Discharge with villi taking utrozhestan during pregnancy. What kind of vaginal discharge can there be after morning pregnancy?


Hello. My name is Natalya. I am 26 years old. Now I am 17 weeks pregnant, UPB - I take Duphaston-1 tablet a day in the morning and in parallel Utrozhestan - at night, colpitis appeared at the 13th week (smears with light brown discharge), they said it cannot be treated yet, only after the 20th week. Is it true that we will have to wait for this period? And does it affect my health and the child’s at the moment? Anna, I have one more question. Let me remind you that I take 17 weeks, UPB. When I visited the doctor, she told me to stop drinking Duphaston, I switched to 2 tablets, and then one. Switching to one Duf-n tablet, she said to put Utrozhestan suppositories (100 ml) for more effective pregnancy preservation than Duf-n. It turns out that I drink Duphaston in the morning, and put Utrozhestan at night. When I finish Duphaston (1 tablet left), will one suppository at night be enough, or will I need to increase the dose (the doctor didn’t tell me anything about this)? There is no bloody discharge, pah-pah-pah, now, only colpitis discharge. I am contacting you because... I have an appointment only on January 10th. Thanks in advance!!!

Good day, Natalia. The prescribed treatment is quite consistent with your term. The absence of bleeding indicates the effectiveness of treatment. But if colpitis occurs, then vaginal sanitation is necessary, since inflammatory processes can provoke a threat of miscarriage. Try to rest more, avoid, stop sexual intercourse, follow a gentle regimen. Good luck!


Anna, thank you for your answer. I adhere to all this - I quote yours “Try to get more rest, avoid stress, stop sexual intercourse, keep a gentle regimen.” And in the bath, by the way, I don’t wash, as it all started for me - only in the shower. And my doctor didn’t tell me anything about the need for vaginal sanitation, only that after the 20th week it is possible. How is this sanitation done? I drank the last one of Duphaston the day before yesterday. Utrozhestan has already placed 13 candles. Do you think it's worth finishing? There have been no bloodies since the 2nd. And the colpitis was just a little bit at night, and in the morning the gasket was still clean (now it’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon). I'll go to the appointment tomorrow.


Hello! I am now 18 weeks pregnant. I went to see a doctor, they took a smear from me, I don’t have colpitis, but just inflammation, they prescribed Polygynax for 10 days, I’ve already put 2 suppositories, today I’ll have the 3rd, I’m also doing douching with chamomile. I already feel movement. Now in the evening my lower abdomen hurt, I drank noshpa, and an hour later the pad started to bleed a little. Could this be because of the suppositories, or what?


Hello! I went to the doctor, she looked at me, said that everything was fine, the uterus was not in good shape, she didn’t know what the reason was, she prescribed Utrozhestan suppositories again until Monday and gave me a referral for an ultrasound on Monday, because... on Friday when I went, the ultrasound specialist was no longer there. I bled quite a bit (on Thursday evening, a little at night, and a little bit on Friday before lunch), but I didn’t bleed any more. Please advise whether I should go for an ultrasound tomorrow, if nothing worries me anymore, because... This will be the 5th ultrasound, and the planned one is in early February. Tell me what to do, wait for the planned one? Isn't so much ultrasound harmful?


Anna, hello, thank you for answering my questions! I went for an ultrasound today, please tell me, if they told me that there were no waters, they were absent, what would happen to the child then and what should I do now in this case? at the penultimate ultrasound they said that there was little water, i.e. less than normal, but now there is none at all.... how then, if I have been feeling movements for several weeks now??!!......... . They don’t know anything here... - what, why, and why, now they are sending us to the region for an ultrasound examination and a consultation with a gynecologist, and now we have snowstorms, I don’t know when we’ll go there now. Please answer.....because the hope is in you, because... this expectation haunts me... Our doctors don’t know anything, they see that my pregnancy was not healthy, and I still had this IUD, they could have done something earlier, interrupted it or something, or else they are silent and do not act, it’s a shame, and I also had such severe toxicosis, it’s just terrible............. It feels like my pregnancy has been going on for the second year.

If problems occur in a pregnant woman’s body, the child is also negatively affected. With pathology, substances harmful to the fetus are produced and the amount of substances necessary for its growth and development decreases.

Progesterone is one of the hormones that ensures proper development of the fetus. With insufficient production of the hormone, the risk of involuntary abortion or improper formation of fetal organs and tissues increases. In this case, the pregnant woman may be prescribed the drug Utrozhestan, which increases the level of progesterone in the body.

Utrozhestan is safe for mother and child, but women are often frightened by the changes in the nature of vaginal discharge that are observed after taking the drug. They become too abundant or change color. How can you tell if these changes are normal or pathological?

Why is Utrozhestan prescribed during pregnancy?

Utrozhestan is one of the best drugs for replenishing progesterone levels in the body. Indications for prescribing the drug to a pregnant woman may be:

  • Inferiority of the corpus luteum. Congenital or acquired pathologies of this organ lead to hormonal imbalance in the body, which is dangerous not only during pregnancy, but also at any other period of a person’s life. After discovering diseases of the corpus luteum, Utrozhestan can be prescribed even before visible problems and failures appear.
  • The reason for prescribing the drug may be the risk of miscarriage caused by a lack of progesterone in the body. In this case, the woman is hospitalized and prescribed additional medications to maintain the pregnancy.
  • If there is a high probability of premature birth, prescribing Utrozhestan to a pregnant woman is the best way to get out of a dangerous situation. The drug maintains a favorable environment for the full development and preservation of the fetus until the day of birth.

Utrozhestan is produced in the form of capsules coated with a gelatin shell. They can be taken orally, like tablets, or vaginally, like suppositories. The duration of use and dosage of the medication are prescribed by the doctor and depend on the goals of treatment and the patient’s medical history.

How does the drug affect discharge?

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Utrozhestan is one of those drugs that can affect the abundance, consistency, and color of vaginal secretion. The greatest changes occur with vaginal use of capsules, which is due to several reasons:

  • When dissolved, the capsule shell may slightly stain the leucorrhoea.
  • Another component of the drug that affects the color of secretion is peanut oil, which is included in the composition. It can give the discharge a yellowish or light brown tint.
  • The capsule can be perceived by the body as a foreign body, which sometimes makes secretion more abundant than before taking the drug. In addition, the discharge may become thinner.
  • The nature of the discharge may change due to a sharp increase in the level of progesterone in the body.

When taking the drug orally, changes in discharge are less noticeable than when used vaginally. The secretion may become thinner or more abundant. If the discharge has returned to normal, it will have a color ranging from transparent to whitish and a medium thick consistency.

What is normal discharge?

What discharge is considered normal when taking Utrozhestan? If there are no pathologies or malfunctions in the body, leucorrhoea may acquire the following characteristics when taking the drug:

  • White, yellowish, beige color of secretion. Discharge that has a pink or brown tint is also considered normal, but the color should not be saturated (see also:).
  • The consistency of the discharge varies and can be slimy, thick, thin or watery. Extremes are considered pathology: too thick, cheesy vaginal fluid or a very thin secretion that resembles water should alert a woman.

Pathological discharge

The following detected abnormalities may be indicators of a developing disease:

  • Excessive discharge.
  • Curdled discharge is a sign of the presence of colonies of Candida fungi, which provoke candidiasis and require immediate treatment. They cause significant inconvenience, are accompanied by itching and redness of the genitals and can be dangerous for the child’s fragile immunity.
  • A greenish tint and purulent impurities are a sign of a progressive infection in the mother’s body. Hidden infections and viruses pose the greatest danger to a child, since they have no external manifestations and cannot be detected without the help of special laboratory tests.
  • The rich yellow color of the discharge indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitals (more details in the article:). Often such discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • A pinkish tint is usually a sign of treatment failure, as it indicates a lack of progesterone. This option is possible if the duration of treatment is short or the instructions for use are not followed correctly. If you have discharge of this color, you should consult a doctor to adjust the dosage of the drug. Sometimes a pinkish color can indicate much more serious disorders: detachment of the ovum or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Bright red or brown discharge. Indicate a threat of miscarriage and require an immediate call for an ambulance.

Thus, normally, after taking Utrozhestan, the total amount of discharge increases and their color changes slightly. In this case, the woman should not experience discomfort (itching, swelling of the genitals). If there is any doubt that changes in discharge are caused only by taking the drug, you should consult your doctor.

To maintain pregnancy and normal fetal development, the female body needs an increased level of progesterone. Some women produce it in normal quantities, while others experience a deficiency, which often leads to spontaneous miscarriages or the birth of children with various defects. Doctors often prescribe hormonal drugs to such women, which allow them to increase the level of progesterone in the body and bear a healthy and strong baby. And one of these drugs is Utrozhestan. However, many women are afraiddischarge from Utrozhestan during pregnancy, which become the most abundant and change their character.

Reasons for increased discharge

To understand which vaginal discharge from Utrozhestan is normal, and which are completely unrelated to its use and indicate the presence of pathologies, it is necessary to understand this topic in more detail.

White discharge during pregnancy is absolutely normal. Their number varies depending on certain phases. And this is facilitated by:

  • Hormonal changes in the body during the initial stages of embryo development.
  • Large blood flow to the pelvic area, which ensures the fetus receives all the nutrients necessary for its normal development and formation.
  • The formation of a mucus plug in the cervix, which prevents infection from entering the amniotic sac.

An increase in the volume of vaginal secretion and a change in its nature (watery discharge may appear) are the absolute norm for a pregnant woman. However, you need to understand that the norm is those discharges that are not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. If a woman secretes a cloudy liquid from her vagina, yellow or brown discharge, abdominal pain, itching and burning in the perineum, then this is no longer normal. In this case, you must definitely visit a doctor and undergo a full examination, which will allow you to determine the exact cause of the appearance of discharge during pregnancy.

How does the drug affect vaginal secretions?

Discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancyare normal. This drug contains natural progesterone and is available in the form of tablets or vaginal suppositories. When used correctly, the drug does not cause any harm to the health of the woman or her unborn child.

However, while taking Utrozhestan, many women notice copious white or liquid discharge from the vagina. And there is an explanation for their appearance. The drug contains hormones that affect the general hormonal background of a woman. And often the appearance of abundant mucous secretion when taking this drug is caused by:

  • Perception of the mucous capsule as a foreign body.
  • The presence of a dissolved drug shell in the vaginal mucus.
  • Liquefaction of vaginal secretions with components contained in Utrozhestan (most often peanut butter contributes to this).
  • A sharp increase in progesterone levels in the body.

It is normal for watery orwhite discharge from Utrozhestan. But at the same time, they should not contain blood clots or pus, they should not give off an unpleasant odor and cause discomfort to the pregnant woman. Even yellow discharge without characteristic signs of the development of pathological processes when taking this drug is the norm.

It should be noted that even when taking this drug orally, a pregnant woman may experience increased secretion of vaginal mucus, which also should not cause anxiety and fear for her health and the health of the unborn child.

What discharge is normal?

The appearance of abundantdischarge from Utrozhestan during pregnancyis the norm, but only if they are not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. In terms of consistency they should be:

  • watery;
  • liquid;
  • creamy;
  • mucous.

And in color they can be white or yellowish, pinkish (no brown tint!) or beige. If the vaginal secretion meets these parameters, then there is no need to panic. However, consulting with a specialist will not hurt. Especially if there is a tendency to increase the volume of mucous secretion and change its characteristics.

When should you sound the alarm?

Discharge while taking progesterone may periodically become either liquid or thicker. But if they begin to change their color and smell, then this is a serious reason to contact a specialist. For example:

  1. Curdled discharge. In their consistency, they resemble granular cottage cheese, deplete the sour smell and provoke the appearance of itching and burning in the perineum. Their appearance during pregnancy is not normal and most often indicates the development of candidiasis. However, the presence of such symptoms is characteristic not only of thrush, but also of diseases such as ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis.
  2. Bright yellow. In most cases, they occur with the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. They are thick and deplete the unpleasant odor. If a woman notes that she has smears dark yellow, almost orange discharge, this indicates advanced stages of development of inflammatory diseases.
  3. Bloody issues. They are a common sign of progesterone deficiency in the body and require immediate consultation with a specialist. In these cases, it is necessary to increase the dosage of the drug, but only a doctor can do this correctly and without harm to the unborn child. Besides,scanty periods after Utrozhestanmay indicate placental abruption or the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. If pregnancy has already been confirmed, vaginal bleeding may occur during spontaneous miscarriage, which is accompanied by severe abdominal pain.
  4. Brown discharge. They also occur during placental abruption and can be a signal of a threatened miscarriage. If a woman notes that she has smeared brown for several days, and then everything stopped, this still does not exclude the threat of miscarriage.
  5. Liquid discharge. Most often they occur in women in the last stages of pregnancy. Leaking amniotic fluid can cause their appearance. In this case, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor, especially if impurities of pus, feces and blood were found in the liquid.
  6. Green. Anyone who experiences such vaginal secretions should urgently go to the doctor, especially if pregnancy has already occurred. It signals the development of infectious diseases requiring specific antibacterial therapy. If this is not done, there is a high risk of infection of the fetus.

As has already become clear, spotting and brownish discharge are not at all a consequence of taking Utrozhestan throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Their appearance can be provoked by various factors, among which are serious inflammatory and infectious diseases.

And to summarize, it should be said that it is necessary to consult a doctor if a woman begins to notice bloody, brown, yellow or green discharge, accompanied by itching, burning and abdominal pain.

Very often, strong vaginal secretion is observed in women who are just planning to become pregnant and have started taking this drug. In this case, they adapt to Utrozhestan and may experience heavy menstrual bleeding, discharge streaked with blood outside of menstruation, engorgement of the mammary glands, etc. All this is completely natural and can accompany a woman throughout the entire adaptation period.

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Questions and answers on: discharge when taking utrozhestan during pregnancy

2013-01-04 15:46:13

Lydia asks:

Good afternoon!!! The pregnancy period is 8 weeks 6 days. The previous pregnancy (a year ago) was frozen. A whole year of examinations of infections, genetics, and everything else - everything is normal! During this pregnancy I have been tormenting doctors from the first days (what, how, why, etc. This morning after taking Utrozhestan, dirty (light brown) discharge appeared, no pain anywhere! I immediately went to the hospital. Ultrasound - in the uterine cavity there is a low-lying fertilized egg (on an ultrasound at 7 weeks, when they listened to the presence of a heartbeat, everything was normal), heart rate 172 beats, motor activity is determined, CTE 21 mm. The chorion is located mainly along the spinal cord, 6 mm thick. Retrochorial hematoma is not visualized. In conclusion, the doctor wrote a progressive pregnancy of 8-9 weeks. Threat of miscarriage. Can the fertilized egg rise during pregnancy?, after what period should the ultrasound be repeated? What is the probability of a successful pregnancy outcome with a low position of the fertilized egg? Why does this happen?

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

A low position of the fertilized egg is usually due to some formations in the uterine cavity (nodules, scars, etc.). This condition is fraught with the threat of miscarriage, so you need a gentle regime - limiting heavy lifting, sudden movements, physical activity and sex life. The situation needs to be monitored over time, and a repeat ultrasound scan should be performed in 2-3 weeks. Most likely the fertilized egg will not rise. Good luck and good health to you!

2011-01-28 18:17:41

Oksana asks:

I am 29 years old, since the 4th week of pregnancy I have been taking Utrozhestan, Folic, vitamin E, chimes Iodomarin seisas for 10 weeks already. A week ago I was in the hospital with the threat of magnesium instillation for 7 days and intramuscularly for 5 days, but I take intramuscular mouse, Utrozhestan 3 times a day. day, once a day, when inserting utrozhestan, I detect beige discharge for about 15 days. although after the hospital. Today I saw a doctor, but she didn’t tell me anything specific, please tell me how to react, maybe this is normal, it’s very scary to lose a child. Thank you

Answers Velichko Tatyana Ivanovna:

Dear Oksana! Beige discharge is not a sign of a threat of miscarriage, it can be associated with an inflammatory process in the vagina (to clarify, you need to take a smear), and to rule out the presence of a threat of miscarriage, it is better to do an ultrasound (are there any ultrasound signs of a threat of miscarriage).

2008-05-24 01:16:11

Elena asks:

Please tell me I’m pregnant, I’m 6 weeks pregnant. During the examination, the gynecologist said that according to all external signs I had thrush and immediately prescribed buconazole, saying that it was safe during pregnancy. Although nothing bothered me, and a smear later did not reveal thrush. I read the instructions and the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy; in addition, after it I started having a discharge similar to thrush and itching. I also started taking utrogestan vaginally because... there is a threat, maybe it also causes these unpleasant sensations. I am worried whether taking bukonazole at this time will harm the child, and what to do with the discharge and burning sensation that appears.

2016-02-14 18:47:23

Natalia asks:

Hello! My daughter is 24 years old. A year ago, ST at 5-6 weeks. I am currently 12 weeks and 5 days pregnant. The first screening took place two days ago. Ultrasound results - all parameters are normal. Before conception, ovulation was monitored; it occurred on the 25th day of the MC (usually a cycle of 30-32 days). At 5 weeks of pregnancy, a creamy discharge appeared, which was detected only during one trip to the toilet. The gynecologist prescribed duphaston 10 mg morning and evening. After 10 days - the same thing, creamy discharge - was discovered during two trips to the toilet. The doctor also added 10 mg of duphaston and 200 mg of utrozhestan at night. Also, when “spotting” appeared, Viburkol was prescribed for 7 days (morning and evening). There were no more discharges or complaints. From the 11th week, 10 mg of duphaston was taken off. Now my daughter takes duphaston 10 mg at 9 am, duphaston 10 mg at 5 pm and utrozhestan 200 (23-24 hours before bedtime). The doctor suggests the following regimen from the 13th week: 7 days: duphaston 10 mg (morning) and utrozhestan 200 at night. From the 14th week - 7 days only Utrozhestan 200. It turns out that from the 15th week there is no support. There is a lot of information on the Internet that there should be support until the 16th week of pregnancy, and even better until the 20th week. But there are also modern arguments about the autonomy of the placenta, and that support is not needed from 8 weeks, and the analysis for progesterone is not informative, because does not show the true value of progesterone when taken. My questions: 1. Do you agree with the proposed cancellation scheme? 2. Do I need to donate blood for progesterone before stopping? 3. It’s confusing that Utrozhestan 200 is being discontinued without switching to 100 mg, is such a switch necessary? 4. There are schemes where duphaston is reduced even using halves of tablets, is this correct? 5. Until what week of pregnancy is it better to be supported? If possible, please suggest your own cancellation plan, which you consider the safest. THANK YOU,

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello, Natalia! I understand your concern about the development of your daughter’s pregnancy, however, as I understand it, you are not an obstetrician-gynecologist, so you do not have the right to cancel the prescribed treatment yourself or change it. Articles on the Internet are just a flow of information; they write different things, including the fact that in European countries duphaston is not prescribed at all. Progesterone support is prescribed up to 12-16 weeks and is guided by the level of progesterone in the blood, i.e. effectiveness of therapy. However, if necessary and for clear indications, progesterone can be prescribed at a later date. Therapy should be discontinued gradually, not abruptly. The treating gynecologist outlined the scheme and it is worth sticking to it.

2013-02-07 12:55:35

Olga asks:

Hello. I am 39 years old. A diagnosis of miscarriage in the second marriage was made (frozen pregnancy 3-4 weeks, miscarriage 8-9 weeks, biochemical pregnancy 2-3 weeks), there is a child from the first marriage. During the examination for miscarriage, they passed the entire list of tests (karyotype, STIs, hormones, alloimmune antibodies, antiphospholipid complex, coagulogram, etc.). Antibodies to hCG were detected in me (I did plasmapheresis, IgG is still higher than normal), leukocyte antibodies (treatment with rheosorbilact was prescribed and completed). My husband had antisperm antibodies, was treated, and his spermogram was normal. Everything else is normal (no STIs, karyotypes 46xx, 46 xy; no alloimmune bodies - I have blood type A (II) Rh−; antiphospholipid complex, coagulogram - normal; hormones T3, T4, TSH, testosterone, cortisol, prolactin, FSH , LH, estradiol, progesterone - normal, except AMH - below normal). Currently, this is the situation - the last menstruation was on January 8 (cycle duration 26 days), the ovulation test was positive on January 20, they became pregnant with the doctor’s permission, the test was positive from February 1 to the present day (before February 1 it was negative), spotting appeared on February 5 discharge, on February 6 I donated blood for hCG - the result is 7 mU/ml, today the discharge has intensified, pain in the lower abdomen. Since February 4, I have been taking Medrol - 1/2 tablet per day, Utrozhestan - 100 mg in the evening, and on February 6 I started taking rheosorbilact. Is there (has been) pregnancy and is it worth continuing taking the medications? Why is the test positive with such low hCG in the blood? How to plan my pregnancy further and will I even be able to carry it to term?

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

The hCG level is low, I advise, first of all, to donate blood for hCG in dynamics, every 2 days, normally the level should double. If pregnancy develops normally, then low molecular weight heparins should be added to methylprednisolone under the control of a hemostasiogram. The dose of utrozhestan, in my opinion, is small, I would advise increasing it to at least 300 mg. If the pregnancy does not develop, then before the next pregnancy planning it is necessary to carry out an HLA diagnosis (after all, there is a child from the first marriage and I think there were no such problems).

Utrozhestan is a synthetic progesterone - a female hormone necessary for maintaining pregnancy and normal fetal development. The drug is prescribed to expectant mothers who are at risk of miscarriage due to insufficient hormone levels. It is also used before IVF, for infertility and various pathologies of the reproductive system. While taking Utrozhestan, discharge may appear, which in most cases is a physiological norm. But you should know the nature of the pathological condition in which vaginal secretion appears, atypical for a healthy body.

Physiological discharge in women

Discharge after Utrozhestan during pregnancy in most cases is associated with a physiological feature of the body’s condition. An increase in vaginal secretion is associated with several reasons:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • protection of mucous membranes and fertilized egg from infection;
  • increased pressure on the cervix;
  • formation of a mucus plug.

During pregnancy, the secretion is liquid, not abundant, but does not cause discomfort to the woman. It is colorless or white, odorless and itchy.

When the drug is introduced into the vagina, the liquid discharge intensifies, becomes abundant and may change color. This happens for three reasons:

  • reaction of the mucous membrane to the drug;
  • exit of the disintegrating shell of Utrozhestan;
  • removal of peanut oil, which is the basis of the drug.

During pregnancy, Utrozhestan does not harm the mother and child. This is an absolutely safe drug, available for use in any trimester. Many women use it throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The medication has virtually no contraindications or side effects. In rare cases, individual intolerance to the components is possible. A special feature of using the medication is that it has no effect on the liver. The active component is absorbed into the vaginal walls, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

Highlights of different shades

Vaginal secretion from Utrozhestan suppositories during pregnancy is not always the norm. During use of the drug, pathological discharge may occur:

  • Beige discharge. White and beige discharge from Utrozhestan is normal. But provided that they are not accompanied by an unpleasant odor and do not have a cheesy consistency. A change in the nature of the secretion indicates a vaginal infection (candidiasis).
  • Yellow discharge. Yellow profuse discharge after Utrozhestan, which appears mainly within a few hours after administration of the capsules, is normal. If a woman has an inflammatory or infectious disease, then she feels itching of the genitals and pain in the lower abdomen. Yellowish discharge is characteristic of frequent use of the drug and implies release of the capsule shell.
  • Pink discharge. If there is an inflammatory process in the genital organs, the secretion becomes pink or streaks of blood appear. Such discharge during pregnancy requires urgent consultation with a doctor.
  • Brown, bloody discharge. If a woman from Utrozhestan observes brown discharge with abdominal pain, then immediate hospitalization is required. Blood during pregnancy indicates a threat of miscarriage.
  • Gray, dark discharge. If the secretion is gray, then you should take smears to check the state of the vaginal microflora. This shade is characteristic of infectious diseases.
  • Green. They signal about STDs, chlamydia and other infectious diseases. Accompanied by itching and burning, pain may occur.

When taking the drug, there may be watery discharge of various shades. Utrozhestan itself does not provoke inflammation or miscarriage. And the appearance of unhealthy secretions is not associated with the start of treatment.

Secret as a side effect

In some cases, the appearance of secretion is associated with treatment with Utrozhestan. Vaginal fluid may come out for several reasons:

  • incorrect dose;
  • injury to the mucous membranes when administering the drug;
  • discontinuation of the drug without a doctor’s recommendation.

A secretion of a dark brownish hue appears when there is a threat of miscarriage associated with abrupt withdrawal of the drug or insufficient dosage. The doctor should reconsider the prescription and prescribe an analogue if taking Utrozhestan is not possible.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

Gynecologists tell us what kind of discharge there should be when using the drug when prescribing Utrozhestan. If they do not cause discomfort and sharply change consistency and color, then there is no reason to worry. But in a number of situations, you cannot hesitate to consult a doctor in order to prevent disastrous consequences. Indications for an early visit to the gynecologist are:

  • bleeding or the appearance of blood streaks in the leucorrhoea;
  • pulling or cutting pain in the lower back, abdomen;
  • brown daub;
  • copious discharge of clear fluid.

To diagnose the disease, the doctor will take a smear test and conduct an ultrasound examination. If discharge appears from Utrozhena during pregnancy due to individual intolerance to the drug, then treatment will need to be discontinued. But more often the listed symptoms are associated with pathologies of the reproductive system and problems with bearing a child:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • placental abruption;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • changes in vaginal microflora.

In all of the above cases, taking Utrozhestan is stopped only according to a doctor’s indications. More often, discontinuation of treatment is not required; additional therapy is prescribed to suppress the pathological process.

Utrozhestan is a modern and highly effective drug that is prescribed to women with primary miscarriage and threatened miscarriage. While using the medication, discharge may appear, which normally does not cause discomfort and has a white, beige or yellow tint. But a woman should know the alarming symptoms of possible pathologies in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner and prevent negative consequences for the body and the unborn baby.