Happy 4th birthday card. Happy birthday to boy, pictures

Are you going to a little boy's birthday party? It is necessary to prepare properly. What should be the birthday greeting for a 4 year old boy? There are two possible answers to this question.

If you are a creative and creative person, you can come up with a birthday greeting for a 4-year-old boy yourself. You will be able to say the warmest words to him with all your heart. In addition, it will be extremely difficult to forget what you wanted to say.

Well, if you know the baby’s parents well, then the situation becomes even easier. Consult with them, and they will definitely tell you how to please the birthday boy.

Happy birthday to a 4 year old boy accompanied by a gift

So, more details. Happy birthday greetings to a 4-year-old boy are best prepared in poetic form. Guys, as a rule, like these options much more. For example:

Fourth birthday

Let it be wonderful.

Guests give gifts

Today is a must!

Surprises and toys

May you like it!

Great to frolic

Let the opportunity present itself!

The baby will definitely be pleased with such lines. Or these:

What can I wish for you when you are four years old?

I could list everything all day long.

Candies and sweets, toys, entertainment,

Let the sun not cover the shadow.

We wish you interesting adventures,

Good friends, joyful fun.

May the holiday be bright and happy,

Your cheerful disposition will help with this!

Congratulations for a girl’s birthday (4 years old), by the way, are much easier to come up with. For the baby, the most important thing will be the beauty of the presentation and design (bows and flowers). But it’s a little more difficult for a boy to find the right words.

However, in any case, congratulations must be accompanied by some kind of gift. Here you can stretch your brains. And yet there are some taboos! Don't give your kids too many sweets. Your child may have health problems that you don't know about. Imagine how upset he will be when his parents start taking away the boxes of chocolates they gave him...

You should also not give “live” toys. A 4-year-old boy will not be able to care for a pet properly. A good present would be a construction set, a set of cars, a board game, a picture book or a railroad. Or you can give the whole family tickets to an aquarium or entertainment center. This holiday will definitely be remembered for a long time!

Get your baby interested

Happy birthday to a 4-year-old boy is actually not that easy to prepare. During this period, the formation of the child’s personality begins to occur. So be careful. You can accidentally offend and injure him in some way. He may also become bored while delivering your speech. The same applies to congratulations on the birthday (4 years old) of a girl. Think over your wishes in such a way as to interest the baby. Perhaps you will compose a humorous poem that will characterize your child. However, you can find something interesting in various literary sources. Just don't get too carried away. The child will also not want to listen to congratulations that are too long.

Or you can get by with ordinary prose. Something like this would be quite suitable: “We wish you to receive the best toys. The kind that no one else has. We also wish to make many friends who will never leave you in difficult times. Happy birthday!" And this is quite enough.

Don't forget the postcard

What else should you think of when going to a holiday with your baby (4 years old)? Happy birthday greetings to a child (boy) can also be immortalized on paper. In the future, the hero of the occasion will look at her, remembering the pleasant and joyful moments you gave him. In a word, a postcard is an indispensable attribute of any birthday. As a rule, in the first three years, guests say words of congratulations to the baby’s parents. In the fourth year, of course, you need to contact the birthday person directly. He's old enough now.

By the way, it is best to make a beautiful postcard with your own hands. Colored paper, cardboard, and natural materials are suitable for its production. You can leave one part of the card untouched. On the second half, each guest can write something on their own behalf.

Favorite cartoons

Favorite heroes can present congratulations to a child’s 4th birthday. By this age, children already have certain preferences in choosing animation works. Find out which character the birthday boy likes best. Order your child a cake in the form of this hero or a real guest in the form of a life-size doll.

So, at the age of 4, it is quite possible to address beautiful congratulations to a child. It is only important that they are understandable and correspond to the interests of the baby and his age, that is, they do not raise any unnecessary questions. Such congratulations should bring only joy, good emotions and a festive mood. By choosing a good, warm wish, you will make this pleasant date doubly joyful and enjoyable for both the boy and the people close to him. In a word, go for it! And you will succeed!

By the way, don’t forget about organizing the evening itself. A baby at this age already feels quite confident in a large company of children. Even if the kids are a year younger or older, they will quickly get to know each other. You can come up with a variety of games for the holiday.

In addition, the child already has a considerable stock of knowledge and a desire to expand it. You can offer children competitions in which they will draw with paints, sculpt from plasticine, color pictures with felt-tip pens and cut out figures from colored paper.

In general, you can celebrate your birthday in a fun and interesting way. Good luck!

With the advent of children in the family, life changes dramatically! Daily routines, expenses, menus, travel and the entire lifestyle take on meaning. Parents try to give their child everything he wants. Therefore, a children's birthday is a grandiose event for any unit of society. You need to prepare for such a celebration carefully, be sure to take into account the wishes of the baby. The main thing is a gift and congratulations on his birthday to a 4-year-old boy. After all, this child already understands everything perfectly and is waiting for a miracle!

Postcard for memory

It's not that difficult to choose. Cars, a construction set, a book - the little tomboy will like all this. But finding the right and understandable words is much more difficult. In the first three years of life, guests make speeches to their parents. But on the fourth day, words must be spoken to the baby. Choose your favorite birthday greetings for a 4-year-old boy and write it in a beautiful card.

You are already an adult, our child,

Like going to work, going to kindergarten!

What more could you want?

Be healthy and cheerful,

Eat meat and cake,

But don't forget about sports.

Respect mom and dad

Don't hurt girls.

Develop and grow

Bring joy to all of us!

A handmade postcard will look original. Applique techniques and decor made from natural materials are suitable. Leave one part of the card untouched and let guests write a line for themselves. This will be remembered for a long time, and your masterpiece will remain for a long time.

Car to the studio

Boys all love cars. At this age, they already know all models and types of cars. Please the birthday boy with a cheerful congratulation using a homemade vehicle. Make a car out of a huge cardboard box. This is not so difficult to do, the wheels can be imitated, and you get a car-house. Just glue four circles on the sides to the box, cut out the window and door with a utility knife. The main thing is to paint the product with bright colors and decorate it with stickers. When it’s your turn to say happy birthday to a 4-year-old boy, climb into this box and “drive out” to the middle of the hall. The baby should not know about the surprise in advance.

Say: “Hey baby! I'm your new one, let's get acquainted! Give me a name and we'll be friends! Happy birthday! Be brave and strong! Listen to your parents and don’t be too naughty! Health and success in everything! The main thing is to eat well, gain strength so that you can play together longer!”

The child will be absolutely delighted with such a present. And it won’t be difficult to do it. Everyone will like this 4 years in prose.


Children love watching cartoons and by the age of four they already have certain preferences in this matter. Find out which cartoon character is the birthday boy's favorite. Order a cake in the shape of this hero as a gift for your child. Such a beautiful delicacy will please anyone with a sweet tooth, and the appearance of the cake will delight you. If your creativity allows, you can prepare a confectionery miracle yourself. Make figures out of mastic or write happy birthday wishes with cream. 4 years old for a boy is a serious age; a child learns about the world and loves unusual surprises.

Today is a happy day for parents,

You, my friend, are turning four!

You are a hero, hope and support,

And everyone is simply in awe of your gaze!

Handsome and strong

You are smart beyond your years.

Grow up and be happy

Playful and incredibly cute!

Take an example from your father and uncle,

Stay in bed less,

After all, there are a lot of interesting things in the world,

Useful for children's development!

Fun party

Throw your child a themed party. Food, decorations, costumes, games and competitions will all follow the same style. Invite as many kids as possible. Let them talk, play games, dance. It’s so interesting to watch the younger generation, listen to their reasoning and thoughts. The birthday boy should be the center of attention. Show the children how to dance in a circle and sing a congratulatory song together. Hold fun competitions and reward the winners with prizes.

Pay more attention to your kids, they deserve it. Be sure to present a sincere birthday greeting to a 4-year-old boy. In poetry or prose - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they are from the heart. The more you invest in your children in childhood, the more you will receive in old age!

​We love you​And you today​
​dreams, favorite cars​
I wish you. Grow
​Parents' dreams came true.​
Already quite an adult
​as wide​
It will, you will blow it out,

​breed.​You are four years old -​
With all my soul.
​Grow up a little.​ will become real, and​
​happy, adored, diligent,​And you are growing​
​and a serious guy.​ with open eyes, like​
​Sadness - bypasses​
​You can make a wish.​
​I wish​Big and smart​
Our child is already
​Dream! Let all the dreams of fabulous travels
a good-natured, nice person to their delight
​ Congratulations on the holiday

​now!​ side!​And may​ you grow up happy, big boy,​ dreams come true.​ come true.​ - to the joy​ of both,​

​and I wish you,​
​Happy birthday! Grow the coolest baby in
In life you will be Strong, strong, brave,
​We congratulate you,​
​After all, this is the first​Be smart and
Grow up obedient, learn to be parents. Study on
​For mom, the most
So that all cherished big and strong
​ the world And absolutely evil
​So that in​
​Continue to grow healthy.​

Don't be sick.
​ good, make your parents happy, great, be literate,​
​ gentle on Earth, dreams came true, and
a man. Have a strong birthday today
You won’t know!
​life and in
​Be obedient, exemplary,​Let's celebrate quickly!​
​May the world be happy

​ be brave, gain​ talented, intellectual and​ And in the games​ the gifts turned out to be​ health and fulfillment​ four,​ Congratulations​ on your birthday​ Happy and cheerful.​ On the cake​ the candle​ around will be filled!​ good friends and​ comprehensively developed.​

With dad, not like you
wishes. Be smart
​May all of this beautiful baby come true, with
​There was always you​
​Play and have fun,​ you will blow​
​Five years -​
Don't be sick.
​I congratulate you on the Day you give up without​
I want to. Let everything be decent and
your desires,
​ 4 years old. I wish you first. Be dexterous and
​And happy first anniversary to mom.​

​We congratulate you on your birthday. So hard
​battle,​your family is good​
In your life Always smile, happily
​Good little sunshine Boy, happy fourth day
​Nimble!​ You'll kiss your dad.​
​Congratulations to our dear (name)​ birthday! And in
​believe that everything
​And this is very

​ will be celebrated and this one will never happen
​ happiness and merry birth!​
​One, and two, and​We wish you happiness​
Happy first anniversary, this holiday is for you
​ eight years ago​ he appreciates
​ Birthday will be remembered for grievances. Let you
​Luck lives on, let hobbies, good friends​
​We wish you smiles, gifts,​ three... Four!​
​baby in his life!​
We wish you more bright ones,
You are with us to you.

You will be around for a long time. Only positive people surround you,
With you and wonderful ideas,
​ fun,​ The year added a finger.​
​And sun rays​ First of all, we hurry
There were no bright days, no luck. It's strange
​And let your
Brave boy and brave good people, and
​neighborhood,​ strong love of parents

4th birthday greetings for a girl or boy

​Happy birthday​ in the window.​
Wish you good health, inspiration, true friendship.
How could we always go along
​ congratulations to the hero, they came to mind
​I wish you carefree​ and prosperity in​
​ dreams,​ congratulations
​We are sending you a hundred​ for your parents it​
Let us always live without seeing
Life will be bright, birthday. I wish
Only good thoughts. childhood,
​family, interesting knowledge​And the eyes will​
​We have you, our​ wishes​

will always be on your first face
your smile, no
​May the Lord always combine with you
​Dear baby! You are growing so that everyone is yours
And incredible miracles. Full of joy!
And a kind, sincere place. And let
​smile, and eyes hearing your voice

​keeps you in good spirits, cheerful every day, the day was cheerful The best baby in Grow up, become stronger We wish to be hello. The good wizard will make you shine with happiness and not rejoicing

​After all, in life ideas, interest in
​we barely have time​
​and bright​ world
​and smarter,​
​After all, today you are all our desires
Let your life be for you. I wish
​the main thing for everyone is knowledge, the desire for​
​remember you as one,​May life be with you
​Turning four.​
​Let it be
​And don’t catch a cold,​ you note​

​little treasure!​
will be filled with fun
​you to grow like this is theirs​
Dreams, fun with
And you are already giving valuable gifts!
​Happy birthday to you, many friends,
​Be naughty, never​
​Your beautiful high fives​
​Five years old - like​
​and interesting adventures.​ fast like you
​children,​ friends, fun with​
​you have time to change, acquiring​You are four,​

​An interesting life for you,​
​Don’t be sad - years.​
Not enough. Congratulations on your day
​you want it and
​Attract happiness,​ family, exciting travels​
​knowledge, new useful​You are an angel in​
​We wish you to be a young girl.​Bright, happy, wonderful!​
​May this day be the same
​birth! I wish you always bring us like a magnet!
​ and adventure walks. Let

To a girl

Habits, pleasing parents
​ in this world - Egoza and the naughty girl,
​What kind of a hero we grow​,​
There are a lot of gifts - anniversary.
You grew up brave, happiness. Happy holiday,
​Congratulations on the eighth day​ all this gives
With your successes. Congratulations Our gentle, scarlet
​Make friends with your little son soon,​
​Make dad happy with​Of course, he will bring it to you.​
​Only new life
Strong, fair and happy eighth anniversary.
​birthday!​ joyful emotions for you

​ Happy Flower Day to you,​
​ a book,​ Our strong four-year-old!​
​Mom,​So that it’s strong​
​beginning.​ honest. Let in
​PozdravOK.ru​I wish you health and​and, undoubtedly, improves​
​ Birth and we wish your parents a sprout!​
​Be smart -​You have become an adult​So that you are always cheerful​
​health,​Congratulations! Don't be sick!​

your life is joyful
​Brave and courageous boy​ of joys.​
​strength​ to grow smart and
​You are like a seven-flowered flower.​
Not ignorant
Already a boy, I was
​So that life may be beautiful
The days will be filled with congratulations on the day
​I wish you more luck,​PozdravOK.ru​
​ good boy, who​ From us to you​
​But don't become
​Absolutely in place​And very happy.​

There were no worries.
​ bright stars! Let the birth. I wish to be
​Less from life​
​Happy eighth birthday,​
​ knows what he wants​ big greeting​
​arrogant.​ don’t sit!​
​Congratulations to the wonderful boy with​And let the wizard
​On this holiday, family and friends
​courageous and decisive,​
​ dirty tricks.​
Our sunshine! We wish from life and

​And congratulations from​Be kind
​Now you are jumping,​ 4th birthday. I wish you
very kind
​ day.​ will always be there​
responsible and kind,
​Let everything come true
​you will walk as confidently as possible
​ souls.​ kitten,​
like a spring of courage and bravery,
​Children's laughter will tell you -​

Happy birthday greetings to a boy in your own words

Energetic and athletic, desires, more gifts, smiles towards your goal. To be a gentle sun, a kind, sincere child. Sometimes you don’t have fun adventures and

​secret.​ after all, this is a miracle.​ I wish you the most beautiful and smartest,​ May your life​ be full of laughter. We wish you sweet, wonderful, kind, wonderful, hurry up! Get to know the world soon, calm down, brave ideas, mischievous

​So that life can be heard of joyful delight.​ of fabulous goodness in​ cheerful and cheerful.​ it will be fabulous.​ joy, games and​ congratulations to the boy on​ Be a miracle affectionate​ To our joy​ But how we conceived and wonderful​ happy, long, We wish you only good things,

​life!​ I wish you to become reliable. Let new friends come easily. Of course, happy birthday. I wish you and kind, grow up! We love you, son, hobbies, wonderful friends Without grief, sadness, Peaceful and wonderful A wonderful and kind boy, a support for his father and knowledge. Even the appreciation of fun adventures, mysterious ​A cute child and

​You are already a big child,​Imagine​ happy emotions,​ different troubles.​ days.​ Congratulations on​ your wonderful helper to your mother.

​ cheerful,​ You can count your fingers,​ you can’t!​ a lot of sweets and​ Today is the first anniversary​ And friends, of course​ birthday. I wish you I wish you good friends becomes a holiday!

​Every​ of your​ toys.​A sunny bunny.​too!​ Interesting hobbies in life​ in life and​ Congratulations on your​ Parents rejoice at every​ discovery, brave knowledge​ Always obedient and​ you go to kindergarten.​ little hair,​ With Happy birthday, baby, blow out five candles. Be cheerful, not even a cheerful mood, good luck on your birthday! It’s already a day for good miracles, dear ones! What can I wish for this?

​Your eyes and​ You are already so quickly, timid!​ great success and​ business.​ for eight whole years,​ they have the most wonderful friends and​ the table is set, four candles​ I'm your friends​ ringing laughter,​ strong .​

​Counting them on​ Blow out wonderful, kind ideas on the cake Accept our congratulations. We like you make a wonderful child happy with a huge number of sweets. Decorate your cake. I wish you to grow up healthy, son, well-mannered, kind and with your fingers. candles of friends and bright ones we sincerely wish you

All your friends, the world. Happy holiday!​Our dear! Congratulations to you. May the magical elf be always smart in everything, feel free to make a wish, and make a wish. emotions, incredible adventures, all the best! to your parents and hello, hello - happy birthday! will give

Congratulations on your 8th birthday

​be the best!​And endowed with talent.​And accept gifts.​But cherished words​and exciting stories.​Grow up for the joy​of your grandparents​Birthday!​We wish you a​big bag of joy.​Fly on an airplane ,​4 years - important​Here's 4​Come on quickly, don't you don't

​Dear boy, happy day​
to your parents, let them
the fact that you
​Wake up in good spirits.​ always surrounded only​
​Let your dreams come true,​
​Take a walk at Disneyland.​
Forget about birth. I wish you
​your life will be
with us. Let
Here comes the sun
​wonderful people, the world will be magical
​So that mom can learn​To be quite big​
​I want​Tear off the bright wrappers.​
​Have fun, play and strong strength and
beautiful. Be brave, it's all yours

​long ago
which you can let something,
​Cook soup from​ after all.​
​You smile more cheerfully, laugh -​
​courage, bravery and a healthy, smart boy!​
​most cherished desires​
​Smiles out the window.​ to learn, to gain something.​
​So that your eyes
I wish you gifts
​I gave you the sun,​Let your little eyes sparkle!​

​Childhood is the best time.​ courage, broad interests​
​ May your guardian angel be fulfilled as much as possible
​Get up, get dressed,​ So that the smile does not​
​So that your eyes are the sea, rays of light in
​But only strongly in the future of everything​
​and cheerful ideas​ will always be there.​ faster, and the dear Birds sing their own
Disappeared from yours And they didn’t know they glowed
​So that candy,​ window,​ don’t grow up,​
Achieve your cherished desires and
​Happy birthday.​ they rejoice in any​ greetings.​ faces and to​
​the words “sadness”.​Happiness from great ones​

​and flowers.​So that there are relatives​
​Be still a child!​Only with help​
good friends. Stay
​Happy birthday!​ Success in your studies​
​Your holiday has come, nothing could
​We only wish​ victories.​
​Grow up beautiful and​ nearby,​
​Look at your palm, good.​

​ a real hero, faithful​ I wish you many, many​ and hobbies.​ The main thing is​ to make you sad.​ health,​ I turned 4 years old​ obedient,​ Happiness showered me with hail.​ How many fingers are there?​ Happy birthday, congratulations !​ friend and cheerful​ laughter and happiness!​ Birthday! Eight years!​ 8 years!​ Happy holiday!​

​New fabulous miracles.​
​Today is a miracle baby. Always love your parents.​
​Joy and inspiration,​
​ Five!​What can you wish for a child?​
​ as a boy.​ So that you grow up​
​And in the world​
​Congratulations! Congratulations! Dear baby! Congratulations
​Stamp the smooth path,​And with that​
​Be always diligent​
​And more mood.​Happy fifth anniversary to us,​
Let the mother not have a cheerful and mischievous boy
​responsible, courageous, honest, generally no​

​We wish you to grow up quickly,​
​Happy Your Day With a bag of blessings
Congratulations on the holiday to the little one,
​Birthday today baby,​
​ scolds,​ congratulations on the day
​healthy and brave!​More wonderful than a child,​
​Smile, don’t get sick,​ Birth and strong​
​ at the ready.​I sincerely​

​And don’t be sad​You, little bunny​We will congratulate you.​Lets you go for a walk,​birthday. Let in So that you find the faithful So let's shout Run, jump and kiss you in Who is this in a hurry.

You will never! Grow up like this I wish you good health, PozdravOK.ru The cake is ready, 4th Birthday - And kisses you on adventures, unforgettable trips, studied well, became “Happy Birthday!”

Happy birthday greetings to a boy in prose

​big and strong,​Very handsome and​To make my mother cough​The whole “four” are​ candles,​ The very first anniversary,​ the cheek is ringing,​ fast races,​ an exciting​ champion and always​ cheers,​ forget,​ be like this Is it big? Don’t scare. It’s not a joke!

​The holiday will be today​That's what they'll call​Gives a mountain of chocolate,​games, strong strength,​I received only the best​A mountain of gifts is waiting,​It's good and sweet time.​Such smart eyes...​In the warmth, wrapped in​ We wish our happiness

​ - class.​ moment,​ Even more - good friends, delicious​ awards in competitions!​ Have a sweet table.​ We wish you more​ Yes, with​ love,​ little one:​ I wish you health,​

What's in marmalade, candy and joyful now? Our dear boy! It's covered, so that the whole holiday can be proud, there are already four sweet candies! Grow and strength to your mouth - laughter, joy, happy days of your life. And, of course, victories. it's our birthday Cake with candles as much as​ family,​ and all sorts of big​ Birds congratulate you, multiply.​ eyes - glow.​ Happiness, light and​ Congratulations on your anniversary!​ toys:​ PozdravOK.ru​

​We wish you to become​ sparkling.​All your family and​and little pleasures.​Squirrels, bunnies, foxes.​Your great energy in life—​smiles,​Have fun, play, joke,​Books, balls, animals!​First anniversary, first “five” by a real man and

​We want to wish you​ friends.​ Make your mother happy​ Everyone wishes days​ To your family always​ success and adventures.​ First loyal friends.​ But learn everything​ The cute kitten turned 5​ -​ just a good person!​ We have a lot of happiness​ “Are you really eight?”

​and dad, who give fun.​Let kind people surround you. Congratulations to a beautiful little boy on​ his soonest birthday.​ Let this be an important event in your​ destiny,​ Today they love you very much, And there are a lot of toys ​And mom with

​ fairy tales,​ happy 4th year.​ You need to grow up smart.​ I wish the angel​ to live with the child.​ there will be a lot of​ life at​ school - we'll ask.​ and also good​ new ones,​

​ dad in the moment of dad's idea, mom's life. I wish the sea Five years! Wow! And without troubles. And we are loyal friends, loyal only to success, How quickly you learn, this is good soup for you

​sad affection, interesting games, catch-up, because recently let everyone celebrate your birthday and those who love you always in life - you are growing, you will definitely need it. We

5th birthday greetings for a girl or boy

​Have fun with your smile!​Power, motor, carriage​
Hide and seek and robber pirates, This little one opened up
Love, adore, Congratulations.
ready to come to
​ joy and laughter!​ You never tire of surprising.​
​we want to give you
​Dad and Mom​Wow, you are four years old!​
I wish you a lot of sweets
Let them pamper, gifts are only for happiness
Help! Let in
​You are eight today,​Well, with cake​
A wonderful gift, we hope

Listen more often!​
​You're already an adult​Fast growth, excellent
​and healthy delicious​Hare, childhood -​
​buy.​ and in joy​
​You will achieve your studies. Let it be
​treat us,​ you really like it​
​PozdravOK.ru​ almost.​
​ weight.​ fruits, I wish you big​

​ this is nice.​ May you have a beautiful life​ We wish you to grow up.​ unprecedented success, and​ this birthday​ And everyone will enjoy​ the game.​ Dear friend! Congratulations to you, learn everything quickly, have a strong memory, tenacious and bright joy

Let's make it like a fairy tale
​Life will give you all your family are proud​
​Capture life with a lot of joy.​
​For the cheerful boy in​
​happy jam day!​ letters​
​ little mind, in life, cheerful
​feast!​So that we are in​
​ let
They love you
​ brings​ We wish you success,​
​his birthday​ I wish you to grow up smart,​
​And to my mother a fairy tale of interesting games with
​and mischievous friends,​We congratulate the child
​there is always love for her
​One hundred good friends,​
​you are very strong!​And happiness to everyone​
​Happiness, joy and I wish you to be brave,​
Kind, well-mannered, hardworking,
Read it with friends, skipping,
Good health and friendly,

​and caress.​
Everyone suddenly smiles
​ We wish you success in a moment!​
beautiful and kind,
​brave and skillful, Not about numbers
​Easy character, kind
​ prosperity.​And wish today​
​Good health, I am a stranger and a passer-by.​
​sport so that you

The boy has become a year older,
And smarter and stronger.
After all, 4 is no joke!
He's not a baby! No, dude.

Let him grow healthy, strong,
Let him be tenacious throughout life,
Boldly destroys all barriers,
Loves him very much and is a great friend!

Happy Birthday Baby,
Good, smart, tough fellow!
On this day you are 4,
Be the happiest in the world!

Have fun and don't be bored
Get a lot of knowledge
Eat more porridge
Mom and dad, boy, listen!

Happy birthday to you, brave boy. I wish you to always be smart and cheerful, mischievous and kind, brave and inquisitive, beautiful and tireless. And let every day bring joy with success, exciting games, and happy smiles. Grow up as an obedient boy and may all 4 seasons of your 4 years be incredibly fun for you.

We wish to be healthy
And don't catch a cold
Never be naughty
Don't be sad - laugh.

And grow up to be a hero,
Make mom and dad happy
May you always be cheerful
And the happiest.

You turned four.
I want to wish you
Great happiness in the children's world,
And interesting games everywhere.

I also wish you
Find the most wonderful friends
Let your laughter light up the stars
In the hearts of your loved ones.

And on your fourth birthday,
Please accept congratulations
Catch happy moments
Celebrate your bright holiday!

Happy 4th birthday to a wonderful boy. I wish you courage and courage, fun adventures and brave ideas, mischievous undertakings and wonderful hobbies, wonderful friends and happy emotions, lots of sweets and toys.

Here you are four years old
Congratulations, dear,
You already know a lot
You're almost a big guy.

I want to wish you good health,
Have a bright childhood,
Let the ray of happiness sparkle
Forever in your destiny.

You are four years old
Cheerful, brave little boy,
I wish you joy in fate
And there is a whole ocean of happiness.

To be higher every hour,
To be distinguished by good health,
To love your parents
And smile at them all day!

You've become a little older today.
Come on, straighten your finger.
Put down your toys

Be curious in life
Temper your inquisitive mind.
Be healthy and smart
Help mom and dad.

Let your childhood be happy
Replay all the games.
And friends for games and life
You choose well.

I congratulate you today
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you a lot of good things,
I twitch my ears, love!

After all, you are already four,
Boy, you're already big!
Be healthy, strong, brave,
May we be proud of you.

Listen to mom and dad,
And help grandma!
Be an example for your peers
And don't hurt your friends!

How to congratulate a boy on his birthday? Send a beautiful picture with a congratulation or a poem. Download for free.

Choose a children's birthday greeting

Cartoon Happy Birthday Greetings

Congratulate your boy on his birthday by ordering him a cool phone call :) And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

Left-click on the picture to enlarge it and download it in higher quality.

Calls with pleasant wishes and congratulations to the boy

Congratulate your son on his birthday by ordering him a nice call:

Congratulate your son on his birthday by ordering a pleasant audio congratulation-call to your phone. And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

  1. Wait for the congratulations above this text to load
  2. Listen to audio congratulations and wishes
  3. Choose the one you liked the most
  4. Indicate which number you need to call and play your wish
  5. The recipient of the congratulation is delighted :)