A story about a girl with hooves. Scary stories and mystical stories

This video not only took the Middle Eastern internet by storm, but also caused heated debate in Europe. Is it possible or not?

Sevda Alizade is a singer of Iranian origin living in the Netherlands. Wikipedia already gives her discography.

What exactly is this? The image of a ghost girl with hooves instead of legs has long haunted not only music video directors, but also film producers.

Thus, a film crew from Kazakhstan under the direction of the director Aidara Espenbetova Back in 2016, she announced a short film with a similar plot. At that time, on Kazakh roads, there was a legend about a certain girl who stands by the road at night, wrapped in a cloak, votes, and when one of the drivers stops, the lady throws off her cloak and... For the drivers, the story does not end very well.

The Kazakhs, however, never saw the matter through to completion. But the Dutch got confused and released a video product for the mountain.

The “Human” video, the one with the hooves, was released at the end of 2016 (congenial with the Kazakhs!). By and large, in Europe the debate about the scandalousness and admissibility of such stories has already died down. And this year the Russians will have to express their opinion.

The fact is that the singer is arriving in our country on tour the other day. On August 20, she has her only performance in Moscow at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art.

The announcement about the singer says the following:

Born in Tehran under the name Sevda Alizadeh, she lived in the Netherlands from the age of five and even managed to play for the national basketball team. But her electronic art-pop - catchy, bright and experimental - does not abandon her national roots. Alizadeh finds in the culture of Iran, closed to Europeans after the Islamic revenge, subjects and stories that feed her creative impulse. Sevdaliza’s career began in 2014, and her first album, released in 2017 on her own label, brought the singer comparisons with Björk and made her a favorite of leading music publications. Approaching her recordings and performances as complete multimedia projects, Sevdaliza exploits the image of a seductive odalisque who, to the hypnotizing digital beat, tells not intoxicating fairy tales, but tough, true stories about modernity and the role of women in society.

Don't want to go to a concert? Well, then choose from the events

Igor, Gleb and Vitya were driving along the night road. A few minutes ago they left the city and were supposed to arrive at the sea by morning. Igor sat behind the wheel and looked displeasedly at his friends.
“I said that we need to leave earlier!” he said.
Vitya looked at him from the passenger seat, took a sip from a bottle of beer and said:
-Come on, grumble! The main thing is that we are already going!
-Yes, but I'm driving! You didn’t even let me sleep for half the night with your drunkenness, and we still have to leave before morning!
“Do you want me to drive?” Gleb asked in a drunken voice from the back seat.
“Just keep quiet there!” said Igor. “We’ll come back and you’ll wash the toilet!”
Everyone fell silent. Vitya finished his beer and threw the empty bottle out the window.
“One more?” he asked turning to Gleb.
“Slow down!” Vitya said to Igor.
-Yeah, now! I’ll dig up the worms!” Igor answered. “Sit already!” Or do you want to drink everything and sit by the sea and drool?
“Aren’t there any shops there?” Gleb was surprised.
Igor didn’t answer. Calming himself, he focused on the road. Vitya and Gleb looked at each other.
“I’m offended!” Vitya whispered to his friend.
“Can you shut up?” Igor asked, raising his voice.
“Of course!” Vitya answered calmly and sat down more comfortably.
Igor turned on the music. Gleb stared blankly out the window, but saw nothing there. Suddenly he smiled slyly:
-It makes me swell!
Igor took a deep breath to calm himself, and Vitya laughed. Gleb also laughed at his joke.
-Shut up, idiots!
Suddenly Vitya stopped laughing and said:
-Look, a ghost!
Everyone stared at the windshield.
A girl in a light long dress stood on the side of the road, catching a ride. The sleeves hid her arms, and her long blond hair hid her face.
“What the hell is a ghost?” said Igor.
Vitya chuckled:
-Woman in white.
“Shall we take it?” asked Igor.
Vitya winked at Gleb and he nodded.
-Let's! She will stay like this until the morning!
Vitya stopped the car near the girl, at which time Gleb got out of the car and headed to the trunk.
“Can I give you a lift?” asked Vitya.
“If possible,” the girl answered.
-Sit down!
Gleb also got into the car. In his hands he held two bottles of beer, one of which he handed to Vita.
“Where should I take you?” asked Vitya, looking at the girl in the mirror. She was cute with lush hair, slender and, as Vita thought, modest. It’s surprising that she boldly got into the car with three guys she didn’t know, two of whom were drunk.
“To the nearest village,” the girl answered.
Vitya turned to her.
-Can I find out the name of such a charming girl?
“Why do you need it?” she asked calmly.
-For communication! My name is Vitya, Gleb is sitting next to you, and our driver’s name is Igor.
“The driver, then?” said Igor. “Now someone will go on foot!”
“I’m kidding!” Vitya patted his friend on the shoulder, then turned to the girl. “We introduced ourselves, now it’s your turn!”
-What names are there?
Vitya choked on his beer from such an answer. Gleb giggled and opened his bottle of beer, dropping the cap to the floor. Igor saw this.
“Don’t litter in the car!” he said.
Gleb started to look for the cork, using a flashlight on his lighter to illuminate himself, and Vitya cleared his throat and said:
-And you are a cheerful girl! Well, what do you think of the name Katya?
Gleb rose from under the seats. Vitya saw that he was pale.
“Are you feeling bad?” he asked.
Gleb nodded:
-Yes, I feel bad! Stop the car!
Sighing, Igor pulled over to the side of the road and stopped.
“Can I come in?” Gleb asked the girl, pointing to the door.
She silently opened the door and went out, letting Gleb through. But he slammed the door and shouted:
-Get on the gas!
“What?” the friends were surprised in one voice.
-She has hooves!
“You have a squirrel!” said Vitya.
Suddenly there was a blow to the glass, which immediately became covered with a network of cracks. Igor pressed the gas and the car took off.
“Damn,” he shouted, “what the fuck?”
Gleb was shaking, he even sobered up from fear.
“She had hooves instead of legs!” he said. “So big and covered with hair!”
“Didn’t you think so?” asked Vitya.
Gleb shook his head negatively.
Suddenly there was a strong blow and the car rocked.
-What...- Igor still didn’t finish. In the rearview mirror he saw the girl running after the car at a speed of at least eighty kilometers per hour!
Her dress rode up above her knees and her friends could see her powerful horse legs. Her arms were ordinary, but they also ended in hooves.
“Turn on the gas!” Gleb shouted. “She’s catching up!”
There was another strong blow and at some point Igor even thought that the car would overturn. The speedometer needle rose to one hundred, the girl began to lag behind and soon disappeared into the darkness.
The friends rode in silence. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts.
“We need somewhere to spend the night!” said Igor.
“What?” Vitya was surprised. “Get away from here!”
-I want to sleep! Do you want us to flip over at this speed?
Vitya remained silent.
Igor slowed down a little and peered into the night. Music played quietly. Gleb looked at the broken glass and suddenly asked:
-I wonder where this creature came from?
No one answered.
“Hotel!” said Igor and turned off the road towards a pale sign illuminated by one lamp. The car stopped on a small spot near the entrance and the friends got out of the car. Looking around, they headed into an old two-story building.
The inside was also nondescript; in a small faye they were met by a middle-aged man.
“I thought it seemed to me that someone drove up!” he said.
“We should spend the night,” said Igor.
-It's possible. Until morning or what?
-Until morning.
“Let’s go.” the man led them to the table by the stairs. - No one has been here for a long time! What brought you here?
“The girl with hooves,” Gleb whispered.
The man looked at his friends and asked:
-Have you seen a girl with hooves?
Igor looked angrily at Gleb and replied:
-Yes. She dented my whole car!
“Do you know what this is?” asked Vitya.
The man sighed, walked over to the table and sat down.
-Once upon a time she was the daughter of a very famous surgeon. But one day, on this very highway, a few kilometers from here, several guys raped her and mocked her. They cut off her hands, then her legs, and left her to die. Her father found her near death. He saved her by sewing on the limbs of a horse that had settled nearby.
“But this is impossible!” said Vitya, “The Man and the Horse...
-Her father didn’t hope for a miracle either! But she survived and turned into a monster!
“How do you know this?” asked Gleb.
Suddenly, glass broke behind them and the sound of hooves was heard. The friends retreated to the stairs in horror. The steps froze.
Suddenly, a girl jumped out from around the corner and ran into three friends. She beat and trampled them with her hooves, while uttering human laughter mixed with horse neighing.
From somewhere far away came a man’s cry:
-Don’t do this, daughter!..

Director Aidar Espenbetov intends to film the story of a mystical girl with hooves who terrorizes motorists on the highway at night. He said this in an interview. The director explained that at the moment the script has already been completely prepared and an actress has been found for the main role.

Now he is busy solving the problem of realistically depicting horse legs with hooves in the video, which are the main part of the scary image. “There is a danger - if you make it too fake, people won’t believe it. I want to do something semi-documentary. Therefore, we are racking our brains on how to make such legs for a steppe beauty,” he said. Espenbetov noted that he plans to test one experimental solution in the near future.

There are several versions of the story about the girl with hooves. In one of them, this is a woman in a raincoat, catching a ride on the Kapshagai highway. According to the plot of the story, two guys stop to give a stranger a ride. After talking with the guys, she is already starting to get into the car, but then the passenger, noticing that she has hooves, shouts to the driver to drive. The guys try to escape, and the girl chases the car for some time at breakneck speed, looking straight into the eyes of the frightened people.

Another version, Espenbetov says, was told to him by people who claim that they personally saw a girl with hooves. This time the events take place within the Almaty-Astana highway section beyond the village of Shamalgan, not far from the village of Zhangeldy. “An old friend of mine, whom we had not seen for a long time, suddenly began to tell how he and his wife were returning from Astana to Almaty in their own car. It was at night. On a flat section of the road, after a sharp rise, a descent began, behind which stood a girl with hooves She stood in the middle of the road, in a white dress, long black hair, an Asian type of face, from under the dress, as my friend said, the lower part of a horse, a tail and two hooves. To me, the upper part of the girl - human - resembles a movie character. “The call,” says Espenbetov, an eyewitness.

Another person told him that he saw a girl with hooves at a much closer distance. “He said that it was on this highway that he was driving at night and, out of great fatigue, in order not to fall asleep, he parked and dozed off. He woke up from the scraping of something sharp on the glass. She stood right next to the driver’s window and tried to make a hole in the glass with her nails. According to the guy, he was completely paralyzed by the girl’s chilling gaze and he couldn’t even move, he couldn’t even look away. However, he himself couldn’t explain how he managed to start the car’s engine and drive away. he lay there crouched and drove for several kilometers, after which, apparently, the charms of the girl with hooves stopped working,” says the director.

In conclusion, Espenbetov gave another story, this time from the perspective of three familiar drivers. "Drivers in three cars were traveling to Astana. Our hero was the first in the column. The sudden appearance of a girl with hooves took him by surprise. He lost control. Attempts to keep the car on the road were unsuccessful, and he overturned. After that accident, he is called a sleepyhead. According to According to the guys, the shepherds in that area are also kind of strange. To my question: why? - they answer, what would you be like when such a girl with hooves walks around,” sums up the director.

The woman re-read the answer, which came immediately, several times. She tried for a long time to understand the meaning of the short message, which sent shivers down her spine:
- Does your daughter have hooves?
The woman could not understand what her friend meant. She enlarged the photo and saw that she was right: hairy hooves were visible from under the door.
At that moment, the woman felt that the apartment became colder. She stared at the monitor, afraid to even look towards the door. It seemed to her that someone was looking at her from there right now. Then she remembered that it was in that room that her daughter was playing now. The irrational feeling of fear has not gone away, but it has been supplemented by the desire to protect your child. In the end, maternal instinct took over, and the woman slowly walked towards the door. As she approached her goal, her fear intensified. Approaching the door closely, the woman realized that if she did not close her eyes, she would see something terrible. Then she covered her ears, afraid to hear anything.
The husband returned fifteen minutes later to find his wife in a strange position. She lay curled up on the floor near the door to the room where their daughter was sleeping peacefully. The woman covered her ears and eyes with her fingers and cried quietly, muttering something. The puzzled husband tried to find out what was the matter, but the wife behaved inappropriately and hardly responded to his questions. The man called an ambulance.
Doctors diagnosed his wife with a serious mental disorder, and she spent the rest of her life in a hospital. Only her husband visited her there, since the woman reacted inadequately to her daughter. Everyone forgot about that photo, and why remember the usual nonsense of a crazy woman?..
The girl grew up healthy and mentally balanced, with one exception: she was never photographed again.