Christmas time: traditions and rituals, Christmas fortune-telling. Christmas time: fortune telling, rituals, signs, Christmas time, traditions, rites

There is a special holiday in the Christian tradition - it is celebrated from Christmas Eve on January 6 (Christmas Eve on January 7) until the day inclusive of January 19.

During the Christmastide period there are three holidays - Christmas Eve (January 6), Nativity of Christ (January 7), Epiphany (January 19). These two holy weeks are considered a period of fun and relaxation, the forms of which can be different. And since the celebrations last more than one day, the word “Christmastide” is used only in the plural.

About the origins of traditions

The history of the holiday dates back to ancient times. There is a mention of Christmastide in the works of the Christian theologian Ephraim the Syrian, who died back in 373, and in the church charter of the Monk Sava the Sanctified, who died in 532. And in 567, the church officially considered the days following from the Nativity of Christ to the celebration of Epiphany as holidays.

What to do on Christmastide

Believers were instructed celebrate Christmas and the Lord, who sent Jesus Christ to Earth, attend religious services– after all, it’s not just about spending holy days at a set table. During the Christmas holidays, a respectable Christian was obliged to attend at least one service in the church. On these days, more often than usual, they distributed alms to the poor, gave gifts to children, and helped the infirm old people.

Christmas time, January 6, ends. On this day, in the evening, on Christmas Eve, they prepare for the holiday, which is celebrated on January 7th.

On Christmas Eve, a Lenten table of 12 dishes is served at dusk until the first star. According to tradition, even in non-religious families, they fasted on Christmas Eve.

On January 7, Christmas is celebrated and meat dishes are included in the feast. Read more about what is served on the table on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

L. Solomatkin. "The Slavers", 1868

How Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmastide

Yuletide caroling- one of the main rituals of the festive period. Execution time: the first three days of Christmas (including Christmas Eve, but more often early in the morning on Christmas Day), as well as on the eve and first day of the old New Year (the night of January 13-14); eve of Epiphany.

Caroling includes the singing of benevolent songs - carols, glorifying the Nativity of the Savior. As a rule, carolers—usually children—went from one hut to another in small groups. They could be dressed up in the most intricate way: a bear or a goat, a tramp or a peddler, a kikimora or a demon. The mummers sang congratulatory songs, and after performing, they demanded treats. They also thanked the owners for their gifts through chants.

Carols are widespread among Ukrainians, to a lesser extent among Belarusians; among Russians they are found mainly in the north, in the form of the so-called “grapes,” that is, in the form of great songs with the traditional refrain: “grapes, my red-green.”

Often, during ritual walks around houses, another festive ritual was performed - glorification of Christ. It symbolized the arrival of the Magi, announcing the Nativity of Jesus Christ. The performers of the ritual (most often these were children or youth) walked in groups of up to 15 people. They glorified Christ according to custom on the first or second day of Christmas. The main attribute of the procession was a man-made star - a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem. The singers congratulated the owners with songs, and they, in turn, presented the guests with pies, bagels, gingerbread cookies or coins.

Yuletide traditions also include a ceremony sowing. Village children or shepherds went from house to house and carried grain with them in mittens. In the upper rooms, guests imitated sowing, while saying ritual wishes for good and attracting a future rich harvest. At the end of the ceremony, the owners gave gifts or treats to the sowers.

Olga Kvasha. Carols. 1976

On holy days, real performances were staged in many huts. This action was called a nativity scene. In essence, it was a mobile puppet theater that presented the audience with the mystery of the Nativity of Christ. Angels, wise men, and shepherds carrying gifts acted as dolls made of clay or wood.

What is served during the Christmas holidays?

The main purpose of Christmas treats among Orthodox Christians was not to satiate - rather, food was a symbol of the holiday. They served both, as well as the traditional one (on Christmas Eve and Epiphany Eve) - this dish was usually prepared from whole grains (wheat, barley, millet) with the addition of wild berries and honey. Wealthy families could prepare kutya with raisins and nuts. Guests were also treated to a drink made from dried fruits and honey.

January is the time when daylight hours begin to slowly increase. Therefore, on Christmastide they usually baked pancakes, which since ancient times were considered a symbol of light and sun. Often before Christmas, housewives prepared cookies called carols. The shape of such baked goods could be different, but the dough was always made unleavened - from rye flour. This treat could be eaten with kvass, tea, and cabbage soup.

Often, starting from January 7, roasted pig was served at the Christmas table - it was revered as a symbol of future fertility and prosperity. Other meat delicacies could also be consumed on the holiday: lamb, game, hazel grouse, goose or chicken.

Nadezhda Poluyan-Vnukova. Christmas evening

How to decorate houses

Candles were always present in the decoration of houses on the eve of Christmas - their light symbolized Christ himself. They prepared for the holiday by stocking up on large wax candles that burned for almost a day: the fire was lit at nightfall and extinguished by the end of the next day.

During the Christmastide period, peasants scattered straw on the floor of the huts and placed a sheaf in the red corner. They also did not forget about decorating the gardens: it was customary to tie ribbons around fruit trees in the yard. The chickens on the farm were fed festive kutia. All this was done in order to attract happiness and prosperity to the house.

Konstantin Makovsky. “Yuletide fortune-telling”, 1890s

Yuletide fortune telling

The Church does not approve of Christmas fortune-telling. Fortune tellers consider cards just a game

During Christmas time it was customary guess about the future. What was once a ritual of pagan priests, over time became girlish fun. And although the church never encouraged superstition, the fortune tellers themselves treated this process as a game. The girls retired to some room - when starting to perform divination, each of them let down her hair, took off her cross and amulets. There were different methods of fortune telling: using a mirror, using herbs and flowers, using sounds and candle wax. And even if such a game did not open the curtains of the future, there was a lot of laughter and Christmas snow, singing and hope for happiness.

The end of Christmas time on January 19

The Christmas holidays ended on January 19 (other names: Epiphany, Blessing of the Waters, Vodokreshchi, Jordan Day). Orthodox Christians came to frozen bodies of water to plunge into the icy water - for this they made a cross-shaped hole in the ice. Everything around Jordan was decorated with wood patterns and colored ribbons. Strict fasting preceding Epiphany Eve, as well as immersion in blessed water, helped people cleanse themselves of all sins that happened on Christmastide - both voluntary and involuntary.

Waiting for the procession of the Cross on Epiphany. 1898 Author unknown

How do Catholics celebrate the holiday?

The Catholic Church calls this period Christmas time. It lasts from Christmas Eve (evening of December 24) until the day of Epiphany (the first Sunday after the celebration of Epiphany). The basis of this time is the Octave of Christmas: it consists of 8 days and ends on January 1 - the day of the Triumph of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This entire period is considered very solemn: the clergy appears at liturgies in sparkling white festive vestments. On the last day of Christmastide - January 6 - Catholics organize a Carnival. Its culmination usually occurs in the three days leading up to Lent. And although the timing of these celebrations is strictly regulated by the church calendar, in essence the festivities are closely connected with paganism - with the farewell of winter and the welcome of the long-awaited spring.

For a long time, a holiday called Christmastide has been celebrated between Christmas and Epiphany. In the church calendar it is called the Solid Day, because all these days it was allowed not to fast.

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The history of the holiday began in the 4th century. In Rus', the Christmastide period was accompanied by youth festivities only at night, since the day was busy with household work. In the evenings, people gathered in large groups and told fortunes, sang songs, and danced.

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    history of the holiday

    Yuletide was first mentioned in the 4th century, when Greek peasants celebrated the holiday for two weeks after Christmas. There are many beliefs and customs associated with it, which people try to adhere to to this day.

    In Rus', many pagan rituals have also been preserved since ancient times: dancing, fortune telling and dressing up in various costumes. At the very beginning, the church categorically did not recognize them. However, soon after the baptism of all Rus', the clergy introduced a tradition according to which at Epiphany one should plunge into an ice hole made in the form of a cross on a lake or river. This was done in order to wash away all the sins committed during the Christmastide period.

    When to celebrate?

    According to generally accepted Orthodox traditions, the period of 12 days from Great Christmas to Epiphany is considered holy. Christmastide runs from January 6th to 8th. Since the period coincides with the celebration of Christmas, it was also called Christmastide.

    The 6th was considered special. In the evening, 12 different dishes were placed on the table, after which a large company of people gathered and the meal began. Just at this time, girls could begin various fortune-telling. Winter Christmastide was distinguished by a special mysterious and mystical atmosphere. The celebration ended with Epiphany evening.

    Folk traditions on Christmastide

    The main custom, which remains to this day, is the preparation of festive porridge - kutia. The correct recipe for boiling it involves adding nuts, honey, poppy seeds and raisins to the wheat. It was believed that the well-being of the next year depended on how tasty the porridge turned out.

    On the first day of the celebration, people lit bonfires, the flames of which were supposed to burn and be maintained throughout the entire 12 days of Christmastide. One of the ritual actions was the descent of a burning wheel from the hill, which symbolized the passing year.

    Interesting and truthful fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide - for the future, betrothed, children


    The most important tradition and favorite folk entertainment were carols.

    To convey their wishes to their neighbors, people dressed up in various costumes and visited, often taking their children with them, also dressing them in colorful traditional costumes. In the texts of congratulations, it was customary to praise the owner, for which he had to thank him with sweets or other treats.

    Texts of carols

    The carols have arrived - open the gates!

    Kolyada, Kolyada! Open the gate!

    Open the chest, take out the penny!

    Open up, peddlers, get out the money!

    Come, don’t be shy, now we’ll amuse the people.

    Who will be the devil and who will be the devil!

    And whoever doesn’t want anyone, let him laugh for a nickel!


    Shchedrik-Petrik, give me some dumplings!

    A little candy, a spoonful of cereal.

    Well, even a ruble, even a nickel, we won’t leave home like that!

    Take it out quickly, don’t freeze the children!

    Offerings to the dead

    The second week of the celebration was dedicated to offerings to the dead. During this period, they remembered relatives who had gone to another world.

    In the villages they lit a fire from dung and straw, thus warming the souls of the dead who “came” for the holiday. Linden brooms were periodically thrown into the fire, suggesting that in the afterlife the dead would be able to use them to take a steam bath. Deceased parents were invited to a festive dinner, special funeral dishes were prepared for them and eating utensils were left.

    Erotic evenings

    On holy days, it was allowed to hold erotic evenings with the aim of looking out for young brides for future matchmaking. First the girls came, they dressed up and started preparing treats. After this, the boys and the rest of the village population gathered. The youth had fun, danced in circles and sang songs loudly.

    In the middle of the celebration, a noisy company of men appeared, dressed in sheepskins and masks with horns and beaks. They were in the form of animals: geese nibbled, pecked future brides, bears led them into the den to sleep. A special character of these evenings is the splinter. She personified the spirit of the dead. The person portraying her dressed up in a sheet and covered his face with white paint or flour. The splinter was allowed not only to sing and dance, but also to kiss and hug young girls.

    Yuletide rituals

    Christmastide is a time when it was allowed to carry out many magical conspiracies, rituals and ceremonies. And now, during this period, rituals can also be implemented in order to attract earthly blessings.

    For girls, holy days are a chance to find out their future, and sometimes to see the appearance of their betrothed.

    Ritual of exorcism

    It was believed that during this period it was necessary to resort to various methods of exorcism:

    • Sprinkle houses and outbuildings with holy water and fumigate them with incense.
    • Put crosses on gates and doors.
    • Bless water in rivers, lakes, ponds and wells.

    In some provinces, young boys got rid of evil spirits by loud screams, hitting fences with whips and waving brooms.

    Ritual for money

    It is necessary to carry out the ritual only on the waxing moon from January 16 to 19, since on another day it will not bring any effect.

    Rules for the ritual:

    1. 1. In the evening (closer to night), you need to place three lighted candles in the bathroom and turn off the power supply in the apartment or house.
    2. 2. Throw 5 coins into the bath and fill it with water. At the same time, you should gradually add a few drops of aromatic oils to the water. At the same time, say: “The river flows from afar, just as there is no end to it, so there will be no end to my wealth. Be it my way! »
    3. 3. You need to lie in the bathroom for a few minutes, plunge your head into the water seven times and get out of it.

    The candles must be burned to the end, then collect the coins and store them in a separate, secret place. It is better if this is a secret section of the wallet so that the coins are always close to the person who performed the ritual.

    Ritual for beauty

    It should be carried out at the same time as the previous ritual.

    1. 1. Fill a ladle or large cup with water.
    2. 2. Place the candle and light it.
    3. 3. Place the water in front of you and, looking at your display, say out loud the words that will help charge the water, and it will retain information about beauty.
    4. 4. There is no specific conspiracy, so it is proposed to make a speech on your own.

    Fortune telling during the holiday period

    The simplest and most truthful fortune telling:

    • 13 crosses;
    • on the circle of King Solomon;
    • on the water;
    • at a crossroads;
    • with an animal;
    • with mirrors.

    Holidays are great for lifting the curtains of fate and finding out your future.

    Fortune telling on the water

    The method is the most interesting and truthful, because it is believed that the liquid retains the imprint of the aura.

    What you will need:

    • church candles (three pieces);
    • clean water (it must first stand near the bed for 3-4 days before the time of fortune telling).

    How to perform the ritual correctly:

    1. 1. You should start fortune telling on January 7 at 12 o’clock at night.
    2. 2. Candles must be placed on the table in the form of a triangle.
    3. 3. Fill a carafe or other convenient container with water.
    4. 4. Place a container between the candles.
    5. 5. A small mirror must be placed behind all items.
    6. 6. When everything is prepared, in silence you should first formulate a question of interest to yourself, and then ask it out loud.
    7. 7. After this, look at the water; a mirror should be reflected in it.
    8. 8. After a certain period of time, some silhouettes will appear in the liquid, which will be the answer to the question asked.

    Fortune telling with an animal

    Even pets – cats – can take part in it.

    For example, you can find out whether your cherished wish will come true. To do this, you need to kick the animal out of the house or room, make a wish, and then call her back. You should carefully monitor which paw she crosses the threshold with. If with the right hand, the dream will not come true, but if with the left, it will come true next year.

    Fortune telling at the crossroads

    Crossroads is a special place, shrouded in mysticism. It is believed that it is the border of two worlds - the otherworldly and the real.

    To tell fortunes at an intersection, you need to come to it exactly at 12 at night and listen to the sounds coming from the area. So, if laughter or singing is heard, then you should expect a quick marriage. When the sounds of crying or lamentation are heard, then you should not expect a wedding.

    Fortune telling with a mirror

    The mirror symbolizes the border between the earthly and otherworldly worlds, therefore it is believed that it has enormous energy power.

    How to guess correctly:

    1. 1. For fortune telling, you need to take two mirrors: they should be placed one opposite the other, creating a mirror corridor.
    2. 2. Light 6 candles and place 3 on each side of the mirror.
    3. 3. Lightly prick your finger with a needle to draw blood.
    4. 4. You need to anoint any ribbon with blood, stick a needle into it and place it in front of you.
    5. 5. Then you should say out loud the question of interest and carefully peer into the mirror corridor.
    6. 6. After some time, visions will appear in the corridor formed by the mirrors, which will be the answer to the question.

    Fortune telling on the circle of King Solomon

    According to popular beliefs, on the seventh day from the full lunar cycle, the king ordered the production of a magic circle that could answer all questions and predict the future. The circle is divided into 26 equal sectors, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 100.

    To carry out fortune telling, you should take a small grain or pebble. With two fingers - index and thumb - you need to throw the object into the circle, asking yourself the question of interest.

    If an object falls into an empty place, it means that the fortune-telling process must be stopped immediately and try to find out the answer on a more favorable day. If the grain falls on a number, the prophecy that is hidden under this number will be the answer to the question asked.

    The meaning of each digit:

    It will be difficult to complete the case

    An acquaintance will slander you

    Do good

    You will succeed

    Don't do evil

    In time the wish will come true

    Expect good news soon

    Luck awaits you

    Find another solution to the issue

    Give up the benefits and everything will work out

    Trouble awaits you

    You will receive gratitude

    Desires will not come true until thoughts become pure

    All actions will be appreciated

    Be more respectful of everything around you

    Turn to God for Help

    Be kind to everyone

    The wish will not come true

    Do good

    Don't be too proud

    Listen to God

    Turn to God for Help

    There's no need to be afraid

    Don't be afraid of difficulties

    Don't do evil things

    Be careful with ill-wishers

    All people are equal

    The wish will come true

    Everything will be beneficial

    Don't be afraid of change

    Your wish will come true

    Pray often

    Don't desire useless things

    Think about the future

    Everything has its time

    He who flies high falls hard

    With the help of God, bad weather will pass by

    God will help you rise

    God will protect you from enemies

    Forgive and love others

    God will help you protect yourself from enemies

    Don't be afraid

    Beware of enemies

    There will be no benefit from the deeds done

    Good luck awaits you soon

    There will be difficulties along the way

    Do good

    Please be patient

    Turn to God for Help

    Judge others less

    Don't think about bad things

    Trust in God

    The wish will come true

    There will be troubles along the way

    Don't get angry in vain

    Good things await you

    Joy and health are nearby

    Repent to the Lord

    What you wish for others will come back to you

    Your wish will come true

    All come true

    The wish will come true, but not soon

    Pray more

    God will remove enemies from the path

    Your deed is good

    Success awaits you ahead

    There will be difficulties along the way

    Respond to evil with good

    Don't trust flattery

    The answer will come with God

    All difficulties can be overcome

    Trust in God

    Don't be lazy

    Be less upset and everything will change

    Your wish will come true

    The wish will never come true

    Love your enemy and you will be rewarded for your deeds

    What you sow is what you must reap

    Turn to God

    A meeting with the enemy awaits ahead

    Don't do evil

    Ask for only good things

    The wish will not come true

    Behave easier

    Trust in God

    Do good deeds

    Enemies will unite against you

    The chosen path will lead to success

    All wishes will come true

    The plan will not come true

    Expect the wrath of the Almighty for the evil you have done

    Pray more

    Better study

    Celebrate the good in others

    There's trouble ahead

    The chosen path is correct

    All wishes will come true

    Be humble

    The wish will come true

    Repent to the Lord of your sins

    For fortune telling on the circle of King Solomon, you can use the online version.

    Fortune telling 13 crosses

    It will require:

    • salt;
    • several glasses of water;
    • two candles;
    • round mirror.

    Rules for fortune telling:

    1. 1. At night, you should put the mirror on the table, having previously freed it from unnecessary things.
    2. 2. You need to draw 13 identical crosses on it with a marker.
    3. 3. Light the candles and say a special spell: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner.”
    4. 4. Afterwards you need to eat a little salt and drink a glass of clean water.
    5. 5. Then you should look carefully in the mirror; an image of your future betrothed should appear in it.
    6. 6. Once the image appears, you cannot let it get very close.
    7. 7. As soon as the outlines begin to approach, you should turn the mirror over and say “Forget me!” three times.

    Folk signs for Christmastide

    Since ancient times, during this period of time, people have tried to follow the following folk signs:

    1. 1. If you lose any item during the Christmas period, this will lead to losses, but if the item or jewelry is found, then you should expect wealth next year.
    2. 2. If tea, coffee, or another non-alcoholic drink was spilled during a table meal, this promises success for all endeavors.
    3. 3. During Christmas Eve, you need to pay attention to weather conditions: if it snows often or the whole sky is strewn with stars, the year will be satisfying and profitable.
    4. 4. If on Christmas night a young moon is visible in the sky without clouds, such a superstition promises financial failure for the next year.

    Simple fortune telling for children

    To create a magical and mysterious atmosphere, you can perform simple fortune telling with children.

    Fortune telling on paper

    To carry out fortune telling you need to take:

    • blank sheet of paper;
    • candle;
    • matches or lighter;
    • metal stand or bowl.

    Rules for the ritual:

    1. 1. At midnight you need to go into a dark room with your child; it is important that it is ventilated.
    2. 2. Give the child a sheet of paper to crumple in his hands. At the same time, the child should ask himself a question that interests him.
    3. 3. Place the lump in a metal bowl and set fire to the paper on several sides.
    4. 4. After the paper burns, you should pick up the ashes and look at the shadows that it casts on the wall.
    5. 5. The outlines that can be seen will be the answer to the question.

    Fortune telling on liquid wax

    You should take:

    • 3 candles;
    • small iron bowl;
    • container with 0.5 liters of water;
    • lighter.

    Rules for the fortune telling ritual:

    1. 1. Finely chop two candles.
    2. 2. Place small pieces of wax into an iron bowl and melt it over a flame or using a lighter.
    3. 3. The child should silently ask a question that interests him and pour the liquid wax into a container of water.
    4. 4. The burning candle should be brought to the bowl into which the wax is poured.
    5. 5. The outlines of the shadows that can be seen at the bottom will be the answers to the question asked.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure; problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

For 12 days from January 6 to January 18, between Christmas and Epiphany, a cheerful holiday called Christmastide is celebrated. In the church it is called continuous, since it does not provide for a single day of fasting. A large number of beliefs and traditions are associated with Christmastide, and the history of the holiday is very fascinating.

Christmastide 2018: History of the holiday

There is an opinion that this 12-day period is called Christmastide, since each day is dedicated to the solemn and great holiday of the Nativity of Christ. Other sources attribute the origin of the word “Svyatki” to the Old Russian verb “to sanctify,” meaning to glorify, to praise. Thus, for 12 days, believers glorify God and celebrate Christmas and the Baptism of Jesus Christ.

The Church began observing such a festive period back in the 6th century. It was believed that on these days it was not necessary to hold a wedding ceremony or bow. The documents of the Second Council of Turin confirm that in 567 the time between Christmas and Epiphany is festive, and therefore should be revered by all God-fearing and believing people.

In the first centuries of Christianity, the Church knew only one holiday - Epiphany (Epiphany is the second name). In this celebration, two events from the earthly life of the Savior were remembered at once - the Nativity of Christ and His Baptism.

Later, in the 4th century, these two holidays were separated from each other. The Nativity of Christ is moved to December 25 according to the old style (January 7 - new style), and Epiphany continues to be celebrated on January 6 according to the old style (January 19 - new style). But since in the church consciousness the two holidays still merge into one, the twelve days that now separate them are considered one continuous holiday. That is why the period from the Nativity of Christ to the Epiphany of the Lord is called Christmastide - from the words “light, holiness.”

Christmastide 2018: How to celebrate

The first few days of Christmastide, people went to visit friends and acquaintances and presented various gifts, symbolizing the gifts brought by the Magi in honor of the birth of the Savior. Visits to various institutions such as shelters, prisons, hospitals and so on were also encouraged. Legends say that even kings dressed in simple clothes during Christmas time and went to hospitals and prisons, giving people gifts.

There was also a traditional Yuletide meal. Families gathered around a table laden with various delicacies and remembered all the relatives and friends who had died last year, and also rejoiced at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. There had to be an odd number of dishes on the tables, as well as additional cutlery for all deceased relatives. There were also special dishes prepared for Christmastide. These are oatmeal jelly, cookies with nuts, kutia, lumps of baked goods, sbiten and much more.

The final days of Christmastide were considered a time of preparation for Epiphany. They gathered the best craftsmen of the village and went with them to the reservoirs to create an ice hole in the shape of a cross. The resulting ice hole was decorated with multi-colored ribbons, wood products, and patterned pieces of ice.

Today, during Christmastide, live brass music concerts are organized everywhere. A similar custom appeared after the arrival of Soviet power. Charity Christmas trees for all children, gala evenings and festivals are also organized.

Christmastide 2018: What you can and cannot do on Christmastide

It was in the evenings that Christians left their daily work and glorified the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany.

Therefore, the task of all Orthodox Christians is to celebrate. If possible, put aside all earthly affairs and become involved in this great mystery - the appearance of God on earth for our salvation. During this period, there is no fasting on Wednesday and Friday - you can eat food of animal origin. Priests are often asked the question: “How to receive communion on Christmastide, for example on Epiphany, if there is no fasting?” There are many traditions and different opinions. But basically, the priests agree that for an Orthodox Christian who truly lives the life of the Church and observes fasts, food restrictions on Christmastide before Communion are not necessary. After all, by and large, the liturgical charter itself abolishes fasting at this time! But, of course, this is not a reason for our soul to indulge in drunkenness, gluttony and debauchery. Moderation is important in everything.

In addition, during this period, bowing to the ground is not allowed either in the temple or at home. About Christmastide it is written as follows in the Rule of St. Savva the Sanctified (VI century): “there is no fasting, there is lower kneeling, lower in the church, lower in the cells.”

It is advisable to refrain from work if possible. Except, of course, the necessary: ​​cooking, caring for animals and other things from our everyday life that we cannot do without (for example, chopping wood to light the stove). You still need to refrain from large and unnecessary work. This does not apply to those working on duty. In this case, you need to repent of this forced sin during your next confession.

In fact, the Christmastide period is given to us for the following things...

The Lord generously poured out his grace on us with his Christmas, and we must pass it on (especially during the Christmas season). That is, our main task during Christmas time is to glorify the Born Christ: to visit each other, sing Christmas carols and spiritual hymns, attend church services that are frequent during this period and, of course, perform acts of mercy - visit the sick, prisoners, elderly people, orphans, generously give alms, etc.

The main thing on Christmastide, as in all days of a Christian’s life, is love for God and one’s neighbor. Let us glorify the Born Christ! Let us bring this good news to the world. Let us do deeds of mercy, love and give a helping hand to everyone who needs it

Christmastide 2018: Holiday traditions

It should be noted that after a long period of abstinence from entertainment, the people are again allowed to sing, have fun and eat plentifully. First of all, Holy Days are a time of fun and matchmaking; also on these days, any work is prohibited; besides, during this period, according to Orthodox church canons, it is forbidden to baptize children, get married, and also tell fortunes. At the same time, despite the prohibitions of the church, it is fortune telling, among all the above prohibitions, that is still actively practiced (in particular by girls) during Christmastide, since this particular period is one of the most mystical of the year and the most suitable for fortune telling. Yuletide fortune-telling, mainly on Christmastide, many girls begin to tell fortunes about their betrothed. This tradition dates back to pagan times, when the height of the winter season marked the period during which the souls of the departed were believed to emerge to the surface of the earth. And for our ancestors this meant one thing - through these supernatural forces we can learn about the future. The girls organized get-togethers where they all, together or individually, told fortunes about the groom. The Church in every possible way suppressed and is suppressing the attempts of young people to find out the future in this way, because such rituals have nothing to do with Christianity. However, some girls still continue to guess during Christmas time.

Christmastide 2018: Signs for Christmastide

From the beginning of Christmas Eve until the Old New Year, the housewives did not sweep at all. It was believed that this could release good luck. Everything was collected after January 14 and burned in a fire. Many believed that in this way all quarrels and disagreements would leave the house.

In addition to all fortune-telling, all young girls were sure to let their hair down and remove all amulets; it was believed that this way they would be more truthful.

If someone died in the past year, then for the entire Christmastide period an additional device was placed on the table for the deceased. Our ancestors believed that during these two weeks the dead came to their relatives.

In order to have a good harvest, our ancestors always tied all fruit trees with ribbons for the entire Christmas season.

At Christmas, losses were treated in a special way. If this is, for example, jewelry, then you will get rich, but everything else leads to losses. For men, hunting and fishing are a special form of entertainment, but on Christmas holidays it was previously prohibited. Many believed that otherwise a terrible disaster could happen.

To ensure good luck throughout the year and prosperity in the family, our ancestors tried to be sure to try every dish, at least a little. If you get crumbly and tasty kutia on Generous Evening, then the year will be happy and profitable.

If the entire Christmas period was clear and frosty, then the harvest will be good and business will go up. If, on the contrary, there is a thaw and it is humid, then the harvest will be meager, and business will only result in losses.

Also, our ancestors tried not to quarrel during Christmas time, since it was believed that even the smallest disagreement could develop into serious enmity. Housewives tried not to sew, at least in the first days of Christmastide, because they believed that a blind person might be born.

Christmastide 2018: Ancient fortune-telling for Christmastide

Unmarried girls love Christmastide very much and look forward to these days to tell fortunes for their betrothed.

There were two main themes in Christmas fortune-telling: fortune-telling about the harvest and the fate (of one’s own and the whole family) in the coming year.

Fortune telling for Christmastide begins on the night of January 6 and continues until Epiphany. However, the most favorable days for fortune telling are considered to be Christmas, Vasilyevsky (on the occasion of the Old New Year) and Epiphany evenings, since at this time there is a special activity of evil spirits and the souls of the dead.

We offer you several ancient folk fortune-telling for Christmas, Epiphany and the old New Year, which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers turned to, trying to lift the veil of the future and find out their fate.

Fortune telling (with felt boots) on the “side” you will marry

This is the most famous and widespread type of fortune telling. The girls take turns throwing their felt boots (boots, shoes) onto the road and by the direction of the “toe” of the felt boots they recognize the direction in which they will get married.

Fortune telling with mirrors to evoke the image of the future groom

This is a well-known fortune telling from literature. The girl sits down in the dark between two mirrors, lights candles and begins to peer into the “gallery of reflections,” hoping to see her groom. The best time for this fortune telling is midnight.

Fortune telling (with burning a thread) for the speed and order of marriage

It consists of girls cutting threads of the same length and setting them on fire. Whoever's thread burns out first will be the first to be married. If the thread goes out immediately and less than half is burned, then you won’t get married.

Fortune telling with a ring or needle on the gender of the unborn child

Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle (the ring is lowered into a glass of water, the needle is pierced into woolen fabric), then, suspended by a hair or thread, it is slowly lowered near the hand of the one being told fortunes. If an object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often, a boy), if it is pendulum-shaped, it will be a boy (less often, a girl), if the object does not move, there will be no children.

Fortune telling with a rooster (chicken)

Grain is poured into one plate (or money is placed), water is poured into another, a mirror is placed nearby, and sometimes a chicken is brought. A rooster approaching a mirror symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom; if a rooster approaches grain or money - his wealth; if a rooster approaches a hen, it means he will be a “womanizer”.

Fortune telling by shadows

This type of fortune telling, due to its simplicity, is very common among modern girls. The girl sets fire to a sheet of paper she has crumpled up, and then examines the shadow of the burnt paper. Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumples it, puts it on a dish or on a large flat plate and sets it on fire. When the sheet burns or is almost burned, a candle is used to display it on the wall. By carefully examining the shadows, they try to find out the future.

Fortune telling (based on barking dogs) about the age of the groom

After certain actions, the fortune-telling participants listen to the barking of the dog. A “hoarse” bark promises an old groom, and a “ringing” bark promises a young one.

Fortune telling with a ring to evoke the image of the future groom

The girl throws a wedding ring into a glass of water and peers inside the ring, saying the words: “My betrothed, the mummer...”.

Fortune telling with inducing a dream about the betrothed.

They tell fortunes on the night from Thursday to Friday. When going to bed, they say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees. Another will say, a third will indicate fate.”

Girls wonder if they go to bed where they never had to before. Before going to bed they say: “In a new place, dream of the bridegroom.” You will see your fiance in a dream

Card reading

Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dream about the king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - expect matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.

Wax fortune telling

Melt the wax in a mug, pour milk into a saucer and place it at the threshold of an apartment or house. The following words are pronounced: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” With the last words, melted wax is poured into the milk. Then they carefully observe what is happening. If you see a frozen cross, then some illnesses await you in the new year. If the cross only appears, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life you will be overcome by troubles, but not too serious. If a flower blooms, there will be a wedding or a loved one will meet. If an animal appears, you have to be careful: some kind of enemy will appear. If the wax flows in stripes, there will be roads and crossings, but if it starts to appear like stars, good luck awaits you in the service or in your studies. If a human figure is formed, a friend will appear.

Fortune telling by the call of passersby

They go out into the street at midnight and ask the name of the first person they meet. This is exactly what the betrothed will be called, this is exactly how he will be handsome and rich.

Fortune telling by eavesdropping

They climb under their neighbors' window and listen. If they have a showdown with breaking dishes, you can expect a “fun” year. If there is silence in the house, your year will be harmonious.

Fortune telling on an egg

For fortune telling, take a raw egg, make a small hole in it and pour the contents into warm water. When the protein folds and forms any figure, by the shape of which they guess their future. The sight of a church means a wedding, a ring means an engagement, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (for a woman). If the protein sank to the bottom, there will be trouble in the house: fire, death, the girl will not get married.

Fortune telling on logs

They approach the woodpile backwards and select a log by touch. If it is even, smooth, without knots, the spouse will come across with an ideal character. If the log is thick and heavy, the husband will be wealthy. If there are a lot of knots, the family will have many children, and if the log is crooked, the husband will be askew and lame.

Fortune telling with invocation of spirits

For fortune telling, you need a sheet of A2 paper and a porcelain saucer. On paper, draw a circle with a diameter of approximately 30 cm and write along a line outside the circle all the letters of the alphabet, and in the circle - the numbers from 0 to 9. Mark the center inside the circle and place a saucer on it, having previously drawn an arrow on the vessel. Repeat three times: “I call upon the spirit...Will you speak to us? Say: Yes or no." The saucer should move and point with an arrow to the letters and numbers. You just need to have time to read it.

Today is the New Year - this is the Olivier salad, which has already become a joke (by the way, it has little in common with the real Olivier), walk around until the morning with a constant headache the next day - or rather, evening, cannonades from pyrotechnics... Christmas trees are put up in cities almost in the first days of November, and then the next “symbol of the year” appears everywhere in abundance - an ugly animal, which immediately acquires its own dubious mythology. By Christmas, which, due to a calendar incident, turned out to be a post-New Year's holiday, all the gifts were given, the pickles were eaten, the trees were falling down...

How was the main winter holiday traditionally celebrated in Russia? An article from the magazine “Living History” (2015. No. 7), published by the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, reminds us of this.


There are snowdrifts in the fields,
But drop your cry, bell -
Jesus is born; – Maria
A sweet face bends over Him.
The patterned canopy is not installed
Keep the child from the cold,
And just hung from the foundations
Trembling web thread.
Trembling under light clothing
Tiny child - Christ,
A donkey and a bull to warm you with their breath,
They bowed their warm nose towards Him.
There are snow mountains on the roof,
Nothing can be seen through them...
And angelic choirs in white
They sing to the peasants: “Christmas!”

Théophile Gautier, 1861. Trans. Nikolai Gumilyov


It was a series of holidays that began with Christmas (December 25, as was then in effect), then New Year, otherwise known as Vasily’s Day (January 1), and finally Epiphany (January 6).

In the old days, people prepared for the holidays in advance; the most important day of preparation was Christmas Eve - December 24th. Even in non-religious families, where fasting was not strictly observed, people usually fasted on Christmas Eve. In merchant and bourgeois houses, fasting was observed more strictly than in noble houses, including the custom of not eating until the “first star.”

After the service, ordinary people traditionally went to caroling, that is, going from house to house with songs glorifying the Nativity of the Savior. The name itself - carols - has a much more ancient origin: it dates back to the times when the Slavs sang songs in honor of the pagan god Kolyada. Now they glorified Christ with carols and, as in ancient times, wished the owner of the house wealth and prosperity. However, native Muscovites did not use the word “carol” - they said “glorify”. Each family was waiting for Christoslav, preparing a meal for them. Usually these were “roes” - gingerbread cookies in the shape of a cow or goat, which symbolized the animals that were in the stable at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Everyone considered going to church on Christmas not only their personal, but also their social duty.

On Christmas Day itself, it was necessary to go to church, and here in the cities there was a problem of overcrowding in churches, and special tickets for the festive service were introduced in the home churches of various institutions. Some people had one more pre-holiday concern - getting tickets for matins in church. Every self-respecting resident considered visiting church on this day not only his personal, but also his public duty.

Christmas tree

The main reformer of New Year's festivities in Russia, Peter I, introduced the tradition of celebrating the New Year magnificently: with dancing, singing, launching crackers and fireworks, decorating houses and public buildings with coniferous branches. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree appeared much later - in the 30s of the 19th century, during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I. Under Emperor Alexander III, the tradition of visiting numerous Christmas trees by members of the imperial family began. Every year on December 25, after a family breakfast, the emperor with his children and grand dukes came to the arena of the Cuirassier Regiment for the Christmas tree for the lower ranks of His Majesty's Own convoy, the Combined Guards Battalion and the Palace Police. The next day the Christmas tree was repeated for the ranks who were on guard the day before. Empress Maria Feodorovna personally distributed gifts to soldiers and Cossacks. For officers, the holiday was held on December 26 in the Arsenal Hall of the Gatchina Palace. Opposite the billiards there was a Christmas tree and a table with gifts; after the gifts were distributed, everyone was treated to tea. Alexander III considered it his duty to share the Christmas holidays with the people who ensured his personal safety.

By the end of the 19th century, Peter I’s instructions to decorate houses with pine branches were not observed. The only buildings where this tradition was preserved were, oddly enough, taverns. Before the New Year, Christmas trees tied to stakes were placed at the gates of drinking establishments or on their roofs. They stood there until the next year and were a kind of “brand” sign of drinking establishments. Sometimes young pines were placed instead of fir trees. This custom lasted through the 18th and 19th centuries. There is an opinion that the curse “tree-stick” is connected precisely with this distinctive sign of taverns. All other buildings were decorated in different ways - with flags and ribbons, bowls with fat were placed and lit along the streets, and with the advent of electricity, electric garlands began to be bought or rented.

Preparing the Christmas tree was a special thing. It was decorated either canonically - after the all-night vigil, or before the all-night vigil

At the very end of the 19th century, numerous Christmas tree markets appeared in large Russian cities. One of the main ones in Moscow was located on Teatralnaya Square (right in front of the Bolshoi Theater). Choosing a Christmas tree was a special tradition, with a walk through the bazaar and the almost obligatory purchase of sbiten and kalach. Preparing the Christmas tree was a special thing. It was decorated either canonically - after the all-night vigil, or before the all-night vigil. After the celebration ended, the toys were removed from the tree and distributed to the children. As the capital's press wrote, one of the St. Petersburg rich people ordered “an artificial tree 3.5 arshins high, which was entwined with expensive fabric and ribbons... The top of the tree was dotted with ribbons of different colors; its upper branches were hung with expensive toys and jewelry: earrings, rings and rings; the lower branches are filled with flowers and sweets and a variety of fruits. The room where the tree was located was lit with large lights; pomp and luxury shone everywhere. After the children had refreshments, the music started playing. At the end of the evening, the children were allowed to tear off everything that was hanging on the tree. Children were allowed to climb the tree; whoever is more agile and dexterous enjoys the right to take for himself everything he gets, but since the tree was high and not many dared to climb, their sisters helped them: they set up chairs and pointed out the things that were most tempting for them.”

Children's gifts under the tree were mandatory. In large noble families, the game of “transfer” was traditional: gifts were wrapped in several layers of paper. They had to be unwrapped gradually, handing the gift to the person whose name was on the next wrapper. After the all-night vigil, candles were briefly lit on the tree for the children, and round dances were performed around the tree. Children's parties were held on the second and third days of Christmas. Over time, Christmas tree decorations became more sophisticated, and certain rules for decorating the Christmas tree appeared. Its top was crowned with the Star of Bethlehem. All kinds of curly gingerbread and cookies (often still in the shape of animals) replaced waffles, which were obligatory during the Middle Ages. Then everything became simpler; colorful toys, lanterns, and baskets began to be hung on spruce branches. And even later came the fashion for toys made of papier-mâché, porcelain, embossed cardboard, bugles and glued beads, transparent and frosted glass.

Christmas festivities

Before the revolution, weekends - not working days - were December 25 and 26, January 1 and 6. The intermediate days were working days. On the first day of Christmas and on January 1, it was customary for all classes to go to each other “with congratulations.” Among the nobility there was a custom of organizing festive New Year's social events: representatives of the nobility “in full dress” made short visits, driving around the city from house to house and congratulating the owners. And if for some it was one of the entertainment options, then for others this custom became a “holiday duty.” This side was described with humor and even sarcasm by Anton Chekhov in his stories “New Year’s Torture” and “New Year’s Great Martyrs.”

“In the emergency room, after lying for an hour and a half and drinking a whole bottle of valerian, the official comes to his senses... They find out that he is titular councilor Gerasim Kuzmich Sinkleteyev.

- Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? – the police doctor asks him.

“Happy New Year, happy new happiness...” he mutters, looking blankly at the ceiling and breathing heavily.

- And you too... But... what hurts you? Why did you fall? Remember! Did you drink anything?

- Not no…

- But why did you feel sick?

- I was stunned... I... I made visits...

- So you made a lot of visits?

- No... no, not much, sir... Having come from mass... I drank tea and went to Nikolai Mikhailych... Here, of course, I signed... From there I went to Ofitserskaya... to Kachalkin... I signed here too... I also remember that there was a draft blowing through me in the hall ... I went from Kachalkin to Vyborgskaya, to see Ivan Ivanovich... I signed...

- They brought another official! - the policeman reports.

“From Ivan Ivanovich,” continues Sinkleteev, “it’s just a stone’s throw to the merchant Khrymov... I came in.”

Congratulations... on your family... They offer you a drink for the holiday... Why not drink? You’ll offend me if you don’t drink... Well, I drank three glasses... I ate some sausage... Off to the Petersburg side to Likhodeev... A good man...

- And all on foot?

- On foot, sir... I signed with Likhodeev... From him I went to Pelageya Emelyanovna... Here they sat me down for breakfast and treated me to coffee. I was steamed from the coffee, it must have gone to my head... From Pelageya Emelyanovna I went to Obleukhov... Obleukhov’s name is Vasily, birthday boy... If you don’t eat the birthday cake, you’ll offend..."

By the end of the 19th century, another way to congratulate on the holiday appeared - send a postcard

By the end of the 19th century, another way to congratulate people on the holiday appeared - by sending a postcard. The tradition of giving cards immediately arose. The first such postcard appeared in Russia for Easter 1897, and within a couple of years the domestic market was filled with hundreds of different Easter and Christmas scenes. With the release of Russian-language greeting cards, the domestic assortment becomes the most diverse in Europe.

On Christmastide, while high society was having fun at balls and masquerades, ordinary townspeople had fun on the ski slopes, which often stood until Maslenitsa, and in booths where simple performances were given. In St. Petersburg they were located mainly on Tsaritsyn Meadow or on the Field of Mars, in Moscow - under the Novinsky Monastery (the area of ​​​​the current Novinsky Boulevard), then they moved to the Devichye Pole (now Khamovniki). In Moscow, a traditional Christmas tree appeared on Cathedral Square, amateur concerts were played in Manezh, fireworks were organized on Vorobyovy Gory, and the city nobility made reservations in popular restaurants. So, if the emperor was visiting Moscow during the New Year's festivities, the main New Year's ball was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace in early January.

The tradition of New Year's fireworks on Vorobyovy Gory was started back in 1891 by Moscow restaurateur Stepan Krynkin. His tavern with the simple name “U Krynkin” was located on what is now Kosygina Street, 150 meters to the left of the observation deck. After reconstruction in 1904, a long terrace with tables stretched along the entire perimeter of the building, the guests of which could see the whole of Moscow. It was to amuse visitors that the owner decided to hold New Year's pyrotechnic shows, which, thanks to the location of the tavern, were visible from the city center. The local audience on New Year's Eve consisted entirely of wealthy families from Zamoskvoretsk.

Over time, the New Year began to acquire its own traditions. The evening before the New Year began to be called “generous.” A rich festive table, according to popular belief, ensured well-being for the entire coming year and was considered the key to the family’s wealth. Therefore, they tried to decorate it with everything that they would like to have in abundance in their household. But the tradition of drinking champagne, as legend says, appeared after the defeat of Napoleonic army. In 1813, the Russians devastated the wine cellars of Madame Clicquot. Madame was not very opposed to this and seemed to even say that “Russia will cover the losses.” This actually happened, since the wine of House Clicquot turned out to be excellent and they often began to order it to Russia. French champagne Madame Clicquot has since become an invariable attribute of New Year's celebrations.

Christmastide is a period of national winter holidays. In 2020, Christmastide begins on January 6 (on Christmas Eve, from the moment the first star rises in the sky) and ends on January 18 (on Epiphany Eve, after the blessing of Epiphany water). The Slavs call these holidays “from star to water.” The name "Svyatki" comes from the verb "to sanctify". During this period, Orthodox Christians sanctify (glorify) Jesus Christ.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The first mention of Christmastide dates back to the 4th century. During this period, Greek Christians held public festivities for two weeks after Christmas. In Rus', after the adoption of Christianity during the Yuletide period, the pagan rituals of mumming, fortune-telling, and dancing were preserved. At first the Orthodox Church did not support Slavic pagan rituals. Then representatives of the clergy came up with a “solution to the problem” - the tradition of dipping into an ice hole on a river or lake in the form of a cross on Epiphany. This ritual helped to wash away the sins that were committed during Christmas time.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

On Christmastide, people go to churches for services and perform the sacrament of communion. These days it is customary to show mercy: visit hospitals and orphanages, give alms to the poor, and make charitable contributions. For young people, this period is associated with folk festivities. In rural areas, ancient traditions are honored: caroling, fortune telling for the future and the betrothed.

6th January. January 6th is Christmas Eve. On this day, after the first star rises in the sky, which symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, Christmastide begins.

Housewives prepare 12 Lenten dishes for the festive dinner, which represent the 12 apostles. The main dish is kutia (sochivo). The main drink of the festive table is uzvar made from dried fruits, rose hips and honey. Kutya and uzvar symbolize eternal life, the birth and death of Jesus Christ. Kutia is a dish used to commemorate the dead, and uzvar is prepared in honor of the birth of children.

After dinner, believers go to churches for an all-night vigil. At Christmas Eve services, festive chants are sung and bread, wheat, wine and oil (oil) are blessed. At the end of the service, the parishioners are anointed.

On the evening of January 6, young people organize caroling. Carolers dress up in skins, paint their faces, go from house to house and sing ritual songs in which they glorify Jesus Christ, members of the family of the owner of the house. For this they are given sweets and money.

On the evening of January 6, Christmas fortune-telling begins. On Christmas night it is customary to cast spells and make wishes.

Jan. 7. Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. On the morning of this day, people return home from night services. Those who adhered to the 40-day Nativity fast begin to break their fast. Housewives set a festive table, which includes modest dishes (containing meat and eggs). On January 7, people relax and visit each other.

13th of January. January 13th is Vasilyev's evening. On this day people read prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ. Housewives prepare kutya, dumplings, festive meat and fish dishes for a festive dinner, bake pancakes, pies, pies. In the corner of the room they place a sheaf of ears of straw - didukh, which is burned after the Christmas holidays. There is a widespread tradition among young people to be generous (caroling). The generous people go from house to house and sing ritual songs. For this, the owners reward them with money and sweets. On Vasilyev's evening, young girls gather in groups and arrange Christmas fortune-telling. On the night of January 14, it is customary to make wishes.

January 14. The Old New Year falls on January 14th. In the morning on this day, young boys go home, sow grain from their sleeves and sing sowing songs. After January 14, people remove Christmas trees and New Year's decorations from their homes.

January 18. Epiphany evening is celebrated on January 18th. On this holiday, believers attend the Divine Liturgy. In churches, a great consecration of water is carried out, which parishioners bring home, sprinkle their homes with it and store it all year round. On Epiphany evening, believers adhere to strict fasting. They start eating only after the first star rises in the sky. Sochivo and uzvar are always present on the tables.

People believe that on the night of January 18-19, evil spirits rule the earth. To protect themselves from evil spirits, on this day they draw crosses with chalk on the doors of houses, barns and gates.

Fortune telling for Christmastide

Fortune telling is a favorite pastime during the Christmas season. With the help of magical rituals, people try to look into the future and find out what events to expect in the near future. Unmarried girls try to find out the wedding date or the name of the future groom. To perform rituals, they use special attributes: water, candles, mirrors, rings, needles, and household items.

Signs and beliefs

  • During the Yuletide period, hunters should refrain from hunting, otherwise disaster may occur.
  • From Christmas Eve (January 6) to the Old New Year (January 14), housewives are not allowed to sweep dirty linen in public. Then you need to sweep up all the garbage, take it out into the yard and burn it so that the year passes in peace and prosperity.
  • At dinner on Christmas Eve (January 6), you need to taste all the dishes that are on the table so that there is prosperity and satiety in the house.
  • If the weather is warm on Christmas Day (January 7), spring will be cold.
  • If on Vasiliev's evening (January 13) the hostess managed to prepare crumbly and tasty kutya, then the family will be accompanied by good luck and happiness all year.

During Christmas time, an atmosphere of magic reigns on earth. During this period, dreams and magical rituals take on a special meaning. People try to have fun every Christmastide. On these holidays, they sled and skate, visit holiday fairs, and visit each other.

What date is Christmastide in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
6 January Wed6 January Thu6 January Fri