Parting words from a mother to her daughter at a wedding. Touching verses from mother to daughter's wedding greetings

It often happens that when a daughter grows up, her relationship with her mother is more reminiscent of the relationship of best friends - they exchange jewelry, clothes, share their innermost secrets with each other, sitting in the kitchen in the evening, go shopping and eat ice cream in a cafe.

But then the moment comes when the daughter announces her decision to get married. The wedding of a beloved daughter is one of the most exciting and wonderful events in a mother’s life.

Mother's words are the most important words at a wedding

This is a happy and sad moment at the same time. It would seem that recently you were just thinking about how to get your daughter married, and now this moment has come, and your beloved baby is entering a new stage of her life, having decided to get married and soon leave her father’s house. Mom is the most important person for her daughter at the wedding ceremony. It is her that the daughter will look for with her eyes, expecting a gentle look, a wise and warm word. The mother's order will forever remain in the child's memory, so it is worth preparing your parting words in advance.

Of course, it can be difficult for a mother to find words that would fully reflect all the love, tenderness, and joy for her daughter. In this case, memories of your own wedding can help - recall the moment when you yourself decided to get married, and what words you wanted to hear from your own mother then.

So what should a mother's speech be like at a wedding?

Separating from her mother is also a very difficult moment for a daughter. Therefore, emphasize in your speech that, although after your daughter’s wedding you will spend less time together, nevertheless, your participation in her life will not decrease at all, you can always come to her aid both with deeds and with wise advice.

You should not read your parting words from a piece of paper, your words should pour out from the depths of your heart. A prepared speech should be rehearsed, for example, in front of your husband. Reading it several times will help you say touching words more calmly at your wedding. Of course, there’s no escape from excitement at such a solemn moment, but remember that this is the brightest and most joyful moment in your baby’s life, so you shouldn’t get too excited.

If you have written several options for your congratulations and it is difficult to make a choice in favor of one of them, ask your husband or close friends to help you decide.

The order of the mother of the bride should concern not only her daughter, but also her chosen one. Your speech should include approval of the decision to marry this particular person; emphasize that you are happy to accept another child into your future family in the person of your daughter’s chosen one.

The wisdom of motherly guidance

Of course, a daughter’s wedding should not only be solemn, but also fun. However, mother should not say comic congratulations on this day. Her words should be deep, gentle, affectionate, and contain useful and wise instructions, because it’s not every day that you get married. Share with your child your own experiences of married life. Don’t make your congratulatory speech too long, otherwise it will seem tiresome.

If you don’t have success with your literary abilities, you can turn to specialists for help. They will be happy to help you create a unique, touching congratulation that will be remembered for a long time not only by your daughter and her chosen one, but also by all the guests.

You can beautifully arrange your parting words and present it to the newlyweds in the form of a magnificent old letter.

We offer you several options for a festive speech

  • My dear girl! From this day on, you enter a new stage of your life, create your own family. Family life is never without difficulties. I wish you to carry your love through all adversity. Let it grow stronger day by day. Never forget why you fell in love with each other, remember the feelings you experienced at the beginning of the relationship. Love you, honey.
  • My beloved daughter! Let your life be like a sweet fairy tale and let nothing disturb your union. Let the gentle sun illuminate your path together, and let the wind of change bring only changes for the better.
  • My sweet girl! My dear blood! Congratulations on the happiest day of your life! May your husband love you with all his soul! Let everything you dream about come true, otherwise what you are afraid of will go away! Let your heart skip a beat with love and your eyes shine with happiness.
  • Getting married is easy, but in order to preserve your family and love, you, my dear, will have to work hard. I wish you, my swallow, wisdom, endurance, patience, and let your husband help maintain a bright fire in the family hearth and be a reliable support in all life situations.
  • My sun! It seems like just yesterday I took you to school for the first time. And now you are standing in front of me in a magnificent wedding dress, arm in arm with your wonderful chosen one, and your eyes are shining with happiness. I wish you to maintain this shine for many years. Support each other in everything. And don't forget that you have a mother who is looking forward to babysitting her grandchildren.

For a daughter, a mother is the most precious and closest creature in the world. Who else but mom will give valuable advice, help, and advise. Very often, mother and daughter are like 2 girlfriends, they go cosmetics shopping together and exchange clothes. Nevertheless, one day a sad and solemn moment comes in the life of every mother - her daughter announces that she is getting married. A loving and caring mother begins to prepare gifts and congratulations for her daughter’s wedding at least a year before the wedding. Some even claim that mothers have been waiting for and planning the wedding of their daughters since their birth.
It is often so difficult to find the right words to tell your daughter how much you love her, to put together all the parting words and good wishes that will become a good start to a new life. Usually, all guests of the holiday listen attentively to the parents’ congratulations to the newlyweds; they are recorded on video and quoted by the toastmaster. On our congratulations website you can choose wedding poems for your beloved daughter - let your sincere feelings and thoughts be added to it, you don’t need to try to stick to the text that is on the site. We'll give you an idea and you can turn it into a moving speech.

Congratulations on your daughter's wedding from mom

The bright day of your wedding has come
And I don’t have the strength to hold back my tears.
Congratulations to you, my dear,
Anxiety and joy are hidden in the soul.

May your family be strong forever,
May trouble not touch you.
No matter what obstacles you encounter in life
Love each other always.

Here, daughter... You're getting married!
And the main thing in life will be the husband!..
But don’t forget the way to us -
We will always help you!

What do we need from the two of you?
So that - not like those who drag out their lives -
They lived together in love and affection,
Sometimes they would give us grandchildren.

One more thing to remember, daughter,
Then for the rest of your life there is only one thing for you:
Be happy with your husband every day -
He is a support in your destiny!
And the freak didn’t conceive by chance,
You only drink coffee, kvass and tea!

One more step down
Today you will part with your girlhood.
You will become a young wife today,
And you will tie a reliable family knot.

I want my daughter to be your family
I just floated on the waves of happiness.
Live happily, richly,
And there is no need to let quarrels into the hut.

And give us grandchildren,
Nice, mischievous guys.
So accept your parents' congratulations,
So that the family hearth is strong.

There they will fix their eyes on you with judgment.
And you are my fruit, you did not grow beyond the boundary,
And they will appreciate me based on you.
You merge with them. faithful friend.
And a devoted husband's wife.
But, like a soldier, no, no, look around -
Aren't you too surrounded?

How quickly did you become an adult?
The years have flown by.
I led you to school by the hand,
It was like yesterday.

And today you wore a veil
Having stepped on the threshold of a new life,
Maybe I didn’t manage to do much,
May God help you in life.

I wish you true love for the rest of your life,
Be happy my children,
Gently, tenderly I hug you
And I wish you a strong family.

There are kind words - words-rays.
Be more generous with your kind words.
And there are words that sound harsh.
Without weighing your word, it is better to remain silent.

And each house is a power in itself.
There only one king has the right
To be a king is your husband, your chosen one.

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
Take patience with you on the road.
It is like a key - a reliable help,
With that key you will open any entrance.
With patience you will pierce the abyss of waters,
You will penetrate into the secrets of day and night,
Let your chosen one strengthen your union,

May he save you from adversity.
May your husband become more dear every year.
And everything he didn't give you,
Throughout life, only loving,
May it be sunshine and honey for you.

I look at you and I can’t believe it
You are standing in a bride's outfit.
How much happiness shines in your eyes,
You soar across the sky like a swan...

Your thoughts flew away with you,
Somewhere in the sky of dreams far away...
I’m so happy for you, even though I’m sad.
And it’s so easy for me to understand you.

I'm very sorry to part with you,
You will leave home forever.
But I can’t be so upset,
Life is life, because it has always been so.

So it should be, so it was and will be,
The chicks fly away from the nest.
Only mother will never forget
About happy lives of the year.

So recently, you, just a baby
I held it so tenderly in my hands.
A little later I held my palm,
To learn to walk in onesies.

Childhood passed quickly, flew by,
Quietly youth approached you.
You blossomed and sang inside,
I always walked next to you.

I remember how you and I laughed,
They cried together and were close.
We trusted each other everything, everything,
If something is wrong, forgive me.

I'm so sad, but what can you do?
You are so happy, I am doubly happy.
I let you go with hope:
You will be the light in your family.

You entered the circle of guests under a veil,
The dress was blinded by whiteness,
Like a tender cherry blossom,
Spring showered on you!

A day, just one day will serve you,
This white dress is yours
Washing foam - will wash away the lace foam,
Vests, tablecloths, linen!

Just don't be sad about it;
Remember! As for the onset of gray hair,
There will be whiteness of both winters and lightning,
Seagulls of a white-boiling wave!

You need to touch heart to heart,
So that there is no trouble in happiness,
Your life is a page for conscience
Remained white, without a stain!

So that things come true in both big and small ways,
All your wishes and dreams!
So that he accompanies you all your life,
White is the color of today's veil!

Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
You're getting married - that's good
Don’t forget, dear, just one thing:
You need to live together.
You can't be angry to your face
Friends watched with envy!

This may be trivial -
After all, it was clear to everyone
That your eyes are beautiful,
That your soul is crystal.

This may be inappropriate -
Let me remind you once again
That today you are the bride,
Tomorrow you are a wife and mother.

That the bride is youth,
This is tenderness and confusion.
And the wife... She needs humor,
Sacrifice, long-suffering.

Don't take poetry for flattery
But you have it all!

There is a place of excitement in my soul,
Today my daughter is a bride,
And it’s very difficult to convey,
How does the mother of the bride feel?

I raised you for many years,
Taught worldly wisdom
So that you become a glorious mistress
And I managed to do everything in life.

You have blossomed, become prettier,
What a bride you have become!
I didn’t dare say a word,
When you are at the registry office “Yes!” said.

And in this wedding dress
You look young, carefree,
You outshine all your friends
And more beautiful than all the brides around!

Always live in harmony with your husband,
Keep family traditions,
And if you need something,
You come without hesitation (read as hesitation).

I bless you now
I wish you luck!
Remember, my daughter,
Your family is always with you!

You are my bride today,
All the guests, all the relatives gathered.
Everyone congratulates me with a smile,
I'm just so worried about something.

The day will pass and the glamorous shine will be washed away,
Tomorrow, you are a legal wife.
You won't be with me in the evenings,
I'm completely, completely alone now.

I'm kidding, because what joy,
Congratulations to your mother on your new addition.
Now I have not only a daughter
I have a son-in-law.

Always walk hand in hand under the star of luck,
Keep your love carefully, carry it through the years.
Let the feelings not cool down, only grow stronger every day!
My dear girl! Joy to you in everything!

Wedding congratulations to daughter from parents

We put an end to education -
Happy wedding day to your daughter!
Be happy, dear daughter!
After all, with a young handsome husband

You don't need anyone anymore:
Blessed is this night!
Soon the grandfather and grandmother will be in the hands
Fluffy grandchildren will come,

They will talk and sing.
And you two dance, sing,
Build a nest like little doves,
May there be peace, happiness and comfort in it!

Dear daughter, congratulations,
We wish you eternal love,
May the guardian angel protect your union,
May happiness dwell in your family!

Our daughter is like a dove,
Take care of her son-in-law.
In a year, let there be a granddaughter,
But not bad for granddaughters either.

Accept from your parents
Our gift, congratulations.
Come visit more often
This is our consolation.

Live without strife
With respect from all around.
All the secrets in the house, disputes
Not for boyfriend and girlfriend.

May your wishes come true
And shared dreams.
Peace, happiness, understanding
And warmth.

Congratulations to daughter from dad

Listen to your father's daughter:
Kohl fell in love with the young man -
Be able to be a reliable wife,
Know how to love, understand, forgive.

My dear daughter,
I congratulate you
You are now with a good husband,
And I need a son-in-law just like him.

I'm happy for you, for myself.
Suddenly the family was expanded.
Friends also appeared -
Cheerful matchmakers.

I absolve myself of responsibility,
I entrust you to my husband.
Although he is young,
But he can handle you.

Be good, my son-in-law,
So that I could be proud of you.
My daughter, don’t let me down,
Show all your skills.

You have to try really hard
So that the husband does not decide to wander around,
So that you can eat your fill at home
And I didn’t look away.

I wish you happiness and love,
So that the family grows big.
We are ready for grandchildren
Don’t delay with this!

Cool congratulations to your daughter

Neither dad nor mom, of course, knew
That daughter (name) and (name) were walking.
We were sure that my daughter was in the gym,
Like a goat jumping, it pumps its muscles!

Our groom, broad-shouldered, healthy, not frail,
The apartment has and paints the entrance,
So that it would be pleasant to enter there dear,
Where have you seen brides loved so much?

(name) courted (name) for a long time.
Her friends admired her beauty.
Our fiancé endured all the hardships from her,
Those searing black eyes gave up!

He will leave his whims at the doorstep
And she will be a wonderful (name) wife,
Will cook lunch, wash clothes
And it will be behind (name) like behind a wall!

(last name) let the house be full,
And, of course, call us to babysit.
Live healthy, live rich,
Let joy settle in your home

Sooner or later, any happy parent will have to say toast at the wedding your precious child. Here are some small wedding wishes and tips for mother of the bride.

1, 2. Newlyweds

Wedding wishes for newlyweds

To begin with, we offer blank wishes for the newlyweds, because now they are officially husband and wife, which means they are one happy whole.

Dear (names of spouses)! On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of goodness! If it happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream, may you be left with a clean and deep lake of hope. Let hope, faith, love and wisdom be your companions. Let them help you not turn your life into a swamp of routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! Happy family sailing and may your ship never go astray! Bitterly!

Let the husband not take his eyes off
May he think about my dear every day and hour.
For the light of your eyes so that without hesitation
Friends, pubs and striptease sent to the bathhouse!
You were born to have a minx and a prankster,
And my husband flew home from work like it was a holiday!
Always be bright as if from a salon,
Opening your wallet to see millions there!
Beautiful love forever!
The relatives were not touched, so that the evil misfortune!
Let fate be successful and bright!

3. From mother-in-law with love

Mother-in-law and son-in-law are already official relatives

Of course now mother-in-law and the son-in-law are already official relatives, so you will have to try very hard so that comic anecdotes do not become real life!

I only had a daughter
And now I am with my son.
The husband's daughter had -
I got rich with my son.

Since I am your wife's mother,
You will call me mom.
- it's in a joke,
And you won’t get lost with me.

I don't want to disturb you
Okay, I'll just come in and have some tea.
And you give birth to a baby -
You will come running with a bow.

Live together together
I’ll help if you need it.
But remember forever:
Im free person.

I dreamed of giving my daughter away -
Only a good son-in-law would be
And I’ll go for a walk myself,
To catch up with youth.

For the mother of the bride, a wedding is a symbolic parting with her child. That's why mother's wish consists of parting words, as if she is passing on her life experience to her young wife.

Today you are beautiful, my daughter,
I felt like crying out of happiness.
Now you have your own family,
What have you wanted for so long?

So always be a great wife,
A caring and faithful wife.
And always protect peace in the family.
And always be your husband’s best friend.

Our ancestors had a tradition: after the wedding, the wife moved to her husband’s house and... Although today such a custom is no longer so widespread, the tradition is firmly entrenched in oral wishes.

And every house is a power in itself
Everything is there. There's a routine there,
And your own law, And rules, And law.

Leave your whims at the doorstep
And respect any of their habits:
If there are lame people, lean on a cane,
And put on glasses if you are blind.

The hearth is given to you From now on and forever.
Let it burn like a light in the eyes,
Like the heart in a person.
Be able to light a big fire
On a small light.
And be able to bake a lot of bread
With a little flour!

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.
And there are their own paths from the threshold.
To take a step, look around, wait
And choose where to put your foot.

There are kind words - words-rays,
Be more generous with your kind words.
And there are words that sound harsh.
Without weighing your word, it is better to remain silent.

Every mother gets used to the idea that her daughter is still a small and defenseless child who needs the help of a loving parent.

Daughter, my dear daughter,
Aren't you closer to me in the world?
Everyone else? And I burst into tears
Only after learning about the answer
To your boyfriend's proposal:
“Mom, I’m getting married.”
And tears of happiness flowed in a stream!
My congratulations: happiness, peace to you. Bitterly!

7. About grandchildren

Sooner or later it comes about grandchildren. After all, your own children have already grown up, but the desire to babysit the rosy-cheeked toddler remains.

Here, daughter... You're getting married!
And the main thing in life will be the husband!..
But don’t forget the way to us -
We will always help you!

What do we need from the two of you?
So that - not like those who drag out their lives -
They lived together in love and affection,
Sometimes they would give us grandchildren.

One more thing to remember, daughter,
Then for the rest of your life there is only one thing for you:
Be happy with your husband every day -
He is a support in your destiny!
And the freak didn’t conceive by chance,
You only drink coffee, kvass and tea!

A solemn wedding day always requires enormous physical and moral efforts from the mother of the bride in preparing the holiday, and especially in preparing wedding congratulations to the newlyweds. This ceremony often becomes the greatest task of two families who are going to become related. Moreover, the preparatory work goes on not only in terms of purchasing food and outfits, but also in the most touching moment of the entire wedding - in the parting words of the parents. They are very enthusiastic about finding the most important words for their children, who will build their own nests on their own, create a new social unit and a happy family. The mother-in-law’s speech is the warmest and most tender; she trembles with memories of her little daughter and the brightest hopes for the happy future of her own married girl.

Wedding farewell from a mother to her daughter

From the future mother-in-law, who will become
I hope I, your second mother,
I want to give myself the floor,
And wish you happiness in love without hiding.
So that life only brings security,
So that joy settles with you forever,
Congratulations, you are our dear son-in-law,
From now on you are our son, dear man!

I offer congratulations on your wedding,
From my heart, as well as from my heart, I will say:
Only once in our lives does something like this happen:
The guy gets a beautiful wife.
Only yesterday you were of marriageable age, our bride,
Today you took a place next to your husband,
And now I wish my son-in-law:
Live forever together: according to love, according to your mind!

Our beloved son-in-law,
Congratulations on the wedding!
House in five years
Will turn into an estate
Behind your back
My daughter is like behind a wall,
We are proud of you,
You are our dear son-in-law!

Until recently there was only a daughter,
And now an adult son has appeared,
Such a beloved son
My daughter found it for me. He's the only one!
Now, dear ones, I am a mother twice,
And I’m glad to accept congratulations,
Just don’t call me mother-in-law stubbornly,
I am still your second mother.
I want everything to be okay with you,
We are never your business, no, no!
Let the wedding run sweetly, smoothly,
And our “bitter!” understand correctly.
After all, I admit, I dreamed about a son,
And now a long-time dream has come true.
My son was also lucky: he got
He is so super-beautiful!

What else do mothers dream about in the world?
So that my daughter gets married smoothly,
So that the son-in-law is good-natured, not stubborn,
And at least sometimes he was not averse to helping.
Now let's celebrate a beautiful wedding,
Let's hang out with the rich at the table!
Let someone say: what will happen, I wish I knew
And I already know everything: everything is fine!
Everything will come true for our young people,
A wonderful son-in-law, just a groom yesterday,
And our daughter, dear bride,
She will be a kind and honest wife and mother!

A wedding is a unity of hearts, a family birthday, a celebration of love and just a happy event! But it is always difficult for parents to let their children go free. This is especially true for mothers who give their daughters in marriage. Conflicting feelings often make it difficult to control yourself and cope with the organization of the holiday. But the parent still needs to bless the newlyweds, come up with a beautiful congratulations to her daughter on her wedding from her mother. Her parting words are very important for the bride; this is a very touching, tender moment. How to write a congratulation message, cope with anxiety and perform well? This will be discussed further.

Mother's Wedding Responsibilities

It is a parent's duty to help children organize a wedding. Main maternal responsibilities at a daughter's wedding:

And remember, even if you are unhappy with your daughter’s choice, do not judge or dissuade her, as you will only push her away.

Respect your daughter’s choice, just accept it and try to support her, she needs it.

Rhyme or prose?

Congratulations to parents should be sincere and come from the heart. It is necessary to choose a form of wedding speech so that the parting words are original and beautiful. It all depends on how talented you are. The bride's mother's speech can be in the form of prose or poetry. Both options are good, the main thing is to relax and feel the holiday atmosphere.

If you find a beautiful rhyming composition on the Internet, then it will not be difficult for you to learn the words and read the work with the right intonation. But just in case, hide a piece of paper with the text in your pocket so you can peek if you get confused.

If you haven’t had time to learn the words, then copy them onto a beautiful, artificially aged sheet of paper and read them with expression. As for the design, let it be some kind of message in the form of a scroll, tied with a beautiful ribbon.

You can write a beautiful congratulation in your own words. You can take beautiful text from the Internet or write it yourself. No matter which option you choose, write it down on a piece of paper. Some mothers hope that beautiful words will come during the speech, but this is not the case. Under the influence of fatigue and excitement, you may lose your thoughts or become confused. So take time to prepare, have a text of congratulations with you.

Rules for writing a congratulatory speech

Wedding congratulations are a serious part of the festive program, and therefore you need to take a responsible approach to its preparation. Create your text according to etiquette so that it conveys respect to everyone present.

The main components of the congratulation text:

Your main task is to convey your emotions so that your congratulations touch the hearts of all those present. At the end, drink to the newlyweds and continue to celebrate.

Many people believe that a mother’s parting words to her daughter at a wedding have great power.

After all, the mother has a lot of life experience, and therefore can give good advice. In addition, she knows her daughter better than anyone and can guide her correctly.

Key parting words:

  • Firstly, the mother, through her message, must convey a positive attitude and cheer up the bride.
  • Secondly, give advice on how to live in harmony with your husband.

Parting words are often spoken with the icon of the Mother of God (or any other). Then the icon is passed on to the young as a talisman of family well-being.

A mother's parting words to her daughter - video

The parents' words are a very touching and memorable part of the holiday program. To ensure a successful performance, follow these guidelines:

How to calm down anxiety?

A daughter's wedding is a very important event, and therefore excitement is a completely normal reaction. Some people are simply worried, while others worry to such an extent that they cannot squeeze out a word. Excitement can arise even if you have prepared congratulations for your daughter’s wedding in advance. How to control emotions before a performance?

Congratulations in prose

A mother can express emotions beautifully in her own words:

Congratulations and song from mother at the wedding - video

Rhyming congratulations

Very touching and tender congratulations on your wedding day sound in verse.

Well, dear, I’m letting you go like a snow-white dove. That's it, fly.

Oh, how I don’t want to, I admit, but it’s too late, you’re already on your way.

Don't cry, I'll calm my heart. I know that you are in good hands!

That a strong man’s shoulder will cover you if fear overcomes you!

I ask you, children, don’t swear less, don’t be afraid to admit mistakes!

Get used to each other quickly and learn to respect and trust!

You treat each other with kindness, carry your love through the years!

Suddenly it’s hard? Stop, smile. Understand that you will be together forever!

Daughter, how quickly you have grown up! How quickly the childhood years flew by!

I took the little girl with the bow to first grade, and it seemed like yesterday.

Today you are a beautiful bride, you have a veil on your head.

Like a swan, tender, beautiful, and your lips smile.

I, children, bless you, I wish your union to be strong!

I hug you tenderly, my dear ones, I wish that an angel illuminates your path!

In a snow-white lace dress, and a braid crowned with a veil,

It’s as if you are all in a magical radiance, and your eyes are burning with fire.

You look with a smile at him, at the one with whom life has connected you,

For such a faithful, beloved one. You were destined to be together, you knew it!

I wish you health and lots of happiness! Boundless, fiery love!

No bad weather will separate you, Lord, please bless!

Well, we will help you, dear ones, and support you in case of misfortune.

You are still so young, full of wisdom, patience and great happiness!

Everyone understands that mother’s words are an important part of the solemn program. And therefore, the parent must carefully prepare for such a bright and wonderful holiday. Who, if not the mother, will choose the right words to calm and cheer up her child.

A daughter's wedding day is one of the most exciting days in a parent's life.

Emotions, experiences, tears of joy and sadness - all this fills the wedding day for the mother and father of the bride.

And at the moment when you need to say parting words to your child, say important words, excitement can confuse the parents’ thoughts.

For such an occasion, we offer several touching congratulations and parting words for your daughter on her wedding day.

Congratulations from parents at their daughter’s wedding in their own words in prose

Our beloved daughter! In all fairy tales, everything ends with a wedding. But know that the wedding is just the beginning. The beginning of a long and happy family life. This is the very beginning of love, and not just passionate falling in love. This is the beginning of your children's life. And in order for the life of your family to last and delight both of you, you, daughter, must be wise, patient and loving. The woman is the foundation of the family, and we wish your family to live happily ever after!

My dear daughter! Now you're married. You have your own family. It will have its own traditions and laws. First you teach each other, and then you pass it on to your children. I really want you to be an exemplary housewife, a faithful friend, a caring mother and a reliable support for your children. Try to be wise and compliant. This is the most winning option in the family. You will see, having learned to be wise, you will get the desired result in everything. Know that your mother is always there, but your family should become closer to you. I will always be waiting for you to visit!

Daughter! This exciting magical moment has arrived. Remember how little you dreamed of a prince, a ball gown, a veil and a bunch of gifts... Today this dream has come true! Now try to make this children's fairy tale turn into an adult true story and be just as tender, airy and magical. Everything is possible in a family! Just don’t allow long-term sadness, resentment, quarrels, or disappointments. Let lies and betrayal never look through the window of your home. Know that you are one whole and if something happens to one half, the other will definitely feel it. Take care of each other, love each other tenderly. May healthy children be born in your marriage. Daughter, protect your hearth!

Beloved daughter and beloved son-in-law! Congratulations on your first family holiday! We want to wish that today’s date is celebrated by you every year, and that your love grows stronger every year. Your admiration for each other grew. So that you respect each other more and more. And so that every year on this day your eyes shine with happiness! Be happy!

Today my daughter gave me a son. Yes! Yes! Having fallen in love with (name) and having married him, she assured me that her husband had become my own. I fell in love with him and will consider him my son. My dear children! The long road of life stretches out before you. It will have different terrain: plains, mountains, rocks, waterfalls, and maybe cliffs... If you always hold on to each other, you will be able to overcome all obstacles. Don't forget this. Fate has brought you together, which means you need to be one team! I wish you a large, friendly family, beauty in your relationships, reliability in your plans. Be happy!

Lovely girl! You have become very big. You are already a wife! I am sure that you will cope with this position with ease. You will be the most beautiful, gentle, devoted and caring housewife, the most affectionate mother, the wisest daughter-in-law and the kindest daughter always. If you need my advice, I will give it to you at any time. Never make hasty decisions or draw quick conclusions, they may be wrong. Listen to your heart, it won't let you down. Don't argue with your husband, it's better to keep quiet. You have chosen a smart husband; he will not allow his wife to get angry and grumble. Love each other more and more every day. Bitterly!

Dear daughter! You are the most beautiful bride. And we believe that from today you will be the most beautiful wife. The most beloved wife. The happiest wife. We know how lucky your chosen one is.
And we wish to ourselves that over the next long years we will become more and more convinced that you are just as lucky with your husband. We wish ourselves to see happiness in your eyes. After all, if a woman is happy, it means her family is strong. This means her man is happy. Happy are her children. Be happy, daughter, because this is the key to the well-being of your new family.

Dear daughter! We raised you with love and care.

We tried to make you a beautiful woman, a sensitive and decent person, an interesting personality and, of course, an excellent housewife.

We know that you have raised the ideal wife for your chosen one (name).

Now it’s your turn to give birth and raise ideal people, to preserve your relationships and your family for them.

Be happy, love and take care of each other! Bitterly!

Wedding congratulations from the bride's parents in verse

Dear daughter, beautiful bride,
May you be incredibly happy on this day.
Let this sparkle of your joyful eyes
It will be a reward and happiness for us.

On this day a new life begins,
Your family is born in happiness,
Let love and advice live in her
For many years.

May there be peace and joy in your home,
There will be no room for bitter grievances,
May the first months be filled with happiness and sweetness
Loyalty will last for many years.

Signing at the registry office is not a problem.
Loving when there is romance is easy.
Which veil to take - no, not a dilemma,
When you're in love and you look wide.
It’s more difficult when there are quarrels in the house
And the burden of everyday issues weighs on me.
In love, sometimes there are traffic jams,
But let it only be for the benefit!
Beloved daughter, you are the bride!
From your mother to your great-grandmother is your path.
But stay gentle, interesting,
Be beautiful and sweet for your husband.
Beloved son-in-law, we wish you strength
And perseverance and courage always.
May God preserve love and a beautiful marriage,
No quarrels! And to happiness, to the world - yes!


Daughter, be wise, patient,
Always take care of your husband, understand,
And like today, always be beautiful,
Don't let yourself give up.

There will be joys, there will be quarrels,
After all, this is the only way the union will grow stronger.
Remember that discord is so fleeting,
Let them not destroy the marriage bond.

Be happy! Be loved!
Take care of every moment together!
Your hearts will be inseparable
We believe in it! To this we drink!

I congratulate my daughter from the bottom of my heart
Happy marriage and wedding day.
Today I wish her for life
Burn with a beautiful light in the family.

Fire of love, hope and achievements,
Care, tenderness and joy in the eyes.
So that my husband and children repeat every day:
“Our mother is just super - ah!”

We wish our daughter
Be happy - that's it!
To win the lottery -
Best wishes to you, son-in-law!
A wedding is a touching holiday,
But there is no need for us to cry,
Let the prankster answer us
At least one: why?
Because we celebrate the merging of hearts.
This is forever, which means
A wedding is not the end!
You adore each other
Give us grandchildren.
You are already a family, but know:
We must remember dads and moms!

Our girl, I can’t even believe it,
That you became a wife today.
There is no one happier and more beautiful,
And so your young husband shines.

Our girl, but as if recently
You were small, cute, funny,
Cried loudly, laughed funny,
Splashed loudly through the puddles in the spring.

In the summer I broke my knees,
In winter, Santa Claus wrote a letter,
You dragged stray cats home,
Even though we forbade it, it’s still the same.

Well, now in this wedding dress,
You boldly embark on a new path.
Only today is happiness
You keep it and don’t forget it in your soul.

Let your family life be comfortable,
Every moment together will be warm,
Absolutely all troubles will pass by,
The house will be bright from your eyes!

Our girl, love, be loved!
You were born under a lucky star.
Be necessary for each other!
May your husband have a good time with you!

Happy wedding! Here we are standing at the place of honor.
It’s so unusual – we are the bride’s parents!
And these people are already relatives to us...
Both the matchmaker and the matchmaker are one family!
We have nothing to share - we have one concern -
So that young people live in peace,
Children will be born - we will have work,
So that the children and grandchildren are happy...

Today everything has changed for everyone
Today the couple turns into a family,
And the bright feeling turned into a big one,
"Thank God!" I say quietly
Let the children be happy, without grief,
So that they only have good things,
May they give us “golden” grandchildren,
And we will help make it easy for them.

Today the sun came through the windows,
Lighting the way into the lives of my children,
And now I looked at you:
God bless the hearth of young families.
We bless you, our children.
We wish you with parental care:
The foundation is strong, the cup is full,
But happiness does not come without work.
Let life be easier to master,
Let your financial issue be simpler,
All contentment and peace,
And the babies will be brought to you on time by the stork.

This day is an added date
In the calendar, like a bright number,
We wish you to live together
They walked arm in arm and were lucky in everything!
You two look so great together
Like doves cooing in your ear,
A beautiful decoration - a wedding ring,
Happy wedding! And let's add together:
“Oh, it’s bitter! Sweeten it up, young ones!”
We drink to the dregs for the new family,
Make decisions easier
As a mother, I will help you!
We wish you hearts filled to the brim:
Each other, the sun, the light...
May you give birth to children on the appointed day,
And you will feel double joy...

My good ones, dear ones,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Today on this wonderful holiday
I want to give you my instructions:
Live in peace with each other
And cherish every day.
Save kindness and tenderness
Let success not fade away in him.
Go through all the obstacles together
Know how to forgive pranks
Then through life, as a reward,
You have to know love.
Huge, earthly love
Where you can't live without each other...
When and small decision
You can't solve it without half.
All people are looking for a miracle
Not everyone can find it.
I wish you my dears
Approach cherished love!

I want to close my eyes and for a moment,
So to see you little.
And reality seems like a dream to me -
My daughter is getting married.
Happiness to you, may dear life be without a blizzard,
Without potholes, hummocks and thorns.
Leads you to your goal.
Rewarding with the results of labor.
Let love be a noisy river
Washing, erasing corners,
So that there is always peace in the house,
There is an outfit in the wardrobe, pies on the table...

I'll pour myself some wine for a toast,
And I will say from both of us:
We are very happy for you - sincerely, completely!
I will multiply this happiness by six:
Matchmaker, matchmaker, my husband and I, young -
This is a whole family...
How can I not be happy today?
If the family has multiplied.
Let us drink to the health of the young people,
May our family multiply
Let them give birth to golden children,
Let's shout “Bitter!”, dear people!

A magical day, poured into glasses,
Let it flow on a beautiful evening.
And we want the daughter-bride to know:
With family and husband - no, not everyone is lucky.
Take care of him, because he is priceless,
The treasure is one in a million.
A wonderful husband, he is a precious stone,
And know that I am madly in love with you!
Our dear son-in-law, you are our dear son,
Today we give you our daughter,
She is tender, our beloved flower,
Surround her with your warmth.
And we wish you peace and patience,
Love you as tender as clouds.
In everyday life, as at work, inspiration,
Go boldly, you have a hand in your hand!
Love walked across the planet,
And no one could resist.
And you got caught in her net,
And your feelings are locked up.
Love has been looking for you since birth,
And finally I found two.
And as a tribute to Love and Respect
You, daughter, are the bride, son-in-law, the groom.
A long and thorny path awaits you,
But the nightingales will sing to you.
Everything can be withstood, but with pure,
By the mutual power of Love!

Oh, my daughter, I’ve already put on the veil.
But it seems like it was just yesterday
You are a schoolgirl, squares with white chalk
And I could draw it on the asphalt.
Our dear son-in-law, yesterday as a boy
You chased robbers in the yard,
And the exploits read in books,
I described it in my notebook in September.
Now you are a husband, wife, family, foundation.
And soon you will have children too.
Let love always be new in the family,
But don't forget about us.
Wife and husband, but still you are our children.
We want to bless you for your marriage.
And you will remember these words:
Happy is the one who is always loved in the family!
Love has two wings, like a song,
And the soul stands wide open.
Your life is now only together
There is a long way to go.
You, dear beloved daughter,
Take care of your home.
We got the best son-in-law, we know.
He can carry the entire house on his shoulders!
There will be many decisions in the future
And questions, where would we go without them?
Let love, as the key to relationships,
It will warm you two under its wing!


A husband and wife have lived for more than half a century. Their love was hidden behind everyday reproaches, senile grumbling and age-related illnesses. The wife could not stand it and went to the witch to harass her husband, but in such a way that everything would come out naturally. The sorceress gave the woman a bottle of potion and ordered her to drop a certain dose into her husband’s tea every evening, and then do a massage, stretch her shoulders and back, so that the husband would not suspect his wife of anything bad. The wife sighed: his shoulders were still crushing his back, and look, there was enough medicine for two months! How much longer to endure! I paid and left to do everything “strictly according to the instructions.” At first the husband was surprised: he liked the attention of his old wife so much, and then he himself began to show his wife signs of attention - either he would make her a sandwich, or he would buy her beloved cookies for tea, or he would switch her beloved one to the TV series. Within a month, the wife and husband were unrecognizable! But one day the woman noticed that there was almost no medicine left in the bottle of poison, which meant that her husband would soon leave her. She burst into tears, grabbed her heart, and ran to the witch. But the wise old woman reassured the elderly wife: the bottle contained ordinary water. The sorceress added: love can always be saved not by magical love spells, but by ordinary care and a little self-sacrifice. But the sorceress did not return the money. Let there be science for women! Dear daughter! Sometimes it happens that we forget about love. But remember our words with dad: the three pillars of family well-being will never let your family go to the bottom. This is respect, care and the ability to give in. Dear son-in-law! Women are sentimental and live by feelings. If you want to be taken care of and your words listened to, arrange for your wife, my daughter, a romantic dinner or a trip to the cinema every couple of months - and then your married life will never lose color!

Once upon a time an angel, the messenger of God, asked King Solomon what he wanted. The ruler thought: the money will run out anyway, and it won’t save you from troubles; health - this is how old age comes even to those who have never known illness; respect and power - this is how you can achieve this yourself. The king thought about it and decided to ask for real wisdom. The angel fulfilled the ruler’s desire, and also gave him what Solomon never pursued: honor, the favor of women, fortune, because wisdom is the most revered human quality. Dear daughter and son-in-law, we wish you to always live and act wisely! And you already have love. Take care of each other!

You can watch a beautiful and touching wedding congratulation from the bride’s parents in the video (poems by Fazu Aliyeva, music by Alexander Zakharenko):

Our dear, sweet, beautiful couple - daughter and son-in-law! We wish you a whole alphabet of married life.
In order:
(A) - delicious dinners;
(B) - big and small holidays;
(B) - evenings when staying at home with the family is a pleasure;
(D) - Dutch roses;
(D) - sincerity;
(E) - to be one and only for each other;
(Ё) - do not use succinct expressions;
(F) - only welcome guests;
(3) - wonderful family friends;
(I) - diligence in household chores;
(Y) - brevity in requests, infinity - in their fulfillment;
(K) - a flirtatious relationship, but only with the husband;
(L) - love, of course;
(M) - courage to admit your mistakes;
(N) - tenderness;
(O) - adoration;
(P) - friendliness every day;
(P) - reasonableness when choosing children's names;
(C) - family warmth;
(T) - patience and hard work for the benefit of family and friends;
(U) - respect;
(F) - fantastic holidays;
(X) - housekeeping;
(C) - determination in saving money for a new family car;
(H) - honesty with each other;
(Ш) - joke sometimes, because a sense of humor can save any situation;
(Ш) - a pinch of jealousy, which, like a good spice, improves the taste of relationships;
(b) - be soft and condescending to each other’s weaknesses;
(Y) - so that you have everything in the plural: fur coats, plane tickets, awards;
(b) - firmness in one’s intentions;
(E) - enthusiasm when hands give up;
(Yu) - youth in the soul until old age;
(I) - you need to forget about your “I” in married life, but we wish you that you will soon have many little “I”s to whom you, by inheritance, will read this alphabet at your wedding!

Daughter, you and I have experienced many joyful, amazing and sad moments. I shared your victories and defeats with you. And now I wish you the same help and support from your husband. I want you to be happy together and understand that you must go through all the obstacles on your way shoulder to shoulder. Let these be your small marital victories. And, of course, you always have a mother who is ready to listen, support and happily nurse your future grandchildren.

Dear (name) and (name), on this solemn day before God and people, we bless you for a happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental order: live, live, and make good money! Peace and joy to you!

Happy wedding to our beloved daughter! We'll always remember you as a first-grader with bows in your hair, but that doesn't mean we're not excited about your upcoming wedding. Be happy with your spouse and let there be no dark streaks in your life, but only light and clean ones.

Congratulations on your wedding and wish you all the brightest and most wonderful things in your marriage. I feel endless happiness that I can now, with a clear conscience, call myself a mother-in-law and refute all stupid jokes. Now we will all become one big and friendly family.

My dears, today you are taking an incredibly important step, you are creating your own family. I admit, when I got married, I was very worried that I wouldn’t be able to make your grandmother happy, and I kept thinking that she would refuse me at the last moment. But as you can see, this did not happen and for many years we have lived in perfect harmony, which is what we wish for you too. I know that your family will be special, exemplary, and will be a role model for many. Happiness to you my dears! Maintain your love, sincerity and understanding. Live in joy until the years when it is your turn to congratulate your grandchildren just as I congratulate you today.

Dear daughter! Today is a special day for you - you are starting your own family. I wish you to carry your love with your husband throughout your life, gain mutual respect, and maintain patience. Advice and love, healthy and beautiful children!

Our dear daughter! The day has come that all girls have dreamed of since childhood. White dress, wedding rings, loving groom... May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will become even more confident that you have made the right choice!

My dears! Today a wonderful event happened - you became husband and wife. Always live in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are now one. I wish you a new addition to your family, financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for many, many years to come. And if it gets difficult, we, parents, will always help with a kind word and give good advice. Be happy!

Dear children! Our loved ones, grown up, almost independent, but still so dear and the best in the world! Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you to live a long, good, rich life as a couple! We wish your love to be tender, devoted and very patient! Let it become the core on which the peace of your friendly family will rest! Let there be no disagreements and omissions, live openly, joyfully and be a support for each other until your very old age!

Our dear daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We are happy to see your sparkling eyes, your smile, to see how touchingly you hold your husband’s hand. We wish your family to be strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be a wise, patient, caring wife, and let your husband be a strong, loving, faithful spouse. Good luck to you!

Dear newlyweds! Today is a particularly solemn day for the two of you, because it is on this day that you will become spouses. You will confidently step into a new life, full of bright events. Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes: goodness to you, warmth and joyful days. Keep your hearth so that you can live comfortably and happily. Plant many beautiful trees and raise children to be proud of. Let your union be strong and become the key to your success in life. Remember, you are the hope and support for each other. Respect and appreciate each of your “other half”!

Our dears! Now you are husband and wife. From this moment on, you have become the closest and dearest people on the entire planet! Please love each other and support each other in all situations. May your family life be full of romance, regardless of the number of years you have been married.

My dear children, happy marriage to you! May this day of love live in your hearts forever. Take care of each other, do not offend each other, be support and hope. Let your life together not know the cold and black clouds. I wish you, my dear ones, to give birth to a son and a daughter. Remember that our house is always open for you, in any weather. Be happy and loved!

On this wonderful day, I congratulate you, children, with all my heart! I wish you happiness, prosperity, keep the fire of love alive throughout your life, take care of each other, protect and overcome all problems and adversity together. May your family be stronger than stone, and may your life be filled with only the most wonderful impressions and emotions.

Our beloved children! We are most glad that you found each other and fell in love with all your heart. We can hardly hold back the tears of joy and tenderness that arise when we see your couple. We wish you many years of life in love and harmony, financial well-being and the most beautiful, smart, kind children who will be our adored grandchildren.

Our dear children! Today we, the happiest parents, bless your marriage for a long, strong and happy family life! Good luck to you, love, peace, joy, mutual understanding. Be happy, dear newlyweds!

Today you are as beautiful as ever... I would like to believe that this is not a dream, because our children are already old enough to get married... Your wedding is the most significant event in the life of us, your parents, and we will try our best to help you so that you lived a very long and very happy life! Know that nothing should disturb your union, and it is in your hands. Let the bright sun of happiness illuminate your life together, and let the stormy wind of change, if it changes anything, only for the better. We wish you to give us wonderful grandchildren as soon as possible, because we can’t wait to try on the role of grandparents! Health to you, our children, a smooth life together, prosperity, mutual understanding and great love.

Dear you are ours! Today you are embarking on the path of eternal love, happiness and family harmony! Believe in each other and love each other! Let nothing overshadow your well-being, and we will support you in everything! We are very happy for you and for this step that you are taking now on your life path! As you begin a new page, remember your mark on this earth - be fruitful and multiply! Give us grandchildren and granddaughters, and we will nurture, love and pamper them! May God grant that everything goes well in the family, that cash is not transferred in the house, that your hearth always remains warm! And may you only hear “bitter” at a wedding! Advice and love to you! Peace and prosperity! Bitterly!

Our dear children! We look at you and rejoice! How beautiful you are, how you approach each other! We, your parents, congratulate you on your marriage! We wish you complete family harmony, we wish you understanding and tact. Don’t be afraid to make compromises, this is the only way you can preserve the priceless things that are emerging now! We always wish you a golden mean in everything! We wish you, bride, to be behind your husband like behind a stone wall. Always feel his support and support. We wish you, groom, to remain a dearly beloved husband, to feel the care, affection, and love of your wife. And no matter what happens, always be together! And we are waiting for long-awaited grandchildren from you! Be happy, our dears! And may everything be sweet for you! Bitterly!

Our dear children! You have taken an important, responsible and, most importantly, joint step - you have officially consolidated your feelings. Now you have your own family - young, beautiful and very nice. From now on, we have no right to interfere in your life, but we will gladly come to your aid at any moment. We will be glad if in your life you begin to follow the example of your mother and me, but try to listen first of all to your soul mate. May there never be clouds on your horizon, and may your family’s guiding star never dim. Congratulations on your marriage and the beginning of a new life. Advice and love to you, dear children!

Our dear daughter and son. Today we see endless happiness and smiles on your faces. So may these smiles never leave your faces, and may your happiness truly become endless. All the best and brightest to you in your new, still unknown, but already so interesting life. Advice and love to you!

A wedding only happens once in every person’s life. And now this time has come for you. Remember today forever, because it will never happen again for you. Today everyone will shout “Bitter!” to you, but in your life we ​​wish not to experience this feeling. May you always have only sweetness in everything!

Dear daughter and son! Well, the day has come when you leave for a new, independent life. From now on, you need to be together everywhere and in everything. Never quarrel anywhere, because quarrels lead to nothing. If it becomes difficult, smile at each other and the severity will pass. All the best and brightest to you!

Daughter and son! Yes, yes, that’s right - from now on you both have become our children. We want to wish you only the brightest and warmest on this day! and remember that a family can only be considered such. When warmth and comfort flourish in it. Good luck, our dears! And may this path be easy and pleasant for you!

Our dear and beloved children! Today in your life there has come a moment that happens only once in a lifetime. Remember this day forever and if someday it becomes difficult for you, remember how good and joyful you were today. And then sadness and sadness will immediately leave you.

All parents are always happy for their children on their wedding day. We are happy for you today too. You have already entered a new life, which is full of a variety of moments. Try to make sure that there are only bright moments in your life. Well, if a dark streak comes, just step over it as soon as possible and happiness will enter your home again!

As you leave for your new life today, make a wish for yourself. Remember that your wedding day is a magical day, so your wish must come true! Well, we have already made a wish for you and we will try to fulfill it now. We wish your young family unearthly happiness and wealth. If this happens, everything else will happen. Well, for wealth to come, we are now ready to take the first step for this. Advice and love to you! Bitterly!

Our dear, beloved children! It is difficult to come up with and say something new when so many good and warm words have already been said. Therefore, in order not to repeat ourselves, we can only say one thing - everything will happen in your life. There are not only bright moments. There will be problems and quarrels. Without them you will be bored. But let all this remain a passed test for you, after which your life will acquire only bright and light colors!

Well, you have become husband and wife. Your family is still very young, only one day old. But how you live this day will largely determine your entire future life. Therefore, we wish you to live today as brightly and cheerfully as possible, and in your future life may this joy and fun only increase. Advice and love to you. And may you never be bitter in your life!

What can you wish for on this day? I don’t want to say banal words. Therefore, we wish only one thing - let your life contain only what you yourself want to see in it. Remember that you build your own happiness. so build it so that others will look at you and envy you! Advice and love to you!

Well, young people, I’m probably as worried as you are. I had the opportunity to congratulate the young people for the second time. Everything that I didn’t have time to tell my children, you will have to listen to. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on your wedding, you have been working towards this for a long time and finally gave us all such pleasure - to walk at your wedding. As the father of not only your father, but the entire family, I have every right to give you a parting word for the rest of your life. Here is my advice: “Live happily! »

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife and help her husband in everything! May the hearth of your love never go out! Unity and happiness to you!

Dear (names of spouses)! On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of goodness! If it happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream, may you be left with a clean and deep lake of hope. Let hope, faith, love and wisdom be your companions. Let them help you not turn your life into a swamp of routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! Happy family sailing and may your ship never go astray!

Dear children, (Names of spouses)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Living in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for the joy of people! Let the children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!

We raised wonderful children and on this significant day we are proud of you. Our relatives. We sincerely wish you. So that your family life is never overshadowed by any problems and that you are always together. Happy wedding to you, our dears!

Dear and beloved children, we congratulate you on the most important day in your family’s life. After all, today you have formed a new unit of society called “Family”. Know that a family is a lot like a ship. And the strength of the ship depends on what kind of relationship there will be between the spouses, how much they understand each other. And strength is very important. Because there is a huge sea ahead of you - life. And this sea will not always be calm and smooth. Sometimes you will have to be caught in storms. Sometimes there will be icebergs on your way. And for your ship to remain safe and sound, it must be strong. After all, if its mast falls off, the deck is damaged, a gap appears in the hull, your ship will slowly but surely sink. Today we wish the newlyweds and their ship calm seas and fair winds!

Dear (names of spouses)! Today is a special, special day for you! Today you will become husband and wife. Today you will take a serious, important step into a new life. We would like to wish you goodness and warmth, many joyful days. Build your house so that you can live happily in it, plant your garden - the best one, raise your children so that they will be your pride. Remember: a strong family is the key to your success in life. Take care and appreciate each other, be each other’s hope and support.

Our dear daughter! The day has come that all girls have dreamed of since childhood. White dress, wedding rings and a loving groom. May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will be even more confident that you have made the right choice!

Congratulations on the wedding from your parents

Dad's poem for his daughter-bride

It's my daughter's wedding
And emotions ask to come out
And wash and happiness, yes,
But why am I sad?
My firstborn, my love,
Christina, my daughter,
Somehow I never saw it
Why have you grown up so quickly?
How quickly time has flown by
How quickly the years have flown by.
Not so long ago there was a baby,
And the bride. What a life?
Now you should go with your loved one
Through life along my path,
Euphoria and grief together
Adore him, raise children.
Yes, life is not a smooth road,
But, in case something goes wrong,
You are given for a day,
And gather happiness in your eyes.
And don't forget, I'm not giving you away,
Don't forget, my dear,
I'm just sharing you with him,
Tearing off a piece of my heart.
May the Almighty grant that Sasha adores you so much,
At least the same as me.
It won't be any stronger, unfortunately.
Stronger than me, it is forbidden to adore you.
I want you to be happy with him,
And I pray to the Lord - bless.
Give them the same daughter,
The one he once gave to me.

Dear children, as we bid you farewell to your new life, we wish you love, happiness, and home well-being. Live in the name of goodness and love. We bless you for a joyful marriage and a strong family! Let your life be filled with sun, euphoria, love and loyalty to each other. Take care of your husband’s spouse, and your husband’s wife, treat each other with understanding, and experience all the euphoria and sorrows together. Let your alliance be strong! Let children's laughter sound in your home and it will always be warm!
Be happy and healthy!

Our children are dear! We want to congratulate you!
And with parental instructions we bless the non-specialized path!
We want your sincere love to continue
In marriage, in children, in achievements, only in euphoria alone!
Let the sun illuminate your life with bright rays!
You reinforce the fervor of emotions with starry nights!
May the angel protect you from the vicissitudes of fate!
Let him now hear the sound of his parent’s plea!
May you live happily ever after!

Wearing gold rings,
There is a stamp on the certificate.
Well, young spouses,
Do we want something on this day?
So that music sounds in the house,
So that the two of you don't get bored,
Live together, it’s very interesting,
So that there is happiness - the house is full!
And only at the wedding let it be “Bitter!”

Our dear, dear children!
We want you to walk through life side by side, together overcoming life’s difficulties and adversities. Let the husband not forget that his wife invariably needs to help, so that the joyful smile on her tender lips does not fade, so that difficult work does not bend her flexible figure, so that the cheerful sparkle of her eyes does not disappear. Let the spouse not forget that it is up to her to create an atmosphere of warmth, love and harmony in the house, so that the spouse constantly hurries home, knowing that a delicious dinner and a tender word await him there. May your married life always be joyful!
Advice and love to you!

Dear (name) and (name)!
You are now married
For you - a joyful day in the world!
Since you lit a beacon of love,
So let it shine for you all your life!
Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on the chastity rings,
Flowers and music - for you!
Walk side by side, in step together,
A wonderful strong family.
Even if it’s not an easy road,
But it must be straight!
To be close in the heat and cold,
For the honor of the family to stand as a wall,
So that the groom is a good husband,
The bride is a glorious wife!
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding
Let it be “Bitter!”

Dear (name) and (name)!
Let none of you break that oath,
That wedding couples do not forget two rings,
Let your souls become inseparable
And joyful hearts beat in harmony!
May your days be blessed
So that happiness can be firmly built, and not stolen,
And my thoughts are pure and frank:
To get together - forever, and to adore - so much!
Welcoming the bonding of heart ties,
Is it possible to find fewer and more meaningful words -
Parental blessing to you,
For life for the rest of your life - advice and love!

Dear (name) and (name)!
We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful, excellent day in your life - your wedding day. This day has brought enormous responsibility into your life, now you must help each other at any time both in euphoria and in sadness, take care of each other, raise your future children healthy and joyful, be a support and support for your parents.
Advice and love to you!

Dear children!
Don't break your marriage vow,
That two wedding rings are not forgotten,
And anyone for the second beloved,
Let it stay until the end!
Everyone knows that life is not uncommon from time to time,
And evil tries to conquer love,
But from now on you have each other,
Accordingly, you can cope with any trouble.
Let there be respect and patience
The base of your young family,
Parental blessing to you!
Live, children, in peace and love!

Dear (name) and (name)!
Let your house be strong as the walls,
Soaked to the brim with love.
And there is silence and kindness in the house,
And children's laughter from your window -
Certificate of happiness and health.
Let your friends come to you more often,
Forgetting things sometimes.
May your life together be sweeter
Than at that time you once had
Let it not go out even when
Happy dawn of life.
May it always be sweet for you,
And now it’s bitter for us.

Our dear son and daughter!

Dear son, my dear child!
I think it only appeared a day ago.
But life moves on, and the child grows.
Suddenly you are no longer a boy, but a husband!
Rejoicing in happiness, although good luck,
I'm still crying little by little!
A bird would spread its wings above you
And save you from trouble and sadness!
How to build a high wall,
So that quarrels and betrayals pass you by.
How can I pave the path more evenly for you?
So that you don’t want to turn away from it.
How does fate tighten my girth,
May you always adore each other.
I can scoop out a heart to the bottom,
May the sun shine on your love!

Here you go, daughter. You're getting married!
And the main thing in life will be the spouse.
But don’t forget the way to us -
We will always help you!
What do we need from the two of you?
So that - not like those who drag out their lives,
They lived together in love and affection,
Sometimes they would give us grandchildren.
You also need to remember, daughter
Then for a whole century one thing for you:
Be happy with your husband every day -
He is a support in your destiny!
And not conceived - so that the freak accidentally
You only drink coffee, kvass and tea.

Our dear, dear children!
On this joyful day you stand on the threshold of a new life. Before starting your married life, please accept our parental instructions and congratulations!
Live together
Peaceful and good!
Take care of love,
Strengthen your family
Give birth to children
Keep it good!
I wish you great happiness, great love, great prosperity. Prosperity and euphoria to your family!
We wish you happiness at a good time!

(Names of newlyweds)
Congratulating you on this bright day,
We want a long and joyful life,
Love you passionate and beautiful,
So that the shadow does not cover misfortunes.
We wish you only success in your worries,
So that the house rings with songs, cheerful laughter,
So that a child's smile warms the heart,
So that nothing hurts you,
So that adversity does not touch you,
It seemed like minutes of many years!

Dear (name) and (name)!
We congratulate you on your wedding day,
Good luck, we wish you happiness!
Live to the fullest, love each other,
Since from this day you are husband and wife.
Divide everything in life, friends, in half -
And the work and worries that you will encounter.
Let your life flow like a river,
On a journey that knows no barriers!
And let it go over your head
Only three constellations are lit:
One constellation - Love.
Other - Loyalty and Happiness,
And the third is simply Kindness.
Let them sparkle over the family,
So that dreams come true.

Our dear son and daughter!
Now two loving hearts have united! With great euphoria in our souls and tears of happiness, we congratulate you on this significant day, your wedding day! Keep your love and raise your future children in peace and prosperity! Walk along the road of life with pleasure, love, without unclenching your hands, warming each other with your warmth.
And do not lose on the long road of life that love, sincerity and tenderness that is shining in you now!
We wish you happiness at a good time!

Dear (name) and (name)!
Now you are not just the bride and groom,
You are a husband and wife, you are now a family.
Freedom is completely out of place here now.
Now there is only us, not you and not me.
Do everything together, peacefully and amicably,
Keep your enormous love with dignity.
Honor your parents, they need it so much,
And mother may be mother-in-law, and mother may be mother-in-law.
Don’t lose your emotions in the pursuit of money,
Wealth is not what the world rests on.
Always remain faithful to each other.
And let happiness celebrate its feast in souls.
Let children appear in your family,
They will be healthy and make you happy.
Enjoy life, joke and laugh!
Happy wedding day to all of you!
Good luck, good hour!

Dear (name) and (name)!
When entering home life, do not forget
That we need to constantly respect each other.
Be patient with each other, be better.
You can support each other in everything.
Keep love as given from above,
A priceless and fragile flaming ball.
Let happiness live in your house under the roof,
And let him guard the gift given to you from above.
Give each other warmth and care,
Appreciate every moment you live.
You do housework together.
When something makes you angry, don’t scream.
Home happiness, albeit gently and quietly
It will envelop you and make you feel comfortable.
Let life spare you and not rush you wildly.
And the angels will guard your love!

Dear children, (name) and (name)!
We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness and for the joy of people! Let the children in your family laugh, let there be peace and prosperity in your home! The most beautiful thing in life is enormous human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life!
May you live happily ever after!

(Names of newlyweds)
Strong happiness, tenderness and passion,
Loyalty in friendship, life, love.
Kiss more, swear less,
May you go through life together.
Be beautiful, be joyful,
And the mother-in-law and mother-in-law will be happy.
Be healthy, always happy,
Let Advice and Love be with you!

Dear (name) and (name)!
On this memorable and joyful day,
We really want to say a lot,
Words both warm and beautiful
And with all my heart I want:
Bright happiness, enormous happiness,
A lot of euphoria, a lot of love,
Daughter - first, son - second,
A strong, friendly, joyful family!
So that there is tenderness and freedom,
So that the circle of friends does not decrease,
Be joyful for many years to come!
And know neither troubles nor separations!

Dear (name) and (name)!
Now, on the day of your wedding, you exchanged wedding rings. A wedding ring is a guarantee of fidelity and love, it is evidence that your hearts now belong to each other. The wedding ring has neither beginning nor end, it symbolizes eternity, which means that your love will also be eternal and there will be no end to it. The wedding ring is made of gold, and gold is a proud, pure and beautiful metal; dirt, like your love, will not stick to it under any circumstances. May your happiness be as eternal, pure, sparkling and beautiful as your wedding rings!

Our dear children!
Let this day become dear to you,
Not because he is cruel or affectionate,
And due to the fact that it belongs to two.
And only two of you need it.
What do you want as you enter the new world?
Great friendship and warmth of home.
And a large amount, quite a lot of happiness!
May life be poetry for you.
Let the sounds of Mendelssohn's wedding march
Your glorious alliance will be announced to the world
And parting words always accompany you
Old as the world: “Advice to you and Love”!

Our dear children!
Let this day
Like a celebration,
It will bring euphoria into your home.
And your life will be decorated forever
Hope, Faith and Love.
And let Love be the spring dawn
It does not fade for many years.
Let it only be “Bitter” at the wedding,
And in your life, under no circumstances.
Live joyfully and peacefully,
Have everything you need in life
Keeping the flame of holy love
Golden until the wedding.

Our dear children!
By uniting your destinies this day, from now on you will walk through life hand in hand. Know that many trials and difficulties await you ahead; life will not always be as joyful and clear as today. Don't forget that from this day on you are family. Trust each other, share your sorrows, worries and disappointments with each other, take care of each other, and then you will go through all the obstacles and trials that the future may present to you. Carefully carry your feeling along the path of life, do not drop it or break it.
Be joyful!

In total you now have a large number of:
Friends, smiles and flowers,
You have only one road now,
One dream, one love.
And this day will not be repeated,
Know how to value your happiness.
And may the Almighty grant you, as they say,
Don't stray from the wide path,
Don't make a mistake, don't stumble,
You will fall in love even more deeply
And save these emotions!
Congratulations on your marriage!
There is no more fun moment!
We wish you all the best,
I wish you great happiness and many years to come.

Like two field paths,
Having escaped, we intertwined on one road,
So your life has two destinies
We arrived at the same threshold.
Connecting your hearts.
One invisible thread
Loyalty to each other to the end,
Keep it like a precious gift.
Congratulations on your marriage.
Let it sound “Bitter” again and again,
And in life, sweet things are not uncommon,
And long live love!

Dear (name) and (name)!
On this joyful day you stand on the threshold of a new life. Now you have become husband and wife!
We honestly and sincerely want the alliance between you to be an alliance of love, intelligence, euphoria and mutual assistance on the difficult path of life, so that you see your happiness in the happiness of another and thank the moments when life brought you together. Let children's laughter sound in your home and let the warmth of your soul overwhelm it!
May you live happily ever after!

You will need

  • -prepared congratulatory speech;
  • -poems about daughter;
  • - designer wedding card;
  • -album of memories.


Congratulations to parents at this most exciting moment. Words and poems spoken from the heart and a memorable gift that will leave memories of this day for a lifetime will help you make it unforgettable and unusual.

Sit down and think carefully about what you want to say and wish for your adult daughter as she creates her own family nest. Take a pen and a piece of paper and start writing down all the thoughts that come to your mind, everything that you would like to say. Read and based on these sketches, compose a short speech of congratulations.

Go to the Internet and find poems on congratulatory portals that characterize your feelings for your daughter. And if the desire arises, then write them yourself. Buy a beautiful handmade wedding card and write down your poems and messages there.

Buy a beautiful delicate album (just a photo album or a special album for scrapbooking). Get all the photos that include you daughter and make a selection, starting from its first days to the present. If you have memorabilia (tickets to the circus, children's theater, collections of your daughter's postcards, etc.), use them to decorate the pages of the album, also make memorable inscriptions about your childhood and youth. If you feel that you can’t handle it, order such an album from specialists. On the Internet, find many sites with the services of these specialists. But first, decide, look at what exactly you would like to do, in what style. To do this, visit scrapbooking sites, for example -

On the day, congratulate the young family and address your daughter with words, read poems and give an album that will remind your daughter of her parents’ home, of the warmth of the family hearth, which she must now create.

Give the young couple a gift that they can later pass on to their daughter or son on the same day. Some kind of talisman, amulet, so that it becomes a family tradition. If you adhere to Christian traditions, buy a couple of icons with which to bless your daughter and her chosen one for a strong union.