A collection of ideas: under the caress of a knitted blanket. Knitted blankets Knitting blankets on a knitting machine

Size: 150x150cm.

You will need: 900 grams of Alpaca yarn (100% alpaca, 190m/50g. Trinity Worsted Factory); 400 grams of brown and gray, 100 grams of blue), 50 grams of wool yarn (200m/50g) for finishing.

Weaves: cooking surface.

Knitting density: 30p.x41p.=10x10 cm, knitted in stockinette stitch on a Silver Reed knitting machine at density 6.

Description of work: The blanket is knitted from three parts, connected to each other during the knitting process.

Detail 1.

Switch on 150 needles (in zone 75-0-75). Use a brown thread to cast on stitches in a pigtail (or cast on using a waste thread). Knit in stockinette stitch. After 6 rows on the right side of the fabric, use a decker to transfer the loop from the quadruple needle to the fifth. Leave the freed needle in use. Knit 6 more rows in stockinette stitch. Again on the right side of the fabric, use the decker to transfer the loop from the quadruple needle to the fifth. And so on. Continue this way until row 204. In row 205, change the thread to a harsh one. Knit another 204 rows in stockinette stitch, making holes on the right side every 6 rows. After 408 rows, change the thread to brown. Knit another 204 rows, making holes on the right side every 6 rows. After 612 rows, remove the fabric onto a waste thread.

Detail 2.

Switch on 150 needles (in zone 75-0-75). Cast on the loops with a pigtail using a straight thread (or cast on using a waste thread). Knit in stockinette stitch. After 6 rows (carriage on the right), start making holes on the right side of the fabric, as in Part 1. At the same time, on the left side, start attaching Part 1 as follows: take the part with the wrong side facing you, the holes are located on the right. Insert the three-needle decker into the first hole from the bottom, remove the three leftmost loops of Part 2 from the needles, pull them through the first hole of Part 1 and put them back on the needles. Transfer the loop from the fourth needle to the fifth. Knit 6 more rows in stockinette stitch, then again make a hole on the right side and join the parts on the left. After 204 rows, change the gray thread to blue. After another 204 rows, change the blue thread again to a harsh one. Continue making holes on the left side and connecting parts on the right until row 612. Remove the part using waste thread.

Detail 3.

Switch on 150 needles (in zone 75-0-75). Use a brown thread to cast on stitches in a pigtail (or cast on using a waste thread). Knit in stockinette stitch. Make the connection from the left side of the first two parts. The carriage should be on the right. Work up to 612 rows with color changes every 204 rows (brown, gray, brown)

Perform an OBE. Crochet open loops and remove waste thread.

Edge processing.

Using wool thread for finishing, cast on 4 loops in a pigtail. The carriage is on the right. Using the same needles, place the four internodal bows of the edge of the blanket. Knit eight rows. Place the next four interstitial edge arches on the same needles and knit another eight rows. Finish around the perimeter of the rug in this manner.

It is difficult to imagine a person indifferent to special functional things. They always attract attention; you want to buy them or make them yourself. Take, for example, a blanket: thanks to the close attention of designers, such a product is both a stylish accent of the room and functional. Knitted blankets are unique; in their properties and performance characteristics they are not inferior to their textile counterparts, having a number of advantages.


Knitted blankets are special types of bedspreads. Their main difference from conventional blankets is the manufacturing method: these products are knitted fabric. In most cases, such models are made of hypoallergenic material that does not irritate the skin. This is important for allergy sufferers and users with particularly sensitive skin that turns red from any contact with yarn. The production uses soft, body-friendly threads that do not have prickly inclusions.

Knitted blankets have a number of features. They:

  • made from raw materials of natural or synthetic origin, as well as their composition (mixed threads);
  • are carried out in bulk using professional equipment or are made by hand (for yourself and to order);
  • have excellent elasticity and the ability to stretch, covering any type of surface without folds (relevant for cover models);
  • depending on the type of yarn, they differ in thickness and relief (can be flat or voluminous);
  • have no restrictions in choosing a pattern and flight of fancy;
  • can be one-sided, double-sided, have a textile or fur base, or be an exclusively knitted product (depending on the model and the author’s imagination);
  • based on the characteristics of the pattern and size, the quantities of yarn spent have different weights;

  • They have not only the usual rectangular shape: they can be round, square, oval, hexagonal and unusual (in the form of animal skins, insects, envelopes);
  • differ in the complexity and variety of patterns, allowing you to choose the most interesting option;
  • are made for different sizes of beds (sofas) taking into account different age groups (for children, teenagers and adults);
  • have a rich color palette, due to which they are an unobtrusive accent of any room and are able to visually change the space of the room in the right direction;
  • are made in a single color or contrasting version, which is convenient for the color composition of interior items;
  • Depending on the cost of the raw materials used, they have different prices, giving the buyer the opportunity to choose the most acceptable option, taking into account his taste and wallet.

Knitted blankets are unusual: you won’t find them in every home. These are not large-format extras, which is why they are popular. And if you take into account the creative approach with which craftswomen make such products, the results can often be called masterpieces of design art.

Often, “homemade” blankets are decorated with accessories (buttons, lace, fringe, cord, pom-poms, embroidery).


Knitted blankets are not just beautiful capes. They are multifunctional. Along with the decorative function and the ability to add fresh colors to the usual design of the room, they:

  • give a complete and neat look to the sleeping area (on the bed, sofa);
  • can become a temporary cover for any upholstered furniture (sofa, armchair, modular design);
  • can be used as a light blanket-blanket (relevant in summer and in the off-season);
  • in products for infants, they are perfectly transformed into stylish envelopes, convenient for going for a walk or to the children's clinic;
  • depending on the volume, the canvas can become a warm and soft rug, placed on top of the crib mattress or on the floor on top of the carpet (to maintain the baby’s warmth and hygiene);
  • successfully replace a warm sweater or overalls, carefully enveloping the user sitting in front of the TV screen (relevant in a cold room);
  • depending on the composition of the material used, they have healing properties (with regard to models made of sheep and camel wool);
  • create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in the room.


Alas, the best wool models are not suitable for everyone: despite the uniqueness of the threads and the best qualities of this material, some users are intolerant to it. Despite a lot of advantages, knitted blankets have several other disadvantages:

  • in most cases, they cannot be placed on the mattress to vary the degree of softness (pressure on any knitting relief will leave “imprints” of the pattern on the body, which is harmful to blood flow);
  • knitted blankets require a large amount of yarn in large sizes and a lot of time to make (at home);
  • almost always problematic to care for and not resistant to machine washing (needs hand washing, gentle spinning, proper drying away from sunlight);
  • dry after washing longer than textile analogues, requiring a large vertical surface (when dried in the usual way, they are stretched, deforming the pattern and reducing the width of the fabric);
  • susceptible to dust accumulation, which creates a habitat for dust mites that cause allergies.


Thanks to a creative approach, a knitted blanket can be of a special shape (with a hood, ears, buttons for transformation). According to the type of manufacturing, such a product can be made:

  1. By hand using knitting needles or crochet;
  2. By machine on a knitting machine or on production equipment.

The difference between the method of execution is immediately visible: the machine type often involves working with thinner yarn, using the maximum number of loops, an abundance of patterns and weaves. Such a product is created faster than its analogue manually, but requires an accurate count of the number of loops.

Blankets knitted on a production machine are always neat and uniform. Well-established technology allows knitting of any complexity and pattern, but is always limited by batch options.

Hand knitting differs in appearance: While the fabric is knitted, the degree of density of the loops may change. It is rarely as perfect as machine washing, but after washing, as a rule, the fabric looks more or less uniform. Manual labor is not limited by any technology, therefore it allows you to bring to life any fantasy of the author, demonstrating texture and pattern in the best light. In addition, it is easier to manually make composite fragments if the plaid model requires it.

Techniques and patterns

The methods for making a knitted blanket are different. In production, such products are knitted by machine using standard knitting. Homemade handcrafting is divided into four techniques:

  • knitting in a straight line (from edge to edge with transition to the next row);
  • in a circle (starting from the chain, adding loops in the corners with each new row);
  • diagonally (oblique knitting technique);
  • the method of creating and assembling individual fragments (from squares).

Each technology is individual, but before making a product, the knitting density (necessary for calculating the loops) and the description of the pattern are always taken into account.

Depending on the type of yarn, a blanket can be large or fine knitted, made with or without a three-dimensional pattern, with a pattern created using different colored threads in the form. The product can be made from:

  • contrast stripes;
  • geometric shapes;
  • Norwegian ornaments;
  • ethnic motives;
  • New Year's theme;
  • funny animals;
  • African motifs;
  • characters from children's cartoons.

One of the interesting techniques for making a blanket at home is to assemble a model from old sweaters. In this case, small-sized canvases cut into squares are used. The technique of assembling such a blanket requires a sewing machine and is generally reminiscent of working with patches in Patchwork. Knitted fragments of the same length and width are sewn together, finishing the edges with an overlocker (so that they do not spill out). In order for the blanket to have a “marketable” appearance, the reverse side is covered with a lining of fabric or fur.

As for patterns, they can be anything - from simple garter stitch to voluminous compositions.

Particularly popular decorations for knitted blankets are all kinds of braids, plaits, weaves, and combinations of stripes of alternating knit and purl stitches.

The most interesting plaid options can be created:

  • Tunisian knitting - the “Afghan” crochet technique, in which the pattern is formed on the basis of a two-level row pattern;
  • Bavarian knitting - crocheting in the round with composing fragments or a whole fabric in the form of a square;
  • the Scandinavian way - knitting two-color jacquard garter stitch patterns in a Norwegian theme using knitting needles;
  • double-sided knitting - simultaneously with two threads on knitting needles or one crochet.

The uniqueness of knitting may lie in its fragmentation: the fabric can be solid, but with different patterns, which is emphasized by the contrasting color of the yarn and other patterns.


Yarn for blankets can be absolutely any, but without adding metallized thread, which, although shiny, spoils the texture of the fabric and pricks the skin. Craftswomen often use leftover yarn to make such a bedspread, creating a colorful array of colors. In other cases, they buy especially thick yarn for hand knitting, which allows you to create a unique blanket scarf in a short time. The most popular raw materials used for knitted blankets are:

  • cotton;
  • acrylic;
  • wool (Australian merino);
  • wool mixture;
  • "grass";
  • a mixture of angora and acrylic;
  • mohair;
  • wool with acrylic.

Each type of material differs in its result: the “grass” options, knitted with knitting needles, are very soft, voluminous and pleasant to the body. Woolen and wool-blend blankets, complemented by a textile base, are worthy competitors to woven blankets.

Cotton models are lightweight, do not irritate the skin and are easy to care for.


The color palette of knitted blankets is multifaceted. Manufacturers offer a lot of options that can satisfy the most demanding preferences. More often, the lines consist of dark and practical tones: dark gray, burgundy, mustard, brick, blue, brown. The light range includes classic colors: white and beige, as well as pastel shades (pink, lilac, green, mint, lemon).

Homemade knitted blankets are often made in practical and rich colors. The favorites of the color palette of craftswomen are green, terracotta, orange, coral, crimson, melange (multi-colored from two to three tones). Products for children are distinguished by their colorful cheerfulness. These are the most interesting and bright blankets that have no limits in the choice of color.


The dimensions of a knitted blanket depend on the shape of the bed (sofa) and are individual in each case. For children, this figure can be 70x70, 80x100, 100x100, 70x125, 110x140 cm. Since such a product should cover not only the bed, but also the user, its size should be equal to height with a margin. Product sizes for adults can be 130x170, 140x180, 150x180, 150x200, 160x200, 160x220, 180x200 cm.

Blankets that are too voluminous are less comfortable, especially if they are made by hand.


The uniqueness of knitted blankets lies in the fact that they fit into any style of room - from Classic and Minimalism to Glamor and Empire. Typically, the basis of an idea depends on the pattern or color. A knitted blanket fits best into the style:

  • Country;
  • Provence;
  • Vanguard;
  • Art Nouveau;
  • African;
  • Baroque;
  • Boho;
  • Loft;
  • Art Deco;
  • Arab.

The type of room does not matter: a blanket is relevant in the bedroom, living room, hall, kitchen and even children's room, spacious loggia, veranda (decoration of a country house).

How to choose?

When buying a knitted blanket in a store, you should consider a number of nuances:

  • availability of a certificate of quality and compliance with hygiene standards;
  • availability of information about the composition of the material, the manufacturer, indicating the legal address and rules for caring for the blanket;
  • heat index of the product;
  • the presence of positive reviews about a particular store and the seller’s guarantee;
  • correspondence between cost and quality (you can preview analogues and compare prices).

In order for the product to fit successfully into the type and design of the room, you cannot do without selecting a shade. If special functionality is planned (plaid-cocoon with a hood, blanket-envelope), “trying on” is advisable.

When ordering handmade work, it is worth specifying the design, knitting density, relief thickness and exact size. It is worth paying attention to quality: an excessively loose product is impractical: it is subject to mechanical damage, abrasion, and stretching of loops. You can take note of a couple of tips:

  • It is better to choose options for winter (wool blankets) with a textile lining: they are warmer, and due to the woven base they retain the knitted fabric;
  • an openwork handmade blanket is less practical than a 3D analogue of fine relief knitting made on a knitting machine;
  • products made from fragments have a less durable connection and therefore require more careful handling;
  • products with a large pattern are knitted faster, but are more airy, so they retain heat less (not suitable as blankets);
  • woolen items have “dry” heat and lanolin, so if you need a healing effect, there is no better choice (antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, prevention of colds);
  • a product for a child must be functional, beautiful, but safe; various flat designs in the form of hearts, daisies, bears, hares with voluminous ears and other themes are acceptable, but ties, loops, hooks that can injure the baby are unacceptable;
  • the item should be beautiful, functional, made from high-quality yarn that does not contain toxic dyes.

Size 1.5 x 15 m

You will need: yarn “Alpaca” (50% alpaca, 50% wool. 50 g/185 m): 400 g each of brown and ecru, 100 g of blue; yarn for finishing (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 50 g / 200 m): 50 g of zryu color.


Cooking surface.

Knitting density: 30 p. x 41 r. = 10 x 10 cm. Knitted in stockinette stitch on a Silver Reed knitting machine at density 6.

Attention! The blanket is made of three parts, connected to each other during knitting on a Silver Reed knitting machine at density 6.

Description of work
For the 1st part, use 150 needles (in zone 75-0-75). Cast on stitches using brown yarn in a pigtail (or cast on with waste thread). Knit in stockinette stitch. Having knitted 6 rows from the beginning of work, *on the right side of the fabric, use a decker to transfer the loop from the 4th needle to the 5th. Leave the freed needle in use. Knit 5 more rows in stockinette stitch*. From * to * repeat until the end of the details. On the 205th row, change the brown yarn to ecru yarn and knit another 204 rows. After 408 rows, change the yarn to brown and knit another 204 rows. After knitting 612 rows on the counter, remove the loops from the needles onto a waste thread.

For the 2nd part, use 150 needles (in zone 75-0-75). Cast on stitches using ecru yarn in a pigtail (or cast on with waste thread). Knit in stockinette stitch. After 6 rows (carriage on the right), start making holes on the right side of the fabric, as on the 1st part. At the same time, on the left side, begin to attach the 1st part as follows: take the part with the wrong side facing you, the holes are located on the right. Insert the three-needle decker into the first hole from the bottom, remove the 3 leftmost loops of the 2nd piece from the needles, pull them through the first hole of the 1st piece and put them back on the needles. Transfer the loop from the 1st needle to the 5th. Knit another 5 rows in stockinette stitch, then again make a hole on the right side and a connection on the left side. After 204 rows, change the yarn to blue. After another 204 rows, change the yarn to ecru yarn. Continue making holes on the left side and connecting parts on the right until row 612. Slip the stitches off the needles onto a waste thread.

For the 3rd part, use 150 needles (in zone 75-0-75). Cast on stitches using brown yarn in a pigtail (or cast on with waste thread). Knit in stockinette stitch, alternating the color of the yarn, as in the 1st part. Connect to the 2nd part on the left side, as described above. After knitting 612 rows on the counter, remove the loops from the needles onto a waste thread.


Steam the blanket. Crochet open loops and remove waste thread. To finish the edge of the blanket with finishing yarn, cast on 4 stitches with a braid. The carriage is on the right. On the same needles, place 4 internodal bows of the edge of the blanket. Knit 8 rows. *Place the next 4 interstitial edge arches on the same needles, knit another 8 rows*. Repeat from * to * along the entire perimeter of the blanket.

There is always so little time for needlework. Pictures of everything that you want so much fly through your head. Sometimes I have such thoughts that my whole life is not enough to make all the beautiful things that I found on the Internet. That's enough, because knitting can be faster with special knitting machines.

It is enough to purchase a good model with numerous functions and the punch card will do everything you dreamed of. A couple of amazing blanket patterns knitted by machine.

For a knitting machine, it is better to use special types of yarn for a knitting machine. Beginners and even experienced craftsmen are not always able to guess the correct thickness of the thread.

Plus, the additional settings that the equipment will require are not exactly marked on such threads. But it’s better not to disturb the master so often.

If you want relaxing knitting, choose suitable threads.


The blanket also requires a pattern. Even a children's blanket cannot do without such a detail.. All products must have a clear size. Or you will have to unravel the whole product, which the knitting machine worked so diligently.

Blanket for a child on a knitting machine

The bright and lively model of this blanket can be made almost by a robot. The product turns out very smooth, even stitches, even patterns. Line to line, it's all more than flawless.

To work you will need:

  • yarn for a knitting machine, dora threads of several colors (white 3 skeins, yellow 2 skeins and mint 1);
  • single-fortune knitting machine.

The threads contain acrylic. They do not contain wool, which can easily cause allergies in a child. The blanket consists of three stripes, which are then simply sewn together.

Page one

At density 10, you need to cast on 72 loops using the entwining method. Change colors according to the following scheme:

  • b from 0 to 40;
  • f from 41 to 60;
  • b from 61 to 66;
  • m from 67 to 80;
  • b from 81 to 100;
  • f from 101 to 110;
  • b from 111 to 130;
  • m from 131 to 150;
  • b from 151 to 200;
  • f from 201 to 240;
  • b from 241 to 298.

Where the designation m is the mint color of the threads, g is yellow, respectively, and b is its white color for the yarn.

Close the loops with a braid.

Second and third stripes

Knit the second and third brightest stripes in the same way as the first, but according to a modified pattern:

  • b from 0 to 20;
  • m from 21 to 36;
  • b from 37 to 80;
  • f from 81 to 100;
  • b from 101 to 122;
  • m from 123 to 130;
  • b from 131 to 150;
  • f from 151 to 190;
  • b from 191 to 200;
  • m from 201 to 216;
  • b from 217 to 240;
  • f from 241 to 270;
  • b from 271 to 298.

Where the designation m is the mint color of the threads, g is yellow, respectively, and b is its white color for the yarn.

The loops for this last row (namely 299), like the first strip, need to be closed with a pigtail.

Important! Before sewing the strips together, it is better to steam them. This way they will not curl and you will get a more even stitching.


The edge of the fabric needs to be put on the needles. Put on 10 loops and skip one (send the needle to the non-working position). So all over the side. Knit a total of 4 rows on density 9. You will get a false elastic band 10 to 1. You can decorate with threads (fringe in the places where the 11th loop was missed in each place).

Large blanket on a knitting machine

Need a large product for the hall. If you like to take a nap with your loved one before watching TV, this model is for you. It requires a knitting machine, good yarn and a pattern punch card.

To work you will need:

  • Turkish yarn with equal sections of multi thread;
  • 4th grade knitting machine;
  • card.

We set the blanket machine to density 9. Knit two stripes and sew the product. Make sure that the jacquard does not move. The blanket turned out to be approximately 2 by 1.5 m in size. Very warm and pleasant. Jacquard in this case is simply not visible. But very beautiful and original. On the wrong side you get very narrow broaches, no more than 3 loops.

Still thinking about the feasibility of such a purchase. The machine is a very convenient product, especially when you really want to get even loops and quick results.

Knitting jacquard by hand always takes a very long time, although it turns out beautifully, but not everyone is ready to constantly shift the threads and not allow the slightest mistake on the wrong side, the threads should not be intertwined and other subtleties in creating a blanket by hand simply repel the beginner. The machine is a very good alternative, especially for large canvases. More creative ideas, high-quality yarn and even stitches.

What associations do you have with the phrase “winter evening”?.. Surely there will be a table lamp, a cozy chair, a cup of hot tea and a warm, affectionate blanket. Yes, yes, in the original the blanket was plush, but these are not very popular now. But knitted ones consistently remain in trend - after all, on winter evenings it’s so nice to knit them and so cozy to cover yourself with them.

And this useful item came to us from northern Scotland - a windy mountain region. During the day, the mountaineers - both men and women - wore it as outerwear, and at night they used it as a blanket. Scottish plaids were woven, painted in bright colors.

But we owe knitted blankets... to children. Woolen blankets in those years were quite rough, and in order not to damage the delicate skin of babies, blankets were knitted from the softest and most delicate yarn. These blankets were warm and light. it was possible to wrap a baby in them and cover him.

It is not surprising that the boom in hangmade products in the mid-20th century revived the popularity of blankets, especially knitted ones. It was in those years that many very popular models appeared - both knitted and crocheted, and later - made using the machine knitting technique.

The favorites are, of course, crocheted “Afghan squares” blankets. Very simple to make, but at the same time very effective - they are accessible to both complete beginners and professionals. But the main thing is that they are very easy to make: first you knit squares, which are then assembled into a fabric. All that remains is to tie the blanket around the perimeter - and the wonderful thing is ready!

And how many famous techniques they embody: patchwork technique, Irish lace, and knitting!

By the way, knitters also use the same technique: first, the required number of motifs are knitted (they can be of different colors and with different patterns), and then they are collected into a single fabric. Experienced craftswomen claim that this is an excellent way to “recycle” knitting samples or yarn remnants. Moreover, when such different motifs, colors and textures are collected in one product, the blankets turn out to be very interesting.

But even if you only know how to knit the simplest patterns, it doesn’t matter. If you use yarn of different colors, you get truly fantastic things. Although, on the contrary, many people prefer plain blankets - they look very stylish and respectable.

But in any case, a blanket is a very homely, cozy thing, carrying the warmth of a master and warming in the most severe cold. And about any of them you can say:

So cozy and warm.
Snow is flying outside the window.
And my soul is completely light.
Coffee. Book. Warm blanket. ©