Speech development classes. Lesson on the development of phonetic perception and lexical-grammatical structuring of speech based on the topic “Fruits Development of speech on the topic of fruits

Author: Arestova E. G.,
Organization: MBDOU d\s "Scarlet Flower", Abakan.
Year of creation: 2015
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic: “Fruits”
Goal: Creating a social development situation through a cognitive-speech game about fruits.
1. Create conditions for expanding and clarifying the idea of ​​fruits, developing coherent speech, attention, and thinking;
2. Create conditions for the development of children’s ability to form adjectives from nouns, diminutive forms of nouns, in the formation of relative adjectives (juice from apples, apple, etc., practice writing descriptive stories about fruits, in the form of a riddle according to the model proposed by the teacher ;
3. Create conditions to improve the monologue form of speech;
4. Foster love and respect for nature
Expanding the dictionary on the topic: fruit, apple, pear, plum, lemon, grapes, orange, tree, garden, vine, ripe, aromatic, fragrant, juicy, tasty, sweet, sour, sweet and sour, smooth, red, orange, yellow , green, blue, round, oval, elongated, ripen, collect, prepare; jam, jam, juice. Equipment: subject pictures on the topic, ball, magnetic board, basket with fruit models, small screen, telegram, fruit models.
OD progress
Org. Moment
The teacher tells the children that today they are going on a trip, but where they will go, they need to guess.
Asks a riddle:
Plum trees and apple trees are growing,
And gooseberries and cherries are here -
In the fall, just have time
Harvest here. (garden)
Q: The harvest is in the fall. Vegetables are harvested in the garden, and in the garden. (fruit).
- In autumn, fruits are harvested in the gardens. People carefully remove fruits from trees so as not to damage them. Fruits are healthy: they contain a lot of vitamins. Everyone loves fruits because they are juicy, sweet, fragrant, aromatic. But they are eaten not only raw, but also juices, jams, stewed fruits and preserves are made from them.
The teacher takes the basket and sends the children on a trip, but then a telegram arrives from Fruktovich (he looks after the garden)
He's writing:
"Dear Guys! There was heavy rain and wind in our garden, and all the fruit fell from the branches and scattered. Please help me find them!”
The guys gladly agree to help Fruktovich and hit the road.
Main part
Teacher: “Guys, I found one of the fruits, but I’ll show it to you, but first guess the riddle”:
Round, rosy
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little kids (apple)
What is this? What shape is an apple? (round).
What color is it? (red).
What does an apple taste like? (sweet). What can we affectionately call an apple? (apple). What kind of juice can be made from an apple? (apple).
Next, the teacher throws the ball to everyone in turn and names the next fruit, asks a riddle about it, and then follows a description of this fruit according to the following scheme: name of the fruit - what shape - color - taste - how you can affectionately call it - what juice to prepare.
Didactic ball game: “Name the juice, name the jam.”
Fruit juice – fruit juice; apple juice - apple; pear juice -...; orange juice - ...; plum juice - ...; grape juice -...;Apple jam - apple; pear jam - ....; ... from orange -....;
...from plum-...etc.
Suggested riddles:
*The fruit is orange and juicy
I'll divide it into pieces.
Enough of these slices for everyone,
Well, of course, I’ll eat it myself. (orange)
*She was born green on a blooming white crown.
And then she grew and blushed.
As soon as she ripened, she turned blue. (Plum).
*Many wonderful clusters are ripening among the emerald leaves.
They are made from berries and have a wonderful aroma.
And we call them... (grapes)
*Monkeys love this fruit
Adults and children
Yellow, sweet and healthy
He is from Africa. (banana)
*You look like a light bulb and you look like Vanka too.
Your side is ruddy, and when you take a bite, juice will squirt out. (pear)
*Yellow fruit hangs on a branch,
But his children don’t like him,
This fruit does not taste sweet,
He's sour. Smooth to the touch.
This is the most sour fruit, people put it in tea.
The tea turns out fragrant, that’s why everyone likes it.
Physical education moment
We will cook compote. Children march and form a circle.
You need a lot of fruit.
Let's chop apples
We will chop the pear. "crumb"
Squeeze the lemon juice, “chop”
We put the drain and sand, “squeeze out”
We cook, we cook, we compote. "put"
Let's treat honest people. (treat).
Now let's play with you
Game exercise “What’s missing?” (for the development of visual attention)
The teacher puts models of fruits in front of the children. Children remember fruits and count them in order (from 1 to 6).
Then they close their eyes, the teacher removes one of the fruits. Children guess which fruit is missing.
Game "Guess - ka". Making riddles - descriptions about fruits.
The teacher takes out a basket with dummies of fruit, lays out the fruit on the table, takes out a small screen and covers the fruit with it.
Educator: Children, we solved riddles about fruits. And now we will play a new game “Guess”. Now I will tell you a riddle about one of the fruits hidden behind the screen: “It is orange, round, soft, juicy, fragrant, sweet and sour. It is covered with a thick crust and is divided into segments. You can eat it just like that. You can make juice from it. What is this?"
Children: This is an orange.
Educator: Correct. Now take turns trying to guess the riddles. You need to come up to me, show me what fruit you have chosen behind the screen, and describe it, tell me what it is like in color, shape, touch, smell, taste, what can be prepared from it, without naming the fruit.
Children take turns composing riddles - descriptions. (4 - 6 riddles - descriptions). Other children choose whose riddle was better and more interesting. Give reasons for your choice.
The teacher thanks the children for the help they provided to Fruktovich in finding fruit.
Guys, what was difficult? What did you like? What would you like to repeat again?
Who did we help today? What were they talking about?
Children: Answers
Class finished

"Fruits". Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group


To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about fruits;

Strengthen children's ability to form adjectives from nouns, diminutive forms of nouns;

Fix the sequence of the number series from 1 to 5;

Develop vocabulary on this topic; develop children's ability to think logically, visual and auditory memory, attention.

Equipment: envelope with a letter, replicas of fruits: apple, orange, grapes, banana, pear, lemon; basket; projector; pencils, sheets with the task “Trace along the contour and fill in.”

Progress of the lesson: The teacher informs the children that today theygo on a trip, but where they will go, we need to guess.

Asks a riddle:

Plum trees and apple trees are growing,

And gooseberries and cherries are here -

In the fall, just have time

Harvest here. (garden)

In autumn the harvest is harvested. Vegetables are harvested in the garden, and in the garden. (fruit).

The teacher takes the basket and sends the children on a trip, but then a telegram arrives from the gardener (he looks after the garden)

He's writing:

"Dear Guys! There was heavy rain and wind in our garden and all the fruits fell from the branches and scattered. Please help me collect them"

The guys gladly agree to help the gardener and hit the road.

1) Teacher: “Guys, I found one of the fruits, but I won’t show it to you, first guess the riddle”:

*). The fruit is orange and juicy

I'll divide it into pieces.

Enough of these slices for everyone,

Well, of course, I’ll eat it myself. (orange)

What is this? What shape is an orange? (round). What color is it? (orange) .

What does orange taste like? (sweet). What can we affectionately call an orange? (orange). And what kind of juice can be made from orange (orange). Dividing a word into syllables, the game “One - Many”

Finger gymnastics “Orange”

We shared an orange
There are many of us, but he is alone.
This slice is for the hedgehog.
This slice is for the swift.
This slice is for ducklings.
This slice is for kittens.
This slice is for the beaver.
And for the wolf - the peel.
He is angry with us - Trouble!!!
Run away in all directions!


*). Round, rosy

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children (apple)

What is this? What shape is an apple? (round). What color is it? (red) .

What does an apple taste like? (sweet). What can we affectionately call an apple? (apple). What kind of juice can be made from an apple? (apple) . Dividing a word into syllables, the game “One - Many”

Next, the teacher finds the next fruit, makes a riddle about it, and then follows the description of this fruit according to the following scheme: name of the fruit - what shape - color - taste - what it can be affectionately called - what juice to prepare.

*). Yellow fruit hanging on a branch

But his children don’t like him,

This fruit does not taste sweet,

He's sour. Smooth to the touch. (lemon)

*). Monkeys love this fruit

Adults and children

Yellow, sweet and healthy

He is from Africa. (banana)

*). This fruit tastes good and looks like a light bulb.. (pear)

2). Game "Harvest"

3). Game exercise “What is missing? »(for the development of visual attention)

The teacher puts models of fruits in front of the children. Children remember fruits and count them in order (from 1 to 5). Then they close their eyes, the teacher removes one of the fruits. Children guess which fruit is missing.

Didactic game "Fourth odd"

Physical education moment

We will cook compote.

You need a lot of fruit. Here:

Let's chop apples

We will chop the pear.

Squeeze the lemon juice

Let's put the drain and sand,

We cook, we cook, we compote.

Let's treat honest people.

The teacher thanks the children for the help they provided to the gardener in finding fruit and invites them to make gifts for him: outline and color the apple. The teacher explains and shows how to trace and paint correctly, discusses with the children their shape and color, location on the sheet. The teacher praises the children for their good drawings and organizes an exhibition of children's works. He talks to the children about how the apple is sweet and aromatic. (activation of the dictionary).

Guys, for your good job in picking fruit, the gardener gave you his pens. Thank you.

Summary of the frontal lesson in the senior group on the lexical topic “Fruits. Garden"

(First year of study)

Program content:

Target: expansion and activation of the dictionary.

1. Learn to form adjectives from nouns.

2. Learn to agree nouns with adjectives in gender, number and case.

3. Learn to coordinate numerals with nouns.

4. Develop coherent speech, learn to write descriptive stories about fruits.
5. Develop phonemic awareness and thinking.
6. Develop coordination of speech with movement, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech.
7. Develop fine motor skills.
8. Develop visual-object gnosis.
9. Develop smooth speech exhalation.

Equipment: pictures depicting fruits, a ball, fruits cut out of colored paper on strings, a plan diagram for writing a descriptive story, dummies or pictures of fruits for the account.

I. Organizing time

1. Speech therapist:- The one who names the fruits will sit down.

Speech therapist:- Well done! Now I will display one picture at a time on the panel, and you will answer the questions Which one? Which? Which?

Lemon – yellow, juicy, sour, oval;

Orange – orange, round, sweet, juicy;

Pear – sweet, yellow, juicy, hard;

Apple – sweet, red, juicy, round;

Plum – blue, oval, sweet, juicy;

Peach – round, juicy, pink, sweet;

Speech therapist:- Well done! Now let's play with the ball.

II. Game “Find the mistake quickly” (with a ball)

2. Speech therapist:- I will pronounce a sentence and throw the ball to you, and you will find a mistake, correct the sentence and throw the ball back to me.

There are (beautiful) apples growing on the tree. What kind of apples grow on the tree?

We have collected (wealth) the pear harvest. What harvest have we reaped?

Mom bought her daughter a (sweet) peach. What peach did mom buy?

Grandmother forbids eating (dirty) fruit. What fruit does your grandmother forbid you to eat?

We bought (large) plums at the store. What plums did you buy at the store?

3. Speech therapist:- Guys, you completed the task well. Take one fruit at a time and name it. Now take it by the string and blow it. A light breeze rose and the fruits on the branches swayed quietly. And now a strong wind has blown, the fruits on the branches are swaying violently.

(Children blow on fruits cut out of colored paper on strings.)

Speech therapist:- Well done, the wind is over. Place the fruit in the envelope.

Now let's play with our fingers.

4. Finger gymnastics “To the garden for plums”

The finger is thick and large. Alternately bend the finger,

I went to the garden to pick plums. which is being talked about

Index from the threshold and then straighten it.

Showed him the way.

The middle finger is the most accurate:

He knocks plums off the branch.

Nameless eats

And the little finger is gentleman

Plants seeds in the ground.

5. Compiling a descriptive story about fruit according to plan. (picture)

What is this?

What colour?

Where does it grow?

What shape

What does it taste like?

What can you cook from it?

1. Physical exercise "Gardener"

Yesterday we walked in the garden, They walk in a circle, holding hands.

We planted currants. They “dig” a hole and “plant” a bush in it.

We whitened the apple trees with lime and whitewash. Move your right hand up and down.

We repaired the fence, “Hit” with a hammer.

We started a conversation: One child comes into the circle.

- Tell me, our gardener,

What will you give us as a reward?

- I’ll give you purple plums as a reward. Bend one finger at a time.

Honey pears, the largest,

A whole kilogram of ripe apples and cherries.

This is what I will give you as a reward!

7. Game “What fruits do you see?”

Speech therapist:– Look at the picture and name what fruits you see.

8. Game “Count the fruits”

One apple, two apples, three apples, four apples, five apples.

One banana, two bananas, three bananas, four bananas, five bananas.

One pear, two pears, three pears, four pears, five pears.

Speech therapist:– All the fruits have been counted, well done.

9. Game “What can we make from fruits”

Speech therapist:– Now I will name the fruit, and you will answer what can be prepared from it:
apple – apple juice, pie, orange compote
plum – plum juice, jam, watermelon compote

pear – pear juice, peach compote
pineapple – pineapple juice grapes

10. Game “Say the Word”

My brother and I argue to this day, Oh, you deceivers, you lie,

Which is tastier: watermelon or... don’t grow on Christmas trees...

If we are visiting Nata, she will sing proudly on a branch,

Safe grenades, Blue with a pit...

The soldiers don't abandon them,

Oh, delicious, juicy pomegranates.

We have a tropical guest. We need a sugar car,

Long-tailed... To eat with a smile...


Target: Development of all components of oral speech in various activities.
o practice distinguishing words denoting the action of an object;
o learn to ask questions to words denoting the action of an object.
o promote the development of coherent speech, visual attention, speech
o hearing, thinking, articulation, coordination of speech with movement.
o instill respect for nature.
Equipment: landscape sheet, colored pencils, multimedia equipment, pictures of fruits, a tree, maps, models of vegetables and fruits, 2 baskets, a ball.
Vocabulary work: eggplant, vegetable garden, fruits, delicious, garden, sweet, fruit.
Methodical techniques: viewing illustrations; expressive reading; compiling stories based on pictures; reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov
“Vegetables”, Bokova “Harvest”; drawing.
GCD move:
Organizing time.
- Hello guys! (knock on the door)
- Guys, who came to us? (Showing the doll)
- Guys, look, Nastya came to us today with an envelope.
- Do you want to know what's in the envelope?
Main part.
- Guys, Nastya, invites us to solve riddles. (After each riddle, an apple, lemon, banana, and pear appear on the screen in turn).
1. A bun hangs on a branch,
His ruddy side shines. (Apple).
2. Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sour,
And his name is... (Lemon).
3. Kids know this fruit
They love and eat his monkeys.
He comes from hot countries
It grows in the tropics... (Banana).
4. This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb. (Pear).
Educator. You solved the riddles easily. How can you describe in one word what you see in the pictures?
(Children's answers)
Didactic game
Educator: We came to a store where vegetables and fruits are sold, you can buy them if you describe the fruit or vegetable.
- To make it easier for you to describe them, we will use maps (geometric shapes, colors, taste)
Children choose a seller using a rhyme:
Ay, doo, doo, ah, doo, doo!
I'll go to the garden now
I'll pick some vegetables
For green fresh cabbage soup
Where are you, vegetables?
Better hide, I'm coming!
The teacher buys first (gives a sample of a descriptive story), then the children.
Educator:- Children, those who bought vegetables go to the right basket, and those who bought fruits go to the left.
Check with the children to see if they have placed it correctly.
Educator:- We have vegetables and fruits left on the tray, let’s put them in baskets too.
Children name the vegetables and fruits that they put in the basket.
Educator:- Well done. Children, what did we put in the right basket and what in the left?
- Guys, where do vegetables grow?
- That's right in the garden. Now we’ll go to the garden and work there.
Physical exercise “In the garden”
And now, guys, it’s time for us to go to the garden and harvest.
We'll go to the garden
We'll reap the harvest.
We'll drag carrots
And we'll dig up potatoes.
We'll cut a head of cabbage,
Round, juicy,
Very tasty.
Let's pick a little sorrel
And let's go back along the path.
(Children walk in a circle one after another).
(Imitation of actions).
- Now, guys, let’s sit in a circle and play a game. "Call me kindly".
I will throw the ball to you and name vegetables or fruits, and you return the ball to me and speak kindly.
cucumber - cucumber
tomato - tomato
cabbage - cabbage
- Well done!
- Take your seats.
Game "One-many"
Educator: And now I'm changing the rules of the game. I hand out cards with pictures of vegetables and fruits. (The teacher shows a picture of one vegetable or fruit. The child has a card with the same vegetables or fruits in the plural).
o one tangerine
o one apple
o one pomegranate
o one pineapple
o one pear
o a lot of tangerines
o a lot of apples
o a lot of grenades
o a lot of pineapples
o a lot of pears
Educator: Next game "Find the extra one"(cards or pictures on the screen).
Apple, raspberry, pear, plum.
Pomegranate, orange, butter can, banana.
Mandarin, peach, quince, turnip.
Plum, pepper, tomato
- Guys, name the fruits whose names begin with the sound [a].
- The names of which vegetables begin with the sound [r].
- Well done!
Educator:- Where do vegetables and fruits grow?
Children's answers.
Educator: What do people do in their gardens in the fall?
Children's answers.
Educator: Listen to the poem.
The sun, the sun is more cheerful,
Shine some more light, warm it up!
Rain, rain, don't bother me
Gather for us the harvest
Pears, apples in the orchards,
Tomatoes in the fields
Don’t bother me to reap the wheat,
Don't stop us from digging
Beets, radishes and potatoes,
And, of course, carrots!
So that when winter comes,
The bins were full.
Educator:- Why do you think they grow, collect and store vegetables and fruits?
Children's answers.
Educator:- Do you think vegetables and fruits are good for health?
Children's answers.
Game “Complete the fruit”
- Finish drawing the fruit and determine what kind of fruit you depicted. (On a piece of paper, half an apple, half a pear; children are advised to complete the drawing, coloring, and identifying).
Educator: Well done, you learned a lot today, learned a lot. Helped our Nastya.
Summary of the lesson.
Take a green apple for those who found it very interesting, understandable and easy today. The yellow apple will be taken by the one who was interested, but a little difficult to complete the task. The one who found it very difficult and uninteresting in class today will take the red apple. Now we will glue your apples onto a tree in the garden and see what kind of apple tree will grow in our garden. Look, guys, what a beautiful apple tree we have.
And a surprise awaits you. Baskets of apples are brought out. Children take their favorite fruit.

Dolzhenko Tatyana Gennadievna

North-Kazakhstan region

Ayyrtau district

Nursery-garden “Balapan”

Lesson summary on speech developmentin the second junior group


Target: Promote the development of speech as a means of communication.


    Expand words knowledge;

    improve the correct structure of speech;

    initially form an idea of ​​the quantitative and qualitative differences between objects;

    train your memory to memorize short poems and nursery rhymes;

    promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing, auditory attention;

    help children answer simple questions (“what?”, “who?”, “what is he doing?”) and more complex issues.

The lesson is structured using such methods in speech development as: “The Magic Box”, an exhibition of illustrations, asking riddles, memorizing short poems and nursery rhymes, articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises, games with sand and water, answering questions based on the algorithm.

Preliminary work

A chest for notes is displayed in the reception room. Children and parents are given the task of coming up with new words for each block of lessons. Graphically depict a new word on a small piece of paper (parents perform together with children). In the morning, when you come to the group, put this piece of paper in the magic chest.

For a lesson on the topic “Fruits”, parents need to draw a fruit together with their children, and on the reverse side write a riddle for it and introduce the child to it.

We introduce children to pure language:

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo

They planted cherry plum.

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha

And now the cherry plum has ripened.

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo

We collect cherry plums.

Cho-cho-cho, cho-cho-cho

Lend your shoulder.

Chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi

We made cherry plum juice.

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha

Cherry plum is useful for everyone.

Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic: “Fruits”

Target: promote the development of coherent speech.


    clarify and consolidate words on the topic;

    consolidate word formation and inflection skills;

    help children answer questions using the algorithm.

Progress of the lesson

Hello guys! Look how many guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.

Guys, who else came to us? (Mishka and Bunny are sitting on chairs near the board, holding an envelope).

Yes, these are our constant friends. Guys, look, they are unusual today, Mishka prepared something for us in an envelope (notes from a magic chest). Let's open it and read it.

Guys, our friends invite us to play and solve riddles. (we show the drawings that the children and their parents drew) bilingual component.

1.Round, ruddy

I'm growing on a branch

Adults love me

And little children (apple -alma )

(Hang a picture of an apple on the board and tell what it is like with all the fruits).

Bright, sweet, poured

2.All in the cover poured!

Not from a candy factory

From distant Africa (orange - )

3. It's big, like a soccer ball,

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What kind of ball is this? (watermelon -karbyz )

4. Blue uniform,

Yellow lining

And it's sweet in the middle (plum -alkhors )

Well done boys. All the riddles were solved.

Guys, how can you call an apple, orange, watermelon, plum in one word? What is this? (fruits).

Guys, where do fruits grow? (on the trees).

What are the names of the trees on which fruit grows? (fruit)

Where do fruit trees grow? (in the garden)

What is the name of a garden in which there are many fruit trees? (Orchard).

Well done!


Now let's relax a little and play.

Let's go along the path to the garden

Let's pick some ripe apples

Reach out your hand and pick an apple.

The wind began to shake the apple tree,

It's hard to pick an apple.

I'll jump up and extend my hand -

I'll quickly pick an apple.

Guys, today we will go on a trip to a fabulous orchard. What time of year is it outside now? (late fall). And we will visit the garden, where it is always summer.

Guys, who should we invite on our trip? (M. and Z.)

Guys, here we are in the garden. Let's sit down on the grass.

Guys, what trees grow in the garden? (apple trees, plum trees, cherries, pears, orange tree)

What fruits grow on apple, pear, cherry, plum, etc.?

Well done!


Let's stand in a circle and play the game "Treats" (ball game)

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball and asks: What kind of orange juice? - orange,” and so on with each child.

Now let's slowly sit on the grass. Guys, look carefully, are our fruits all the same? (No)

How do fruits differ from each other? (shape, color, size)

What shape do fruits have? (circle, oval)

Guys, what color are the fruits? (red, yellow, blue, orange, etc.)

How do fruits differ in size? (big, small).

Guys, our friends invite you to play some more. They want you to go to the orchard and tell them what fruits grow there, and a magic house will help you with this (answering questions using a centric algorithm).

Now let's try to make juice from a fruit like cherry plum (children repeat the phrase after the teacher).

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo

They planted cherry plum.

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha

The cherry plum has ripened.

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo

We collect cherry plums.

Cho-cho-cho, cho-cho-cho

Lend your shoulder.

Chi-chi-chi, chi-chi-chi

We made cherry plum juice.

Cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha

Cherry plum is useful for everyone.

Guys, what did we talk about today?

Where did we travel?

Why is the garden called an orchard?

Guys, where do they sell fruit? (in the shop)

Guys, you were great at telling me about fruits, guessing all the riddles and making delicious juice!

Now it’s time to refresh yourself and taste your favorite fruits (fruit treats).