How to behave after kissing a girl. What should a first kiss be like?

For a kiss to take place, it is necessary that both the girl and the guy want it equally. It is important that both partners have a feeling of love or at least sympathy for each other. It is quite difficult to achieve this at the first and even second meeting, so you should not rush into the first kiss. It is better to devote the first 2-3 dates to communication, searching for common interests, and testing feelings. According to already established couples, the moment for a kiss should be felt on an intuitive level, and very often it happens for the first time completely spontaneously under an influx of feelings.

A very important point on the way to the first kiss is touch, which must be used during the first few meetings. From time to time you should take your partner by the hand, hug him, stroke him on the head, etc. This removes the barrier between people, increases trust in each other, and also enhances feelings.

If you're worried about how well everything will go, replay the kiss itself, as well as the events that will precede it, in your head in advance. The right psychological attitude will also help if the moment of the kiss comes earlier than you planned.

Lip care

The key element of a kiss is the lips, which should look well-groomed and attractive. If your relationship is progressing and the moment of decisive action is about to come, take the following steps:

  1. Use lipstick, balm or other lip care product daily.
  2. choose the perfect lipstick or gloss for your look.
  3. Practice facial expressions of your lips in front of the mirror, slightly lifting them up and pulling them forward: such movements will become a slight hint to your partner that you are ready for a kiss.

It is very important to pay attention to the freshness of your mouth: be sure to brush your teeth before a date, and you should always have chewing gum with you. The right scent of perfume will also attract a partner. Already during the date, try to find a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and correct your makeup if necessary.

Kissing technique

Lip touching can be light and short-lived or intense and long-lasting. In the first case, this demonstrates some restraint towards the partner, a more friendly attitude. In the second, there is an expression of already strong feelings, perhaps even a declaration of love without words. There is also such a form as a friendly kiss on the cheek. If you're not ready for more, you can use it to end the first few dates.

In all situations, the kissing technique is different. You can practice doing it at home, looking at yourself in front of the mirror. For greater clarity, some people put their lips on the outside of their palm or on some fruit.

For a friendly kiss:

  1. Without opening your lips, pull them forward 2-3 mm;
  2. If desired, tilt your head slightly to the side, close your eyes;
  3. Lightly touch your partner's lips for 1-2 seconds and pull back.

For a romantic kiss:

  1. Part your lips slightly and extend them forward;
  2. Close your eye and tilt your head at a strong angle;
  3. Touch your partner’s lips, try to slightly pull his lower or upper lip into you;
  4. Try touching the tip of your tongue to your partner’s tongue, running it across the lips.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a kissing technique, pay attention to special signs and sensations. With a friendly touch, a characteristic “smack” sound should be heard, after which you can move away. As for a romantic kiss, it can last from a few seconds to about a minute, depending on your feelings, desires and the reaction of your partner. During it, you can change the angle of the head, experiment with the intensity and shape of touches, as well as additionally hug your partner and stroke the head and neck.

Lips should always be relaxed during a kiss. In general, you should not pay much attention to them: try to focus on general sensations in order to enjoy the moment and give it to your partner. Only if you are performing a romantic kiss, which is often called “French”, should the touch of the lips be as intense as possible, and if the partner reciprocates sufficiently, you can experiment with the tongue, as well as perform additional manipulations with your hands.

How to move on to a kiss

It is very important that the first touch with lips occurs at the most appropriate moment. If you are in the mood for a romantic relationship and a deep kiss, the atmosphere of the date should be appropriate. There are several common situations where the chances of everything going well are high. It is important to remember this and be on guard so as not to scare away a partner who is already inclined to be active.

Usually the man initiates the kiss, choosing the right moment. If he shows timidity, the woman may well take the situation into her own hands. You can limit yourself to subtle or obvious hints using facial expressions of your lips and eyes, or you can smoothly approach your partner’s face and kiss him if you are completely confident in his and your feelings.

A good chance for lip service appears during a movie session, especially if it is a film on the theme of love. You can also move on to a kiss while on a walk in some picturesque place. A good opportunity arises at the end of the date, when the guy walks the girl home. And, of course, you cannot neglect the situation if the meeting takes place at home.

Another key place where you can easily kiss a guy is a nightclub. During joint dances, touching occurs especially often, and the moment for intercourse with lips comes quite quickly. A restaurant is not a very good place to start kissing: despite the romantic atmosphere, partners usually sit opposite each other, which complicates any manipulations.

Before the kiss, you can express your sympathy for each other in the form of a series of compliments. You can hint or understand that the moment has come by looking your partner in the eyes. Lip gestures and touch also play an important role. There is no need to be afraid of a kiss: think that without it your relationship will not move to a new level, and your partner will not have the best opinion of you.

What to do after a kiss

If everything went well, you need to overcome the awkwardness that inevitably arises. A slight smile and a small compliment will be enough. It may also turn out that a kiss will become a reason to confess your feelings to your partner. You shouldn’t be upset if everything didn’t go too smoothly: in your life there will still be many opportunities to prove yourself and practice, bringing the art of kissing to perfection.

It is also worth foreseeing a situation where your partner will refuse to kiss, pushing you away and telling you that you should hold off on this for now. Perhaps the moment has not really come yet, and more time is needed to get to know each other better. Also, you don’t need to force a kiss just to please your partner: things may not turn out well, both during the touch and in future relationships. The desire must be truly sincere and mutual.

A kiss is a sign of special intimacy between people. The first kiss is usually remembered for a lifetime. Sometimes it is spontaneous, accidental, but sometimes they prepare for it for a long time, they do not dare to cross this fine line between sympathy and something much more personal.


If you are a man, it is easier for you to take the first step. It's better to do this in the dark when she feels better because you won't be able to see her embarrassment. After walking her home, stop and take her hand. This is a moment of complete harmony. You can announce to her that you will kiss her now. But if you are afraid that she might refuse, don’t say anything - just hug and kiss, barely touching her lips with yours at first. Further developments depend on her attitude towards you, your own courage and external ones. For example, if the entrance door opens at that moment, it will no longer be easy for you to restore the intimacy of the situation.

If you are a woman, you are supposed to wait for his first actions. But sometimes this wait drags on and you have to act on your own. The end is the perfect moment. If you see that your gentleman is about to run away, you can stop him with a question to the forehead: “Aren’t you going to kiss me?” It is possible that he will go into stupor. In this case, it is better to put the finishing touches on him with the following phrase: “In that case, I will kiss you myself.” There is no vulgarity here, it’s just the two of you, these are your personal ones, and only you decide how to build them. It is possible that the young man will react adequately and say that he will kiss you with pleasure.

Video on the topic


If you are not sure that there is a man next to you with whom you will feel good, it is better not to let him move on to kissing, because he will immediately feel like he is the master of the situation and will begin to make claims. The same goes for women.


  • how to get on intimate terms with a man

Many young people just can’t decide to move from simple courtship to more decisive actions, and to begin with, at least just girlfriend. How to do this for the first time?


When not to kiss

Situations are different. Sometimes, an hour after meeting you, you are ready to follow a man to the ends of the earth, but it happens that you feel that you need to wait a little with the kiss. There is no need to rush if you like a man, but you don’t want to encourage him too much. Alas, sometimes the stronger sex can interpret this behavior of a girl wrongly and draw a conclusion about her availability. Remember, although today no strict framework has been established in this regard, it will be much more pleasant for a man to think that your kiss is the merit of his personal charm and some efforts.

Although a kiss does not particularly oblige you to anything, remember that this is a certain stage in the relationship between a man and a woman. And this stage requires a certain intimacy. After all, it’s almost impossible to find out enough about each other in an hour. Think about it: is it worth it with a person you practically don’t know? And we are not talking here about the moral and ethical side of the issue, but about your personal feelings and outlook on life.

A kiss is not a reason for dating

By the way, there is one interesting theory about kissing at the very beginning of dating. Its authors claim that it is at the moment of a kiss that a man and a woman can understand whether they want to continue communicating or whether they can say goodbye and never think about each other again. That is, the decision is made not by your intellect or heart, but by your body. During the process of kissing, the body produces a pleasure hormone; in addition, partners can draw some conclusions about the passion of each other’s natures and understand how good they feel together.

Video on the topic

First kiss. How much does it mean to couples? How exciting and reverent can this moment be on a date? Just on what account? On what date can you kiss?

Dates are made for romance. And many couples are wondering what kind of date they can kiss on. The answer is purely individual for each specific romantic couple, but there are also general rules that many young men and women adhere to.

First date

Is it possible to kiss on the first date? In general, in many countries of the world this is considered bad form among romantic couples. On the other hand, if the date went well, the young man walked the girl home, then why not reward him with a light first kiss. No French kisses, no Egyptian passions, a light touch of lips - that's enough for a first date. Who should go first? A kiss is a mutual desire. People themselves feel that it is worth taking a step forward. It doesn't depend on any one person in a couple. But, if you want to maintain intrigue in the relationship, then you can wait until the second date for the first kiss.

A woman's perspective on the issue

Girls, as more romantic natures, attach great importance to the first date and the first kiss with a particular young man. This means that it depends only on the girl whether the first kiss will be the end of the first date. Modern teenagers no longer pay such reverent attention to such an intimate thing. But in vain. From the first kiss, you can immediately understand whether a person is right for you on an intuitive level, if you listen to yourself. If you want to keep the intrigue on the first date, then you should postpone the kiss until the next meeting.

A man's perspective on the issue

Young people are ready to kiss on any date, and even without it, if they like the girl. In addition, few people want to wait until the second one if emotions are overwhelming. And, of course, with a girl who is really cute and pleasant, a kiss multiplies these emotions. It's definitely worth kissing on the first date to enhance the impression of the time spent together. But, young people also need to remember that the first kiss should be light and gentle, even if serious emotions and feelings are overwhelming, so as not to scare off the girl with your pressure.
It doesn’t really matter what date you can kiss on. It is important that it is at the right moment, at the right time and in the right place. There is a “five dates” rule, when a couple simply communicates and gets to know each other better, so that on the fifth date they move to a new stage - kisses, hugs and other romantic moments.

2. is the touching of the lips to someone or something to express love. You can kiss not only on the lips, but also on the cheek, forehead, hands, neck, nose (any part of the body you like), a passionate kiss, or French (using lips and tongue), as well as an “air kiss” (first a person kisses his own palm, then opens it and points it towards the person he likes, then blows a kiss). Which one should you choose for your first date? It's up to you two to decide. At what age can you kiss?

Not a single person can answer this question unequivocally, due to the fact that it depends only on your desire and only you can decide when and with whom this will happen, on your character and upbringing. Kissing is quite common among people and has been used by them since birth, and this is not surprising - it is part of our everyday life. We can often watch how a mother kisses her baby, and he kisses her back, and preschool children so often show their sympathy. In a family, all family members kiss each other - brother and sister, mom and dad, etc. When meeting and parting, the gentleman kisses the lady’s hand as a sign of respect. We will look in more detail about the relationship and kisses between a guy and a 14-year-old girl.

There is no exact age when a young man first makes a date and decides to kiss a girl for the first time, but at the age of 14 he is already old enough and is able to make this decision on his own. By the way, in ancient times in Rus', girls were already married off at the age of 12-13, but now this is strictly prohibited and marriages are allowed only at the age of 18. At the age of 14 in Russia, every child receives a passport, and can even live separately from their parents if they want, although no one prevents any teenager from asking their parents or friends for their opinion on this matter, or taking advice on the Internet. In any case, the choice remains his.

What to pay attention to. 3. A very important factor in this matter is. If the first date took place and it was quite interesting, the couple had a great time and the guy and the girl really liked each other, then kissing is quite acceptable. The first kiss, like the first love, is most often remembered for a lifetime and remains one of the strongest and most pleasant memories, a piece of a pleasant or bitter experience (if the feelings were not mutual). If a guy kisses a girl first when they already knew each other before, he will confess his sympathy to her and show her that their relationship is closer than friendly. A girl is often shy and does not dare to kiss, perhaps she has no experience, or she is not mentally prepared for such an event, and if she sees a person for the first time, then she may not like it when someone invades her personal space. In this case, you should not rush, wait and over time it will become clear whether she likes you or not, it may be better to postpone the kiss until a later time, or it will not take place at all.

So, let's consider two options.

First, if the date took place and you kissed. AND second, if it passed without a kiss. The first date itself is exciting, with many questions. Will you like each other? What impression will you make? How to look better? How will it go? Trust your intuition, feelings, observe, then in the first case you will just take the first step to become a little closer, a little more understandable to the person who came on this date. In the second scenario, the most important thing is not to get upset and not rush to conclusions. In the end, in a couple everything depends on two people, and not on one person. In any case, the experience gained will be useful to you for the rest of your life.

A kiss is not just a prelude to sexual intercourse, it is also a caress that brings great pleasure in itself. In all eras, lovers kiss with inspiration as soon as they are given the opportunity. But many inexperienced girls are very worried because they don’t know what to do during a kiss. How should you behave so that affection brings joy to both partners?

The very beginning

Waiting for a kiss, especially the first, is an incredibly exciting feeling. As a rule, the initiative in such matters traditionally belongs to the guy, and the girl can only wait with bated breath for her lover to dare to kiss her. If your loved one is too timid, you can cheer him up. To do this, sit closer to him and lower your voice slightly. In such a situation, the guy will instinctively lean closer to his beloved’s lips and, perhaps, decide to kiss them.

A bolder gesture is to hug the guy by the neck and bring your face closer to him, looking straight into his eyes. You can gently play with his hair or stroke his neck. Finally, you can take the initiative entirely: modern rules of etiquette fully allow this. To do this, you should bring your face closer to the face of your loved one, look seriously into his eyes and fleetingly touch his lips with your lips.

As a rule, in such a situation, the guys immediately seize the initiative. If this does not happen, but the beloved does not show any signs of dissatisfaction, you can move on to more active actions: press your lips to his, lightly suck his upper or lower lip, lick his lips with short and light movements. Typically, girls who talk a lot have very well-trained lip muscles and a flexible tongue, so performing all these movements is unlikely to seem like an impossible task to anyone.

Should you tell your loved one about your intention to kiss him? Sometimes such information sounds very exciting, but in most cases there is no need for unnecessary words: much more can be said in body language than verbally. A playful look, a gentle smile and lips inevitably approaching the lips of a loved one will tell him much more than a thousand words.

During a kiss

Of course, not only the lips and tongue move during a kiss. You shouldn’t freeze in one position, it’s better to move even closer to your partner, press your whole body against him, hug him by the neck or shoulders, stroke his back or even his face.

Most inexperienced girls are very afraid to appear as such and try their best to give the impression of being experienced. Watching instructional videos and reading articles on how to kiss correctly are certainly useful, but at the moment of kissing it is better to forget about them. Otherwise, it may turn out like in the story about the centipede, which wondered which leg to walk on, and as a result became so confused that it could not move.

It is very important to remain natural. There is no need to frantically remember at the moment of kissing all the information about how to kiss correctly. Ancient wisdom says that in love there is no right and wrong - everything that brings pleasure to both partners is acceptable. Therefore, you should trust your feelings and behave the way you want at the moment: cuddle closer to your partner or, on the contrary, move away slightly in order to burn him with a loving gaze before falling to his lips again.

It would be a big mistake, however, to become so immersed in your own feelings that you forget about your partner.

After all, he also has his own feelings, wishes and preferences, and ignoring them is dishonest and ugly. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor your lover’s reaction to certain actions: if he tenses up and tries to move away, this is an unambiguous signal that he did not like something. If, on the contrary, he presses closer and moans with pleasure, then you can continue your actions.

After the kiss

From time to time, competitions for the longest kiss are held in different cities around the world. But for those who do not participate in such competitions, it is not at all necessary to artificially prolong the process. If one of the partners feels tired, the kiss should end gently. What is the best way to do this if your partner intends to kiss further? You should not pull away abruptly - this may offend your lover. It’s better to just reduce the intensity of movements at some point and stop taking the initiative. As a rule, in such a situation the partner also begins to move more slowly and softly. This means that you can pull away very gently, making sure to give your lover a final, grateful kiss on the lips.

How to understand that your partner is tired and wants to end the kiss? Most likely, he will act in the same way: he will stop taking initiative, reduce the intensity of his movements and try to gently pull away. In this case, you should listen to him and not insist on continuing.

Often, after a kiss, guys are interested in how their partner feels. Such a question may signal some inexperience of the young man in love affairs or that the girl does not show her feelings enough. It's also possible that the guy is just a little insecure and needs reassurance that his kissing skills are excellent. If this is really the case, it’s quite possible to give your lover a compliment , talking about the bliss his caresses bring. If kisses leave much to be desired, then it is advisable to gently avoid answering.

By the way, the best way to avoid answering is with a kiss.

In this way, you can respond to a variety of uncomfortable questions that for some reason you don’t want to answer. As a rule, men are quite satisfied with such answers.

No need


  • Use your tongue in moderation
  • Be gentle during the first kiss
  • Smile after a kiss. Or at least giggle
  • Swallow saliva regularly
  • Be active
  • Make sure your breath is fresh
  • Kissing on the first or at least second date
  • Kissing for the first time when you're alone

What to do with your hands during a kiss

Kisses will become much more romantic and exciting if your hands are involved in them! Although, if you overdo it, stroking and feeling your partner, nothing good will come of it. Using your hands, you can make a kiss delightful, or you can discourage your partner from any desire to repeat it. Feel free to touch the head, shoulders and waist, but keep your hands away from some other parts of the body so as not to scare or go further than you would like.

Hands on the back of the head

Palms gently stroke the back of the head, fingers glide through the hair - wonderful!


It's simple: touch his cheek with your open palm while kissing.


Hug him around the neck, around the waist, put your hands on his shoulders - gently, firmly, in different ways, as you like.


It's not really a hug. Place your palms on your partner's waist while you kiss

First kiss - what could be better than this truly wonderful moment? Indeed, this is the most beautiful thing a person can experience. After all, the first kiss is something every teenager remembers. Many remember in great detail, for some this first kiss means nothing at all.

One way or another, if you haven’t kissed yet, then you should prepare well and understand a few very important rules for yourself.
Many argue that the main feeling that every partner should respect is calm and confidence that everything will go well. This is true. After all, if you worry at this touching moment, then you may make a bunch of mistakes. For example, pressing tightly against your partner’s lips, or worse, slightly biting your tongue. Usually partners are not happy with this, so it is strictly not recommended to do this.

It is worth saying that if you are incredibly worried before contacting your partner, then do not worry, before the first kiss this is absolutely normal. Remember - the main thing is calm and confidence.
This article will be dedicated to both boys and girls. Therefore, if you don’t know how to kiss yet, then feel free to read everything that will be presented below.
How to tell if your partner wants you to kiss him
The guy and the girl behave approximately the same in such cases. Therefore, it will be written here in general terms – for both males and females.
The first thing you should pay attention to is how often your partner focuses his gaze on you. If he looks at you rarely and reluctantly, then it is unlikely that he dreams of you being the object of his first kiss. However, if he can’t take his eyes off you, looks often and without stopping, you can safely take action.
Next is the distance. How close he is to you or tries to get closer depends a lot. If your partner is looking for a reason to get as close to you as possible, then be sure that he cares about you. And most likely he wants to kiss you. Yes Yes exactly! It seems like an insignificant thing, but how it affects the kiss.
An equally significant thing is touch. If your partner touches you by chance, completely by accident, then that’s it - you can be sure that he feels something for you. And if this happens periodically, then there is no doubt that a kiss cannot be avoided. Where should you put your nose when kissing?
Many teenagers make the following mistake during their first kiss: their lips merge in a hot kiss, but for some reason their heads remain parallel to each other. Young people, remember, you should never do this! No, you shouldn’t turn your head perpendicularly in relation to your partner, you should just turn it a little to the side. Just a little bit, about 5-10 centimeters. In this case, the nose will not interfere with your kiss, and you will not find yourself in an awkward situation.
Where to put your hands when kissing?
So, we've sorted out the nose, but where should we put our hands? There are many options here.
Guys in most cases put their hands on a girl's waist, this shows that you really like the girl. You can also lightly pat her on the back, or gently hug her shoulders. You can just take her hands, or you can lightly touch her chin and turn her face towards yours. However, it is worth saying that many girls do not like it when, during the first kiss, guys put their hands on a place just below their back. This immediately alerts you to the fact that the guy is not at all interested in you as a person, and he just wants to have a great time with you.
There are also some tips for girls. When kissing, it is best to put your hands on the guy's neck. But don’t think that this is the only option for you; you can play with his hair a little, or hold him tightly to you. In general, if you are reading this, then you should not remember all the ways to place your hand when kissing, because if you are together, you will still be a little confused, and everything will go as it should. Exactly as your heart tells you.
How to kiss for the first time?
Guys should read this paragraph rather than girls. After all, they are the ones who will have to take such an important step - like the first kiss. So, let's begin.
Well, here comes the very moment that you were so afraid of, but wanted to feel even more. Yes, this first and most touching kiss.
So, first you should take the girl either by the waist or by the shoulders. In general, you should have figured out where to put your hands from the point that is located just above. Many girls are simply delighted with the compliments they receive. So why not? Approach the girl, or gently pull her towards you and say something nice. Believe me, this will help to win over the girl even more.
There is no need to immediately show what a professional you are in this matter. For the first one, it’s enough just to touch the girl’s lips, but if you feel that you are ready for a kiss with your tongue, don’t stop, just go for it! The main thing is that the girl is also ready, and does not think that you are some kind of maniac.
If you don’t want to rush things right away, then it’s better to stop. It’s better to try kissing her on the neck or ear after a regular kiss. Of course, the main goal is to make the girl feel that you feel something more than just friendship for her.
French Kiss
French kissing is a kiss that is practiced by almost all young couples. Probably, after reading everything that will be written about him below, you are unlikely to understand and feel him, because as the Russian proverb says: it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. However, in our case, it is better to feel a kiss yourself once than to hear how it is done a hundred times from friends.
In a French kiss, as in a simple one, the only rule is calmness and confidence in yourself and in your partner.
What exactly needs to be done for this?
Let's start with the fact that the French kiss is the contact of tongues. In fact, there are no special rules for it, the main thing is not to do anything in your partner’s mouth that you wouldn’t do in yours. That is, all you need to do is move your tongue, you can touch your partner’s teeth, you can touch your tongue, in general, everything that seems acceptable to you.
Where to begin?
It's better to start French kissing with simple ones. You can start kissing her on the cheek first, then smoothly move to the lips, then open your mouth and use your tongue. If you feel that your partner is in no hurry to open her mouth, then try to somehow relax her, for example, lightly bite her lower lip. In most cases, this helps the girls relax quite well, and it is after this that both of your mouths are already open.
What to do with the tongue?
Once your lips touch, it's time for tongues. The main thing is don't panic. Next, you just have to touch your partner’s tongue and, as it were, smoothly begin to move it along it. First, lightly touching it with just the tip, and then going deeper into the girl’s mouth and accelerating the pace accordingly.
Don't be alarmed if your blood pressure is off the charts, your palms are sweaty, and your knees are shaking - this is absolutely normal for the first kiss. Only after really kissing will thoughts come to you: “Why didn’t I do this before?” or “God, how wonderful this is!” You're not the first, you won't be the last to go through this, so don't worry.
Kiss on the neck
Kissing on the neck drives both guys and girls crazy. Therefore, if you are embarrassed to immediately kiss your partner on the lips, then the neck is what will suit you.
So how does this happen? You shouldn’t immediately throw hickeys on your partner’s neck. Everything should happen tenderly and romantically. To begin with, you can quietly kiss your partner on the cheek; if he likes it, then feel free to move to a place that is lower - that is, the neck.
Gently touch your neck with your lips, then begin the same movements that you would use for a simple kiss on the lips. You shouldn't bite your partner's neck too hard; most young people don't approve of this. The kiss should be touching so that your partner understands that you really care about him.
Kiss on the ear
Kissing on the ear is also a very common method among young people. I don’t want to repeat myself, but if you are embarrassed to immediately kiss a girl on the lips, then this method is perfect for relaxing both you and her.
First, kiss the outer part of the ear, then the lobe. You can gently bite or suck on the ear. Just remember that you don’t need to make any unromantic sounds; the best thing is to whisper some romantic words in the girl’s ear.
Qualities of a partner
Be sure to pay attention to the inner qualities of your partner. Because what happens after the first kiss will depend on them. Either he will immediately drag you into bed, or he will turn out to be decent and the first kiss will be enough for him. First of all, it should be noted that you should not kiss on the first date. Firstly, it may seem that you are flighty and incapable of a serious relationship. Also, the guy may think that the girl is easily accessible. And as you probably know, our guys are creatures who love to woo their girls. Believe me, it’s better to torture him a little than to immediately rush to his neck.
As for guys, what girls probably appreciate about them is that he is a real man. But who is a real man? This is probably someone who won’t run from one girl to another. The one who is able to protect his girlfriend, and most importantly, probably, this is the one who will never deceive his beloved. This is exactly the kind of worthy and serious young man that most girls are looking for.
Therefore, dear girls, if you know that he is still a womanizer and that a kiss with you is just a good time spent, that he does not lose his breath from the fact that you are next to him, that he has a breakneck speed your heart isn’t pounding – why do you need him like that? A girl must first of all respect herself and not allow such guys to be around. Friend, acquaintance - please, but not a guy. Leave them for other, less worthy girls than you.
This article is dedicated to people who have not kissed yet. However, you shouldn't be upset about this. Are you 16 and haven't kissed yet? Under no circumstances should you chase after your peers. Remember for the rest of your life: everyone has their own morals, some give birth to children at the age of 16, and others kiss for the first time. And they say that the later the first kiss occurs, the sweeter it is. So don't even worry about it. If you haven’t kissed yet, it means you haven’t yet found that person to whom you would be madly drawn. But he will definitely be found, the main thing is to believe and not despair.
Agree that love is something without which we simply could not live. Love is the most beautiful thing on earth. By caring for a person, we show how much we care about him.
What is love? Love is when you understand that the person who is now looking straight into your eyes is your meaning in life. He is your piece of soul, which is with you forever. And you understand that this is no longer love, this is something more, maybe affection, you don’t understand. Love is when your mood depends on one person. It can instantly deteriorate if suddenly he didn’t call, and at the same moment rise to heaven when you receive a message from him. Many people who have not yet loved will not understand the meaning of these sentences. But you will definitely understand when you meet someone who will melt your heart.
Well, what kind of love can there be without kisses? Therefore, it’s impossible to kiss without love. Therefore, if you really want to kiss. But you don’t have a date, it’s better not to rush at the first person you meet, but to wait for your person. All I want to wish for you is to love and be loved, because without this there is simply no point in living.

It has been proven that a kiss causes a huge surge of happiness, and the joy hormone is released in the human brain. There are many techniques to bring pleasure to each other through a kiss, but sometimes a kiss turns into a complete misunderstanding and only causes disgust, or the desire to kiss simply disappears. What's the matter? The problem is that many errors are not taken into account. So, of course, everyone should know the most common ones.

The very first and one of the most important common mistakes when kissing is talking. But this does not mean communication during the kiss itself, it is clear that this is almost impossible (although it may bring even more pleasure to someone), but we mean talking about the kiss itself before it begins. This includes the fact that you should under no circumstances say that the person is going to kiss. A kiss discussed in advance will no longer be so effective and interesting. After all, its essence lies precisely in spontaneity. This is such an intrigue, a kind of game.

Continuing the topic of how not to kiss, there is another small nuance that disrupts great pleasure. This is nervousness. Many people are very nervous before their first kiss, which creates incomprehensible speech and excessive mobility. This behavior can completely kill all romance. Still, a kiss is not an exam or coercion. A kiss is an opportunity to express your feelings without words, so it is advisable to stretch out some pause before this moment to create a romantic atmosphere.

Moreover, increased nervousness can be reflected during the kiss itself, and then it can be considered a complete failure. With excessive tension, a person’s lips become hard, and a kiss is tenderness, so before it you should relax as much as possible so that your lips are soft and pleasant.

After all, a person’s excitement is always noticeable from the outside and therefore the partner may initially experience disgust, realizing that kissing him causes so many emotions. How not to kiss? The main advice is fear and worry.

Many people are afraid to kiss a second time, but it is worth remembering that after the first kiss there is an awkward pause. At this moment, two people feel each other very well and therefore, if the situation is favorable, it is quite possible to repeat the kiss. This will only intensify the emotions.

One of the most common mistakes when kissing is gratitude. Under no circumstances should you thank your partner. A kiss is a mutual affair and no one does anyone a favor or kisses against their will. The only thing that can be said at the end of the kiss is that it was great and caused a lot of positive emotions.

In this case, the connection is even better. A selfish kiss is when a person does not pay attention to his chosen one, does not feel his mood, but simply takes him and kisses him. This may cause a bad response. There should always be a hint of pause before the first kiss. Then the kiss will be successful.

Don't be afraid to kiss. Everyone always makes mistakes when kissing, but it is important to practice, work on yourself and feel people. Practice is the path to success. This is by no means a complete list of errors. You shouldn't use too much tongue in your first kiss. This may cause disgust. The partners do not yet know each other perfectly and therefore it may turn out that one of them is squeamish.

In general, it is better to leave the first kiss without tongue. This will help maintain the intrigue and make you want to kiss again. You should also not wipe your mouth after a kiss. After all, this will be regarded by your partner as a reluctance to kiss him again. However, it happens that a person cannot tolerate moisture on his lips. In this case, you need to try to wipe them off without your partner noticing.

Many people immediately start talking a lot after a kiss and sometimes off topic. This creates the impression that the person is allegedly trying to forget the kiss, overloading himself with information. After the kiss, you should wait a pause, look into the eyes, smile and only then start speaking calmly.

By following some rules and avoiding mistakes when kissing, you can get great pleasure from these gentle touches of the lips. If your partner makes a mistake, you can talk to him about it or try to correct everything without words.

Are you ready for a kiss? Do you have some special someone you want to kiss? If you have not yet encountered the task of the first kiss, then it can become quite a difficult dilemma for you. In this article we will talk in some detail about the actions that a girl or guy needs to take when they have their first kiss.


1. In order for a kiss to be pleasant, fresh breath is necessary, therefore, always have something with you for these purposes - a menthol lollipop, a mouth freshener, etc.

2. Look the guy in the eyes. Lay your head on his shoulder as if you were going to fall asleep that way. Look at the young man, if he begins to hug you, you feel his hand on your waist, then you can proceed directly to the kiss. If nothing happens, then you should not take any steps right away; your partner may simply not be ready for a kiss yet.

3. Look at his lips. Then slowly move your gaze higher and smile sweetly, looking into the eyes of your boyfriend.

4. Relax and calm down. If a guy doesn’t kiss you, then you shouldn’t worry and try to kiss him yourself. Wait another minute, if nothing happens then, then perhaps it’s better to postpone the first kiss for another time.

5. Show your boyfriend that you want him to kiss you. Put your hands on his shoulders, hug him, play with his hair a little, this will give the guy a sign that it's time to take action.

6. However, some guys are very shy and may not dare to take action even after such obvious signals from the girl. Take the initiative. Guys tend to feel anxious before their first kiss, but for some guys that anxiety goes too far. Be gentle with your boyfriend. Kiss him on the cheek to give him confidence.

7. Invite him to kiss you himself. Yes, some guys really need an open invitation to kiss. Let's say you have already tried to show him that you are ready, and he is also ready to kiss you, but cannot make up his mind - just tell him: “Could you kiss me right now...”. After such an open invitation, if the guy wants to kiss you at all, then he will do it.


1. Don't be shy, girls want to be kissed. If you like a girl, don't confess your love to her just for the sake of a kiss, however, the girl will be flattered if she knows that you share her romantic feelings.

2. Fresh breath is the key to a pleasant kiss. But, when kissing, there should not be any chewing gum in your mouth.

3. To shave or not to shave? Most girls prefer to kiss clean-shaven young men, but some are simply crazy about the stubble on a guy's face. Find out what your girl prefers.

4. Respect the girl's wishes. Most girls don't like to kiss in front of other people, especially when it comes to their first kiss. Therefore, in order to kiss a girl for the first time, you need to choose the right time and a rather intimate setting. It's best if you and the girl are left alone.

5. Notice the signals! Watch carefully because sometimes the signals can be confusing - a girl may flirt with you at first and then do the exact opposite. She may just be playing with you if you notice that she contradicts herself in her actions (Oh, those women!). Ask yourself the following questions: Do you enjoy being around this girl? Was she flirting with you using her body language? Did she lick her lips while looking at you? Does she often find reasons to touch you? If you notice these signals, then be sure that the girl is ready for a kiss.

6. Eye to eye. If a girl looks into your eyes without looking away, then she is ready for a kiss.

7. Do everything slowly, gently. Don’t rush at the girl with kisses very aggressively, no matter how much you want to.

8. Gently hug the girl, don't use the first kiss with a girl as a cover for vulgar behavior, be gentlemen! So, hug the girl, gently bring her closer to you.

9. Look her in the eyes. As you can see, we very often focus on the fact that you need to look into your girlfriend’s eyes. This is very important, this is the only way you can prepare a girl for the first kiss, just by looking into her eyes.

10. Look at her lips. The point is not only that you will once again see your girlfriend’s amazingly beautiful lips, burning with passion, but also take aim before the kiss so as not to miss (I’m completely serious!).

11. Overcome the fine line of insecurity and kiss your girlfriend tenderly. However, a gentle kiss does not mean a short peck at all. But, on the other hand, you can’t be too zealous, for example, sneaking your tongue into a girl’s throat when kissing. The best first kiss should be tender, romantic and memorable. Your mouth should not be too open or closed, your lips should not be too relaxed or tense. Just relax, but don't forget to look after yourself. It would be best not to delay the first kiss for more than 20 seconds, but kissing for less than 3 seconds would also be wrong. It is believed that 10 seconds or so is enough for the first kiss.

12. Wait for her answer. Just be silent and smile, or even better, hug her after finishing the first kiss, feel this intimate and wonderful moment.

13. Remember that girls are people too. The first kiss for them is the same experience and nerves as for guys. They are also afraid of waiting for the unknown, so become a fearless hero for the girl who will lead her into the sweet valley of kisses.

And, perhaps most importantly: always remember that a kiss is great!

We hope this guide will help you decide on your first kiss.