The earth speaks to people. Appeal to the person

having contact with the Higher Mind of the Universe, constantly receive
information of similar content in all languages ​​of the world. Space
Reason calls for the dissemination of this information and bringing it to
every inhabitant of the Earth, so that everyone has a choice: whether to follow the path
further evolution or end their existence forever.

The Supreme Mind of the Universe is addressing you. The cosmos asks you seriously
take into account the information that the contactees of the Higher will convey to you
Mind of the Universe. Although in November 1991 the entire population
Earth got this opportunity with our help, this ability
only a few have. Interfering with the thoughts scurrying in your brain uninterrupted
flow, or very low spirituality - this applies to many yogis and
We seek to save humanity from the misfortune it
caused by its soulless activity. We are environmentally concerned
the situation on the planet, so we came to your aid. Our advice
driven by concern for you. They are meant to save you.
We know that soon the ozone layer around the Earth will disappear. direct
the effect of cosmic rays will increase, so you need to build your own
body from vegetable protein to keep your life. We hope,
that you will accept these recommendations as they are not offensive
person's personality.
We send this message to every person on Earth
regardless of age, race or nationality. Believe that you are not
the only intelligent beings in the universe. Understand that many
civilizations have overtaken you in their development. Know what's up to you on Earth
there were 4 civilizations. Man appeared on the planet more than 15 million years ago.
You are representatives of the 5th race, the 5th civilization.
Since October 1990, a New Era has begun on Earth.
On the
change to the era of Reincarnation, when the immortal soul moved from one
bodies into another, the era of Immortality has come. The cycle of reincarnations
ends, and as a result of the Cosmic Mutation that began in
December 1990, the human body, like the soul, will become immortal.
Transmutation (and later transplantation and energy biosis) is the most difficult
physiological process at the cellular level. In the human
the body will undergo such changes that will lead the body to a new
state and allow him to switch to the energy of the Cosmos. As this
restructuring of the body, the need for food will gradually decrease, and
then completely disappear. This is due to the fact that all energy sources on
planet (food, water, air) are environmentally polluted, and salvation
humanity will consist in the fact that people will gradually move away from
all this. First, cosmic mutation will be carried out on Earth,
after which a code with a program of the human type will be put into the body cell
6th civilization, which will replace the 5th civilization, ending
its existence.
Each of you is a free person of the Universe.
Everyone deserves respect. You are all equal before God. He is merciful and
condescends with love to all, if the soul of a person is turned to Him, as
part to the whole.
You are the last to be embodied on Earth in the 5th
civilization. You owe your incarnation to the fate that has prepared for
you a better fate. Your happiness is in your hands! Every person living on
planet has a chance to become a man of a new era, the owner
superpowers compared to what you have now. From
everyone needs only that he believes in the essence of what is happening and that
he can become a man of the new age.
New 6th civilization more
perfect, its harmonious development is determined by the Creator of the Universe.
The time for a new civilization has come. You are its beginning. New
civilization will inhabit the expanses of the Earth and the Universe. You yourself can
check it out if you want.
After the cataclysms, your planet will
partially destroyed, there will be a mixing of the earth's crust in many places
planets. This is due to the movement of its magnetic axis and poles.
the biosphere will open to the influence of the Cosmos. The ozone layer will be removed
around the Earth. This is necessary to cleanse the Earth and compact its crust.
The Earth in the Age of Immortality will have free access to the Cosmos.
on the planet will occur in conditions of hard radiation, which will
contribute to the renewal of natural conditions. All over the earth there will be
climate change - a subtropical climate will be established.

We remind you that Cosmic Mutation has been started since December 1990. We
people were warned about this in advance, but not everyone learned about it in time.
This time was chosen taking into account the exit of the Earth into the open space of the Cosmos,
when the Möbius loop opens. This process is divided into
several stages. There is a gradual removal of the ozone layer around the planet.
Then there will be an impact on the planet of the cosmic flow, a change
magnetic axis and poles, sealing the gravitational field.
the desire to live easily and carefree led to a catastrophic situation
planets. This is a consequence of your selfish existence, thoughtless
consumption of earth resources, the creation of nuclear production.
that you are surrounded by nature, choking on the products of your
life activity: water, air, soil, fruit-bearing
vegetation. The surface of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water is covered with iridescent
film. It is a reflection of your thoughtless economic activity.
what do you breathe? These are sulfur compounds that promote sticking
cells. Pay attention to the surface of the Earth - it is covered with a crust of
mixtures of lead, mercury and dirt. In dry weather, under the influence of solar
rays, compounds are formed that cause the cells of living organisms to
processes that disrupt cell division. Soil, even if for 30 years
it can not be used for growing crops, will not be able to get rid of
from the harmful components accumulated in it. And about water and air
there is nothing to say - you have no others and never will. To date
Humanity does not have the technology to clean up
planet from pollution.

The next world plague is
diseases caused by unfavorable environmental conditions. Each
the next generation on your planet is becoming more and more
defective. In the near future, the risk of childbirth in women will exceed 50%,
influenza deaths will increase. The main scourge of mankind will be
allergies, liver disease and complete depletion of the immune system,
mental disorders. The liver and the immune system, and in general the whole
body, unable to resist all the poisons that enter your
organism. More and more harmful substances will accumulate in it,
inevitably leading to death. If you don't give up on the most
harmful food products containing cadaveric poison and products
decay, then as a result of insufficient work to neutralize them
(the liver is simply not designed for such an amount of poison, its safety margin
insufficient for today's food composition), humanity is waiting for a complete
All this depends on the degree of spirituality of people. How
the more unspiritual, and, consequently, the more irresponsible people are, the harder it is
position. The nature around us and the Earth are not dead, they are created from the same
physical matter, what you are, and how living beings respond to everything
your iniquities, when the limit of their patience runs out. Where
negative mental energy accumulates, catastrophes are inevitable. AT
these areas are more likely to break out wars and natural disasters occur. Herself
The earth element responds to your negative thoughts and emotions.
So what awaits the Earth in the coming decades?
What is
will be the fate of your civilization? What's in store for you in the future? Doom or
heyday? This choice between good and evil is now before you. You yourself
must decide their fate. If you choose to flourish and continue
life, then this can only happen by raising humanity to
higher quality level. And this level should be
spirituality. For because of her absence, your politicians have broken
so much wood. The leader must be primarily a spiritual person,
but subordinates must also be such, since even if the idea is pure, but
performers do not, then it will inevitably fail and bring a lot of
suffering. This can be seen in the example of all revolutionary
transformations on earth. The idea is justice, brotherhood, equality,
happiness for everyone, and because of lack of spirituality - even more suffering and trouble.
you must first of all cleanse yourself of dirty thoughts, and everything else
will do and are already doing for you the laws of nature, the laws of the Universe, the laws
The Supreme Good and the Beginning of existence - the Creator.

It's painful to see how today
the number of people (scientists, predictors, researchers) is growing, some
of which promise you prosperity in a couple of years, while others promise
complete destruction. There are no extremes in life and it is sad that these people are up to
have not yet understood this. Of course, you are waiting for a revival, an uplift
to a higher level of evolution, consciousness and possibilities. But it is not
can happen without the difficulties and obstacles that you inevitably
will have to be overcome with great effort. You must know and prepare for
this. But the passage of mankind through an obstacle course -
emergencies - does not mean the Apocalypse in the sense of a complete
destruction. This is primarily a transition to a new life, the beginning of a new era, and
not the end of the world.
Purification, transformation - yes, but not extinction and
desolation. Apocalypse is a hymn to a new beautiful life, born, like
everything on Earth, in torment, but from this even more grandiose and radiant.
The only reaction of all living things is to overcome with Faith, and not with despair
wait for the end. “Nothing unclean enters the Kingdom of God,” said Jesus.
But he said this not to the fact that you do not have a chance, but to ensure that you
show the way there. So do not be afraid and do not panic, but make yourself cleaner and
more spiritual, rise above the bad - and inherit the Kingdom, bequeathed
to you. The Lord gives the opportunity to atone for sins and be freed from them
burden. The Lord asks you to be obedient, which means to listen to His Word.
The Lord asks you to climb the ladder of goodness, exalted and
perfect. He fights for every soul. He will not alienate those who
is mistaken. The message from the Cosmos is goodness for you. This you must realize.
We will help you, but you must start with yourself. Your spiritual cleansing
start immediately, for this is the most important thing. Get through a hard time
everyone who follows the path indicated by the Lord will succeed. Your task -
cleanse your soul from thoughts and mental images that carry negative
emotions, do not succumb again to the temptation of the easy life of egoists. Your
The goal is to find peace of mind.
The human race of your planet
will be changed by changing the code in the cells of the body. We can't explain
you of all processes occurring in the Universe, but one way or another they
concern all living things, therefore your participation in evolution.
is the evolution of one's own personality and body. Let's be hopeful
look at each of you. Do not live up to the expectations associated with
the transformation of mankind, unreasonable.
You find it difficult
understand what is beyond your species, but try us
to believe that the new stage to which mankind is ascending will
at a very high level of intellectual and spiritual development. Understand
us correctly: the code embedded in your body has limitations in the area
knowledge. No matter how smart a person of the 5th civilization is, he cannot
understand what a person of the 6th civilization is able to understand. Don't be offended
to such an explanation of the limitations of your abilities. The perception of people with
subtle sensitivity is able to capture those vibrations that
elude the majority. The Lord Keeps You From the Shocking Truth
knowledge of the universe. Your brain stores all the knowledge about the universe, but the key to
their disclosure - from the Creator of the Universe. Only having received a new code in the cells
your body, you will open the door to the universe. You will know the mysterious
the real world, which is fenced off from you only by your imperfection.
Seek to have this key handed to you.
your race
going through a difficult and responsible time. At the cellular level
there are processes that cause a change in the type of person.
Try to comprehend the truth: your body is undergoing changes and you
must tune in and adapt to changes in order to painlessly
undergo a mutation carried out by the Cosmos in an accelerated mode. You need to know
that it is carried out all over the planet. All people are included in this process.
Earth, regardless of your desire. This is an inevitable stage in the course of evolution.
humanity, for the transition from one species to another is being prepared,
more perfect. Accelerated mutation consists of several stages.
The main ones are: transmutation - the transformation of chemical elements into
molecular level, transplantation - renewal of body organs with partial
replacement and elimination of some constituent parts of organs.
reminds - the mutation continues. You need to be serious about
recommendations that aim to save at least
humanity from death. For every person, regardless of age,
race, nationality requirements are the same. We remind you that if a person
wants to live in the New Era, he must overcome 2 barriers: spirituality and
by biomass.
What is the essence of the 1st barrier? First of all you need
follow the moral standards that exist in society. You need
to know that the Cosmos knows everything about each of you, since each of you -
at any point in space and time. You must live not only for
themselves, but also for others, to do good and be pure in their thoughts.
Forget about the strife in the country and in the family, extinguish the fire of hatred - and your
souls will rejoice with divine joy. Try to cleanse your soul
from filth: remove dark thoughts and irritation, as they lead you
where the forces of darkness collect your energy. Don't change yourself. love
God, love your neighbor, love yourself. Strive to be more tolerant of others
more restrained in people's assessments. Only God can judge you. Be humble and
submissive to the will of God. Realize that you are divine sparks from
Fiery Deity. You are only a child of the Lord. He is your Creator. He only
is subject to decide whether the human race is perfect. He creates his
similarity in the form that pleases him. It is not for those who judge Him who
created. He forgives all who, out of ignorance or thoughtlessness, imagine themselves
above your Creator. He gives every person on Earth the opportunity to enter into
era of Immortality and warns that you need to make only a small
a personal feat to become a different person. Your job is to be spiritual
pure at your level. Peace of mind will help you understand yourself.
The development of spiritual potential is now the main thing. You need to purchase
the necessary spiritual qualities in order to correspond with their vibrations
vibrations of the new environment. Perfection is the basic principle
universe. Compassion for others and love for neighbors, faith in the future -
all this is necessary for one's own perfection.
Don't aim for
wealth and luxury, this is ridiculous at the moment of deciding the fate of mankind,
Forget about stupid habits and harmful desires. Each of you has
necessary for life. Further striving to acquire material
blessings retards the growth of spiritual development. Your life should be
filled with a sincere desire for good for others. Start with loved ones
Simply put, God calls for it. Transfer the same feelings to other people, and
you will discover a world of joy in yourself, you will feel free and
independent, you will feel strong, because, having overcome yourself, you can
overcome everything.
Your materialization is armor for the soul, chains and
fetters for her wings. Be easier in the perception of the world and it will turn to
you joyful colors. Do not tremble over your acquisitions, learn
rejoice in giving. The spiritual development of people is not the same. You're all out of
equal position, so the parameters of spirituality are different for everyone. But for
of all the frontier in spirituality is the main one. 2nd barrier to transition to over
a higher stage of development compared to the one you are at
now, is the need to adjust the physical body (biomass) to
vibrations of a more subtle level, to the vibrations of the Cosmos. Only the body
plant-based can overcome this barrier.
To you
I need to switch to a plant based diet. We know it's hard for some
overcome. There are some points related to blood groups, but the barrier
disappear between them. It is important for you to know this. This will happen because
since March 1992, the process of transformation of chemical elements will produce
fundamental changes in all cells and systems of the human body. Your
diet does not meet the requirements of mutational processes,
started in 1990. Since March 1992, animal poisons have been isolated
protein and from foods that the Cosmos advises you not to consume. They are
contribute to the destruction of the immune system, i.e. disappearance of protective
functions of the human body. Now it's important to get rid of it as soon as possible.
food, which contains the code of death: meat, poultry, fish. Forget about
animal food that carries the code of death!
Think about what you are now
You make a voluntary choice for your future life. We only give
advice on how to survive. Remember that you can survive
everyone who
take our advice to heart and try to implement it. harm you from
this will not happen, but there will only be benefits. This will strengthen your immune system.
system. You will not be afraid of ozone holes, and in the future open
Space, when there will be no protective ozone layer of the Earth.
Just because
there was a need to give up harmful products for you, earlier
harmless, and now dangerous, as there is a serious stage in the process
changes in your body.
Since March 1992 in your body
the accumulation of poison from the animal protein of the above products began, and
also from tobacco, drugs and alcohol. This will lead to
gradually your immune system will be destroyed from the inside, and on the outside
you will be hit by a stream of hard radiation, which will be
both cleansing and destructive: cleansing for nature and
disastrous for those of you who do not rebuild your body with an animal
vegetable food.
The complexity of the process is that it
irreversible. No intervention can stop it: AIDS, cancer,
allergies will kill you. You will become defenseless.
Limit the intake of those foods that cause indigestion (individually for each).
your task is to lay in the body a stable composition
the necessary salts, trace elements and thereby correct those failures
which the body receives in the winter and spring starvation. Also
it is necessary to do cleansing enemas and other types of body cleansing,
other than fasting.
Your diet should include not so much delicious,
how many useful products. First of all, use herbs such as
dandelion, sorrel, nettle, birch leaves, raspberries, currants, blueberries,
strawberries - necessarily young. Brew tea from them, use in
pure form. Usefulness and measure should be your motto, for
excessive consumption does not give positive results. If you are in winter
drank tea 3 times a day, then, switching to herbal tea, do not increase
doses. This also applies to all other products. Try to limit
food intake: thick - up to 1% of body weight, liquids - up to 1 liter per day
with a body weight of up to 60 kg, and over this weight - 1.5 liters per day. To you
understand that you are changing imperceptibly, but soon you will feel that you have
no cravings for those foods that we consider harmful or dangerous for
you during the Cosmic Mutation. Try to cut
consumption of food containing vinegar, pepper, mustard and other spicy
seasonings. During the mutation, the lining of your digestive
organs became more sensitive to their irritating action.
you will have to give up products that will slag the body:
milk, sugar, eggs. In the future, eat only vegetables, cereals,
fruits, honey.
During the process of changing the body, after 2-3
months after giving up harmful products, a person will not be able to
go in for sports, as during this period there is a colossal load on
body and psyche, and as a result of training, it increases many times
risk of hemorrhage. You can not force and overwork your body
excessive work. You need to know that any qualitative change
is not always smooth and painless. The process of mutation is
difficult for sick people. They should especially beware
excess consumption of food and water. Now many will have
hidden diseases of the organs and exacerbate chronic diseases. Many,
the most sensitive people, when taking meat and fish food will
lose consciousness, they will vomit. Juveniles will easily pass the mutation
Your task is to overcome the state of malaise steadfastly and
courageously, without using chemicals. Medications other than
validol, aspirin (limited), noshpy, papaverine, will be dangerous for
you. Remember that in nature there are a lot of medicinal plants,
that will help you get over the pain. Know that this period; to all of you
have to go, take heart! You will be rewarded at the end of the mutation path.
Having overcome this stage, you will be able to undergo organ transplantation. it
means the modification or elimination of unnecessary for a new person
segments and parts of organs and systems. Don't worry, will be changed
only those organs and systems that cause abnormal phenomena
and interfere
clear work of the whole organism. When carrying out these operations, you only
sometimes you will feel pricks or cold inside the body and on
body surface. Particularly sensitive people, these sensations are already
have been experiencing since September 1991, some a little earlier, since
selected groups of people to test the process of mutation to an earlier
period before the main stage.
During the period of transformation and development
organs and systems, it is necessary to avoid large physical loads on the body, and
also stressful situations by logical analysis. Your well-being
won't get worse. Moreover, many will not feel any
painful changes. Harder first, they bear the burden
experiment. Their health is under control.
You will be exposed
hard radiation, the level of which will exceed the norm by 50%. Necessary
beware of abundant sun. No southern tan can match
the damage you have done to your body. Don't be on
sun unprotected. Do not think that all harm is expressed only in
sunstroke, malaise and skin burns. The consequences can be
feel only after six months, since this process may at first
develop from the inside through failures of the metabolic and immune systems, giving outwardly
tangible effect only at the stage of irreversibility. Remember that people
over 40 years old should not be in direct sunlight for a long time
time. It is advisable to be in open space only until 10 o’clock and
after 17. Elderly people should be this time in the shade and in
headwear. This group of people will especially feel unwell. AT
dry hot weather may be heart attacks in the elderly. Them
beware of sudden movements and loads. Walking will provide
development of force potential. The rhythm of life should be moderate.
In connection with
active activity of the Sun in the summertime are activated
energy flows and their impact on your brain and psyche. That's why,
when hiking or being alone, remember that rising
the possibility of contact with you extraterrestrial civilizations. Don't take it on
“Hurrah”, remember that in 90% of such contacts there are negative
effects. Never fall for the bait of curiosity and vanity.

Seeing in such an incident your exclusivity. Never be the first
make contact and don't desire it. If it happened to you
such an event, use your common sense and remember that
Earth is your only home. Refuse the offer
flying to another planet, as this can cause great damage to your
psyche and the ability to evaluate events. First of all, contact
ask questions about purpose and intentions. The answer about their good intentions is not
may be sufficient for you, for there are different kinds of goodness. Only
a satisfactory answer for you may be that they act on
laws and in accordance with the will of the Creator of the Universe. Understand it's not
just words. All this directly concerns your life and those states and
events that you can actually experience. Listen to us and
be thoughtful. Your life and happiness are in your hands. Successfully
passed the mutation will be embedded in the cells of the body code with a new program,
so that man can continue the evolution of the species on a new, higher
level of development. Understand that you will all go through mutation, you all
change, but not all survive. The prophecies of the Apostle Paul will come true:
we will all die, but we will all change.” Don't forget about it. Already on earth
a new era has begun, the processes of transmutation and transition to a more
high consciousness and the possibility of the 6th civilization on Earth. But for you
personally, it will begin only when you yourself understand this and join in
this process. This process affects not only your soul, but also the body.
We take care of him, about his food.
And don't let it seem to you
strange, because what is given to you by God deserves love and understanding.
Remember that there is spirituality in every thing, and speaking of
refusal of meat, fish and other harmful products of animal origin,
then this is by no means only a physiological aspect, but also deeply
moral, bearing in itself a spiritual beginning.
Nobody should
doubt your strengths and capabilities - they are great even in your
imperfect body. Soon the most ordinary people in the past will be able to gain
those forces and knowledge that they could not even imagine. Coming

epoch - the epoch of Immortality. It will give a person opportunities that
will allow you to learn a lot that is hidden from modern man. new level
reach humanity on Earth. The new person will be with a new mindset. His
consciousness will be uninhibited and boundless, able to understand what
goes beyond the galaxies. This hour will come when the New
human. Its basis will be the man of the 5th civilization. After a short but
difficult transition, humanity will find itself in a new 6th civilization, higher
which has never existed in the universe.
What changes will come with
man and the surrounding nature during the transition to the 6th civilization? Man and
its physiological structure will change. It will happen in the process
transmutation when due to the rejection of certain foods
a person will cleanse his body of poisons, toxins and a new one will be placed in the cell
genetic code. Only a person who has cleansed himself of harmful substances and
subjected to the action of a higher influence on his organism, will change his
the shape and structure of your body. The process of impact on the body of higher
influence will be energetic. The person will feel strong
energy flows going along the meridians of acupuncture points, in the form
sensitive pain pricking and pressure on these points,
sensations of operations on the astral plane.
Your appearance will also change.
Your external features will be preserved, but in the details everyone will find something
perfection, which now has a distant concept. New person
will be beautiful with ideal divine beauty. He will keep the appearance of a man
5th race, but will be perfect. All people who will undergo transmutation,
will be young and beautiful. Older people will look 20-30 years younger. So
Thus, the human form will be brought to perfection and your
the possibilities will be endless. There will be a spiritual rebirth
humanity. Consciousness will become higher and develop into the Cosmic
superconsciousness. People will discover unusual abilities and talents,
which only a few now have. Each person of the 6th race will
brilliant. He will be led by the Higher Mind of the Earth. This will be the age of beings
standing at a higher stage of development compared to the 5th
civilization, as well as with other civilizations of planets and galaxies.

people of the new civilization will not need a state. There will be one on earth
race, there will be no nationalities. There will be no barrier between people in the form
People of the Age of Immortality will not know dying. Their transition to
a new state will occur in a thousand years to a higher level.
The main driving force for the 6th race will not be technology, but energy
mind, with the help of which he will control and change matter
(mechanism: thought-action).
Humanity will mainly communicate on
a language that knows no boundaries - the language of telepathy. Although on the planet itself
residents will communicate in one more common language.
It also needs to be said
the fact that physical and
energy laws. Due to the current around the Earth
protective screen, you are completely different, separate
system, with its own laws, not similar to the Cosmic ones, and with its own
through development. Now this protective layer is gradually being destroyed,
changing physical and astronomical laws, real time. FROM
the end of the destruction of the protective shell Cosmic flows directly
will come to Earth.
Mankind will get an open exit in
Space. So if you have been "boiling in your own juice" until now, then
now the field of your activity is the whole Universe.
interactions of the beginnings in the 4th dimension, they are necessarily preserved, because
male and female forever. There will be personal attachments. They will rise to
another level, it will be the essence of the relationship between male and female principles.
The highest wisdom of relations between the sexes will be achieved in the 6th
civilization. Contacts on the intimate plane are saved as mutual
caresses, copulation will become more perfect. You will
meet the needs of love on a higher, sublime level. Not
there will be enmity because of jealousy - this is a feeling from your current life.
Respect for the desires of another is the main thing in a relationship. Love each other -
and you will achieve a decent life.
Those who already exist in the other world,
will be able to communicate with people of a new race, but in their guise
they will not be able to stay until the time. After staying on one
level they
climb another, but without much effort, for communication with people of the 6th race
enable them to develop faster. Interaction will
take place by mutual consent. They will be able to incarnate in the children of the new
Animals must develop according to their own laws, certain
Creator of the Universe. Changing the animal world will be necessary. it
concerns all life on Earth, everything is being improved. Will be next to you
wise, loving helpers who will develop in a special way
program. You will understand each other better than now. Relations
will be like a mother with children. They are children who will need your
support. The principle that man is the king of nature is erroneous. in the 6th
civilization, your relationship will take its rightful place in your life and life
When the face of the Earth is changing, the most dangerous places to live
there will be plateaus and plateaus (clarification of these zones will be carried out several
later). The main active force of the planet will be feminine, not masculine
start like now.
Your task is to ensure your transition to the New
era. However, in order to make this transition, one must have a feeling and
conviction of the necessity and the only possibility of such a way out. It is forbidden
make a person think philosophically, if the limit of his desires lies in
within "sleep - eat." You can't force someone by the ears.
There is Truth, but there are also necessary conditions and efforts for it.
insights. But if you realized the need for this transition, then
pay attention to the state of your body and thoughts. To be
accepted and understood, and in order to communicate oneself, one must have the same
vibrations, as well as the world with which you communicate. If you eat meat, smoke,
drink, get angry, then your vibrations become too low and you do not
able to pick up higher frequencies and enter into
resonance, and therefore with the world, listen to these
recommendations, because without them no powerful thought will find its way out
and incarnations.
And if you have the opportunity to save
outlet body, then take advantage of this! After all, the soul and body are different beings.
The soul will remain unchanged and eternal, but you are lost. The soul keeps
spiritual development, all the best and strongest in character and spirit
person, but the physical experience of everyday life disappears.
If you love yourself
if you think that your potential is great, then you can make and discover
much. If you are not satisfied with reality today and you
feel a craving for something more perfect and great, then know that
it is waiting for you. Do not give up in front of difficulties, but overcome them -
and get what you want. To each his own. Go beyond those who
everything suits me. They have found their place, they have exhausted themselves.
Explain to others what is happening and take care of yourself. You are entitled to it. Prepare yourself for the transition.
it now knowledge? Your intellect is quite enough for the transition.
Now your thoughts and conclusions are important personally, and not gleaned from someone
knowledge, your personal experience, not someone else's. Many people think that by knowing
the laws of magic can make this transition. But by the least
difficulties cannot be achieved high, there will be no sense. Understand while yourself
man did not deserve it, the code of the new man of the 6th civilization will not
embedded in his body. Even transported to the 4th dimension with the help of
knowledge, a person will not be able to live there, because his body will not
adapted to these conditions.
The difference between a person who has
knowledge, and the Supreme Being is that the first man
uses them, and the other possesses them. It's the same as man and bird in
sky. Perfection is when you have everything in yourself, when this property
your body, and not the use of someone else's power. Need to achieve
perfection, to be free and not to depend on others. improve
you need yourself on your own, because only this will give a result and make you
immortal. The knowledge of magic does not change you as a being,
therefore, death also remains in force, for you yourself do not change,
stand still. Therefore, at this stage, it is impossible to treat, since this
ability must and can be developed by the person himself. Doing it for
it, you contribute to its degradation, not growth.
The same applies to
current ufological research. What's the use of what you
fly to other planets and marvel at the achievements of aliens. Themselves
you can't do it. Your brain is unable to understand their explanations and
until you rise to their level, their knowledge, even painted
letters will not be available to you.
Transmutation does not wait. hurry up
make your choice. Be wise with the Supreme Truth. Your view of the world is
was complete and correct. Accept the new truth, for you have become new.
Every day you discover the truth and think that it is the last,
but the same thing happens the next day. This will last forever and this
happiness. The main thing is to discover something new every day. If a
this will not happen, then development will stop or there will simply be useless and
bitter torments of the mind and spirit. The truth is the truth for all time, for it is -
law. Each subsequent truth is deeper, it includes everything
previous. Remember that only the following will explain the previous. it
law of the universe. This also applies to the laws of thought, time and information.
To fully understand the particulars, you need to know the general, you need to go through
giant path. Every day you discover only the particulars that are
an integral part of the whole, Truth.
Thank all those who help
you who are invisibly present with you. The conditions for the transmutation of an organism are not
will change, only you yourself can change, moving from one stage to
to another. The law is unchanged. Only the object of its influence changes, its
results depending on whether the rule of this law or
the exception to the rule you want to be. But that doesn't mean that you
will not be affected by environmental conditions.

Dear people, this information concerns every person living on Earth. The global scale of the upcoming natural disasters threatens the existence of all mankind. Our survival directly depends on how adequately and seriously we now treat the impending and already begun global cataclysms. "Urgent extraordinary measures are needed to unite people into one friendly global family, because no one alone can cope with the global problems of the coming years, be it a person, family, company, city or country. Under the conditions of global cataclysms, people will be left with their problems alone on alone, and they will have no one to rely on" (from the ALLATRA SCIENCE report).

Relying and relying on the help of any state in a consumer society is extremely naive. If governments and rulers really, not in words, but in deeds, fulfilled their direct duties, namely serving the people in the various constitutions prescribed by them, international documents and acts on human rights, then the state of affairs on the planet would not be so deplorable and that the problem of refugees would not be so acute today.

The upcoming global cataclysms will be a serious test for all of humanity, and what we will face in the coming years is really scary. We have not yet encountered such tests. But there is a way out in any situation, and in this case, the unification of all sane and decent people around the world is a vital necessity for all mankind.

There is practically no time for reflection, already now precious, relatively stable days are expiring catastrophically quickly for humanity. But this time can be used to consolidate and jointly prevent the worst consequences of future global natural disasters. Only joint all kinds of actions of the peoples of the world in this matter, based on the criteria of honor, conscience and truly human relationships, will be of decisive importance, which will undoubtedly have a huge impact on future events and the prospects for the existence of human civilization as a whole.

The earth is our common home. And trouble threatens every person living in this house, regardless of gender, nationality, religion or any other differences invented by people. According to scientists, in the near future there will be a catastrophe on a planetary scale that will affect everyone! Taking into account the impending global cataclysms, it is necessary for people themselves to begin to change their attitude towards themselves and towards society and unite here and now. After all, it is not known who you will be tomorrow - a refugee or a host country, and what your chances of survival will be in this or that situation. In Unity is the strength of peoples, the strength that can change everything!

Information about many problems and about the upcoming global cataclysms is being hidden, and those passages that reach people are perceived as another “horror story”. For example, when discussing on social networks the topic of the future eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, the Americans, and humanity as a whole, do not understand its scale. They look at the map and count the miles from the national park to their home... But those who have real information have already sold all their assets, real estate and are urgently leaving not just a country or a continent, but a hemisphere. There are only those who either do not have information, or do not have the opportunity to leave America, or, knowing the truth, do not believe in anything and build selfish, and therefore absolutely utopian plans for the future, which they do not have.

We would like to draw your attention to the two most acute global climate problems:

  • Aira Caldera (Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu Region, Japan)
  • Yellowstone Caldera (Wyoming, USA)

Scientific observations have revealed a close parallelism between the processes taking place in these ancient calderas. The processes taking place in their depths are interconnected and interdependent. Many scientific facts testify to the accumulation of energy in the bowels of the Earth, which, during its release, is capable of provoking a devastating global catastrophe. According to experts, this will happen in the NEXT DECADES. If these two supervolcanoes explode at the same time, it threatens with the complete destruction of humanity.

“The probability that in the next 10 years due to major eruptions and earthquakes the Japanese archipelago and life on it can be destroyed is 70%. And the probability that this will happen over the next 18 years is 99%, and this causes particular concern for the people living in these territories, and gives a clear understanding that it is already now necessary to consolidate the efforts of the international community in order to help save the lives of more than 127 million people, their early movement to the continent, to safer regions for living. “With the most modest forecasts of many scientists, the super-eruption of the Yellowstone caldera globally can lead to a sharp change in climate on the entire planet. But the worst thing is that he is able to instantly destroy life on almost the entire continent. Scientists modeled this situation and came to the conclusion that in the first minutes after the eruption, all life within a radius of 1200 km will be destroyed, since the zone adjacent to the volcano will suffer from pyroclastic flows consisting of hot gas and ash. They will spread at a speed close to the speed of sound, destroying everything in their path. The second zone, which covers the entire territory of the United States and part of Canada, will be covered with ash, which will lead to the death of people who are at that time in this zone, from suffocation and the collapse of buildings. (from the ALLATRA SCIENCE report).

There is a way out of this situation, and the overall outcome of events depends on the current internal efforts of every person on Earth.

In our time, for the first time in history, for the entire period of its existence, humanity has such a unique opportunity and a real chance to save itself and its future. That is, to use the technical base (Internet, television, etc.) for self-organization and bringing people together.

The most important thing that needs to be done TODAY is to notify the maximum number of people living in these territories. And our task is to do everything in our power, everything in our power to make this information publicly available to all people. The timely dissemination of this information will help save millions of human lives. After all, human life is the highest value in this world!

The scientific facts confirming and revealing the true climate situation and possible scenarios for the development of the situation, as well as the detailed ways to solve these problems, can be found in the Report .

The report is written in a simple and understandable language for every person. Many of the events that were written about in the report back in 2014 have already come true, so is it worth waiting for a global catastrophe?

Already today it is necessary to prepare for X-hour. Now it is still difficult for people to realize that the state consists of the people themselves, and not those to whom they delegated their power, and who, in the event of a danger, will save their lives in the first place. After all, how today, here and now, people will be united and reasonable in their actions, it depends on whether tomorrow will be for them, that is, whether they will be able to save the lives of their children and grandchildren, prolong the existence of mankind in this difficult period for everyone ... To people you need to discard all frames and conventions, they need to consolidate here and now. Nature does not look at ranks and ranks when it unleashes its thousand-year-old wrath, and only a manifestation of true fellowship between people, based on human kindness, can give humanity a chance to survive...


State educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Zernograd Pedagogical College"

Collection of creative works of students

Stop smart man

Appeal to the people of the Earth



Printed by decision of the Methodological Council of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Education

"Zernograd Pedagogical College"

Protocol No. 3 dated 29.01.08.

Compiled by: Kravchenko Lyubov Ivanovna, teacher of ecological fundamentals of nature management, excellent student of public education

The collection is intended for use by teachers of environmental principles of nature management, as well as students during teaching practice at school, organizers of educational work and school teachers.

© Zernograd Pedagogical College


Chapter I

Save the Earth for future generations (Appeal in prose)

1. Molchanov Vyacheslav

A call to keep clean


2. Netreba Elena

Wise man, listen!

3. YouEvik Maria

Have you seen the beauty...

4. Dunina Natalia

I'm talking to people...

5. Piven Tatyana

Dear people….

6. Chebotareva Natalya

What hinders a person

7. Sharova Inna

Dear inhabitants of our planet!

8. Zatonova Inna

Earthlings! Look around!...

9. Aleinikova Evgeniya

Have you ever dreamed...

10. Shaforostova Elena

There has been a lot of talk lately about conservation...

11. Rammedko Olesya

In our view…

12. Morozova Elena

New factories are under construction...

13. Lukyanova


Raise your head up...

14. Burlutskaya Yuliya

Look at the world we live in...

15. Mikhailova Olbha

What is nature?

16. Abdulaeva Nadezhda

Man, look around...

17. Norkina Elena

People, we all live on planet Earth.

18. Sukhareva Viktoriya

How beautiful is nature...

19. Lead Oaksana

People, look around...

20. Krylova Nadfood

Man, look out the window...

21. Solokhina Elena

People! Yes, I'm talking to you.

22. Berest Elena

Just seeing the planet from


23. Bessarabova


Man and nature are inseparable

24. Chizhuk Victoria

People!!! Stop!

25. Galkina Daria

People stand up...

26. Korobova Lydia

Looking at the globe...

Chapter II

I appeal to you, people of the Earth (Appeal in verse)

1. Piven Tatiana

Nature is seven letters of desire.

2. Gorobtsova Natalia

Stop smart man!

3. Cousin Valentina

Addressing you people of the Earth

4. Dunina Natalia

Everything has laws of truth

5. Borisova Alena

Nature is so tired of begging...

6. Saint Julia

Gardens are blooming, streams are shining ...

7. Perevaryuha Inna

How beautiful is the earth!

8. Dynnik Irina

People of the world, stand up for a minute!

Dynnik Irina

Fragrant herbs no longer bloom...

9. Cherednichenko


Take care of our nature...

10. Chernenko Angela

Please stop

11. Ilgacheva Olga

I appeal to you, Great Ones,

oh people!

12. Belikova


Man is the crown of nature

13. Strizhak Anna

Maternal share of nature.

14. Nikolaeva Alena


15. Slonovskaya


Entering your 21st century...

16. Mukhaeva Ekaterina

Look buddy, look

17. Burlakova Julia

Man, look around.

18. Sakhno Marina

Nature is the mother of her children.

19. Fedorova Maria

Man, stop, look around



The ecological state of our planet and the trend towards its deterioration require from the living people an understanding of the current situation and a conscious attitude towards it.

Mankind will be able to save the environment if everyone realizes responsibility for the fate of the current common home - planet Earth. We are part of nature and completely dependent on it. The technocracy that led humanity to the current global environmental crisis has been replaced by the understanding that in order to preserve nature, it is necessary to restructure all forms of activity, taking into account the possibilities of the planet. The World Conservation Union has developed the most important international document - the strategy of the builder of sustainable development of mankind and the nature of the Earth. One of the main conditions for the sustainable development of civilization is universal environmental awareness.

The Teacher plays a decisive role in the formation of environmental knowledge, in educating children in a responsible attitude to the preservation of civilization on Earth, and for this he himself must possess such knowledge, methods of environmental education of schoolchildren.

The subject "Ecological fundamentals of nature management", introduced into the curriculum of secondary specialized institutions, is aimed at the formation of not only ecological thinking, but also an ecological worldview, which includes love for nature, understanding of the limited resources of the Earth, frugality, responsibility for preserving nature for the present and future generations. In the course of studying this subject, students perform various creative tasks, including writing an appeal to the people of the Earth.

This collection presents the work of students of the philological department and the elementary school department. The students' appeals are written in prose and verse. They show concern about the fate of the nature of our Earth, a call for its protection and protection.

Chapter I . Save the Earth for future generations!

Molchanov Vyacheslav, 2 "b" group

Earthlings! Russians!

We are all residents of the same planet, but we all have a different attitude towards the preservation of the environment and ecology in general.

You will probably be surprised that at the dawn of life the phrase "deadly oxygen" was relevant. This was due to the characteristics of the then organisms. But in our time it is a little transformed - "pernicious air" - can become a reality.

We are surrounded by millions of cars and tens of thousands of factories that pollute our common wealth - clean air. There are not many places left on the planet, and in Russia in particular, whose air is free from carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides and lead. After all, millions of tons of harmful and toxic compounds are emitted into the atmosphere every year. And, of course, all this chemistry comes down on us in the form of smog and acid rain. The latter can cause, firstly, hair loss and even baldness. Secondly, this "life-giving moisture" generously waters our gardens and orchards, the fruits that we eat. Water is also absorbed by the roots of fodder crops that feed on farm animals. Thirdly, water supplies in rivers, lakes and reservoirs are replenished due to rains. Consequently, by polluting the atmosphere, we also pollute all the other shells of the Earth - the hydrosphere, soils, i.e. , the entire biosphere.

All of the above are just some of the problems caused by air pollution. The next hot topic closely related to air pollution is the destruction of the Earth's ozone shield. Ozone is an allotropy of oxygen that protects us from the harshest cosmic radiation and ultraviolet radiation. The loss of this thinnest shell leads to the penetration of ultraviolet radiation, and, consequently, the risk of cancer increases. Ultraviolet radiation destroys cells in the same way as radioactive substances, i.e. can lead to mutation. Ozone is adversely affected by substances contained in aerosols and used in refrigeration units - freons.

Air pollution also leads to the "greenhouse effect". This phenomenon is caused by the accumulation of exhaust gases, which pass the rays of the Sun to the surface, but do not release back. Something similar to a greenhouse or greenhouse is formed, hence the name. For this reason, the average annual temperature on the planet is increasing, which leads to global warming. Its consequences are most unpleasant - firstly, it is a blow to ski resorts; secondly, the melting of eternal ice in the Arctic, Antarctica, and Greenland. The melting of glaciers will lead to an inevitable rise in sea levels, which, in turn, will lead to coastal flooding. Our descendants will not be able to enjoy the carnival in Rio or admire the beauties of Homer's homeland. In addition, millions of people will either die or be left homeless.

The most paradoxical consequence of global warming is the onset of a new ice age. So air pollution jeopardizes the future.homosapiensfrom various angles. Agree that a catastrophe can be prevented only by the efforts of all people and all states of the world. Do not think that I am alone, and I cannot help you, because there are millions of individuals like YOU, and these millions can have a very significant impact on well-being in the future. So, let's do everything possible so that the phrase "destructive air" does not come true, and our grandchildren can calmly fill their lungs with oxygen and not be afraid for their lives and the lives of THEIR grandchildren.

Netreba Elena, 2 "b" group

Wise man, listen! I turn to you with a call, hoping that you will understand it. Look around, what do you see? Mountains of unnecessary garbage, waste that appeared through your fault.

Do you see how ourplanet. She suffers for your thoughtless actions.

Having created big cities, factories, all the benefits of civilization, you did not think about what the consequences might be. Don't you feel sorry for the animals, fish, plants that you are trying so hard to exterminate? After all, they, like you, want to live, educate their offspring, and you deprive them of this.

By polluting the soil, water, air, you not only shorten your own life, but also that of future generations. If aIf you don’t change your mind, then there will be no life on planet Earth!

Earth She is so beautiful and rich. Never forget this!Save the Earth for future generations! I beg you!

Vyevnik Maria, 2"b" group

You saw the beauty of nature: in winter, spring, summer, autumn!!!

Do you know what white, pure snow means, without any chemicals? You know how wonderful flowers and buds look on trees that have just blossomed in spring!

You know!!!

Your ancestors have preserved this beauty for you! Your grandparents, your parents. Thanks to them, you know how beautiful and wonderful nature is! So why are you destroying this wonderful and fragile creation of our creator – Nature??? Why are you building plants and factories that pollute our atmospheric air?What for?

Nature – what is it in your understanding? Just a little thing to play with and throw away? What will your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren inherit after you? Plants, factories that have already turned them into mutants? After all, a person without nature - "clean" and "bright", will turn into a mutant. After all, without nature we are nothing. Think! Do you hear! Think, I beg you!

Think about saving nature before you turn into a mutant

Dunina Natalia, 2 "b" group

I appeal to people to look around, what is happening around us in the world around us? The most important thing is to think about what you need for yourself, for those around you, to do something pleasant, to keep order, not to spoil the forests, etc. After all, how much waste can you see now, how dirty it is on the streets, in cities. You must, most importantly, think about the consequences of pollution of our planet.

At present, the interaction of society and nature is taking place on a huge scale. One of the global, universal problems of our time is the environmental problem. This problem is associated with the deterioration of the quality of the natural environment surrounding man as a result of the development of industrialization and urbanization, his way of life, the depletion of traditional energy and raw materials, and the constant interaction of the demographic "burden" on nature.

At the same time, today it has also become clear that mankind cannot and should not recklessly use its enormous power, limitlessly invade nature, radically remake it without taking into account the possible consequences of its economic activity. Man must sometimes think and improve nature and the world around him. He must closely monitor the impact of his activities on certain components of the system of life on Earth.

When you pass by an abandoned piece of paper, do not be too lazy to pick it up, even if it was not you who threw this piece of paper. Look around, what surrounds you, what needs to be done to improve the world around you!

Piven Tatyana, 2 "b" group

Dear people! I would like to draw your attention to the current ecological state of our beloved nature! It is very deplorable, but its pernicious state can be restored to a state of balance. The main thing is to think in time. And I believe that this time has come. Now it is necessary not only to think, but also to do.

Agree, because each of us will not offend, let alone hurt a loved one?! So, nature is also dear to us. She is our mother, nurse, virtuous.

It is necessary to love, appreciate and preserve every grain of nature. Keep her soil, air, water.

Chebotareva Natalia, 4 "b" group

What prevents humanity from living in harmony with nature? People generate too much waste. These include the dissipation of thermal energy by any industrial, transport or utility facility, and water, which is used in almost any technology, and, in fact, any end product that goes to a landfill in a month or several centuries.

What is needed to improve the state of the environment? For this, fabulous sums are needed. Where can you get them? If they were, then our Earth would be much cleaner. But if you think about it, you can make our planet clean even without money. How? Humanity must think about this.

After all, if all people lived not for one day, but thought about the future, about what would happen to our Planet in 50 years, then our Earth would not be in such a critical state as it is now.

If every person saves the water he uses, does not pollute the forest belts when he goes out into nature, does not burn fires, the smoke of which pollutes the air, then the Earth would be cleaner.

After all, a person is originally a natural being, so why does he destroy what he came from?

And in conclusion, I want to say: "People, do not destroy the Planet! Do not destroy what makes you live in the world!"

Sharova Inna, 4 "b" group

Dear inhabitants of our planet! I want to ask you to solve a serious issue in our lives.

Nowadays, the issue of protecting the environment is very serious. Thoughtless human activity over the centuries has destroyed the habitat, but the twentieth century was a time of environmental disasters. And many writers could not remain aloof from solving an urgent problem, such as V. Rasputin, Ch. Aitmatov. So let's do our best so that our nature preserves all its riches!

After all, man is not the king of nature, but an integral part of it. If any link in this chain dies, then the threat hangs over everyone. When will we understand this? It's time to stop, stop self-destruction. We must live in harmony with nature. Then peace will come in the soul of everyone. I believe that!

Zatonova Inna, 4 "b" group

Dear Earthlings! Look around! Everything around is littered with garbage! Maybe you left plastic bags, plastic bottles somewhere ...

The chemical compounds that make up their composition poison living organisms. But after all, we live, grow, study on this beautiful planet Earth. She is our home and we are all responsible for her.

At today's rates of environmental pollution, everything around will turn into a garbage dump in 10-15 years! And until it becomes the law of everyone's life, we cannot do without ecological subbotniks.

It does not take much time and effort to organize them. There will definitely be people who will support and help you. Together it is easier to organize cleaning of the territory in your house, school, park…

I hope that you will agree with me, dear earthlings, and you will not remain indifferent to what is happening!

Good luck!

Aleinikova Evgenia, 4 "b" group

Have you ever dreamed of flying into space? I have always dreamed about it. On a large beautiful rocket, soar with stunning speed into the sky, ending in outer space. And from there look at our planet. I'm sure it's an amazing sight! Because the Earth will appear before me in all its glory - glowing in a blue haze and all so different, with green archipelagos of islands, blue oceans and seas, brown mountain ranges. The planet will seem to me just the same ideal. But this is only because I will look at it from space and therefore I will not be able to see much negative. I will not see the smoke of factories, factories and cars, I will not see mountains of garbage; I will not see how some very rare animal dies every minute in the world, dying from the terrible treatment of a person. I won’t see how people cut down entire forests, groves, how lakes, rivers dry up ...

I will not see much, just as people do not see what they are doing with their planet, with their home. For some reason they are blind, but blind from their insensitivity, lack of understanding that they can destroy the Earth with their active activity, deprive it of its beauty.

But do you people really want evil for your planet, do you want to destroy it? I don't believe. I know you will change your mind, stop and keep the Earth as beautiful as it is. Just do it quickly so that when I do fly into space, I can see the Earth in all its glory, glowing in a blue haze ...

Shaforostova Elena, 4 "b" group

There has been a lot of talk lately about conservation. We have polluted the seas and rivers, forests and steppes so much that it became scary for the future generation. What will we leave as a legacy to the future? In the classroom, we talked about the world around us, about how easy it is to upset the balance in nature, but it is very difficult to restore it. Nature itself is restored, but very slowly. Therefore, we, the people, must protect and protect the world in which we live! If we poison the land and water, we will breathe polluted air and eat unsuitable food. To prevent this from happening, we must protect the environment!

If each person observes cleanliness in his yard, in the forest where he walks, at the enterprise where he works, how much everything around will change!

I hope that people will think and stop destroying what their life depends on!

Taranenko Olesya, 4"b" group

In our view, nature exists separately from man, somewhere outside. And we have become accustomed to the idea that humanity has conquered nature, put it at its service. People use her gifts, and do not give anything in return. What a pity that we can only appreciate what we lose.

The problem of ecology is very acute all over the world today. With all the variety of beautiful and correct words about the protection of natural resources, in reality it turns out to be completely different.

It is very difficult for nature now, she is sick, infected and is no longer able to cope with this disease herself. She needs the help and participation of each of us. A good friend and a good doctor is a person. Kind person!

A wise man!

A person who can empathize. A person responsible for his actions. I, you, they. We are the children of nature, and if we fail to stop this process of dying of nature, we or our children may remain orphans.

Let's help our "mother" - EARTH!

Morozova Elena, 3 "a" group

New factories are being built, gigantic stations are being built, gas and oil pipelines are being built. All this can be called technical progress. But this is on the one hand. On the other hand, it is precisely for this reason that forests are dying, water bodies are being polluted, and wildlife is being destroyed. For many years we have been saying that man is the master of nature, but it is this master who often leaves behind barren, lifeless spaces. For us, nature is life itself. That is why the rock weeps, the stone has a heart, and it beats like a man's; that's why we listen to the whisper of the sea tide, the breath of forest plants, the cheerful voice of the stream. Everything breathes, everything lives. It is man who must do everything to ensure that nature does not fall silent, does not die. He is responsible for the future of nature. It depends on him whether rocks, stones, streams will speak. And this is so important these days. Now, when nuclear power plants explode, when gasoline flows along the rivers and from clean blue reservoirs they turn into dirty ribbons, when entire forests disappear, a person must, simply must think and ask himself the question: what will remain on our planet? Will our grandchildren be able to go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, will they be able to swim in the lake on a sunny day, and then hide in the shade of a birch grove? And yet, in order to protect nature from destruction, in order to preserve its wealth, every person needs to understand that nature is our home, our temple, for which we are all responsible. And everyone should put in order the corner surrounding him, everyone should be able to truly love, understand and protect nature. When we talk about nature, we talk about our land, our Motherland, Russia. May the voices of birds never cease in our Russia, may the forests rustle, the grasshoppers chirp, may nature live and breathe. Our Motherland occupies a vast territory and has truly fabulous wealth. Careful attitude to the riches of the Earth and its subsoil, to the environment, protection and rational integrated use of these riches in the interests of the whole people is an immutable law of society. The protection of nature in our country is a national matter. Let's save our nature for ourselves and future generations!

Lukyanova Veronika, 3 "a" group

Raise your head up, look at the high blue sky, take a deep breath, look around you and you will see green grasses and trees, flowers are our life. The sky is the air we breathe, greenery is what gives us this air.

Now close your eyes, try to imagine that there is not a single tree on earth and the sky is not bright blue, but black, there is no air, and, therefore, there is no life.

This is what your actions will lead to, MAN, do you hear? Yours, and no other living being!!!

Do not grieve nature, because, having punished you, it will be restored for millions of years. Perhaps it will recover, but there is no guarantee that it will let the human population into its possessions.

Burlutskaya Julia, 3 "a" group,

Look at the world we live in! Do you like our streets? Do you like our parks?! Do you like our artificially planted forest plantations or places where you relax in nature?!

- "NO!!! Definitely not!" And why?! This fine garbage "decorates" the streets of villages, villages, cities, and this exhaust gas is simply a miracle, it is so "pleasant" to saturate the lungs with it. Why are you smiling? You do not want! What do you want?

Do you want clean, tidy places where you are, do you want fresh air, clean clear water in the rivers? What's stopping you?! Why not start with yourself, with the people around you, with your children. If each person will have a pledge: "you can not litter", then the environment will become warmer, brighter, cleaner. Many people now go abroad and note that it is so clean, so good, it would be nice to live there. Why don't we do the same, make every effort, if not for ourselves, then for our children?

People, think about my words, open your eyes to how we live! We are reasonable people, but we do much worse than any animal that always cleans up after itself. Why are we worse?!

Mikhailova Olga, 3 "a" group

The first ones love nature and try to preserve it, while the others try to destroy it, but for what? What bad has nature done to people? She gave life and everything so that life would not turn into existence. Are people punished for this?

Stop, people, think, if not about yourself, then at least about the future generation.

Protect nature, if not for yourself, then for your children!

Abdullaeva Nadezhda, 3 "a" group

Man, look around, see what beauty nature gives us. Look out the window: the golden sun is shining, the white clouds are floating, the birds are singing on the green tree.

But the day is coming

And suddenly it gets dark

The trees will hide the darkness

And silence will come

You look out the window and think: “Why is it so dark? Where is the sun? What happened? forest. It was there in the evening, and in the morning it disappeared. Not a stump or a bush remained, only a black emptiness all around.

People, people, come to your senses, don't destroy such beauty!!!

Norkina Elena, 3 "a" group

People, we all live on planet Earth. We are many, but she is one. Think about it, the Earth feeds and waters us, we breathe the air of its forests. Go out into the steppe and inhale the aroma of its herbs, intoxicating with the richness of smells. Plunge into the cool waters of rivers and lakes, run towards the oncoming wave of the sea…

And this is all for us, for everyone living on this planet: people, animals, birds, insects. Take care of it in order to bring joy to each other, so that the next generations will also rejoice, without reproaches and claims to those living today.

Do good, and good seed gives good shoots.

Sukhareva Vika, student 3 "a" group

How beautiful it is in nature at different times of the year. Everything is so green in summer; dandelions, daisies, buttercups, forget-me-nots bloom. In autumn, people harvest, i.e. what nature gave them. And now winter comes. The harshest time of the year. Snow falls, freezes, melts. Animals: squirrels, hares change their color. Other animals and birds fly away to warmer climes. And, finally, spring comes, the snow melts, the first flowers bloom - snowdrops. Well, isn't that the beauty, the joy of life? This is the little happiness that a person rejoices in. This is what surrounds him. And it is surrounded by nature. And, as you know, many people do not protect nature. They throw garbage, burn fires in the forest and leave, forgetting to put it out. And nature begins to rage. Nowadays, many fires happen due to human error. Because man does not protect nature.

People, let's think about it! If we continue like this, there will be nothing left of nature. We will lose our little happiness, our green home. There will be no plants, no animals, no birds that we rejoice at. There will be nothing!

People, I urge you to protect nature, protect it from others. And if you saw that someone threw a piece of paper, although it was possible to go a little and throw it into the trash, do not let this person just leave.

If they do this, then people do not know, do not understand that they are causing great harm to nature. And nature is something living, growing. Nature remembers everything that man has done to her, what pain he has caused. And thus she pays us what we deserve.

People, think before it's too late! Save nature and it will repay you with kindness.

Svintsova Oksana, 3 "a" group

People, look around. Do you like what surrounds you? Do you like all this garbage? Do you like to breathe dirty air, drink water with chemical additives? Definitely NO! Then why are you making things worse for yourself? Why destroy what was not created by you, but by nature? After all, when you do something with your own hands, it is dear to you and you experience pain when this thing is damaged. Stop! Think of the pain you are causing to nature by spoiling what she creates with her own hands!

Krylova Nadezhda, 3 "a " Group

Man, look out the window, what do you see? Trees, grass, as well as plants, factories, cars with exhaust gases. Can't a person come up with factories, factories, machines that are more environmentally friendly? What will we leave for the next generation? What will our children breathe? By air? What? Which consists practically of gas, which has a bad effect on our health. What will the child love? Cars, technology? He will not see that beauty in the morning when the sun rises, the dew on the grass, the crystal blue sky and the sea. Even now, children cannot be torn away from the TV and the computer, it's bad! Man, look back, look back, what are we doing with nature? We cut down forests, dump waste into the sea, which leads to the extinction of fish and plants. And the air??? We won't live without it. If without food a person can live for some time, then without air there is no. If each person takes care of himself, then the nature that surrounds us will delight our eyes. And then, as a sign of gratitude, she will give us clean air, green-green grass, colorful, bright flowers. When you walk down the street and you have a piece of paper in your hands, and you suddenly throw it into the alley, stop, think!!! After all, nature is alive, it still endures, but the day will come when Mother Earth will say her word to humanity for everything that we have caused her.

Man, stop and think what you are doing with nature!!! What is left for future generations after you?

We are rich with nature, but without it….

Solokhina Elena, 3 "a" group ,

People! Yes, I'm talking to you. Look around what you are doing with our nature. We just pollute it.

Look at our streets. Do you like them? Of course, no one likes them. But we ourselves pollute them. So let's be good to our Mother Nature. Let's not litter. Nature gives us life. Let's save nature for our children.

Berest Elena, 3 "a" group

It wasn't until they saw the planet from space that people realized how small the Earth was and how much it needed protection. From whom to protect her? From his unreasonable attitude towards her, because, as it turned out, there is no more powerful and merciless destroyer on Earth than man.

It all started with an unreasonable hunt - more animals were killed than was necessary to sustain life. Mammoths were exterminated by people of the Stone Age. It was one of the first environmental disasters. Then people began to burn forests to free up plots of land for crops. For a long time, all these actions did not cause much damage to nature, which successfully "licked" its wounds, having the ability to self-repair. But the man did not stop there.

Extracting minerals, he cut under the bases of the mountains or pumped out oil, formed vast voids underground. Disturbed the balance of the earth's crust. To irrigate land and generate electricity, he built dams on rivers, created artificial reservoirs, and changed the direction of rivers.

Over the past 100 years, the scope of human economic activity has reached such proportions that there have been serious violations of naturally established relationships between various objects of nature. There is a real threat that these changes are already irreversible and lead to an ecological crisis. Only now people are beginning to understand that they should not conquer nature, but find a way to live in harmony with it.

Man, take care of nature, because you are part of it!!!

Bessarabova Ekaterina, 3 "a" group

Man and nature are inseparable. But unlike other living organisms, man is a rational part of nature. Thanks to reason, consciousness, he learns the laws of nature and uses them in practical activities.

A person cannot live without the use of natural resources, without changing and transforming the world around him. But it is important not to harm nature. It is necessary to know the limits of available changes in the environment, to understand that the Earth is not at all an unlimited source of natural wealth. The death of nature will immediately lead to the death of mankind.

Since ancient times, man has used the gifts of nature: he collected plants suitable for food, hunted animals, and fished. Human impact on nature at that time was small and hardly noticeable.

Gathering has been replaced by agriculture. People cut down and burned forests for crops, used agricultural tools to cultivate the land, and improved hunting methods. The influence of people on the environment became more active and noticeable. Fields and plantations of cultivated plants appeared on the site of cut down forests, irrigation canals were laid in arid regions; the deepening of the riverbed made them suitable for navigation. Man began to accustom wild animals, to create various varieties of plants.

With the growth of cities, industrial enterprises, the emergence of new modes of transport, human influence on nature has increased even more. As a result, the area occupied by forests has decreased, the number of plant and animal species has decreased, rivers and seas have become shallow. A huge amount of industrial and domestic waste began to be thrown into the environment, which pollute the air, water, soil, causing the death of plants and animals, and human diseases.

Our blue planet is often compared to a giant spaceship flying across the expanses of the universe, and humanity is compared to the crew of this ship. But we all need to realize that our ship does not have an emergency exit. Therefore, we must constantly think about how to make our cities clean, green, beautiful, how to protect the environment from pollution, how to save our springs, rivers and reservoirs, flora and fauna from death.

Protecting and increasing the wealth of our land is the duty of everyone. It depends on all of us whether the nightingale's trill will sound, whether the fish will splash in the clear water of rivers and lakes, whether the sky will be blue above us. After all, the Earth is the home of all mankind.

Chizhuk Victoria, 3 "a" group

People!!! Stop! Look back. What did you do? With the development of industry and other activities, you have endangered not only the entire biosphere, but also your own health. All exhaust gases, adverse conditions cause various disorders in the body, as a result of which a person, i.e. you and I can die.

We must preserve nature for the sake of the future, for the sake of our children. "And what can we do about it?" – you might ask. "Yes, just do not throw garbage anywhere!" We must not create landfills near houses and rivers. It is not necessary to direct pipes from sewage to reservoirs. Do not throw empty bottles on the streets, and even more so in the river, especially if they are glass.

Remember! Our health is in our hands.

Galkina Daria, 3 "a" group

People, stand up, let's honor with a moment of silence what we have destroyed with our own hands. After all, much of the destroyed, you will never return. You will not return the disappeared species of plants and animals, which remained only in the memory of rare encyclopedias. Not to return the rivers, the seas, which are dried up because of the unreasonableness of man, all this has perished.

I invite you, people, one and all, to the opening of a monument, the first monument to nature, to the nature that we have destroyed.

People, look around, look around! You like the greenery of the gardens, the babbling of the stream, the singing of the birds! Naturally - Yes! Do you want monuments to perished nature to stand in the place of verdant gardens and our children to run not on green, sun-warmed grass, but on cold concrete slabs of memorials. Of course not!

So, take care of nature, create nature reserves, keep it, if not for yourself, then for future generations!

Korobova Lydia, 3 "a" group

Appeal to the people of the Earth

I look at the globe

The globe of the earth.

And suddenly, he sighed,

How alive.

And the continents whisper to me:

"You save us, save us!"

And the thickets and forests whisper,

Dew on the grass, like a tear!

The deep river is sad

Losing their shores.

"You save us, save us!"

The deer stopped his run:

"Be a man, man!

We believe in you, don't lie

Take care of us, take care of us!"

Reading this poem, you involuntarily think about how a person relates to nature. This poem can be called the appeal of nature to man.

I think that, while loving nature, one must preserve and pity it. But people, without noticing it, cause significant harm to nature. For example: during outdoor recreation, a person tramples her flowering fields (herbs). Often, after hiking and relaxing, people leave a lot of garbage, thereby polluting their native nature, ruining it. A person should appreciate nature, because she is our old good doctor, she is a friend and ally of our soul.

A person should appreciate, love, preserve, cherish, pity the nature around him. He must live in harmony with nature and with himself. Then everything will be fine in a person: thoughts, deeds, and soul!

People should remember a simple truth:

"There are many of us - and she is one."

Protect nature

You are human - love nature!

Always keep her like a mother.

She always warms us with warmth,

She cares for us and cherishes,

Like a real mother.

bathing us in the sun,

Presenting your gifts

She worries and believes.

Save nature - mother,

After all, without it there will be no beauty,

There will be no kindness!

You take care of nature, take care!

Chapter II .I appeal to you, people of the Earth!

Piven Tatyana, 2 "b" group

Let's protect nature!

Nature, oddly enough,

Beckons me with you.

It beckons so funny:

That puffs the sun in the eye,

That cool rain

Makes us a little happy.

Nature is something "high" for us.

Nature is a friend to everyone, and a second mother to me.

Let's be we

Protect nature!!!

Gorobtsova Natalia, 2 "b" group

Stop smart man!

Stop and look:

What a beautiful world around

Isn't it true, friend?

What a wonderful day!

What a blessing!

To whom should you thank?

Say thanks to the ancestors and fathers,

Say thanks to grandfathers, mothers,

They left a legacy for us to live!

For this I must thank them!

A reasonable person, because you can live beautifully!

You live in the world, so you breathe!

And you absorb the air from above.

Do you think intelligent means God?

So why couldn't you protect our ozone layer?

Our century is the century of chemistry and environmental pollution!

And for ourselves, we will wait for trouble.

We pollute the air, rivers and seas

And land, and trees, and fields.

Everyone talks and thinks about problems

We create, we perform in arenas,

But our greed, our passion for money -

It leads to meaningless bargaining:

Ile will protect the nature of man,

Or will he be better provided for forever?

Listen, stop people

Our nature is dying

And for some reason people forget about it!

Why do you live only for yourself?

A reasonable person: after all, you can live beautifully!

After all, everyone can understand and realize everything,

And everyone can change the fate of nature!

Listen man, everything is in your hands!

Kuzina Valentina, 2 "b" group


Addressing you, people of the Earth,

I want to talk and cry...

You dare heaven ships

Dirty with your hate...

You - stepped to the limits of latitudes,

You - were able to approach the cliff,

You - found the wrong turn,

Setting goals for yourself

You strive to get there

Where you will not find your own buildings ...

Look the earth in the eyes

And ask forgiveness for everything!


Cuts with a piercing violin

Terrible silence.

Behind our simple mistake

Fatal trouble lurks...

We burned forests and steppes,

We have consumed oil completely!

Where has it been seen that children

Killed their mothers?

When we're bogged down in mystery

Insignificantly small Earth,

Back then we didn't know

We're drowning in dust...

Will lay down a heavy wound

The last, melted snow;

Sunset will be our bloody;

Without rigidity, we do not exist ...

And it will not be clear to all of us

That we have destroyed the world.

We are like swans in scarlet red,

And we just have no pity ...

I would like to say that we human beings, without hesitation, by making small offenses, destroy ourselves. It is as if we are destroying the ladder to a better life, on which we strive to climb to heaven ...

After all, each of us "destroys", creating at the same time, to a lesser extent.

Remember that even killing one ant has consequences...

Dunina Natalia, 2 "b" group

Everything has the laws of truth,

Has laws of lies.

We walk left and right

We dream of living in abundance.

And when the child of man

Suddenly I found a whim in nature,

Rivers of gold flowed

And his dreams were torn up ...

Trample your pride, stone

He could not throw the ashes down.

Will we become the masters of the world?

And the thought is so cold.

Killed by driving into cages

Everyone who was on the way they met.

Left marks behind

Staying noticed by everyone.

Tried to destroy everywhere

Where his foot trod menacingly,

But, when parted with a whim,

It was, however, too late.

And the trees wept everywhere,

And the earth groaned, withering...

Look around!! Everywhere, everywhere

Let the wind now walk!

It was cold, but not from the wind:

Emptiness ate warmth.

And now it's better somewhere

Where the human foot will not set foot...

Borisova Alena, 2 "b" group

Nature is so tired of begging

Why, pray tell, destroy again?

Why are you from year to year

Are you destroying your human race?

Just look around, see

How can you skillfully erase everything from the face of the Earth.

Like everything that is so beautifully created by natural hand,

You trample with your merciless foot.

And how much in life you created

To kill the nature of the earthly world.

Well, look around, because you can live differently.

You can save the life of nature.

Let this be a difficult task for you

But you will make a life for your child.

Understand that everything that surrounds us

Always and everywhere will delight our eyes.

But this will only be the case

What if you let nature into your heart,

as well as in the house

She will forgive all your dirty tricks.

She only needs a little compassion from you.

Respond with your soul so that the whole Earth prospers!

St. Julia, 4 "b" group

Gardens are blooming, streams are shining,

Nightingales whistle beautifully.

Everywhere is light. Green meadow.

And the air is as pure as white fluff.

Swallows fly in spring

The bullfinch will delight in winter.

Azure sky, clean air

The wind sways the linden leaf

After all, it's all great!

But that can be changed

If nature is not valued:

The garden will not bloom in spring,

The bullfinch will not be seen,

The nightingale will not be heard ...

Pervaryukha Inna, 4"b" group

How beautiful is the earth!

Birds, fish, animals, we -

All here are inhabitants of the planet.

Man, you remember that!

Gotta save the land

To live in the future!

So that our children, grandchildren

We could breathe, create, love!

Everyone, every person

There is only one thing to remember!

If it destroys the earth

That will not be him!

Dynnik Irina, 4"b" group

People of the world stand up for a moment!

Listen! Listen - an ax knocks in the forest ...

Enough! Stop it! Stop it!

They came: a man was - became a thief!

Steal from mother nature

Destroy native lands

Draining swamps - stop!

Stop it! I conjure!

The cry of the soul in me restless,

Let me bring it to you!

Understand, people, What have you forgotten?

You yourself are a part of it

what are you ruining now...

* * *

Fragrant herbs no longer bloom,

No more birds flying in the sky,

People making their own poison

Stop having fun soon.

Because the herbs do not bloom,

Birds do not flutter in the clear sky,

Destroying nature, we die ourselves,

Even the sun... ceased to be radiant...

Cherednichenko Anastasia, 4 "b" group

Take care of our nature!

Trees, air, water!

So that on our planet

Children lived carefree!

To run, laugh,

And thought about

What a beautiful planet

Our common home!

Longevity planet

Will be in one case,

If everyone on the planet

Will be kind and smart!

Chernenko Anzhela, 4 "b" group

Please stop!

Do no more evil.

Understand: nature is one,

And we, all people on Earth,

Must keep her beauty.

Plant trees, water grass

And never hurt animals.

Nature gave us life

And we are responsible to her!

Ilgacheva Olga, 4 "b" group

I appeal to you, Great Ones,

Oh people save the world

After all, he is dying.

Why are we destroying nature today?

And there is no answer ... For what?

Me because we are not human

We don't appreciate

All that we have today:

We turn on the light and we drink water,

And we have warmth in the house,

Why are we destroying nature?

And again there is no answer.

She gave us a lot today

We live happily.

But we know that many do not keep this house.

House of purity, comfort,

House of herbs, flowers, trees, rivers, lakes, seas,

Home of mountains, deserts, forests and just freshness.

Our home is where we live!

I know how to save nature

Maybe after many, many years

You will understand too

What is important on earth

Love and protect her.

Our nature, our mother!

I call you!

Let's save nature

Our house where we live!

Belikova Anastasia, 4 "b" group

Man - the crown of nature -

strange slogan, flattering verse

And now he year after year

He burns forests, poisons

He vehemently confirms them.

Pesticide field

Tears, maims, kills,

for myself, for myself, for myself.

The assertion is true -

And the crown makes its way

He lay down with cast shackles

on the hurting chest.

But nature is where the power is

And how sorry I am, crown,

That by their deeds

Marks its end.

Strizhak Anna, 3 "a" group

Mother's share of nature

Nature - mother sighed so heavily,

And a tear rolled down my cheeks,

She's tired of living, she's tired

To endure the insults of your child.

She gave the child shelter and food,

In the end, she gave him children.

Gave fun, joy, love of life,

In return, she did not take a crumb of bread.

She covered the house with a huge shawl

Protected him from the sun since childhood,

And he grew up and made holes in the chalet.

She forgave, but did not help.

He polluted the stream, filled up the river,

And the sea completely dried up to the bottom.

He cut down the whole forest, and took a plank,

And the mother suffered, cried, waited,

When her child understands,

It won't hurt anymore.

Nature sighed again

As if she wanted to scream:

"Son, let me go, it hurts, it hurts a lot.

After all, you destroyed everything that I gave!

Maybe I'm to blame for you

Then forgive me like a mother, forgive me

But I'm tired, you hear, I'm tired

Watch you destroy me

Why, I don't understand at all?

But know that I always love you!

Nikolaeva Alena, 3 "a" group


How much have you given us?

Life, rivers, fields,

forests and seas.

But we, having taken in full,

We crush everything. We break bridges

cutting down forests,

We pollute even our native lands!

What are we thinking about

Who will answer?

When we destroy the house, where everyone

Warmed by love from birth

Slonovskaya Victoria, 3 "a" group

Entering your twenty-first century

You are alive, you breathe man

But how do you live, look around

And looking back, horrified.

Around you is your land

Gives you fields in flowers:

You turn them into dumps!

And bright flowers fade.

You are the power of nuclear turbines

Confused by the calmness of the depths,

And there in the depths of strong waters

Nobody lives now.

You are the power of the Aeroflot

Deprived of free flight

The one whose wings are torn up.

Come to your senses! Stop!

Mukhaeva Ekaterina, 3 "a" group

Look buddy, look

Nature is dying for you

And you don't know.

You burn around the forest and

You inhale the acrid smoke.

You get up early in the morning

Brushing your teeth under the faucet

And so much drinking water

Are you ruining without thinking?

So take a look around you

Look at the world differently -

Nature gives us everything

And this is our happiness!

Burlakova Julia, 3 "a" group

Man, look around

What surrounds you?

Beautiful steppes, rivers, seas, large oceans,

Dense forests where animals live,

Meadows where various herbs grow,

Everywhere beautiful birds sing.

And I'm calling you, my friend!

Love nature and everything around

And she will be grateful to you

Peace and love will reign on earth!

Sakhno Marina, 3 "a" group

Nature is the mother of her children

And there are not so few of them.

Yes, many rivers and fields,

Flowers and oceans.

She, like a mother, takes care of everything -

To live and be friends

But there is a child - an egoist,

Even though he was loved.

He was named from birth

sensible person,

But they couldn't see it

Love to instill in those rivers

Fields, forests and voices

The birds that fly here

And everyone dies, and a person

Knows about it too.

I want to tell you one thing:

Think, wake up!

Oh man, you're ruining your mother!

Think, look!

Fedorova Maria, 3 "a" group

Man, stop, look around

What do you see, tell me aloud

I see roads, factories, plants,

I see buildings, houses, dirty waste

A lot of transport, cars pollute the spheres,

Heaps of garbage lie and do not know the measure.

Man, stop, look around:

All this is the work of your hands.

All forests are dying, nature is being destroyed,

And the ozone hole is bigger every year.

Man, look what you've done

And think about how to find a way out of trouble

To make nature better

To make the air cleaner

Be a nature protector

Protect and take care of every corner of the Earth!


1. Bukovskaya G.V. Games, classes on the formation of ecological culture of younger students. - M .: Humanist. - Ed. Center VLADOS, 2002 - S. 192.

2. Korobkin V.I., Peredelsky L.V. Ecology in questions and answers: Textbook. - Rostov - n / a: Phoenix, 2002. - 384 p.

3. Konstantinov V.M. Protection of Nature. – M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2000. - 240 p.

4. Simonova E.P. Environmental education in elementary school. - M: Academy, 2000. - S. 160.

5. Khotuntsev Yu.L. Ecology and ecological safety. – M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2002. - 480 p.

It is impossible for us to grasp everything with consciousness,
Do not have time - life is too short.
Experience is small - to become our understanding of the Way,
And the mind is weak and therefore longing lives in it.

There are no great ones - having invented them, we exalt them,
And there is no heaven, but there is - places on Earth worse than hell.
Having got into them, we burn with our souls from longing,
And there is no life for the departed - the Void awaits them.

We built many and different temples,
Forgetting that there is a temple in the soul of God.
And no one, He was punished for something here:
Man - he created hell on Earth himself ...

People are such people, we are strange, in essence,
We chain ourselves into these heavy torments,
We invent hundreds of kilograms of problems
To meet goodness in a dark tunnel
And not everyone has their own garden of Eden,
But absolutely everyone will be knocked out by shrapnel
Our happiness does not care about the swamp of troubles
We are intoxicated by the bright tone of our victories ...
We do not notice the human smile,
We push away the helping hand dear
Eh, people… we are ruled by His Majesty Satan…
Our cup of pride killed Christ...
We curse the creator, at night to him ...

Appeal to the people
I appeal to the people... of our planet!
There are bad omens coming...
Our planet to live...
Eli can die...
Know enough to fight on mother earth
And stop the strife here everywhere ...
Slaves in the world for everyone to live
To love everyone!
Pay attention to our land.
It's scary to live here...
How did we mess it up
And we move away from it...
Rushed into space, heaven ...
Driving billions forever...
We spend trillions on weapons
Nobody knows for...

Earth, beautiful planet,
You are the heart of my God!
You bathe in streams of Light;
Filled with His Love.

And the heart .. it hurts from pain,
For all the suffering of people.
That pain, I confess involuntarily ...
Suddenly, it became my pain too.

Why, Intelligent Creation,
Have you rebelled against the mind?
Your God's Gift, your skill...
Did he send you to separation?

Why, Child of the Living God,
You killed the feeling of brotherhood;
And spawned many religions,
And he swam into disbelief ...

Oh brother! The planet is in danger!
She can't survive in the stream...

People in the sky do not live, do not live,
Wings do not grow behind their backs.

And how you want to rush in height,
Above the clouds fly into the blue,

But once Icarus fell,
After all, God did not give us a gift to fly!

And a man built an airplane,
To go like a bird in flight

To fly over this sinful earth,
Enjoy the beauty below!

And understand that there is no better land,
On which we are all born to live!
People in the sea do not live, do not live.
A man in sea water is clumsy.

Won't rush through...

People, people, people
Divide - divide the globe of the Earth.
Divide lands, forests, rivers,
Divide, quarreling among themselves.

I feel sorry for them - it's stupid,
Their wars and money are a passion.
Fight for an advantageous place
For your power over someone.

Squabbles, squabbles and intrigues,
Always in human society.
Theirs is no holy book,
They will not teach you how to live well.

Thoughts, deeds and speeches,
They parted ways among themselves.
On the Earth between them forever,
There will be lies, deceit with war.

People, people, I feel sorry for you,
There is no peace in the world among you.
And again the war ...

People! People...
Turn around!
Fuss... Look at the sky.
You only see the dust under your feet.
You dont love.
You are not dreaming.
You despise your family.
Look around!
May be,
Someone needs you.
Someone asks you for help
Well, you..
You are deaf and blind.
Look around!
People, wait
Well, where are you running again?
Concerned, slowed down.
Not even time to rest.
You do not see that the closest
So they believe you
You are loved
Well, you...
Powdered with vanity
Again, run after the arrow of minutes ...

Earth, you are part of the universe
The Creator gave birth to you.
Living soul and valuable blood
Filled the body, live the Earth.

He sent his children
Where he gave them a marvelous garden.
Be fruitful, set a goal for them to live
As a result, people recreated hell.

War, murder and robbery
It has become a prerogative.
And a marvelous garden, with all its beauty
Was plundered, the soul was gone.

Earth. Do you remember this time?
When the Lord created you.
He gave his soul and this tribe
It destroyed everything and itself.

After all, you then, in the distant past

Message from El Morya. Appeal to the people of the Earth

"Today I am presenting my new colleague Tamara. From now on, together with Marina, she will lead the "Messages" section on your website. I thank her for her diligence and pure heart. El Morya"

Appeal to the people of the Earth

Hello my dear people of the Earth! I know your inner anxiety about the events in Japan, but it had to happen. The only thing you can do is send Light and Love to the Planet. Unite mentally into the Unified Pyramid of the Light-Force of Humanity, unite your Hearts to help the Planet, to everyone who needs support and healing.

Regarding the message about possible earthquakes in Latvia: - yes, you have seismic areas, but they will not show themselves in action. As already noted in other messages, such outbursts of purification energy will occur at the nodal points - projections of the Crystalline Grid of the Earth, and in this case, they do not occur in Latvia. Due to the closest location of the Moon on March 19, the rise of water is possible, but this will not cause much damage. Breathe calmly and manage to help the Elements. Turn to the Moon with a request to take care of your daughter Earth. Place the entire Planet in the protective sphere of the Holy Spirit.

Let the Earth be a blooming garden, let all the events of the restructuring of the bodies of the Earth and the bodies of Man occur as painlessly as possible!

My dear people of the Earth! Be calm in your thoughts and in your Heart! This is very important for fruitful work in helping the Planet and ourselves. Be confident in your abilities! You can do everything as planned by the Creator and you! We support and help you, just contact us for help. Be strong in Spirit! You can help the Planet!

And further. Lightworkers! Carry the Joy of life in yourself and bring this Joy and confidence in the future to everyone around you. Be our full-fledged Helpers, and we keep and love you. Be sure of it!

With love and gratitude, El Morya.

Hosted by Tamara Knusle

Appeal to the Moon and Earth
Dear earthlings! The process of rebirth of your planet into the New Earth continues and enters an active stage.

This process, as you are well informed, will bring to the Earth the opportunity to move into life in higher dimensions and to accept the life of all the kingdoms of Nature into this new state. Planetary changes come step by step, which you need to correctly understand and accept. And, therefore, to act to help the planet, thereby helping one's progress along the Path of the Great Transition.

Now the Moon is coming very close to her Daughter - the Earth, also in order to contribute to the accomplishment of certain changes in the crust of the globe; in the newly built Crystalline Grid of the Earth and the restructuring of some of its, the Earth, functions. Everything is logical and correct from a cosmic point of view. But you may be concerned about the external results of the Moon's approach to the Earth. They can be expressed, naturally, by stronger ebb and flow, bearing in certain places a destructive effect. In addition, there will be shifts in the earth's crust that will go through the critical points of the existing Crystalline Grid to give legitimacy to the new Crystalline Grid.

We are making certain efforts to ensure that all these planetary changes are sufficiently painless for people, although people, with all their inherent carelessness, may find themselves in places where they are not supposed to be.

I ask you to draw your attention to the need these days for psychological assistance to a certain part of the population. There is no need to assert that there will undoubtedly be many suicides, psychological deviations, exacerbations in risk groups (of all directions); the risk of car accidents and in general traffic accidents due to the fault of the human factor will increase, etc. Everything that is known about the negative impact of full moons will be strengthened on this day.

Draw the appropriate conclusions and try to keep yourself from risky activities. Help those who may be hurt. Do, if the physical condition is necessary, preventive maintenance of the body.

The main thing to know is that there should be no fear. The Earth is going through a complex but necessary process of rebuilding and improvement for you and yourself.

Address the Moon and Earth with love. Send your help and understanding of what is happening. Make the following Prayer the day before and on the day of the full moon:

Dear Moon, Mother of the Earth!

You honored with your love

A planet emerging from darkness;

Dear planet, born by You.

Oh Mother Moon! Break the barrier

And change the influence of the past

To our Earth! Shed a ray of love

Bless the holy change.

Moon! Today the Spirit will rise in us

And we will help all planetary changes.

Let's weave ourselves into the beautiful Moonbeam

Let's bring harmony to the coming phenomena.

Let the heart Beam close over the Earth;

May he let me be born again

In the rays of the moon, the planet is not earthly,

And the planet that we dream of in our dreams.

Moon, Moon! Thank you

For New Rays of earthly resurrection.

May all your efforts be

Directed for good. Without a doubt

You will do good. And we accept

Your love for the Earth, like God's grace,

Today I want in Your Rays!

God bless the holiday of Love!

(accepted by Marina Schulz)