Rating of tights by quality and all other characteristics. The best brands of tear-resistant tights The best nylon tights reviews

“Matte tights or glitter?”– very often we ask the seller when choosing a suitable model.
And everyone will answer this question in their own way, because such a parameter as the shine of tights cannot be measured in exact units. The matteness of tights is different for everyone!
So what should we do? How to determine whether tights are matte or, conversely, tights with shine?

A little theory. What determines the shine of tights?

Polyamide thread with filaments is the main culprit for the shine of tights

It turns out that dullness or shine depends on the characteristics of the thread from which the tights are made. Polyamide thread is made up of thinner threads called "filaments". And these threads, in turn, come in three different types of cross-section: round, triangular and square.
So, polyamide thread with rounded filaments results in the most matte product. Square-section filaments give the tights a more or less uniform light shine, while triangular-section filaments make the tights the shiniest.

What in practice?

Well, in practice, it is completely impossible to find out what cross-section these same filaments are in the tights you have chosen! Yes, yes, this parameter is not indicated on the packaging and on the official websites of the manufacturers at all! Apparently, this subtle point is known only to the technologists themselves of a particular plant for the production of hosiery products. By the way, the presence of elastane in tights does not play any role in creating the shine of tights - this is a common misconception!

We choose matte and shiny tights.

The most shiny tights with correction we would call:

Among the tights with correction some models cannot be called very shiny

Shine is present, but to a lesser extent:

Tights with glitter, but without figure correction:

Tights with uniform, light and almost imperceptible shine:

Tights with virtually no shine, that is, to matte:

  • Oroblu No Risk 20 the most matte tights among all!
  • Oroblu Pearl 15 – these tights won the category the most matte tights for summer! They are practically invisible on the leg and if you choose the right color of tights, you can easily wear them with open shoes!

The standard of the Russian quality system establishes stricter requirements for the quality of coloring and tailoring of women's tights, as well as for the composition of the raw materials from which they are made. Only if the product fully complies with the established standards will it be able to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

How to choose tights

Composition and mass fraction of raw materials

The basis of any tights is polyamid (nylon). This is a durable, wrinkle-resistant, lightweight and wear-resistant synthetic material. To ensure that the tights stretch well and fit tightly around the legs, the fabric also includes polyurethane fibers (lycra, elastane, spandex).

Typically, tights contain from 3 to 25% lycra. In the first case (with a minimum percentage of polyurethane), the fibers are located only in the waistband of the tights. 10% Lycra is found in thin tights, and 20% in thick and medium density.

Tights with more than 25% polyurethane resemble compression garments. And if, on the contrary, there is too little of it, such tights will quickly stretch, begin to slip and bunch up like an accordion.


This name is given to a small insert (usually oval or diamond-shaped) in tights between two stockings. The detail may seem insignificant, but the durability of the tights depends on it - the gusset reduces the load on the crotch seam.

And the issue of feminine hygiene has not been canceled! Although GOST allows for the absence of a gusset in tights, it is still better to have one - and not synthetic, but cotton.

Seam quality

An important indicator of product quality is the correct processing of the middle seam. It can be round or flat. In some models it is completely absent. A round seam is the easiest way to connect the left and right sides of a product; this treatment is found in more budget models.

The flat seam does not stand out under tight clothing and does not rub the skin.

It is this method of processing the middle seam that is included in the advanced standard of Roskachestvo.

Seamless tights are a technological innovation. This is the most comfortable and convenient type of product, but it also has an appropriate price.


As you know, you cannot try on tights in a store; they are also not subject to exchange or return. This means that we make such a purchase, as they say, at our own peril and risk, focusing solely on the symbols indicated on the packaging.

But the thing is that in different countries the sizes of products may differ. Therefore, when choosing tights, pay attention to the height and weight ratio table on the back of the package - this way you can more accurately select the size according to your individual parameters.


The seal on tights in the form of panties or shorts is called the torso. It can be smooth or openwork, and in some models it is completely absent.

The board is an “elastic band” that holds the tights at the waist. In modern tights it is double and is hemmed automatically during the knitting process. The leading standard of Roskachestvo includes a compacted bead - this is an indicator of higher strength and wear resistance of the product.

Note the reinforcement of the toe. If it is missing, the tights will not withstand friction and will quickly tear.

An increased standard allows for the absence of a padded toe in tights with a density of 8 to 20 den. For products with a density of 40 to 70 den, the toe must be reinforced.

Paint resistance to sweat, washing and dry rubbing

Only tights made using low-quality and “weak” dyes can be dyed. Department experts conducted tests by washing samples for 30 minutes at a temperature of 30 degrees.

To determine the dyes' resistance to sweat, the tights were also immersed in a solution of salt, ammonia and acetic acid. Fortunately, all samples adequately withstood such a difficult test.


Surprisingly, but true: tights can also be toxic - if the paint with which they were painted contained harmful (often carcinogenic) substances, in particular formaldehyde. The study, fortunately, did not identify a single violator for this indicator.

Manufacturers rating

Most of the tights that participated in the study turned out to be of high quality. Samples from the following brands were recognized as the best:

  1. “Golden Grace” bravo 40 den (Russia);
  2. Calzedonia, Sheer 40 den (Croatia);
  3. LEVANTE Ambra 40 day (Italy);
  4. PHILIPPE MATIGNON Galerie 40 den (Serbia);
  5. Pierre Cardin La Manche 40 den (China);
  6. POMPEA Wellness 40 den (Serbia);
  7. SANPELLEGRINO Shaper 40 den (Italy).

"Golden Grace" bravo

Calzedonia, Sheer


Pierre Cardin La Manche


All tights meet the increased requirements of the Roskachestvo standard, but only one trademark can apply for the Quality Mark - “Golden Grace”. The remaining six brands will not participate in further verification due to their foreign origin.

As part of a comprehensive study by Roskachestvo, the products of 23 brands were studied according to nine parameters of quality and safety. The most popular brands among Russians took part in the tests. The cost of production ranged from 78 to 1,580 rubles per unit of goods. The study included domestic tights, as well as products from Serbia, Italy, Germany, China, Croatia, Romania, and Ukraine. We would like to please Russian women: there are truly high quality samples on the domestic market. These are products under seven trademarks: “Golden Grace”, Calzedonia, LEVANTE Ambra, Philippe Matignon, Pierre Cardin, POMPEA, SANPELLEGRINO. Experts will make a decision on assigning a Russian Quality Mark to a product under the Golden Grace trademark after conducting a production assessment, during which the level of product localization will also be determined. The other six brands that meet the increased standard of Roskachestvo cannot qualify for the Quality Mark due to their foreign origin.


The standard of the Russian quality system for women's tights applying for the Russian Quality Mark has established stricter (advanced) requirements for color fastness and tailoring of the product. Tights must have flat seams and a gusset that contains cotton fibers. The required level of product localization for awarding the Quality Mark is at least 75% of the cost of the product.

Almost every woman has tights in her wardrobe. And this piece of clothing seems so natural that few people wonder how the fair sex used to get along without tights?

Before the invention of pantyhose, women wore stockings with an elastic band attached to a belt.

– the famous fashion designer and TV presenter told Roskoshestvo Vyacheslav Zaitsev.– Tights appeared in England in the 60s of the last century, when miniskirts came into fashion: they absolutely did not combine with stockings or leggings.

Today, the domestic market offers a very wide range of tights. However, although their price is constantly rising, tights are often short-lived. However, there are also brands on the domestic market that you can rely on. Details are below.

Composition and mass fraction of raw materials

Tights are a flexible concept in the literal sense of the word, because this irreplaceable part of a woman’s wardrobe can and should beautifully fit the legs and torso. This is achieved due to the presence of polyurethane fibers in the products: elastane, lycra, etc. The basis of tights is polyamide.

Polyamide (or nylon) - durable, wrinkle-resistant, lightweight, wear-resistant material

– an engineer in the field of research of textile materials at the POLMATEX testing center at the Ivanovo Research Institute of Film Materials and Artificial Leather told Roskachestvo Lydia Zavadskaya. – Polyurethane is also added to it, also known as lycra, spandex, elastane... Tights with lycra fit the leg perfectly, do not form wrinkles, and allow free movement. Products made from this combination of materials are elastic, do not stretch or deform.

A study by Roskachestvo showed that in samples of two brands – ALLURE and Minimi – the actual amount of polyurethane is noticeably less than the declared amount. And as you know, the more Lycra in a product, the more expensive it is. Thus, the consumer receives a cheaper product for the same money.

“Usually tights contain from 3 to 25% lycra,” notes Lydia Zavadskaya. – Those tights with more than 25% polyurethane are more like compression underwear. 3–5% of lycra indicates its content only in the waistband of tights, 10% is contained in thin tights, 20% in dense and medium density. If the tights have a low polyurethane content, they will quickly stretch, begin to slip and bunch up, and this, in turn, will lead to snags.

By the way, another “brilliant” myth is associated with lycra.

– The idea that lycra gives shine to tights is a misconception! - assured us Lydia Zavadskaya. – The shine and dullness of tights depend on the cross-section of the polyamide thread. A thread with a round cross-section absorbs rays and makes tights matte, while a thread with a square cross-section is semi-matte, as it gives a uniform shine. But the triangular cross-section reflects rays from the edges, creating a bright shine. Thus, it is impossible to determine from the composition of the tights whether they will shine or not.


Tights, as you know, cannot be exchanged or returned. So who wants to get the wrong size? Despite the fact that there are size conventions (letters and numbers), sizes may differ between manufacturers and countries. Therefore, when purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the height and weight ratio table on the back of the package.

In the Russian standard, the size table is the ratio of height and hip circumference

– the head of the department of technology and assortment of knitwear production at the Innovation Center for Textile and Light Industry told Roskoshestvo Irina Shadrina. - But now the ratio of height and weight is often indicated on the back of the package. At the intersection of these parameters there will be a number (or letter). Use this as a guide when choosing tights!

During the study, five samples of tights were identified, the actual size of which did not correspond to the declared one. However, only two trademarks that indicated compliance with GOST were recognized as violators. These are products under the ERA ELEGANT and ALLURE trademarks.

Seam quality

The processing of the middle seam of tights is an important characteristic of their quality. It is especially significant for those female representatives who prefer to wear tight skirts and tight dresses. It's simple: tights can have a round or flat middle seam, or even no seam at all.

Round seams are usually found in budget models, since a round seam is the easiest and cheapest way to join two parts of a product

- says Lydia Zavadskaya.– The flat seam is not as “thick”, so tights with flat seams are more comfortable to wear, they do not rub the skin and do not stand out under tight-fitting clothes. Seamless tights are a technological innovation. They have no seams, representing a single product. These tights have no equal in convenience and comfort, but their price is appropriate.

Based on the fact that a flat seam makes tights of higher quality, Roskachestvo has included this method of processing the middle seam in its advanced standard. And all the examined tights met this requirement: they had flat, soft seams with correct, even stitching without skipping or punching.

Sealing tights

As the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev said above, the first tights were stockings sewn to cotton panties. For this reason, this item of clothing could be worn without underwear. Today, stockings and torso tights are produced in one piece, but some kind of panties or shorts are sometimes still included in them.

The seal on tights in the form of panties or shorts is the so-called torso

- conducts educational program Irina Shadrina.– It can be smooth, openwork, or it can be completely absent. The bead is the “elastic band” on top. Actually, it holds your tights at your waist. In modern models, the border is almost always double; it is hemmed automatically during the knitting process. But before, tights were hemmed along the top edge and an elastic band was inserted. Now this is probably done only in the production of the cheapest children's tights.

The compacted bead was included in the advanced standard of Roskoshestvo as an indicator of higher strength and wear resistance of tights. And all the studied samples corresponded to it.

Along with side sealing, the advanced standard includes a parameter such as toe reinforcement. Tights without this option may simply not withstand friction and end up in the trash bin ahead of schedule.

A compacted toe is made on tights so that they do not tear at the bottom when in contact with shoes

- confirmed Vyacheslav Zaitsev. – There is an opinion that an unpadded toe is needed in order to wear tights with sandals. However, wearing tights with sandals is still unaesthetic.

The compacted toe was not found in all samples presented in the Roskachestvo study. This is not a violation, but the consumer should keep in mind that such tights run the risk of tearing faster (the higher standard allows for the absence of a padded toe for products with a density of 8 to 20 denier, and for products with a density of 40 to 70 denier, the toe must be padded).


Not all women know what the small insert in tights (usually oval or diamond-shaped) between two stockings is called. It turns out that it has a very poetic name - gusset. It would seem such a small detail - why is it needed at all? But, as it turned out, the durability of the tights largely depends on it.

Tights with a gusset are definitely more durable

- assured Roskachestvo Irina Shadrina. – Their configuration is close to the contours of the body. In addition, due to the gusset, the load on the crotch seam is significantly reduced, which makes the product more durable and durable.

According to GOST, the presence of a gusset in tights is optional - it has a classification of both tights without a gusset and with a gusset. However, it is better that the tights still have a gusset. And not synthetic, but cotton. This not only makes the tights more wear-resistant, but also improves their hygiene.

Color fastness to washing, sweat, dry rubbing

We all sometimes face the problem: we washed a lot of things... and took them out of the machine in completely different shades. Finding a faded “traitor” is quite easy, and it is likely that it will be tights. However, only tights made using low-quality dyes can be dyed. We would like to please the ladies, there are no such samples among the samples examined by Roskachestvo. From the point of view of this quality parameter, the tights did not disappoint at all: the samples turned out to be resistant to washing, sweat, and dry friction.

To determine the color fastness of the tights, they were washed at 30 degrees for 30 minutes.

– a laboratory engineer at the center for standardization, metrology and testing in the Krasnoyarsk Territory told Roskachestvo Ksenia Kalinina. – The method of determining the color fastness of a material to sweat is interesting, because for this, naturally, you need to make a solution that imitates human sweat. It is prepared with the addition of salt and ammonia. The sample is immersed in the solution and kept at 45 degrees for 30 minutes, then a solution of acetic acid is added and the sample is kept for another half hour at the same temperature.

Toxicity, formaldehyde

Interestingly, even such a common product as tights can be toxic. The fact is that either the raw materials from which they are made, or the paint with which the finished product was painted, may contain harmful substances, some of which are carcinogenic. Among them we can highlight, in particular, formaldehyde. However, now the domestic consumer has nothing to fear: a study by Roskachestvo showed that all presented samples of tights meet safety requirements.

When buying tights, every woman wants them to last her as long as possible, be resistant to snags, have good elasticity, a beautiful appearance, invisible and flat seams, an ergonomic shape and a texture that is pleasant to the body. The range that the modern market offers us is simply huge. How to navigate this diversity? First, find out about the five best companies producing tights and underwear.

About tights

Surprisingly, the first tights appeared back in the 1940s. Their popularization in the United States was facilitated by dancer and actress Ann Miller. However, until the 1960s there was no particular need for them. Women wore long skirts and got by with stockings until the Englishwoman Mary Quant invented the miniskirt.

The first tights were a combined product: cotton panties were combined with trouser legs made of synthetic thin fibers. Nowadays all tights are made from nylon, silk, spandex and their combinations.

What does "den" mean?

Den is a unit of measurement of the linear density of threads or fibers, i.e. the ratio of mass to length. This purely technical characteristic essentially determines the density of the product.

Most manufacturers adhere to a standard density scheme: 20, 40, 70 DEN, where 40 den are medium-density tights, 20 are thin, and 70 are dense. Ultralight or very transparent tights (8, 10, 12, 15 DEN) are worn only with evening dresses. Producing a thread that is too thin often costs manufacturers more, and therefore a product of this type will have a different price.

Models with a density of 40 denier are suitable for the office. 20 den tights are an option for everyday wear, and 70 den tights are for cool weather.

Top five brands

Once you have selected a quality manufacturer, you can then safely choose from the company’s entire assortment of products of various colors, types and densities. Today in Russia the best are:

  • Pierre Cardin.
  • Calzedonia.
  • Minimi.
  • SiSi.
  • Omsa.

Pierre Cardin

Under the sign of this Italian brand, owned by the Velmont Group LLC corporation, four lines of women's tights are produced. They are quite rightly considered the best and are in great demand.

The Basic line features matte elastic tights with a cotton gusset, flat seams and a reinforced transparent toe. Models with the addition of lycra have a density of 10, 20, 40 denier, tights with microfiber - 50-80 denier. The City series product line helps hide imperfections and correct your figure. In addition to regular models, there are also special slimming ones. The Rosee series produces insulated tights with a density of 100-200 den, as well as correctional and fantasy tights. The Platine line is the most expensive. The tights are made from a special breathable and expensive material and are produced in limited editions.

  • anatomical shape:
  • high elasticity;
  • cotton gusset;
  • variety of models;
  • soft material.
  • When caught, holes and arrows immediately form on the tights.

The price of 40 den tights from the company (Toulon City series model) ranges from 250-300 rubles.


The Italian brand Calzedonia has specialized in the production of beachwear and lingerie since 1987. This is one of the largest and most successful companies in the world. The secret of success lies in the uniqueness of its products: you will not find such a variety of tights anywhere else. In mesh, polka dots, with multi-colored prints, embroidery, imitation stockings and decorative creases, children's and shapewear models - just look into the company boutique once to be convinced of the abundance.

In their reviews of tights (40 den) from Calzedonia, customers note the following advantages:

  • huge assortment;
  • resistance to the formation of snags and arrows;
  • anatomical shape;
  • cotton gusset;
  • absolutely invisible seams.
  • It happens that they form folds.

The cost of the classic model (black 40 den tights, without shorts, with a comfortable belt and flat seams, an invisible toe and a cotton gusset) is 399 rubles. Products of the same density, but with a high degree of compression of the surface of the legs, are more expensive: 1099 rubles. These tights are ideal for those who spend a lot of time traveling or on their feet.


Minimi is a fairly young Italian company specializing in the production of tights for every taste and color. The range is represented by models with densities from 8 to 200 deniers. There are five lines: Every Day (classic), Inverno (thick winter models), Elegante (with fishnet panties), Body Form (figure-correcting) and Charm (fancy tights).

The brand is aimed at a wide age category, representatives of the middle class. An ideal option for those who want to get beautiful, high-quality tights, but do not want to overpay. The price is extremely affordable, and the design is ultra-modern. With a density of 40 denier, tights are produced in several lines and numerous color variations.

Customers note the following positive qualities of Minimi brand products:

  • wide belt;
  • flat seams;
  • the gusset of their cotton;
  • soft and pleasant to the touch material;
  • arrows are not formed when hooked.

In reviews, customers emphasize that you can often buy a fake, whose quality has nothing in common with the original product. In addition, Minimi tights lose their shape over time.

As for the prices of products, it depends on the model. Thus, ordinary matte elastic tights with a density of 40 deniers with a cotton gusset and a comfortable belt cost from 100 to 200 rubles. The Body Form model with modeling shorts (70 den) and a reinforced toe can be purchased at a price of 230 to 250 rubles. Minimi Avanti support tights in large sizes (XXL, XXXL) with distributed pressure cost about 200 rubles, and a model for pregnant women with a bandage effect costs 370 rubles.


The history of the SiSi company dates back to 1925. The brand's products can be described as elegant and stylish. The company produces a wide range of models that differ in color, style, and density. Four magnificent series: Tutto Nudo (for silhouette correction), Corpinori Camato (fancy), Vita Bassa (low-waisted), Caldo Inverno (insulated) - this is a real find for women.

Customers like, first of all, the strength of the tights (when hooked, an arrow does not form), as well as the anatomical shape, a varied range of models and sizes, and a wide belt.

In reviews of tights, women also emphasize negative points:

  • round seams;
  • hard fiber;
  • synthetic gusset;
  • poor ability to keep in shape.

The price of a 40 denier product from SiSi depends on the model. Thus, thin transparent tights for every day SiSi MIA without gusset, not molded, cost 140 rubles, SiSi Be Free Vita Bassa with cotton gusset - 260 rubles.


The brand is successfully developing under the control of Golden Lady Group. He is probably familiar to every woman, at least from advertising. The classic line is represented by seamless, supportive, everyday, velor and corduroy products, as well as models from the “Summer and Nets” series (20-40 den). Omsa tights with innovative seamless panties from the Moda line are available in three versions: with a spiral pattern and speckles, with a mesh pattern and with a floral pattern. In addition, the company has developed the Serenella Moda and Serenella series especially for young fashionistas and girls.

Particularly popular among women are the Omsa Attiva tights (40 den). They are perfect for everyday wear, have a polyamide gusset and a reinforced toe. The model is presented in 10 color variations.

Advantages of products from Omsa:

  • elasticity, the product holds its shape well;
  • resistance to snagging;
  • soft fiber texture.

Customers also point out certain shortcomings in their reviews: round seams on many models, synthetic gusset, and with long wear, pills form in areas of friction.

The cost of 40 denier tights depends on the model chosen. So, Omsa Attiva costs between 220-250 rubles, Omsa Velor - 290 rubles, Omsa Superlativa - 290-300 rubles.

Agata Vasnetsova

Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.

Mar 9 2017


Previously, ladies constantly asked the question: “Which tights are the most durable?” We were looking for a quality product by endlessly purchasing many nylon products. Finally the problem with everyday puffs is solved. The Elaslim, Lastislim, and Marks Spencer brands now produce tights that do not tear.

Elaslim anti-tear tights

Until recently, durable tights were compared to an unreal, fantastic invention. This expected gift for ladies has changed the perception of such products in general and now occupies the first position in the ranking of useful inventions. Reliable hosiery products have the following characteristics:

  • Model name – Elaslim tights.
  • Price. Their prices may fluctuate. It depends on where you make your purchase. In general, you will have to pay 850 - 1650 rubles for a pair of tights. They can be purchased in the online store of the official manufacturer.
  • Characteristics. The secret to the strength of tights lies in the unique weaving of fibers and special material. Reinforced thread is able to maintain the shape of the product for a long time and not succumb to various external damages. Online catalogs present a wide selection of tights colors. Pleasant to the touch material and optimal thickness will appeal to many women.
  • Pros:

Tights do not tear, the duration of their wearing will be 2-3 times longer in comparison with ordinary hosiery;

They are able to correct the figure, reduce volume and hide imperfections;

Due to the slimming effect, tights give the figure slimness and grace;

Do not cause allergic reactions.

  • Minuses:

Elaslim's heavy-duty tights may be uncomfortable for some;

At first, you may experience discomfort while wearing tights;

Not everyone will like the tightening effect.


This sensational new product has won the hearts of many women. The secret to the attractiveness of these tights is their beautiful appearance and high endurance. Thanks to them, the models of the last century have ceased to be relevant. Find out useful information about the brand that has flooded the market with the latest products:

  • Product name – Lastislim tights.
  • Price. On the website of the official representative their cost is 860 rubles. But analogues can be bought inexpensively, although not as high quality - 450-750 rubles. If you purchase real branded tights in online stores, their price will vary from 750 to 1230 rubles.
  • Characteristics. Thanks to the unique strong thread, Lastislim tights will not be subject to puffs, creases or abrasions. They will retain their attractive appearance and rich color for a long time. They are pleasant to the body, which sensitive ladies will certainly appreciate.
  • Pros:

The main advantage is the ability to wash frequently without losing color;

Lastislim's tear-resistant tights will not turn your legs black;

Relieves fatigue in the legs, improves blood circulation, and does not pinch problem areas of the body;

Do not cause an allergic reaction.

  • Minuses:

Ordering them on the Internet is not a guarantee of success; there are many analogues and photos on websites cannot guarantee quality;

Another disadvantage of Lastislim tights is that there is a high probability of buying a fake.

Marks Spencer tear-resistant tights

Recently, a pair of wonderful tights from a British company has been added to the wardrobe of women around the world. Hosiery products of this brand have a number of advantages.

  • Name of product - Marks Spencer tights.
  • Price. Tear-resistant Marks Spencer tights cost about 850-1200 rubles
  • Characteristics. High-quality tights are made using a special technology from reinforced Japanese nylon threads. The original weaving can withstand heavy loads. They will not lose their shape and color for a long time.
  • Main advantages:

Increased strength, they will not tear even under heavy loads;

Practicality and long-term operation;

Anti-cellulite effect;

Cooling effect, giving lightness and freshness.

  • Minuses:

The tightening effect is not necessary for everyone.

How to choose rip-resistant tights

For many people, a dress code has become the norm, so choosing the right tights that will tear easily is very important, because it affects your comfort throughout the day. Keep the following points in mind:

  • Required amount of money. When choosing, consider what time of year you will be wearing durable tights. In hot periods, you should give preference to a density of 15-20 denier. During the cold season, you definitely need to have 40-50 denier items in your wardrobe.
  • Size. Don't flatter yourself when buying tights. An incorrectly selected size will lead to discomfort in the sock.
  • Compound. Please note that durable tights must contain elastomeric thread and nylon. Such materials are elastic and have an anti-allergenic effect.
  • Color. The catalog offers a rich color palette for your choice. Your task is to decide on the option to wear: for every day or for a holiday under a bright dress. Imagine your wardrobe, remember the colors that predominate in it. The best choice would be black, gray or beige.