Designation of an owl tattoo on the forearm. The meaning of an owl tattoo for girls

In pre-Christian times, the owl was considered a sacred bird and was associated with intelligence, mystery and knowledge. Among the Slavs, the night bird is associated with the otherworldly, the unknown. People made the night dweller a permanent participant in black and white rituals, an assistant to witches, wizards and sorcerers.

With all the duality of qualities inherent in the owl, all peoples, without exception, treated this bird with great respect. In modern interpretation owl is a symbol of learning, broad outlook and rich knowledge. It is not without reason that world-famous educational institutions, colleges, schools and institutes choose the owl as their symbol, as an indicator of high quality education.

Meaning of owl tattoo

The owl is a mystical, mysterious bird, it is considered a symbol protection, intelligence and sacred knowledge. Undoubtedly, a tattoo with an owl can carry a sacred meaning and personify the magical qualities of its owner.

An owl tattoo should be done consciously, and the placement of the tattoo and the design of the design must be seriously considered. Without exaggeration, we can say that an owl tattoo is the choice of strong, wise and mature individuals.

The owl has a close connection with the moon and the night; this may be relevant for people who feel lunar biorhythms, as well as for those who like to be active in the dark.

An owl tattoo with glasses can symbolize foresight and foresight. The owner of a tattoo where the owl has additional vision can perceive the bird as a seer and assistant in situations where special clarity of vision of situations or people is required. It is difficult to deceive an owl; she always senses the truth!

Meaning for girls

Owl tattoos have a special meaning for girls. Often women prefer an owl in an abstract or cartoon form, which also speaks of the cheerful disposition, optimistic outlook on life and carefree nature of the owner of such a picture.

An owl tattoo surrounded by bright flowers has an even broader meaning for women - a picturesquely designed bird testifies to tenderness and femininity, as well as gentleness of character and sociability. Those who wear such a tattoo strive for new acquaintances and romantic adventures. An owl tattoo on the arm has the following meaning for girls: it indicates the mystery and high intelligence of the owner.

A realistic image of an owl on a tattoo indicates the girl’s straightforwardness and dreaminess. The owner of this image on the body wants to see everything in the best light, but at the same time does not break away from reality and knows how to soberly assess what is happening around her.

Sometimes the meaning of an owl tattoo for girls is of an exclusively individual nature, depending on the meaning that the owner herself puts into the picture. This may be involvement in secret knowledge or the world of magic. When making such an image on the body, one must be prepared to take responsibility for its power.

Meaning for men

The meaning of an owl tattoo for men varies depending on the color and location. A naturalistic image of a bird is usually chosen, and it can be woven into a complex pattern.

When creating an owl tattoo on the arm, its meaning is to emphasize the wisdom and determination of the owner. He is ready to do anything to achieve his goals and is a reliable support for everyone who is dear to him. The picture in this case should be on the right hand.

An owl tattoo on the leg has the following meaning when placed below the knees and done in dark colors or monochrome: the man has experienced severe mental or physical suffering. Such a tattoo can also be regarded as an indication that loneliness is a constant companion of its owner and brings harmony to his world.

The desire to hide and protect yourself from the outside world, to go into an otherworldly reality is symbolized by the tattoo of an owl with outstretched wings on the left hand. She also talks about the desire to have a connection with the afterlife.

The black and white bird is often chosen by mature men as a symbol of their determination, calmness and constancy. This tattoo shows that its owner knows how to make the right decisions and find a way out of the most difficult situations. When the picture is multi-colored, the meaning of a guy’s owl tattoo is to mark his penchant for having a good time and a carefree attitude towards everything that happens in life. Often colored owls are stuffed by athletes and creative people.

Location on the body and meaning

Where the tattoo is located also has a special meaning. Thus, an owl on the shoulder means a person’s desire to gain wisdom, prudence and abandonment of spontaneous actions. A bird on the ankle speaks of strength of character and reveals a predatory personality.

An owl tattoo on a man’s head is a desire to show the whole world his bright qualities: significance, intellectual abilities and capabilities. When an owl is done on the neck, the tattoo has the meaning of a sign of participation in secret knowledge and something great. This is a demonstration of your peculiarity and that unusual thing that others cannot find.

By choosing the chest as the place for the image of a night bird, the man declares a challenge to society and shows that for him there are only his own rules and he does not accept others. An owl on the stomach means that most of all in life the owner is interested in material goods and values. He knows what he wants and is ready to do anything to get it. If the picture is on the back, then this symbolizes protection from the whole world and the desire for dominance.


The plot of the owl tattoo is interpreted depending on what other symbol is present in it.

  1. Watch. The owl tattoo with a clock has a meaning associated with the understanding of time as the main value and source of wisdom and true knowledge. This drawing is an indication of the importance of the ability to appreciate and not waste every minute of your life.
  2. Key. The meaning of an owl tattoo with a key is wisdom and knowledge that opens all doors for a person, giving unlimited opportunities and freedom in life. This is also a sign of a person’s need to know his essence and inner world. If the bird is black, then in combination with the key it indicates the storage of secret knowledge.
  3. Dream Catcher. Feeling the need for reliable protection and faithful companions in life. The owl dream catcher tattoo has the meaning of a magical sign that serves to achieve these goals and find harmony with oneself and the world.
  4. Moon. An owl tattoo with a moon is a mystical symbol that points to the mysteries and cyclical nature of time, as well as the mystery of human nature and his knowledge of the world.

For many peoples, the owl is a magical symbol and totem animal. When choosing its image for yourself, you need to know that an owl tattoo has a meaning that consists of the features and color of the design, its location, design and accompanying symbols.

What is the meaning and significance of an owl tattoo

The owl tattoo is one of the most popular images. Such tattoos are chosen by both men and women. An owl is a mystical, mysterious bird, a symbol of wisdom for some and a messenger of hard times and death for others. This bird of prey evokes fear with its frightening voice, eyes glowing in the darkness, and silent flight.

An example of a tattoo with an owl and a dream catcher on the arm

History of the owl tattoo

Due to the nocturnal lifestyle of many ancient peoples, the owl became an evil, terrifying symbol of dark forces. The owl was associated with death, grief, the afterlife, and black magic. Although for some nationalities this bird was a positive symbol. For example, among the Indians, an owl meant wisdom, erudition, intelligence, and was protection and amulet. In Ancient Greece, an owl accompanied Athena; the silhouette of this bird was depicted on coins. Therefore, many European fairy tales talk about a wise owl. But most peoples still associate the owl with evil. In China, the owl signified evil, crime, and death. In Celtic culture, the owl was considered a messenger, a corpse bird, and a night witch. In Japan and Ancient Egypt, this bird of prey was called the patron of the night, the messenger of the other world, a mediator between the world of the living and the dead. In India, it was believed that the owl is a guide of souls to the afterlife. In Mexico, the bird symbolizes cold and night. In Madagascar they believed that these night birds danced with witches on the graves of the dead. Christians associate the owl with witchcraft, unbelief and spiritual blindness. In modern culture, the owl symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, prudence, erudition, conscious loneliness, and vitality.

Owl tattoo on a branch

What does an owl tattoo mean?

The meaning of a tattoo with an image of an owl can be different, depending on what meaning the owner of the tattoo puts into it. Also, the meaning of an owl tattoo may depend on the composition in which it is depicted. The main meanings that are embedded in an owl tattoo: wisdom, ingenuity, prudence, clear thoughts, intelligence, knowledge, vitality, erudition, mysticism, amulet. A tattoo depicting this night bird looks impressive. The meaning of a tattoo is determined by the composition and manner of application. Most often, these are bright, eye-catching tattoos.

Large owl and crown tattoo on chest

Often, owl tattoos are applied by people who are nocturnal, interested in mysticism, or mysterious, extraordinary or wise people. Sometimes owl tattoos are worn by people who want to express a desire to learn new things, to show a love of learning, and comprehension of science. It should be said that the symbolism of owl tattoos is very strong, with mysterious and mystical energy.

Owl tattoo - meaning

Many girls choose owl tattoos for themselves. After all, the image of this bird has a special appeal, and therefore its image looks stylish and attracts attention. However, not everyone knows the meaning of an owl tattoo. But this picture has quite interesting symbolism, rooted deep in the history of human civilization.

What does an owl tattoo mean?

The living bird itself is already a multi-valued symbol. Since she is nocturnal, her image would always be shrouded in mystery, bordering on mysticism. And due to the fact that the owl is a predator, it was credited with strength, cruelty, ruthlessness, bloodthirstiness and other unpleasant qualities. She was the embodiment of the inexplicable horror that grips people before the unknown that lurks in the dark, because this bird can see better at night than during the day, and moves completely silently and swiftly, like a ghost.

In many world religions, the owl is associated with the world of the dead, considering it a resident or messenger. Its appearance could be a harbinger of death, some kind of misfortune - this is what the Celts, Japanese and Chinese believed. And Christians in the Middle Ages believed that the owl was the constant companion of sorcerers and black magicians.

However, in other traditions, the image of this bird had a positive meaning. For example, North American Indians applied ritual tattoos of an owl to themselves, wanting to gain wisdom and learn to see what is hidden. The ancient Greeks also considered the bird wise - it always sat on the shoulder of the goddess Athena, the patroness of scientists.

An owl tattoo for girls can mean a desire for knowledge, a penchant for mysticism and esotericism. This pattern is often chosen by those who are night owls in terms of daily activity and lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. If the tattoo is made in an unusual style, then this indicates the girl’s penchant for shocking, her desire to express her individuality.

Owl tattoo on leg

The meaning of an owl tattoo can vary somewhat depending on what part of the body the girl applies it to. If the design is pinned on the left leg, then this indicates a tendency to introspection and search for hidden reserves. The owner of the tattoo is not very happy with the existing order of things and wants to influence her life. An owl tattoo on the right leg means that the girl has already chosen her path in life and is going to move along it, without turning anywhere.

Meaning of owl tattoo on hand

If an owl tattoo is applied to the left hand, then this is tantamount to the statement “I want it, and therefore it will be so.” The girl is going to do what she likes, not paying attention to the opinions of others. Usually the design in this place is made by determined and daring people. The tattoo on the right hand is a desire for self-expression, some rigidity in actions.

If an owl tattoo is applied to the wrist, then usually the design serves as a personal amulet. He will protect his owner from negative energy impacts.

Owl tattoo on neck

The drawing of an owl in this place suggests that the girl considers herself exceptional, chosen, and possessing some unique abilities.

Owl tattoo on chest

The drawing of a bird on the chest suggests that its owner has her own opinion on any life issue and does not want to blindly obey generally accepted norms. Such a tattoo is a kind of challenge to the world around us.

Owl tattoo on back

The design on this part of the body is a way of protection from the outside world, and at the same time a symbol of the fact that the owner of the tattoo strives for dominance. She thus wants to activate her inner potential and demonstrate it to everyone around her.

The meaning of an owl tattoo for different people

The owl is often considered a mystical and unusual bird, symbolizing many positive and negative aspects. It can mean wisdom and insight, and can also be a harbinger of hard times and even death.

The owl is a bird that inspires mystical fear

Because of its mysterious appearance, loud and alarming owl voice, people have always attributed special qualities to it. Also, many peoples considered the bird of prey to be a sign of evil and dark forces due to its ability to silently appear under the cover of night. That is, there was a complete lack of friendly attitude towards the owl in some countries, for which the species was exterminated.

Symbol meaning:

  1. Ancient Egypt: darkness and cold.
  2. Mexico and Japan: evil.
  3. China: crimes, death.
  4. Africa and Madagascar: dancing with witches on graves.
  5. India: accompanying the dead to the other world.

The Celts also considered it a symbol of evil and death. And for Christians, the bird meant the approach of a devilish army, it was a symbol of witchcraft and the lack of spiritual values.

Wisdom and veneration of the owl

Along with its negative meaning, the multifaceted and contradictory symbol of the owl carries positive properties:

  1. Among the ancient Greeks, the owl was respected for its inherent wisdom, which was confirmed by the placement of the bird’s image on coins. It was from the inhabitants of the warm valleys that the statement about her intelligence came. Also in ancient Greece and Rome, the bird was the constant companion of the goddess of wisdom and learning.
  2. In European works of art, the owl is represented as a fairy-tale heroine, significantly superior in mental abilities to other birds and animals. People often come to her for advice and listen carefully to her sensible words.
  3. In Russia, the owl symbol is associated with study, scientific activity, reason and intellect. Often there is an image of a bird wearing glasses with books and a pointer.
  4. For the Indians, the wise owl was a protector, a prophetess, and a symbol of good luck.

In addition, thanks to the ability to navigate in the dark, it was often believed that the owl had the gift of foreseeing the future.

What does a bird tattoo mean in the modern world?

The meaning of the “owl” tattoo in the modern world is as controversial as before. This symbol is often chosen by wise, perspicacious people with clear thinking. In addition, the drawing may indicate the bright individuality, fortitude and loneliness of the owners. The meaning of the “owl” tattoo also manifests itself in protection from dark forces, since such a tattoo is often made by people interested in mysticism. The picture may also indicate a preference for a nocturnal lifestyle.

Since the meaning of the “owl” tattoo is interpreted quite broadly, for a better understanding of the image you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Size of the drawing.
  • Style.
  • The meaning of the “owl” tattoo is precisely in the interpretation of the person who inflicted it.

The mystery and unusualness of the bird conceals many reasons why people choose this image for body painting.

Owl tattoo: meaning for girls and men. Interpretation of such a tattoo on the zone

The owl drawing can be made in a cartoon style, mystical or frightening. Men prefer the image of an owl in a darker and more realistic version. Beautiful ladies often choose an image of a fairy-tale bird with huge eyes on a decorative background as an “owl” tattoo. Such a pattern on the body often not only indicates the personal preferences of the owner, but also plays the role of decoration.

In addition, tattoos must be taken very seriously also because in places of detention they are special signs that must tell only the truth about a person. A drawing that does not correspond to the status among criminals or the personal qualities of the owner is subject to severe punishment. An owl (tattoo) also indicates certain character traits. The meaning in the zone of this image speaks of a pessimistic attitude regarding everything around its bearer, reflecting on the frailty of the world and death.

That is, an owl can be perceived in different ways, and the interpretation of the symbol depends entirely on the style of execution and what the owner puts into it. In any case, the owl is a significant and mysteriously powerful design.

Owl tattoo: meaning and symbolism

For many peoples of the world, the “Owl” tattoo has an extremely negative meaning. It is considered a symbol of dark forces that are activated at night. Even today she is capable of instilling fear in anyone. A bird with eyes shining in the night and a terrible cry, which leads a nocturnal lifestyle, is a rather strange creature. Maybe this is why for most of the peoples of the world, the owl is a symbol of evil and is the most terrible sign.

Positive and negative meaning of the Owl tattoo

But not all nations consider this bird such an ominous symbol. There are also those for whom it is a symbol of wisdom and is considered the best amulet. The Indians are such a people. And among Hindus it symbolizes high spirituality. But in other nationalities the bird does not have such positive traits. Thus, the Celts consider the owl a symbol of death. And in Ancient China, she personified evil, crime and death. It was even said that young owls pecked out the eyes of their own mothers. In Africa, there are still legends that owls dance at witches' sabbaths. And so on ad infinitum. Almost no nationality considered the owl a good sign and a cute creature. But modern interpretations have changed a lot and began to carry a positive meaning.

What does the "Owl" tattoo mean?

The meaning of a tattoo is perceived precisely in the context in which it is depicted, as well as in the manner of its depiction by the artist. Why is such a controversial symbol so often applied to their bodies by young people? They perceive it as a sign of wisdom, mystery and intimidation. By the way, most often the “Owl” tattoo can be found on the body of a person who is nocturnal or expresses a desire to win the heart of a girl. In Russia, the owl has become a symbol of wisdom. But why is this so, if it is so scary and mysterious? The roots of this sign come from Ancient Greece, where this bird was depicted next to the goddess Athena. And she, as you know, is the keeper of wisdom. It is from here that the expression “smart owl” began to be widely used. And the image of a bird on scrolls or a stack of books became a symbol of many educational institutions of that time. It is from there that the symbol of the owl as a wise and fair advisor came to us. That’s why today the “Owl” tattoo has the most favorable meaning. It symbolizes clarity of thought and strength of spirit. And besides, it is a powerful talisman for the mind.


The "Owl" tattoo has the most direct and immediate meaning - knowledge and fortitude. But nevertheless, it is worth noting the main thing, it is considered a female symbol. Maybe that’s why it’s women who get this tattoo so often. It is performed on the chest or shoulder, and not only in shades of black, but in all colors. But in general, given its ambiguous interpretation, we can say with complete confidence that this tattoo does not mean anything special. Everyone who makes this beautiful and slightly mysterious picture on their body interprets it in their own way. Some people get such a tattoo for beauty, while others try to show that their life is shrouded in mystery and darkness. There are also those who put an owl on their body as a symbol of wisdom and rich life experience.

What is the meaning, history and significance of the eagle owl tattoo

In this article we will talk about tattoos with an eagle owl and about meaning of eagle owl tattoo. Let’s try to understand the history of the eagle owl tattoo design and its possible interpretation. Also, as part of our tattoo site, you can see:

  • Photo of eagle owl tattoo
  • Sketches for an eagle owl tattoo

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey, which since ancient times has had a contradictory and ambiguous reputation and symbolism among different peoples in different historical periods of mankind. Perhaps it’s worth mentioning its significance in the culture of Ancient Greece first. The Greeks had a positive attitude towards this bird, gave it the status of a sacred animal of the goddess Athena, and considered it a symbol of wisdom, science and knowledge, erudition and life experience. She was also credited with the ability to perform magic, for she saw at night, which at that time seemed to the Greeks to be beyond their abilities.

Among the Indians, the owl symbolized death, the afterlife, prophecy, wisdom, and was also considered something of a talisman - the Indians used owl feathers for headdresses; it was believed that the bird could come to the rescue in difficult times.

In Chinese culture, eagle owls had ominous, dark and negative symbolism. The owl was associated with evil, crime, cruelty, disease and almost all the hardships of the everyday and social life of the Chinese people, and by today's standards the owl in China was considered something akin to a terrorist threat.

Christian culture also did not expect anything good from the owl. The owl was considered a demonic creature and a “friend” of the devil, the patron of witchcraft and magic, sorcerers and witches, associated with unbelief, death and horror, and was also associated with almost everything that contradicted the ethics and culture of Christianity and was painted in dark tones. The life of an owl was also associated with the life of a hermit, loneliness and wisdom.

What does an owl tattoo mean?

The main reasons for such an ominous and not entirely fair reputation of the owl were its nocturnal lifestyle, the ability to see in the dark, and the heartbreaking cry emitted by the bird. In our time, eagle owls have lost their status as the “spawn of the devil”, and now have a much more positive reputation than in medieval times.

The meaning of an eagle owl tattoo is a purely personal question.

Such tattoos can be boasted by people who are reasonable, with good analytical and mental abilities, who are cold-blooded, balanced and who know how to control their emotions. People who have gone through fire and water, who have known life in all its forms, people with a large store of knowledge and experience.

Also, a tattoo with this night bird can characterize its owner as a secretive and mysterious person, living a nocturnal (or even hermit) life, a person interested in magic, philosophy, occult and natural sciences.

An owl in some traditions is a symbol of a talisman, so a tattoo with this bird can serve you in life as a means of warding off damage, evil spirits, and other negative misfortunes of someone else’s will that is hostile to you.

Therefore, a person must clearly decide what he wants to express with an owl/eagle owl tattoo on his body, or what qualities/character strengths to enhance or improve.

An illiterate and thoughtlessly chosen tattoo will not bring anything good to its owner, and in some cases it will even act to the detriment... therefore, “measure twice, cut once.”

I want to get an owl tattoo on my arm, tell me what it could mean

The owl, as befits a large bird of prey, has become a symbol of night, dark, ominous power among many peoples. She instills fear with her eyes shining in the dark, her silent approach in flight and her frightening, rough voice. So it’s not without reason that the owl became an evil, and even terrifying, symbol among many ancient peoples, especially in China. Because of her nocturnal lifestyle, she was associated with black magic, the underworld, death and sorrow. However, among a number of other peoples, the owl also had positive symbolism.

Therefore, the overall meaning of an owl tattoo today is not uniform - wisdom and fear, loneliness, higher intelligence, seal and joy.

Ancient Celtic culture called the owl a corpse bird, a harbinger of death. For the Chinese, the owl also embodied all possible evil: yang - the destructive principle, crime and death itself. Even in China, she was credited with the terrifying habit of pecking out the eyes of her mothers.

And among the Indians, for example, the meaning of an owl tattoo was only positive. She personified great wisdom and was considered a good amulet and reliable protection. In the mythology of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, the owl always accompanied Athena, the goddess of learning and wisdom. She was also considered a seer (possibly due to her ability to see in the dark) and in this context was often depicted on Greek coins. This is where all the European tales about the “learned owl” and its modern association with wisdom originate. The owl brought its positive meaning - spirituality and intellectuality - to Russia.

The nocturnal bird is quite mysterious and interesting. In Christianity, this night bird has become a symbol of impurity and witchcraft, as well as spiritual blindness and unbelief. In Hinduism, the owl was chosen as a symbol of cosmic spirituality. African peoples also have a negative attitude towards owls. In Madagascar, they believe that owls gather with witches and dance on the graves of the dead. And in India they believed that the owl accompanies the souls of dead people to the afterlife.

In Mexico, it was a symbol of night and cold. In Egypt, she was also considered a mediator between the worlds of the living and the dead. Japanese culture, like Chinese culture, recognized the appearance of this legged predator as a bad sign. For modern Goths, an owl is a reflection of a restless soul.

As you can see, an owl is perceived differently, and the meaning of an owl tattoo will depend on the manner and context in which the bird is drawn. And how the bearer of the tattoo perceives it. The owl is often depicted by people who are nocturnal, mysterious, frightening and wise.

Larisa Matyushkina

I have an owl.
And I'm very pleased with her.
Yes, I changed, I became more decisive and began to approach every task wisely.

Dasha German

The owl, as a symbol in tattoo culture, has many meanings.
Positive meanings of tattoos: owls In an expanded and general meaning, an owl in modern tattoo culture denotes wisdom, erudition, knowledge of something secret, the presence of a higher mind, mystical motives, a certain message, sacred amulet and protection.
Negative meanings: owl tattoos In life, the owl is a nocturnal inhabitant of our world. It is this characteristic feature that causes a negative attitude towards the bird. Among the general negative meanings, especially popular are connections with the other world, black magic and witchcraft, loneliness, inner evil, sadness, recluse, coldness and denial of social norms, and nocturnal lifestyle.

Among the great variety of tattoo motifs, there are the most favorite ones, often ordered from artists. The reason for this may be fashion or the incomprehensible attractiveness of the design. The owl tattoo is one of them. What is the secret of her popularity, how this nocturnal resident is treated on different continents, and much more, read on.

Attitudes towards owls among different peoples

There is no clear opinion about what the image of an owl means. This predator is the hero of many legends, epics, children's fairy tales, etc. In them, she acts as an assistant to the witches and a good adviser to the goodies.

Where is an owl respected?

The Indians saw wisdom and protection in owls. Just like the ancient Greeks and Romans. For them, it symbolizes knowledge and insight. Due to the fact that the bird is able to distinguish objects even in pitch darkness, it was credited with the gift of foresight.

The Slavic peoples adopted this love for the owl and revered it as a symbol of spirituality and clarity of mind. In Hinduism, a parallel is generally drawn with her, as if with a being possessing cosmic intelligence.

Where owls are treated with caution

The Chinese, on the contrary, associate the owl with the world of the dead, with a bird that brings sorrow. All due to the fact that she feels comfortable at night, which is the period of reign of dark forces. It contains the dark energy of yin, which, unlike yang, is capable of destruction.

In ancient times, the Celts also did not favor the predator; for them it was associated with the dead and could only portend death. Residents of the island of Madagascar believed that the bird had fun with witches, performing dances in cemeteries.

The meaning of the owl today

Although in the Christian world the owl was perceived as a symbol of the denial of faith and adherence to magic, in our time it is considered a sign of wisdom and solitude.

The image of an owl in a tattoo can be perceived in different contexts, because a lot depends on the manner of execution, its combination with other objects, animals, etc.

The owl tattoo is especially loved by people who consider themselves to be in the world of mysticism, as well as by those who prefer night to day, freedom to strict rules, etc.

Owl tattoo on girls

The universality of the meaning of the image of an owl makes it possible to use it for body designs for both boys and girls.

However, their tattoos are unlikely to look the same, since the female sex often resorts to bright, even fairy-tale motifs. Their favorite move is also the original design of the bird's eyes in the form of large watches, stones, etc.

And the purpose of applying a tattoo, as well as its meaning for women, will be different, which will affect both the choice of sketch and the final result of the artist’s work.

Where to stuff

A girl’s owl tattoo has different meanings depending on what part of the body it will be tattooed on:

  • on the leg - a tendency to make informed decisions;
  • on the back - a sign of a nocturnal lifestyle;
  • on the neck - following your main purpose in life;
  • on the hand - the seal of wisdom;
  • on the shoulder and chest - a demonstration of femininity.

Of course, this is just a general interpretation. No one has canceled the right to put something personal into a drawing, inaccessible to strangers.

Owl tattoo for guys

On men, an owl tattoo looks more realistic; they tend to choose calm, black and white tones, as well as those sketches where it was drawn, as if from real life.

Naturally, they are also not alien to intricate ideas. For example, an owl made in one of the most complex tribal styles, i.e. in ornate patterns, with clearly defined forms. If you find a truly professional master of the tribal technique, such a tattoo will look more than impressive.

Colorful owls often adorn the bodies of guys about whom they say “without a tower” and so on, i.e. about extremely cheerful people who live solely for their own pleasure.

Where to stuff

Men's owl tattoos, depending on the place where they are tattooed, can mean the following:

  • the back, like that of girls, is suitable for those who do not sleep at night;
  • neck - restraint in words and actions;
  • the meaning of an owl tattoo on the leg is interpreted as the desire for leadership and awareness of the value of life, and specifically on the calf or foot - dominance over pain;
  • arms (usually the right) and shoulders - for intellectually developed, determined men.

Features of an owl tattoo

Speaking about the intricacies of an owl tattoo, its meaning is implied in combination with various objects, plants, and the like. It is also worth considering what an owl on the body means among prisoners.

Prisoners have an owl

In the zone, a feathered predator means an inveterate skeptic, a sad person. For him, the past is wasted years, and there is no room for joy in today and tomorrow.

Like the ancient Chinese, among prisoners, a tattoo with an owl can even speak of death, namely that a person expects his death and is not afraid of it.

Owl and clock

In the image of a clock on the body, an owl means time and infinity, the development of life, which in any case will end in death. But this is not something negative, but rather a healthy reflection on the purpose of human existence. They are also associated with important events, joyful or sad.

But first of all, a clock is time, and an owl is a creature whose development has always been ahead of it, therefore the meaning of a tattoo of an owl with a clock is interpreted as the ability to manage the time allotted on this earth and use the knowledge gained.

The sketches, in which watches replace owl's eyes, are read as granting the ability to look straight into the soul, to see what other people do not notice. Or the ability to live, learn and accumulate experience.

Owl - meaning of tattoo for girls and men

Owl - meaning of tattoo

TOP 5. Tattoo meanings. The answer to the eternal question! 1st issue.

OWL tattoo and its meaning!

Owl with owlet

Perhaps the cutest and kindest tattoo is an owl with a little owlet next to it. This is how parents express their love for their child. For this purpose, an individual sketch is developed, where the name or date of birth of the baby is placed.

Owl and dream catcher

They like to combine the design of an owl in a tattoo with the image of a dream catcher. Such a tattoo, if placed on the wrist of the left hand, is a good protection against the evil eye. These are two strong amulets, and the dream catcher also helps not to lose heart. He does not allow negativity to approach a person, which contributes to his spiritual development.

Owl and key

In life, doors are opened with a key, this makes it possible to see what is behind them. When a wise owl takes the key into its paws, it symbolizes the path to knowledge, to unraveling the highest mysteries.

Owl and skull

Despite many people's ambivalence towards images of the skull, it does not carry as depressing a meaning as it might seem. Orthodoxy says that the skull with two crossed bones underneath is “Adam’s head.” She was washed by the blood of the Savior, which acquired the meaning of deliverance from death and a chance for salvation.

This is a very thoughtful sign, which is why the owl tattoo with a skull has an uncertain meaning. It contains the value of life, and death, which is not the end, and much more.

Owl and rose

Looking through photos and sketches of tattoos, one cannot help but notice the popularity of roses among tattoo lovers. In the general understanding, a flower carries love and perseverance.

It makes sense to combine owls with a burgundy rose - a symbol of spiritual harmony, with gold - the achievement of perfection, and with white - purity and devotion.

Owl and feather

Feathers are associated with lightness and grace, freedom and overcoming problems, but only if it is whole. Otherwise, all values ​​are neutralized. An owl's feather is, of course, wisdom, belonging to the world of magic.

Be that as it may, you should always turn to your own intuition. Whether it's an owl tattoo or something else, it should touch your soul.

Since ancient times, the image of an owl has been used in the culture of many peoples. The first association that arises in the head when mentioning this winged predator is the dark time of day.

This is probably why many people associate the owl with dark forces, evil spirits and sometimes with wisdom.

Who is it suitable for? This symbol looks appropriate on men and girls. The choice of location rather depends on the size and type of sketch that you like.
Sketches in black and white are rare and are usually applied to small areas of the body: the forearm, wrist or at the base of the foot.
An image of an owl in bright, colorful colors or in realism style will decorate a larger area of ​​your body: back, shoulders, stomach. An owl with spread wings looks very impressive in the center of a man's chest.
Girls often put an image of an owl's head on their thighs.

Places and style of tattoo. In tattoo designs, the owl is often combined with other symbols. For example, with a watch or a skull.
birds can be made in the form of precious stones.

Meaning of owl tattoo

Different peoples have ambiguous attitudes towards this bird: from perceiving it as a harbinger of disasters and failures, to the patroness of sciences and knowledge.

IN modern meaning The symbol has several options:

  • wisdom, the desire for knowledge and a penchant for mysticism;
  • the ability to see the essence of things;
  • hermitism, denial of social norms, sadness;
  • symbol of nightlife;

The last meaning makes this tattoo very popular in the club scene.
The image of an owl is also a protective symbol. If you believe in mysticism, this tattoo will become a reliable and faithful amulet against evil forces and failures.

Often, a tattoo sketch includes, let’s say, additional characters that influence the meaning of the symbol:

Owl and pictured nearby owlet- such tattoos are usually memorable. They are made in “honor” of the birth of a child to the owner of the tattoo.
owl with clock- ability to value time. The desire to devote every moment of time to something useful for oneself.
owl with skull- two opposite meanings at once: long success or imminent death.
owl with a key means “knowledge of the main highest secret” and not the desire to share this knowledge.

The meaning of an owl tattoo for girls

Girls tend to depict this symbol in a bright color version in a watercolor style or in a cheerful cartoon style.

An owl tattoo on the arm is a symbol of wisdom,
on the neck - the ability or desire to remember the main path of life
on the back - a symbol of nightlife,
leg - the desire to weigh every step on the path of life.

The meaning of an owl tattoo for men

Among guys, the most popular sketches are black and white or realistic sketches. An owl in a tribal style will look impressive.

An image anywhere on the arm or shoulder is still the same symbol of wisdom,
on the neck - the ability to weigh words and control thoughts. Leaving the positive and not allowing the negative to linger,
owl on the back - suitable for those for whom night is the time to wake up,
on the leg - the desire for power and love of life.

The meaning of the owl tattoo on the zone

In places that are usually called “not so remote,” an owl is a sign of a gloomy person who is skeptical about the surrounding reality.
Such a person is pessimistic about his past, looks to the future without hope, and is suspicious of the present moment.
Moreover, the owl is perceived as a symbol of death. It is believed that the person who “decorated” his body with such an image has come to terms with his imminent death and is even waiting for it.

Symbol in history

The symbol received a negative connotation for the first time in China. It was there that the owl, accustomed to hunting at night, was considered the embodiment of fear, evil forces and everything magical that the human imagination is capable of.
This can hardly be considered unusual, because the feathered predator moves almost silently. And in the pitch darkness you can only see two glowing eyes. Most likely, the image was complemented by knife-sharp claws and a head capable of turning almost 360 degrees.
In China they believed that owls are the true cause of all disasters and disasters. Well, at least their harbinger. It was also believed that owls could peck and gouge out eyes. Most likely, owls are really capable of this. It is not clear why they would need this.

Ancients Celts, called the owl to scavengers and considered it a harbinger of death itself.
IN Christian world, the owl was associated with witchcraft. The symbol was interpreted as a lack of faith or “service to the power of evil.”
Some African There is a tribal belief that owls, together with witches, dance on graves on the day of the Sabbath.
This bird became a symbol of cold and night in Mexican culture.
IN India- accompanies souls who have gone to another world. Reading the symbol in Egyptian mythology. Here this bird also serves as a mediator between the worlds of the living and the dead.

Incarnation wisdom the owl is considered Indian tribes The feathers of this bird were often used in protective amulets and amulets. For example, the amulet was necessarily accompanied by owl feathers.
American culture depicts an owl as well as a symbol of wisdom and longevity.
IN Ancient Rome and Greece the owl is used as a symbol of science. Residents are sure that the owl is the faithful companion of the goddess of knowledge and sciences. The image of birds was applied to coins. In Greece they believed that the owl saw the future. It is quite possible that she was endowed with this property due to the ability to navigate perfectly in the dark.
IN Russian culture- a symbol of wisdom, intelligence and science. Sometimes a symbol of spirituality.


The video is just over three minutes long. You'll see master Andre Cruz at work, tattooing an owl onto a client's chest.
An owl in flight with its wings spread wide. the wings are located seven-dimensionally from the center of the chest.

What do you need to know first? The owl in many ancient cultures is a symbol of insight, wisdom and enlightenment. A body design depicting this bird signifies knowledge and life experience. At the same time, the symbol is much deeper and multifaceted than it might seem to the average person. Therefore, we will talk about the ambiguity of the image of an owl in different cultures.

Dark cult of the night bird

The owl is a bird of prey that hunts at night. Many occult practices are associated with the worship of this animal, which personifies the mystery of the night. Owls are a reflection of loneliness, sadness and death. As you can see, the owl is a very ambiguous symbol.

In the customs of many peoples one can observe the worship of this animal, reverence for the wisdom and mystery of the night. Many people associate the owl with witchcraft, and for good reason. Evil spirits and witches are characters that are inextricably linked with owls. Birds are often found in popular superstitions as harbingers of something bad. Perhaps this is why the owl remains a demonic dark symbol to this day.

Let's dive a little into the past. In ancient Rome, the cry of an owl was a harbinger of misfortune. In medieval Europe, Christians believed that the owl was a reincarnated witch flying to the Sabbath. The Celts called the animal a corpse bird, which clearly emphasizes the dark side of this symbol. Interestingly, many Asian and African peoples depicted an owl on funeral attributes, which also evokes very understandable associations.

Why does the owl have such a dark reputation? This is due to the primitive animal fear that arose in a person when he met a bird with burning eyes, emitting deathly cries in the silence of the night. An owl suddenly appearing from the mournful darkness left a depressing impression. And therefore, the glory of the ominous messenger of bad news was assigned to the owl for many millennia.

However, the image of a bird is multifaceted and not so simple. In many cultures, this animal is perceived in a fundamentally different way. Let's discover the other side of the coin.

Wisdom and composure

You can look at the owl as a symbol from another angle. It is no secret that in folklore owls have always been the personification of life experience and erudition. At the same time, the bird as a symbol reflects not so much a carefree desire for knowledge as the cold mind and insight of a predator.

The owl is the constant companion of Athena, the goddess who was the patroness of wisdom among the ancient Greeks. On silver coins, Athena was depicted together with the bird of the night.

Why did the ancient Greeks like this bird so much? Everything is very simple. Observing the owl's lifestyle, the Greeks discovered its similarity to the lifestyle of a lonely philosopher. And the excellent vision that allows birds to see in the dark was perceived as insight. Since then, the owl has been a symbol of understanding the essence of things.

The owl as a symbol is also associated with such a mysterious phenomenon as a dream. The meaning of an owl tattoo can also be associated with astral or psychedelic travel.

To hit or not to hit?

So, what does an owl tattoo mean? This symbol can have very different meanings. For example, the white owl represents purity, wisdom and eternity. A black owl with fiery eyes will become a symbol of mystery, darkness and knowledge.

Girls often prefer such tattoos, since many associate their mysterious personality with this totem. Owl tattoo has a special meaning for girls. This is a symbol of female insight and the ability to understand the essence, unattainable for most people.

Owl Tattoo Ideas

  • White owl full face, personifying the symbol of philosophical wisdom;
  • A black owl with fiery eyes and outstretched wings as an artistic embodiment of the dark side of existence;
  • A multi-colored owl depicted in Native American style using a wide range of colored inks;
  • Neck tattoo depicting an owl with open wings;
  • A bright tattoo with the image of a “cartoon” owl.

The photos presented will help you choose an idea for a tattoo. Find a ready-made sketch on our website or order an exclusive work from an experienced craftsman. But don't rush to stuff the owl. This idea must withstand time, because such a symbol requires a sober, balanced decision.