What is your best friend? Who is a friend and who can be called a true friend? How to be a good friend

Friendship is a broad concept. As children, we consider everyone we interact with as friends. As we get older, there are fewer and fewer friends, only the most trusted and real ones remain. Best friend, what is he like? This problem worries those who so want to have real friends, but do not know whether they have any.

Who can be considered a friend

  • True friendship is tested over the years; you can hardly understand whether the friend next to you is real or just a friend until life teaches you a couple or three valuable lessons. Only difficulties, troubles, illnesses and even misfortunes show how a person really treats you. If your friend is with you only in moments of joy, at holidays and feasts, and if something happens, he is always not interested in you, then this relationship can hardly be called friendly.
  • Friendship usually begins at school or college, when we are still open and crave communication; later, finding a truly understanding person is much more difficult. We do not choose our parents and relatives, so the relationship between them is not always ideal. But we are free to choose friends, people close to us in spirit, with whom it is easy and pleasant for us, whom we love and appreciate.
  • Usually friends have common interests and hobbies, they always have something to talk about, and even if you don’t feel like talking, a pause in communication is not a burden.
  • What is a best friend? This is a person with whom you always have fun, he can cheer you up, support you when you are sad, entertain you when you are bored. But if trouble suddenly knocks on your door, a friend will certainly help you. He will lend you money, take care of your child, and shelter you if you suddenly have nowhere to live.
  • But friendship is not only about taking, it is also important to be able to give. Only if you yourself are selfless and honest, and do not demand anything in return, your friendship will be intact and unshakable. Take care of your friend’s feelings, help him, and he will reciprocate your feelings.

That's what a close friend is. Always remember this, and be grateful to fate if you have at least one such person.

Friends - how many of us have them? Some people have a lot of contacts on their phone, but only a handful of people they can call friends. They always support you when others turn away, pick up the phone when you need them most and consider you normal under any circumstances. A friend can be identified by the following criteria.

1. Your best friend listens to you.

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve already told the same news, a true friend will never get tired of listening to even your stupidest stories. Your best friend is the person who will listen to you, even if he doesn't understand most of what you say.

2. Your best friend will always have your back.

Some people may act friendly towards you, but when situations get complicated, they simply turn away from you. But a high-quality best friend will always support you. If you go to a rock club to explain to bikers that motorcycles are for little girls, your friend will be waiting for you in a running car outside.

3. Your best friend accepts your flaws.

Have you ever wondered if your friends are good? You will understand this when you do something bad. Fake friends can't handle your sins, addictions, or bad decisions. Your best friend loves you even if you're standing in a ditch with your middle finger up.

4. Your best friend loves you.

Admittedly, we have certain feelings for our closest friends, even if they are of the same gender. We hug them a little longer than necessary, look them in the eyes for a long time at parties, and kiss them for different reasons. But what wouldn't you do for high-quality best friends?

5. You can talk about personal things with your best friend.

The stronger the friendship, the wider the range of topics that can be discussed together. Your best friend can talk to you about breakfast and then switch to your diarrhea in the blink of an eye.

6. Your best friend knows how to make you laugh.

We all have certain levers that can make us smile. Between friends there are jokes that only they understand that can amuse them at any time.

7. The best friend is always honest.

Any stranger can be polite, but only your best friend has the right to tell you that you look terrible instead of smiling in your face and talking about your shortcomings with others.

8. Your best friend will go through all your life stages with you.

You will have different events in your life. There are people who will leave you when you start making them uncomfortable. Only your best friend will pay your medical bill, take you to the hospital, and sit by your bed while you sleep.

9. Your best friend inspires you.

There are many people in life who try to look better than us. Competitiveness is not a vice, but those people who do not put your interests first are not your friends. Your best friend will support you in your efforts.

10. Your best friend knows your secrets.

Colleagues, classmates or clients - they all form part of our lives. We spend time together, share space and share experiences with these people. But only a true friend can be trusted with your dirty little secrets, which he will keep as such.

11. A best friend transcends time and place.

You may not see each other for years, but become close in a second. You can’t get tired of your best friend; there’s never too much or too little of him. No matter how far you are from each other, you are always the closest.

12. You can rely on your best friend.

You can rely on him for everything, but neither he nor you should ever cross each other's boundaries.

13. Your best friend never judges you.

Nobody likes to be judged, but we are all used to judging others. Your best friend already judged you when you first met, he doesn’t need it anymore.

14. The best friend sincerely rejoices at our successes.

One day you will succeed in something - and then the haters will crawl out of the woods. Some people you thought were friends will no longer seem so. Only your best friend will sincerely rejoice at your success and celebrate it with you, and not be jealous in a corner.

A friend will buy you out of prison, but your best friend will be in the next cell. Quality is always more important than quantity, and to find a good friend, you need to become a high-quality best friend yourself.

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “best friend”? Surely the image of a person who is incredibly dear and dear to your heart, whom you are always happy to meet, pops up in your thoughts.

What should a true comrade be like?

It is worth identifying the traits that should be present in a best friend:

  • Ideally, your closest friend should be a “combination” of an adviser, a teacher, a brother. He is always with you, will not leave you in difficult times, will help you in word and deed.
  • He knows everything about you, even your biggest flaws, and still continues to be friends with you. Nothing stops him from being around.
  • He should love you for who you are, and only occasionally give advice on how you can be better and more perfect.
  • The best friend will never refuse help or betray you in difficult times.
  • He values ​​your relationship and values ​​it. He will do everything to make them improve and develop.
  • A best friend will never talk about you behind your back, spread gossip about you, or reveal secrets.

The phrase “best friend” means something different to everyone. Someone wants to see a reflection of themselves in it. In this case, friends should have almost the same characters. Someone chooses a completely different person for their comrade based on their views and behavioral characteristics. Often, lively and cheerful fidgets become friends of quiet people. As you know, opposites attract, complementing each other. A strong-willed and ideological person wants to have a friend and ally who will support all his plans and help in their implementation. A travel enthusiast wants to be friends with an easy-going person who is also interested in travel and extreme sports. Such a comrade must be ready to support the company and decide to take spontaneous actions.

Where can you find your best friend?

Most often, best friends are met in childhood. At this time, little people are most open to communication; they do not expect benefits from it. One thing is important to them: they are comfortable with a new acquaintance, does he share interests, does he not offend, does he share toys? During childhood, you can have several best friends. Growing up, kids realize the value of friendship and choose one or at most two comrades to whom they entrust their cherished secrets and dreams. They spend a lot of time together with them, walking, doing various activities that are interesting to both. The strongest friendships are among classmates who are together during lessons, during breaks, and after classes. In each other's company, they experience various difficulties and gain life experience.

Adolescence brings its own adjustments to friendships. It's time for maximalism. If your best friend does not share the same views or is not completely devoted, the relationship may end. A threat to them may come in the form of admission to different educational institutions after graduation. Unfortunately, this happens often. But if this happened, it means there never was a real friendship.

You can find your best friends at university. In a group or hostel there is always at least one person with whom you can be “on the same wavelength,” attend various events, go for walks, prepare for classes and, of course, have a heart-to-heart conversation about everything in the world.

Work is a place where you can meet a friend. Typically, these are smoother and more stable relationships based on common views on life and mutual respect.

Every time, every moment of life can present a person who will become one of the most important - a best friend. The main thing is to recognize your soul mate in time and preserve this relationship for many years. A true friend is above all wealth. Appreciate him!

Best friend is a term commonly used by women to mean a friend with whom he has more confidence and special affection .

Typically, a best friend is someone with whom you have been friends for a long time.

Best friends often go through several situations, both good and bad.

A best friend is someone you can always trust, no matter the situation or moment, you know that he will be ready to help.

This expression is used from children to adult women to indicate the degree of friendship.

A best friend is someone who plays the role of a friend, who is a kind of "adoption sister" who lives with the family and knows everything about her friend's life, for example.

In English "best friend" is best friend, but in English-speaking countries best friends are often called BFF, which means "best friends forever."

Find out more about the meaning of BFF.

Having a best friend means having a voluntary and close social relationship. The behavior, attitudes toward friends, and values ​​that define friendship vary across societies and histories.

However, mutual aid, reciprocity and trust between best friends are traits that do not only exist in changing societies.

"Best friend" is a very dubious term because many people are untrustworthy and thus become an object of mistrust if true friendships actually exist.

Women often have many friends, but most know that among everyone there is a best friend who can be trusted at any time.

Having a true friend is true happiness. What do they say about best friends? Don't spill the water... or soul mates... Some people who believe in life after death actually believe that the best friend in this life was a best friend or loved one in one of their past lives. And that is why good friends understand each other well, as if they have known each other all their lives and even a little more...

Sometimes you really know your best friend your entire adult life. Many have been friends since school, some have been friends since college. It’s rare, but it still happens that when parents are friends, their children are also together almost from the very cradle. They don’t choose parents, but they even choose friends. We usually choose as our best friends a person who is somewhat similar to ourselves in terms of views, hobbies, interests, goals and at the same time the complete opposite of ourselves. Very often, men, best friends, listen to the same music, like to watch football together and root for the same team, but one prefers thin blondes, and the other plump brunettes.

It's always easy and simple with your best friend. It can be a lot of fun to be with him, since you have common memories, jokes and jokes. It’s not for nothing that they say that friends are like candles, that they make our lives brighter and richer. With a friend you can be yourself, you don’t have to pretend that you feel good when you feel bad and vice versa. Your best friend is capable of much for your sake, and is able to forgive you a lot. He can give you your last penny if you need money, or shelter you at home during marital quarrels. Moreover, true friendship is selfless. There are no words to describe the feeling you feel for a friend, it’s probably a mixture of love, respect and devotion...

But you also need to be able to make friends. It is important not only to receive, but also to give in return. It is important to be able to cherish these relationships until old age. It is important to never betray or use your friend, to always support him and treat him with understanding. Take care of your friendship...

What a small word

And how easy it is to say

And how much good, simple,

But not everyone can become one.