the cuticle is pushed back with an orange stick, after which it is cleaned with a pumice stone for a European manicure. Suitable for everyone except people with very rough skin around the nail area.

  • SPA manicure– a set of relaxing and caring procedures. The use of aromatherapy, massage and water treatments using oils makes this nail care the most enjoyable of all. The master carries out a series of actions with which he softens the cuticle and rough skin, and then removes it using forceps or pumice. This is followed by a massage and moisturizing treatments for your hands. The only disadvantage of this technique is the duration of the procedure.

  • – the most popular type, since its effect lasts the longest. The wizard uses classic and hardware types, adding some elements of SPA procedures to it. It is better to have it done by a specialist, which is not always convenient for some women.

Types of nail art

After we have prepared our hands for decorating our nails, we can choose one of several types of nail art that we like best. We invite you to consider and adopt the following types of manicure using gel polish:

  • Classic style. French manicure and pastel colors always remain relevant and in demand. They are characterized by elegance and sophistication, which is suitable for any event and type of activity. Pairs with any clothing, making it universal.

  • . You can use any tone from pastel to acidic as a base, and decorate your nails on top with geometric shapes (diamonds, lines, circles) that suit your nail length and shape. You can decorate not all, but one or two nails with a geometric pattern.

  • Gradient. A chic finish using a special technique of applying varnish from light to dark tones with blurred transition lines, which looks great on long and short nails of any shape. The color range is not limited, which makes it in demand and popular this season.

  • Manicure with rhinestones. With the help of different stones, rhinestones, and broths, your nails will become more elegant and brighter. Used as an additional decor for the main manicure. You can decorate all your nails or focus on a few fingers.

  • - a real hit of the season. It is created using a special technique that imitates stains on a top background. Malachite marble has broken all records in terms of demand. This is the standard of elegance.

  • – remains in demand for several seasons in a row. Women love it for its simplicity and neatness. The hole near the cuticle in a nude color remains the most popular, but more and more often representatives of the younger generation choose bright and contrasting tones to paint the hole.

  • - a type of light manicure using translucent tones that give hands cleanliness and freshness. Very relevant for business women, as well as modest and elegant girls who do not want to attract attention with bright colors.

Video: how to do a classic manicure

As we can see, there are many modern types of manicure. Some of the species, having existed for a couple of seasons, simply disappear, and are replaced by fashion trends. But there are classics that are timeless, simple and elegant. Therefore, we invite you to learn how to make a classic design that you can do even at home quickly and efficiently.

And if you have an emergency situation when you need to look simply stunning, use the recommendations given in the video, and you will always be confident in the beauty of your nails.

The fashion world does not stand still. We understand that soon the types of manicure designs we have presented may disappear, leaving us only memories or even nostalgia.

And others, on the contrary, will improve and flourish, giving us rosy emotions. But this is life, and most of us quickly get bored with even the most beautiful designs and, in order to avoid routine and everyday life, designers and stylists come up with new types of manicure for us.

But only you, dear readers, decide whether they are worthy of your attention or not. We are very interested in your experience of using this or that method of hand care. Share with us in the comments which manicure technique you prefer and what attracted you to it.

I love to experiment. Therefore, inspired by the article, I will try all the techniques. Thank you!