Knitted dolls: a hand-made miracle of masters. Knitted dolls Baby doll pattern

No Barbie doll from the store will not replace a toy knitted with your own hands. Knitted dolls are original, soft, you can play with them, comb your hair, change clothes, or put them in your crib. Clothes for such dolls are knitted quickly and easily, so you can create a whole wardrobe for any weather. A child will never be injured by such a toy. It could be the flirtatious Daisy and her huge eyes:

And here is the fashionista doll Masha.

Master class on knitting baby dolls

You can knit a doll with your own hands, knitting cylinders of different sizes. Or you can, as in the proposed master class (MK), knit it with an even cloth and then sew it. The limbs can be made in a simplified version, as in the photo. In MK we will also consider a more complex solution, when knitted dolls are made by knitting the heels, feet, palms and fingers.

Need to:

  • yarn in beige (for the body), yellow (hair), white, pink and blue (clothes);
  • set of toe knitting needles No. 2;
  • straight knitting needles No. 2;
  • needle with a large eye;
  • filler.

Torso and head

We use blue knitting needles, size 24p. And we knit 2p. l. satin stitch

3r.: 1l., * 3l., 1n.* - repeat until the end of the r. We have 32p.

From 4th to 28th. – front head, alternating white and blue stripes. Thread over the back wall so that there are no holes.

For the neck we make decreases:

1st: 6l., 1p. remove, 1 l. - thread through sn., 2 p. in 1l., 12 l., 1p. remove, 1 l. - thread through sn., 2 p. in 1l., 6l. We have 28p;

2 rub. and 4r. - from.;

3r.: 5l., 1p. remove, 1 l. - thread through sn., 2 p. in 1l., 10l., 1p. remove, 1 l. - thread through sn., 2 p. in 1l. 5l. We have 24 p.;

5r.: 4l, 1p. remove, 1 l. - thread through sn., 2 p. in 1l., 8l., 1p. remove, 1 l. - thread through sn., 2 p. in 1l. 4l. We have 20 p.;

6r.: l.;

7th row: switch to beige yarn: faces;

8r.: i.


1r.: 1l., *1n., 2l.* – whole r. This is 30p.

from 2 rub. for 22 rubles: l.smooth;

23r.: *3l., 2p. in 1l., * - whole r. Total 24p.

24 rub. and 26r.: i.;

25r.: *2l., 2p. in 1l., * - whole r. This is 18p;

27r.: *1l., 2p. in 1l., * - whole r. This is 12p.;

28r.: * 2p. in 1l. * - the whole river This is 6p.;

Break the thread, thread through the remaining sts, tighten and secure. Sew a seam along the body and head, first filling the parts with filler.

If you want to make a larger toy with your own hands, it makes sense to knit the head and body separately and then sew them together. Our photos from the master class will help you understand how this is done. Just don’t forget to knit a tubercle in the center on the face element - a bump for the nose.

For a large face, you can use tighteners, making anatomical shapes for the ears, eyes and mouth. Pay attention to MK, how to do it correctly face tightening . First, we mark with pins the necessary places under the eyes and nose. Then a tightening is done with a needle, pulling the thread tightly.

Having knitted body, filling it with filler and sewing it together. Next, the body is tightened. We designate the doll's navel and butt. Sew the head and body.

Arms and legs - master class

For the leg we use blue knitting needles, size 14p.

1r.: 1l., * 1n., 2l.* - whole r. Total 21p.;

2p.: i.;

3p.: 3l., 1n., * 5l., 1n. * - three times, 3l. This is 25p;

from 4r. for 12 rubles: l. gl.;

11r.: 7l., * 1p. remove, 1l.-thread through chain* -twice, 1p. remove, 2 p. in 1 l. and thread through the sn., *2p. in 1p.* - twice, 7l. Total 19p.;

13r.: 2p. in 1l., 15l., 2p. in 1l. Total 17p.

from 14r. for 48 rub.;

49r.: 1i., 2p. in 1i., 3iz., 2p. in 1i., 1i., 2p. in 1i., 3i., 2p. in 1i. Total 13 p.;

Sew the parts, fill padding polyester.


Cast on beige needles, 5p.

1r.: 1l., 1n., 1l., 1n., 1l., 1n., 2l. Total 8 p.;

2p.: from.;

3p.: 1p. in 2l., 2l., *1p. in 2l.* - twice, 2l., 1p. in 2 p.;

4p.: 1p. in 2i., 9i., 1p. in 2i., 1i. Total 14p.

5 rub. and 6p.: i.;

from 7 r to 11 r. -l. gl.;

12p.: *2i., 2p. in 1i.* - the entire row. Total 12p.

Close the st. We make a seam along the arm. We tighten the loops on the palm and sew them up with a straight edge at the other end.

We sew the arms and legs to the body.

If desired, the arms and legs can be done more professionally. It’s not difficult to do it yourself if you follow the photo of the master class.

The legs are knitted with sock needles in the round. When knitting a heel, you can use knitting patterns for a regular sock. The finished leg is stitched and stuffed padding polyester and sewn to the body. Then tightening is done on the knees, ankles and fingers.

Using the same algorithm, using MK, we knit our hands. The only difference is that you need to knit your thumb separately. Drawstring done on the elbows, wrists and fingers. Sew on the limbs.

We got an almost living doll knitted with our own hands, with a beautiful figure, not inferior in slenderness Barbie!

All that remains is to decorate and dress her. To make hair, we cut the threads, fold them in half and fasten them through the loops on the head. To get a beautiful hairstyle, divide the hair into two strands and tie ponytails. We straighten the hair, carefully trimming the ends with scissors.

We embroider eyes and mouth on the face. If available, you can use decorative doll eyes. The shape of the face can be different, depending on the tightening and design. We decorate our faces with paint or lipstick, drawing rosy cheeks on it. Our baby's clothes will be no worse than those worn by the coquette doll Margarita. We have already knitted the blouse and shoes. The rest of the clothes - pants - are knitted with pink yarn. Using master classes on knitting dolls, clothes are knitted.

Clothes of a different color will help turn a girl doll into a boy doll. And, of course, we keep the baby’s hair short. Otherwise, we use the same master classes. Original, soft, hand-knitted dolls are ready!

Knitted doll “Pirate”

You can knit this wonderful pirate with an eye patch according to the pattern.

A talented American needlewoman created an extraordinary doll for the birth of her long-awaited daughter. This little Pixie Moon or Moon Fairy was liked not only by mothers all over the country, she gained enormous popularity and love among all American children and adults.

Hand-made knitted dolls absorb a piece of the soul of a skilled needlewoman. Looking at these creatures, you might think that they are alive and any child would want to play with such a magnificent doll.

  1. It is knitted using regular stockinette stitch and does not have a complex pattern or pronounced facial expressions.
  2. The doll is beautiful in its simplicity and originality. Unusual blue eyes with embroidered light eyelashes immediately make all mothers and little girls fall in love.
  3. Spiral hair can be knitted using a simple technique. After each loop, yarn over, and knit all the loops in the purl row. A long strip will naturally curl into a curl.
  4. The beauty is also in her knitted clothes. Here the needlewoman showed limitless imagination, creating a whole wardrobe for the doll from beautiful skirts, dresses and boots. Pixie Moon must have a pet, a kitten or a puppy, as well as hats, hairpins and knitted bows.

An ordinary American housewife was able to create such a miracle and, over time, turn her hobby into a profitable business. She realizes her creative fantasies, enjoys her work and shares her warmth with all the children of the globe.

Video: Learning to knit a doll

We recommend a detailed master class on knitting a charming doll. Step-by-step process from making legs, body, head to knitting a sundress and a round hat.

Knitted dolls: master class for beginners

If you want to create a simple knitted doll, you can start small and study a step-by-step master class from an experienced needlewoman. With her own hands she creates entire families.
Knitted dolls are born from standard patterns of different sizes, which over time acquire their own character and stylish clothes.
Important! The blanks are made using stockinette stitch or stockinette stitch on thin knitting needles so that the fabric is dense and the filler does not make its way into the holes through the loops.


Advice from a needlewoman! It is advisable to leave long tails on the parts of the doll, with the help of which you can then connect the blanks into a common structure!

The next stage is moving to the body and knitting in stockinette stitch to a certain height along with the future head.

Even the youngest needlewoman can knit such a small doll with her own hands under the guidance and good advice of a loving mother.

Video: How to make hair for a toy

Author's toy “Princess of Milan”

When a mother creates a toy for her daughter with her own hands, the joy never ends. The doll must choose a name and choose a good wardrobe so that the little knitted princess will always be fashionable and beautiful.

The art of knitting toys using the amigurumi technique originates from Japan. It was there that they first learned to crochet and knit funny and cute toys. According to the rules of the amigurumi doll knitting technique, the toy should be knitted continuously in a spiral. But when making a product with knitting needles, this is difficult to do.

Therefore, modern craftsmen who knit amigurumi using knitting needles have allowed themselves to deviate from the rules and make the toy from separate parts, and then assemble it into one whole. But this does not in any way affect the quality and appearance of the baby doll. After all, a toy made with your own hands always brings a sea of ​​positivity, positive energy, love and care.

It's also worth a try - they will definitely win your heart!

Amigurumi is very loved by all women: from little girls to old ladies. Agree that the baby doll has always been, is and will be a favorite children's toy. And today we invite you to knit a baby doll for your daughter or as a gift to one of your relatives or friends.

If you know how to knit stockinette stitch, then consider that you have knitted a baby doll in one evening. Look at the photo. Yes, yes, any such funny baby can be made easily and quickly by every beginning knitter.

To make this amigurumi you will need any leftover yarn, knitting needles, filler (sintepon, padding polyester, holofiber), needle, scissors.

Step-by-step tutorial on knitting an amigurumi baby doll for beginners

Cast on 32 stitches and knit in stockinette stitch for 50 rows, changing thread colors as desired. Do not close the loops, but gather them on thread. It should be a rectangle.

From inside sew a rectangle along the sides, and then sew the bottom part of the toy. It should look like a “bag”. Open loops remain at the top of the product.

Fill the toy with filler in the following sequence: legs, arms, and then the body.

Gather the product 5 cm from the top and wrap the collection site several times with thread, separating the body from the doll’s head.

Fill the head with filler, tighten and secure the thread.

Others are made in a very similar way, which can be an excellent gift for loved ones!

An interesting lesson on how to create amigurumi on 5 knitting needles without any extra effort

Amigurumi knitting, the knitting patterns and descriptions of which you can see below, is distinguished by a more complicated technique of execution on 5 knitting needles. But if you carefully follow the instructions, both beginners and experienced needlewomen can knit them.

The height of the baby doll is 13 cm. For work you will need yarn of different colors, knitting needles - 5 pcs., hook No. 1, filler.

Detailed description of the knitting process

  1. Cast on 32 stitches and distribute them onto 4 needles (8 stitches each), knitting the 1st row of knits tightly. loops.
  2. On the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles these are the loops from which the front part of the toy is formed, and on the 4th and 1st knitting needles these are the loops of the back part (back).
  3. You need to distribute the knitting needles in such a way that the seam that is formed at the junction is a circle. rows of the 4th and 1st knitting needles, fell in the middle of the backrest.
  4. The doll shape is achieved by adding or subtracting loops in certain places on the left and right sides of the fabric on the 1st and last loops of the front and back.

IMPORTANT: if the description says “subtract 3 sts on the left and right,” then this means that you need to subtract 3 sts from the left and 3 sts from the right sides of the doll, and not from the left and right sides of the front and back. Increments are made by knitting 2 loops (regular and crossed) from 1 loop. Decrements are made by knitting 2 stitches together.

Boy doll:
  1. Using a black thread, pick up stitches (32 stitches) and distribute them onto 4 knitting needles.
  2. Next knit 6 r. purl P.
  3. Then continue the work of persons. stitch, adding 1 stitch on both sides to widen the legs in the 7th, 8th, 9th rows (= 38 stitches).
  4. Knit 2 p. green, 2 r. yellow, 2 r. lilac, 12 rub. dark green yarn.
  5. On the 25th add loops to form handles. To do this, you need to add 3 stitches in the 25th row and 2 stitches in the 26th row (=48 stitches). 25-26 r. knit with dark green yarn, next 18 r. knit faces satin stitch, alternating stripes of 2 rows of green, yellow and lilac.
  6. Next, make the transition to the head. To do this, in the 45th and 46th rows, decrease 4 stitches on the left and right (= 32 stitches).
  7. Knit faces on these loops. satin stitch with beige thread 14 r.
  8. Knit hair with brown yarn: 6 r. straight, and then with decreases to narrow. To do this, in the 67th row, every 3 and 4 stitches, knit 2 stitches together, in the 69th row. - every 3 p., in 71 r. - every 2 and 3 p., and in the 73rd p. knit the remaining 14 sts, 2 sts each, knit together. and pull off all remaining loops.
  9. On the loops of the 1st row, made with brown thread, crochet 1 row with elongated loops.
  1. On the central 10th point of the 25th r. in the front part (the row in which the increases for the arms are made), knit an additional 10 knits with a dark green thread. loops and then knit a rectangle according to pattern No. 28: repeat 7 times 1-2 r. and repeat 2 times 3-4 r. Close the loops.
  2. Fill it with filler through the hole in the bottom (leg) of the toy and sew up the hole. Sew the legs and arms of the baby doll with stitches in the places shown on the pattern. Sew and tighten the neck with thread.
  3. Connect the shirtfront to the pants on the back with harnesses. To do this, crochet a chain of chain stitches of the required length, and the same chain from the other corner of the shirtfront. Throw the harnesses over the back, cross them and fasten them.

Girl doll using the same patterns from natural yarn

The girl doll is made using the same pattern as the boy. You can choose the colors of the yarn according to your wishes or according to the photo. For a female baby doll, you can knit a skirt from clothes, but not a shirtfront. The head can be decorated with a bow or flower.


Cast on 76 stitches and knit 8 rows in the round. elastic band 1x1. At 9 p.m. Knit all the loops in 2 stitches together. (=38 p.). Next, connect the loops of the skirt with the loops of the figure while knitting the 24th row. To do this, knit 2 loops together, grabbing 1 stitch of the skirt and 1 stitch of the doll figure. From the 25th row, knitting is performed in the same way as the description of a baby doll boy.

Scheme and pattern:

And to charge you, dear needlewomen, with an even greater portion of inspiration, we present to your attention a photo of knitted dolls.

Admiring such beauty, you plunge into childhood! We wish you to make one, or maybe several, or many, many knitted baby dolls a reality. Let the amigurumi doll become your daughter, sister, niece or granddaughter’s favorite toy. You can also - it will be the same wonderful gift! Give children joy!


You will need:

Yarn Sirdar, Country Style DK color White (412) 1 skein of 100g/318m, also 1 skein of color Cream (411) and color Black (417);
yarn Hayfield, Bonus DK color Flesh Toon (963) 1 skein of 100g/280m;
Leftover DK yarn in chocolate brown, walnut brown, light cherry and dark pink
A pair of 3mm knitting needles;
Hinge holder;
Toy filler 75g;
2 drinking straws;
Pink and red pencil;
Long tweezers;
Hair fixation spray

Knitting density: using 3mm knitting needles in stockinette stitch 26p*36p=10*10cm

Height: Pierrot 38cm and Pierritta 30cm, seated

Note: when casting on loops, use two 3mm knitting needles, start knitting all parts from the front row, unless otherwise indicated.

Body(1 piece)
Cast on 12 sts with Cream yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 2 rows.
1 inc.r: increase in each loop until the end of the row. (24p)
Purl the next row.
2inc.r: (1inc, 1knit) to the end of the row. (36p)

Waist shaping
Drop: (2 knit, 2 knit together, 2 knit) to the end of the row. (30p)
Purl the next row.
Replace the yarn with White and knit in stockinette stitch for 22 rows.
Formation of parties
1 ub.r: (knit 5, slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed stitch, knit 2, knit 2 together, knit 3) twice, knit 2. (26 stitches)
Purl the next row.
2k.r: (knit 5, slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed stitch, knit 3) twice, knit 2. (22 stitches)
Purl the next row.
Bind off the loops for the edge of the shoulder.

Head(1 piece)
Cast on 16 sts with Flesh Toon yarn for the main edge and knit 2 rows in stockinette stitch.
Shaping the chin

Purl the next row.
Shaping the back of the head
2 increase: (1 increase, 1 knit) 3 times, 12 knit, (1 increase, 1 knit) 3 times. (30p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 19 rows.
Formation of the crown
1k.r: (knit 1, knit 2 together) to the end of the row. (20p)
Purl the next row.
2k.r: (knit 2 together) to the end of the row. (10p)

Neck(1 piece)
Cast on 9 sts with Flesh Toon yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 8 rows.

Ears(2 parts)
Cast on 9 sts with Flesh Toon yarn.
Break the yarn, leaving a long end. Pull the yarn through the loops on the knitting needle, pull tight and fasten.

Legs(2 parts)
Cast on 16 sts with Black yarn for the main edge of the shoe and purl 1 row.
1 increase: (1 increase) twice, 4 knit, (1 increase) 4 times, 4 knit, (1 increase) twice. (24 p)
Purl the next row.
2 inc.r: (1 increase, 1 knit) twice, 4 knit, (1 increase, 1 knit) 4 times, 4 knit, (1 increase, 1 knit) twice. (32p)
Knit 1 row for the fold line.
Shaping the toe of the shoe
1st row: knit 8, (slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed stitch, knit 4, knit 2 together) twice, knit 8. (28 stitches)
Purl the next row.
2k.r: 8 knit, (slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed loop, 2 knit, 2 knit together) twice, 8 knit. (24 stitches)
Purl the next row.
3ub.r: knit 8, (slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed loop, knit 2 together) twice, knit 8. (20 stitches)
Knit 1 row for the main edge of the shoe.
Replace yarn with White for tights.
4ub.r: knit 8, knit 2 together, slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed stitch, knit 8. (18 stitches)
Purl the next row.
5ub.r: knit 7, knit 2 together, slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed stitch, knit 7. (16 stitches)
Purl the next row.
6ub.r: knit 1, (slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed loop, knit 3, knit 2 together) twice, knit 1. (12 stitches)

Add 1 stitch at the beginning and end of the next row. (14 stitches)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 11 rows.
Decrease 1 st at the beginning and end of the next row. (12 st)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 9 rows.
Add 1 stitch at the beginning and end of the next row.
Repeat the last 10 rows again. (16p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 11 rows.
Bind off the stitches for the main edge.

Hands(2 parts)
Cast on 4 sts with Flesh Toon yarn for the main edge and knit 2 rows in stockinette stitch.
Add 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Repeat the last 4 rows again. (8p)
Cast on 2p at the beginning of the next 2 rows for the armpits. (12p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 14 rows.
Decrease 1 st at the beginning and end of the next row. (10 st)

Palm Shaping
Inc.r: (1 increase, 3 knit, 1 increase) twice. (14p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 7 rows.
1st row: knit 1, (knit 2 together, knit 2, slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed stitch) twice, knit 1. (10 stitches)
Purl the next row.
2ub.r: 1 knit, (2 knit together, slip 1 p, knit the next loop, pull the knitted loop through the removed one) twice, 1 knit. (6 p)
Purl the next row.
Close the loops.

Thumb(2 parts)
Cast on 4 sts with Flesh Toon yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 5 rows.
Break the yarn, leaving a long end. Pull the yarn through the loops on the knitting needle, pull tight and fasten.

Pants(1 piece)
Right leg
*Cast on 38 sts with Cream yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 20 rows.
1ub.r: (5 knit, 2 knit together) until the end of the last 3 p, 3 knit. (33 p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 17 rows.
2ub.r: (4 knit, 2 knit together) until the end of the last 3 p, 3 knit. (28 p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 17 rows.**
Break the yarn and slip the stitches onto the stitch holder.
Left leg
Knit like the right one from * to **.
Connection of trouser legs
Next: insert a marker at the beginning and end of the row, knit 26, slip 1 stitch from the left leg stitches, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed one, then knit 2 together from the right leg stitch holder. (54 stitches)
Purl the next row.
Dec.: 2 knit, (2 knit together, 22 knit, slip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch, pull the knitted loop through the removed one) twice, 2 knit. (50 stitches)
Seam formation
1st: purl 17, thread behind work, remove 1st, thread before work, turn.
Row 2 and all even rows, up to and including row 18: slip 1 st, knit to end of row.
3p: purl 16, thread behind work, remove 1 stitch, thread before work, turn.
5p: purl 15, thread behind work, remove 1 stitch, thread before work, turn.
7p: purl 14, thread behind work, remove 1 stitch, thread before work, turn.
9p: purl 13, thread behind work, remove 1 stitch, thread before work, turn.
11p: purl 12, thread behind work, remove 1 stitch, thread before work, turn.
13p: purl 11, thread behind work, remove 1 stitch, thread before work, turn.
15p: purl 10, thread behind work, remove 1 stitch, thread before work, turn.
17p: purl 9, thread behind work, remove 1 stitch, thread before work, turn.
19p: purl 8, thread behind work, remove 1 stitch, thread before work, turn.
20r: slip 1 p, knit to the end of the row.
21p: purl. (50p)
22p: 17 knit, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
Row 23 and all odd rows, up to and including row 39: slip 1 stitch, purl to end of row.
24p: 16 knit, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
26p: 15 knit, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
28p: 14 knit, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
30p: 13 knit, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
32p: 12 knit stitches, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
34p: 11 knit, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
36p: 10 knit stitches, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
38p: knit 9, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
40p: 8 knit stitches, thread before work, remove 1 stitch, thread behind work, turn.
41r: slip 1 stitch, purl to end of row.
42p: facial.(50p)
Dec.: 2 purl, (2 purl together, 2 purl) to the end of the row. (38 sts)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 4 rows.
Bind off the loops for the waist edge.

Blouse(2 pieces)
Cast on 44 sts with Cream yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 8 rows.
1st row: knit 4, (knit 2 together, knit 3) to the end of the row. (36p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 7 rows.
2w.r: 4knit, (2knit together, 2knit) to the end of the row. (28p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 9 rows.
3ub.r: 3knit, (2knit together, 1knit) to the end of the last 1p, 1knit. (20p)
Purl the next row.
Cast off 2 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows for armpits. (16 sts)
Decrease 1 st at the beginning of the next 2 rows. (14 sts)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 12 rows.
Bind off the edge loops.

Blouse sleeves (2 parts)
Cast on 34 sts with Cream yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 10 rows.
1st row: knit 4, (knit 2 together, knit 3) to the end of the row. (28p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 9 rows.
2w.r: 4knit, (2knit together, 2knit) to the end of the row. (22p)

Cast off 2 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows for armpits. (18 sts)
Decrease 1 st at the beginning of the next 12 rows. (6 sts)
Bind off the stitches for the main edge.

Ruffle(1 piece)
Cast on 108 sts with White yarn for the outer edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 2 rows.
1w.r: (1 knit, 2 knit together, 1 knit) to the end of the row. (81p)

2 sc: (2 purl together, 1 purl) to the end of the row. (54 sts)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 2 rows.
3k.r: (knit 2 together) to the end of the row. (27p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 2 rows.
4w.r: (3 purl together) to the end of the row. (9p)
Purl stitches for the edge of the neck.

Yarmulke(1 piece)
Cast on 44 sts with Black yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 8 rows.
1w.r: (1 knit, 2 knit together, 1 knit) to the end of the row. (33p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 3 rows.
2k.r: (knit 1, knit 2 together) to the end of the row. (22p)
Purl the next row.
3ub.r: (2 knit together) to the end of the row. (11p)
Break the yarn, leaving a long end. Pull the yarn through the loops on the knitting needle, pull tight and fasten.

Cap(1 piece)
Cast on 36 sts with Cream yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 8 rows.
1w.r: (1 knit, 2 knit together, 1 knit) to the end of the row. (27p)

2k.r: (knit 1, knit 2 together) to the end of the row. (18p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 5 rows.
3ub.r: (2 knit together) to the end of the row. (9p)
Break the yarn, leaving a long end. Pull the yarn through the loops on the knitting needle, pull tight and fasten.

Pompoms(7 pieces)
Cast on 12 sts with Black yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 5 rows.
Break the yarn, leaving a long end. Pull the yarn through the loops on the knitting needle, pull tight and fasten.

Knit the head, neck, ears, arms, fingers, legs, yarmulke and ruffle as for Pierrot. Knit the body as for Pierrot, using White yarn instead of Cream and vice versa. Also knit 4 pom-poms as for Pierrot.

Skirt(2 parts)
Cast on 130 sts with Cream yarn for the main edge and knit in stockinette stitch for 6 rows.
1k.r: 2knit, (2knit, 2knit together, 4knit) to the end of the row. (114p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 5 rows.
2k.r: 2knit, (2knit, 2knit together, 3knit) to the end of the row. (98p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 5 rows.
3k.r: 2knit, (1knit, 2knit together, 3knit) to the end of the row. (82p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 5 rows.
4ub.r: 2 knit, (1 knit, 2 knit together, 2 knit) to the end of the row. (66p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 5 rows.
5ub.r: 2 knit, (2 knit together, 2 knit) to the end of the row. (50p)
Knit in stockinette stitch for 5 rows.
6ub.r: 1 knit, (3 knit together) to the end of the last 1 p, 1 knit. (18 p)
Bind off the stitches with knit stitches for the waist edge.

Wrist frills(2 pieces)
Cast on 72 sts with White yarn for main edge and knit 1 row.
1 sc: (1 purl, 2 purl together, 1 purl) to the end of the row. (54 sts)
Next row knit.
2 sc: (2 purl together, 1 purl) to the end of the row. (36 sts)
Next row knit.
3k.p: (3 purl together) to the end of the row. (12p)
Bind off the stitches with knit stitches for the edge of the wrist.

Pierrot assembly
Unless otherwise stated, sew seams and join pieces using a mattress stitch, working with the right side of the knit facing up. Use this method on all pieces.

We make a gathering thread through each loop along the main edge of the body, pull it tight and fasten, then join the seam. Sew the body, the seam should be centered down at the back (on the back), bring the edges of the shoulders together and sew, fill.
On each leg, fold the main edge of the shoe in half and sew, then connect the leg and also sew. Using tweezers, fill the shoes and legs. On each leg, the seam should be located in the back center; shape and sew to the body, placing the leg seam on the 2nd row of increase at the base of the body with an interval of 2p.
Fold the closed edge of each arm in half and sew, seam the palms and arms together, leaving the armpits open. Using tweezers, fill the palms loosely and the arms tightly, shape and sew to the body. Place your thumb on the seam of the arm and sew.
Iron the trousers, blouse and ruffle from the wrong side. Attach each inside seam of the trouser leg from the main edge to the marker, then join to the purl seam from the marker to the edge of the waist, remove the markers. Put the trousers on Pierrot, align the edge of the trousers with the last row, knitted with Cream yarn at the waist, sew with a needle stitch along each loop along the edge of the waist. Connect the edges of the shoulder to the part of the blouse, leaving 6 mm in the center open for the neck. Now sew the sleeves into the armholes, connect the sleeves and the blouse with a seam. Put the blouse on Pierrot.
Starting at the gathered main edge of the head, join the edges, leaving the main edge open. Place this soup in the back center of the head. Fill the head, then connect the main edge in half, sew starting from the chin, leaving 6mm open for the neck. Cut a 10cm long straw for the neck .Using a knitting needle, make a hole where the seam is at the back of the head. Place a drop of glue on one end of the knitting needle and glue it to the head. Wrap the straw with the NECK piece and connect with a seam. The seam should be located in the back center. Sew the main edge of the neck to the body and the sewn blouse.
Mark the nose with a pin, positioning it in the center and 15p down from the first decrease row at the crown. Using Flesh Toon yarn, embroider 2 small horizontal "satin" stitches at this point, over two knitted stitches, then, treating these stitches as a base, embroider 3 vertical "satin" stitches "stitch over the horizontal ones to form the bridge of the nose, 2 side stitches measuring 5 knitted rows, and the center stitch measuring 7 rows. Using dark pink yarn, embroider the mouth with two horizontal "satin" stitches, placing on two knitted rows below the nose, the bottom make the stitch shorter than the top one. Mark the position of the eyes with pins, place on the line of the top of the nose and between 4 knitted loops. Take long Black yarn and divide into thin threads. Using 2 threads, embroider a circle of 5 tiny chain stitches for each eye. Also, using one thread using chocolate brown yarn, sew diagonally across 2 knitted rows above each eye to form slanted eyebrows. Position and sew ears vertically to sides of head, 7 knitted stitches away from center and with apex aligned with eyes. Lightly brown cheeks red using a pencil, drawing in a circular motion, creating the desired color, use hairspray to secure the result.
Wrap the ruffle around the neck and sew a seam, place the seam in the back center, sew the edge to the blouse with a needle stitch along each knitted loop along the closed edge.
Starting from the assembled main edge, join the yarmulke with a seam, place the seam in the back center, adjust the position of the yarmulke on the head and pin the pins. Sew with a seam “by the needle” along each loop along the cast-on edge, remove the pins. Using chocolate brown yarn, sew 3 vertical "satin" stitches in front of each ear for the sideburns.
Starting with the gathered top edge of the pom pom, and treating the purl side as a knit stitch, sew a joining seam on each pom pom. Using tweezers, fill lightly. Then pull the yarn through the loops, pull tight and fasten. Position and sew 2 pom poms onto the cap, 3 in the center blouses, and 1 to each sleeve cuff

Pierritta assembly
Compose and assemble the body, legs and arms as given for Pierrot. Also compose and attach the head, neck and ears as given for Pierrot, ignoring references to the blouse.
Embroider the nose, eyes and eyebrows as given for Pierrot, use hazelnut brown yarn to embroider the eyebrows. Embroider the mouth with light cherry yarn, first embroider 2 stitches in a row to form a V shape, then embroider a horizontal stitch through the center. Use a pink pencil to draw blush and spray with hairspray to set.
Make up and attach the yarmulke as given for Pierrot, then using walnut brown yarn, stitch 3 stitches for the hair at the front and 4 stitches at the back of each ear, along with one stitch in the center of the yarmulke.
Join the skirt piece together along one side, then join opposite sides, starting from the main edge and ending 2.5cm from the waist edge. Place the skirt on Pierritta and sew the remaining seams. Place the seams on the sides and matching the waist edge to the first row, knitted with Cream yarn on body, sew together using a needle stitch along each loop along the edge of the waist.
Fold and place the ruffle around the neck as given for Pierrot. Wrap the wrist frill around each arm and bring the sides of the edges together, then sew with a pin stitch along each loop along the closed edge.
Form pom poms as given for Pierrot, then sew 1 pom pom to each shoe and 2 down the center of the body.

Even in the time of our great-grandmothers, it was believed that a doll made by hand would bring good luck to its owner and serve as a kind of amulet. And even today, when store shelves are full of a wide variety of toys, knitted dolls manually are very popular. Large and small, themed and collectible - they can become not only excellent and absolutely safe fun for children, but also an original gift for adults, because a piece of the soul of the craftswoman is put into each product.

To tie knitted doll is not difficult, so anyone who has at least some knitting skills can create their own knitted “girlfriend” without much difficulty. There are many patterns for knitting dolls, and after choosing the desired product, you can safely begin the process itself. And in order to better understand how to knit a doll with knitting needles, it would be useful to study the process step by step.

In order for the product to turn out to be of high quality, it is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of materials that will be needed during manufacturing:

  1. Yarn. The most important selection criteria are strength and safety. The threads should hold their shape well, not form “pellets”, be smooth and even. It is also important to pay attention to the color: it is better not to use too bright, “poisonous” shades, since “chemical” dyes are often used to color them, which can cause allergic reactions. The same goes for flowers that shed.
    It is better to choose natural types of yarn - cotton or linen. They are pleasant to the body and safe, but there is a drawback - they are a little dull. If you need a rich color or a bright shade, you can use acrylic threads or mixed yarn (acrylic with natural thread);
  2. In order for the doll to turn out neat, it is important to choose the correct size of knitting needles that matches the thickness of the selected yarn. As a rule, yarn labels always indicate the number of knitting needles recommended for knitting. But we recommend taking knitting needles one size smaller so that when knitting small parts there are no holes left;
  3. Filler. The shape of the doll depends on the correct choice of filler. It holds best, is easily pushed into even the narrowest corners, and holofiber and synthetic down evenly fill the space.

See our selection of knitted dolls and choose the best one for yourself!

Knitted doll, models from the Internet

Educational doll Knitted bead

Educational doll for babies knitted with knitting needles. The author of this wonderful Daisy doll. If your baby is growing up and he begins to explore the world around him, then such a doll will help him in his development. It will become your baby's favorite toy. The doll's name is “Bead”.

Knitted snowflake doll

This snowflake doll can be a good decoration for a winter home.

For work you will need white and blue acrylic threads, white grass threads, and a little lace.

Knitted dolls: Molly (in red) and Lucy (in yellow)

Translated by Sweet Kitty. Both dolls (17 cm in height) are knitted according to the same pattern. Each doll will require about 40 grams of yarn and about 25 grams of filler, 3mm knitting needles. Shoes, legs, torso and head are knitted in one piece. Legend: persons. – knit stitch purl. – purl loop p. – loops First, the colors for Lucy are indicated, then in () the colors for Molly are given. In case the colors are the same for both dolls, only one color is indicated.

Knitted Snow Maiden doll

The height of the toy without a crown is 25 cm, with a crown – 30 cm.

This wonderful Snow Maiden will be a wonderful New Year's gift for a little princess.

Knitted geisha doll

So, for a doll 25cm high you will need:

1 skein (even half a skein is enough) of thread of the following colors:

  • ecru (I have white - it’s more dramatic)
  • black
  • fuchsia (raspberry)
  • red
  • curry (orange)
  • 35 cm tone-on-tone ribbons, 2.5 cm wide
  • 15 cm ribbons of the same color, 1.5 cm wide

Pin Up girl. Small knitted dolls

Translation by Evgeny Strekanov.

To knit dolls you will need:

  1. wool or acrylic yarn, meter 200-300m per 100g
  2. straight and circular knitting needles No. 3.25, or others suitable in thickness for the selected yarn
  3. safe eyes
  4. marker
  5. filler for toys
  6. yarn needle
  7. embroidery needle
  8. tailor's pins

Knitted doll Tanya with knitting needles

To knit a doll you will need: acrylic yarn in beige, white, red, yellow and a little black and pink, knitting needles No. 2.5, hook No. 2, filler.

Knitted mermaid doll

Knitted twin dolls

  • Dolls height 28 cm
  • 85 g of filler required for each doll
  • The indicated color is given for a boy, trace. the color indicated in brackets is for girls.
  • If one color is specified, it is used for both dolls.

Knitted doll

A cute doll, knitted by mother's hands, will become a good friend to your child.

Pupa height: 41 cm.

To knit a toy you will need: 50 g of beige or white, some red or purple Manor Island yarn (100% cotton, 125 m/50 g), a set of stocking needles No. 3.5, hook No. 3, padding polyester for stuffing.

Knitted baby doll

For knitting you will need the following thread colors:
black, gray, red, carrot (orange), light green, green, yellow, dark green, light blue, light blue, brown, beige, cream (for faces and hands), purple. Knitting needles of a suitable size, stuffing for toys, scissors, knitting needle.

Doll with knitting needles mom Sally

To make a doll, you will need the following thread colors: black, gray, red, carrot (orange), light green, green, yellow, dark green, light blue, cyan, brown, beige, cream (for faces and hands), purple .

Knitted dolls Pierrot and Pierrette

Cinderella doll – shifter knitted

For Cinderella we will need a fairly wide range of colors:

  • -40 grams of blue yarn
  • -50 grams of white yarn
  • - flesh-colored yarn
  • -bright yellow yarn
  • -light yellow yarn
  • -red yarn
  • -black yarn
  • -light brown yarn
  • -light pink yarn
  • -light green yarn

These are the main colors, if the weight is not indicated, then you will need less than 40 grams.

In addition to yarn, we will need 80 grams of holofiber type filler

The tools for the doll are quite simple. You will need 3 mm and 4 mm knitting needles (for hair). Can be knitted with any knitting needles. I knit with circular and short needles (no longer than 60 cm). Just right for a doll.

Witch by Alan Dart.

For knitting you will need: yarn of different colors with a thickness of 280m/100g, knitting needles 3 mm, 40g of filler.

Knitted Alice doll

Knitted dolls for a wedding cake

Materials for knitting the Wedding Cake toy (description given with the cake).

  • Yarn Sirdar (or Hayfield) Bonus DK 100 g/280 m
  • 1 skein of colors White (961), Aran (993),
  • Remaining colors Flesh Tone (963) and Black (965)
  • Yarn Sirdar Country Style DK 100 g/318 m
  • 1 skein each of Mountain Ash flowers (589) and Greystone leftovers (408)
  • Yarn Sirdar Snuggly 2 ply 50 g / 462 m
  • 1 skein White (251),
  • leftover chocolate brown
  • golden brown
  • pale pink and green colors.
  • Knitting needles 3 mm
  • Hinge holder (DP)
  • 50 g padding material
  • Strip of thick batting 99x75 cm
  • Cardboard circle 12 mm thick and 20 cm in diameter
  • Sturdy white cardboard
  • 5 pearl beads
  • Ivory sewing thread
  • Pink pencil
  • Transparent glue
  • Compass
  • Tweezers
  • Hair fixation spray

Dimensions: Cake (including stand) 20 cm wide, 10 cm deep. The bride and groom are 12.5 cm high.

Doll - peasant woman with knitting needles

Mom doll. The height of the toy is approximately 13 cm.

Materials: colored yarn, thin yarn for hair, floss for decorating the face and shirt, 5 knitting needles No. 2.5-3, a needle with a wide eye, hook No. 2.5, a circle of cardboard, wire or a brush for cleaning a smoking pipe.

Knit on 4 needles (3+1 working needles).

Doll Masha knitted

Knitted Leia doll

To knit a doll you needed:

  • Lanoso Alara yarn 50% cotton, 50% acrylic (50 g - 140 m) white color - 50 g and a small amount of pink, crimson, gray, brown, black yarn;
  • knitting needles No. 3 - 5 pieces (short) and long No. 3.5;
  • nylon tape (several cm) for eyelashes;
  • filler.

Knitted Snow White doll

MK dolls Susan (author Alona Rabinovich)

There is a very interesting artist in England - Suzanne Woolcott, very young, born in 1977. She draws girls who just beg to be dolls. Here's what Suzanne says about her girls: “The lack of facial expression makes them more sincere, the lack of emotion is colored by a strong expression of grief with a hint of hope. My art is a profound expression of the lost childhood innocence in all of us.” In honor of the artist who inspired me to create this cutie, I named her Susan.