How to properly do a manicure at home. How to properly do a manicure at home

A neat manicure is a decoration for women's hands. Unfortunately, due to the frantic pace of life, many girls cannot find time to visit a salon. What to do in this case? Everything is very simple! You need to learn how to do simple procedures yourself, at home.

To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to attend expensive courses, because thanks to video lessons posted on the Internet, you can learn not only how to properly design your nails, but also how to make beautiful designs using various tools.

Working with the cuticle

  • For a gradient manicure, you can use sponges and sponges.
  • If you plan to use rhinestones in your design, then you cannot do without a special stick with a cut at the end or a pencil with a soft lead.
  • For more complex designs, brushes are intended: thin, fan-shaped, for mixing shades, etc.
  • Dots are used to mix colors, even polka dots, swirls and interesting patterns.
  • Geometric designs are made using thin tape.






Photo of drawing using self-adhesive strips.

Photo of drawing using a liner brush.

Simple designs for the beginner manicurist

Step-by-step photos of fashionable manicures and video tutorials on manicure at home will allow you to quickly master popular techniques. You just have to stock up on free time and patience. Enjoy watching!

  • Simple drawings

The hands of every self-respecting woman should always be well-groomed, and manicure plays an important role in care. It’s no longer easy to count how many different types of designer nail art and simple manicure there are, but there’s nothing difficult about doing it yourself, at home. Read our article about how to make your nails unique.

How to do a hardware manicure at home

Manicure machine

The name speaks for itself. For this type of manicure, you will have to buy a special device, the set of which contains various types of attachments for your purpose. This is very convenient, since caring for your nails will not take up a lot of time, which is already short. The cost of a manicure set is quite affordable; depending on the number of attachments and its power, you will have to pay from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles for the device. If you want to ultimately get the perfect result, give preference to the device with the highest number of revolutions.

To begin with, the skin of your hands is treated with an antiseptic; if necessary, you can use a degreaser. Further, everything is point by point.

This concludes the procedure for hardware manicure at home. To reinforce what you have read, we recommend watching a video where everything is clearly and clearly shown.

How to do a gel manicure

Gel manicure is a guarantee of a long-lasting effect of well-groomed nails, which will last up to three weeks. But for this to really be so, you need to do the manicure itself correctly, strictly following the entire sequence of actions.

  1. Give your nails the desired shape. Clean the surface of the nail from dust and dirt.
  2. Remove the cuticle.
  3. Remove the topmost layer of the nail with a coarse abrasive buffer. You only need to remove the top, glossy layer. The surface of the nail should become matte. However, you should not be zealous so as not to damage the nail itself and leave scratches on it.
  4. Dry and degrease the nail surface using a special product or nail polish remover.
  5. For better adhesion and protection, apply a primer (base coat) to the nail. This should be done in two thin layers, each of which is dried under a UV lamp. Apply the base using rubbing movements: from the end to the cuticle, without affecting the cuticle and the side rollers.
  6. After this, colored gel polish is applied. This can be done in one layer, to obtain a translucent tone, or in 2-3, for a more saturated effect. Apply very thin layers so that the composition does not bubble during drying.
  7. Once all layers have been applied and dried, proceed to the topcoat. It will provide a glossy shine to the nail. Cover everything and dry under the lamp.
  8. Finally, remove the sticky layer from the nail using a special compound and a lint-free cloth.

That's all, enjoy your neat and beautiful nails!

How to do shellac manicure at home

A little earlier, how to create a manicure at home using shellac. There are no particular differences in the procedure for applying gel polish and shellac. The entire sequence of actions and application rules are absolutely identical, with the exception of one “but”. When preparing nails for shellac, the surface of the nail plate is only slightly filed and not ground down. In this case, shellac, of course, wins. Even with regular procedures, the nail does not thin out as much as with gel polish.

How to do a French manicure

French manicure is a timeless classic that will probably never lose its relevance. It is with a French coat that nails look very neat, well-groomed and suitable for everyday use with any outfit. At the same time, doing a French manicure is very simple - you just need to buy a few necessary elements, or a special set, the cost of which is a pittance.

For convenience, it is advisable to purchase special stencils that will create a clear smile line on your nails. They are very cheap, but the results will be excellent. Moreover, the shape of the stencils can be completely different, starting from the classic (smile) and V-shaped, ending with zag-zag. The final choice is yours.

You will also need a base varnish (transparent pink or beige shades), white varnish and colorless.

  1. First of all, the nails need to be brought into human form: remove the cuticle, polish, remove all burrs and give shape.
  2. Then, apply the base to the prepared nails: varnish, the color of which you chose yourself. Let it dry.
  3. Paste the stencil along the smile line, or so, if the shape is different, so that the part of the nail extending beyond the area of ​​the pads is subsequently covered with white varnish. Glue the stencil carefully so that when applying white varnish, the latter does not flow where it is not necessary.
  4. Afterwards, carefully apply white polish to the top of the nail and let it dry. If necessary, apply 2 coats.
  5. As soon as the white layer has dried, carefully remove the stencil.
  6. Apply a final coat of white polish to give your nails a glossy shine.

That's all.

If you have everything at hand except stencils, it doesn’t matter. For the latter, you can use regular tape, which needs to be cut to the shape of the nail. Yes, it’s a little tedious, but if you really want it, then this is the real way out.

You can also try doing a French manicure without using tape or stencils by painting the white part of the nail with your own polish. Many, by the way, do this all the time and do it deliberately so as not to waste money on such a trifle.

How to do a mirror manicure at home

An unusual, but very beautiful manicure option that sparkles especially incredibly under the rays of the sun. It's not that easy to do, but the results are worth it. To create a “Hollywood” manicure you will need:

  • base coat;
  • special nail glue, which is sold in a tube like regular polish;
  • foil for nail design;
  • orange stick;
  • nail file;
  • colorless varnish.
  1. First of all, prepare your nails: file and degrease.
  2. Then apply the base coat in a thin layer and let it dry.
  3. Spread a very thin layer of glue over the nail and let it dry slightly until it becomes sticky.
  4. Carefully place the foil over the nail and with light movements begin to press it to the surface of the nail plate. Be very careful not to create any bubbles or lumps. However, if this does happen, direct the hot air of a hairdryer onto your nails and, under its influence, straighten out all the unevenness.
  5. As soon as everything is smoothed out, with a sharp movement, holding the free end, tear off the foil on the sides. If necessary, file off the excess foil at the very end.
  6. At the very end, apply a thin layer of colorless varnish to your nails. As soon as the last one dries, the mirror manicure is ready.

How to do a moon manicure at home

  1. Place a stencil on the nail that clearly separates the hole.
  2. Apply the nail polish of your choice to the top surface of the nail.
  3. As soon as the layer dries, you can remove the stencil and begin drawing the hole. To do this, use a thin brush to paint the free area of ​​the nail with a different color of varnish.
  4. Apply a clear topcoat.

There is another technique with which you can perform a similar manicure yourself. It is clearly shown in this video.

How to do a water manicure at home

Water manicure at home

  1. Pour water into a small glass.
  2. In the very center of the glass, start dripping varnishes of different colors that you like one by one. Multi-colored circles will form on the water. Drip until the circles stop spreading.
  3. With a stick (you can take a regular toothpick), start moving it along the water surface, creating a random pattern.
  4. Once everything is ready, slowly lower several fingers at once so that the polish sits on the nail.
  5. Remove your fingers from the water.
  6. Remove excess polish that will be on the skin and correct any imperfections with a cotton swab, after dipping it in nail polish remover.
  7. Repeat with all nails.

How to do an ombre manicure at home

  1. Apply the base color as the first layer and wait until it dries completely.
  2. Take a small piece of a regular sponge (it’s better to take a cosmetic sponge, it’s not so porous). Apply small strips of varnishes of different colors onto the sponge, which will blend into each other.
  3. To avoid getting your fingers too dirty, first lubricate the skin around the nail with a face film mask, which can then be easily removed along with excess polish.
  4. Using light pressure movements, begin to touch your nails with the sponge until the desired effect is achieved.
  5. Remove excess varnish with a cotton swab, or remove the film if you worked with it.

Manicure– a cosmetic procedure for decorating and treating fingernails. Every girl wants to decorate her life a little, and manicure is a good choice. In this tutorial we will tell you how to do a manicure at home.

How to get a manicure?

There are many different ways to do a manicure using different tools. We will tell you about this in our instructions.

How to do a manicure correctly?

Many women believe that they can just paint their nails and call it a day - this is a wrong opinion. After all, manicure is not only decoration, but also hand hygiene. If you decide to do a manicure at home, carefully follow the sequence of steps so that there are no problems in the future.

How to do your own manicure:

Give the nail shape that suits you;
- steam your nails before a manicure;
- remove cuticles;
- massage using nourishing creams;
- decorate your nails;
- Extend artificial nails.

Tools for work:

Special nail file;
- nail clippers;
- cuticle softener, bath salt;
- varnish;
- cotton wool, cotton swabs, napkins;
- nail scissors;
- decorative ornaments;
- manicure spatula in the form of a spatula.

How to do a home manicure? How to do a simple manicure?

1. Use cotton wool (a cotton swab) and nail polish remover to remove the old coating from the nail.

2. Give the desired shape and length using a nail file and scissors. Often they are made almond-shaped, round or square.

3. Remove cuticles. To make this as painless as possible, soften them by immersing your hands in hot water for 5-10 minutes. You can add sea salt or special softening agents to the water. When removing cuticles, adhere to the following rules: use scissors with rounded ends, when cutting, start from the side and smoothly move to the base of the nail, then on the other side.

4. Let's start processing the side rollers. Try to cut off the delicate skin closest to the nail plate as carefully as possible. Use tweezers or wire cutters.

5. Prepare your nails for painting. It needs to be thoroughly dried and sanded with a special file, if necessary.

6. Before applying the varnish, it should be mixed. We apply nail polish, adhering to several rules - do not put a lot of polish on the brush, cover the entire surface of the nails with gentle movements.

VIDEO. How to do a beautiful home manicure?

How to do a gel manicure?

Gel manicure– applying a special gel to the surface of the nail. The purpose of the gel is to nourish and protect the surface of the nail, and it also helps to create a very unusual and beautiful manicure.

1. Degrease and remove moisture from the surface of the nail.
2. Apply primer to the free edge of the nail.
3. Apply a base layer of gel. If you want to lengthen your nails, use fiberglass or silk.
4. Apply modeling gel, which is secured with the final layer.

Video. How to do a gel manicure?

How to do an ombre manicure? How to do a gradient manicure?

Ombre– a smooth transition from one color to another (gradient).

What do you need for a dimensional/gradient manicure?

Nail polish in different colors, two, three or more;
- a piece of sponge and a couple of toothpicks for mixing the varnish;
- colorless nail polish or coating.


1. Pour two types of varnish into a small bowl.
2. Use a toothpick to stir just the edges of the puddles.
3. Dip the sponge and apply to the nail.
4. Remove excess polish using nail polish remover. Use a cotton swab for this.
5. Apply a colorless coating to the top.

VIDEO. How to make a beautiful manicure with stripes (ombre)?

How to do a manicure with a sponge?

As you already understood, using a sponge you can do a manicure very quickly and easily. Be creative, create different colors, your hands will always attract attention. You can use from one to several colors.

How to do a manicure with stripes?

Manicure with stripes– stylish, bright, ideal for some of your outfits.

What will you need?

Varnish in two or more colors
- adhesive tape for nails (thickness 1 mm)


1. Apply the base color of the polish over the entire surface of the nail. Wait for it to dry.
2. Apply tape along or across the nail (your choice). Try to keep the distance between the stickers the same, as well as symmetry on all nails.
3. Apply the second color of varnish. Make sure that the varnish is on the entire surface we need.
4. Remove the tape immediately after applying the second layer.
5. Apply a protective layer of clear varnish.

VIDEO. How to make a beautiful manicure with stripes?

How to do a newspaper manicure?

“Newspaper” manicure is a manicure where a piece of newspaper is used as a design on the nails. Often each nail has a unique design.

What will you need?

- varnish, fixative
- nail polish remover

1. Prepare your nails for a manicure: remove the old polish, trim the cuticles, and give the nails the desired shape.
2. Cut out ten equal-sized pieces with text from the newspaper. Each leaf should be larger than a nail.
3. Cover one nail with colorless varnish. Without waiting for the polish to dry, take a piece of newspaper, drop a little nail polish remover onto it and immediately apply it to the nail. Press down well. Don’t make the mistake of moving the paper over your nail, otherwise the letters on the newspaper won’t be clearly translated.

4. After a couple of minutes, remove the paper; some of the paper may remain on the surface of the nail.
5. Cover the nail with a protective, colorless varnish. We do the same on the remaining fingers.

VIDEO. How to make a beautiful newspaper manicure?

How to do a manicure with a needle?

Nail art (manicure with a needle) is becoming more and more popular every year. Girls love to be unique, and this manicure fulfills this task, because you can depict any design you like on your nails.

What is needed?

Varnish of different colors

Sewing needles

1. Apply the base color of polish to your nail.

2. After the base coat has dried, apply drips of varnish of a different color.

3. Using light movements of the needle, create a pattern. Do this quickly so that the droplets of varnish do not have time to dry.

4. Continue painting with other colors as you wish, using the same technique.

5. After finishing the drawing, wait until the varnish dries, then cover the drawing with a protective colorless varnish.

VIDEO. How to make a beautiful manicure with a needle?

How to do a French manicure correctly?

French manicure– classic, because it will suit absolutely any event, outfit, and always looks very strict and beautiful. Regardless of the shape or length, this manicure will suit any occasion.

What do you need for a French manicure?

Nowadays, there are many sets for French manicure that contain paper stencils-stickers, white varnish, a pencil and a pinkish base coat.

1. Steam your hands before manicure. We prepare them for applying varnish. Be sure to degrease and dry.

2. Glue stencil strips to carefully apply white polish to the tips of the nails.

3. Apply white coating in two layers. After applying the first coat, wait 5-7 minutes, then apply the second coat.

4. Remove the stencil and cover the remaining surface of the nail with flesh-colored varnish.

VIDEO. How to do a beautiful French manicure?

How to make a manicure with glitter?

Shiny nails have always attracted and attracted the attention of others. Many girls want to decorate their hands with a shiny manicure that is impossible not to notice.

Nail polish with glitter is available in almost any cosmetic store, and you can easily choose the right color. Glitter (sparkles) is also sold separately. The choice is yours - buy ready-made varnish, or buy glitter and varnish separately.

When using ready-made glitter polish:

2. Cover the surface of the nail with varnish.

When using a simple glitter polish:

1. Prepare nails for manicure: remove old polish, trim cuticles, give nails the desired shape;

2. Apply the varnish to the surface of the nail before it has time to dry, lower it into a bowl with glitter or apply glitter to the varnish with a brush;

3. After waiting until the first layer of varnish has dried, apply the second - transparent, colorless.

With each generation, the secrets of preserving and maintaining external attractiveness are passed on from mother to daughter. In past centuries, only a few women could afford the services of those who, by occupation, knew how to properly do a manicure. Most of the beautiful half of humanity took care of themselves independently, guided by the experience of past generations. Fortunately, in the 21st century, nail services have become widely available. However, many girls strive to master manicure at home, because such a skill is very valuable.

Firstly, knowing how to take care of your nails yourself saves a lot of time. Perhaps at first, until you master all the intricacies of manicure, the procedure will take you about an hour, but as you gain experience, the time will be halved. Secondly, this useful skill will come in handy in situations where going to the salon is impossible. These could be long trips or vacations in the country, when you need to look at least well-groomed. The third advantage, of course, is saving the family budget. By learning how to properly do a manicure yourself at home, you will receive not only a positive charge of emotions, but also a valuable skill that can make your life easier.

Today there are many methods and technologies for self-care of nails. The choice in favor of one method or another will depend only on your preferences and capabilities. To make the learning process easy and simple, the article is filled with useful video lessons and photos that remain relevant in 2014. You will learn how to perform a proper manicure at home step by step.

Choosing tools for home manicure

High-quality tools and materials are a prerequisite for proper nail care. What will you need in your home arsenal?

  • Manicure scissors.
  • Nail file and polishing buffer.
  • Cuticle nippers.
  • Orange stick.

The photo shows samples of the above tools, with which you can perform high-quality manicures at home.

When choosing a manicure file, you need to pay attention not to fashionable pictures, but to the degree of its abrasiveness, which should not be lower than 180 grit. Give preference to glass or plastic models, since metal tools often cause nail splitting. The polishing buffer or sanding file must have an abrasiveness of 400 grit or higher. When choosing manicure scissors and nippers, it is better to give preference to professional models with manual sharpening. The main condition: the tool must be selected individually for you, so that regular manicure at home is a pleasure, and you feel comfortable doing it yourself.

How to work with the length and surface of nails?

Girls who decide to acquire a useful skill often wonder where to start? Before you learn how to do a manicure at home, you need to master one of the most important stages of nail care. We will talk about correcting the length and shape of the ends. Most often, a nail file is used for these purposes, but in some cases, when performing a home manicure, it is necessary to use scissors. A short list of recommendations will help you cut your nails correctly and without harm to your health.

  1. This procedure is more often used for children and men. Girls, as a rule, begin a manicure at home with filing. Even if you don't use scissors yet, some knowledge may be useful to you in the future. Although the technique of cutting nails at home is not particularly difficult, it does have some nuances.
  2. The procedure should not be carried out too often, once a week is enough.
  3. When cutting your nails at home, make sure that there is at least 1-2 mm of free edge. In this matter, technology does not tolerate deviations. Cutting the ends “under the root” will not only make the manicure unattractive, but will also increase the risk of deformation of the plate. Later, when trying to grow nails, the free edge may expand and acquire a spade-shaped shape.
  4. When doing your own manicure, trim the ends to the shape of your smile. Proper technique will reduce the risk of ingrown nail plate to a minimum.

More detailed instructions on how to cut nails are presented on the pages of our website. In the topical articles you will find informative video lessons that will help you learn this procedure step by step. Along with trimming, filing of nails also plays an important role. Often girls do not pay due attention to this stage, but their condition largely depends on how accurately the tip correction technology is followed. That’s why it’s so important, before doing a manicure at home, to remember and practice the basic rules of filing nails.

  • The main point: the ends are corrected only “dry”! Filing wet nails leads to further delamination, which can seriously harm yourself.
  • The procedure is carried out no more than once a week.
  • When performing a manicure, position the file correctly on your nail. The tool should lie perpendicular to the tip.
  • To maintain the health of your nails, when performing a manicure at home, run the file from the edge to the center of the end.

Slightly different rules apply to the polishing procedure. To perform sanding at home efficiently and without harm to health, follow the general recommendations.

  • Polish your nails no more than once a month; if the tips are weak, every three months.
  • Grinding is carried out step by step in several stages, with buff movements from right to left or left to right.
  • Using a polishing file, you can seal your nails after applying wax, cream or oil to the surface.

Now you know how often you should get a manicure in terms of filing and polishing your nails. To get a clear idea of ​​the manicure technique, namely, how to correct the ends with your own hands, we suggest you watch a useful video lesson. The video explains step by step the main points of how to properly use a nail file.

Cuticle care

After correcting the ends, you can begin processing the cuticle. Depending on how it is removed, there are classic and European manicures. In the first case, when performing a home procedure, the cuticle is trimmed with nippers. The skin is first steamed in a warm bath or treated with softening oils.

The European version is more suitable for those who want to give themselves a neat manicure at home. The untrimmed method of removing cuticles is less traumatic and, as a rule, does not require special skills in using a tool. When performing a manicure, the peel is dissolved under the influence of special oils and gels, after which it is peeled off with an orange stick. There are other methods of gentle cuticle removal, which you can read about on our website. The European version of manicure at home, as a rule, does not require preliminary softening using baths.

The two main methods of cuticle removal in 2014 are no longer exclusive. Today, there are several more methods for treating skin and caring for nails. All of them are mostly salon options, but if desired, they can also be used at home. You may already be familiar with some of them and can easily do a manicure yourself by studying their execution technology.

Modern methods of nail care

Brazilian manicure is suitable for girls with limited time. Gloves soaked in a special cream are put on your hands. After 5-7 minutes, the film on each of the fingers is gradually removed and cut off, after which the cuticle is cleaned with an orange stick. The advantage of this method is that ready-made kits are sold for home Brazilian manicure. To give you an idea of ​​what they look like, we bring to your attention samples of the sets shown in the photo.

Connoisseurs of oriental beauty will love Japanese manicure. It will require a one-time but significant financial outlay to purchase a complete set. Before learning how to do a manicure using the Japanese system at home, we recommend that you carry out this procedure in a salon. The implementation technology is quite complex, but quite feasible. Comprehensive photos, video materials and step-by-step instructions presented on our website will help you master Japanese manicure.

If you are uncomfortable working with nippers and a nail file, try mechanizing the process. Hardware manicure has proven itself to be excellent. Until recently, this technology was available only to salon clients. Today you can buy sets for every taste and do your own manicure at home. It’s not at all difficult to do it even with your own hands. Samples of sets for hardware manicure are presented in the photo.

In 2014, you can often hear about another way to care for your nails. Jessica's manicure is famous for its relaxing effect on the skin and joints. The essence of the procedure is that at a certain stage the hands are immersed in thermal mittens. Thanks to the thermal effect, the leather softens perfectly and is perfectly treatable. After the procedure, the nails are covered with Jessica varnish, and the step-by-step manicure technique does not differ from the well-known one. When painting, you can choose the coating of any company you like.

Technique for painting nails with varnish

You already know how to properly do a manicure in terms of hygienic nail treatment. All that remains is to learn the subtleties of applying varnish. The process is not complicated and can be quickly mastered if desired. By following our recommendations, you can step by step get a manicure that is not inferior in quality to salon nail art.

  • While working, place your hands on the table so that your elbows do not hang down.
  • Before painting, be sure to degrease the nail plates.
  • The rules of manicure are conditional, but they are all aimed at ensuring a comfortable procedure. Among the unwritten principles is the recommendation that it is better to start painting your nails from the little finger.
  • The varnish should be applied without affecting the cuticle and side ridges. It is better if, when performing a manicure yourself, you step back 1 mm from the skin.

You will find more detailed information on how to properly paint your nails on our website in the appropriate topic. To get acquainted with the process of applying varnish with your own eyes, we invite you to watch an interesting video.

This year's fashion trends

Along with the question of how to do a neat manicure at home, girls are also interested in what nails are trending today. First of all, it’s worth talking about their shape. Trends for 2014 point to short nails with “regular oval” tips that follow the natural line of a smile. Comfortable and practical manicure is easy to wear and easy to do. For lovers of long nails, it is advisable to design the tips in an almond shape.

As for color and design in general, the trend is solid pastel colors. Noble wine shades are still holding their own, making manicures especially luxurious. A monotonous coating is very convenient to apply with your own hands at home, but if you wish, you can try something more colorful. To look stylish and fashionable in 2014, do manicures with stripes or lace more often. Today, everyone’s favorite French and lunar nail art still remain popular. The articles on our site are filled with beautiful photos that will help you choose the best design for yourself.

As you know, wizards are not born, they become one through hard work. If you want to learn how to do a beautiful and neat manicure with your own hands, you will need a lot of strength and patience. You have absorbed a lot of information and undoubtedly deserve a rest. We invite you to enjoy watching an interesting video lesson in which you will be shown how to do a manicure quickly and with very high quality. In the meantime, dream about how you can apply what you learn at home. Always be the most beautiful and elegant for everyone around you!

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are a woman’s calling card. Their appearance can tell others about the social status of the owner, her type of occupation, and also hide or emphasize her biological age. But what to do if you don’t have time to visit a nail salon often? Instructions, tips, photos and video tutorials will reveal all the nuances of the procedure at home. And a variety of design ideas will help you create unique designs on your nails yourself.

How to properly treat your nails

By covering the nail plate with bright varnish, you will not achieve the main goal of a manicure - neatness. Because well-groomed hands are, first of all, the absence of burrs, cuticles and uneven edges. Nails should have the same shape and length.

Required tools and materials

A large number of manicure products and devices often frighten impressionable clients. And they continue to use expensive procedures just to avoid having an “operating room” at home.

But to make a good and professional manicure yourself, you need to purchase a standard set that will last a long time.

Every woman should have a standard manicure set

To work at home you will need:

  • regular and sanding files,
  • scissors for removing cuticles,
  • deburring nippers,
  • trimmer,
  • ceramic nail file,
  • nail polish remover,
  • cotton pads,
  • paper towels,
  • bowl of hot water,
  • cuticle softener,
  • hand cream.

Sequence of treatment of nails and skin around them

  • Removing old coating. The nail plate must be completely free of varnish, glitter and rhinestones. To do this, use a cotton pad with nail polish remover to carefully remove the entire decorative layer. Movement: from the base of the nail to the edge.
  • Adding shape and shine. To work, you will need a regular file and a sanding file, with which you can shape your nails and also remove unevenness. To avoid splitting the nail plate, the file should move from the side edge to the center in one direction.
  • Softening the cuticle. First you need to apply a special product to the skin around the nail. After 3-4 minutes, the skin will soften, after which the fingers should be placed in a bowl of hot water with the addition of liquid soap (0.5 teaspoon per 300 grams of water) and 1 tablespoon of sea salt. After 5-7 minutes, remove your fingers from the water and pat dry with a paper towel.
  • Cuticle removal using cutting method. Use the rounded end of the trimmer to carefully push back the cuticle around the perimeter. Then use the sharp side to remove any remaining skin from the surface of the nail. All movements should be performed without pressure, from the center to the side edges. Cut off the remaining part of the cuticle using special scissors. Don't forget to treat the cut areas with an alcohol solution or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Deburring. Nail clippers or scissors are suitable for this work. It is important to know that hangnails should not be pulled, as painful wounds and other unpleasant consequences may appear, including suppuration and infection.
  • Treatment of rough skin areas. Calluses on the fingers and rough pads are sanded with a ceramic file or pumice stone. Trimming rough skin is not recommended, but with regular procedure this problem will disappear forever.
  • The final stage. After treating your nails, you need to apply a moisturizer to soften the skin. After five minutes, when the cream is absorbed, degrease your nails with nail polish remover.

To avoid splitting the nail plate, do not use a metal file.

Hands and nails are ready to apply decorative coating.

Untrimmed cuticle removal method

It is not necessary to resort to a trimmer and nail clippers; an alternative is a special composition for removing cuticles. The consistency can be liquid, gel or cream. The peculiarity of its composition is fruit acid.

Cuticle removal sequence:

  1. Lubricate the side rollers and cuticles with an orange wood stick soaked in a special composition.
  2. Wait 2-3 minutes, then carefully peel off the top layer.
  3. Move the softened bottom layer with a stick, this will form small pellets of dead cells.
  4. Rinse off any remaining product with water and sand the surface around the nail with a diamond file.

To work with cuticles, it is better to use orange tree sticks.

To become a good professional, a set of tools is not enough, you need a thorough study of the sequence of the procedure, as well as experience, which will appear later.

Useful life hacks that can improve the quality of your nail treatment:

  • Choose a nail polish remover without acetone, as it dries out your nails, making them faded and prone to brittleness.
  • Before work, disinfect tools with any solution containing alcohol and check their sharpness.
  • Do not use metal files, they delaminate the nail plate. For fragile nails, choose a file with a fine-grained structure; for healthy ones, choose a sapphire or sand file.
  • File and polish only dry nails. Treatment of wet and soaked nails leads to disruption of their structure and delamination.
  • It is not necessary to polish the plate with each treatment, since frequent grinding thins the surface.
  • Nail shapes can be any: from classic oval to square or sharp. The square shape is more resistant to external influences and, due to transverse grinding, allows you to save brittle nails. But it makes the hand heavier and is suitable for hands with thin and long fingers.

Video: how to do a manicure at home

Manicure at home

The nails are polished, their shape is ideal, cuticles and hangnails are removed, the skin is moisturized, i.e. the hands have acquired a well-groomed appearance. But you also want to cover your nails with a beautiful varnish. Unfortunately, incorrect coloring can lead to the following problems:

  • ugly appearance
  • fragility of manicure,
  • separation of the nail plate.

Stages of painting nails with simple varnish:

  1. Treat the nail with a special degreaser or nail polish remover (without acetone).
  2. Apply a layer of base product, it will protect your nails from the harmful effects of varnish. Wait until completely dry.
  3. Carefully apply a thin layer of colored varnish. The brush should move from the hole to the edge and from the center to the sides. Dry it a little and apply a second layer, then the color will be more saturated and the surface will be smoother.
  4. Remove excess strokes with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover. For this purpose, you can use a special corrector, then the fibers from the cotton wool will not stick to the painted surface.
  5. Apply sealer. Your nails will become shiny and your manicure will last longer.
  6. When the color coat is completely dry, apply a drop of oil to the cuticle area. At home you can use olive oil.

Manicure life hacks that not everyone knows about:

  • Never shake a bottle of colored varnish: the resulting bubbles will not allow you to apply a uniform layer. Roll the bottle lightly between your palms - this is enough to mix the varnish.
  • Before applying, remove excess polish from the brush by touching the inside of the bottle neck.
  • To quickly dry the varnish, use a special solution or run your hands under cold water. Ultraviolet lamps are also excellent at drying regular varnish.
  • Do not use clear varnish as a base coat. Use a special product with a vitamin complex in its composition - it will become an additional source of nutrition for the nail plate.

Video: how to carefully paint your nails

Express care in 15 minutes

For this:

  • Carefully remove old varnish. 2 minutes.
  • Massage the nail scrub onto the cuticles and side ridges. Rinse with water and remove any remaining product with a brush. 4 minutes.
  • Use an orange stick to gently push back the cuticle. There is no need to cut off the skin every time. 2 minutes.
  • Moisturize your hand skin with cream or milk. 2 minutes.
  • Apply manicure corrector to the inside of your nails. 2 minutes.
  • Use a sanding file to polish the surface of your nails. 3 minutes.

And if you have time, then apply colored varnish.

Secrets of long-lasting manicure

Why do some girls don't like doing manicures at home? It's simple: in most cases, the coverage is barely enough for two days. But little secrets will help extend the life of your manicure to 7–8 days:

  • The surface of the nail must be dry and free of grease before painting.
  • The base for colored varnish provides a smooth surface and protects the nail from pigmentation.
  • Each applied layer must be dried.
  • You cannot skimp on the fixative, as it protects the color coating from the effects of the external environment.
  • Use only high-quality products and varnishes from well-known manufacturers.
  • It is recommended to wear gloves when washing floors and dishes.

Using gloves to wash dishes and floors will extend the life of your manicure.

How to learn how to do manicure professionally

The secret of professional hand and nail care is experience. And if you have mastered manicure skills, but want more, for example, to provide services at home, then feel free to get down to business, not forgetting about self-education.

Where can you get mastery lessons:

  • Training courses. Experienced professionals will introduce you to the theoretical part of the procedure, sanitary standards, organization of the workplace and demonstrate their skills clearly. This is where you can complete your first job under the guidance of a professional.
  • Master classes online. The advantage of such training is undoubtedly free viewing and no exam. But you also won’t be able to practice and learn your mistakes.
  • Beauty salon. Go get a manicure at different salons. You will see the work of masters in practice, and you will be able to evaluate the quality in your own hands.

In addition, a professional never stops at the achieved results. He is constantly learning, experimenting, and mastering new techniques.

Design ideas for manicure at home

Modern fashion continues to dictate its terms. Along with a single-color coating, various designs and decorative decorations on nails are very popular.

Manicure with stencils

The 2017-2018 fashion trend is geometric pattern. Even a novice master can do it. Stencils have been invented specifically for this, which save time and do not require complex skills.

These are blanks that are glued to the painted surface of the nail and covered with varnish of a different color. After removal, a design remains on the nails. To prevent the templates from slipping, one side is adhesive.

  • Arc-shaped. Ideal for French and moon manicure.
  • Linear. Allows you to divide the surface of the nail into zones.
  • Zigzag. Used to create an unusual geometric pattern.
  • Patterned. Allows for complex designs in the form of butterflies, hearts, flowers, etc.

In addition, there are disposable and disk blanks. At home, it is best to use disposable ones, as they are easier to use, cheaper and can be done using regular varnish or glitter.

Using a stencil will help you create the perfect manicure

Blanks of various configurations can be purchased in specialized stores or made independently.

How to make a stencil at home

Material: single-sided tape or adhesive tape. A workpiece 2–3 centimeters long can be cut using curly scissors. Width is at the discretion of the master. It can be just a thin strip or a 5 mm wide template that will divide the surface into two parts.

Step-by-step manicure using a stencil at home:

  1. Apply a base layer and a layer of colored varnish to the prepared nail plate, not forgetting to dry thoroughly.
  2. Check the coating with your finger: it should not be sticky and reflect the fingerprint.
  3. Attach the stencil blank. If its adhesive side is too sticky, first touch it to the skin, then transfer it to the nail.
  4. Apply varnish of a different color to the free spaces, dry a little, but not completely.
  5. Carefully remove the blank and coat the surface of the nail with a protective agent.

Manicure with patterns

Nail designs just seem difficult to do. But practice and patience will help you learn how to create small masterpieces of beauty. Using simple tools and tools, you can easily create patterns at home.

Tools and materials for drawing:

  • thin brush,
  • needle or toothpick,
  • wooden stick with a cut,
  • sponge or sponge,
  • base and fixing agent,
  • colored varnish and acrylic paints.

Today, nail design with acrylic paints is very popular.

Advantages of acrylic paints:

  • drawings dry quickly;
  • when mixed, any desired shade can be easily obtained;
  • They are easily diluted with water and are washed off well at any stage of drawing, which allows a novice artist to correct a mistake.

It is better to start drawings on nails with acrylic paints with light shapes that will be easy to do for the first time.

Ideas for the lazy: drawing in a few minutes

If you don’t have the strength or desire to tinker with the design, then silicone stickers, the range of which is very diverse, will come to the rescue. In addition, they are easy to work with, and the implementation of ideas is not limited. The essence of this method is to carefully place the sticker using tweezers on a dry nail plate covered with colored varnish. After this, the nail is covered with two thin layers of fixative and the manicure with a beautiful design is ready.

Golden silicone stickers add a special charm to your nail design.

Another quick design option is to paint on two nails with acrylic paints. Advantages: there is no need to maintain symmetry on all fingers and strictly adjust the pattern. The result is beauty and grace.

Using varnish in aerosol cans allows you to experiment with the uniformity of the coating structure and the intensity of the shade. It does not require extreme care, since after applying and drying the protective layer, the paint can be easily washed off with soapy water.

You can easily draw a stylish design at home using an acrylic nail marker. Advantages: the pattern is easy to correct during operation. After application, do not forget about the fixative.

Custom home manicure ideas

Knowing about women’s desire for uniqueness, we can confidently say that everyone has tried to create an original manicure at least once in their life. The variety of patterns never ceases to amaze: hearts, leaves, flowers, abstraction in the form of vague and strict lines, spots.

Drawing with a needle

The technique of drawing with a needle or toothpick is simple, but requires some skill. Its peculiarity is the application of a pattern on a layer of varnish that has not yet hardened, while the pattern of needle movement is best thought out in advance.

Tips for beginners:

  • For the first time, limit the design to 2-4 nails, as the polish can dry out quickly.
  • Before applying, review the drawing diagrams for beginners.
  • Apply drops of varnish pointwise, in predetermined places.
  • Using needles of different thicknesses will give the pattern an interesting look.
  • Strictly follow the sequence of movement of the needle, then the drawing will look harmonious.
  • For a smooth color transition, use thinner varnishes.

Video: drawing with a needle

Drawings with hearts

No art education is required to create a drawing. The main thing is a harmonious combination of the image with the design on the nails. There is no restriction on the color of the base and hearts: from delicate pastel colors to dark and bright colors.

What you can use to create a drawing:

  • Glitter and stickers. Easily glued to the surface of the nail, look neat and stylish.
  • Stencils. You can purchase ready-made templates or make your own.
  • Acrylic paints. If you know how to draw with a toothpick, you can create unique masterpieces.

Hearts on nails will add youth and romanticism to the image

Funny emoticons

Smiling faces that can create a positive mood and a sense of celebration can be painted with acrylic paint using a thin brush, toothpick or needle. The easiest way is to use stickers.

Cool, kind, gentle emoticons on nails for young fashionistas

“Weaving” lace

For decoration you will need pieces of thin lace with a small pattern.

Step by step execution:

  1. It is necessary to cut 10 blanks from the lace corresponding to the size of the nail plates.
  2. Apply base varnish to the surface of the nail and dry. Then cover with colored varnish. Dry it a little, but not completely.
  3. Apply the lace to the nail and spread it over the entire surface using a toothpick. Fix the lace in the center of the nail, and then spread it along the edges.
  4. If there is lace left on the sides, carefully trim it with nail scissors after the base has dried.

Video: performance technique

Matte and glossy surface

Matte manicure looks expensive and noble, but, unfortunately, is short-lived. It’s easy to achieve this effect at home. It is enough, without waiting for the varnish to dry, to hold your hands over the steam for 2 minutes. After this, wait until it dries completely; there is no need to coat it with an additional fixing agent.

Video: matte nails with steam

Water manicure

Ideal for women who cannot boast of the shape of their nails. A water or marble manicure will perfectly hide all imperfections.


  1. Place a drop of varnish of the same color into a glass of water and let it disperse through the water.
  2. Add varnish of a different color. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  3. Using a toothpick, draw lines from the edge of the glass to the center, thus creating a pattern.
  4. Place your finger, previously covered with a plaster or tape around the nail, into the glass, as if “assembling” the design on the nail.
  5. As soon as the pattern is collected on the surface of the nail, it can be removed from the water.
  6. Let the varnish dry, remove the tape from your finger and cover the nail with a fixing varnish.

To perform a manicure, you will need a base polish and 2-3 polishes in contrasting colors. Several multi-colored drops are applied pointwise on top of the base, then a film is applied and the colors are mixed with light movements.

Using film you can create a unique marble manicure

Looks unusual, suitable for youth style.


  1. Apply a light or white base and let the varnish dry.
  2. Cut the newspaper into small pieces.
  3. Place each piece on your nail. Blot the top with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
  4. Wait until it dries completely and finish the manicure with a fixative or clear varnish.

There is no limit to skill and imagination

A professional manicure at home is within the capabilities of a novice master. To implement it you will need: appropriate tools and materials, a little knowledge, as well as a supply of patience and imagination. And experience will come with time!