Women's mohawk is a hairstyle for brave girls at the height of fashion. Women's mohawk haircut How to make a mohawk from hair

Which is a strip of hair in the middle of the head, laid upward, in the form of a cockscomb. If you decide to emphasize your individuality with a mohawk, then first decide whether you will do it with or without a haircut at the temporal part. It is better to get a mohawk haircut at a hairdresser, because at home you can only shave your hair neatly and beautifully. And one more thing - the hair for a mohawk must be perfectly straight, so any waves and curls must first be straightened with an iron.

The process of creating a mohawk

  • If you do not want to cut the hair from the temples, then you need to comb it perfectly back and fix it with hairspray to create the effect of clean temples. If the hair is long, then the strands from the temples need to be combed and secured at the back of the head with invisible pins so that they hold the hair.
  • The mohawk hairstyle is varied and depends on what kind of result you want. The mohawk can be soft, feminine, or militant and protruding. But in all cases, you will need super-strong hold hairspray, a hair dryer, a comb and a hair brush. If you have thin hair, then use gel; if your hair is brittle and dry, use wax.
  • Wash your hair, tilt your head down, divide the mohawk area into strands. Apply gel or wax to each strand, use your fingers to stretch the hair and shape it into the desired shape, then dry it a little with a hairdryer. So strand by strand. When the entire mohawk area is exposed, it needs to be thoroughly dried with a hairdryer. Dry at low speed to prevent the wind from blowing the shape of the hairstyle. After this, secure the hairstyle well with hairspray. This method is used for short to medium hair.
  • If you want to make a mohawk on long hair, then you will need a comb and a massage hair brush, because after dividing each strand, you first need to comb it at the roots with a brush, then shape it, and then dry it with a hairdryer. Final drying with a hairdryer and good fixation with varnish is mandatory in all cases. On combed hair, a mohawk will last for several hours, but combing has a very bad effect on the health of the hair, so think before you spoil your hair with combing.
  • For a spiked mohawk, the hair also needs to be divided into sections. Treat each strand with gel, pulling it by the end of the spike. Then dry it with a hairdryer and fix it with varnish.
  • The mohawk can be dyed any color. For this purpose, special temporary paints are sold that allow you to vividly transform your appearance, becoming Malvina with blue hair or a Mermaid with green hair. They do not harm the hair, change its color perfectly, and at the same time are simply removed from the hair during washing.

The mohawk is cool and beautiful. But if you do not have experience in hairdressing, and you rarely do a variety of hairstyles, then so that your head does not become the subject of ridicule, we still recommend contacting a specialist. And then you will flaunt in all your glory!

Creating a bold, flashy image is impossible without shocking. You won’t be able to surprise others with curls or thinning. Even bright colors do not always help achieve the goal. A woman's mohawk is a different matter. An extreme tuft of hair placed up against the background of short-cropped or shaved temples will definitely not allow you to go unnoticed. Even options of moderate content, imitation of an informal hairstyle help to gain the expected interest in the person.

general description

Historically, the mohawk on the head was observed among the Indians. In modern times, the hairstyle was “approved” by representatives of the punk culture that emerged in the mid-60s. XX century. Informals, seeking to attract maximum public attention, left hair in the central part of the skull, completely shaving off the temples. The long part of the hair was placed up in various ways. The resulting crest was shaped like a comb. Initially, the hairstyle was considered masculine, but the female part of informal groups quickly borrowed the bold image.

Nowadays, a mohawk on the head does not mean belonging to a subculture. A bright appearance does not symbolize a statement of protest to society, does not emphasize strength or aggression. The styling option allows you to attract attention, emphasize individuality, and bold behavior. A comb of hair placed up often acts as a situational hairstyle option. Styling is done from a haircut of a typical shape or even imitates an element.

Mohawk refers to a hairstyle with short temples. The hair of the central, longer part is lifted up. The strands in the classic element are located at an angle of 90 degrees to the head. Modern moderate options allow a smaller angle of inclination.

Mohawk for a fashionable female look is done on short or medium hair. Long hair can only imitate a catchy element. It is not at all necessary to specifically cut the classic version, constantly shocking others. A variation of the hairstyle can be created from a half-box, pixie, garcon or Tomboy hairstyle.

Who is it suitable for?

The mohawk is not one of those hairstyles that suits everyone. The haircut and styling method must fit organically into the image. An extravagant option should complement the appearance and be combined with the style of behavior. Typically, a tuft on the head appeals to bold, self-confident people who are ready for increased attention from others.

Contrary to the belief that a shocking hairstyle is suitable exclusively for a sporty or informal style of clothing, stylists claim that this is a mistaken belief. An elegant mohawk harmonizes with casual outfits and even evening dresses.

The relevance of a catchy haircut is determined not only by the style of clothing and behavior. It is important to take into account external data. Those with long, narrow faces should think about the appropriateness of their hairstyle. Highly raised hair risks aggravating the situation. This option is not recommended for those with obvious defects in appearance: scars, warts, asymmetry, ugly features. The installation method will highlight imperfections.

Owners of a large oval shape: square, round, or large build should evaluate the appropriateness of informal hair styling. A high comb will emphasize the size, make the appearance masculine, and draw attention to shortcomings.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the hair structure. Straight strands of high rigidity are the best solution. Tight curls will require complex styling. Thin, damaged curls risk not being able to withstand the load.

The age of a mohawk is not a hindrance if the owner is ready to wear a similar hairstyle. Mature ladies rarely agree to such experiments. And wrinkles are not the best companion for such a hairstyle. A young girl looks more natural with a similar hairstyle.

Hair color does not affect the possibility of creating a mohawk. Light, dark, natural or dyed strands: everything is suitable. A bright hairstyle is often complemented with creative coloring. Contrasting combinations and accent spots are possible.

Preparatory stage

To achieve a mohawk, you need a certain length of hair. The specific values ​​depend on the desired result. The base for an elegant option can be elongated pixie, garcon, half-box. The traditional mohawk is cut separately.

To work on your hair, you will need scissors, a clipper, combs, and styling products. You can create a mohawk as a hairstyle at home.

Attention! It is not recommended to cut the hair base yourself. Any imperfections on short hair attract attention.

In the salon, the base for the mohawk will be cut for 300–1500 rubles. The hairstyle is often complemented with fancy coloring and creative styling. These services are paid separately. You can do your hair styling for every day yourself.

Execution options

Creating a mohawk is a creative work that requires a comprehensive assessment of appearance and excellent contact with the client. The following hairstyle options are widespread:

  • Classical. Hair is left long only on a narrow strip in the central part of the head from the forehead to the back of the head or neck. The remaining areas are shaved or cut very short. The length of the comb is 5–15 cm. Long hair remains uniform or the size decreases from the crown down. The hairstyle is informal, the choice is carefully thought out.

  • Short elegant. A half-box base or similar haircuts with short hair length is used. Mohawk styling is done according to need. Short-haired or shaved temples flow smoothly into a longer central part. The base for the comb is wide. The hairstyle is universal, suitable for everyone. This option can be worn to the office.

mohawk for short hair

  • Creative. In addition to the traditional comb, the temporolateral areas are decorated. Patterns are cut and accent coloring is done. The hairstyle is very bright, there is a non-standard spirit.

  • Gothic. Only the temples are shortened or shaved. The length of the side parts gradually increases, reaching a maximum in the area of ​​the central vertical parting. The hairstyle is catchy, but moderate styling is possible. Not suitable for a classic office.

  • Imitation. The hair is not cut, but styled, imitating a classic comb. You can use short haircuts that suit the shape as a base: pixie, half-box, garcon. Long hair is braided in side zones or perfectly smoothed and fixed using styling. The ends are placed in the shape of a comb. This option is suitable for medium length hair. Maxi hair is difficult to style like this. The method is suitable for those who do not risk losing their hair length.

mohawk for long hair

Other options are possible according to an individual scheme, agreed upon by the master and the client.

Haircut technology

It is recommended to contact a hairdresser to obtain a mohawk. Radical options that do not require creating a foundation can be attempted independently. Home experiments are acceptable for those who are willing to take risks and are not bound by the aesthetics of appearance. The classic comb is cut according to the following pattern:

  1. Well-combed, moisturized hair is divided into zones using vertical and horizontal partings.
  2. Treatment begins with the temporal areas. Hair is cut short and lengthened using a hair clipper. From the temples they smoothly move to the back of the head.
  3. From the crown they begin to cut out the main shape. The strands are separated by horizontal partings. Leave the required length. The entire volume is processed.
  4. Using vertical partings, the length from the temples to the crown-parietal zone is connected.
  5. They make an edging that becomes a smooth transition between the long center line and short sides.
  6. Thinning of the tips and root area is performed.

The process is completed by decoration and styling. Hair is pulled up. The comb can be supplemented by cutting the teeth, temporary or permanent coloring. The final stage usually takes most of the time.

Video of a short women's haircut in the mohawk style.

Video is a bold solution to a short women's haircut.

Styling and care

Regular styling for a classic mohawk is an important step in achieving the desired appearance. The process is complicated and time consuming. The hair is held up using strong fixation agents. Inept actions and the use of light styling risk overshadowing the impression of the hairstyle.

Laying the short version is easier. You can create an elegant, slightly casual or extravagant look on your head. Just tousle your hair and comb it up, imitating a classic comb.

Important! Caring for a haircut is complicated by the need to maintain a given length. Overgrown comb hair makes styling more difficult. With thin, weak hair, traditional styling is possible while maintaining a certain length.

Comparison with boxing and half-boxing options

Boxing, semi-boxing, and mohawk haircuts are characterized by a short length of hair. In the first option, the haircut is uniform and ultra-short. The half-box and mohawk have a length transition from a minimum to a given value. Boxing and a mohawk on a woman's head are a sign of outrageousness. Variants are not characterized by mass distribution. The half-box has a more moderate appearance and can be styled in a mohawk shape.

boxing and semi-boxing

Advantages and disadvantages

The hairstyle allows you to get the most daring look. Haircut and styling are simple, but require attention. The option is stylish, but not suitable for everyone. The use of styling techniques requires matching the image and style of behavior. The hairstyle is hooligan, not suitable for respectable ladies. The choice requires taking into account various nuances.

Examples from celebrities

Brave ladies who love to shock the public will be able to notice a mohawk-shaped hairstyle. A daring image is often an imitation of an informal appearance. Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Pink shave their temples and arrange their hair in the form of a comb. A slight imitation can be seen on the hair of Anne Hathaway and Halle Barry. A real mohawk is worn by Kelly Osbourne.

Rihanna and Miley Cyrus

Pink and Kelly Osbourne

There are different ways to shock others. Creating a mohawk on your head is a great way to focus attention on your person. The option is unusual, but requires a balanced approach to choice.

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Are you ready to transform your own hair into an edgy, vibrant work of art? This article will focus on creating the classic mohawk, spikes down the center of the head, and other variations of similar hairstyles. Start with step 1 to put on your mohawk and give your friends or loved ones a terrible experience!


    Select an option. Mohawks and typical hairstyles come in a wide variety of variations, so before you cut or add any extensions, you need to figure out what kind of look you want to end up with. You can angle the mohawk or place it on one side of the head, or you can make liberty spikes (these are called that because they look like the spikes on the head of the Statue of Liberty). When it comes down to it, the choices are limited.

    • Classic mohawk. Most commonly used. You need to shave all the hair, leaving only a strip between the eyebrows along the entire head.
    • Thorns of Freedom. Shave as in the previous step, but make the strip of hair a little wider.
    • Detkhovk. Invented by the keyboard player of the band Specimen. Shave in the same way as a classic one.
    • Dreadhovk. Your hair must be quite long for this. You must have dreadlocks, or you can braid them from what's left of your hair. Of course, you can do this at a salon, but it will be quite expensive and not punk. Instead, try braiding dreadlocks naturally (although this will require considerable expense).
    • Crosshock. Usually not very wide, except in England. Shave everything except from ear to ear. This is mainly for girls.
  1. Visualize your mohawk. Once you've decided where you want your mohawk and how thick and long it will be, it's worth experimenting a bit to see how much hair you'll need for it. Just take some hair and pull it out to see how it looks, or you can try a mohawk without shaving anything for now. You need to decide how much hair to shave and how much to leave. There is one rule for this - leave a hairline approximately as wide as the distance between your eyebrows. Of course, you can make it thicker, but be careful - a mohawk that is too thick or too thin may not be stable enough.

    Mark the location of your mohawk. Wet your hair in the shower and towel dry it to make it more manageable. Separate the hair on both sides to determine where it will go. This will indicate the lines along which you will need to shave. If you want to make spikes that are not in a row and want to shave the rest of the hair, then tie up the hair intended for the spikes and shave the rest around it.

    Shave all unnecessary hair. Use hair clippers to trim non-mohawk hair to the desired length. You can shave it bare for a hardcore look or leave it longer. If you're doing complex spikes, you may need a beard trimmer and razor for a finer shave. Use two mirrors to see the back of your head. This is difficult, so be very patient and careful.

    The washing up. Wash all instruments.

    Drying. You don't want moisture because it weighs your hair down and clumps it together.

    Take the part of hair from which you want to make a mohawk, if you are forming a mohawk, take the first part of it (usually, it should not be wider than you can grab with one hand), or better yet, pull it out with a comb or brush.

    A brush is better because it will hold all the hair horizontally and it will hold tighter in a mohawk or spikes.

    Keep it straight up, but don't pull too hard. Comb it!

    Apply hairspray along the entire length, starting from the roots. You can also apply hair gel. Apply gel or varnish generously so that the base is rigid. You can use your free hand to spread evenly on top and bottom, especially if you're using a strong hold spray.

    Dry all strands (while they are still in place) for 20-30 seconds or until they are dry to the touch.

    The better you dry it, the more likely it is to stand upright. It may be a little sticky, but it will stay put if you dry it properly. Repeat for each spike.

  2. If you dry your mohawk, make sure you dry it evenly. Once everything is dry, comb the mohawk a little to make it look neater and more cohesive. After combing, apply another coat of varnish. Dye your hair if desired.

    • You can make your mohawk or spikes unique by painting them. The possibilities are endless.
    • When you're putting spikes on the back or sides, or putting a mohawk on the back, try to put it higher than you'd like because it'll still fall off as you move, especially if you didn't use polish.
    • Ask someone to help you, especially with shaving. It is quite difficult to shave everything neatly if you use a mirror to see the back of your head.
    • Once you've done this, be careful not to overdo it! There is a certain amount of gel that can be applied to the hair to prevent the mohawk from falling off under the pressure of the weight.
    • Take extra care of your hair. Mohawks and spikes make hair feel coarse, so use conditioner and a mild shampoo for fine, color-treated hair. Trim split ends as needed and don't get a mohawk every day.
    • Shave against the direction of hair growth. It will be much easier this way.
    • Many people simplify their mohawk styling by laying their head sideways on a flat surface, blow-drying, and applying hairspray in that horizontal position.
    • Experiment! You don't have to do just spikes or a mohawk, try putting spikes on just the front or just the back. Try creating a new style that is more "original" and "punk" than styling your hair the way everyone else does.
    • If you're not ready for a mohawk, try a fake mohawk.
    • Use a flat iron before and after applying products. This will make your hair smoother and help keep it together.


    • The longer your mohawk gets, the more maintenance it will require and it will be unforgivable to neglect it.
    • If you put on a mohawk for a long time and then wash your hair, get ready for the fact that you will lose a lot of hair. There's nothing weird about it, it's just hair that usually falls out, gets stuck to the rest of your hair, and stays on your head until you wash it.



Who would have thought that the hairstyle of the Indian tribes of North America, and later of representatives of youth subcultures (in particular, punks) would become a hairdressing trend and win the hearts of the most daring fashionistas.

Mohawk representatives of Indian tribes

Mohawk representatives of punk culture

We are talking about the mohawk, which has never been a woman's hairstyle. But recently, hairdressers and stylists have adopted it and offered the fair sex different versions of this hairstyle, including a fake mohawk, which does not require shaving the temples, unlike the original mohawk.

The spread of the Mohawk hairstyle in modern society has been facilitated by the images of foreign singers, actresses and other representatives of show business.

Rihanna's classic mohawk

classic mohawk miley cyrus

"fake mohawk" Jennifer Lopez

"fake mohawk" Julianne Hough

"fake mohawk" Selena Gomez

As you noticed, what the original classic mohawk has in common with the fake one is that in both versions the main emphasis is on the volume in the upper part of the head. In a fake mohawk, the hair can be styled in large curls; various weaves are also used to remove hair from the temples and achieve the desired volume on the crown. The texture of the mohawk can be added by colored strands that fit well into most alternative hairstyles, emphasizing their rebellious, bold character.

If the classic original mohawk always looks somewhat brutal, and in some cases even boldly, defiantly, then the fake mohawk easily fits into any image, with it you can remain feminine and romantic. A fake mohawk allows you to maintain a balance between outrageousness and elegance; it adds a touch of provocation to your image.

It’s safe to say that the fake mohawk is more versatile, so I suggest adopting some of its variations. And to do this, first check out the master classes on creating such a hairstyle in the photo, where it is clearly shown step by step how to style your hair into a fake mohawk.

1. This is the simplest installation option. You should temporarily put aside the hair from the front of your head. Gather the side strands into a ponytail. Weave a voluminous French braid from those set aside from the front of the head, placing it over the ponytail tied from the side strands.

2. The second option is similar to the previous one. The hair is divided into two parts. The lower part of the hair is tied into a ponytail. The upper part should be lightly combed on the top of the head and wrapped with a plait, securing it with hairpins over the lower ponytail. Then you need to attach the tourniquet to the tail.

3. In this version of the fake mohawk, the hair is divided into 4 parts. Each part is gathered into a ponytail and lightly combed. Then you should braid each part of the hair and wrap it around the base, securing it with hairpins.

4. To create this hairstyle you will need a double comb clip. First, strands are taken from the forehead and on the top of the head and braided into a classic spikelet, which turns into a regular three-strand braid. The hairstyle is then secured with a double comb. The strands should be stretched a little with your fingers in order to make the braid more voluminous. The end of the braid needs to be tucked inward and the hairstyle secured with hairpins.

For a better understanding, of course, you can watch video tutorials on creating a fake mohawk hairstyle. This hairstyle is popular among many fashionistas, so there are many different options for it.

Many modern men try to follow fashion trends, just like women. Clothes and hairstyle are the main components of a stylish image. Increasingly, young people give preference to extravagant details that make their image noticeable and attractive.

Over the past decades, the mohawk has become a popular hairstyle, which is done not only by men, but also by women. This style today looks in a discreet version, which can be used for everyday outings and business meetings. But youth variations, distinguished by their originality, are still chosen by representatives of informal subcultures. The mohawk has undergone many changes to become part of the everyday image. Modern models are characterized by practicality and effectiveness.

History of the Iroquois

The haircut got its name in honor of the North American Indian tribe that lived in the regions of Oklahoma and Ontario. Modern settlements are characterized by a peaceful disposition, but their ancestors were distinguished by a warlike character and fought with various tribes. To show their power and fearlessness, the Indians raised their entire hair up and secured it with a special viscous impregnation, which they made from tree bark. After securely fixing, they dyed their hair in bright shades, which usually frightened their enemies. This hairstyle spoke of the aggressiveness of the tribe and their readiness to fight until the very end.

Over time, the Iroquois was forgotten, but in the 20th century it gained its admirers in the form of punks and goths. Informal subcultures that emerged in the 70s composed their image from catchy and bright elements that were symbols of rebellion and destruction of the usual foundations of society. Hairstyles were done on both long and short hair. Even then, several new variations of the Iroquois appeared, which were crafted on their heads not only by boys, but also by girls. High bouffants were secured with water, beer or other fixing agents.

As you know, modern fashion often returns to its original roots or borrows certain details and introduces new trends based on them. The Iroquois was no exception. Professional stylists modified and complemented the hairstyle so that it could become part of an everyday image, distinguished by style and high taste. Most Iroquois models have become more restrained and simple in their appearance, and some variations have diluted the range of hairstyles for representatives of the informal environment.

Whatever style of Native American element is chosen, the Mohawk will always be considered a manifestation of individuality.

Who needs a haircut?

The mohawk, also called the mohawk, has become a modern and practical haircut for many men. Some options still look brutal, but even they can be used to create a daily look.

The width of the haircut varies between 2-15 cm. The choice of size depends on the personal preferences of the client. The temples are completely shaved or cut short. We can say that this hairstyle has no standards.

An Indian haircut should be selected taking into account the type of face:

  • It is not recommended for people with a narrow or elongated face, which will make it look even thinner.
  • Also, those with a narrow chin and massive cheekbones should avoid cutting their hair. The mohawk will only emphasize the unfavorable features of this form.
  • People with an oval face can safely wear this hairstyle.
  • People with round faces should choose a wide stripe, as a narrow stripe will look awkward.

On thin and sparse hair, the mohawk may not work properly. In this case, you need to consult with a hairdresser who will help resolve the issue with an extraordinary haircut. For a harmonious appearance, many grow a beard, which goes well with a spectacular hairstyle.

Everyone chooses the variation that will be easy for him to handle. For a daily bow, a short Mohawk is suitable, which does not require complex styling. With proper and high-quality fixation, the hairstyle will retain its original appearance until the very end of the day. Long mohawks are chosen by brave and creative individuals who are willing to spend a lot of time shaping and fixing a high comb. Often this style is combined with shaved or neatly trimmed temples. This option is a suitable solution for informals.

Some variations of Iroquois can surprise and shock the public with their bright and assertive appearance, others can give the image softness and romance, and still others can amaze with chic and elegance. Painted in bright colors, the mohawk amazes with its unusual and daring appearance. Extravagant haircuts using . Modern modifications for short hair will be an excellent solution for creating a summer look.

Varieties of hairstyles

The men's mohawk hairstyle has many variations. It can be of different sizes and shapes. The model is chosen depending on the desired image.

The female mohawk is practically no different from the male variation. The only difference is that most girls prefer to get a haircut for medium hair, which looks more harmonious with the overall look. Also, representatives of the fair sex try to choose those models with which they can perform various styling.

Variations for boys

Small men also care about their appearance. The simple hairstyles that their mothers choose for them can become boring. A children's mohawk can be an excellent solution for a child. This hairstyle will make him more courageous and confident.

Usually, for boys, a short model is chosen, which does not require complex care and long styling. In this case, the hair does not get into the eyes. In summer, with this style, the child’s head does not overheat. You can make a mohawk for a child yourself, which is a big advantage of the hairstyle.

Can turn an ordinary boy into a real little Indian. You can add creativity to the look with a pattern or ornament shaved at the temples.

Where to wear

An extravagant haircut is a fashion trend, but not everyone can decide on it. Even with a short model, its owner will stand out from the crowd. Before deciding to get a haircut, you need to consider the following nuances.

Today, many people consider the mohawk to be a men's hairstyle. The Mohawk is difficult to match with a female look, so girls should seriously think about a new look. Children are given short haircuts that won't make them look too extreme.

Discreet models with a stacked comb can be used to create an everyday look. If there is no strict dress code at work, then office workers can afford the same hairstyle. The short Mohawk can be seen on football players, wrestlers, musical performers and actors. But government officials and military personnel will not be allowed to wear a mohawk.

A medium-length haircut, complemented by highlights or coloring, is often used by fashion workers. Rock musicians still sport gothic hairstyles or spikes sticking up. Ordinary teenagers and informals choose rebellious options, painted in bright shades.

Performance technique

The mohawk is not so difficult to perform if done on short hair. After several training sessions, cutting your hair at home will not be difficult even on medium and long hair.

To work, you will need hairdressing and thinning scissors, a clipper and edging machine, a fine-tooth comb and styling products. Before cutting, hair should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Stages of performing a mohawk:

Now all that remains is to give the desired shape to the strands. To create a ridge pointing upward, you will need mousse or foam. A strong hold varnish will help maintain the appearance of a long mohawk for a long time. To form spikes, use a wet effect gel.

The mohawk is not yet a universal hairstyle, but many have already experimented with their appearance, using the ancient Indian element. Simple and easy to style models have earned the love of many males, and girls are just starting to try a catchy hairstyle with different looks. Over time, the spectacular appearance of the Mohawk will attract not only surprised, but also admiring glances.

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