To get your ex back, you don’t need to beg him: it’s better to make him ask you to come back. How to understand your ex-husband Why men return to their ex-wives after divorce

On the wedding day, no one thinks about how the future life of the newlyweds will turn out. Everyone hopes for long and happy years together, but sometimes things turn out differently. At the stage of divorce, people often do not understand how they made the wrong choice, where they made a mistake, why they trusted the person who betrayed them. A difficult and painful path of “recovery”, addiction and arrangement of a new life begins. But sometimes in a series of days something like another shake-up happens again, only this time it is not clear whether it is for the better or not - the husband wants to return to the family after he leaves. How to make the right decision in this case, how to react?

Should I take my husband back?

Psychologists note that the return of a spouse after “all bridges have been burned” is a very painful and controversial issue. The reason for this is the separation that has already taken place, which was a consequence of his misconduct. If the husband reveals a desire to return, the wife often cannot understand whether this is good or bad, whether she should rejoice or continue to build her own new life without this person. Spouses remember everything that happened between them, and this burden of resentment and anger needs to be applied somewhere. In order to understand yourself, you need to do a simple thing.

Disagreements between husband and wife

Don't deceive yourself, you need to put the facts on paper. This will make it clear and convincing. There was something in your life that led to the breakup. You don’t need to think that with the return of your husband everything will return to normal before the problems arose. You need to concentrate and write down everything that did not suit you about your husband during your life together. It is best if he does the same, honestly and openly explaining to you your possible mistakes and mistakes. So you decide whether you can live with it or whether it is worth changing and whether you are ready for change.

This is the first part of working on yourself, which will lead to a partial answer to the question of what to do if the husband wants to return to the family.

Why did the husband return?

The second part of the solution will become more difficult. If at first you had to openly admit what does not suit you in your partner and him in you, then at the next stage you need to understand why you need to reunite and whether it is necessary at all.

A positive answer to the question of reunification is usually based on the following arguments in favor:

  1. presence of children;
  2. difficult financial situation;
  3. social status.

Analyze your own feelings and life before the breakup. Was it good for the children when their parents were on the verge of divorce, how did you behave during this tense period of time, will you be able to provide for yourself?

The husband wants to return to the family: an opportunity to restore the unit of society, return the father to the children, resolve a long-growing conflict, a chance to improve life forever, get rid of tension, worries and mutual claims

Why is it necessary to reunite a family?

The main motive for family reunification should not be the husband’s desire to return, but what makes it worth doing. If you understand the meaning of the situation, you will avoid a period when you constantly want to pry or “prick” your spouse. You will be able to clearly understand which issues are important to you, and which troubles you can avoid and not swear at.

If you don’t understand why you returned everything that was, then ugly and unpleasant situations are possible. You will again not trust, suspect, which will ultimately weaken you and lead to the same separation. Do you need these negative emotions and stress again?

Sometimes you will deceive yourself into believing that the family needs to be reunited, but in reality you will feel disgusting about it. You will understand that there is nothing that was the basis of life together that you cannot revive feelings. The result in this case will be similar to the previous situation.

Do the necessary and important thing - think. Try to ignore good memories and sentimental moments. Weigh the pros and cons.

Agreements between spouses

You need to understand that everything that you create after breaking up will be different. This happens because you have already experienced serious problems, this will remain with you for the rest of your life. You looked at each other differently, you are already different people. Based on the previous discussion, you need to discuss a lot of points:

  1. how will you resolve conflict situations;
  2. do you agree to change;
  3. Is it permissible to mention past events?

Reunification in this case is a mutual effort. Nothing will work out if only one side works. If you perceive your husband as guilty and deserving of forgiveness, you will not be able to create anything other than a temporary union, the fate of which is deplorable.

If a husband wants to return to the family, this does not mean that you need to accept him favorably and then point out his actions all the time. You won't achieve anything by doing this, you'll just amuse your vanity a little. In addition, this may provoke new quarrels.

Remember that the main thing is not to be under the same roof again. The most important and difficult thing is to understand whether you need this, whether you want to live with this person again. Be honest with yourself, there is no need to look for the reason in children or money. Constant quarrels and reproaches are not the best atmosphere for children. You should also not be guided by public opinion. Everyone has the right to happiness, and if you are not happy with the thought that your husband wants to return to the family, then you do not need to force yourself to look happy. Only you can take responsibility for deciding how your future life will turn out.

If the husband wants to return - a post by user Filinka (Filinka) in the Family Problems community in the category Questions to improve relationships

When we fall in love and start a family, we hope that everything in life will be fine. We want to live many years with our loved one in happiness, love and harmony. But... Divorce... Tears... Suffering... And suddenly he says that he wants to return... What to do if the husband wants to return after a divorce?

This is a very complex and painful topic. To understand whether it is good or bad that the husband wants to return to the family, you need to do one simple thing. Imagine your real life situation. Remember what happened between you. There was something in your relationship that caused the breakup.

When answering this question, you should not deceive yourself. It's even better to write everything down on paper. After all, life was not sugar. Otherwise, why would they run in different directions? There was definitely something that didn’t suit you in a key way. Perhaps it was not yours, but your husband's. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that a family is something whole. And if something fundamentally does not suit one, it means that the second spouse has similar feelings. Maybe they are not fully aware of it. But they exist. Perhaps this is the main thing that needs to be understood in order to make a decision - to reunite the family or not. So, let’s ask ourselves the question again: “Is there something about my husband that doesn’t suit me in a key way?” And let’s give ourselves an absolutely honest answer to this question. The second thing you simply need to do is ask your spouse the same question: “Is there something about me that doesn’t suit you in a key way?” And it is very desirable to get an honest answer to this question. When you do all this, you will decide for yourself only ONE part of the dilemma: “What to do if your husband wants to return after a divorce?” There is also a second part. And it is more difficult to implement. Before we begin the second part, you need to answer yourself one more question: “WHY do you want your husband to come back?” Perhaps you explain to yourself that you have children together and they need a father. Maybe you have a difficult financial situation, and your husband’s support here will not hurt at all. There is a possibility that you do not want to look bad in the eyes of others, and you need (as you believe) to live up to some image of you. Before you decide to return everything back, please understand your own motives. This will greatly help you in your future relationship with your husband.

How can this help?

If you understand yourself and listen to yourself, you will stop reacting to any minor troubles that will arise in your relationship. Somewhere you will be able to endure it, because you will know WHY you are doing it. It is necessary to understand that there is danger here. If you are confused about why you want to reunite your family, then patience will simply suck the energy out of you. And after some time you will again tell yourself: “Stop! I don't want this anymore! There may be another situation. You will simply “die” psychologically, i.e. stop feeling. And you will endlessly convince yourself that you did exactly the right thing. And somewhere deep inside you will understand that you are lying to yourself. So answer the question: “Why do you want your husband to come back after a divorce?” Answer honestly. And you will save your nerves, energy and time. Well, now the second half of the dilemma. It is necessary to absolutely clearly understand that you broke up for a reason. There were very serious disagreements between you. You both ran away from solving the problem. Everyone ran away in their own direction. But still, now you want to be together again. Only now everything is different. You are no longer the same person you were before the divorce. No! You are DIFFERENT. You've changed. Each of you tried to live separately. You know that you can handle one without the other. The problem is that you may choose to solve the problems that arise in your family by running away from each other. And the more you practice this escape, the more you will distance yourself emotionally. Before you return the family to its previous course, you must AGREE with each other. It's not just a word. You must agree with each other. If you don't do this, then consider that you wasted your time and energy. You hoped and made plans in vain. Your dreams will be useless.

The question is, WHAT should you agree on?

For this purpose, it was necessary to write everything that you were not happy with each other in marriage. For each point of dissatisfaction, you will have to go through and come to an agreement. Agree on HOW you will behave towards each other in conflict situations. Who will give in to whom and when? How will forgiveness happen? Who will have to do what for whom. Are you willing to change? And this means listening and hearing each other. In fact, this is hard labor within the individual. And the big BUT is that this work needs to be done by two people. If someone does not make concessions, does not keep their promise, then great disappointment will fill the soul of those who truly believed in the possibility of family reunification. It is not enough to agree once. You will need to fulfill your contract EVERY day. And only then, after SEVERAL years, forgiveness will be deserved. And it will be possible to say with confidence that all these years of suffering, disappointment, and humiliation were not wasted. Now there is a family that cannot be divided by anything. A family that knows the value of living together. A family in which there is no and cannot be betrayal. This is a very difficult path - family reunification. This is why people find new partners. They believe that now it will be possible to create a DIFFERENT relationship. And very often they repeat the same mistakes in them. But that is another story…

Is it possible to get my husband back?

How to understand your ex-husband what he wants. Women's website

Beauty and Health Love and Relationships

The reasons for divorcing your husband can be completely different circumstances: from his infidelity to his unwillingness to provide for his family. The initiators of separation are most often women, but sometimes men as well. In this case, the fair sex takes the breakup very hard, secretly hoping that things can still get better. But how can you understand what your ex-husband is thinking about when he constantly finds reasons to chat, meet or come to visit. Can he be trusted and will he betray him again?

How to understand your ex. What does he want

After a breakup, as a rule, communication between people who were once in love with each other stops. Each of them needs time to come to their senses, get used to the changes in life, analyze everything that happened, and understand themselves. Women try to understand where they were wrong, what they did wrong, what they did wrong, even if their husband cheated on them. At this time, it is very important not to overdo it with soul-searching and searching for all imaginable and inconceivable shortcomings in yourself. People are imperfect, and not all troubles are a person's fault. It is very important to allow others to take responsibility for their own mistakes, rather than taking the blame for them. Therefore, you don’t need to immediately believe what your ex-husband says when he appears on the doorstep again.

Very often, as soon as a representative of the sex gets used to the fact that her life is changing its course, she has new problems and responsibilities that require attention and strength, the ex begins to constantly remind himself. If you have children together, this can be attributed to his desire to be with them, but when he meets every now and then, wherever you go, calls with or without reason, tries to establish communication, although you broke up several months ago, he pursues his own goals. But they are not always, unfortunately, associated with his repentance or desire to improve and become the man you will love again, learn to trust and be proud of.

Rarely does a separation go painlessly and with the consent of both parties. That’s why it’s so difficult to establish friendly communication after it and you just want to forget everything, like a bad dream. If it is not possible to avoid meetings, your ex-husband’s attempts to see you as often as possible may indicate his desire to improve the relationship. Don’t rush to draw conclusions and don’t rush to meet him. Focus on your feelings. If meetings with him make you irritated, angry or sad, ask him not to bother you so often or for a while, explain that you are not ready yet. If you are not in the mood to communicate with him at all, say so. Don’t give him hope, don’t try to be overly mannered when a person doesn’t understand the hints that he’s not welcome at all.

If you leave yourself a chance to try to build a relationship with him again, and he agrees to leave you alone for a while, and then starts calling again, asking to meet and talk with him, do not refuse. Even if the relationship does not develop into something big, at least you will no longer bitterly remember the years you lived together or regret that you did not try to give the relationship another chance. After all, it is so important not to harbor resentment in your soul, not to torture yourself needlessly, but to treat this page in life as a useful experience that allows you to look at the world around you and your personal life in a new way.

In the same case, when the man himself decided to break off the relationship and after a while is looking for a meeting with you, it means that he began to doubt the decision made. Don't think that he will quickly offer to live together. At the moment he is trying to understand whether he did the right thing, whether he was in no hurry, or whether he made a mistake. If you want him back, give him a reason to stay. Show him that you understand your mistakes, have corrected yourself and are ready to build a relationship together and accept him for who he is, without trying to correct him or criticizing him for any reason.

When he calls only when he is in a very cheerful state, after drinking several glasses of alcohol, he appears for the night, and then disappears again, without explaining anything, unfortunately, for him the ex-girlfriend is just a convenient option. He's not going back. Everything suits him. He spends his free time with friends, relaxing and minding his own business, but when he wants to feel care and affection, he remembers his ex. He hasn’t changed, hasn’t admitted his mistakes, and isn’t going to change anything in his life. There is no need to talk about any feelings here. It will not be possible to return him, and to restore good relations either. If you don’t want to feel like an “alternate” airfield, try to explain to him as quickly as possible that you have a new life and there is no place for him in it. Have pity on yourself, let him go and allow yourself to enjoy life, and not depend on the whim of a man who simply uses you for his own personal interests.

  • If your husband left the family because of another woman, but does not refuse to communicate with you, this does not mean at all that he still loves you. Take a closer look at him and his behavior. In the case when he promises to come help and does not come, without even bothering to call and warn that he will not come, his feelings have cooled down, and only out of the kindness of his heart he agrees to help you. Don't waste the best years of your life on him, hoping that he still loves you and will come back soon. Forget about him and move on with your own personal life. But if his new passion does not want your communication or she has some problems, and he prefers to help you, then everything is not so smooth in his new family. If you have managed to forgive him and want to return him at any cost, surround him with care, become an understanding, affectionate woman with whom he has so many connections. And very soon he will return home. They don't give up on good things...
  • Your ex-husband constantly calls and asks how you are living, if you need his help, he definitely dreams of returning home. So it depends only on your desire when this happens. But don't agree to take him back too quickly. Let him realize that you respect yourself and are giving him one last chance, so he should appreciate it. Otherwise, he will perceive your surrender as his personal victory and decide that you are crazy about him and will forgive everything he does. You must respect yourself, otherwise in a few years everything may happen again.
  • If a man continues to take care of you, pamper you with small gifts, and has become much more affectionate and attentive than when you lived together, he is again trying to conquer you. The ex-husband who was caught cheating in this way tries to make amends, hoping that everything can still be corrected. And the man you broke up with because he disappointed you tries to convince you that you were in a hurry to break up, and demonstrates how good he is and deserves your love.
  • When conversations with your ex-husband on the phone drag on, and the calls themselves are heard more and more often, and he repeats how pleased he was to hear from you, he dreams of being nearby and renewing the relationship.
  • Trying to do things together that unite you does not indicate his desire to return. He may still have feelings for you, but not strong enough to renew the relationship. In this way, he controls you, creating the illusion that he has everything under control and not wanting to give up the feeling of stability that you gave him.
  • When any conversations between you, one way or another, come down to discussing why you broke up, he has not yet realized why this happened and wants to understand how to get everything back on track. A man's pride does not allow him to admit his own mistakes. Only you can understand this situation. If you need him, make it clear that you don't mind trying to start over and subtly hint where he was wrong. If you want to get rid of him forever, stop communicating altogether.
  • If he often asks your mutual friends how you live, who you communicate with, he is interested in learning about your status. On the one hand, it could be ordinary jealousy, when feelings have not yet cooled down, and in this case there is every chance of returning him, and on the other hand, it can be a sense of ownership, as they say neither to themselves nor to people.

Do not rush to draw conclusions until you are sure that your ex-husband has truly realized his mistake and is ready to correct himself. Don't try to find out the truth by trying to get answers from him. Observe him, test him, and only then make a decision: whether you get along with him again or is it better to limit your communication forever.

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Do ex-husbands return to their wives after divorce?

Today, divorce is not new. People disperse all the time. The reasons for this are very different - from everyday problems to betrayal.

What happens after is a purely individual matter. Having received the status of “ex”, some women fall into despair, others quickly recover, find a new companion, others remain lonely, continuing to maintain good relations with their ex and hope that he will return.

At the very moment of separation, the wife is confident that she will never take her husband back again. But after a while, emotions calm down, regret comes, and with it the question creeps in: do husbands return to their ex-wives after a divorce?

The answer is positive, and life partners return in more than 50% of cases. But how expedient this is still needs to be clarified.

Naive psychology of adult men

Men who decide to get a divorce believe that they will cope just fine without their significant other. But, judging by statistics, the number of people who left for a good reason and built a relationship with a new passion is very small. The overwhelming majority want to prove something to someone through their actions - their spouse, mother, friends, themselves.

Ex-husbands go through three main stages after divorce:

  1. At the first stage, the chosen one considers himself a male, he is full of confidence and independence. He awakens to the desire to conquer the highest peaks and win the most beautiful girls. Now he doesn’t regret one bit that he broke with his past life.
  2. The second stage is calming. The uncontrollable desire for sexual pleasures with beautiful ladies disappears, I want to be alone, to relax.
  3. The third stage is rethinking and awareness of what happened. There is regret about breaking up with your beloved, and a desire to establish relationships again. At the same time, the person understands that the period of youth and fullness of strength is behind. He walked around, felt what it was like to be unmarried again and... missed him. According to statistics, it is at the third stage that the ex-husband returns to the family. Or strives to return. Everything will depend on how acute the conflict was, and whether the spouse can forgive and accept back.

When do exes come back?

When the faithful will be pulled back depends on what kind of conflict there was. For example, if the breakup occurred because of a mistress, then expect the first calls within six months. Of course, it is impossible to accurately predict. But if we take a typical situation - getting used to each other with a new person, identifying shortcomings, making comparisons - then perhaps your chosen one will run away even earlier.

If the reason for the separation is the insolvency of the head of the family, then it will take him less time to return. Men tolerate their defeats very poorly and when they realize that they are not able to support their family, they sometimes disappear without thinking about the consequences. It will take time to reflect and realize the mistake. How much depends on the individual.

Also, the husband may return out of pity for his wife. Let's say he is a good person and, having divorced his wife, continues to visit her and provide moral support. It is not easy for such a person to see the suffering and torment of a loved one; he strives to help somehow. It seems to him that the only consolation for his ex here will only be a return. That is, sacrificing oneself. Then he will say with a clear conscience: “I did everything I could,” without thinking that he is turning life together into torment.

The fastest to return are those who hid behind the reason - to breathe a breath of freedom. Even statistics show that such individuals always run back. The period of “living for yourself” quickly turns into a test - a man gets acquainted with everyday trifles. He cooks for himself, irons, cleans, does laundry, but, as a rule, he is bad at creating home comfort. Realizing that the idea was ridiculous, the companion asks his wife for forgiveness. But here the passion needs to think carefully. The spouse can run like this endlessly.

Why are they coming back?

Ex-husbands return after divorce for the following reasons:

  • The bad recedes into the background. There comes a period when grievances are dulled, the soul is freed from negative feelings towards the ex, and forgiveness comes.
  • Spouses rethink the mistakes they made in marriage, analyze the situation, and reevaluate the motives and consequences of the breakup.
  • Love that, even after parting, does not give rest.
  • Children. When common concerns related to the well-being of the child bring them together, the spouses may decide that a new stage in the relationship has arrived. However, this is a misconception. After all, the knot of conflict that served to break it remained untied.
  • Old connections are severed, and new ones are not born. It happens that after a separation, a husband cannot start a new romance for a long time. And no matter how strange it may seem, the wife becomes an outlet here both sexually and morally.
  • Comparing the new one with the old one. A divorced partner may be too demanding when he leaves for someone else. He will also constantly compare his passions, which will make his mistress a loser.

It also happens that relationships are restored due to several of the listed reasons. But at the same time, the desire to renew ties must be mutual. If only one side wants this, then it is clear that it will be difficult to establish contact.

According to statistics, most cases when a husband wants to return back after a divorce occur on the initiative of the men themselves.

The perpetrators of the breakup can earn forgiveness in half the cases, but only on condition that they are able to convince their passion that they have changed and realized their guilt. Men are luckier in terms of receiving forgiveness - wives forgive their spouses much more often than they forgive themselves. Especially when it comes to cheating.

Men's pride is much more sensitive, and problem solving is more categorical than that of women. Therefore, if the culprit of the conflict is the spouse, there is less chance of the partner returning.

But the possibility cannot be ruled out. A lady needs to find wisdom within herself and use different tactics to get what she wants. Without losing your dignity.

By the way, the most inappropriate attempt to return marriage is one that humiliates women's dignity. For example, a woman suffered from the betrayal of her beloved, but, seeing that he is not doing anything to earn forgiveness, she initiates the return of her husband herself. Moreover, he chooses not the most worthy methods. This not only reduces the chances of restoring the marriage, but also greatly undermines the reputation of a beautiful person. And the reason for this behavior is low self-esteem and self-doubt. In such situations, former companions, if they return to their wives, do not do so for long.

Does a woman need her ex back?

If, after a breakup, you granted forgiveness to your partner and decided to take him back, take a break and honestly answer these questions:

  • Do you have a guarantee that your companion has changed and will not repeat past mistakes? If so, which one? You must understand that the probability is in equal proportions - 50/50. Therefore, prepare yourself not only for the honeymoon, but also for not very pleasant surprises.
  • Why do you need this relationship? If you are one hundred percent sure that your husband is your soulmate and you can’t live without him, then it’s your business. But if in doubt, don't rush. Perhaps divorce is a chance for a new life? Perhaps your spouse never appreciated your feelings and care for him? And if he was an avid reveler or an alcoholic, wouldn’t he return to his old life after a while?
  • What is the purpose of renewing the relationship? Maybe you have blurred priorities or a fear of being alone? And he, for example, sees you as a housekeeper and nothing more. Here even fortune telling is unnecessary - you will part at the same point as last time.
  • Does the end justify the means? Perhaps you decided to get back together not because you love and want to be together, but for the sake of the children, for example. You, as a good mother, have set the goal of raising them in a full-fledged family, no matter what. But, unfortunately, the following can happen - you will become psychologically dead, your feelings will atrophy. You will persuade yourself to stay, to endure a little longer, but deep down you know that you are deceiving yourself. The only excuse for torment will be the thought that you are suffering for the sake of a “high” goal - for the sake of the children. This behavior is fundamentally wrong. As a result, you will not live your life, and as you know, it tends to “pass by” quickly.

How to understand that his intention is sincere?

  • A once loved one is trying to awaken in your memory the best moments from your life together. Not verbally, but effectively.
  • Shows that he has changed, talks about those things that he rethought during separation.
  • Maximizes what you love and minimizes what you don't. This applies to all things and actions.
  • Confesses his fear of losing you again.

How long did it take for your husband to want to return to the family from another woman?

What will increase your chances or reduce them to zero. Your husband left for another woman. Before your eyes there is a picture of your life, crumbling piece by piece, like a children's puzzle. A strange feeling of emptiness, torn by questions. How to quickly get your husband back from his family? How to save this picture? How to return what is gone forever? To deal with trouble at night... Another rash decision is to act immediately, in a hot head. Walk around the house, put things in order, wash the dishes. These things can be done automatically, they do not require stress, and help to calm down. You shouldn’t throw away his things, much less spoil and break them. Better take a bath, drink a sedative and try to sleep. Be sure to change your bed linen, even if you have no energy at all - this is important. Where to run, why run? To achieve a goal, it is not enough to just go, you need to choose the right direction.

How long does it take for ex-husbands to start trying to get their family back?

In the first months after a divorce, regardless of who initiated the divorce, the ex-husband enjoys his freedom.


The psychology of men is such that at this time almost no one returns back to the family.


They find many positive aspects in breaking up with their ex-wife.

Nobody asks about your salary, you can meet and drink beer with friends as much as you like, meet new girls. If a husband left his wife for his mistress, then he enjoys the relationship with her and believes that he did absolutely the right thing.

But sometimes, having received the long-awaited freedom, a man begins to bother his ex-wife with endless calls, reproaches, and plays on her feelings.

Some people try to offer their help when the woman does not ask for it, they try to find a reason for meetings.

The ex-husband seems to be trying to sit on two chairs at the same time.

He is ready to try to start over, but he is not sure whether his ex-wife will want this. He takes a wait-and-see attitude. He needs time to prepare for a responsible conversation with his wife. If a man has left for another woman, then over time he begins to compare his wife and his mistress.

He develops a feeling of confusion and nostalgia, especially if he has been married for several decades.

A man comes to understand how much he loves his wife and children.

He finds it unpleasant to hear his relatives and friends talk about his ridiculous act.

When does the spouse decide to return? After a year and a half, the man becomes a hostage to his new position.

In family psychology, this period is usually called the “seventeenth month syndrome.” This stage is characterized by the appearance of sexual disorders, depression, and decreased interest in life.

Returning husbands...

Knowing all the needs of a man, she will give him everything he needed, but did not receive from you, and will even exceed his wildest expectations.

Her advantage is that she knows perfectly well everything about your shortcomings and mistakes that you have made.

Your husband was attached to her for a very long time, living with you. Now you have a high chance of switching places. Even if he wants to come back, are you ready to wait until he makes up his mind? The ghost of hope Whether the husband will return to the family from his mistress, you will understand after a while.

If he is delaying the divorce for unknown reasons, then the decision is not final.

A signal that it’s time for you to act will be his reluctance to talk about her with friends or colleagues, or irritation breaking through in the conversation.

Strategy Collect all your reserves: cunning, charm, connections. This is where girlfriends come in handy to discuss the scoundrel and scoundrel with a clear plan of action.

Quickly return your husband to the family - the mission is possible

Were you born and living to suffer? You must realize that you are a self-sufficient person, worthy of respect and understanding. If life is completely unbearable and you want to change something in it, change it. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “I want?” So do this. There is always something most important. In general, whatever you want in life, hence the goals, and the means, and the people who appear at the right time, who help, and the paths that open up.

And if you want to be with your husband with all your heart, be there. Do whatever you want and don’t listen to anyone, don’t explain anything to anyone, no one has the right to decide for you how and with whom to live, or interfere in your life, including your family life.

It is imperative to sort things out with your husband calmly, without reproaches, threats, requests or accusations.

This is what mature adults do. Say everything, start with what you value and love him for, if you still feel it and want him back.

We wipe the nose of our husband’s mistress: how to return him to the family, advice from a psychologist

You deserve to be loved, happy, adored, respected.

You are very good, you have a lot of positive qualities, there is something to love and respect you for, and simply for the fact that you exist.

Use a sense of humor, it helps to get out of many situations, defuse the situation, establish contact with a person, switch to the positive in general, laughter actually makes us happier.

Remember this expression - whether a person is happy or not depends on what he himself thinks about it? Think about it too.

After all, a person himself can influence how he will live. You just need to choose the right life guidelines. I advise you not to blame yourself for anything and not to look for reasons to justify yourself - you are not guilty of anything, and if you make excuses, then the person will act as if he was truly guilty and feels it.

Do husbands return to their ex-wives after divorce?

A little subtle flattery won't hurt! Theater of Operations You have agreed on the date and time, now prepare for his visit.

While he is tinkering with the furniture, prepare the food he loves.

No complicated recipes: fry potatoes with mushrooms, or serve a chop with salad.

Tea and sausage sandwiches are also suitable if he likes them and is short on time.

If you plan to help him with work, order pizza in advance.

At the table it's time to talk. Ask how things are going at work or with mutual friends. Give him the opportunity to relax and understand that there is an opportunity to return without scandals and start over.

Fatal mistakes You have forgiven your husband and are ready to do anything to get him back.

But pain and resentment can push you to actions that will reduce your chances to zero.

Scandals Loud, offensive words will cut off all his paths to retreat.

Do husbands return after divorce?

It would seem that divorce is an extreme measure, after which there can be no talk of restoring the family. But, according to statistics, every third man after a divorce would like to return to his ex-wife, and every fourth man does so. Why do men return to their families after divorce?

A few years after marriage, many men begin to feel burdened by the bonds of marriage. Some husbands declare that they are incapable of family life, that they are not ready for a large number of responsibilities, or even strive to find adventures on the side.

Problems can begin even after a couple of decades of marriage. When going through a midlife crisis, a man sometimes believes that his family doesn’t understand him, he wasted half his life, and his wife has changed a lot, not for the better.

In these cases, men often choose a drastic solution - divorce. However, if the marriage is married, then divorce is virtually impossible for a believing man, only in the event of his wife’s betrayal.

According to psychologists, a man experiences divorce more easily than a woman. They have virtually no “post-divorce syndrome,” when separation from their wife is acutely experienced. However, the much-desired new life that men who decide to get a divorce strive for often disappoints their expectations.

Sometimes after a divorce, not even six months have passed before the ex-husband begins trying to return to his wife. Sometimes people leave for ex-wives from new families: there all the difficult stages of family life need to be gone through again, whereas in the old family much has been settled long ago and each other’s habits have been studied.

Only after leaving their family and returning to a single life do many men realize how much they loved their wife and children. “We don’t keep what we have, and when we lose it, we cry.”

In the male community, returning to a wife is often secretly frowned upon; it is considered a sign of weakness, which is why many men never dare to return, although they suffer from depression and longing for their family.

Pavlov's dog

Do we often think about how important the established order of things is for us? Men quickly get used to the way of life established in the family. Next to his wife, it is easier and clearer for him, he knows what will lead to praise and what can lead to conflict.

The wife becomes a “life friend” about whom the husband knows almost everything (and who knows him just as well).

It is sometimes difficult to refuse a three-course meal prepared the way a man likes it, traditional walks with his son, and even his favorite sofa, from which it is so comfortable to watch football!

Calculating Males

In many cases, a man is connected with a woman not only by a common feeling, but also by joint property. Then the husband may return because it is expensive to pay for rent, but it was possible to live in the ex-wife’s apartment practically for free. And with a joint budget, life was better than on one salary.

Whether or not to accept a man who clearly needs to make his own existence easier is up to the ex-wife to decide. Such marriages can last a long time, but often there is no happiness in them.

The same is true when the husband is dependent on the relatives of his ex-wife. He may work for one of them, or seek their protection.

Sometimes after a divorce a man is left without a good job and cannot find a similar position. In such cases, sometimes a decision is made to return: for the sake of a good salary, for the sake of connections.

Dispersal field

Some men prefer to live “on two fronts”: they feel good in their new life, but they continue to perceive their old family as a place where they can always return if things don’t work out.

They may spend several days a week with the family, be interested in the personal life of their ex-wife (and even be jealous), and promise that they will return soon.

If the wife still loves her husband, this life can continue for years. She will try to please him, to be “ideal,” and he will take it for granted. Most likely, the ex-husband will not return “for good.” Why, if he is already satisfied with everything?

Before you start trying to get back together with your ex-husband, you should ask yourself a few questions:

  • What do I need from this relationship?
  • What didn’t suit me in family life? Is there a chance this will change?
  • Do I want to be together with this particular person, or is it just important for me “not to be alone”?
  • How do I see our future together?
  • How will conflicts be resolved in the family?

If it turns out that your fear of being left alone, the fear of not meeting “your” person again, is telling you, it’s better to wait a while before resuming your relationship. Longing after a breakup is quite natural, and new love will come in due time.

You also need to be careful when it is obvious that your ex-husband does not need you, that it is convenient and beneficial for him to be in the family. Are you ready to spend the best years of your life with a man who sees you not as the woman he loves, but as a housekeeper, sponsor or relative of an important boss?

If you are firm in your decision to get back together with your ex, then you should take several steps:

  1. Respect yourself. Do not humiliate yourself in front of your husband, do not cry or beg.
  2. Change, at least a little. Get a new haircut, sign up for a fitness class, treat yourself. Show your husband that you are a beautiful woman who attracts attention and who you want to be with.
  3. Take your time. Give your husband time to think. Talk to him politely, friendly, ask how things are going, offer help (but everything in moderation).
  4. Don't blame yourself for what happened. It’s like you’re starting your story all over again; there’s no need to stir up the past over and over again.
  5. If possible, from time to time attend interesting events together, go to a cafe for lunch, in a word, remember how your romance began.
  6. Hint to mutual friends that you don’t hold a grudge against your ex-husband, that he is still important to you, that you treat him well and appreciate him. Don't overdo it! There is no need to show once again how much you suffer and how bad you feel without him.

A second marriage to the same person is not a rare occurrence. This is an opportunity to take into account your mistakes and learn to appreciate what you almost lost.

Video: Ex-husband, ex-wife

If the husband returned to the family » Everything for those who care

Keeping your family together is always very difficult. In difficult situations, most women give up and decide to get a divorce, without learning to find a common language with their husband or to drive away their mistress. Over time, when emotions have already subsided, they begin to realize that they made such a decision in vain. So the question arises: what can I do to get my husband back into the family? If the spouses separated not so long ago, then the chances of his return are much greater. Therefore, if you decide to get back together with your spouse, you should not wait for time. But first you need to decide what pushes a man to leave his family.

Reasons for husband's leaving the family

When a man and a woman decide to formalize their relationship and start a family, they hope that life together will be happy. But things don't always happen as planned. Sometimes it happens that people break up and then get back together. And they have to rebuild their lives, forgive each other’s mistakes, and look at situations differently.

My husband wants to return to his family - what to do?

And now we come to the most important question of this conversation: why did the man who left decide to return, and what should a woman do in such a case?

Reasons for returning to the family from a mistress

So, what made your betrothed return back from his new chosen one? There are several versions on this topic: the first, and perhaps the most basic, is disappointment in one’s mistress. In fact, the man left the family for a woman who is not yet burdened with all the domestic red tape, and is always ready for a new relationship, presenting herself in all her glory. However, such openness and readiness sometimes hides not the most pleasant or necessary moments.

A month ago, when I had really lost my relationship with the one I loved, I decided to try to live with my ex-husband. I thought that I could live with him, he convinced me that he had changed, looked at many things with different eyes, and loved my daughter and me (I disagreed with him because of his difficult character, and he didn’t mind going on the side).

You see, I fell in love! I want a new life! I want to have new children! It's still possible for me to repeat it! - he said to his wife. - Sorry! And please let her go.

The wife took a time out, thought and said:

Okay, go away. But not now, but in six months. I wish you nothing but the best. And if this is love, then it will not fade away, the girl will wait for you, and everyone will be only happy. Don’t meet for these six months, let’s live as if nothing happened.

Warning. This article is addressed to women who are experiencing the departure of a man. He left, she stayed. Therefore, the article says that He- did it badly. This is not a sign of sexism. It happens that a woman leaves, causing pain to a man. Will the husband return to the family? The tips given in this article apply in this situation as well.

At the consultation: “In the morning I wake up and go to work. I'm busy at work, I don't have time to think. But in the evening it begins! I remember everything I did wrong. All your mistakes. That he should have been allowed both this and that when he asked. I think, if I behave differently now, will he come back? I would like to know. Suddenly he will return."

He may return. The family that was there will not return. That, what happened before will not return. This is 100% accurate.

Will the husband return to the family? Time to think.

The decision about the final separation is comprehended in the first 2-3 weeks. I wrote about this in the article? If after this period he still has not changed his mind, has not come with an apology that he got excited, then the decision is final. For you. Now I will explain why.

Honestly, men feel when they are expected. Even if a man left for a reason, but “somewhere,” the decision to break up probably wasn’t easy for him. He's scared too. Understanding that there is an “alternate airfield” makes life much easier.

Therefore, it is in a man's best interest that you wait for him. The longer the better. And if you spend your entire life, that’s great. You can't blame him for that. In general, it’s better not to think about him. Absolutely, in any respect, both positive and negative. Just know - you are free to decide for yourself whether to wait or not.

Of course, you can close the door forever from the very moment he leaves. But few people succeed. Therefore, decide for yourself (or maybe together with him) that there will be time to think. Two to three weeks. This is the time you are willing to wait. Then the bridges were burned.

How can you tell if he wants to come back?

You, of course, know the expression “ to get on one's nerves" Oh, how many descriptions of this process I have heard!

  • Then he calls and says that everything is bad with him. And the ex-wife is already “flying” - he will return! Then he doesn’t call for three days, and his ex-wife sees a photo with another woman on his page.
  • Or he doesn't come for things. He puts it off all the time. Seems to be by accident.
  • He can also constantly mention in conversations that it was because of his ex’s mistakes that he left. Hinting that if it weren't for her mistakes, she wouldn't have destroyed the family. Yes, yes, he was forced to leave because of her mistakes.

All these cases leave the woman with the idea that her husband may return. If she changes, or if he forgives her, or if he there nothing will work out.

But this is a deception. More likely even self-deception. Therefore, there is no need to look for evidence that he is considering the option of returning.

The only confirmation that the husband is considering the option of family reunification can only be an open statement: "I need to understand myself. Please give me time!. This is honest. This is smart. It is a rarity.

Everything else is from the evil one. There are no signs that he wants everything back. Maybe he is rushing about because he is scared (see above). The more he rushes about, the more he gets on your nerves. Maybe not on purpose. But these tossing and turning are not proof that he wants to return.

How to help my husband return to his family?

If your man took time out to make a final decision, then you can help him. Here are actions that will help you make a positive decision and help you understand whether your husband will return to the family. The points.

  1. Give him time to think alone. That is, don't call. Don't cross him. Do not remind about yourself through friends and relatives.
  2. Protect yourself from mistakes. An example of a mistake is having “accidental” intimacy with another man as revenge.
  3. Keep criticism of him to yourself.

It didn’t turn out very much, but it’s not a matter of quantity, but of quality. By violating these principles, you very effectively act towards the complete destruction of the relationship.

Is it possible to miss the chance?

It's very scary to hear: “I wanted to come back, but you ruined everything yourself!”

I have never seen such cases. Yes, sometimes husbands come back. But it doesn’t happen that you did something that made him unable to return, even though he wanted to.

Theoretically, this is, of course, possible. If he is on his knees at the door next to the suitcase and asks for forgiveness, and you silently slam the door. This is perhaps the only scenario when “I wanted to, but you ruined everything”

Point of no return.

When you are no longer with him, everything seems meaningless and terrible. Life has turned upside down. There is nothing further. Because you are used to a different life. You are waiting for everything to come back. It will be like it was again.

But it will definitely not be the same as it was before.

Yes, there are situations when couples get back together. In a month, in a year - it doesn’t matter. But any of these couples will confirm that, Having got together again, they began to live completely differently. New relationships, new rules.

That is, a person may be physically the same, but the family is different. People change in their souls due to the stress they experience.

Accept this as a fact. You definitely cannot return “that” man, that image, and “that” relationship.

Every time a thought appears in your head - “What if he returns?”, remind yourself that HE, as he was, will not return.

When discussing life after divorce with women, I come across descriptions of situations when the husband returns. Here's how it's described:

"Him there nothing succeeded. He asked for forgiveness and wanted to return. Of course, I didn't send him away. Yes, I was very hurt and offended, but still I love him! We started living together again. But I couldn’t do it the way I used to. It seems like the same person. But now I know that he is lying. May lie. It can hurt. I used to enjoy looking at his smile. And now that smile pisses me off! Because I know what he is like! In general, everything has changed"

How can you avoid asking yourself this again and again?

Even if we assume that the husband in the heat of the moment decided to break up, then in 3 weeks he had time to cool down and think. And think three more times. Three weeks is the deadline.

If he still hasn’t come, then waiting for him any longer is simply a mockery of yourself. Make a decision - "I'm not waiting for him to come back anymore!"

Now your best friend is intelligence. Your protector, your support, your hope. Trust him. Reason said: “ NO LONGER WAITING TO RETURN! Now, every time you catch yourself trying to dream about your husband’s return, distract yourself. By force of will or by accident.

Do you know how to effectively help children not be afraid to do their homework? According to the principle of “cutting an elephant into slices.” That is, you first need to spend a few minutes preparing your textbooks. Then - a break for other things. After some time, we open the textbooks on the desired page and place the notebook in front of the textbook. We got distracted again. After another period of time, we sat down and did one task. We don't remove anything from the table. So, gradually, all the tasks will be completed. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the child will not be frightened by the process.

Why did I give this example? Besides, you need to be distracted from memories and thoughts about returning. Wherever you live - around the apartment, on the way to work - there should be little enticements.

Let's say you lay out the elements of your hobby on the table. And in the kitchen - open the book in the place where the desired recipe is. And in the room there is just a book that you are reading. Plan your route to work in such a way that you pass by beautiful shop windows. That is, something must constantly distract you.

Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend this in any other situation. Usually they ask for help to concentrate. But now you have the opposite goal.

Is this fair? While your man decides what he wants, you cannot drink, eat, or breathe. This doesn't mean he is cruel. He's ordinary. And here you are - you are wasting time and nerves. No matter what he decides, you are hurt here and now. Instead of predicting what decision he will make, think about yourself. How relieve your pain. Don't wait for gifts from fate, huh.

Hello friends! In this article I want to tell you about how to get your ex-husband back without resorting to violence) That is. your loved one will ask you to return to him. Want to know how?

Of course you want! So...

He slammed the door and went on a free swim, leaving you with nothing? It’s bitter and hard, but you shouldn’t think that life ends there.

How to behave in order to return your sweetheart?

Let's talk about the reasons for the divorce, about your desire to get him back, look at the mistakes and look at tips for restoring the relationship.

Each of us gets used to our chosen one.

Now you are free. It seems that there is no need to defend one’s innocence, there is no need to collect dirty socks all over the house and carry responsibility for two people - but my soul is empty than ever.

Or another situation: you were afraid of every quarrel and now you wake up alone. You howl with anguish, go to fortune tellers, call him and spy on his page on a social network. Even if he often beat you up or, worse, slowly destroyed your self-esteem.

In the first case, you are held back by the habit of the previous arrangement of life. You remember previous moments that, if not ideal, were certainly stable. Are you scared to start over from scratch?

In the second option, you should think about whether your feelings are a love addiction? This state can be understood as love, but it is not fully love.

In this case, you need to visit a good psychologist to understand yourself.

Children are a separate matter. It is difficult to let go even of an unloved person if you have a child.

Is it worth keeping the past?

Indeed, is it necessary to return your husband? Are there significant reasons for this?

Remember the reasons for your disagreements

  1. Maybe the roads diverged long ago, and a break was the only acceptable option?
  2. Or did aggression flare up between you every now and then?
  3. Your option (reason) for divorce

Don't try to answer this question right now. Give yourself time to weigh the pros and cons so as not to follow impulses that could be destructive.

First, you must understand that sadness and loneliness are completely normal feelings after loss. Don’t give up on these states, but also allow yourself to doubt the advisability of restoring the connection.

So. Your action plan.

How to get your loved one back after divorce?

If you have made your final decision, listen to the recommendations below.

  • Understand yourself

First, calmly analyze your marriage. Evaluate all events thoughtfully, without offense or accusations: you need to find the exact reason for the separation.

To do this, remember what specifically irritated your husband, try to patch up the annoying gaps. This way you will learn to avoid painful issues or completely eliminate them.

As a final touch, assess how much you are willing to change in order to reunite with your boyfriend. If this requires giving up desires, aspirations and worldview, perhaps he is just a stranger.

  • If the initiative is yours

What to do if it’s not you who’s been abandoned, but you yourself? Try to get your spouse to talk. Just don’t try to do this intrusively - it’s better to schedule a meeting on neutral territory, where you can dot all the i’s.

Moreover, wait at least a week for his resentment to dull. Surely he has thought about how he will rebuff you.

The conversation should be calm and unobtrusive. Remember that annoyingness is an unspoken sense of possessiveness that will play a bad joke on you.

Listen to him, do not interrupt and do not try to prove that you are right. Accept his point of view, then express yours in a supportive tone. It is possible that you will be able to forgive each other and start over.

  • If you have a mistress

Perhaps this is the most difficult situation for an abandoned wife - if he already has another one. First of all, no matter how painful it is, recognize his right to freedom. As well as yours: let them know that you are not going to become an alternate airfield.

The best place to start is with a conversation. Let your ex-husband understand that you just want to fully understand the negative aspects of marriage. I hope you know that blackmail and begging will only drive you further away from each other.

The new passion cannot be criticized. You should not directly lead your ex away from your mistress.

It is best to pretend that you calmly accept this fact, and in general the world has not converged on her like a wedge. At the same time, do not pretend to be her role: hint at noble, friendly relations.

Invite him to joint events: walks with children, spending time with relatives, etc. Such a warm and neutral attitude will make him think about the correctness of his action.

But don't forget about yourself! A man is not the meaning of your life. In your free time, engage in hobbies, surround yourself with fans and emphasize in every possible way.

  • Lack of feelings

You don't have to wait for him to leave. Even if he doesn’t want you as a woman, this is a wake-up call.

Unfortunately, one thing can be said here: you cannot return feelings by force. Especially if the young man got married and left for another family.

It is necessary to bring your husband to a frank conversation. Having understood each other, disperse without unnecessary complaints and insults.

Sometimes it takes time to understand love. Give it to your lover. And take care of yourself: become the one to whom he once proposed.

He himself will ask you to come back

I am sure that this course can significantly help in your business. And, most likely, your ex will come running to your house.


Human relationships are complex and multifaceted. We forget how dear we are to each other, and then we think about how to return love.

It's not too late to meet your loved one halfway to restore the relationship. Or at least understand the thoughts of those with whom you shared life and feelings, let them go without hatred and empty hope.

Maybe start over with a new leaf. But this is a completely different story, and in order not to miss it, subscribe to new blog articles. Just below there are social buttons. networks and for someone (including me) it will be very useful if you click on them. Thank you)

Love and take care of each other!

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova

Parting with your loved one hurts your soul. It takes time to come to terms with the idea of ​​separation. But, if the feelings are alive, hope smolders in the woman’s heart, a willingness to give the person another chance.

Will your loved one return? How can you understand that after a breakup a man has reconsidered his life, made the right conclusions and is ready to renew his relationship?

Each situation is individual. But, in any case, behave with dignity. Try to avoid five common ladies' mistakes that will only make the problem worse.

These methods are often used by inexperienced girls, but, contrary to expectations, they do not add attractiveness to the young lady in the eyes of her lover and, rather, have the opposite effect.

  1. You shouldn’t set up “random” meetings, bother with frequent phone calls, or bombard your ex-boyfriend with messages.
  2. Throw hysterics, reproach and try to humiliate, hurt a man, because he “hurt” your soul by leaving.
  3. Threaten, terrorize, promise to commit suicide or make his life hell. Demonstrative revenge is not the best way to heal heart wounds. Over time, emotions will subside, the pain will pass, and the unpleasant aftertaste from impulsive actions and harsh words will forever turn away your chosen one and cast a shadow on your reputation.
  4. Organize surveillance of the life of your ex-partner. Eavesdrop on conversations, read correspondence, involving children, colleagues, acquaintances or mutual friends in this fascinating, but by no means useful activity.
  5. Exaggerate, hype yourself up. Again and again remembering traumatic events, and all his sins, even minor punctures.

False hopes or correct tactics?

Psychologists say that the pain of separation lasts at least two months before a person gets used to the idea of ​​loss. Just let him go and perhaps the man will return, comparing life “before” and “after” in favor of your union.

How to find out if the chosen one will return? The simplest and most effective way is a frank conversation. Without unnecessary emotions, accusations and reproaches.

Don't isolate yourself. If a woman lives in prison of heavy thoughts, hides in the walls of the past, constantly returns to where the separation happened, she degrades and ceases to be interesting to the opposite sex. Agree, “canned” pain is not the best remedy for loneliness.

Let the man sort out his own feelings. The chosen one needs time to realize what he has lost, to weigh the pros and cons. If the relationship has not exhausted itself, your loved one, after a short pause, will realize his mistake and try to win you back.

The main thing for a woman is to survive the acute period of separation and not do anything stupid.

Switch attention to yourself, your favorite thing. Think about a wonderful future and do not rush into the pool of past grievances.

Return symptoms

Pay attention to his behavior. If a guy is interested in your life, asks his friends, writes messages, visits pages on social networks, or is looking for a reason to meet and talk, then you are important to him.

When starting a new life, people, as a rule, do not show a burning interest in their former passions. Moreover, they don’t try to see each other more often, bumping into each other even in the most unexpected places. They do not call with requests to return a forgotten item if it does not have special value for the owner.

Be prepared for any scenario. Think carefully about how to behave in a given situation. Are you ready to renew your relationship? What should you consider to avoid repeating old mistakes on the new pages of your novel? What conclusions can we draw?

If your loved one, after so many years spent together, is in no hurry to renew the family, then he simply failed to become your support and you need to move on, to real happiness. And it is much closer than you think.

Now the percentage of successful and long marriages has decreased significantly. Every day the media announces new divorces and separations of such seemingly wonderful couples. And even in our own home, we find ourselves thinking about all the delights of freedom. What happens, the risk of divorce hangs over every home?! But is the decision to leave the family always balanced and deliberate? How often is it just an impulse that breaks destinies and relationships built over the years? Is it possible to overcome the impulse and return to the family, to the wife?

From the people

They say that relationships are like a finely crafted porcelain bowl that cannot be repaired once cracked. Like, the chip will always be noticeable and therefore the relationship will no longer be the same. The departure of a spouse primarily causes strong resentment, which is difficult to erase from memory. At the level of reflexes, the readiness for a quarrel, scandal and encore parting accumulates. If you leave your family once, you might lose your pass here. Is the game worth the candle? What should you do if a couple divorces in the heat of the moment and regrets it?

As time passes

It is worth assessing the situation when feelings have calmed down somewhat and you can think sensibly. Alas, many manage to start a new family during this time. In this case, returning to your ex-wife is fraught with pain for several women. The current wife must decide on her attitude towards infidelity. Is she ready to forgive this and accept the prodigal husband into the family? The situation, of course, is difficult and nervous, but despair cannot be allowed if there is at least a chance to normalize relations.

Psychologists say

Perhaps some advice from people in white coats will seem like demagoguery, but in essence the truth is calm. You need to become a friend to your ex. If you understand his motivation and his desires, then you can establish contact and communicate on neutral topics. Men (as well as women) have a negative attitude towards entreaties and open flattery. You can feel sorry for a person who sincerely wants you back, but is it worth wanting him?

Often marriage makes a woman too domestic. A breakup can be seen as an incentive to change, dye your hair, get a new haircut, change your wardrobe. Even the great Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said wonderful words that “those we don’t like like us.” So why not repeat the technique and feign some indifference to the object of your passion? The ex-husband must feel that his wife may slip away and want to win her again. If the marriage lasted a long time, then the wife has all the trump cards in her hands, she knows her husband inside and out, understands him and guesses his desires. Subservience is not the answer, but understanding is the right course of action when a husband wants to return to his wife after a divorce.

It is forbidden!

  1. If spouses are in a state of confrontation, then it is not advisable to cause pity, put pressure on sore spots and constantly be upset. It’s natural to worry about a breakup, but constant tearfulness kills the woman in a woman.
  2. You cannot blackmail your spouse, complain to his parents and friends, or threaten him with ruinous alimony. Is it worth losing your nerves once again if your ex-husband doesn’t care about them? This will make him not want to return, but he may begin to hate his wife.
  3. A wife cannot use her children, blackmail them with them, or turn them against her husband.
  4. You cannot claim rights to your spouse if he is only thinking of returning to the family. The period of separation is a time to calmly think about the relationship. If you suddenly burst into this gap with claims, you can completely break up the family.

Steps towards each other

It is worth returning to your ex only when it is clearly visible that a mistake was made and the breakup was hasty. Emotions must go away, negativity must disappear. If the quarrel was trivial, then the reason may be completely forgotten. There is no need to remember it and once again try to put everything in its place.

Past memories will help your wife establish contact. Retrieve old photos and videos, take out letters and remember old friends. Surely, over the years of marriage, the husband and wife have forgotten their former selves, and in order to save the family, you can try to remember everything.

You can and should have dates at any age. Do you remember how we ran to each other in our free time? Let it be so now. You can save your family if you revive your feelings. Even if the old passion does not flare up, tenderness and sincere warmth will awaken. It’s worth reliving the old emotions to re-evaluate the relationship.

It's hard to get over a breakup, but it's even harder to decide to get back into a relationship. If the ex-spouse wants to return, there can be a lot of reasons. In fact, this is the moment when you need to decide to further work on yourself. Is it worth accepting a prodigal spouse into the family? Yes, it’s worth it if you clearly understand that this is the best choice. There are many reasons for divorce, but not all of them indicate betrayal. Was there betrayal? Maybe prolonged stagnation in the intimate sphere is to blame? Was there a long period of depression? What was the signal for its start?

Men themselves sometimes cannot understand their motives for divorce. It is no coincidence that a third of the clients of practicing psychologists are men after divorce. They also need to talk it out, but they do not go to friends and family with problems, because they want to receive a qualified answer and explain their actions.

To summarize all of the above, marriage is, first of all, a union that is based on trust and communication. Every topic needs discussion, but not idle talk. You can save your family if you pay attention in time to your spouse’s depression, symptoms of sexual disorders, decreased interest in life, lethargy, apathy, and suicidal tendencies.

According to statistics, the peak of these symptoms can be recorded in the first, seventh and tenth years of marriage. The realization of the wrongness of divorce occurs on the second anniversary after the official separation. Psychologists called this period “seventeenth month syndrome.”