Lumigurumi made from rubber bands. Lumigurumi from rubber bands: master classes on weaving funny toys How to weave lumigurumi from rubber bands

Lumigurumi- this is a new direction in needlework, which is very similar to amigurumi. Lovers of crocheting know very well that amigurumi is the weaving of various figures from threads. Today, thanks to the popularity of Rainbow Loom elastic bands, needlewomen have begun to try using them instead of threads. This is how the lumigurumi direction appeared. In this article we will talk about what toys can be woven from rubber bands.

How to weave a pony from rubber bands

A handmade rubber band horse will be a good gift for loved ones. In addition, it can be used as a keychain or souvenir that will decorate a child's room. Today, many children watch a cartoon about a pink pony, so crafts made from rubber bands will replace store-bought toys for them. To make a toy from rubber bands using the lumigurumi technique, you do not need to have a professional machine. The main thing is to be patient, and you can weave with both a slingshot and a fork.

Watch this useful video: Horse. Figures made from rubber bands

Pony made from rubber bands on a machine

We weave a pony with our own hands

You can see many toys from the #My_Little_Pony series on the market, but now you can make them yourself thanks to a detailed video. The collection of rubber band horses will appeal to both boys and girls, who can also take part in weaving with Rainbow Loom. Any handicraft contributes to the development of a child, so today parents are happy to buy weaving kits and teach their children the basics.

How to make Mickey Mouse from rubber bands

Mickey Mouse is a fairly popular cartoon that has made the main character recognizable all over the world. At first glance, this is an ordinary mouse, however, many people associate it with childhood. Today it is difficult to find Mickey Mouse in stores, as he has gradually been replaced by other toys, but you can make him with your own hands from Rainbow Loom rubber bands.

Watch this useful video: Mickey Mouse made from rubber bands

How to weave Mickey Mouse on a loom

Making Mickey Mouse from rubber bands

Characters from Walt Disney will be able to come to life again on your shelves thanks to detailed videos. Now toys can not only be knitted, but also woven from rubber bands for bracelets. If you don’t like toys, then try to weave bracelets with cartoon characters in the center. Watch the video on how to weave Mickey Mouse.

The cartoon about Minions today is liked not only by children, but also by adults. Rubber band minions can be used as a keychain or to decorate a child's room. You can even weave a phone case with the image of minions from rubber bands. The main thing is to stock up on yellow and blue rubber bands.

MINION made from Rainbow Loom elastic bands

Funny keychain Minion made from rubber bands

Keychain MINION on the machine MONSTER TAIL

A bracelet with minions or a small three-dimensional figurine will look original. Watch the video on how to make a minion from rubber bands and try to repeat it yourself. The more often you work with rubber bands and the machine, the easier it will be for you to make various figures and bracelets.

Unicorn lumigurumi weaving from rubber bands

Three-dimensional animals made from rubber bands have conquered the whole world. Now children are trying to find master classes in weaving their favorite cartoon characters, and also weaving a variety of figures for pencils. In order to weave a unicorn or hippo, you will need about 580 elastic bands of one color and 38 of another color. You can also make a one-color craft. The finished toy is filled with padding polyester or cotton wool.

Making a unicorn out of rubber bands

Step-by-step production of lumigurumi - unicorn. Part 2

Unicorn - lumigurumi Part 3

#RainbowLoom rubber bands are an interesting activity for children and adults. Having mastered the basics of weaving, you can independently come up with patterns for various animals. Volumetric figures made from rubber bands will become a modern interior decoration or a creative gift. Watch the video where the authors explain step by step how to weave a unicorn or hippopotamus. It’s best to weave together with the author, and if necessary, look again at the fragments that you didn’t have time to follow. After you weave the same craft several times, you will be able to weave it yourself without prompting.

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How to weave hello kitty from rubber bands

HelloKitty is popular among school-aged girls. Manufacturers featuring this cartoon character have released bags, T-shirts, hair clips and many other accessories. Now every girl can weave Hello Kitty from rubber bands on her own. First, try repeating making crafts from rubber bands using simple master classes, and then you can move on to making three-dimensional figures.

How to weave hello kitty

We weave hello kitty

How to make hello kitty

Rainbow Loom rubber bands are the most popular material used for needlework. Now you can weave a variety of 3D crafts and surprise your loved ones with pleasant gifts and souvenirs. Have you already tried making lumigurumi toys from rubber bands? Detailed master classes with videos will help you master this area of ​​needlework. In addition, it will give you good skills, and in the future you will be able to make interesting crafts from threads. is an opportunity to learn how to make toys yourself at minimal cost.

"Amigurumi - create your own cute little animal"

How often do I hear from people that they are very bored now, bored or have nothing to do at all. Moreover, I myself find myself in this state, and even very often, which is very, very sad. At such moments, somewhere deep in your soul, you understand that it’s time to leave this haven of a lazy - but as you yourself think: smart and brilliant person who is simply unlucky - creature, and just start doing something.

After all, the world is huge and very beautiful. Look around. Man has come up with so many different hobbies that his life alone is not enough to even just try his luck in a tenth of their total number on our planet. All our problems have solutions. The antidote to any sadness or just a bad mood is in our head. Now those who have a favorite hobby will understand me like no one else. I have a girlfriend, and it happens that we fight very hard.

After one of us interrupts a telephone conversation in rage and resentment, the purpose of which is to sort everything out, I begin to feel deep sadness, melancholy, resentment, anger and many other bad emotions. And lately, instead of withdrawing into myself, I take out my acoustic guitar and start playing and singing very loudly. After twenty, on average, minutes, I am already very calm, adequate, and morally determined to have a new dialogue with my girlfriend, because I love her so much, and some stupid argument will not overshadow our long-term relationship.

But it also happens differently, so instead of talking to her after a twenty-minute game, on the contrary, I feel so tired that I no longer want anything other than to calmly learn something new, thereby eliminating all bad thoughts, because now I need to concentrate as much as possible on the composition that interests me. And this works too. To be honest, I am a very hot-tempered person and if I don’t become calm in time, I can get very nervous.

Therefore, my hobby for me is a kind of life preserver in the whirlpool of passions with my beloved, as well as in the green sea of ​​melancholy and sadness. Why did I start this? And besides, dear reader, a new hobby, or constant development in an old one, is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a very high-quality sedative during stressful situations. And if you are a nervous person, like me, then it is best for you to get something that can save you when you need it, and in general it will become your favorite pastime. So, well, I made an important introduction.

Now, let’s talk about why I gathered you all here, or did you find me yourself? It wasn't by chance that you came across this prosaic text? That’s right, you’re great, because, as I understand it, you’re interested in contemporary art, a hobby, or just a favorite thing, call it what you want, whose name amigurumi. So I will try to tell you about it in an interesting way, so that each of you can understand what this type of self-development is, which, please note, came to us from far, far away Japan. Let's go then! Le'go, le'go, le'go!

What is amigurumi?

Amigurumi- is the art of crocheting or knitting various creatures: soft toys similar to a man or. For example, these can be bunnies, cats, dogs, horses and the like, as well as inanimate objects that are endowed with the properties of living beings: a heart, a Christmas tree, a helicopter, or even amigurumi ring. It seems to me that as soon as one of you sees what it all looks like, you will immediately want to get to work. But my duty now is to warn the reader that, like any business, and even more so what is connected with knitting, amigurumi requires quite a lot of care, accuracy and patience.

Nevertheless, this type of hobby is gaining quite good levels of popularity in post-Soviet countries with a Russian-speaking population. That is why people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries have long had their own “fan clubs” on the Internet, and this is: amigurmi forums, websites, groups on social networks, etc.

Application of amigurumi

As with any hobby, by doing this type of knitting, we get some kind of physical object. The completed ones can be given to friends, relatives, even sold or simply kept for yourself, thereby pleasing your eye with a skillfully made doll. Where should you start? To get started, you need motivation and a great desire to do it. After that, I can advise you to look amigurumi video, which is located at the bottom of the page, immediately after the text, where a lot will be presented to your attention video for beginners on amigurumi. In addition, as I wrote above, there is enough useful information on the RuNet for beginners about this exciting activity. Here is one of them.

And even if you don’t know how to knit at all, you can learn the basics online. Now you need to acquire materials for work: threads and crochet. To choose the first one, be guided by the result: will it be a fluffy toy or a smooth one. However, many of the masters advise for beginners in learning amigurumi Still choose acrylic threads. Why? They just knit and fit best.

With experience, of course, move on to more complex yarn. Now the hook. To begin with, I can advise you to take more to learn how to deftly knit the main loops. Again, over time, when you start crocheting your first soft pet, switch to a smaller hook. Go for it now! Everything will work out. Remember: old Winnie the Pooh believes in you)))

Amigurumi toys

In practice, there are quite a lot of varieties of types of soft toys - and as a result, many varieties amigurumi patterns, which you, dear readers, can search on various sites. For example, you can make a striped owlet amigurumi, which can be used to create keychains, decorate bags, small crafts for children, as a knitted toy for the New Year tree, etc., as your imagination dictates. Or, for example, you can make a cat that will be great for your work, but very, very creative place. Well, I won’t continue further: there are a lot of options. The main thing is just to start.

Amigurumi made from rubber bands

Amigurumi made from rubber bands, or as this type of weaving is called - lumigurumi - this is the same hobby, but only using other materials, namely. This type of weaving appeared relatively recently, but nevertheless has already managed to win the favor of thousands and thousands of needlewomen around the world. To summarize, amigurumi is an excellent hobby brought from the distant East to our region. It is suitable for a person who loves to make beautiful soft toys with his hands for himself and loved ones.

It’s so nice to feel the understanding that you have created something beautiful. Moreover, there is simply a huge number types of amigurumi toys, which, besides being beautiful, are incredibly cute. The absolute cutest thing, from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.

Yes, yes, but it was you who knitted, be it threads or, this beautiful cat or owl, who does his job so well, sitting in his rightful place, gives you unforgettable emotions, in the beautiful branches of which all the best that can be felt are intertwined the master, when for the first time he personally evaluates the result of his work. You too will feel this quickly, together with amigurumi. Start doing it, and who knows, maybe this activity will captivate you as much as possible.

Amigurumi are Japanese crocheted toys. You can knit them from any yarn, but you also need to take into account the individual characteristics of different threads. If you knit toys with cotton threads, it will be very beautiful, even and neat, and the structure of the loops will be clearly visible. Unfortunately, this type of thread is only available to experienced needlewomen, since thanks to cotton threads the outline of each loop is very visible and every defect will be obvious. Amigurumi toys are also knitted from acrylic threads. They are convenient to use and are not expensive. They also knit from “iris”, but it is intended only for very small toys, since this yarn produces very small loops. Well, if you are already tired of all types of yarn or there are no suitable threads, you can try weaving amigurumi from rubber bands; diagrams, photos and videos will help you figure it out.

Amigurumi made from rubber bands also have another name - “lumigurimi”. Such toys are made from thin rubber bands. They are sold in Rainbow Loom sets. Usually they are used to make bracelets, baubles, and other crafts. Such sets are mostly popular among children from eight to fourteen years old. Of course, no one is against older people making crafts from them. Moreover, there are many interesting ideas that may interest not only children.

About the weaving machine

To make bracelets, you need a machine. This is a plastic board with small pegs. Rubber bands are put on these pegs, stretched and fastened. In addition to the machine for weaving with rubber bands, you also need a hook. Not the one used for knitting, but a special one. It makes it easier to make loops and connect elastic bands. The size of the board is twenty by five centimeters. It includes three rows of pegs that can be separated and moved to another location. Each peg has an empty space. Thanks to it, it is possible to pry the elastic bands from below using a hook. In addition, toys are woven not only on a loom, but also on a special slingshot, which is also called a fork with hooks.

One day, a Malaysian of Chinese origin, Chong Chun Ng, noticed how enthusiastically his daughters were weaving baubles, and to help them simplify the weaving process, he came up with a machine. Do you think it looked like a machine that is produced on such a large scale now? No, it was just a board with a few nails stuck into it. This machine was named Twistz Bandz. The machine was then renamed Rainbow Loom. As a result, these machines are now very common. They are sold all over the world, only now plastic is used to make them. A real excitement washed over people. Now everyone is engaged in a new type of needlework - both adults and children. It’s so interesting to create big and beautiful toys from simple rubber bands.

In this style, you can create figurines of any animals - dogs, cats, monkeys. It’s hard to believe that such figures can not only be knitted, but even woven, which is also quite interesting and exciting. The weaving method is very simple. And besides, there are now many master classes (mk) on this topic on the Internet. Even without knowing how, you can open a master class and repeat, and if you want, everything will work out. Also, if you already know how to crochet, then this is already a plus, since you already own this tool.

First, let's try to weave a lumigurumi owl.

Little owl

Weaving this craft will not take much time and will not be difficult. What makes the task easier is that this owl is woven almost entirely (body, head, ears). The only separate parts are the wings, beak and eyes. So it's not very difficult.

To make an owl we need lumigurumi elastic bands, padding polyester and a hook.

Let's move on to the description. We start weaving from the bottom. First, a ring is made from six green rubber bands. Then we increase it by six rubber bands. To do this, you need to form a row by pulling two additional loops through the ones you already have. And so we add one more after another, using green rubber bands. We weave two rows using this method. The result should be 24 loops. Now we increase according to the method plus 1 loop after 3. Then we simply weave 16 rows without adding more loops. But it’s worth noting that the colors of the rubber bands need to be changed in order to get stripes. Next we weave the eyes. To do this, you need to cast on 6 loops from black elastic bands. Then add 2 white loops to the black loops.

Now let's move on to the nose, or rather the beak. Throw on the orange elastic band 3 times. We place it in a pair of the same elastic bands, some of which hang down freely. We add 2 more and lift the elastic bands that are hanging onto the hook. Next, you need to cast on 2 more loops and pull them through the first two loops. Now let’s attach the eyes and beak (the eyes need to be sewn on). We weave wings. First we weave a simple ring of six loops. Then we add 1 different color to each loop. Each color has two new loops. The wings need to be sewn to the body. We fill the owl with synthetic padding. And we sew on the head. And we make ears. We pull three elastic bands from the corners of the head. We tie a knot on them. When you cut them, you get beautiful ears. And now our beautiful owl is ready!

The traditional Japanese art of knitting small voluminous toys - amigurumi - has spread widely throughout the world. To make figures of animals, plants, objects, and people, craftsmen began to look for new materials. One of these materials is Rainbow Loom rubber bands, from which you can easily create figures using just one hook. From the confusion of the words “Loom” and “amigurumi”, such rubber toys began to be called lumigurumi.

A voluminous toy is knitted faster and easier than from threads, but the result is no worse. The toy is stuffed with filler - padding polyester, holofiber, cotton wool or even dry rice. Pebbles or balls are sometimes placed inside to create a center of gravity for the figure.

This page contains Russian-language master classes on crocheting lumigurumi from elastic bands: turtles, bees, whales, snails, flowers.

Crocheting a cute turtle is quite difficult: beginners should first practice on simpler figures. Even an experienced knitter will take about an hour to do this. But the result will please you: the amigurumi turtle is very neat, cute and will be a good souvenir for a friend.

To make a turtle, you will need a hook: a special one for rubber bands (often sold as a set) or a crochet hook of a suitable size (for example, 1 mm). You will also need 100 rubber bands for the shell, 150 for the turtle's body and two black rubber bands for the eyes. The shell, body with legs, head are knitted separately and then assembled into a toy.

For convenience, the master class is divided into two parts: in the first you will find instructions for weaving the head, shell and body of a turtle, and in the second video you can see how to knit the legs and assemble the toy.

Crochet lumigurumi bee

A cheerful bee is crocheted from Rainbow Loom elastic bands quite simply. You will need yellow, black and white elastic bands, one red for the mouth, two black beads or beads for the eyes. The process of making a bee is described in detail and shown in the video tutorial.

Amigurumi whale made from rubber bands

To make a figurine of a blue whale from rubber bands, you will need blue and white rubber bands, two black beads for the eyes (can be replaced with black rubber bands), a hook and soft stuffing for toys. The video is in Russian, for convenience, the lesson is divided into two parts, in the first of which the back and fins of the whale are knitted, and in the second - the belly and its connection with the upper part.


Knitting an amigurumi snail is not very easy; a needlewoman who has already mastered the basic techniques of weaving from rubber bands can handle it. Like the rest of the figures, the snail is crocheted. Creating a toy begins with a snail shell, this is what the first part of the video is devoted to.

In the second part, the author of the video shows how to weave a snail’s body, attach a shell, and make horns and eyes.

Video for beginners: how to weave a flower

One of the simplest master classes, which is also suitable for a novice needlewoman, is a lesson on making a simple flower. The video is very detailed, voiced in Russian. To make a flower, you will need 6 rubber bands for the middle and 55 for the petals (usually a different color).

The video tutorial shows how to make a chamomile (yellow center and white petals), but you can make a flower of any color, even a fabulous one.

The work will take 10-25 minutes depending on the experience of the craftswoman. The finished flower can be attached to a bracelet, phone, handbag, or made into a brooch or pendant.

Knitting amigurumi from rubber bands will help develop attention, perseverance, fine motor skills, and spatial imagination. This activity will be especially useful for children and the elderly. Starting with lumigurumi, over time you can master classic crocheting of toys.