Why is the child 8 years old? Why do children lie to their parents, and how to stop a child from lying? What to do if your child is often hysterical

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When a child begins to go to the second or third grade, parents usually calm down a little, remembering with a shudder (not all, of course) the beginning of his studies at school. But even though your child has adapted to the new conditions, regime and team, it is still too early to relax.

Both school life and the learning process itself involve many difficulties throughout its entire duration. And the new age stage has features that are important for adults to take into account. You need to figure out what the upbringing of children at 8-9 years old should be like.

Psychological characteristics of children aged 8-9 years

  1. At this age, the child’s self-awareness is strengthened and his own point of view on surrounding objects and phenomena is formed. He can express his thoughts on what he wants to become in the future.
  2. A junior schoolchild is able to think critically about the behavior of adults, including his parents. He begins to compare information received from different sources (from parents, teachers, peers, from the media), may doubt the truth of the position of adults, and draws his own conclusions.
  3. At the age of 8-9 years, the child is less drawn to his parents and more eager to communicate with peers. His need for friendship and collective activity intensifies.
  4. Approval and praise from adults are still important to him. In this case, specifics and assessment of the child’s individual abilities are important.
  5. Most often, at this age, children already have a hobby: they go to clubs, sports clubs, a music school or dance studios.
  6. Most students aged 8 have already managed to adapt to school, but fatigue still sets in quite quickly, and a high need for rest remains.
  7. Children have already mastered many social norms well, observe the rules of politeness, and can control their behavior in class and in public places.

Features of the development of boys and girls at 8 years old

Children at this age understand well the difference between the sexes: in appearance, in some character traits, in responsibilities, in social roles. They exhibit different tendencies in behavior: girls show a greater tendency towards restraint, perseverance, responsiveness and obedience.

They begin to pay attention to their appearance, express their preferences for clothing, and often try on their mother’s clothes. The girls respond well to help, take care of their younger sisters and brothers, and carry out assignments responsibly. Usually at this age they are interested in creative activities: handicrafts, music, dancing.

Boys aged 8-9 years are often less restrained in expressing emotions and more impulsive than girls. They demonstrate great activity and cannot sit still for a long time. Usually at this age boys prefer sports and outdoor games.

A visit to the section will create good conditions for a burst of energy that is in full swing. A boy can be quite successful in his studies if the disciplines are interesting to him and he is good at them.

During this period, praise for a girl as a person (just as a girl) is important for a girl, and a positive assessment of the results of his activities is important for a boy.

How to raise a child at 8-9 years old

  • Make sure your child does his homework. The more independence he shows, the better. But remember the importance of your support and, if necessary, provide help if the child is experiencing difficulties. Be as patient as possible and calmly explain how to complete the task. It is important to identify which method of delivering information is most effective for your child to understand the task: depict the condition schematically, give examples, ask leading questions, simply allow him to think out loud and nod in response, etc.
  • Be attentive to his feelings, do not ignore them, encourage him to be aware and name them. Voice your child’s emotions yourself when you notice his condition. For example: “You're upset,” “You're sad,” or “I'm just happy when I see you being happy.”
  • Control the time your child spends watching TV and computer (tablet, phone). At the same time, it is better not to use strict prohibitions, but to offer options for alternative pastimes. For example, go for walks, exhibitions, performances together more often, offer to read an interesting book, etc.
  • Observe the mood in which your child goes to school. Be sincerely interested: does he like to study? Is it easy to communicate with classmates and the teacher? Which subjects does he like more and which ones less?
  • Feel free to give your child tasks around the house, smoothly form the circle of his responsibilities (cleaning his room and other premises, buying groceries in the store, caring for a pet, etc.) Involve him in joint activities, such as preparing various dishes, planting plants in the country , easy assistance in repairs, etc.
  • Remember that the child should have time every day for rest, walks, favorite activities, games (free from studies, household chores and attending clubs and sections).
  • An important task of parents is to maintain their authority in the eyes of the child. Therefore, one should not allow extremes: to distance oneself from education and practice permissiveness, or, conversely, to completely suppress his will and force him to obey. The child thinks and analyzes the situation and your words, so arguments in the style of: “Because I said so!” or “Don’t you dare contradict!” will clearly not be in your favor and will not help achieve the desired effect. Yes, some children become obedient and manageable, but at the same time lack initiative, have complexes and are unable to stand up for themselves in the future and confidently overcome difficulties. Is this the path you want to take your child?
  • Learn to trust your child and create conditions for him to trust you. This is the key to maintaining a strong relationship with him for many years. Allow him to carry out important tasks, give him the opportunity to feel and strengthen his skills and abilities, to feel like an assistant and a significant member of the family.
  • Raising a child of 8 years old must necessarily be based on respect for him, emphasizing his strengths, creating conditions for the formation of self-confidence and adequate self-esteem.

Sexual development of children at 8-9 years old

Although puberty usually occurs during adolescence, some children (particularly girls) may experience the first signs of puberty as early as 8 or 9 years of age. At this stage, parents should talk with their child about sexual development in order to prepare him to meet the changes in the body and in psychology that are about to begin. It is important to explain that nocturnal emissions in boys and menstruation in girls (and other signs) are normal phenomena necessary for the body to mature.

In matters of sexual development, you can also begin to educate children at this age. But in a very simple and “creative” form. For example, when a woman and a man love each other, they can create a child. The man has seed, which he passes on to the woman. And she has the right conditions to raise him and give birth to him. Ideally, conversations about gender and sexual development should be conducted with a boy by the father, and with a girl by the mother.

Gradually, children develop an interest in the opposite sex. At first, they increasingly begin to watch their parents and other adults: boys watch their mother and her friends, girls watch their father and various men (including actors, singers and other famous people), they can spy on them and listen to their conversations. Then interest shifts to peers of the opposite sex.

Children are increasingly aware of their belonging to a particular gender, try to demonstrate appropriate traits in behavior, copy the words and actions of adults, and strive for self-affirmation.

Development of a child at 8-9 years old: what should he know and be able to do?

  1. The child can control his behavior quite well and perform duties: pack his backpack, prepare his homework, make the bed, clean the room, wash and brush his teeth, get dressed, etc.
  2. Children at this age distinguish between what is “good” and what is “bad”, know how to behave in public places, how to communicate with friends and strangers, and use polite words.
  3. They can navigate in space and time.
  4. The child is able to concentrate on an object or task for a longer time.
  5. Pupils can write, read, count and solve simple mathematical problems.
  6. They memorize poems from several quatrains, reproduce fairy tales and stories in detail from memory.
  7. Children have developed graphic memory: they can remember a complex picture and draw it.
  8. The child is able to express his point of view on various issues.
  9. The student can understand how various devices work.

Daily routine for a child aged 8-9 years

At this age stage, the child experiences a high mental load, so significant time should be allocated for rest.

Study and homework. At this age, children spend approximately 3 to 5 hours every day in school. After classes, the child must relax and take a walk in the fresh air. Homework should be started no earlier than 3 hours after studying. Make sure that they do not take more than 2 hours a day to complete, otherwise the student will become very tired.

Nutrition. Five meals a day is the most suitable option for a child: breakfast, lunch at school, afternoon snack, dinner and a light meal before bed.

Dream. A schoolchild aged 8-9 years needs to sleep 10-11 hours, so it is better to go to bed no later than 21.00-21.30, before doing all hygiene procedures (wash, brush teeth, take a shower). Almost all children at this age do not have daytime sleep, but if your child needs it, then do not interfere, let him regain his strength after school.

Interest classes. Most schoolchildren at this age attend sports clubs, clubs, dance studios or music schools. Typically, such classes are held immediately after school or in the evening. It is important that the child himself is interested in them and wants to visit them, and does not go there “because his parents sent him.”

Rest, walks. Every day the child needs to be in the fresh air for 2-3 hours. The more he moves, the better. This is the student’s free time, which he himself fills with what he wants. But a student should not spend more than 1 hour a day in front of the TV or computer. It is important to monitor this and offer him alternative interesting activities.

Responsibilities and work. The child must be involved in household chores and assigned certain responsibilities (wash the dishes, go to the store, take out the trash, etc.) Teach the student that he must clean his room himself.

Activities, games and toys for a child aged 8-9 years

At this age, if necessary, you can conduct classes with your child to develop memory (learning poems, retelling text), attentiveness (observing changes in the environment, sounds, words), logical thinking (solving problems, combining objects into groups and searching for differences) . Any activity is best done in the form of a game.

Games for children 8-9 years old:
Role-playing: children love to “try on” the images of heroes from films, comics, and cartoons.

Movable: “King of the Hill”, “The pile is small”, “Higher than your feet off the ground”, games with a ball, skipping rope, sports games, etc.

Tabletop: “Battleship”, “walkers”, chess, checkers, crosswords (they develop thinking and logic well).

Games to develop memory and attentiveness:“Edible-inedible”, “Repeat the movement”, “Find the differences” (in the picture), “What has changed?” and etc.

Toys for children 8-9 years old
Of course, dolls, cars and interactive toys do not lose their relevance for a long time. But the most useful for development at this age are: plasticine, paints, construction sets, puzzles, puzzles, various sets for creativity and children's scientific experiments. Toys have another important function - distracting the child from the computer and TV, so take care to interest him in this way.

Do not forget that adolescence is just around the corner, and by this time it is important to be able to become for the child not only a mentor and example in everything, but also a friend who is able to listen, understand, accept and support at any moment.

Eight-month-old babies are very active, move a lot and explore new spaces with interest, because at this age they can already crawl. What else has the toddler learned by the age of 8 months, what new skills does parents already enjoy, and how can adults help in the development of a baby of this age?

Physiological changes

  • The period of teething continues, and their appearance is very individual. Some people at 8 months still don’t have a single tooth or their first incisor has just appeared, while others are already trying to chew cookies with four teeth.
  • The child's growth rate slows down slightly, which is associated with an increase in the baby's physical activity. The baby's muscles are already developed so much that they allow the baby not only to roll over and sit, but also to stand and crawl.
  • The baby's stool has become more formed and bears little resemblance to the stool of a baby who is exclusively breastfed. It has a mild odor, and the frequency of bowel movements is usually once a day.
  • The child's memory develops and retains recent events. Thanks to the improvement of memory, the baby is able to repeat the actions of his parents, recognize familiar objects, heard nursery rhymes, and loved ones.

Physical development

During the eighth month of life, the baby gains approximately 550 grams and becomes taller by an average of 1.5 centimeters. Chest circumference and head circumference increase each by 0.5-1 cm.

Although the rate of development of each child is individual, based on measurement data from a large number of children of a certain age, doctors determined the average value, as well as the boundaries of normal indicators of physical development. Deviation from them causes caution and is the reason for a detailed examination of the baby. The main parameters for 8-month-old babies are presented in the following table:

For information on what a child should be able to do at 8 months, watch Larisa Sviridova’s video.

What can the baby do?

  • The 8-month-old baby is very active physically, can sit down, lie down, stand up (while pulling himself up by a support), crawl quite quickly, and also step over objects.
  • The baby spends a lot of time studying toys and constantly trains his own hands. He can freely transfer one toy to another hand, and if an object falls out of his hand, he will look for it. The child likes to roll the ball, press different buttons, and flip through the pages of books.
  • The babble of an eight-month-old baby already has an intonation that the baby adopted from his parents. The baby repeats the same syllables many times, so parents constantly hear “ma-ma-ma” or “ba-ba-ba” from the baby.
  • Children of this age are very cheerful, enjoy other children, and are wary of adult strangers. If the mother goes somewhere, the eight-month-old toddler is very upset. When a child does not succeed in something, the baby will be upset, but will be very happy with his mother’s praise.
  • A child may point to a familiar object when asked “where?” Also, the baby has already learned to wave his hand when asked, do “okay” and other actions that his parents taught him earlier. The baby really likes games in which actions are repeated.
  • An 8-month-old baby not only eats from a spoon and even tries to do it on his own, but also takes solid food (for example, baby cookies) in his hands, biting off pieces of it.

Although all children develop at their own pace and may acquire some skills earlier than their peers, and some later than other children of the same age, there are skills that a baby must certainly have at 8 months. You should be wary if your baby:

  • Doesn't sit down.
  • Doesn't crawl backwards or try to crawl at all.
  • Doesn't try to stand at the support.
  • Cannot stand for several seconds holding on with both hands.
  • Cannot hold a toy in his hands.
  • The offered toy is missing.
  • Does not transfer the toy from one handle to another.
  • Doesn't pronounce syllables.
  • Does not listen when he hears an adult talking.
  • Doesn't show any emotions.

Development activities

  • If the baby has not yet mastered crawling on all fours, practice the baby in the water. When bathing, place your baby's belly on the bottom of an empty tub and turn on the water so it slowly fills the tub. The water level will rise and will encourage the baby to rise on his elbows and knees. During this exercise, it is important to ensure that the child does not drink water.
  • Another way to teach a child to crawl on all fours is to walk on his hands. Raise the baby's legs so that the baby stands on his arms. Next, rock the little one back and forth a little. As soon as the baby gets tired, the exercise should be stopped.
  • To improve fine motor skills, invite your baby to touch different objects, toys with buttons and locks, boxes with lids, pyramid rings, soft books and many others.
  • Since a child at the age of 8 months copies the actions of adults in games, the mother should show how to handle new toys. Roll cars with your child, rock a doll, knock on a drum, and let the baby repeat.
  • Invite your baby to play with several similar objects, for example, cubes of different colors, balls, rings from a pyramid. By folding and scattering such objects, the child will learn the connections between them.
  • Build a small pyramid out of cubes and show your little one how it can be destroyed using a rolling ball.
  • Look at family photos with your baby and ask to see close people and the child himself. The child will love finding himself in the photo.
  • Play music often and dance with your baby. Let these be motives with different rhythms - classical melodies, children's songs, and songs of modern performers.
  • Train your baby's sense of balance by lifting the baby and lowering it. You can also spin with your baby.
  • Make a book shelf for your child that your child can reach. Fill this shelf with bright children's books and let your little one choose a book to “read” on their own.
  • Play with your baby in the bath. Let the baby move floating toys, clap the surface of the water with his palms, draw water into molds, and pour it from one container to another.
  • Allow your baby to play with kitchen utensils, but give your baby only safe items - a ladle, containers, lids and others.
  • The baby will also enjoy playing with a real phone, which should be unplugged for this purpose. Give the little one the phone and let him “talk.”
  • While walking, pay your baby’s attention to the different sounds made by an airplane, a car, a bird, or a dog. At the same time, name the source of the sound.
  • Keep your child interested in animals. Buy plastic or rubber animals and name them and imitate their voice. Show your little ones animals in books and on the street.
  • Give your little one a wooden spoon and a few objects to hit. This way the child will understand that objects differ not only in appearance, but also in the sound they make.
  • In front of your little one, hide the toy by covering it with a blanket, and then invite the little one to find it.


In the morning, as before, the baby is given hygiene measures. They include washing, brushing teeth, putting on the potty, and washing. Every evening the baby is bathed while having fun playing with toys that can float. In addition, during the day the child should periodically wash his hands, because the baby crawls and touches various objects. When changing a diaper, the child must be washed under running water.

Breast-feeding on demand at this age there are 6-8 feedings during the day and about 6 feedings at night. The volume of complementary feeding increases and is presented in the infant's menu with vegetables, fruits, dairy-free porridge, vegetable oil, meat, fruit juice, butter, crackers and cookies.

Formula-fed children They receive the mixture in the morning feeding, as well as in the last feeding before bedtime. The rest of the time, the artificial baby’s menu is formed from complementary foods. Compared to breastfed babies, their diet is more expanded - fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese and yolk are added to it. Porridge for a formula-fed baby is already cooked with milk, and the volume of most will be higher than that of a breastfed baby.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

Typical day

Every new day with an eight-month-old baby brings many interesting and fun moments. It is clear that the routine for each child of this age will be different, but we offer an approximate version of the daily routine that babies of 8 months may have:

Waking up.

The first feeding in which the baby receives mother's milk or formula.

Hygiene procedures.



The second feeding, in which breastfed children are given porridge with butter, and artificial babies are additionally offered a yolk.

Period of wakefulness.

A walk during which the baby has his first nap in the fresh air.

The third feeding, during which babies of any type of feeding receive vegetable puree with meat puree and vegetable oil, as well as wheat bread and fruit juice.

A walk during which the child has a second nap in the fresh air.

The fourth feeding, which for breastfed babies will include fruit puree, cookies and human milk, and for bottle-fed babies - a fermented milk drink, fruit puree, cottage cheese and cookies.

A period of wakefulness and quiet games.

The fifth feeding, during which the baby receives mother's milk or formula.

Preparing for a night's sleep and going to bed.

Night time

Breastfed babies latch onto their mother's breast up to 6 times in their sleep, while bottle-fed babies at this age no longer wake up to feed.

Diversify your day with games with your child using the “Little Leonardo” method, which you can see in the video of O. N. Teplyakova, an expert on intellectual development.

Common problems

  1. Fear of separation from mom. 8-month-old children begin to be afraid to let their mother go and are very worried about parting with her. In addition, at this age other fears may appear, for example, a child may be frightened by loud sounds from household appliances. Show your child the source of the sound so that it stops being scary.
  2. Refusal of complementary feeding. The baby may refuse to try new food if he does not like the dish due to its consistency, taste or temperature. Perhaps the baby is not yet hungry or the room is very hot. In any case, there is no need to insist. Offer food to your child a little later.
  3. Restless sleep. Babies of eight months, due to physical activity and overstimulation, may have trouble falling asleep and their night rest is disrupted. To avoid problems with night sleep, exclude active games in the evening, give your baby a relaxing massage before bed, and read a book to your baby.
  4. Painful teething. The appearance of teeth without pain and discomfort is quite rare. Many children cut their teeth with painful sensations, changes in stool, fever, whims and other negative manifestations. Chilled special toys that can be chewed can help the baby. To relieve pain, special gels are used, and for fever, drugs with antipyretic effects are used.
  5. Allergy to complementary foods. As the menu of eight-month-old babies expands, there is always a risk of a reaction to a new product. This reaction may include diarrhea, skin rashes, runny nose, constipation, colic, red eyes and other symptoms. Try to introduce a child of this age only to safe products that rarely cause allergies. For now, the child should not be given red berries, tomatoes, cocoa, citrus fruits, soy products, and one should be very careful when introducing milk, eggs and chicken into the children's menu.

  • Since your 8-month-old baby is already actively exploring the apartment, crawling everywhere, you should ensure the baby’s safety. The toddler does not yet understand the risks and dangers, so the parents’ task will be to remove toxic substances, tiny and breakable objects, as well as anything sharp and cutting from the child’s path. Hide sockets, hide sharp corners of furniture, put household chemicals in a locked cabinet and never leave a crawling baby in the room unattended.
  • If your eight-month-old child has not yet begun to stand on his feet, holding on to support, there is no need to force the acquisition of this skill. As soon as the baby’s muscles are strong enough to stand in an upright position on his feet, the baby will immediately begin his “training”, honing a new skill. Remember that many children do not begin to stand up by 8 months of age, or crawl, and there is no need to rush them yet.
  • If a child has already cut 4 teeth, encourage chewing by offering the baby not purees, but pieces of boiled vegetables, as well as baby cookies and crackers.
  • Talk to your baby often, but do not lisp or distort your words. However, it is acceptable to use abbreviated words, for example, instead of “cat” you can pronounce “kitty”.
  • When choosing educational activities for your baby, consider not only the time of day, but also the baby’s temperament. If you have a restless toddler, then he will enjoy active games, rollovers, and crawling. For calm babies, reading a book or folding blocks is more suitable. You should respect the interests of the baby, even if he is still just a baby. If the baby doesn’t like something, don’t force it or insist.

  • Development
  • Menu
  • Massage

As for the psychology of an 8-year-old child, there are significant features at this age. For the first time, a child’s psyche manifests itself very clearly at the age of eight. Eight-year-old children begin to understand the differences between the sexes. Girls begin to get used to order better and become more tidy. Boys are more often distracted and become less attentive in class.

Some aspects

An interesting aspect can be noted in the psychology of children aged 8-9 years: eight-year-old children begin to doubt the correctness of the actions of adults. Conflicts can often occur in a family due to the fact that the child read something in a book, but the parents provided him with other information, and this information differs from the information in the book. At this age, the opinions of teachers and parents may differ. As a result, the child becomes disobedient. At the age of eight, the child’s psyche is disturbed. Eight-year-old children are very emotional and quite unrestrained. Very often they find it difficult to solve a problem that seems very simple. To make the task easier for children, teach them to be independent. However, this should be done slowly and very unobtrusively towards the baby.

Child motivation

Seven to eight years is a period of crisis. At the age of eight, the child loses his childish naivety and spontaneity. In relation to others, he is no longer so direct. This process is very emotional. At the age of eight years, differentiation occurs between the internal and external aspects of the preschooler’s personality.
It is very important to draw the child’s attention to motivation. At the age of eight, new behavioral motives appear. The cognitive motive plays a dominant role; it is this that motivates schoolchildren to go to school. At this age, schoolchildren have a motive to obtain good grades, social and public recognition. The cognitive motive is more developed in schoolchildren than in children who have not yet reached the age of six.

Boys and girls. What is the difference?

Regarding the psychology of eight- to nine-year-old children, we can say that an eight-year-old child begins to distinguish between his two “Selves” - the ideal and the real. He gains an understanding of who he wants to become and who he is today. Eight-year-olds evaluate themselves quite adequately; inflated self-esteem is not observed at this age. You may notice that children aged eight or nine began to do their homework more slowly. It will be interesting to know that it is easier to make a girl think in class than a boy. Boys are more restless, it is more difficult for them to tolerate static loads in lessons - as a result, they are incredibly noisy during breaks and can disrupt discipline in class. If you haven’t taught your child to be orderly before, then at the age of eight or nine years it becomes a little more difficult to do. Boys are less likely to start paying attention to the condition of their clothes. They are more accepting of the fact that their clothes are dirty or torn. The girls are very concerned about the condition of their clothes.
As for the psychology of children aged 8-9 years, one can notice that nine-year-old boys exhibit a lack of responsibility. Unfortunately, they are not very interested in doing their homework - they may simply forget about it. Also, not much importance is attached to the grades received at school. It often happens that parents have to find out about their son’s homework. Nine-year-old children have less developed accuracy, patience, perseverance and diligence.
This period is difficult in a child’s life. Girls show some stability in mood. Boys experience mood swings ranging from overconfidence to complete loss of self-confidence.
When it comes to vocabulary, boys are the leaders here. They have much more of it.
This is due to the fact that in the vocabulary of girls there are more subject-evaluative words, and in the vocabulary of boys there are more words that convey actions.

Parents please note

Nine-year-old boys devote their free time to outdoor games and sports. Girls are beginning to like playing musical instruments and reading more. At the age of eight - nine years, the child can be sent to skiing, acrobatics or gymnastics. At this age, the baby needs his own assessments of his personal “I”. When your child does something, do not rush to evaluate or express your own opinion. First, the child must learn to independently perform as many actions as possible.
Parents will sometimes need some prompting, but by and large, they need to teach the child independent self-esteem.
By talking with parents about their actions, the child begins to understand the essence of his inner “I”.
Analyzing actions together with your child will lead to the fact that the child will learn to first break down the situation into its components, he will learn to understand the consequences of his actions or inaction. By analyzing actions, the child will move from impulsive actions to conscious behavior, to self-education.
A nine-year-old child may become taciturn, may withdraw from his parents, and become secretive. Your child is getting older and may feel embarrassed about you picking him up from school. It is at the age of nine that a child should be shown the importance of values.
Focus on the transmission of spiritual and moral values. When a schoolchild communicates with his peers - he hears a lot, and he simply needs to filter the information - it is the parents who should become the source that will help to understand various, sometimes contradictory, information, situations, and actions.
At this age there is still an opportunity to make some changes in the education of the student.
The child has become older, he no longer goes to kindergarten, he is considered an adult, certain limits and conditions are set for his behavior - this causes difficulties at the age of eight or nine years. In addition, the child is constantly trying to understand how he needs to behave on the street, with relatives, at school, with friends. Often this period passes more calmly than other crisis years of the child.

Adaptation to school

It is not always certain skills, such as the ability to count, read and write, that make a child absolutely ready for school. It is very important to be psychologically adapted to the fact that the child’s life has now changed radically. Try to make your child happy to go to school, ask him not only about his grades, but also about his actions, friends, and what he has read. A child is not only a schoolchild, he is, first of all, a constantly changing personality. If your child has problems with objects, help him do the tasks and solve examples. Explain how to do them and monitor their implementation. The child will always need such help. A child may study poorly or become more withdrawn only because he is afraid of making a mistake or is unsure of the correctness of his behavior at school. When a child is constantly criticized because of bad grades, he becomes even more isolated in his failure. Help your child with those subjects where it is more difficult for him to understand, and praise him for success in those subjects that he knows brilliantly. Praise plays a very powerful role in further successful learning. Even when faced with difficulties that seem insoluble, the baby will know internally that he will be able to cope with them, because his parents believe in him and will always help.

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Eight-year-old children are already schoolchildren, but are still in a transition period. At this time, they are experiencing their second crisis of personality formation, which is accompanied by hysterics, aggressive behavior, the first deceptions and disobedience. This is a very important stage in which parents need to help their children survive all the difficulties without withdrawing into themselves or alienating themselves from the family.

Causes of childhood aggression

What to do if an 8-year-old child develops aggression? How to deal with this behavior and is it necessary to fight?

The essence of aggressive behavior is attack. Such behavior suddenly, like an attack, is not structured and brings discomfort to both the attacking student and the “victim” adult.

The causes of aggression range from somatic illnesses to the psychological climate in the family.

It is very important to respond correctly to children’s aggression. There are two options for reacting - to be lenient, calmly explain to your child what he is wrong about and analyze the reason for his behavior, or to be strict. The second option should be used in case of completely inappropriate behavior. At the same time, you cannot become aggressive yourself. This will form an incorrect model of behavior in the son or daughter, which he will carry out of the family into life.

What to do if your child is often hysterical?

Hysterical behavior can manifest itself in children through screams, screams, and tears. For parents, hysteria is always a signal that their child is tired and needs rest. The main thing is to react correctly to the first tantrums so that such behavior does not become a habit in the baby. When a child is in an excited state, the main thing for parents is to remain calm, in this the child will see their strength and realize his wrong behavior.

If parents do not react at all to the student’s hysterical behavior, it may become more regular - it is important for the child to attract the attention of dad and mom.

If adults choose the simplest way to stop hysterics - they fulfill any childish desire, then very soon the schoolchild will begin to manipulate his loved ones with such behavior.

Naughty 8 year old child: what should parents do?

Typically, disobedient children are hyperactive, difficult to keep track of, and require constant supervision. At the age of 8, schoolchildren go through a second age crisis and it is important to understand that this is a stage of personality development and you need to be able to be lenient towards disobedience. In order to somehow limit the child’s behavior, it is advisable to establish clear routines for everyday life, a daily routine and family rituals. Entrust your child with some small tasks that seem important to him so that he can feel like an adult and responsible. These measures are usually very effective.

How to solve the problem of children's deceptions?

If you understand that your child has begun to deceive you often, you need to think about why he is doing this. There is definitely some kind of disharmony in his world, and it is important to eliminate its cause. Don’t yell at your child, try to kindly find out what the problem is, show your child that he can trust you. Create conditions in which your daughter or son will not be afraid to tell the truth. Perhaps before this you used too harsh punishments, then they need to be reconsidered.

Very often, children of this age lie for no reason; they simply pass off their fantasies as reality. In this case, do not rush to punish the student; direct his imagination in the right direction. For example, start writing down children's fairy tales.

How to respond to child theft?

Confusion, panic and a desire to punish are the first things that happen to parents who find out that their child has appropriated someone else’s property.

Remember that you should not call your child a thief, do not compare him with other children, do not discuss his theft with strangers in front of him, do not threaten the schoolchild. Explain that stealing is bad. It can cause you to lose friends and is very upsetting for you. There is no need to shout, but it is important to clearly demonstrate that you need to pay for other people's things. Firstly, the stolen item must be given back, and secondly, the student must be assigned detention so that he understands that things are acquired for work and that other people’s things cannot be touched without permission.