Makeup lesson: how to disguise a pigment spot on the face? How to disguise a pigment spot on the face? How to cover up brown spots on the face? how to disguise pigment spots on the face.

Pigment spots on the face are a common problem faced by women of all ages. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, so self-treatment is not recommended. It is advisable to visit a competent specialist. He will identify what caused this defect on the face and prescribe treatment. In the meantime, you are undergoing treatment, you can learn to hide pigmentation using decorative cosmetics. Properly applied makeup will hide skin imperfections and give it a stunning look.

Why do age spots occur?

Pigmentation is the uneven deposition of the protein pigment - melanin, which manifests itself in the form of spots that differ from the main color of the skin.

Most often, a skin defect such as age spots appears in old age. The fact is that over time, skin cells cease to control the production of melanin. As a result, this leads to uneven distribution of pigment - unaesthetic brown spots are formed.

Pigmentation is often caused by hormonal changes in the body: pregnancy, menopause, use of contraceptives, ovarian dysfunction.

Ultraviolet radiation is another cause of age spots on the face. In most cases, it is because of excessive ultraviolet radiation that young women seek help from a dermatologist.

Internal causes of pigmentation also include stress, heredity, vitamin imbalance, the presence of chronic diseases or prolonged use of medications, in particular antibiotics.

As for external factors that influence the appearance of brown spots, these include the penetration of microscopic coloring particles under the skin, the use of low-quality cosmetics and an incorrectly performed cosmetic procedure that traumatized the skin.

In general, the appearance of age spots is harmless. But it is worth remembering that it is always a signal of a malfunction in the functioning of any body system. In any case, experts advise undergoing a full examination in order to prescribe effective treatment. This is especially true for those whose pigment spots increase in size, change color and become convex.

Types of concealers

In order to hide skin imperfections, various camouflage cosmetics are used. These include gels, creams, pencils, concealers, correctors and others. It is a mistake to believe that a product designed to eliminate bruises will help disguise age spots. Camouflage, the so-called medical makeup for hiding aesthetic skin defects, depends on the problem that worries you. It is also worth noting that cosmetics used for camouflage come in different colors, textures, shapes, consistency and coverage. It must be selected based on skin type. Those with dry or sensitive skin are advised to give preference to liquid textures, and oily ones - dense ones.

To disguise a pigmented area of ​​skin, you will need day and foundation creams, concealer, makeup base, powder, and blush. We should talk in more detail about how to choose one or another product for masking age spots:

  • To disguise age spots, you need to use a non-greasy day cream that suits your skin type. It’s good if it and other cosmetics contain vitamins, antioxidants and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • When choosing a foundation, remember that it should contain a minimum of fat, have a dense texture and match the color of the skin, and not the color of age spots.
  • The foundation, like foundation, should also be as close as possible to the natural skin tone of the face. Creamy foundations contain a large amount of powder and pigment, making them best suited for covering up brown spots.
  • Concealers come in different types. To lighten age spots, a thick, flesh-colored concealer that has a cool bluish tint is suitable. If this product is not available, you can also use a blue corrector.
  • To set medical makeup, you need to use a translucent setting powder.
  • Evening out your skin tone can make your face appear too flat. To avoid this, you need to use a dry texture blush. As for color, it is better to opt for refreshing shades. Blush should be applied to the apples of the cheeks so that they do not touch the pigment spot.

Concealing pigment spots

When covering up a pigmented area of ​​skin, always follow this rule: apply concealer only to the area of ​​the blemish. By going beyond its boundaries, you risk lightening the skin, which has a normal color. To successfully hide age spots, you also need to follow the order in which concealers are applied. This order is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to cleanse the skin and moisturize it with day cream.
  • Once the cream is absorbed, apply makeup base all over your face. There is no need to rub it in. The makeup base should be applied in small dots and spread over the skin using patting movements, moving from the forehead to the chin.
  • The next layer is foundation. Try to make the layer as thin as possible. This rule must be taken into account when applying other layers of decorative cosmetics.
  • On top of the foundation, apply concealer or corrector to the pigment spot using warm fingers.
  • After covering the problem area of ​​the skin, use setting powder. To apply it you will need a cotton pad. Using tapping movements from top to bottom, work over the entire face.
  • Lastly, apply blush to the skin using a brush.

Knowing all these nuances and following all the listed rules, you can be sure that now you are not afraid of such a problem as age spots on your face. This means you can always remain attractive - look young and fresh.

Age spots are marks on the body that appear as a result of increased melanin production. They cause severe discomfort and are an aesthetic defect. They can accompany you from birth and appear during life (due to hormonal imbalance or other reasons). It is possible to get rid of pigmentation, but some methods take a long time, while others are financially expensive. There remains an effective way to hide the defect - to disguise age spots on the face during the period of their treatment.

Cosmetic companies produce a wide range of concealers: foundations, powders, correctors, concealers. Products vary in release form, texture, color and targeting a specific skin type. Thick pencil correctors are suitable for oily skin, and products with a creamy texture can perfectly disguise spots on dry skin. To select a pigment masking product, you need to seek help from a cosmetologist.


Foundation is a popular remedy for pigmentation. Used as a base for makeup, it performs a protective function against external factors. Types of foundation are distinguished depending on skin type:

  • For oily skin: light cream, cream powder.
  • For those with oily skin, it is important not to overload it. Cream powders and light creams are used for this. The powder absorbs and controls excess sebaceous secretions.
  • For dry skin: thick cream, camouflage.

Creams of this texture contain wax and silicone, which allows you to moisturize and soften the skin. The most dense is camouflage, similar in effect to theatrical makeup. Thanks to the coloring pigment, it is able to disguise visible defects: red spots, scars, skin unevenness.

When choosing a cream, pay attention to its tone. Dark ones will look unnatural when applied to light skin, and using a light tone on dark skin will not have the desired effect and will not be able to cover up imperfections.


The corrector used for age spots has a wider palette than foundation. Used for professional makeup to cover bruises, pimples, birthmarks, scratches, pigmentation. The color is selected depending on the purpose of use:

  • yellow (capillary network, circles under the eyes, bruises);
  • green (can mask inflammation, redness, rashes);
  • white (for face sculpting);
  • orange (for dark-skinned people - hides circles under the eyes, models the face);
  • pink (refreshes the epidermis);
  • blue (paints vascular manifestations, pigmentation, inflammation).

A blue and green color corrector for age spots is best. They are available in pencil, cream, and liquid form (great for working with the area around the eyes).


An effective remedy that will help hide pigmentation on the face is concealer.

  1. Liquid. Suitable for correcting the area around the eyes and lips. It has a light texture, so you won’t be able to remove blemishes and pimples with it. Works well on fine wrinkles, circles, bags under the eyes.
  2. Cream. Used to correct facial contours and small skin defects.
  3. Pencil. It is applied pointwise to the masked area, hides acne and pigmentation of various types. Has antibacterial properties. Suitable for dense areas of the face and body (chin, forehead, nose, cheeks, arms, legs, back).
  4. Stick. Indicated for use in facial areas, except for the area around the eyes. Can remove almost all cosmetic imperfections: from scars to spider veins. Recommended for oily skin and enlarged pores.
  5. Dry concealer. Presented in the form of mineral powder. Masks acne, blemishes and inflammation.

The colors of the concealer are varied and are selected in the same way as the corrector.

Step-by-step instructions for camouflage makeup

To disguise pigmentation, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon and contact a makeup artist. By following the instructions, you can do your own makeup at home:

  • clean and moisturize the skin well;
  • it is necessary to apply a color-correcting base (primer) to the problem area or to the entire face;
  • then apply the corrector itself using tapping movements (select the shade according to your skin type and area of ​​application);
  • apply skin tone concealer;
  • fix the applied layers with powder;
  • after masking the defect, apply a top layer (foundation or powder);
  • fix the makeup with setting powder;
  • For those with fair skin, bronzing blush or powder can be applied as a finishing touch.

The main thing when fighting pigmentation is to protect yourself from exposure to the sun. To do this, use sunscreen with SPF 50. In the summer, do not leave the house without applying it, so as not to provoke increased pigment release.

In what cases is it undesirable to use cosmetics?

When choosing cosmetics, you need to study the composition; many components can cause allergies (artificial dyes, paraffin, fragrances, AHA acids). If you are prone to allergic reactions, then it is undesirable to use cosmetics. Zinc ointment will help lighten your face, which will get rid of red spots on the face and has a hypoallergenic composition. The Badyaga gel will have a beneficial effect.

Cosmetic correction is not advisable if the spots are peeling. To find out and eliminate the cause, you should contact the clinic for a consultation with a dermatologist. Pharmacy products like “Rescuer” balm or “Radevit” cream have good reviews.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to mask spots with cosmetics. During this period, a woman is especially susceptible to non-standard reactions of the body to influencing factors. Temporarily you will have to resort to traditional lightening methods, recipes for which can be made from available products (eggs, lemon, parsley, cucumber).

You can try to disguise age spots, but the main thing is not to forget that the treatment of a skin defect must begin with finding and eliminating the cause of the formation.

With age, pigment spots can increase in size, which leads to a feeling of significant discomfort. Most women begin to use medications and even decide to undergo laser therapy. But often these measures remain ineffective, especially since over time, under frequent and prolonged exposure to sunlight, the visibility of the defect on the skin increases even more. In this article we will figure out how to disguise age spots on the face.

Choosing a cosmetic product

Since the color of a pigment spot is usually slightly darker than the natural skin tone, it can only be covered with the help of properly selected cosmetics. Good camouflage can be achieved by combining several makeup products with each other. So, the most effective in the fight against pigmentation are:

  • Concealer.
  • Corrector.
  • Concealer.

You should choose the right product carefully, taking into account not only the tone, but also the skin type, as well as the color of the spots. Thus, uneven pigmentation is hidden only by mixing several shades of concealers. Such cosmetics are produced in various forms (liquid, creamy), which makes their use even more convenient.


The main rule that must be followed when choosing a product is that it should match the tone of the skin, and not the pigment spot. For dry skin types, use a foundation with a dense structure; for oily skin, use a foundation that is light and has a creamy texture.

The total cream contains wax and silicone, thanks to which it creates softening and moisturizing effects. It is the coloring pigment that allows the product to cover age spots and other visible defects on the face well. To achieve the desired masking effect, it is necessary to use a foundation that contains as little fat as possible. This will help preserve makeup longer, because the product is used as a base. Foundation also perfectly protects the skin from the influence of external adverse factors.


The advantage of this product over foundation is its wide palette. Despite the great abundance of colors, you need to know in what cases each of them is used. The correct use of a particular corrector serves as a guarantee of its effectiveness. So, the tool may have:

  • Yellow. Well disguises bruises, circles under the eyes and capillary mesh.
  • White color. Ideal for face sculpting.
  • Orange color. It is used to perform facial modeling. This color has a camouflaging effect on dark circles under the eyes that appear on dark skin.
  • Pink color. Gives the skin a fresh and youthful appearance.
  • Blue. Has a masking effect against vascular manifestations, inflammation and pigmentation.
  • Green color. It can be used to hide minor redness.

It is the last two types of corrector that cope better with pigment formations on the skin than others. To remove white spots on the face, for example with vitiligo, you should apply a product that is several shades darker than the base one.

The transition of corrective products of different shades must be shaded carefully so that the boundaries between pigmentation and healthy tissue remain invisible.


Has a rich range of colors. The shade is selected according to the same principle as the corrector. In addition, the product is presented in various forms:

  • Liquid. Apply to the area around the lips and eyes. It is practically not used in the fight against pigmentation due to its light structure.
  • Cream. This form is used to correct only small defects.
  • A pencil. Better than other products, it is suitable for masking age spots of various types. Easily applied to any area of ​​the face.
  • Stick. This form of concealer is effective against most skin imperfections. Its use is especially indicated for people with oily skin types and enlarged pores. When applying, avoid the area around the eyes.
  • Mineral powder. This is what the dry concealer option is called. The product actively copes with acne, inflammatory and age spots.

Concealer will hide age spots much better than foundation, since it has more pronounced covering properties.

Basic Rules

Before hiding age spots with makeup, you should thoroughly cleanse your facial skin of any type of contamination. Afterwards, in order to moisturize, you need to apply day cream and let it absorb.

Only after this do they begin to use a makeup base. Apply it pointwise, and then distribute it with patting movements from the forehead, down to the chin. It is important to move in a downward direction, as this will avoid unwanted raising of the hairs on the skin, causing the defect to become even more noticeable.

Cover your face with subsequent and other types of cosmetics in as thin a layer as possible. They are usually applied using driving movements. At the end, the makeup must be fixed with powder. It is also applied using a tapping motion using a cotton pad.

Many women cannot do without blush. However, these cosmetics must be carefully selected for people who suffer from age spots on the face. So, preference should be given to blush with a dry texture. This is due to the fact that the liquid and creamy structure of the product requires stronger shading, and this can disrupt the layering of the previously applied concealing makeup.

It is worth remembering that by using refreshing shades of blush, you risk making the pigment spot even more noticeable. The ideal option is to use bronzing blush. This is especially true for people with fair skin types. If, however, the choice fell on liquid and cream blush, then it is better to abandon correctors altogether.

Hyperpigmentation (age spots) refers to various types of darkening of the facial skin. These may include red or dark acne scars (acne scars), melasma, rosacea, sunburn, birthmarks, and other forms of uneven skin tone. Most of the appearance of hyperpigmentation can be easily hidden with the right makeup. Start by choosing colors that match your skin tone rather than applying a thick layer of foundation. To get even, smooth skin, apply concealer and blend it with foundation. If hyperpigmentation occurs throughout the body, the same methods can be used to camouflage. In the meantime, use sunscreen and topical medications correctly to prevent new spots from forming.


Choosing the right makeup

    Choose the opposite color of the one you want to cover. No matter what color you're trying to remove from your face, always look for a concealer that's the opposite color. This is called "tone adjustment." You can find a complexion correcting palette that includes many different colored concealers, or you can buy them individually. Typically, you should look for:

    Choose a foundation or BB cream to match your complexion. The foundation is applied to the concealer. There is no need for a very heavy base if you want to hide dark spots. It is better to choose a foundation that matches your skin tone.

    Try using a tinted primer. If the hyperpigmentation on your face is confined to small areas or appears as a rash rather than patches, then it may be worth trying a tinted primer. This primer will help your makeup stick to your skin without clumping or oxidizing. If the primer is tinted, it will help correct the color of a large area of ​​the face and give it a more natural look.

    • The same rules for adjusting color with concealer apply to primer. That is, use the opposite color to neutralize the hyperpigmentation tone.
  1. Set your makeup if desired. Fixing your makeup will allow you to keep it for the whole day. You can use powder or spray to set your makeup, depending on your preference and skin type.

Concealing hyperpigmentation on the body

    Wear concealing clothing. If pigmentation occurs on the legs, arms, neck and back, you can wear clothes that hide it. It is especially helpful to wear covering clothing if you have a rash or pigmentation that is sensitive to makeup or topical medications.

    • You can wear jeans, khakis, leggings, stockings and long skirts to hide hyperpigmentation on your legs.
    • To hide pigmentation on your arms, wear long sleeves: shirts, jackets, kimono tops and capes.
    • If you have skin problems on your neck, you can choose a shirt with a high collar, such as a polo or oxford shirt. If it's cold outside, you can wear a scarf.
    • The shirt usually covers the back or stomach. If you need to wear a swimsuit, then choose a one-piece (for women) or a hydroshirt (for men).
  1. Apply body foundation. You can apply facial foundation to your body. Keep in mind that some parts of the body, especially those hidden from the sun, may be a different shade than the skin on your face. You may need a lighter shade. Another option is to try a foundation that is specifically formulated for body skin.

    • Using a sponge, tap the foundation into the affected areas and blend.
    • You can also apply concealer to blemishes. However, it may not be as effective as on the face.
  2. Try using tinted sunscreen. Most forms of hyperpigmentation on the body are aggravated by sun exposure. During the warmer months, it can be difficult to wear clothing that covers these areas. Try finding a tinted sunscreen. It matches your skin tone well, just like foundation, but provides SPF protection to prevent hyperpigmentation from worsening.

    • Consult a doctor or dermatologist for advice, especially if your pigmented skin is very sensitive or easily irritated.

Preventing further pigmentation

  1. Exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation removes dead cells and gives the skin a chance to regenerate. Exfoliating 2-3 times a week will help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, especially dark spots and acne scars. Don't exfoliate your skin more than three times a week because it can cause microcracks, excessive shine and breakouts.

Pigment spots can be a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body, for example, during pregnancy. They can also appear due to a lack of folic acid (in this case, you need to “lean” on green leafy vegetables, legumes and liver).

Age spots do not always look like brown “age blots” the size of a ruble coin. They occur even in young women and can look like “large” freckles.


Hyperpigmentation is often caused by excessive sun exposure, which is why pigment spots, like freckles, appear on exposed areas of the body: on the forehead, cheeks, arms, and décolleté.

Sometimes light brown spots on the skin appear as a result of stress, chronic illness, or long-term use of certain medications.

The most common cause of hyperpigmentation is aging. Brownish spots on the skin are an accumulation of melanin in the stratum corneum, epidermis and dermis. Over time, our cells no longer “control” the production of this pigment, and it accumulates unevenly in the form of unsightly spots. Also, due to cell fatigue, our skin becomes very thin and dry, like parchment paper.

There are also “external” causes of hyperpigmentation, caused by an improperly performed cosmetic procedure (for example, chemical peeling) or the penetration of dyes into the skin - microscopic particles of coal, soot or graphite.

If pigment spots change color, increase in size or become prominent, you should see a dermatologist immediately.

Whatever the cause of hyperpigmentation, it must be combated. And not alone, but together with an experienced cosmetologist, otherwise you can make your “spotting” even more noticeable.


Light age spots can sometimes be hidden with regular foundation, but if the “problem” is a deep brown color, other measures are necessary.

If your skin tends to be oily, it is most convenient to use thick concealers in the form of pencils. Firstly, they easily apply “precise blows” directly to the stain, and secondly, they last longer.

Pale, very dry and “lifeless” skin, where hyperpigmentation is most noticeable, needs exclusively cream correctors.

To discolor pigment spots, you need a blue corrector or a light flesh-colored concealer with a cool blue tint. This concealer will not only “cover up” the stain, but will also neutralize the brown color.

You need to apply concealer precisely, then smooth out the edges with your finger, powder the problem area with transparent powder and apply foundation.

If there are a lot of spots and they are so small that they look like freckles, it is better to even out the overall tone of the face. For this you need a purple corrector.

You need to apply a thin layer of corrector to the skin using a sponge. It is important not to paint over the brown scattering, but to “beat out” the color. Then you should use a foundation, and finally cover your face with transparent powder with a light tan.