Korean eyes. Korean makeup: a European vision of oriental trends in makeup

The beauty of Korean women evokes admiration among representatives of many other nationalities, because it combines simplicity, grace and fragility. Few people know that Korean makeup primarily involves constant and close attention to the condition and appearance of the skin. Not a single day goes by without thorough cleansing and painstaking moisturizing of the skin for all Korean women.

Daily skin care

Korean women are sure that beauty is extremely important for the perception of a woman in society, but at the same time they understand that the use of cosmetics negatively affects the condition of the skin and clogs the pores. That is why, before applying Korean makeup, you need to prepare a base for it.

Korean makeup base is performed step by step - first you need to wash your face using special cleansing foams or gels, then it is treated with an emulsion or moisturizing cream, which is applied with patting movements. When the emulsion is completely absorbed, the skin is re-treated with cream, this time nourishing. Korean women perform these procedures twice daily, morning and evening. Accordingly, day cream is used for morning care, and night cream is used for evening care. Before going to bed, replace the cleansing foam with a makeup remover.

After the skin is prepared and protected from the influence of cosmetics, the application procedure begins. Makeup in Korean is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. treatment with toning agents;
  2. applying cosmetics to eyelids and eyelashes;
  3. working on the mouth area and applying blush.


Korean-style makeup begins with working on problem areas of the skin. Using foundation, dark circles and any redness are carefully masked, then the skin is lightly powdered.

When choosing cosmetics, you need to focus on the natural color of your skin or purchase cream and powder a couple of shades lighter than your skin.

Make-up eyes

Korean eye makeup is the most important detail of the appearance of girls of this nationality. The eyelids are treated with shadows of several colors, most often pink and light beige. Light shadows are applied to both eyelids, and then the eyes are lined with a white pencil. Pinkish shadows are used on the movable eyelid in the outer corner and slightly higher - towards the outer corner of the eyebrow.

Korean girls' makeup is often created using eyeliner, which is applied with light movements to the upper eyelid. The line should not be bold or deviate from the natural lash line.

Eyebrow shape correction

Korean girls most often prefer natural eyebrow shapes. They are not afraid of wide and straight lines, and the tip of the eyebrow is most often made pointed. Some Korean women sometimes lighten their eyebrows, painting them with a brownish-red tint.

Muke-up lips

Korean makeup involves using natural shades of lipstick or lip gloss. Korean women with bright or dark lipstick on their lips are a rarity. In addition, oriental beauties do not use lip liner to outline their lips.

In some cases, Korean women use light pink blush, which is applied with light movements. For special occasions, more cosmetics and brighter colors are used.

Choosing and applying blush

As with any other makeup, Korean makeup supports the trend of a healthy and natural blush. Korean women use soft natural shades to highlight their cheekbones.

Video: Korean makeup technique

Korean makeup is becoming a trend nowadays, not only in Asian countries, but also, oddly enough, in European ones. And all because the distinctive feature of such makeup is a porcelain, fresh, flawless face and a perky sparkle in the eyes, which persists even after a hard day at work. Korean women are very rarely bothered by problems with facial skin, the occurrence of which many Europeans are not always able to avoid - unevenness, acne, dryness, redness. And the point here is not at all in genetics or even in a fat wallet, but simply in a competent approach to the process of applying makeup and facial care throughout the day. The main distinctive feature of skin care used by Korean women is that the basics of procedures are instilled in girls from childhood. The sooner you start taking care of your skin, the healthier it will be. Korean women take this process very seriously and spend a significant part of their time on it.

Proper facial cleansing

One of the main rules to achieve the effect of a porcelain face is to properly cleanse your face to avoid clogging of pores. Korean women will never apply makeup to an uncleaned face. The process of morning and evening washing is a special tradition, which takes a total of 15 minutes. There is a special washing scheme, it is called 424. This means that skin cleansing takes place in three stages. First, hydrophilic oil is applied to the skin for 4 minutes (a Korean invention that allows you to remove even persistent cosmetics), then 2 minutes are spent on cleansing the skin with foam and the remaining 4 minutes are used to remove dead cells of the upper layer of skin using a scrub and thoroughly wash with cool water. The cleansing procedure according to scheme 424 is carried out not only in the evening to remove makeup, but also in the morning. Be sure to wash your face with cold water, as it helps to narrow the pores, so that the chemical components of cosmetics do not penetrate the epidermis. Wipe your face not with a cloth, but with a paper towel using gentle movements.

Immediately after washing, according to Koreans, the face begins to lose moisture, so it is necessary to immediately moisturize it with essences. You should not assume that oily skin does not need moisturizing after washing; special products are applied in this case too. In addition to these mandatory procedures, girls do facial peeling at home two to three times a week. When carried out correctly, this method, together with others, promotes a healthy glow of the skin and narrowing of pores.
The next step after cleansing the face is massage treatments. Massage increases blood circulation and gives the face a healthy glow. Using the knuckles of bent fingers, forward movements are made along the line of the cheekbones, then the movements begin at the bridge of the nose, directed to the upper part of the forehead and along the perimeter of the face. After which the skin under the eyes is massaged with your fingertips, this massage helps reduce puffiness.

Choosing the right skin care products

Korean cosmetics are very specific, which, by the way, are already popular not only in this country. In addition to traditional components (essential oils, lactic acids, aloe juice), it may contain components that are unusual for Western consumers - snail mucus, snake venom. However, it is these substances that help rejuvenate and smooth the skin due to the fact that they contain collagen and elastane. Cosmetics in Korea are quite accessible to the average consumer, so beautiful makeup and well-groomed skin are the prerogative of not only wealthy girls.

What cosmetics do Asian women prefer to use?

a) instead of the usual foundation creams that most European women use and which dry out the skin, Korean women prefer to use CC cream. CC cream has replaced BB cream; it performs several functions at once - it moisturizes the skin, protects it from ultraviolet rays, whitens it, masks minor imperfections and even prevents the aging process. This product is designed not only to provide a radiant complexion, but also to become a real boon for those who do not have a lot of time to apply makeup. Thanks to its weightless texture and versatility, the cream can become the only base before applying makeup.

b) Korean women do not tend to choose the same cosmetic product. The Korean cosmetics market is distinguished by the fact that it constantly changes and updates its assortment. The new product is sold for only 2 seasons. The trend is very favorable - girls’ skin is not accustomed to cosmetics.

c) it is known that Asian women are opposed to tanning and prefer natural skin color, so they actively use sunscreen. By the way, this is how they protect their body from premature aging and the risk of cancer cells. In addition to sunscreens, whitening creams and essences are actively used. They are especially popular among pregnant or postpartum women with postpartum pigmentation.

d) fabric face masks, as well as serums, emulsions, and serums are very common among Korean women. Masks consist of cotton soaked in nutrients - aloe juice, lactic acids, snail mucus; they are preferably used at night, so that the next morning the skin shines clean and fresh. Masks not only moisturize the skin, there are also those that cleanse, relieve inflammation and swelling. The same components are added to serums and emulsions as to masks. Another common facial product is mattifying wipes that remove oily shine; any girl can always find them in her purse.

e) essential oils are actively used in the process of caring for facial skin. In this matter, Korean women even adhere to the motto - “there can never be too many essential oils,” so they use it not only as an independent remedy, but also add it to all kinds of masks, baths, and creams.

e) patches will help relieve puffiness and bags under the eyes. This effective remedy was invented by Korean cosmetologists, which caused rave reviews from consumers.

These are a kind of sponge pillows, by applying which you can even get rid of dark circles under the eyes. And all due to the fact that the gel base contains a well-known product - collagen, which promotes rejuvenation.

Applying makeup

After the skin is prepared and care products are selected, you can apply makeup. The first step is to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream; after it is absorbed, the foundation is shaded, which can be covered with powder on top in order to achieve durability. Typically, the powder and foundation are selected two shades lighter than the natural complexion.

What are the wonders of Korean makeup?

Korean girls take a responsible approach not only to skin care, but also to applying makeup. How to do Korean makeup: revealing the secrets.

1. Natural shades of shadows. Naturalness is the main feature of makeup; it is unlikely that you will meet a Korean girl with a catchy shade of eyeshadow. Usually the shades chosen are pink, blue, beige, champagne, and you can often find shimmering shades applied on top of white ones. With filigree precision, oriental beauties know how to apply them without obvious visible transitions. Shadows are usually applied in a thick layer up to the eyebrows in order to hide minor imperfections - pigmentation, for example. Applying eyeshadow in the Korean style does not involve highlighting the crease of the eyelid; the emphasis is on the upper and lower lash lines, which can be emphasized with a brown pencil or black eyeliner.

2. Thin eyeliner. The upper eyelid is necessarily emphasized by a thin arrow, however, unlike the raised European one, the Asian one is not noticeable and barely extends beyond the outer corner of the eye. In order to draw an arrow, both liquid and gel eyeliners can be used, as well as, although less often, black eye pencils. The arrows should be thin to visually enlarge the eyes and give the look a fresh, sophisticated look. This creates the effect of invisible, natural makeup.

3. Straight eyebrows. It is not customary for Korean women to pluck their eyebrows, get tattoos, or any other correction. Usually girls have thick, ruffled eyebrows; in the beauty industry there is even a term to define this type - “Korean eyebrows.” A trendy makeup trend that has already spread beyond Korea is completely straight eyebrows. Anatomically, in humans, they are lowered down, but Korean women use a trick - they cover the lowered ends with a thin layer of glue, top with foundation, and then draw them in a strictly horizontal direction to form a sharp tip. Such eyebrows give the face an incredibly youthful look, even somewhat innocent and childish.

4. Peachy cheeks. Blush for Korean makeup is selected exclusively in orange shades, this can be seen in the photo; it is obvious that variations of peach, coral or citrus colors are common. This palette can create a healthy glow. Blush is applied only to the high points of the cheekbones, which gives the overall look freshness, richness, and a “porcelain-like” appearance.

5. Juicy lips. Most Korean women naturally have small, plump lips. Girls choose natural shades of lipsticks or lip glosses - often berry (pink, peach). Lips in Korean makeup have a cute, natural-colored plumpness. The greatest concentration of color should be in the center, thus creating the effect as if the lip was bitten a little. This effect is otherwise called “ombre”. To create it, you need to choose two shades of lipstick - a little dark, the other brighter, juicier. First, the main, dark color is applied, then a bright shade is applied to the center. Use a brush to carefully hide the transitions. The effect of innocence and childishness is created, thanks to the selection of the lips, thus the emphasis is placed on the eyes, they seem larger, doll-like.

6. “Bags” under the eyes. Translated from Korean, the term sounds like “sweet, charming skin” or “charming fat”! Achieving this effect is not difficult - you need to apply powder to the lower lash line and highlight it with matte brown shadows in a semicircle, creating an effect reminiscent of a pouch under the eye, the illusion of shadow. They should not be confused with real bags under the eyes, which do not add beauty at all. What is it for? Such pouches are typical for children and can often be seen in little girls. This is the effect that Korean beauties achieve. This method allows you to visually highlight, round your eyes, and give them a childish look.

7. Puppy eyes. The method of applying shadows downwards, towards the outer corners, and not traditionally upwards (“cat-like”). Thanks to this method, the face becomes doll-like and pretty.

8. Luxurious eyelashes. Korean women use black mascara, apply it in a thick layer on the row of eyelashes of the upper eyelid, and in a thin layer on the row of the lower eyelid. And then they carefully separate the eyelashes from one another, combing them with a special brush.

9. Finishing touches - applying powder. An important component of Korean-style makeup is applying powder to give the skin a glow. This is the finishing touch; the product is applied along the cheekbones, in the bridge of the nose and under the eyebrows.

10. Facial care throughout the day. Even after applying makeup, according to Korean women, it is necessary to moisturize the skin of the face. This is facilitated by a special remedy - a mist, which the girls carry with them. This is water that is sprayed onto the face directly on top of the makeup.

For a woman with a non-Asian face type, it will not be difficult to create Korean makeup. Of course, a lot depends on skin texture, complexion, even lifestyle. Be that as it may, it is worth adopting the basic idea of ​​Korean makeup: not to hide imperfections, but to ensure that they do not appear.

It is no coincidence that the question “how to become like Korean women” has become very popular lately. The girls of this country are famous for their beauty, graceful appearance and attractive features. But do external data play a major role here?

Probably, many have heard about how a Chinese man sued his wife because their children were not born so beautiful. And it’s all the fault of the plastic surgeries that my wife performed on herself before their marriage! In this regard, South Korea has not gone far: many parents give their daughters money when they come of age so that they can become beautiful with the help of plastic surgery.

How to become like Korean women? Is it really necessary to take such radical measures? Fortunately, no. You only need to learn a few secrets to achieve your ideal.

What is the secret of their beauty?

Oddly enough, there is no special catch here. Korean women by their nature are not considered incredible beauties; on the contrary, their appearance by European standards is not particularly attractive. By the way, European standards are firmly entrenched in the minds of Korean women, which is why their country has such a highly developed beauty industry, which not only improves the condition of the skin, hair, etc., but also radically changes appearance. Koreans love big eyes and thin noses, so eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty are the most popular.

Whether this is good or bad - everyone draws their own conclusions, but one thing cannot be taken away from Korean women in any case - they are incredibly well-groomed. Their skin, nails, hair are always in perfect condition. As already mentioned, the production of cosmetics is developed in South Korea; they are not only accessible to the majority of the population, but also have an excellent effect. Therefore, almost every girl and woman can afford high-quality personal care.

This is the main secret of Korean women - grooming. Therefore, if you want to be like these mysterious oriental beauties who themselves strive to resemble Europeans, then start with caring cosmetics. Which one to choose?

Personal care

  • Choose skin products with snail mucus. This substance contains a large amount of collagen and elastane, and these components precisely support the youth and beauty of the epidermis. The magical properties of snail mucus were discovered in the 60s of the last century, and for almost 60 years it has been actively used in cosmetology. Creams, tonics and serums from South Korean manufacturers are rich in this ingredient, so finding them will not be difficult;
  • Do not neglect any stage of cleansing! If you live in a metropolis, then your skin experiences enormous stress every day. It gets dirty in any case, even if you leave the house for 15 minutes! And at home you are exposed to harmful environmental influences. Wash off your makeup thoroughly with hydrophilic oil, use foam and toner, and scrub once or twice a week. Sound tiring? But you will be able to preserve your beauty and youth;
  • Tanning is a sign of peasant women and poverty, so Korean women try to keep their skin white and soft. And the sun's rays are harmful to the epidermis. Use sunscreen to help protect cells from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Try regularly. It will help free the skin from the stratum corneum of dead cells, allowing it to breathe and glow. You won’t even notice how your wrinkles will disappear, peeling will disappear, your pores will tighten, and your complexion will become even and beautiful;
  • Fabric masks are a budget-friendly and effective way that will help keep you youthful and beautiful;
  • Don't forget about your hair! Be sure to use a balm after washing your hair to smooth the cuticle. If you skip this step, the likelihood of breaking steamed hair increases and it will become more fragile. Several times a week, apply a mask with the properties you want to achieve. Use leave-in sprays that will protect your curls.


  • Also take a closer look at South Korean companies. If you have not come across their cosmetics before, be sure to go to the Internet site where decorative products are sold. You will be surprised by the variety of products, their functions, colors and shapes;
  • BB cream is your best friend. This is a foundation that combines the caring properties of a regular cream. Often it comes with SPF protection, so you kill three birds with one stone: you get foundation, skin care and sunscreen. The main thing is to choose your tone;
  • It’s rare for a Korean woman to use one product for more than 3 months. Not every girl living in Russia or the CIS can afford this, but in any case, you need to keep an eye on the expiration date of cosmetics. An expired product may cause an allergic reaction or otherwise harm the skin;
  • Most often, Korean women look quite natural. They love clear, natural-colored eyebrows; juicy, slightly moist color; large eyes, which are emphasized with lengthening mascara and matte shadows in soft shades. Take these rules into account.


Enough has already been said about hair care. To achieve maximum similarity, it is worth noting the hairstyles of Korean beauties. They are also not pretentious, but attract attention with their rigor, conciseness and simplicity. Korean women love regular straight partings, which are most often done in the middle or slightly to the side. Buns and ponytails are convenient and easy hairstyles that anyone can do. If you are a fan of bangs, then lay it in even strands and straighten the rest of your hair - it will look very oriental.

The natural hair color of Korean women is black or dark brown. If you are a natural platinum blonde, then you shouldn't run to the store for a tube of dye. It is not necessary to achieve a portrait resemblance; the hairstyle itself is quite suitable. It’s better to buy a wig or strands of hair, with their help you can create the desired image without resorting to such radical methods, fortunately, with the help of the Internet, it’s as easy as shelling pears, and they’re quite affordable.

In addition, European standards of attractiveness force many girls from South Korea to dye their hair blonde or blonde. The least popular red color.

Beauty is a subjective concept, so it is difficult to say that one nation is truly beautiful and another is not. Girls from South Korea are famous, first of all, for their beauty, and this is what is striking about them. How to become like Korean women? Very simple. It is enough to take good care of yourself and not neglect the necessary cosmetics.

Asia has always been surrounded by an aura of mystery. That’s why Asian girls seem so mysterious and tempting to us. Today's article is about how women in Korea do their makeup. In their image there are two details that they pay special attention to - the condition of the skin and eyes.

Face before applying makeup

Eastern women have always been very well-groomed. Before applying Korean makeup, they always lubricate their face with a light day or moisturizing cream. They consider it unacceptable for themselves to powder their face if there is no foundation on their face, since they very carefully monitor the condition of their skin.

It must be said that all beauty products for Korean women are completely affordable compared to the finances that Russian women have to shell out. It is also considered a tradition for Korean girls and women to spend the whole day, which, alas, cannot be said about Russian women. As a result, the level of grooming of oriental beauties is an order of magnitude higher than ours. Therefore, it is worth learning from them how to take care of yourself in general, as well as how to apply Korean makeup.

After the cream has been applied to the skin, it is the turn of the foundation, which will hide all the unevenness, inflammation, spots, and so on. The result is then set with a light layer of powder. The foundation is chosen either the same color as the face, or a tone lighter. Korean makeup also necessarily includes blush, which has different natural shades. Any artificial colors are not recommended if the goal is to look like an East Asian girl. The ideal choice in this case would be plum, peach and bronze shades.


If there are dark circles under the eyes, then you need to get rid of them using a foundation that is a tone lighter than the base one.

In general, eye coloring is another calling card of Asian women. An unusual cut is a feature that is inherent only to these inhabitants of the Earth. Therefore, proper Korean eye makeup is done very carefully in order to skillfully highlight advantages and remove flaws.

Thanks to him, it is possible to gradually correct the face, highlight it, get an open and light look, and at the same time emphasize their unique feature.

In order for Korean makeup to meet all requirements, women take into account the following:

  • slanted and narrow;
  • short sparse eyelashes;
  • the eye is covered by the fold of the upper eyelid;
  • pronounced cheekbones;
  • small and beautiful;
  • yellowish skin color.

Having previously prepared the face, taking into account its features, you can move on to the eyes. To visually increase them, light shades of shadows are used. Most often it is sand and beige. If different shades are used, then the transition from one to another should be imperceptible. Light shadows are also acceptable on the lower eyelid, but it is not necessary to apply makeup to this part.

The peculiarity of this makeup style is the white line drawn with a pencil along the very edge. Neat arrows are made along the eyelash growth line. Eyelashes should be well combed and pitch black in color.

After you have succeeded in doing Korean makeup on your eyes, you move on to the final, easiest stage.


Bright colors are not allowed here. Naturalness is paramount for Asian women. Therefore, lips can be slightly revitalized. In this case, the shade should ultimately look natural, harmoniously combined with the natural color.


This part of the face can have a different appearance, since in this style they are not important. Naturally, eyebrows should be neat and well-groomed. You can comb them using gel.

Little tricks

Many Asian women who dream of making their dreams come true with the help of makeup. Since their upper eyelids naturally droop directly over their eyes, they came up with an adhesive that lifts the eyelids. With the help of a special procedure for applying glue, the eyes acquire a “doll-like look”, and girls who do this Korean makeup (photo above) become like their favorite anime.

This fashion has become so widespread that even men began to use it.

Clothing, accessories, and cosmetics from Korea are becoming more and more in demand in the beauty markets of European countries every year. The same applies to Korean makeup, which is associated with a doll image, youth, and the makeup of idols, so popular in their country and around the world. Visually, the result of makeup from Korean women looks as simple and natural as possible, but in fact it requires considerable skill and amount of cosmetics, and has its own unique features and tricks.

Features of Korean-style makeup

Koreans are sensitive to their own country and culture. For this reason, in their daily skin care they use exclusively cosmetics of Korean origin. This is one of the main distinguishing features of makeup. High quality, natural cosmetics, as well as careful self-care make Korean women the owners of glowing, healthy skin. Girls with European and other appearance who want to meet the canons of Asian beauty need to focus on the condition of their facial skin.

Other features of Korean makeup:

  • the effect of transparent “porcelain” skin with a slight glow;
  • creating the appearance of youth, a doll-like, childish appearance;
  • clarity of lines and shapes;
  • the main emphasis is on the eyes;
  • using only light shades of eye shadow and black eyeliner;
  • the use of unusual visual effects (lowering the corners of the arrows down, creating swelling under the lower eyelid).

The makeup of Korean idols can be a role model.

At the same time, it is noteworthy that a whole group of cosmetologists and makeup artists work not only on girls from pop groups, but also on guys, whose makeup is no less skillful and varied.

Daily skin care and face preparation step by step

The first step of ideal makeup using the example of girls from Korea is thorough cleansing and moisturizing of the skin. For these stages, not only a huge number of procedures and time are allocated, but also a whole line of cosmetics. Care cosmetics are selected strictly according to skin type, existing problems, time of day, and time of year.

To ensure that makeup goes on evenly and your skin glows with health, use:

  • cleansing oil bases;
  • gels, foams for washing;
  • peeling, scrubs;
  • fabric masks, patches made from natural ingredients;
  • tonics;
  • essences and emulsions;
  • moisturizing, protective creams for face and eyelids.

The listed products are also a Korean makeup base that protects the skin from the influence of applied decorative cosmetics and negative environmental factors.

  • applying a darker primer, and then a foundation (BB cream) a shade lighter than your skin tone, which has a high level of sun protection;
  • eliminating unevenness, age spots, dark circles under the eyes using concealer or corrector;
  • using translucent powder or light highlighter for a glowing effect;
  • creating a light blush using a light loose blush of beige (for light brown, dark hair) or pale pink (for blondes) shade.

Foundation and decorative cosmetics for facial skin are not applied with fingers, but with the help of special brushes or a cushion (sponge with a tinting base and nourishing ingredients).

Korean makeup for European eyes, unlike facial skin, does not require a wide range of decorative products

Korean women's step-by-step makeup for eyes

Your cosmetic bag should contain:

  • black eyeliner;
  • mascara (or false eyelashes);
  • eyeshadow palette in light shades;
  • eyebrow pencil or shadow;
  • fixation of the direction of eyebrow hairs.

Eye makeup begins by applying eye shadow. The lightest (most often white) shade is distributed onto the inner corner, as well as under the eyelash and eyebrow growth line. Darker colors (pink, beige, plum, pastel) are used on the outer part of the eye, the moving eyelid.

Arrows are drawn exclusively with liquid eyeliner. The line does not extend upward beyond the boundaries, but clearly follows the contour of eyelash growth, descending downward at the outer corner, where it connects with the line of the lower eyelid. Thus, the eyes become visually larger, round, and childishly naive. To create the popular puffy effect, the lower eyelid is highlighted with a white or beige color, over which a highlighter is applied.

Preference is given to lengthening or volumizing mascara. If your natural hairs are short and sparse, you can use extensions for an evening out.

To do Korean eyebrow makeup, move away from arched bends, adhering to straight, clear lines. A pencil or shadow is used, which are selected in accordance with the hair color to create the most natural look. To consolidate the result, apply a fixing gel or eyebrow pomade.

Lip makeup from Korean women

Most Korean girls have slightly swollen but neat lips. The most popular shades of lipsticks are raspberry, pink, and pale orange. But most often preference is given to transparent glosses.

Favorite coloring technique – “kissed lips” technique

“Kissed lips” can be easily reproduced at home:

  • A primer is applied to the lips, after which they are tinted with concealer or foundation;
  • the middle is painted with the selected shade of lipstick, which is easily shaded with a brush to the corners;
  • Use a cotton swab to remove excess, after which a transparent gloss is used on top.

Cosmetic tints are very popular in Korea, used to color lips, eyebrows, and also as blush.

Korean makeup requires some skill, especially in the art of skin care. Looking at the step-by-step photos, before and after images, it seems that no difficulties are foreseen. But then it becomes clear that Korean women are famous for their make-up for a reason. To recreate the amazing effects of Asian beauties and idols, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.