Sanat Kumara School of Ascension Natalya Kotelnikova. Kotelnikova: interview with Sanat Kumara, ra and solar brotherhood

Universe and creation

Great Goddess:

The entire universe consists of small honeycomb cells reminiscent of human skin. Every cell is reality.

Below are dense layers with cells with heavy reality. There is a lack of light and fire, but a strong mind, trying to make up for this deficiency by generating its own light and other energies.

At the top there is open space and the cells located in this layer of reality have almost no need for anything. They celebrate, rejoice and live easily. Their condition is good.

But if the lower layers do not generate their energy, then due to their death, all layers will descend into lower registers and begin to try to learn how to work and generate their light.

What register are we in?

Exactly in the middle. You feed on what the lower and upper registers produce. You connect them with yourself and learn to be everything that is. I would say that this is the most fertile layer. You are no longer in the lower energy layers, but not in the upper ones either, which is why you are growing your mind.

The middle way is neither poor nor rich. But is it bad to enter the upper layers of reality and celebrate?

Updated (05.12.2019 13:48)

Autumn reviews - 2

Thank you to everyone who wrote me their reviews this fall!

Galina Kulak

Natasha, my dear! What a soulful, very sensual and amazing meditation practice (according to E. Tolla 11/19/19)! I have books by this author, which you once recommended to me, they have become my constant reading, and I read and re-read them, but I missed this wonderful moment to feel it with every cell! Now I know how to do it! In this meditation I found answers to my questions. How timely and very useful it was for me! I felt everything so great to the last drop. such grace, peace and I really saw myself as a huge Angel with dazzling wings - I’ve never had anything like this before! You are our real sorceress, no, the conductor of a wonderful orchestra in which we are all your instruments, each of which sounds in its own way - subtle and beautiful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! I have already attended 2 meditations - the sensations are still preserved and a feeling of joy and happiness appeared inside - it’s just wonderful! Thank you, my beloved, the best, for such work - well, simply aerobatics! This cannot be conveyed. I really, really love you and look forward to meeting you again! Good night, our sunshine!! What book did we work from? What is it called? write, please, I want to have it too.

Sincerely, Galina Kulak

Natasha, my dear! A new day has come, but this wonderful feeling that appeared after yesterday’s meditation cannot leave me. Such quiet, pleasant inner grace throughout the body, but also beyond! What a magnificent condition this is! Before my eyes is the Angel that I saw myself as. He is very big, there is a round head, but I don’t notice or feel the shape, but I can see the wings and my whole space is pure white, not golden like in the Kryon book = Journey Home =, but it’s great! I really want to practice this state so that I can be in it, thereby healing my hearing, I don’t lose hope of hearing again without hearing aids, so yesterday I forgot to ask if it was possible to send a recording, if one was made, to me by email? This is my kind request and I express my deepest gratitude in advance. Once again, thank you very much for being with me and all of us! I LOVE_YU_YU!!

Sincerely, Galina Kulak

Updated (05.12.2019 13:29)

Getting ready for New Year's seminars

Discipleship and Suffering

“The sons of God who know and see and hear (and, knowing, know that they know), suffer, conscious of limitation. In the hidden depths of conscious existence, they are tormented by the loss of the state of freedom. Suffering, illness, poverty, misfortune and loss are seen as such, and every son of God protests against them. He knows within himself that before he entered the form as a prisoner, he knew no pain. Suffering and death, aging and illness did not affect him. The riches of the universe belonged to him, and he did not know the feeling of loss.

“The lives that come into form with the self-conscious lives are the deva lives that build the forms in which all the sons of God dwell; they do not know pain, loss and troubles. Some forms disintegrate, other forms leave, and what needs to be nourished and made strong on the external plane does not remain. But lacking the will and systematic intention, they do not experience deterioration and do not know any expressed protest.”

A few words about suffering may be in order here, although it is not my intention to impart any secrets regarding the evolution of the human hierarchy through the medium of suffering. Devas do not suffer the way humanity does. Their rhythm speed is more stable, although it is in accordance with the Law. They learn through effort in the work of building and incorporating, or incorporating, into the form of what is built.

They grow through correct perception of built forms and enjoyment of these forms and the completed work. The Devas build and humanity destroys, and through the throwing away of forms man learns through his discontent. This is how (forced) consent to participate in the work of the great Builders is achieved.

Updated (03.12.2019 11:30)

Dreaming about the future

Friends! I continue with pleasure and attention the topic of the future, which has already been covered in one article.The topic is vast and leaves us room for discussion and imagination. Today at a session with the Great Goddess we discussed this burning topic.

The day before there was a meeting with colleagues - former students, and I was saddened by both my lack of imagination and our guests... We limit ourselves only to the physical manifestation of development - how schools and hospitals will be arranged, relationships in the family, but the area of ​​​​the soul and the development of the mind remains behind the scenes...

Great Goddess:I advise you to dream about the qualities of the soul, about the development of the mind, and what kind of infrastructure will be attached to this is a second matter. Of course, you can dream about free energy, about how you will be free beings, traveling through space and communicating with other races, interacting with Me on a higher level. Create an image of what will happen in 50 years.

I was dreaming: huge islands of forests and lakes, separate from people, where birds, fish and animals would live. We no longer need them as food and left them free. We filled the planet with forests, clean water... And between these green “islands” there are human settlements. Roads connect these cities. But the cities are not huge, they are all with low buildings, and there is also a lot of greenery inside the cities. We can move factories and production to asteroids and planetoids, to ships and bases. Where the substance is mined, there the products are created. We live in symbiosis with the planet and do not leave waste; all waste is used in production.

Updated (03.12.2019 18:53)

Building our future

Dear friends! Channeled by Maria Simonenko Lucifer called on us to be thoughtful about how we shape our future. And indeed, if we don’t imagine it in any way, build new social relationships, laws of society and simply the everyday life of people, then what are we building? New hospitals and schools? Factories and prisons?

“You can help yourself now if you start keeping a list. Give it a name, for example: “What would I like to change in this world”, or “The world of my future”. Constantly add into it everything that you would like to do in the future and that you would like to change and correct. Do you want a new world? What will it be like? Write in detail on the list everything you want to see, regardless of whether it seems realistic to you to achieve it.

Think about what you want on a large scale in the scope of all humanity, visualize, bring your future closer, attract it with your thoughts.

Get your act together. Create a powerful vortex in your mental space. He will twist the energy inside himself for implementation. The more people have a new bright future in mind, the sooner the time of its arrival will approach. And remember, it all starts here and now!”

I wanted to dream together with our Sanat Kumara School about how we could imagine our future. I think that free energy can help us solve most of the planet’s problems - remove garbage, drill wells in deserts, and create a healthy ecological environment, grow vegetables in the north and in the desert. To bring new medical discoveries to everyone in order to make many people healthy, and make their lives easier with proper care.

When I think about something, I always find a hint from the Teachers. This was the case yesterday: while reading Kuklin’s review from the World Channeling magazine, I turned to those old articles of mine that the author used in the review. They also talked about the future. Take a look at some thoughts about the way the future is built.

Updated (12/01/2019 09:58)



November 25, 2019

This channeling began with questions from my friend, Olga R. I will present some of our dialogues with minor amendments and additions, as I find them very interesting.

Olga: ...I’m also thinking about how to get (big) money. What does Lucifer say about this?

Olga asked Lucifer to ask the question about money more than once. I always ignored him as frivolous, but today her persistence won. I contact the channel with her question. I don’t plan to write down the answer, because I don’t expect there to be one. However, Lucifer begins to explain, saying that money is closely related to the resource of human energy, and in order for it to increase, you need to expand your influence on people and/or become popular.

I am writing to Olga:

We ourselves don’t want this, apparently, since financial flow is closely connected with people, with a large number of people. You need to expand to an ever larger circle of people so that the masses recognize you. (*And for them to love you, you need to indulge them). Humanity has a low consciousness, and now tying oneself to the masses is a heavy burden for the soul. She just doesn't need it.

All the rich and powerful are connected to the karma of a large number of people. It probably further aggravates them. I think that the masses impose certain projections (*including negative ones) on their idols. So their low consciousness and low deeds are connected, among other things, with the low consciousness of the people.

Olga: I think there is no need to connect. There are different types of earnings. You can be a billionaire incognito.

Updated (11/30/2019 10:07)


Accepted 07/25/2019

“The extent to which you can retain the light within yourself, the extent to which your potential will grow, regardless of natal forecasts and karmic predispositions”

- To hold the light within yourself is to always be in the flow of the Source, to be aware of yourself and expand your consciousness, which means increasing the luminosity and power of radiation. Therefore, expanding consciousness is only possible when you not only accept the light/love of the Source, but also give it away and ground it. In other words, not only internal expansion is necessary, but also expansion of the external space of light/love, for, as the law says, what is inside is also outside. Thus, it is impossible to just hold the light, accumulate it, without giving it away.

Naturally. For example, when an object heats up, it simultaneously begins to give off heat to the surrounding space. There is an exchange of energies. And if you do not connect the object to a heating source, it will cool down, giving off heat to the surrounding space. This is a physical law.

But man is the same physical system, built into the general energy system of earthly space. The difference is that man's intelligence is such that he can experiment with energies. This is also creativity. And the ability to consciously create is already a skill, isn’t it?

Updated (11/29/2019 11:41)


Planetary Hierarchs about revelations received by Natalia Kotelnikova


Brochure “Shambhala Light Informs. Planetary Hierarchs about the revelations received by Natalya Kotelnikova” is compiled from the Messages of the Teachers included in the Luminous Hierarchy of the Planet, and the messages of Their students.

Documents were accepted and prepared during the period from February 23 to February 28, 2013.

The brochure is offered for familiarization to all those people who strive to comprehend true knowledge and are full of desire to provide assistance to the Teachers of Light - Mentors and Curators of the human masses.


Founder of Civilization

(about the channel that holds

Natalia Kotelnikova)

My students!

Travelers striving to comprehend the Truth!

I ask for your attention!

I say it loudly: the channel that was given to Natalia K-voy does not operate from the Light Cosmos!

In the revelations she accepted there is a concentration of rays directed to divert from the Main One.

My Teaching is a Platform for New Humanity.

I ask you to study the Teaching of “Living Ethics” with a pencil in your hands!

I categorically do not recommend looking at the websites of the lady serving the Dark Brotherhood!

It will pull you in - it won’t let you go!

Woe to such contactees who give rise to Ignorance!

I advise all seeking students: start small. Open the book "The Call". She will lead you into the Abode of Light!

Further – it will go on and on!

I will help you comprehend the Steps that open the path to the Race!

While you read the “revelations” accepted by Natalya Kotelnikova, you will lose the most precious thing on Earth - this time ! And, which is very disappointing, you transform your subtle structures in the direction of involution.

You may lose it forever communications!

Connection with the Fiery World – this is what Agni Yoga gives!

The Fiery World is the World of Higher Thoughts.

The channel in question is false.

The conductor of a false channel is a false conductor.

The Bastions of Light are left far away, the false guide leads to nowhere.

A powerful personifier took the Name of the Great Teacher and “broadcasts” under the guise of His Bright Name. This is what the Essence of Darkness – the fiend of Hell – often does!

I ask readers of false products to come to their senses and turn away from obscene things!


Moriah - Said


Teachers of Koot Hoomi

(regarding sacred activities

Natalya K-voy)



My students!

All the vigorous activity of this student Natalya K-voy is definitely questioned by Us!

Sanat Kumara - Spirit of the highest level, has nothing to do with what goes through the channel of the named contactee.

Distraction of inexperienced consciousnesses from the Path leading Upward is punishable in the Light Cosmos!

I ask my true students to do everything possible to block the entry of such unimaginably false information into the Dense World!

What are its symptoms?

A distraction from reality.

Fictional presentation of dates and events.

Ignorance of the Teachings of Life!

Unverified thoughts coming from the Outside.

The “products” called revelations, accepted by Natalya K-voy, come from layers that have nothing in common with the High Plans of the Universe!

Again I am forced to point out that in the case of Natalya K-voy there is no Earthly Teacher, there is no introduction of the student into the Hierarchical Chain. In the Vedas it is called the Chain of Disciplic Succession.

The Guide is untenable, because the Luminous Hierarchy does not stand behind it!

But the “lone craftsman” cannot withstand the massive attack that is characteristic of the times of Armageddon!

Intrusion into the canal and its damage are obvious.

There could be a good guide from the Forces of Light. But the Black Brotherhood was ahead.

The Guide does not know the Teaching, does not master the Fundamentals.

“Sanat Kumara” invites you to go into the 5th dimension, bypassing entire Steps of Evolution! It’s like telling a goat: “Read Agni Yoga and explain what is written!”

Agni Yoga is for a goat what the 5th dimension is for today's deaf and blind humanity.

The Master's call was missed!

But the touches of the Personification Ray, blocking the path of the Light Teacher, were accepted.

The black brotherhood uses this channel, and is very successful!

There are a lot of followers of the “teaching” of Natalya K-voy, and they blindly believe in the Personifier!

When will the end come to such sophisticated and verbose hierophants?

And when will people finally accept the Fundamentals of Knowledge set forth in Agni Yoga? It depends on today's modern humanity, but so far it is deaf and blind.

During the days of Planetary Armageddon, all the dark personifications – the possessors – raised their heads.

They give the green light to false guides like Natalya K-va.

Who lets talkative dark guests in? These are people with cold hearts and small minds. But among them there are even fireflies.

My dear!

It is necessary to cleanse the Planet of such conceivable and unthinkable lies.

The planet is entering a new dimension!

The Earth is currently in a Period of Difficulty! And to divert the consciousness of the masses, lulling it, is to commit a crime against humanity.

The Lords of Flame Advise to fight with the Sword of the Spirit, for darkness is insidious, resourceful and merciless.

It must be struck with the Fire of the Spirit!

Do this once and for all!

Only after the expulsion of Darkness from the Planet will peace, harmony and prosperity be established on it! And then the Planet will be able to enter another dimension – the 4th in a row!

My dear ones!

Give meaning to the signs that abound on the upward path.

Stick to these path signs and don't head towards the black lights, they can be too attractive.

In contrast to what is offered to you by a certain Natalia K. and others like her, I hold out volumes emitting Light!

Read Agni Yoga!

Do not part with the Teaching of Life for a moment.

Keep the volume near your heart.

Place the study under your pillow when you go to bed.

Keep your focus on the Teacher of Teachers!

His name is MORIA!

He is your Father, your Cosmic Parent!

Trust Him and be with Him!

This is My order to you!

Koot Hoomi - Said.

Word from Helena and Nicholas Roerichs

(regarding the channeler's obsession

Natalya K-voy)



Our dear students!

Travelers on the path of ascension!

Turning to you, let's talk about that false channel that leads to the side, but which a certain Natalya K-va is holding on to.

The channel is drawn from venerable false teachers.

Shambhala Black is working in full force today.

It costs nothing for the brotherhood opposing Us to give birth to a whole galaxy of false guides like the named channeler, who understand nothing about the Teaching of Life and assert only themselves, their enormously increased selfhood - pride!

This is who “Sanat Kumara” is, who is presented in the “revelations” of Natalia K-voy!

Hydra has grown to incredible sizes. She “broadcasts” in different languages ​​of the world!

How can one defeat such a powerful self?

Teacher Kut Hoomi has already Said: “We must raise the Sword of the Spirit!”

Our dear ones!

It is necessary to exalt the Striking Sword! Otherwise, thousands and tens of thousands of earthly channels will be deprived of genuine spiritual nutrition.

What about eating spiritual carrion?!

What is so good about it?!

An unenviable thing awaits such an inhabitant of the Earth!

Heaven does not shine for him.

First he will have to atone for sins in layers that are very unsightly and foul-smelling. Hell, not hell, but something type this.

But why deprive yourself of the Light?

Why harm Evolution?

Our friends!

We see a big mess!

The best opportunities are missed!

Souls are dying!

"What to do?" - you ask.

We say: you need to see the light!

We need to undergo repentance!

Be the last one in line to enroll as a student!

This is our advice to everyone who was captured by the “Sanat” embrace, who left the Towers of Our Stronghold in the opposite direction.

It is difficult, difficult to give advice to someone who has completely closed himself off and does not want to listen to anything! But still, we considered it possible to give advice to travelers who belong to the category of seekers.


Helen and Nicholas Roerich - They said.


Ladomir Warrior –

(regarding Natalya K-voy’s channel)



My conversation on this topic will be brief:

“To the scraps!”

The soul of the contactee will go into the “space trash” and tons of spent paper will flow there with it like a river.

But what to do with the deceived herd of stupid sheep that have the appearance of a person?!

The Lords of Fire will think about this.

Someone into space junk - for melting down!

Someone in purgatory - for punishment.

Someone will be whipped with a whip or belt and given a book from the “Agni Yoga” series. They will say: “Friend, read!” And you will receive the Bread of the Day and a Roof over your head!

The Lords of the Flame, vigilantly monitoring the Evolution of Earthly humanity, WILL ORDER!

The Days of Judgment have arrived!

And the Lord God judges his children.

The Lord Father decides: who lives and who doesn’t!

To whom to sing and rejoice, and for whom will they serve a memorial service.

Who will go to Heaven - and who will go to Hell!

My fellow earthlings!

The Lord God Himself asks you to come to your senses and take the right step!

Repent and come to bow to Him, the Father!

Come with a pure heart and ripe fruits!

Ladomir Warrior - Said.

7 a.m. 11 p.m.

Students of the School of Peace about Natalia Kotelnikova

Known throughout the world and leading -

from the Teacher and His Teachings

Dear employees who follow the path of discipleship - the path of devotion to the Hierarchy of Light!

Our Supreme Teachers considered it necessary to Say Their High Word to a certain Natalya Kotelnikova, the head of the “Sanat Kumara School of Ascension”.

Its full name: Sanat Kumara School of Ascension “Awakening the consciousness of the fifth dimension.”

The school was created in the fall of 2007 in the Urals, in Yekaterinburg.

The school is definitely conducted by the personifications of the Hierarchs of the Planet.

The most important sign by which one can accurately determine the untruth of a source is the lack of knowledge of Agni Yoga. All Teachers of humanity, including Sanat Kumara himself, are Lords of the Flame. They breathe Fire and speak Fire.

In the revelations received by Natalya K-voy, there are not even glimpses of Agni Yoga! If there are no glimpses of knowledge from the Teaching, which literally connects with the Fiery World, then where do the fiery thought forms come from in the revelations coming through the channeler Natalia!

Where do the thoughts that feed the channel come from?

The answer is obvious - from the middle and lower layers of the Subtle World, or Astral. All Astral agents, attacking their victim, can completely enslave it. And then they force her to work for themselves. Unfortunately, Natalya K-va became such a victim without realizing it.

Let's turn to the revelations themselves!

Thus, the one who appropriated to himself the name "Sanat Kumara", the Great Teacher, broadcasts that supposedly the Earth “the other day I did a twist and the exodus of dark forces from the planet began”(Dictations-interview from September 21, 2012)

It is clear that I really want the planet to “begin the exodus of dark forces from the planet”! But you can’t take what you want for reality! According to all signs and data, it was not the “exodus of dark forces” that began, but their arrival.

From the layers of the Unmanifested, those characters who have horns, hooves and tails begin to emerge onto the surface of the Earthly Visible Plane. Demonic hordes fill the visible and invisible planes of Earthly space.

At the present period there is a rapprochement of the Worlds. This is stated in Agni Yoga, the Teaching of our time. The Worlds are coming closer together – Fiery, Subtle and Dense.

Between the Dense World and the Fiery World (the World of Crystal Thoughts) there is a Subtle World, very heterogeneous and changeable. The personifier of this World enters the channel of an earthly inhabitant and blocks his connection with the Higher World!

Greater vigilance is needed, and that is precisely what is lacking.

Fireflies are caught all the time!

Channeling guides lack genuine knowledge! All those who claim to be a true guide must most seriously comprehend the Teaching of Life - Agni Yoga. She was transferred to the Dense World by Mahatma Morya!

Morya is the greatest Teacher of our time! He, one might say, has no equal. This is Quantity with a capital letter.

Mahatma Morya is the Cosmic Father of modern humanity. And we, His children, earthlings, must know the face of our Father and know His outstanding Teaching! This is Agni Yoga, which was received through the channel of clairaudience by Helena Roerich, a student of Morya. And all those who claim to be a contactee, a channeler, need to study and learn from this outstanding student of the Great Teacher.

In the same revelation-interview for September 12, 2012 we read: “Galactic energy flows through you to the Planet and for us you are the transformation shield of the Planet, which is the first to receive Galactic rays, transform them to a lower dimension, and thus the impact of fiery plans on the entire planet occurs.”

We are talking here about Natalya and Vladimir, her like-minded person. Both are directly involved in obtaining information allegedly coming from Sanat Kumara.

No more no less. They are “The first to receive Galactic rays!”

What happens? These named two people are the first to receive the Rays coming directly from the Galaxy itself!

And what do the Planetary Hierarchs and Mahatmas do?

What are they doing?!

And is this possible - students take credit for themselves that concerns their Teachers!

Here is the same mistake: isolating oneself from the Hierarchical chain! There is a lack of recognition of the Law of Hierarchy - one of the basic Laws of the Cosmos.

A well-known technique is self-nomination for the leading role. It would be more natural to aim for a leading role in some performance in the rural House of Culture.

But no, they are aiming to be the leader... of all humanity! And people believe such false information! And they translate it into other languages...

The possessor wants to manifest himself as much as possible!

In the Letters of Helena Roerich we read: “Every possessor strives to reveal his “I”(01/3/1933)

What is the way out for the channeler of the “revelations” we are considering?

There is only one way out - repentance and sincere recognition of your blatant error!

The Planetary Hierarchs are waiting for this!

By the way, this same Natalya K-va receives revelations from… Lucifer himself! A website has been created: “Lucifer – Planetary Ascension.”

Let’s just touch on this topic – “Lucifer”.

Who is Lucifer? From the Teachings of “Agni Yoga” and the Letters of E. Roerich, we know that Lucifer is a former Angel. He rebelled against the Hierarchy of Light. This happened at the end of the third Race - Lemuria.

According to Cosmic Law, Lucifer is the Master of our planet. The grain of his spirit potentially contains all the energy that is contained in the core, therefore Lucifer, who betrayed the Hierarchy of Light, can act very sophisticatedly in isolation from it.

Lucifer could not overcome his feelings of pride and jealousy towards other Light Spirits. And he fell, becoming the Prince of Darkness. This Dark Hierarch is looking for a way out for his non-light energies, and he attacks earthly channels.

Natalya K-va became a victim of attacks from Lucifer himself.

So, once again - what is the way out of this situation?

It has already been said that this is deep repentance and the desire to learn from the true Teacher, having received initiation from him.

In the East, the Teacher is called the Guru.

In the letters of E. Roerich we read: “The concept of Guru greatly protects from possession."(01/3/1933)

Yes, the concept of Guru is a sacred concept in the East. In another letter from E. Roerich we read: “The connection between a student and the Guru was and is still considered the most sacred in the East, above all blood ties.”

Thus, you need to turn to the true Teacher, or Guru, accepting His Protection! And then no possessors will be able to master the connecting thread.

Lada Nikolova.

Diary of a Madman

(Review of materials posted on websites

N. Kotelnikova)

In recent years, the so-called “Sanat Kumara School “Awakening the consciousness of the fifth dimension”, one of the organizers of which is a certain Natalya Kotelnikova, has gained great popularity among seekers of spiritual knowledge.

Trying to understand what they teach at this “school”, I read on one of the sites: “... One stage includes 6 evenings with N. Kotelnikova and an evening and a whole day with L. Roguleva. There are currently two such levels. Those who graduate from the School gather for weekly classes with N. Kotelnikova (optional), where we inform each other about the latest events in the world of esotericism, discuss future plans and conduct meditations. Now the Teachers are calling on us to begin the next form of work - to invite healers to club meetings, where they will teach each other and share information on healing, and we will give meditations and information about the Ascension. The second form of work of the School is seminars. We plan to hold a seminar once every six months. Our seminars are also held in other cities. Typically the workshops culminate in the establishment of spiritual Ascension Centers on site. They arise in many cities and Russian-speaking republics. The third form of school work is trips to places of power. The fourth form of school work is activation. The purpose of the activations is to unite the forces of all participants and help the Earth connect with the Great Central Sun. At the same time, the Entities of the Great Central Sun work with each participant in the activation. The fifth form of work is our websites. The sixth form of work is invitations to other teachers to seminars in Yekaterinburg.”

The extensive material on N. Kotelnikova’s websites resembles... the notes of a madman. It seems that a huge set of all kinds of words and concepts is used, the meaning of which is unknown to the writers. In addition, the names of the Great Teachers of humanity are used shamelessly.

I will give an example from a revelation received by N. Kotelnikova: “What is Ascension? This is an invitation to all people from the Ascended Masters to move into a new vibrational layer of life. Become a Sun Man. Become a person of Christ consciousness. This means Reunion with Truth. Become an Ascended Teacher. Yes, simply, ascended. Live in the Cities of Light of the fifth, and then higher dimensions. Where El Morya, Kut Houmi, Saint Germain, Serapis Bey and many other personalities now live, who have chosen their mission to become Teachers for those who have not yet realized their multidimensionality and purpose. For those they passionately want to enlighten and brighten.”

And here is another fragment from the revelation:

“Esoteric knowledge should reach the ears of as many people as possible. We are trying to show the purpose of all esoteric teaching, its main meaning is not to disassemble the world into cogs, like a complex machine, but, based on the basic principles, the structure of the world, man, his way of thinking and his desires, aspirations, to lead a person to expand consciousness, realize himself as a Divine Unit of Light, and transfer this Unit by authority to the next dimension..."

On one of the sites of N. Kotelnikova “School of Light” in the section “Code of Optimal Behavior for a Master” (the intellectual work of the site author himself), consisting of 110 points, along with delusional fantasies, the ideas of the “dark” are clearly visible:

“1. You cannot know what is good and what is evil...”

“9. Perhaps your mistakes are what the Universe needs...”

"eleven. Don't look for the truth, it doesn't exist. And if she is, then you don’t need her...”

Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion about the activities of the so-called “school” of N. Kotelnikova:

The school has nothing to do with the Light Teachings that lead humanity through spiritual and moral improvement;

The school's teachers show clear signs of obsession;

The school is aimed at spiritual decay and diversion from the urgent tasks facing humanity.

Zlatotsveta Krasimirova


Natalya Kotelnikova or -

“open your heart to Lucifer”?!

N. Kotelnikova has opened a Website: (Lucifer - Planetary Ascension).

“The new site is designed to carry the vibrations of Lucifer, Sanat Kumar and the Ascended Masters.”

But who is Lucifer?

In the Gospel, this is the one who tempted Jesus Christ in the desert, offering Him all the riches and kingdoms of the World so that Christ would worship him. To which Christ refused.

Christ rejected, and Kotelnikova invites her followers to stand under his rays, exalts him!

Here is what E. Roerich wrote about this spirit:

“If the Archangel Michael is at the head of the Sons of Light, and his opponent in the camp of darkness was Satan (still called Lucifer, although he has long lost the right to this name), who was once among the great Kumaras.

Lucifer is the prince of this world (Earth) in the full meaning of the word. His spirit, in its potential, has all the energies that are inherent in the Earth.

In a normal situation, the owner of the Earth would have elevated matter, filling its parts with the consciousness of unity. In a decent condition, it is a valuable friend of all new formations; there are no opposing actions, only mutually beneficial searches. But this is not how the owner of the land thinks; he does not want friendship of spirit.”

Lucifer, former Angel, he fell. What is his downfall?

“The fall of Lucifer consisted in the fact that he went against the law of evolution, or the Will of the Cosmos. The legend of Lucifer in the Cryptograms of the East is true.(Letters to E. Roerich, 27.11.37)

“So at a time when the Great Brothers of Lucifer, who came with him to our Earth, build eternal movement; while They say: “Why is there one Earth when all worlds are destined,” and thereby create the right path for humanity, when a real exchange will be laid by a broad cooperative with distant worlds, Lucifer prefers to isolate himself from his neighbors. But with the unity of being, with the law of interchange, any isolation leads only to withering away or death. But Lucifer could only complicate, but could not interrupt the flow of life. It was his uprising and his implementation of the plan for the self-sufficiency of earthly matter that caused an adjustment in the person of the White Brotherhood, an Institution unfamiliar to other planets in its combat readiness. As it is said, “the struggle of despair changed the Bearer of Light, and his ruby ​​aura was filled with a scarlet glow”

( Letters, 01/18/36)

So who is Lucifer? This is a former angel of God who rebelled against God and walked away from God, imagining himself to be God. He began to create his own worlds, but they fell apart because he did not have the main thing - love.

We read from E. Roerich:

“Satan (as a fallen angel and master of the Earth) exists and is very active. The Teachings of the East say that Lucifer came to Earth along with other Higher Spirits who sacrificed themselves to accelerate the evolution of humanity. When Lucifer put on a dense shell, he could not maintain the height of his task and, from the time of Atlantis, his fall began, from that time on he became an ardent opponent of his great brothers. The spirit of Lucifer in the potential of the core carried the energies inherent in our Earth, and this became a fatal factor, since he was tied to the Earth. Any immersion of the spirit into a dense shell (physical body) inevitably obscures the knowledge of the spirit. Only the Highest Spirits keep the Light unclouded throughout the earthly path. The Great Spirits, seeing the fall of Lucifer, vowed to withstand the battle with the hierophant of Evil, who imagined himself to be the master of the planet, and remained with suffering humanity until the end of the existence of planet Earth.”

“Lucifer led the Black Brotherhood, powerful because it has accomplices among people all over the planet. Dark forces always act in masses, since they are not strong alone. Awareness of danger is the best unifier, therefore their ranks are more united than those of the supporters of the Forces of Light.

In addition, many supporters of the Light forces do not believe in the danger of the Black Brotherhood for themselves. One thinker noted: “The victory of the devil is that he managed to convince people that he does not exist.”

Ignorance among people has further strengthened that it was Satan who gave humanity the concept of good and evil. But this great gift of knowledge (including good and evil) is a gift from God. It was given to humanity along with free will so that man could become in the likeness of God. Such a gift cannot be brought by the forces of darkness.

Lucifer means "light bearer". The fallen angel has lost his right to this name."

(Smolyakova L.A. Agni Yoga - religion of the 21st century, p. 39, Astrel Publishing House, 2011)

How long will Lucifer undergo his repentance? Long, very long! “Aeons of eons” will pass. In Helena Roerich's letters we read:

“So, let’s not wax poetic about the appearance of the Prince of this world. Perhaps, after eons of eons, his redemption will begin, but now he has reached the apogee of misanthropy and is about to reveal the apotheosis of his destructive dominion" (Letters, 11/27/37)

So Lucifer’s enlightenment cannot be expected tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. And in N. Kotelnikova’s submission, he was in a hurry, declaring that he had renewed his energies. And he even went further. This is what Lucifer allegedly says through N. Kotelnikova:

“You were wise when you suggested changing the name to an identical vibration.

Svetozar means “light illuminates.” And when the light shines, you can’t imagine anything better.

Illuminated by the light, they will enter the new world of the renewed Earth.

And I, in my new name, renewed my Energies. He regained his lost noble name, the name of the Son of the Great Father of All Creation.

The solar system, which was given to me by the Father to create an experiment in the human way of life, belongs to Me. Planet Earth is my most interesting field of activity.

The physical world was invented by the Supreme angel Lucifer...

At this moment in our history, Lucifer, and now the Supreme Essence Svetozar, “connected” Heaven and Earth, which is the ascension of the Earth, i.e. return to the Father."

That is, Lucifer “exalted” the entire Earth?!

“In this world I center the Sun for you. I am the top of the constructed pyramid.

I, Lucifer, began this project, and I, Svetozar, will bring this project to the final point, the point of completion of the ascension of the Earth and all humanity.

I have abolished too many Lords and assistants.

Not everyone was able to part with the Lords, who became almost “nannies” for humanity.

But I did not leave you without help from above.

A new working team has been created that has new types of Ascension Energies to help humanity. They came down to you consciously and took upon themselves the difficult responsibilities of the New Teachers of Humanity.”

In a word, he “cancelled” the Teachers of humanity and instead installed “new” ones - his own team! Here Lucifer already appears to be the master of the solar system. And Karma itself. The Galactic Council of Karma is also “created” anew.

N. Kotelnikova offers meditation with Lucifer:

“And I, Lucifer, open your hearts...

I, Lucifer, and I reveal you from within...

This is exactly what you came for, at this hour, at this moment - to open up.

Start new lives from this moment, from this hour, feel yourself


And your spiritual desires will begin to come true immediately.

People, knowledge, opportunities, money will be brought to you..."

In a word, Lucifer continues to tempt, offering people, knowledge, and opportunities in addition to the riches of the world. And in fact, N. Kotelnikova has people, money, and opportunities...

But as Vasily Shukshin’s hero said in the film “Kalina Krasnaya”: “Did you bring the money?” What will you give back? “In this case, it’s as if you didn’t have to lose your soul!

In the dictation we read:

“You have to be exposed. From the first minute to the last.

The heart is your most important consciousness, connected with the higher Self, with Me - Lucifer, and with the Great Central Source.

In short, Lucifer took the place of God in the hearts of her followers.

But some people, thank God, still feel something is wrong!!! Therefore, Lucifer disguises himself again and tries to convince them:

“I feel that in some people there is a Rejection to this. Don't be afraid, open yourself to this gift. Don’t think that the dark ones have come..."

Again his horns and hooves give him away, which cannot be hidden! Yes, it was the dark ones who came, for Lucifer heads the Black Brotherhood! And Lucifer continues to inspire people:

“Allow your angels to reach you...”

But what kind of angels can the Black brothers have, of course – black ones!

But why, surrender yourself to darkness?! In N. K-voy we read:

« By healing your parts, you heal yourself, by healing yourself, you heal the Galaxy...

Not the Earth, not the Solar System, but the Galaxy...

Let's connect the Earth with the Cosmic source...

Our consciousness has grown to the Galaxy..."

In a word, they ascended - nowhere higher! And who will believe these fabrications?!

But there are naive people who want it. Thousands of people gather for so-called activations.

And even N. Kotelnikova reached the planetary level and created the union of the Christ consciousness of the planet.

Several years ago in Crimea, in the city of Shchelkino, N. Kotelnikova conducted her seminars. I attended her presentation. I was amazed that people from afar came to such expensive seminars, at the same time when Agni Yoga books are now available to everyone! The local population, Thank God, did not have such funds for these seminars, and people were not harmed.

But what awaits those who opened the gates of their hearts to Lucifer and bowed to him? They have turned their backs on God!

N. Kotelnikova’s “mission” is to lead people away from God!

And Lucifer in his conceit exalts himself higher and higher, just like N. Kotelnikova herself:

“I have now entered a very distant school...

For you it can be called the “School of High Creation”. This is not even the School of Logos...

Well, imagine that Lucifer improves the qualifications of the Creator of the Universe...

We know humans and other humanoids who develop the mind, and this is the highest purpose of our Universe - the development of the mind...

Now you are in good hands...”

The Teaching of Living Ethics - Agni Yoga is also called the Yoga of the Heart, and the New Epoch - the Age of the Heart. And there, “old wine is poured into “old” wineskins,” and reason is put in first place.

Gautama Buddha said:

“If a person falls into a pit of garbage, he should look for a clean lotus pond to wash himself. If he didn’t find it, it’s not the lotus pond’s fault, but the man himself.”

Kotelnikova’s books and “teachings” are a “pit of garbage.”

Agni Yoga is the purest “lotus pond”.

This is the Ocean of Knowledge, saving for all humanity of the Transitional Epoch.

Our friends, hurry up to join it!

Touch the Nectar Knowledge! This Knowledge is given to people by Agni Yoga, given by the Senior Teacher of humanity - Morya!

And be happy, all of you, in the Lord!

Fire of Christ.


N. Kotelnikova is a conductor of the forces of Darkness.

I did not have the opportunity to read all the dictations received from the so-called guide Natalya Kotelnikova, but based on those that were studied by me, I state the following: Natalya is one of the most crafty, sophisticated guides of the Dark Cosmos in the Dense World.

Messages from the “archangel Lucifer”...THIS ONE will cause a fiery aspiration of our employee to disgust the text from such messages. It will evoke great compassion for the soul of this lady, who is captivated by a mind that completely serves darkness and is the mouthpiece of Darkness, the herald of falsehood.

Another thing that I definitely want to touch upon here is the abolition and slander of the name of our HIGHEST Hierarch Sanat Kumar. And she dared to name her “ascension school” after Him.

Who gave the right?! This is driven by pride and obsession. The demons “blessed”.

The dictations received from the false guide Kotelnikova are worthy of the deepest landfill where the waste of human pseudo-creativity is dumped. After all, they are dangerous because of their absurdity and madness, a complete distortion of true, Vedic Knowledge.

Svyatopolk Dobrolyubov.


To save the soul you need repentance.

It’s a pity that channel holder Natalya K-va fell “into the net” of the Dark Hierophants, Lucifer himself. They are very sophisticated and insidious. The darkness knows it will go away. She needs to take as many people on Earth with her as possible. And the dark ones are trying to cloud the consciousness of people. They catch fireflies like her and enter their channel. The conductor may not suspect anything. They act on the guide through pride, selfishness, exaltation of oneself, through the fact that the guide does not know the Law of Hierarchy, the true knowledge that is given through the true Teaching. Today this is Agni Yoga! This is our main Teaching given for the Fiery Cycle of the Earth.

This soul is very sinful, and in order to save such a soul, repentance, deep repentance is needed! Awareness of your sins, humility, patience, abstinence!

Kneeling before the Lord and before the icon of the Mother of God, one must tearfully ask for forgiveness and ask for help from the Mother of God in order to free oneself from the possessor!

Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus Kumara

B 61 Pale Pink/Pale Yellow


"As above, so below." The highest love comes to planet Earth. Sanat Kumara is the Ruler of the Twelve Rays. The Quintessence of this Master creates a connection with all Masters so that each has the opportunity to help each other in various aspects of certain tasks or projects, thus bringing special knowledge of Divine Life through our daily lives.


The Kumaras represent the existence of the concepts of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father at the highest levels. They are beings of the highest order of Cosmic Masters and represent the nascent Coral energy. Coral energy, the wisdom of love, comes through these two beings who care for the souls of the earth. When there is a need for care, then the consolation of these two heavenly beings comes, and they can be called for this at any time.

61 as 7 shows that there is a test that needs to be passed, which, at the moment, we have achieved within ourselves in order to find a solution that was not physically possible. If this bottle appears in second place among the 4 bottles selected, experience has shown that this indicates a feeling of incoherence regarding genetic role models, for one reason or another. And this gives rise to the internal achievement of connections with the models of the heavenly role. When this happens and the connection has taken place, we become children of Kumar, even if we are now adults.

Image description: One of the most beautiful of all the images of the series of Ascending Masters, it gives a really good description of Kumara, who very well show the concepts of Mother and Father at deep levels of consciousness.

Between these two beings there is a world that is opposite the coral sphere of the body, between the root and the Orange. The world is in their care regarding the wisdom of their love, which is part of their relationship with the world. On one side the sun is reflected in the water, and on the other side the moon appears in the water as reflected light from the sun. Moonlight appears as a reflection of sunlight, so when moonlight is reflected in water, it is a double reflection of light. Water is consciousness, consciousness is light, light is the reflection of truth in the world. This form of truth - in this case represented in relation to water - is the truth of consciousness in itself. You need to be above sensations, above sensory perception, above what you see, hear, feel, touch, above all sensory actions; What is the energy that is higher than all this? It is the nature of consciousness itself that is the enhancing background for sensory activity.

Consciousness itself is above all sensory activity. When we look at the sun reflected in water - the light itself is reflected in the water, and the path of light is part of the path to the sun - or the moon reflected in water, we are looking at different levels of reflected truth. They are reflected in consciousness itself, reflected as statements of consciousness, and part of them is interaction with these role models at a deep level within oneself, which are affirmed as these beings - Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus Kumara.

They have swords on their hips and they hold a weapon to cut off the illusions that we can see in dreams in order to wake up in another reality. To see dreams clearly is to find a deep sense of joy, happiness and insight through cutting them out, protecting us when we experience feelings of disconnection or feelings of alienation. The dagger is a symbol of wisdom, and the bell is a symbol of bliss. Souls from the earth are drawn to the light that is between them, and this light is where they unite in the Pink Lotus, the wisdom of love is part of what they form together. When we cut off illusions and awaken from sleep, then perhaps we begin to create a dream that is more than a dream, that we will like more than the dream that came in the subconscious.

The spiral nebulae on either side of the image mean that the Kumaras are also part of the understanding of the spiral nature of all things. They look ahead sympathetically. They look almost like figures from the Mahabharata, the scripture of India's longest dramatic texts. They appear as figures considered in this context because they are identified in time with ancient beings in relation to the Vedas and the Vedic stream.

The lotus behind them reflects the awakening energy of the crown. The masculine and feminine energies that have the ability to connect within us are part of every cell of our being. The combination of the genetic origins of the mother and father, if we feel that their sensation is connected at the cellular level, is part of the mystery of awakening.

They wear necklaces of their realization. These necklaces are a statement of where - as the Cosmic Masters who are part of the White Brotherhood - they have a sense of a precious and extremely rich offering to humanity. They both have a glow in the Golden Sphere within them. And this radiance is the sun, which is contained in each of them, as part of the reflection that glows in the water, or the moon, which glows in the water, on each side of the picture.

There is a connection with Venus in the name Lady Venus Kumara. Venus was also a guide for the ancient peoples of the world. The first star to appear in the evening, the last star to disappear in the morning, was the primary star or planet used for navigation, that is, symbolically Lady Venus Kumara is also associated with this energy of navigation, finding the way, finding the right path, the true path for yourself. It is also associated with the energies of reconciliation, the wisdom of love, which comes when we release the energy of Lucifer, the energy of not wanting to be useful on earth. There is a strong connection between the morning star and the evening star and the energy of Lucifer. Across the Central American region of Guatemala, Belize and Southern Mexico, many temples are oriented to the sun and moon, but there is also one temple oriented slightly differently than the others, and this temple is the only one oriented to Venus.

The Coral Energy aspect is why we create dependent relationships to fill our own gaps. We see things that we would like to have, or part of them, and sometimes it is easier to come to agreement on the outside than to find it within ourselves in order to feel that feeling of wholeness and completion or connection at the cellular level.

Coral energy also relates to personally experiencing the Christ energy, unifying the deepest level of male/female role patterns within oneself. It is almost a connection at the moment when the wisdom of love is affirmed within us, when we are able to let go of unrewarded love, when we try to fill our gaps from the outside. This wisdom of love is established in this context, and we call it the new Christ consciousness or the emergence of the New Man in the world.

Another aspect of this wisdom of love is where we find a healing response in relation to the child within us who is experiencing this feeling of disconnection and separation. When this child experiences this response to the wisdom of love that nourishes us, then we also touch the consciousness of the new Christ.

Part of Kumar's story is letting go of the small to interact with the cognitions of the past, to understand why as souls we choose these cognitions that guide us to feel this sense of disconnection in relation to role models.

As has already been said, at the head of all affairs, directing every unit and directing the whole evolution, stands the LORD, the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, the Youth of Eternal Summer, the Source of the Will (manifesting as Love) of the Planetary Logos. Acting with Him as His advisers are three Persons called Pratyeka Buddhas, or Buddhas of Action. These four embody the Active Intellectual Loving Will. Having achieved in the previous solar system everything that man now strives for, They represent intelligence in full bloom. In the early cycles of our system They began to demonstrate intellectual love, and from the point of view of an ordinary human being They are perfect Love and perfect Intelligence, although from the point of view of Existence, including even our planetary scheme in Their body of manifestation, Their aspect of love is still in process development, and the will is still only in its infancy. In the next Solar system Their will aspect will reach its fullness just as love will reach its full development in our system.

Around the Lord of the World are, although remote and esoteric, three more Kumaras, completing the seven of planetary manifestation. Their activities remain for us, by necessity, hidden and incomprehensible. The three exoteric Buddhas or Kumaras represent the totality of activity or planetary energy, and the three esoteric Kumaras embody types of energy not yet fully manifested on our planet. Each of these six Kumaras is a reflection and intermediary, distributing energies and forces, of one of the six other Planetary Logoi, the six remaining Spirits before the Throne. Only Sanat Kumara is self-sufficient and self-sufficient in our scheme, being the physical embodiment of one of the Planetary Logos, which one is not allowed to be disclosed, since this is one of the secrets of initiation. Through each of the Kumaras passes the life force of one of the six Rays, and in discussing Them Their work and position may be summed up as follows:...

These Kumaras - Sanat Kumara and His three disciples - having reached the highest initiation possible in the last great cycle, but obliged (from Their point of view) to take one more step, offered Themselves to the Planetary Logos of Their Ray as the "focus" of His power, so that He could hasten and advance His plans on Earth during the cycle of manifestation. They demonstrate three of the four methods. They are dawning The Planetary Logos, and He works directly as an Initiator (for man) through Sanat Kumara, and with the three kingdoms of nature - through the three Buddhas of Action, and Sanat Kumara is thereby connected directly with the Ego on the mental plane, and His three disciples with the other three types consciousness, the sum of which is man. At the moment of initiation (after the Second Initiation) Sanat Kumara becomes the direct mouthpiece and agent of the Planetary Logos. This great Essence speaks through Him, and for one brief moment (if this term can be used in relation to a plane on which time as we understand it does not exist) the Planetary Logos of the Ray of man consciously - through His etheric brain - directs His thought to the Initiate and “calls him in His Name."

Kumaras are embodied principles, and in this connection we must remember that this means the following: the force and energy of one of the principles of the Logos flows through Them through that which corresponds (with Them) to the Monad. Through Them, during the period of Their incarnation and voluntary sacrifice, the great Prototype of the Planetary Logos begins to make Its Presence felt, and the power coming from the constellation Ursa Major begins to vibrate faintly on the Earth. At initiation, a person becomes consciously aware of the Presence of the Planetary Logos through self-acquired contact with his own divine Spirit. At the Fifth Initiation he becomes fully aware of this planetary group influence and of his part in the great whole. At the Sixth and Seventh Initiations the influence of the planetary Prototype is felt, reaching the initiate through the Planetary Logos, who works through the Initiator.

Method direct implementation observed earlier when the Kumaras were in physical form. It applied only to some of Them. Sanat Kumara and His disciples are in physical form, but They did not take on dense physical bodies. They work on vital etheric levels, residing in etheric bodies. Shamballa, where They dwell, exists in physical matter, like the Kumaras, but it is the matter of the higher ethers of the physical plane, and only when man develops etheric vision will the secret hidden behind the Himalayas be revealed. That's why Sanat Kumara is the Planetary Logos, and yet it is not He. A reflection of the method of direct embodiment can be observed in the case when the disciple leaves his body and allows his Guru or a more advanced chela to use it.

Think about the relation of the dual and simultaneous phenomena, trying to comprehend the nature of the form of the Planetary Logos manifested in the personality of Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara is not the personality of the Planetary Logos, since personality, as you understand it, does not exist in this case. This is not the Soul of the Planetary Logos, for this Soul is the Anima Mundi (World Soul) and the Soul of all forms in all kingdoms of nature. Sanat Kumara, the Eternally Youth, is seen by One Who has the right to do so, for example, when He presides over the Council of Shambhala; and at the same time He is present on and in our planet as Life and as an inhabiting Mind.

Just as the soul strives for incarnation for the sake of its goal and acceptance of one of the highest initiations, so Sanat Kumara incarnated through the medium of our planet in order to fulfill His intentions (known to Him, as a cosmic Soul, on cosmic mental levels) and accept one of the highest initiations that mark the Path of Initiation for those great Lives Who saturate entire planetary spheres. He will be able to take this initiation through the experience that will be given to Him by a vehicle that expresses a special state of consciousness of our entire planetary manifestation. For this, He needs an instrument in which the cells and atoms of His body (all lives of all kingdoms), as well as the integral organisms composing this body (various kingdoms of nature), would stand exactly at the evolutionary level at which they all are now.

This is the biggest hint I can give you, and from it you can conclude that in order to better and more fully understand the divine purpose of Sanat Kumara, you yourself need to prepare for that particular initiation, which for you is at your tiny level of awareness about purpose - is the microcosmic equivalent of His cosmic intention.

The Planetary Logos, by whom we live and move and have our being, is the saturating, animating life of our planet Earth; it is His life that integrates the planet as a whole; It is His life, flowing through all forms - large and small - that forms their totality, the planetary form. Therefore, exercise the imagination inherent in all people, attract your innate gift for creating symbols, and imagine our planet as a huge lotus of many intertwined energies, located within the larger form of the solar system, which, as is known, is esoterically depicted as a twelve-petalled lotus. This lotus, the Earth, responds to many incoming energies, which are to some extent discussed in the book “Esoteric Astrology”.

At the heart of the vast ocean of energies is the cosmic Consciousness, which we call Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days. It was His Will-Be that transformed His manifest form into material arena of life; it is His Will-to-Good that activates the Law of Evolution and leads His form, together with the myriads of small forms that compose it, to that final glory which He alone foresees and knows. It is His consciousness, His sensitive response to all forms, all states of being, all kinds of shocks and contacts that guarantee the development of consciousness of the entire multitude of lives on our Earth.

This great Center of Existence works through a triangle of energies, or through small centers, each of which is brought into active manifestation by one of the three main Rays or Energies...

So these three Centers can be depicted as follows: a circle representing the total energetic form, a central triangle of energies reflecting the qualities of the three main rays, and a point in the center symbolizing the dynamic embodied Life. In relation to Shambhala, this point is Sanat Kumara Himself; when the time comes (that hour has not yet struck) He will appoint His Representatives as the central points in the Hierarchy and Humanity. The possibility of this relatively distant event is brought closer by doctrine, theory, Avatars, or Mediators, encouraging people to think broadly and inclusively. Even for the Hierarchy the time has not yet come to “establish the office of a divine Representative.” Every year the Buddha comes, bringing the power of Sanat Kumara to the Hierarchy , n o - He can't stay. The "units of energy", the Members of the Hierarchy, are unable to withstand the power of the incoming vibrations for long, except after due preparation and in a group, and then only for a few fleeting minutes; nevertheless, the "period of dynamic power" is lengthening in our century from one day to five; in the next century the period of registration will increase even more.

According to the Law of Sacrifice, the Lord of the World remains forever behind the scenes, unknown and unrecognized by all the “seeds” that He came to save, until they blossom into perfect people and, in turn, become the saviors of mankind. Then they will know that He exists. From the perspective of life forms in the four kingdoms of nature, Sanat Kumara does not exist. In developed humanity, before entering the Path of Probation, He is felt and vaguely seen under the vague word “God”. Later, when the life that the “seeds” reveal reaches higher steps or levels in the human hierarchy, the consciousness of the student becomes confident that beyond the phenomenal world there is a world of “saving Lives” of which he can ultimately become a part; he begins to feel that behind these Lives there are great Beings, full of power, wisdom and love, Who, in turn, are under the supreme power of Sanat Kumara, the Eternally Young, the Creator, the Lord of the World.

Acceptance into the Ashram

Naturally this subject is of great interest to all aspirants and potential disciples, but I will not at once connect it with humanity and its efforts to come into contact with the Ashram. Let us first talk about the Ashram as a whole, consisting of many Ashrams and forming a “calling zone” of relationships for the supreme Head of the Ashram, Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the World. I don’t want to get into discussions about this leading Life of our planet. In relation to an even greater Being, the One, called “He of Whom nothing can be said,” HE is the same as the guide of the Teacher in physical incarnation is for Himself and, in a less precise sense, the same as for you are your personality. And for the disciple who has attained initiated consciousness, personality is the expression of the soul or Monad. In Sanat Kumara all the qualities, love and purpose of the highest Being, who is called the “Unknown God” in the New Testament, are focused. Human consciousness will gain some idea of ​​the revelations that await humanity when the following are among the accepted truths by which people live:

  1. The fact of the existence of the Hierarchy,
  2. The nature of her relationship with Shambhala,
  3. The spiritual nature of Those Who respond in reverent obedience to the slightest wish of the Lord of the World.

This will happen after the externalization of the Hierarchy.

The Lord of the World is the only One Who contains the will and purpose of the One Whom He expresses. You can, again, understand this in the same connection with the "unknown God": how your personality - when adequately expressing the soul, and later the Monad - conditions your perception, knowledge, plans and purpose, determines the quality of your life and directs the expressed you energy.

The conductor of His manifestation is a planet with its seven centers, of which students of occultism know only three so far: Shamballa - His head center, Hierarchy - His heart center, and Humanity - His throat center. The remaining four centers are associated with evolutions, which are controlled and directed by any of the three main centers. The solar plexus is governed by the Hierarchy - the heart center of Sanat Kumara, and is closely related to deva evolution, as I hinted at in " Treatise on Cosmic Fire" By the word “hinted” I want to show the vastness of this subject.

I want to pause and clarify the difference between the "unknown God" who manifests Himself through the planet as a whole and Sanat Kumara who occupies His exalted position in Shambhala. Sanat Kumara Himself belongs to those Essences that are responsible for the manifested worlds, but His power over energies and forces is so great - thanks to His cosmic development - that He needs an entire planet to express everything that He represents. With full consciousness of the cosmic astral and mental planes, He is able to use the energies and forces - following cosmic law - which, according to His divine Purpose, create, maintain and use the entire planet. He gives life to her with His life. He maintains it, together with everything that is within it and on its surface, with the quality of His soul, which He endows to one degree or another in all forms. He continually creates new forms necessary for the expression of “abundant life” and for the “expanding purpose of His will”, which become cyclically possible over the centuries through unceasing progress. We are now living in a cycle where His intense activity uses the technique of divine destruction to liberate the spiritual life. At the same time, He is creating a new structure of civilization that will be able to more fully express the evolutionary achievements of the planet and the kingdoms of nature, aiming ultimately at the perfect expression of His divine life and purpose.

The problem of the imperfection of humanity is complex not only because the seven animating and animating Energies are “infected with imperfection,” but also because the Lord of the World Himself, from the point of view of the Solar Logos, for example, is far from perfect. This is the reason why our planet Earth is not considered sacred. We are told that Sanat Kumara is the divine captive of this planet, who will be bound to it until "the last weary wanderer finds his way home." This is His heavy karma, even if it is according to His desire and is carried out by Him with joy; the "weary travelers" are the atoms (human or otherwise) of His body that are infected with imperfection due to His imperfections; their complete “healing” will set the date for His release.

Between the second and third initiations the student must demonstrate a consistent absence of astral and emotional reactions. The second death of which I speak here has to do with the death or disappearance of the causal body at the time of the fourth initiation. It marks the completion of the construction of the antahkarana and the establishment of a direct, unhindered connection between the Monad and the individual.

The third death occurs when the initiate finally and without any prospect of return leaves all relations with the cosmic physical plane. This death is still very far away for everyone in the Hierarchy, and at present it is possible and acceptable only for a few in the Advisory Chamber of Shambhala. However, Sanat Kumara will not go through this process. He underwent this “transformation” many eons ago during the great cataclysm that marked the beginning of the Lemurian Age and was initiated by His cosmic experience and the need for an influx of energy from extraplanetary Entities...

Lord of the World, The One Initiator, Who in the Bible is called the “Ancient of Days” (or Eternal), and in the Hindu Scriptures - the First Kumara, is Sanat Kumara, who from His throne in Shambhala, in the Gobi Desert, governs the Lodge of Teachers and holds the reins in His hands control over all three departments. Called in some Scriptures the “Great Sacrifice,” He chose to devote Himself to overseeing the evolution of men and devas until they were all occultly “saved.” It is He who decides the issue of “promotions” in different departments and determines who will fill vacant positions; it is He who meets in conference four times a year with all the Chohans and Masters and sanctiones what must be done to further the goals of evolution.

Occasionally He meets with initiates of lesser degrees, but only at moments of great crisis, when an individual is given a favorable opportunity to settle a conflict or kindle a fire that will destroy rapidly crystallizing forms and liberate the imprisoned life.

What I want to give is an idea of ​​three clear lines along which man is able to ascend to the Logos and achieve union with the Self of the Solar System. He can ascend along the line of Manu, he can come along the line of Bodhisattva, or he can achieve his goal on the path of the Mahachohan. But especially note that on our planet the Lord of Love and Power, the first Kumara, is the focus of all three departments. He is the One Initiator, and whether a person works along the line of power, or along the line of love, or along the line of intellect, he is bound, in the end, to arrive at his goal on the synthetic Ray of Love and Wisdom. He must become love and show it outwardly; it may be love working through power, or love in harmony, or love working through knowledge, through ceremony or devotion, or simply pure love and wisdom that unites all others. Love was the source, love is the goal, love is the method of achievement.

Initiates know that the manifold psychological characteristics of the ray Lives very specifically determine the mode of expression of the victim during the course of manifestation. The great current of living energy manifesting itself in our earthly scheme of evolution is due to the temperament, attitude and orientation characteristic of the "Divine Rebel." Only a rebellious spirit is the cause of pain and sorrow, but this rebellious spirit is inherent and characteristic of the very Divinity of our planet, the One “by whom we live and move and have our being.” Therefore, this tendency exceeds the individual unit. And the amazing truth about planetary Life can be expressed only with the help of symbolism and categories of human thought. But this is always risky, since people interpret in their own way everything they read, hear about and experience.

« Ancient Commentary" reads:

He entered life and knew it as death. He took the form and learned with bitterness that it was dark. He emerged from the hidden place in search of a place of light, and the light revealed everything that he least sought. He begged for permission to return.

He sought the Throne on high and Him who sat on it. And he said: “This is not what I was looking for. I wanted peace, light, space for service, I sought to prove my love and reveal my power. But there is no light. And peace is not found. Let me go back"

But the One who sat on the throne did not even turn around. It seemed that He was not listening or even hearing. But from the lower realm of darkness and pain came a voice crying: “We suffer here. We are looking for light. We need the glory of God coming. (This is the only way I can translate the last two words to convey the ancient symbol). Lift us to Heaven. Enter, O Lord, into the tomb. Raise us to the light, make a sacrifice. Break down the prison wall for us and enter the pain."

The Lord of Life has returned. But he did it reluctantly, hence the pain.

The same conditions relating the Law of Sacrifice to pain, sorrow and difficulty occur on Mars and Saturn. There are no such conditions on other planets. Those who read " Secret Doctrine" And " Treatise on Cosmic Fire“They know and understand that our Earth is not a sacred planet. However, Saturn, Mars and Earth constitute in an interesting esoteric way the personality of the grandiose ray Life, the energy of which belongs to the Third Ray. As has been noted elsewhere, there are seven sacred planets, but ten planetary schemes, and in three cases (relating to the three major rays) three planets form the personality of each ray Life. Some esoteric thinkers believe that the number of planets in our solar system should be considered equal to twelve, and there is a basis for such a conclusion. The Life Personality of the Third Ray unites the following planets:

  1. The mental body is expressed through the planet Saturn.
  2. The astral body expresses itself through the planet Mars.
  3. The physical body expresses itself through planet Earth.

It is such a powerful Life that It requires three complete patterns for Its expression - all three closely related and interdependent. Uranus, Jupiter and Venus are also connected with each other, manifesting, or expressing, another great Life.

This work is an attempt to present to the world the Image of the Great Sage and Leader of humanity on Earth - Sanat Kumara.

For many centuries the Name of Sanat Kumara was known to the sages of the East, but hidden from Western humanity. In the religious traditions of the East, Sanat Kumara appears in different roles. And each reveals the facets of his Divine Self.

In Hinduism, he is revered as one of the seven sons of Brahma. They are depicted as young men who have retained their purity. In Sanskrit, the name "Sa-nat Kumara" means "eternally young". Hindu sacred texts also call Sanat Kumara an "eminent sage" and one who knew Brahman.

In the Supreme God of Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda, we recognize Sanat Kumara. The name "Ahura Mazda" means "Wise Lord" or "Lord who bestows knowledge." He represents the principle of Good, being the defender of humanity and the opponent of the principle of Evil.

In the Old Testament Sanat Kumara is called the Ancient of Days. The Prophet Daniel says: “The Ancient of Days sat down; His robe was white as snow, and the hair of His head was like pure wool” (Dan. 7:9).

In the twentieth century, the name of Sanat Kumara became widely known to Western humanity. This Name was openly sounded in the book “The Secret Doctrine”, which, as is now known, Elena Petrovna Blavatsky wrote with the direct participation of spiritual Beings who have reached a high stage of evolution and are now helping people climb the same steps. Therefore, this source of information deserves special attention.

In the “Secret Doctrine” the Sacred Name is written together: “Sanatkumara”. Sanatkumara is called the Radiant Son of the Dawn of Manvantara, Dhyani, Dhyan-Kogan, Anupadaka, one of the Seven Mind-born Sons of Brahma, Manu, the Son of Fire, the Ancient of Days, the highest Being on the ladder of Being and many other titles. If we draw an analogy with a person, then a certain person also appears in many forms: he is simultaneously a son, a husband, a father, has a profession, an academic title, is a member of some organization, and therefore acts in many roles in his life. Likewise, Sanat Kumara has many titles and names depending on his origin, spiritual nature and type of activity.

In order to understand who Sanat Kumara is and His greatness, we need to briefly become acquainted with the basics of ancient Knowledge, revealed to the Western world at the end of the 19th century in the “Secret Doctrine”.

This work is based on the Stanzas of the Book of Dzyan. As E.P. writes Blavatsky in the Introduction, “...the main work from which the Stanzas are taken is not available in European libraries. THE BOOK OF DZIAN (or DZAN) is completely unknown to our philologists, or, in any case, they have never heard of it under this name. ...but for students of Occultism and for all true Occultists this is of little importance. The main basis of this Doctrine is found in hundreds and thousands of Sanskrit manuscripts, some of which have already been translated and, as usual, distorted by interpretation, while others are still awaiting their turn.”

Also in the Introduction, the author reports that the Secret Doctrine was a common religion of the Ancient World. Evidence of its prevalence and “its presence in every country, together with the teachings of all its great Adepts, exist to this day in the secret sanctuaries and libraries belonging to the Occult Brotherhood.” All documents are carefully and carefully preserved in order to appear in a more enlightened time.

The book "The Secret Doctrine" presents the Stanzas themselves and numerous commentaries on them, which "are given from Chinese, Tibetan and Sanskrit translations, original Senzar commentaries and interpretations from Dzyan Books given for the first time in a European language." In addition, in every second part of both volumes, the author provides additional explanations of symbols and concepts.

The seven Stanzas given in this volume represent the seven terms of this abstract formula. They relate to and describe the seven great stages of the evolutionary process spoken of in " Puranas", as about the "Seven Creations", and in Bible, as about the “Days of Creation”. Moreover, the “Book of Dzyan” is much older than the Indian Vedas, not to mention the Bible.

Any act of creation includes the origin of an idea and its subsequent implementation. The act of creation of the Universe, according to the Secret Doctrine, begins with the fact that the Supreme Deity, which is also called the Absolute, the absolute Principle, Atman, the eternally unknowable Deity, Parabrahman (among the Hindus), etc., passes from the unmanifested state into the manifested. It becomes “Brahma (Bisexual Power) and unfolds into the manifested Universe,” becoming “the manifested Word of the Logos.” And then there is multiple differentiation and the creation of ever new “forms”, starting from Divine consciousness and ending with physical matter.

Among those who are the first to awaken to active life at a certain stage of Creation, the so-called primordial Beings of Dhyani-Buddha, or Dhyan-Kohans - the Builders of the visible World are known. These few vehicles are intermediaries between the Higher and the lower. “Thus, from the Spirit, or the Cosmic Thought-base, our consciousness comes, from the Cosmic Substance those several vehicles in which this consciousness is individualized and reaches self-awareness - or reflective - consciousness.”

Christians call the Dhyan-Khans Archangels, Hindus call them Rishi-Prajapatis, and Jews call them Elohim or Sons of God. They are Planetary Spirits of all peoples who have become Gods for people. In the comments to Stanza I, the essence of the Dhyan-Kohans is figuratively revealed: “Ah-hi (Dhyan-Khohans) are a host of spiritual Beings - the Angelic Orders of Christianity, the Elohim and the “Messengers” of the Jews - who are Guides for the manifestation of the Divine or Universal Thought and Will. They are the Intelligent Forces that give and establish its “Laws” in Nature and, at the same time, they themselves act in accordance with the Laws imposed on them in a similar way by even higher Forces; but they are not “personifications” of the Forces of Nature, as is often mistakenly thought. This Hierarchy of spiritual Beings, through which the Universal Mind manifests itself, is like an army - a Host, truly, through which the warlike power of the people manifests itself; it consists of corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, etc.; each has its own individuality or its own special life, with a certain amount of freedom of action and corresponding responsibility; each is included in an even larger Individuality, to which its personal interests are subordinated, and each contains even smaller individuals.” Let us pay attention to the fact that the Dhyan-Cohans occupy a high position in the Hierarchy of spiritual Beings - they are “generals” who control their numerous “troops” and at the same time submit to the “Generalissimo”. And in these spiritual “troops” there is a clear hierarchical subordination and distribution of duties and responsibilities.

In the commentary to Stanza IV of the Dhyan Chohans the Kumaras, the Sons of Fire, the Agnishwattas, the Seven Mystic Sages are called. “They are the “Sons of Fire,” for they are the first Beings who proceeded and evolved from the Primordial Fire, called “Minds” in the Secret Doctrine. “For the Lord God... is a consuming Fire.” The author explains: “Fire is Ether in its purest form and therefore is not considered as matter, but is the unity of Ether - a secondary manifested deity.”

The Dhyan Chohans are also mentioned as Manus (in the commentary to Stanza III). Manu is the patron of his own special cycle (or Circle), "each Manu is a special god, creator and shaper of everything that appears in the continuation of his corresponding cycle of being, or Manvantara."

The author cites the description of Kumar given in one of the Esoteric texts: “ The Kumaras are Dhyanis, directly emanating from the Supreme Principle, who reappear in the Vaivasvata Period of Manu for the advancement of humanity." .

There are seven Kumars in total. Four of them are often mentioned in exoteric texts, but three Kumaras are sacred. “The four exoteric Kumaras are Sanatkumara, Sananda, Sanaka and Sanatana: and the three esoteric ones are Sana, Kapila and Sanatsujata.” But these Names are only pseudonyms, the author claims.

Kumaras under different names are present in every religion. The number of Deities is mentioned as seven or ten. “Our races... originated from the Divine Races, no matter what name the latter were called. Whether we are dealing with Hindu Rishis or Pitris; with the Chinese Chin-nan and Zhang-gi - their “Divine Man”; and Demi-gods with Dingir and Mul-lil of the Acadians - the Creating God, and the “Gods of the Kingdom of Shadows”; with the Egyptian Isis-Osiris and Thoth; with the Jewish Elohim; or with Manco-Capac and his Peruvian descendants - the legend remains unchanged everywhere. Every nationality has seven or ten Rishi-Manu and Prajapati; seven and ten Ki-i; or ten And seven Ameshaspents(six exoterically); ten and seven Chaldean Annedoti; ten and seven Sephiroth, etc. All of them descended from the original Dhyan-Khohans of the Esoteric Doctrine, or from the “Builders” mentioned in the Stanzas of the first volume.

What role did the Kumaras play in the development of humanity?

The Sons of Fire (Solar Deities) were the progenitors of the “true spiritual Self” (the Christ Self, or Supreme Manas) in physical man, in contrast to the Pitris (Moon Gods), who became the Fathers of “the pattern or type of his physical form, created “in the likeness of their» .

Let us turn to the second volume of the Secret Doctrine, which describes the formation of the Root Races of humanity.

"12. The Great Kogans called upon the Lords of the Moon about the Aerial Bodies [and told them]: “Give birth to People, People of your nature. Give them their inner Forms. They will lay down the outer Shells [external bodies]...

13. They [the Moon Gods] went, each to his assigned Earth; Seven of them, each for his own Destiny. The Lords of Flame were left behind. They didn’t want to go, they didn’t want to create.”

Among those who “refused to create offspring,” the author names Sanat Kumara. The Kumaras "...appear on the field of action, 'refusing' - as Sanatkumara and Sananda did - 'to create offspring.' However, they are called the "creators" of (thinking) man."

The esoteric meaning of the refusal of the Sons of Fire to “create offspring” in the “Secret Doctrine” is explained as follows: “The Risen” did not want to create weak-willed, irresponsible people, as the “obedient” Angels did; nor could they bestow upon human beings even even temporary reflections of their personal properties, for the latter, belonging to another and much higher plane of consciousness, would still leave man irresponsible, and therefore would prevent any possibility of higher advancement. No spiritual and psychic evolution is possible on Earth - on the lowest and most material plane - for someone who, at least on this plane, is essentially perfect and cannot accumulate either merit or vice. If man remained a pale reflection of the inert, unchanging and unmoving Perfection, the only negative and passive attribute of the true I am what I am, he would be condemned to go through life on Earth as if immersed in a heavy, dreamless sleep; therefore, it would be an unsuccessful attempt on this plane.”

So, the Moon Deities, who have no mind, emitted creatures similar to themselves and created their air-transparent doubles, that is, the future bodily forms of man. Why did the Fiery Deities “did not want to create” from an objective point of view? Because the fiery substance is too thin to create the future bodies of people, but the astral matter of the Moon Gods is much closer to the physical plane, although it differs significantly from it in density. That is why it took many millions of years for the astral matter to be compacted into the matter of the physical plane, so that a person would acquire a bone skeleton and flesh and become what he looks like now.

And only during the time of the Third Root Race (about 18 million years ago) an outstanding event for humanity occurred: the Sons of Fire endowed human forms with a “spark” of reason, that is, the ability to think. When humanity became physically ready, the Fire Gods (Kumaras, or Dhyan-Kohans) “descended” (“fell”) into matter, thereby accelerating the evolution of earthly humanity. They not only endowed most of humanity with intelligence. They also incarnated in some human bodies and thereby added knowledge and will to them - that is, something without which a person would never have become what he is now.

"27. The Third Race became the Carrier [Conductor] of the Lords of Wisdom. She created the Sons of Will and Yoga, by the power of Kriyashakti she created them, the Holy Fathers, the Ancestors of the Arhats...”

The author comments on this Stanza of the Book of Dzyan as follows: “The Third Race thus created the so-called “Sons of Will and Yoga” or “Ancestors” - Spiritual Forefathers - all subsequent and present Arhats or Mahatmas... Creation is only the result of Will acting on phenomenal Matter, evoking from it the Primordial Divine Light and Eternal Life. They were the "Hidden Seeds" of the future Saviors of Humanity."

The "Sons of Wisdom", who... incarnated in this [Third] Root Race, gave birth through Kriashakti to offspring called... "Sons of Will and Yoga." They were a conscious creation, for part of this Race was already animated by the divine spark of spiritual, higher intelligence. This offspring was not a Race. In the beginning, it was a Miraculous Being called the “Initiator”, and after him a group of half-divine, half-human Beings. ...they are those in whom the highest Dhyanis are said to have incarnated - "Muni and Rishis of the previous Manvantaras" - to create a nursery for future human Adepts on this Earth and throughout the present Cycle. These "Sons of Will and Yoga", born, so to speak, in an immaculate way, remained, as explained, completely separated from the rest of humanity. The "creature" just mentioned, which must remain unnamed, is Tree, from which all the great ones branched off in subsequent centuries, historically famous Sages and Hierophants like Rishi Kapila, Hermes, Enoch, Orpheus, etc.” .

If the Dhyan Chohans had not endowed the human forms of the Third Race with the Highest Light of Reason (the Christ Self, or the Higher Manas), how many more hundreds of millions of years would it have taken for man to become conscious! Animal man could never achieve this goal through personal efforts. He would continue to exist almost unconsciously, as can be observed in animals.

Having made such a priceless gift to humanity, the Kumaras did not leave it without further help. They continued to incarnate in the Lemurian, Atlantean and Aryan Races in the roles of Sages and Hierophants, great Rulers and Founders of religions. All the sages of antiquity “tell us... about the seven primary and dual Gods who descend from their heavenly abode and reign on Earth, teaching humanity astronomy, architecture and all other sciences that have come down to us. These Beings first appear as Gods and Creators; then they flow into the nascent man to appear finally as “Divine Kings and Rulers.” But this fact was gradually forgotten."

The Sons of Wisdom are another name for the same seven Dhyan Chohans. In the Bhagavad Gita they are also called the seven great Rishis. “Let us remember that the seven Rishis, the Saptarshis, are the Regents of the seven stars of the Great Bear and therefore they are of the same nature as the Angels of the Planets or the seven Great Planetary Spirits. All of them incarnated as people on earth, in various Kalpas and Races."

Studying the role of Kumar in the development of humanity, it is impossible to remain silent about the greatest misconception of earthly minds regarding this role. In many religions of the world, the act of Higher help, performed in accordance with the Law of Evolution (the Higher is intended to help the lower), is considered as the fall of the angels “into the darkness of hell.” Whereas in the "Secret Doctrine" this act is called a great "self-sacrifice for the good of humanity."
“The Secret Teaching says that the Devas of Fire, the Rudras and Kumaras, the Virgin Angels (to which Archangel Michael and Gabriel belong), the Divine “Rebels”... preferred curse of the incarnation and long cycles of earthly existence and reincarnation, rather than seeing disaster, even unconscious, beings who were revealed as reflections of their Brothers through the semi-passive energy of their too spiritual The creators. If “a person must use his life in such a way as not to become like an animal, not to spiritualize, but humanize his “I”, then for this he must be born person, not an angel. Therefore, tradition indicates that the heavenly Yogis voluntarily sacrificed themselves to redeem Humanity, which was created in the beginning in the likeness of God and perfect, endowing it with human affections and aspirations. To accomplish this, they had to abandon their characteristic state and descend to our Sphere and establish their stay on it for the entire cycle of Mahayuga, thus replacing their impersonal Individualities with individual Personalities - the bliss of superstellar existence for the curse of earthly life. This voluntary sacrifice of the Fiery Angels, whose nature was Knowledge And Love, has been distorted by exoteric theologies into a statement showing that the "Risen Angels" were cast into the "Darkness of Hell" - our Earth.

The above-mentioned Miraculous Being, or “Initiator,” created by the Dhyan Chohans, from whom the “Sons of Will and Yoga” came (“were separated,” so to speak, in an immaculate way), is also called the GREAT SACRIFICE, about which it is very poetically said in the book:

“He is the “Initiator,” called the “GREAT SACRIFICE.” For, being at the threshold Sveta, He looks at him from within the Circle of Darkness, which He will not transgress; and until the last Day of this Cycle of Life He will not leave His post. Why does the Lone Guardian remain in his chosen position? Why does He sit at the Fountain of Eternal Wisdom, from which He no longer drinks, for He has nothing to learn that He does not already know - neither on this Earth nor in its Heavens? - Because lonely, tired travelers, returning home, are never sure, even until the last minute, that they will not lose their path in this boundless desert of Illusion and Matter, called Earthly Life. Because He longs to show every prisoner who has managed to free himself from the bonds of flesh and illusion, the path to that area of ​​freedom and Light, from which He Himself is a voluntary exile. Because, in short, He sacrificed Himself for the Salvation of Mankind, although only a select few can benefit from this GREAT SACRIFICE.

Under the direct silent leadership of this MAHAGURU, from the time of the first awakening of human consciousness, all other, less divine Teachers and Mentors of Humanity became the leaders of early Humanity. Through the agency of these "Sons of God" infant Humanity received its first concepts of all the arts and sciences, as well as of spiritual knowledge. It was They who laid the first foundation stone of those ancient civilizations that so rightly cause the wonder of our modern generation of scientists and researchers.”

Fortunately for humanity, the Great Sons of Wisdom, the Dhyan Chohans, will remain with us until our human evolution reaches its final goal.

Since the Dhyan Chohans are our Ancestors, our spiritual bodies (principles) are identical with Their spiritual nature. And our task is to go through all the stages of evolution through many cycles of reincarnation, according to the Law of Karma, until each of us, as they say in the “Secret Doctrine,” acquires “individuality; first by force of innate impulse, and then by personal spontaneous efforts controlled by her Karma, thus rising through all degrees of intelligence, from the lowest to the highest Manas, from mineral and plant to the highest Archangel (Dhyani-Buddha)."

This means that according to the Creator’s plan, every person following the path of evolution will someday become the same as Sanat Kumara!

At all times, Sanat Kumara and other Divine Mentors help the people of the Earth. We know about the Old Testament prophet Daniel and John the Theologian, who saw the Ancient of Days. We know that outstanding Rulers and Founders of religions channeled Divine energies to Earth in one way or another. Recent centuries are no exception.

Teachers of humanity send knowledge into the world that people who have reached a high level of consciousness can accept. Such a person in the 19th century was Elena Petrovna Blavatsky. In the 20th century, the New Teaching of Agni Yoga was accepted by Elena Ivanovna Roerich; Messages from the Lords of Wisdom were received by Guy and Edna Ballard and Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophets. In the 21st century, help to modern humanity comes through Tatyana Nikolaevna Mikushina, endowed with the mantle of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood in 2004.

Since 2005, T.N. Mikushina received over 470 Messages from more than 60 Beings of Light. The Messages speak about the peculiarities of today's times and the need for changes in our consciousness.

Nowadays, cycles are changing. Humanity has passed the lowest point of materiality and is heading Home to the Kingdom of Spirit. The cosmic pendulum began its movement in the opposite direction - from the descent of the spirit into matter to its ascent into true reality, and its path will be long. Over the next millions of years, there will be a process of decompression, refinement of matter and people acquiring ever new levels of consciousness, up to the consciousness of the Dhyan-Kogans, i.e. divine state of consciousness.

The Lords of Wisdom, and first of all, Sanat Kumara, remind us of our Divine origin and call us to awaken to the Supreme reality, since the Divine reality surpasses in its love, wisdom and beauty any of the most beautiful manifestations of our physical world.

Sanat Kumara addresses us through his Messenger Tatyana Mikushina:

“You are on the physical plane, and you are concerned, first of all, with everything that happens around you on the physical plane. But we call you higher, we call you to the mountain peaks, to our world. And in our world you can feel completely safe under reliable control and supervision.

You are accustomed to the fact that from incarnation to incarnation you came to your cozy physical world. You feel an inextricable connection with your physical world. You created this world. I am telling you that the time has come when you must understand and accept in your consciousness that your world will be transformed. And for those individuals who have not reached a certain level of consciousness, the current incarnation may be the last manifestation of their individuality on the physical plane.

Therefore, while there is still time, consider my words. Accept in your hearts and try to implement the Great Divine Law in your lives.

Everything transitory that is created by your imperfect consciousness will cease to exist. Only that which is eternal will remain. Your best manifestations of the Spirit. Selflessness, self-sacrifice, dedication, the highest manifestation of Love and many other things will exist with you in the New World. Then, when the old world goes into oblivion, the New World will take its place.

And in this world there will be no place for any human negative manifestations. In this world, only that which is eternal will remain to exist, only that which is a manifestation of the best human qualities. And these qualities will multiply and grow. And everything that has become obsolete will be swept away and destroyed.

You have nothing to worry about or grieve about. Trust the Great Law of this Universe. Those who believe, those who love, those who hope, nothing will or will not happen to them. Believe me.

I'm with you. All the Ascended Hosts are with you. And we will help to the end everyone in whom the Divine monad is alive, in whom the Divine essence is manifested.

None of our people are allowed to sink into oblivion. Everything will be as it is written in the sacred books of the past and present.
God be with you! Don't be afraid of change! .

As in the "Secret Doctrine", modern Epistles also tell about the Great Feat of Sanat Kumara. Thus, in the Message of Zarathustra dated December 27, 2012, it is said with the greatest respect:

“Thanks to this Spirit, all humanity on Earth was able to continue its evolution. And it is too unfair to forget the feat of the Spirit of this high individuality. It is too unworthy to consign to oblivion that Being, thanks to whom humanity still continues its evolution.

This was many millions of years ago. And then the situation on the planet was very similar to the situation that developed in your time.

There was no one on the entire planet who could support the Flame of Life, the Divine Fire in their chakras. There was not a single being on the planet that would channel Divine energy into the world.

According to the Law, a world that cut itself off from God was subject to destruction as a failed civilization.

God has already planned a new lila for planet Earth.

However, there was a very high individual who vouched for the planet and its evolution.

And literally at the last moment a decision was made: the evolutions of planet Earth will continue to exist, but only as long as there remains at least one person in embodiment on Earth who can maintain the level of Divine consciousness.

The first who took upon himself the cross of incarnation on the dark planet was Sanat Kumara. He sacrificed all his achievements in order to come into incarnation and give the evolutions of planet Earth Divine principles of management and understanding of the Divine Law.

Thanks to this feat of the Spirit, millions of lifestreams were able to continue their evolution on planet Earth.

It is a great mercy for the world that Sanat Kumara continues to serve for the benefit of the evolutions of planet Earth.

And now that you know to whom you owe the continuation of your evolution, you will no longer be able to irresponsibly dispose of your Divine energy. For millions of years Sanat Kumara has been crucified on the cross of matter so that your souls can be strengthened and take responsibility for the planet and for their own evolution.

You can't pretend like you don't know anything anymore. You must be fully aware and in awe of the great sacrifice that Sanat Kumara made for your lifestreams."