Baby porridge from 5 months. “Golden rules” of first complementary feeding: when to introduce and what products to start with? Introduction of complementary foods according to the scheme

Introducing complementary foods from 5 months is advisable if the child is bottle-fed or is underweight. Additional food will replenish the body's need for calcium, vitamins and iron. To avoid deterioration of stool, allergic reactions and intolerance to certain foods, changes in diet must be carefully considered.

How to introduce complementary foods to a child at 5 months should be discussed with your pediatrician. All baby food products in the Daughters-Sons online store meet WHO requirements.

How to properly introduce complementary foods at 5 months

Before starting complementary feeding from 5 months, it is important to monitor whether the child shows interest in adult food, how much the baby weighs, and how he is gaining weight. At five months of age, the components of the new menu are gradually introduced into the diet. The portion increases within 7-10 days.

Tips on how to properly start complementary feeding at 5 months:

  • It is best to give your baby complementary foods before the second and third full feeding with formula or breast milk;
  • if you refuse food, you need to replace the dish and try again after 2-3 days;
  • You can start complementary feeding only if the baby is healthy and has not been vaccinated for the last 2 weeks;
  • after a successful first day of complementary feeding, the portion should be doubled every subsequent day;
  • if signs of an allergy are detected, you must exclude the product that caused the reaction from the menu and contact your pediatrician;
  • acquaintance with the next dish can begin after two weeks of successful feeding.


Five months is a completely acceptable age for starting complementary feeding. Enzymes of the digestive system are already actively secreted and are ready to cope with the processing of heavier food than formula or mother's milk. The first complementary feeding at 5 months is started very carefully, using dishes from one product and minimal portions.

What can be given as complementary foods at 5 months?

The best option for feeding would be vegetable or fruit puree and porridge. At 5 months of age, only one-ingredient meals can be offered to a child as complementary food. This is dictated by the need to identify a possible allergenic product. If a dish causes an allergic reaction, it should be removed from the diet.

What complementary foods are especially beneficial for a baby from 5 months? These are pureed dishes from zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin and baked green apples. The listed vegetables and fruits do not cause allergies and are easily absorbed by the body. For weight gain, milk porridges made from buckwheat, corn or rice are suitable. These cereals, unlike oats, wheat and barley, do not contain gluten, which destroys the mucous membrane.

When drawing up a complementary feeding menu for 5 months, you need to know that a child at this age eats approximately 5-6 times a day. It is advisable to expand the menu with complementary feeding products before the second, third or fourth meal of the main meal.

Along with the formula, a baby at 5 months can eat:

  • cabbage, zucchini or pumpkin puree;
  • baked apple puree;
  • cottage cheese;
  • corn, buckwheat or rice milk porridge.

Expert opinion

“Complementary feeding for a 5-month-old baby should be harmless and have a natural taste, so adding sugar and salt is undesirable. There is no need to salt baby food to your liking or add spices to it.

Our online market offers porridges for complementary feeding of five-month-old babies (Bebi Premium corn, buckwheat with dried apricots and apple, “FrutoNyanya” wheat with pumpkin), vegetable (Heinz zucchini, “Babushkino Lukoshko” cauliflower, pumpkin) and fruit purees (Fleur Alpine Organic apple-rosehip, apple-banana-currant-blueberry, “Agusha” pear), as well as other high-quality baby food products.”

Specialist of the online store “Daughters and Sons”
Antonova Ekaterina


Proper complementary feeding at 5 months involves introducing and introducing porridge, pureed vegetables or fruits, as well as cottage cheese and butter into the baby’s daily diet. The portion of main complementary foods should gradually increase to 100-150 g.

Your pediatrician will tell you how to introduce complementary foods at 5 months according to all the rules. Only a doctor can help you adjust the menu taking into account the developmental characteristics of a particular child.

When a woman gives birth to a child, she is faced with the main question: to establish lactation or to use adapted milk formulas. Of course, natural nutrition for the baby will be the best option. However, over time, you still have to introduce your baby to other foods. This article will tell you about what to feed a 5.5 month old baby. You will find out the features of the baby’s daily routine at this age, and you will also be able to find out what the complementary feeding table for children says.

Nutrition of a newborn baby

Even in ancient times, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers began to introduce babies to adult food at the age of one month. At this stage, parents gave the child juice and introduced egg yolk into the diet. All this was explained quite simply. Women needed to get to work as soon as possible. They could not sit with the baby until the age of three, as is possible now. That is why there was a need for premature introduction of infants to the adult environment.

Now everything has changed a lot. Experienced pediatricians and doctors say that baby food should be, first and foremost, healthy. What could be better than mother's milk? It is this product that is able to give the child the necessary portion of vitamins and nutrients necessary for normal growth and development of all systems.

First feeding

Than 5.5 months? Most experts will answer this question as follows. The main food for the baby during this period remains mother's milk. However, it is quite acceptable to start introducing porridge or vegetable puree - it depends on the individual characteristics of the child’s body. You definitely need to consult with a specialist and find out what exactly to give your baby first.

Many mothers who are committed to breastfeeding say that baby food at the age of five or six months should be exclusively natural. Your baby should be introduced to adult food only after one year. It is worth noting that this is not entirely correct. No one is forcing you to deprive your baby of natural food. However, the first complementary foods should be introduced no later than six months. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult for the child to adapt to the world around him and improve digestion.

What can a child's diet be like: store-bought goods and home-made products?

First of all, the baby’s food should be fresh and varied. It is imperative to take into account the benefits and harms of certain products. Currently, you can buy absolutely any food for your baby in the store. This includes vegetable puree, porridge, instant soups, fruit treats, cottage cheese and so on.

You can also prepare a dish for your child yourself. In this case, you need to choose only healthy products and grind them after careful processing. If you pay attention, you may note that ready-made baby food does not contain salt or artificial sweeteners. This must be taken into account when preparing a particular dish yourself.

Baby's diet at 5 months

At this age, the baby is awake for about 8 hours. At the same time, his games are interrupted several times a day by deep sleep. If a few months ago the baby fell asleep while sucking on his mother’s breast or eating from a bottle, now everything has changed a little. Most often, the baby eats immediately after waking up. After this, it’s time for active games, training and gymnastics. After another sleep and rest, the baby again needs a portion of food.

A baby at this age can go without food for about four or five hours. The baby eats about one liter of mother's milk per day. If you add additional dishes to your diet, the amount of natural food you consume may be slightly reduced. You can clearly see how a 5-month-old baby is fed. A table of the daily routine and sample menu is presented to your attention. Please remember that all data may be considered indicative. Each baby's diet is individual.

Children's feeding table

This form is available in every children's clinic. If you wish, you can ask your pediatrician to provide you with this information. The table indicates that each product should be introduced gradually and very carefully.

If the baby is overweight and gains weight quite well on mother's milk, then complementary feeding begins with fruit puree or vegetable substances. In this case, the first ingredients are zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, apples and pears. At least two weeks are allotted for the introduction of each component. Only after the baby is completely accustomed to the new food can you begin to get acquainted with the next dish.

When the baby is not gaining weight well (provided that the child is 5 months old and is fed artificially), complementary foods can be introduced a little earlier. In this case, doctors recommend starting with porridge. The very first cereals for the baby should be the following: buckwheat, millet, rice. They also need to be introduced gradually. The very first dish should be prepared without using milk. Later you can add this component to increase the calorie content of the porridge.

The table for children says that you can give your child soups up to a year. In this case, the components of the dish should already be well known to the baby. If your baby has problems with bowel movements, it is advisable to add olive oil and beets to his diet. If you have frequent bowel movements, offer your baby more rice dishes.

Diet of a five month old baby

What to feed a 5.5 month old baby? Depending on your desire and the health of the baby at this age, one or two feedings may already be replaced. However, complete refusal of complementary foods during this period is not prohibited. What to feed a 5.5 month old baby? Let's consider a possible diet for a baby.

First meal or breakfast

Immediately after waking up in the morning, the baby will require a portion of food. This can be breast milk in an amount of about 200 milliliters. Often, mothers want to soak in bed longer and it’s easier for them to breastfeed their baby than to run to the kitchen and prepare breakfast.

If you feed your child with formula, then natural nutrition is replaced with an adapted milk composition. The amount of food remains the same (200 milliliters). However, some babies can eat a little more. You should not adapt to generally accepted standards. If your child needs 300 milliliters of milk or 150, then give him that much.

Second meal

This process most often occurs before lunch. Many mothers recommend it with breakfast. You can give your baby milk porridge at this time. If you are just starting complementary feeding, then a new product should be introduced at these hours. This method will allow you to carefully monitor your child's reaction to a new ingredient.

If you wish, you can give your baby natural food - mother's milk. If you are completely satisfied with this diet, then no one insists on the forced introduction of porridge. It is worth remembering that a child can eat about 100 milliliters of a cereal product.

Third meal, or lunch

If the baby is familiar with many vegetables, then you can offer him soup. To do this, all ingredients are thoroughly cleaned and boiled. After this, the mass is crushed with a blender and oil is added to it. This should be in the amount of 50-100 milliliters.

After lunch, be sure to offer milk, formula, or plain water. Liquid must be supplied to his body in unlimited quantities.

Afternoon snack or lunch

Often mothers give the baby fermented milk products at this meal. Pediatricians note that curd products should be introduced only when the baby is six months old. However, according to indications, you can start offering adapted curds to your baby now. The amount of product should not exceed 25-30 grams per day.

Kefir is an excellent substitute for infant formula. If you offer your baby this drink, then stick to the volume limit of up to 150 milliliters. Some children can consume more, but at this age they often still have problems with digestion and increased gas production.

What should I give my baby for dinner?

At 5.5 months, the baby's dinner should consist of an adapted formula or breast milk. Many mothers try to feed their children more high-calorie and nutritious foods. Women hope that after such food the baby will sleep longer. However, this opinion is erroneous. After a heavy dinner, your child's sleep can be very poor. Undigested food will remain in the stomach throughout the night. This will cause discomfort and pain in the peritoneum.

Give your child his usual food before going to bed. If you are breastfeeding, offer your baby natural feeding. Let the baby suck until he is satisfied. With artificial nutrition, the volume of the milk formula should not exceed 300 milliliters. Such food quickly saturates the baby’s body and allows him to fall into a sweet sleep.

Night feedings

Many babies at the age of five months still wake up at night for another snack. This is not a pathology. What to feed the child in this case? Of course, breast milk or prepared formula. Surely it won’t occur to mothers that they can give their child soup or porridge at this time. Such meals should be postponed until the morning.

Summing up, or a short conclusion

You now know the approximate nutrition of a child at 5 months (menu). Don't look up to your friends, neighbors or relatives. If your baby at this age is still unfamiliar with adult food, while the neighbor’s is already eating pasta and sausages with all his might, there is nothing wrong with it. Adapt to your baby's wishes. If he shows interest in adult food, then you should let him try new foods. Most likely, your baby will like the unusual taste of a variety of dishes. At the same time, you can continue breastfeeding as you wish.

Feed your baby not only tasty food, but also ensure that your baby's diet is varied and filled with nutrients. In this case, the baby will develop correctly and delight you with its successes.

And the list of foods allowed for each month has various controversial answers. After all, 20-30 years ago, children were given their first adult meals in the form of drops of juice in the second and third months of life, but today this is strictly prohibited, and the period of introduction to new products has been pushed back to 5-6 months. In addition, the rules and order of introducing complementary foods have changed. Some mothers find themselves in difficulty and cannot decide what can be given to a child at 5 months? To understand this, you need to consider the modern point of view of scientists, based on many years of experience and research activity.

When to start?

Having conducted major studies in the field of nutrition of babies in various countries of the world, WHO has developed recommendations with which most pediatricians and mothers with experience agree. They say that complementary feeding products are given from the age of six months in addition to breastfeeding.

In practice today, children's specialists adhere to the WHO methodology and for babies with normal indicators of height, weight, health and development, they recommend waiting until 5.5 or 6 months. It is recommended to start complementary feeding for a child at 5 months if the child is fed an adapted formula. This recommendation is especially relevant for babies with underweight, poor appetite or, conversely, with a constant feeling of hunger, as well as problems in physical development (if there is low hemoglobin, rickets, etc.).

Authorized Products

Having figured out the timing of administration, mothers ask the following question: what can be given to a child at 5 months? The main purpose of complementary feeding is to provide the baby's body with additional calories and energy, so the prepared portion of the new product should have high energy and vitamin-mineral value.

By this age, babies begin to develop a deficiency of iron and zinc, which means that one of the following dishes is suitable for introduction: vegetable puree or gluten-free porridge. The successful introduction of complementary foods has been completed - after 2-3 weeks you can choose the next product.

A child's diet at 5 months may include several components, porridge and fruit puree. Each dish has its own nuances, which should be understood so as not to harm the baby’s fragile body.

Meat complementary feeding will be next, but the child receives it by the seventh month. Fish, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, eggs, cookies and juices are introduced later.


At the age of five months, the baby eats 5 times a day. at 5 months, with successful absorption of complementary foods, includes the following stages:

  • The first time after waking up in the morning, the mixture must be given.
  • After a year, the second meal will gradually develop into a full milk breakfast for the baby. After the porridge, you can offer dessert - fruit puree.
  • For the third time at lunch, the baby receives vegetable mass.
  • The fourth and fifth feedings are unchanged: the usual mixture.

When breastfeeding, the scheme is the same, only additional products are given at the second breakfast and fourth meal, since a break of 6-8 hours is fraught with a decrease in the lactation process in the mother’s body.


The most preferred first serving of adult food is vegetable puree.
It contains relatively a lot of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Vegetables for complementary feeding are chosen when the toddler has normal or overweight or has problems with bowel movements in the form of constipation. Such products have an excellent effect on the functioning of the insufficiently mature intestinal tract.

There is another nuance. Having tried the sweet porridge, which is so close in taste to the familiar milk, a little gourmet may perceive the vegetable with disdain.

It is important to know what vegetables can be given to a 5-month-old baby. When choosing the first product, it is better to give preference to zucchini, cauliflower, light pumpkin or broccoli, while other products are not yet advisable at this age. If the baby’s body accepts the new product well, then after 10-14 days you can try offering a mixture of two vegetable components.

Which is better: homemade meals or canned food?

Some mothers cook for their babies themselves, others choose vegetable purees for children in jars. In fact, both options are good.

Preparing a vegetable portion for a baby is not difficult, especially in the summer and autumn. Choose a seasonal vegetable, boil it without adding salt, and then blend until smooth and thick. It will also be useful to cook it in a double boiler - it cooks quickly and almost all the vitamin components are not destroyed.

Food from jars is no worse, it is especially useful in the winter-spring season, when the amount of vitamin and mineral components in natural vegetables decreases. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the composition, age group, production date and storage period. A children's finished product for this age should not have artificial additives or a large number of ingredients. You need to be prepared for the fact that at first the mother will have to finish almost all the puree from the jar. It is suitable for no more than a day when stored on the refrigerator shelf, and if you are late with the meal by more than 24 hours, then the portion will no longer be suitable the next day.


Most little gourmets eat this dish with pleasure. Porridge will gradually replace second breakfast, providing the baby with energy reserves, protein, fiber and vitamin and mineral components. It perfectly solves the problem with missing grams, therefore it is prescribed to babies with low body weight as a When introducing it, you should know what can be given to a child at 5 months from cereals. Buckwheat, rice or corn porridge is suitable for this age. Only such cereals are classified as hypoallergenic, since they do not contain gluten. This type of protein provokes tummy pain and problems with the completely immature digestive system in babies. Introducing healthy oatmeal should be delayed until eight months, and semolina - up to a year.

How to cook porridge?

At the age of 5 months, a baby should not cook porridge with cow's or goat's whole milk. It contains amylase, which the baby’s body cannot break down due to the lack of certain enzymes. There are two ways to prepare a portion of porridge.

  • The first is to thoroughly boil ordinary washed cereals in water and grind them in a blender into the finished mass. Sweetening or adding salt is not recommended.

  • The second is to purchase age-appropriate commercially produced dry porridge from the baby food department. It is enriched with vitamin and mineral components and has a balanced formula. This method is more reasonable, since such porridge not only cooks quickly, but also has a pleasant taste, which is why it is very loved by growing gourmets.

When to introduce fruit puree?

According to the recommendations of experts, complementary feeding of a child begins at 5 months and then porridge is added to the diet. After successfully introducing the listed items, you can offer your baby fruit puree as an additional dessert. It stimulates the secretion of certain gastric and intestinal enzymes. With this additional intake with other types of foods, a fruit portion not only does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, but also helps to better digest other dishes.

Is it possible to give fresh juices and fruit purees?

Everyone knows that the most vitamin-rich food is fruit. In addition, they, as well as fresh juices or fruit purees, contain many different acids, coarse fiber and fructose, and therefore irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

As a result, the baby may experience an unfavorable reaction such as regurgitation, disorders such as diarrhea, intestinal colic, abdominal pain due to high gas formation, or allergic rashes on the skin. Because of this, the introduction of fresh fruits has been delayed until a later date and is not suitable for a five-month-old baby.

What should fruit purees be like?

At the age of 5 months, the baby can only consume fruit purees from jars prepared by industrial enterprises. They have undergone heat treatment, so they do not cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract and in most cases do not have allergic consequences. Puree in jars contains thickening elements such as starch, pectin and guar gum, which are characterized by enveloping and softening functions. Thanks to them, the irritating properties of fruits are also reduced. Many types of purees are additionally enriched with mineral and vitamin components.

Before buying a jar of product, you need to pay attention not only to the period of suitability and recommended age, but also to the composition. Fruit puree should not contain sugar, sweeteners, various food acids, dyes and similar components. The opened jar can be stored for no more than 24 hours (only on the refrigerator shelf).

Mom can make puree in her home kitchen. To do this, fruits need to be baked or boiled, and then chopped with a blender or rubbed through a sieve.

The most suitable fruit purees for five months of age are made from apples, pears, plums or bananas.

Product table

To make the task easier for mothers, experts have developed a list of products included in a child’s diet, by month. The table below contains information about complementary foods, brief recommendations and serving sizes at the age of 5-6 months.

Product table

Portion volume

Vegetable puree

Start with a one-component mass of white and green vegetables, after 2 weeks add another ingredient

The first time ½-1 teaspoon, then in 5-7 days the portion is about 150-170 g and replaces milk feeding

Dairy-free porridge

Only gluten-free cereals. After successfully introducing one type, you can try the next one.

Initially, the baby tries ½-1 teaspoon, later a single serving (150-170 g) will displace formula or breast from one feeding

Fruit puree

You need to start with a one-component dish prepared using heat treatment of fruits, and as you master it well, you can introduce the following type

The initial sample of dessert after porridge is ½ teaspoon; in 5-7 days the dessert additive increases to 60-70 ml


WHO and currently the Russian Ministry of Health emphasize that feeding a child at 5 months mainly consists of breast milk or an adapted formula. Complementary foods from “adult” foods are introduced as needed. It simply complements breast or formula, but is by no means a complete replacement. That is why at this stage of development, the introduction of new dishes in the specified quantities should not become an end in itself for the mother.

As the baby grows up, his mother's milk alone is not enough for him. Gradually, the child’s menu is expanded, adding products in accordance with the age of the baby. To start the first complementary feeding while breastfeeding, the scheme from 5 months of which is proposed in the article, you need to take one spoon at a time, observing the condition of the little one. If the reaction is good, then the volume of new food is increased every day, and after 5-7 days a new ingredient is added.

At 5 months, complementary foods are introduced to babies who are on artificial nutrition. Breasts may need new food a little later, it depends on the quality of mother’s milk and the individual characteristics of the baby’s body.

You can determine the readiness and need for menu changes based on the following observations:

  • The toddler is able to sit independently in a high chair, maintaining the correct body position;
  • The baby has already cut his first teeth;
  • When feeding, the baby completely eats the contents of the bottle and asks for more by crying for a long time. Children who are breastfed do not get enough of one breast and continue to look for food; after weaning, they become very capricious;
  • the child may become restless and whiny, which affects the quality of sleep. He starts asking for food ahead of schedule;
  • if there is a lack of necessary nutritional components, the baby stops gaining weight;
  • The baby begins to be interested in the contents of the parents' plate, trying to steal something tasty.

All these signs indicate that you can safely introduce new food. Even the presence of several of them should be a reason to consult a pediatrician.

The benefits of timely introduction of first complementary foods

There is a lot of controversy about how many months during breastfeeding to give the first complementary foods. Each baby needs adult food in its own time. Mother's milk contains all the necessary microelements, but in some cases the baby may not be full and require food ahead of schedule. On average, the period of introduction of complementary foods is allowed from the beginning of the 5th month to six months of age. The benefits of new food for children are:

  • replenishing the lack of vitamins and nutrients that contribute to the timely and proper development of the baby;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber contained in vegetables helps solve problems with stool and digestion;
  • development of chewing skills, training the muscles of the baby’s upper and lower jaw.

What should you remember when introducing your first complementary foods?

Young parents need to know how to properly introduce complementary foods so as not to harm the little body of the baby. Following step-by-step instructions, you need to introduce the first complementary foods following certain rules:

  • You should not give your child new food if he is sick;
  • during the vaccination period and for a week after it, the baby is given only those dishes to which he is already accustomed;
  • It is recommended to start the first complementary feeding at 5 months in the morning, this will allow you to observe the baby’s reaction throughout the day;
  • all new products should be introduced starting with a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume to the norms of a toddler, based on age;
  • to determine which dish was not suitable for a 5-month-old child, the next product should be introduced into the diet no earlier than 5-7 days after the previous one;
  • It is better to start feeding a child at 5 months with juices, which are given after breastfeeding or formula feeding. When pureed vegetables and fruits are introduced, they are offered to the baby before the main meal;
  • The food temperature should be 37-38 °C. Only freshly prepared food is suitable for feeding; leftovers should not be given for the next feeding;
  • the consistency of the first courses should be homogeneous and liquid, its thickness must be increased gradually;
  • It is recommended that heavy-bodied babies start giving fruits and vegetables first. And for thin people who are underweight, you can offer gluten-free porridge. This is rice, buckwheat, corn grits;
  • Vegetable complementary feeding can be started with potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli or zucchini. These vegetables are well absorbed by the baby’s body and do not cause allergic reactions. Pumpkin and carrots are also among the first vegetables on a baby’s menu, but those with allergies should be given them a little later;
  • It is recommended to introduce complementary foods to a child without salt or with a small amount. At five months, a baby’s kidneys are not yet able to excrete it in full, so if the permissible limit is exceeded, deposition of the substance will occur.

The introduction of complementary foods begins when the baby is in a good mood and is healthy. When giving your baby a new dish, you need to carefully monitor the child’s condition. An allergic reaction can manifest itself in the form of a rash, changes in the frequency and consistency of stools. If any side effects occur, use of the product should be discontinued.

Where to begin

Having decided to diversify the baby’s menu, every mother asks the question: “Where to start complementary feeding.” It is better to make apple juice and then pumpkin juice as the first component of your new diet. It is necessary to choose green varieties of apples to reduce the possibility of developing allergies. Juice is the optimal product, since its consistency is close to mother's milk.

Further introduction of complementary foods to a 5-month-old baby may have a different sequence. Children who lack basic nutrition are offered porridge; the rest are recommended vegetable and fruit purees.

Don't worry if after the first try the baby spits out the contents of the spoon. Kids quickly get used to the new taste and may ask for more next time. If a child has difficulty adapting to unusual food, then a little mother’s milk is added to the vegetable puree or porridge, and the little one, feeling a hint of the familiar taste, begins to savor the unfamiliar dish.

Eggs and cottage cheese should be offered to babies no earlier than 6-7 months, as these products contribute to the development of allergic reactions. And acquaintance with meat and dairy products is possible at 7-8 months. It is recommended to introduce fish into the toddler’s menu no earlier than 9 months of age.

Cooking porridge

Feeding your baby porridge starts with gluten-free types of grains. You can prepare the dish in two ways:

  • Before cooking, the cereal is ground in a coffee grinder;
  • grind the finished porridge through a fine sieve.

You can offer your baby purchased finished products, which only need to be diluted with water before feeding. But such products often contain sugar, which is not very healthy at this age. Therefore, when choosing store-bought cereals, you need to pay attention to which complementary foods do not contain harmful components.

The first cereals should be rice, buckwheat and corn grits. When the baby gets used to one type, the next one is introduced, then you can mix several varieties of cereals to get a menu rich in useful substances. Oatmeal and semolina are indicated for children from 9 months.

It is recommended to give milk porridge from 7-8 months of age. Add whole milk 1 spoon at a time, gradually replacing water with it during cooking. If the child is allergic, then you will have to give up cow's milk for a while; in this case, fruit puree or a piece of butter will help improve the taste. When artificially feeding, you can dilute the porridge with your toddler’s favorite mixture.

How to make puree tasty and sweet

Before introducing porridge, you can offer your baby fruit puree. The first fruits chosen are green apples. Before cooking, they are washed, peeled and baked in the oven, adding a little water to the container. The pulp is selected from the finished apples and ground in a blender. This puree turns out sweet and tender. Once your baby is accustomed to the apple, you can add this component to the porridge.

If your toddler doesn’t eat vegetables well, pumpkin helps improve the taste. It also makes a sweet puree. The description of the cooking process is almost the same, except that the vegetable is cut into small pieces before baking. Pumpkin cleanses the body well of harmful substances, but you should not get carried away with it, so as not to provoke loose stools.

Homemade or store-bought delicacy, what to choose?

If you introduce complementary foods at 5 months in the form of vegetable purees, then zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes, pumpkin or carrots are given first. When choosing ready-made store products, you must follow the following rules:

  • One-component types should be the first to be present on the baby’s menu;
  • after familiarizing yourself with one vegetable for one week, you need to introduce a spoonful of a new product into your usual dish;
  • It is necessary to increase the volume of puree daily, but only after the baby eats the contents of the spoon with appetite. If the little one doesn’t like the new food and spits it all out, then the next day they offer the same dish and in the same quantity.

You cannot store an open jar for a long time. After feeding, the remainder must be disposed of. Therefore, many mothers, introducing complementary foods from 5 months, prefer to prepare purees on their own. But for this you need:

  • carefully select purchased products;
  • peel the peel before use;
  • when preparing vegetable dishes, they resort to baking or boiling;
  • You need to wipe the prepared ingredients for the puree until the mixture becomes homogeneous, without lumps and fibers.

The decision regarding the choice of a homemade or store-bought product remains with the parents. The advantage of purchased puree is:

  • no need for cooking;
  • ideal composition, all components are selected in combination with the needs of the baby;
  • The consistency of the dish is homogeneous without the presence of lumps and ungrinded pieces.

The disadvantage of feeding a 5-month-old child with purchased products is the high price and the need to dispose of the remainder of the jar at the initial stage of the puree being introduced.

The advantage of a dish prepared at home is that the food will be fresh and you can immediately make the right amount of puree. The main disadvantage is the waste of time cooking and chopping vegetables.

When and how much

Instructions for introducing complementary foods include increasing the amount of food gradually. On the first day, the baby is offered 1 spoon of a new product, on the second day 2, then 4, 8. Every day, the amount of food doubles compared to the previous day until it reaches 130-150 g.
When time has passed since the baby’s first acquaintance with unusual food, the daily norm of complementary feeding for a 5-month-old child during breastfeeding will be:

With the introduction of the first complementary foods during breastfeeding, schemes from 5 months help young parents determine the sequence and timing of the introduction of products. An individually designed schedule for a child may differ from the values ​​given, but in general, the nutrition of a baby five months and older should correspond to this table.

Name of the dishBaby's age in monthsFrom how many months is it recommended?
4 5 6 7 8 9-12
Freshly squeezed juice, ml5-20 25-40 50-60 70 80 85-100 4,5
Vegetable puree, g 10-130 140-150 160-170 180 200 5
Fruit puree, g5-20 25-40 50-60 70 80 85-100 4,5
Porridge, g 50-100 130-150 150 170-180 200 5-6
Cottage cheese, g 10-30 40 40 50 6-7
Egg yolk, pcs. 0,25 0,5 0,5 0,5 6-7
Meat, g 5-30 40-50 60-70 7-8
Fish, g 5-30 40-60 8,5–9,5
Kefir, ml 200 200 300-450 7,5-8
Bread, g 5 5 10 7
Crackers, g 3-5 5 5-10 10-15 6,5
Vegetable oil, ml 3 3 5 5 5 5-5,5
Butter, g 1-3 3 3 5 5 5-5,5
Cow's milk, ml 50-100 100-200 200 200 200 5-6

The table helps you understand how to introduce complementary foods correctly. But if the baby is allergic to some components, the complementary feeding regimen at 5 months is changed by the pediatrician in accordance with the baby’s needs.

It is necessary to introduce complementary foods to the baby carefully, observing the baby's reaction to the new food. If after 5-7 days nothing has changed in the child’s well-being, then a new product can be given. The volume of complementary foods is increased daily. You need to start with a teaspoon, gradually replacing one feeding. First, you need to feed the least allergenic vegetables and fruits, these include cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini, and apples. Over time, the number of allowed foods increases and by the age of one year the baby completely switches to adult food.

Complementary feeding usually begins when the baby is six months old, but sometimes doctors recommend introducing new foods earlier. If the baby is fed an artificial formula, or the amount of breast milk is not enough, then the first complementary feeding is started at 5 months.

How do you know when it’s time for your baby to introduce complementary foods?

Diet of a five month old baby

The diet of a 5-month-old child should be such that the baby gets used to receiving food at the same time. Complementary feeding chart for a 5 month old breastfed baby:

  • After waking up, breast milk.
  • Second meal. Vegetable puree or 50 grams of dairy-free, gluten-free porridge. We supplement with breastfeeding.
  • Lunch: breast milk
  • Dinner: puree (vegetables or fruits), breast milk
  • 22.30 Chest

Diet for children using an adapted formula:

  • After waking up, milk formula (200 ml)
  • 11.30 Porridge prepared with milk mixture
  • 15.30 One-component vegetable puree, mixture
  • 19.00 Fruit or vegetable puree, mixture
  • 22.30 Formula milk

How much complementary food should a 5 month old baby eat?

Many young mothers wonder how much complementary feeding a baby should eat at 5 months?

Children 5 months old who eat formula receive a smaller portion than infants. This is explained by the fact that the mixture is higher in calories than human milk. The baby should eat no more than 900 ml per day. Infants should eat 50 ml of porridge, 50 grams of pureed vegetables and fruits. 5-month-old infants fed formula receive 30 grams of vegetables, fruits and 30 ml of porridge.

Recipes for dishes that can be given to five-month-old babies

The baby's menu at five months is based on mother's milk or formula. If complementary feeding starts with vegetables, the little one will eat porridge with pleasure. If the acquaintance begins with porridge, he can refuse vegetables, because porridge is much tastier. Many people prefer to make their own puree from organic vegetables. The menu of a 5-month-old baby will be rich in essential microelements. Preparing dishes from vegetables will not take much time, but will bring enormous benefits to the health of the little man.


If you are categorically against ready-made baby porridges, try making porridge for your baby yourself. To do this, washed cereals (for example, rice, buckwheat) are ground in a blender or coffee grinder to a powder consistency. Pour a level tablespoon of the mixture into boiling water (100 ml) and cook, stirring continuously, for about 10 minutes over low heat.

Vegetable puree recipes

Broccoli puree

Sort the broccoli, remove leaves and stems, wash thoroughly. Boil until tender in water without adding salt, rub through a sieve. Offer your baby purees at room temperature.

Zucchini puree

Thoroughly peel the young zucchini, wash and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into small cubes and boil until tender. Cool and blend with a blender until smooth. Give a 5 month old baby puree at room temperature.

Fruit purees

Banana puree

Cut a ripe banana into pieces and grind into a puree. Add a little mixture or milk.


Grind the green apple pulp and add water. Boil the apples until tender, then cool to room temperature and puree in a blender. Add mixture or mother's milk.

What’s better – jars or making your own?

Making puree yourself or buying jars is an individual choice. Pros of canned food:

  • Time saving;
  • The quality of food is controlled by special services;
  • There is a wide range of different manufacturers on sale.

Pros of home cooking:

  • Know what products were used;
  • You can control the amount of food cooked;
  • By using vegetables and fruits grown on your own plot, you can be sure that they are environmentally friendly.

Doctor Komarovsky about complementary feeding

Dr. Komarovsky, known to many, advises starting the first complementary foods with fermented milk products. First, the child is offered kefir, after a week cottage cheese is added. After a month, porridge is introduced into the baby’s diet, which should be prepared with milk formula.