Valentine card from a boyfriend to a friend. What to write on a valentine

Russian lovers of all ages celebrate Valentine's Day by giving gifts and cards to their beloved boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife, girlfriend, sending SMS. Valentine on February 14, 2018 will surprise your soulmate to tears if she is the best and most beautiful. There are several theories about the origin of this holiday. Someone considers Valentine's Day a false holiday, which was created to enrich businessmen on gullible citizens, or simply "strangers." And for some, giving cards has become a good tradition from childhood. One way or another, most young people consider February 14th a special day that needs to be spent in an unusual way. It is believed that the culprit of the holiday is the priest Valentine, who, contrary to the will of the emperor, married military men in love with their brides. As a result, the priest was sentenced to death, and as it became known later, Valentine himself fell in love with the daughter of the head of the prison. Before his death, he wrote her a letter that became the prototype of the modern Valentine. According to another version, the holiday has pagan roots and originated from the ancient Roman Fertility Day, which was celebrated on February 15th. In celebration, rites of sacrifice and orgies were performed. Now Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. For example, in France on February 14 they give jewelry and romantic trips for two, the British give plush toys, and in Wales they carve wooden spoons. Italians give each other sweets with confessions, hazelnuts in chocolate. There are also very interesting rituals. For example, in the Netherlands, a woman herself approaches a man and asks him to marry her. If he does not agree, then he should give his girlfriend a dress. In Iceland, bonfires are lit on this day, and nudists marry in Jamaica.

Valentine card for a boyfriend or husband on February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day has not bypassed most countries of the world, and this is not surprising, because it is so important for lovers to have a special day of the year to express feelings in a special way. Everywhere in the world on February 14, valentines are given to boys and girls. A Valentine's card for a guy on February 14, 2018 can be sweet or frank, romantic, funny, funny or sad. Everything depends on the mood.

Options for beautiful valentines for a boyfriend or husband

Congratulations on Valentine's Day.

So what if I'm a wife?

Until now, I am tenderly in you,

As always, in love.

Hugs and kisses,

And thank you for everything.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Honey, I love you!

Favorite! I congratulate you on Valentine's Day and wish that our feelings, like white doves, soar high, high in the sky and never part!

On Valentine's Day
There is reason to congratulate you!
After all, you are a loved one!
Made me a sweet life forever!

Valentine's card for February 14, 2018 to my beloved husband with short congratulations in verse

If you really want to congratulate your beloved husband on Valentine's Day, this can be done by reading short poems. Although the holiday is traditionally considered the day of lovers, couples who live together for a long time congratulate each other with no less pleasure, because, as you know, falling in love is a temporary phenomenon, and sincere love lives forever. Valentines for February 14, 2018 to her beloved husband with short congratulations in verse are presented below in the photo.

Options for valentines with congratulations for her husband

My only man,

Happy Valentine's Day

I congratulate you

Admire and love!

Being with you is such happiness!

Bad weather is not terrible with you.

On Valentine's Day I say:

"Darling, I love you."

On Valentine's Day
My beloved husband, I wish
So that love is the reason for everything
Happiness inspired the heart!

So that love is for all the answers,
To save the soul
From sadness, blizzards, wind!
Know that I love you!

Valentine's card for February 14 - congratulations via SMS with jokes

Comic congratulatory valentines by SMS on February 14 have become another tradition of Russian people, because on this day lovers are always in a good mood. Valentine's card on February 14 and congratulations via SMS with jokes usually do not oblige you to anything and are rather friendly signs of attention, therefore, if you wish, you can even send them to your ex-lover.

Cool valentines for sms congratulations

A flock of valentines from the sky

Scattered around the house.

On Valentine's Day

I wish you love.

Honey, today I deposited 5,000 passionate kisses, 3,000 romantic dreams and 2,000 sweet thoughts in your heart. If you miss me, take them off your account!

I shout to the whole Universe - I love you!
And: I modestly add - congratulations!

On Valentine's Day

Everyone falls in love around -

Be bolder and bolder

Be hot like an iron.

Come, catch, try

Just don't shut yourself up.

Cool and beautiful valentines for a girlfriend or girlfriend on February 14, 2018

Cool valentines for February 14, 2018 are suitable for girls and girlfriends with an excellent sense of humor. It is enough to send such a funny postcard to win over the object of your adoration. Pictures and funny valentines for a friend or girlfriend on February 14 will create a real miracle on this day.

Options for the most beautiful valentines for a friend from February 14

Happy Valentine's Day

I send congratulations.

You, dear friend,

Very, very much I love.

The value of friendship cannot be measured

It is impossible to describe in words.

You can only really believe

That I love you.

How we are inseparable with you

Only you and I know.

May the day be the best

the brightest for you.

I congratulate you on Valentine's Day!
Let the person you love
Every day is hot, admiring
The whole century speaks about love!

Let him hug you passionately
Burns with passionate kisses!
Appreciate let and always understand
Respect, protect, protect!

The Church does not consider St. Valentine's Day a holiday, and does not consider the Saint himself to be the patron of all lovers. Many people consider the holiday to be crazy or a business project designed to exploit the feelings of young people in order to extract a certain amount of money. Therefore, in contrast to those who make a fuss on February 14, there are those who protest against the holiday by sending anti-valentines to each other.

Anti-valentine with jokes

The best valentine on February 14 for a girl or wife

Valentine's Day is an unusual holiday, therefore, in order to surprise your girlfriend or wife, you need to try to find the best congratulations and valentines for your beloved by February 14th. You can arrange a real celebration for her with balloons and flowers under the windows, or make the holiday quiet and cozy by spending the evening at a romantic dinner with flowers and chocolate. The best Valentine for February 14 for a girl or wife is one that is written from the heart and touches to tears.

Options for beautiful valentines for a wife or girlfriend

Beautiful eyes, exciting lips!

Laconic, charming, passionate ...

Passionate men adore you,

And the rest ... just crazy!

You are the fairy of my house
Family life inspiration
Not hearing your laughter
I fall into a daze.

My wife, my love
Today, on Valentine's Day,
I want to congratulate you!
You will forever be my love!

Everyone decides for himself how to relate to Valentine's Day, because it is impossible to forbid people to express their feelings, even for money or via SMS. Valentine on February 14, 2018 will continue to delight young and not so women and men, remaining the most relevant gift for spouses, girls and girlfriends.

All people look forward to such a holiday as Valentine's Day. And all because who does not want to receive a long-awaited postcard from a loved one? This holiday is especially desirable for people in love, for whom this is an excellent occasion to express their feelings not face to face, but in a congratulatory letter.

Main Rule

If a person wants to know what to write on a Valentine card, he should be guided by the main rule: write what comes to mind. After all, if someone is tuned in to a certain person, thinks about her, the words themselves will come to mind. This is the day when you should not be shy and hide your feelings, it is customary to talk about love on Valentine's Day openly. And if there is some fear of being rejected or ridiculed, the valentine can be sent anonymously. However, this version has its own nuance: the addressee will never know who wrote him such words. It is also important to remember about spelling. This message should not contain any errors.

Text Submission Form

We can say that the presentation of the text in a Valentine card can be different. So, it can be prose, the cry of a person’s soul, which he pours out to a loved one simply in the form of a conversation, describing feelings and emotions. You can also write a poem about love in a Valentine card. It is better, of course, if he is of his own composition, albeit not so beautiful. However, do not be lazy and buy a postcard with a ready-made text, simply by signing from below who this message is from. This will only say that a person, by and large, doesn’t care whether the addressee likes this message or not (and, most likely, he won’t like it).

About love straight

If you need to understand what to write in a Valentine, there is not much to think about. What to write about if not about love? Do not be afraid of these three simple words - I love you - because they can make every person on Earth happy. You can simply write this phrase and sign who this message is from. No need to guess, everyone will be pleased to receive such a postcard.

hinting at love

If a person still does not want to pronounce the main phrase, you can say indirectly about your feelings. So, you can use various epithets and beautiful phrases that will help a person understand what exactly is being discussed. In a valentine, you can talk about the positive aspects and merits of the addressee. It can also be said that it is a great happiness just to be near or to be with the addressee in the same room. It is also good to describe your emotions and feelings that arise when an object of human adoration appears nearby. In fact, there are many options, the main thing is to decide what you want to say to your beloved or beloved.

friendly messages

What else to write on Valentine's card? Such greeting cards can be sent not only to your loved ones, but also to friends and comrades, especially those who do not yet have a “soul mate”. In this case, it is customary to wish great love, vivid feelings and pleasant emotions. Why not please your friend and send him such a friendly message?


Separately, it is worth figuring out what to write in a Valentine's card for a girl. So, the message to the ladies should be decorated with various synonyms, beautiful words and epithets. This should not be shy, because the girls like it. If there is a fear to tell the lady about your feelings, you can not be shy to write about them indirectly, as if hinting, the woman will understand everything correctly anyway. It is necessary, of course, not to forget to indicate that the girl is very beautiful, this is important for most ladies.


What to write in a Valentine's card for a boy? Like any man, a guy is unlikely to understand ambiguous hints and unsaid phrases. So it is better for the representatives of the stronger sex to speak directly and without convolutions. There are feelings - to speak about them directly, if this is a message to a friend, it is necessary to express it that way, without giving the boy false hopes.

Famous phrases

If there are no ideas at all what to write in a valentine, you can take various well-known phrases as your assistants. These can be aphorisms (this, by the way, is now a fairly popular way to express one's thoughts), lines from famous poems or songs. However, it is important to maintain the style of the message and say with these lines exactly what you want to convey to the addressee.

About humor

When figuring out what can be written on a Valentine card, it is important to treat humor with care in this case. Joking about such feelings is simply not good and ugly. Also, do not send mocking messages (this is often practiced by schoolchildren), even for the sake of a joke, this can hurt a person very much. Valentine's Day is not the holiday when you can mock a person. In this case, it is better to wait until April 1st.

Write or not?

Many people think that just talking about love is too easy or, as they like to say, trite. However, this is not at all the case. Everyone wants to hear three simple words, even if not from the lips of a loved one. After all, it's always nice. Also, do not be afraid to write about your attitude and feelings to a person who does not have reciprocal emotions. Having simply spoken out, you can take a huge step forward, and there, you see, Cupid will take pity and give happiness to be near his lover or beloved.

  • You and I are connected by strings from wrist to wrist, they are not visible, but I am always there for you.
  • I look out the window and I miss
    I look out the window and don't understand
    How your eyes ended up millions of miles away
    From someone who is infinitely devoted to you
  • I send you my beloved Valentine,
    Half of my heart
    And I believe and hope
    What melts my ice)
  • Beautiful rose,
    Beautiful bouquet,
    Beautiful girl,
    There is no such thing in the world
  • We are separated by miles
    But I ask fate about one thing.
    I want to meet sunrises with you
    And please you alone.
  • Happy Valentine's Day dear
    I congratulate you
    You are the only one for me
    You are my favorite!
    Everything will be with you
    Know everything will be fine
    Century love will not forget us
    I will be with you forever!
  • White snow, a crunch is heard
    Another night under the stars
    For your beautiful lips
    Kisses are made
    Do not scold and do not be jealous
    I will be obedient!
    For one kiss.
    Even for air!!
  • I give you a heart
    Take my word
    "I want to be next to you,
    Open your heart to me."
  • Tomorrow will be the same cold
    Just like yesterday,
    But the thought will warm the heart:
    I will see you!
    There will be a Valentine's Day
    Joy and flowers
    Well, with just one glance
    You give me dreams
    I will be next to you
    On this winter day.
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Do not sow a shadow of doubt
  • Happy Valentine's Day
    I wish you love.
    You are the best, I know that
    I'm telling you the truth.
    I dream of seeing you
    I want to hear and hug

  • I will never forget your smell, hair, eyes, and if you remember me, I will wait for you tomorrow.
  • Distance is our test
    I can't stop desire
    Clouded consciousness.
    I want to get out of the way
    Throws everything to come, honestly.
    Wait for me I'll be there soon
    And I won't forget you.
  • Not powerful time and space
    Above what I've been living for a long time
    You know that in the thirtieth kingdom
    There is someone who is waiting for you alone!

  • The half of the heart is empty, the hope of meeting is melting ... I will not meet again the one to whom my soul aspired so much!
  • I'll give you a valentine
    I'll be waiting for the meeting!
    And I hope that yours
    My heart will answer!

    On Valentine's Day
    I want to tell you!
    That you are the best in the world
    I'm looking forward to meeting you!

    May you be far away
    And it's not easy for me!
    But know anyway
    I'm waiting for our next meeting!

  • May you be far away now
    And you don't see how much I miss you
    Yes, it's not easy for me now
    But we'll see you, I know!
    The day will pass, the evening will come,
    And in the arms of darkness
    I will think about the meeting
    When you're around!
  • We are separated by many kilometers,
    But in everyone's heart there is hope
    What through time, having walked half the world
    See you again.
  • On this day we are not together, but still,
    I will give you this verse.
    You and I are very much alike.
    I will ascend to heaven with you.
    I hope to see you soon.
    Imagine running...
    And you run towards me too...
    I'm keeping a surprise for you.
    There will be a bunch of gifts for you.
    I'll take down a star from the sky for you.
    From my embrace it will be hot,
    After all, I will press to a hot heart!
  • There are kilometers between us
    Cities, forests and rivers
    But the fact that we are not with you
    Says nothing
    I always dream at night
    In the afternoon, all thoughts of you
    So I long for our meeting
    Can't convey in this verse
    I'm ready to fly to you from the springboard
    Happy Valentine's Day!

On Valentine's Day
I wish love.
Well, a strong man
And riches ahead.

I don't feel sorry for my friend
Diamonds, pearls,
Expensive, cool gifts,
And overseas suitors.

Let everything be fine
You, my dear,
Everything is stable in personal life,
Women's happiness to the brink!

To you, dear friend,
I'm sending a valentine today
I wish you well
All because I love

Your most fabulous character,
What concessions are you going to
May you have enough luck
And you will find your love!

You and I do not spill water,
We'll always make it together
I wish you strong love
Be persistent and tenacious!

You are beautiful and beautiful
And everywhere, always loved,
Stay kind, stay bright
Like a German foreign car!

Best friend, I wish you on Valentine's Day
Good luck, inspiration, the greatest love,
Shine with happiness, do not be sad for a minute,
I wish you to rejoice and always bloom.
Meet you with a smile every day
And happy to receive all the compliments.

To you, best friend,
On Valentine's Day
I wish the evening
Yours ended in intimacy.

I wish that my beloved
He carried you in his arms
Rose petals to bed
On Valentine's Day I covered it.

I'll ask Valentine
Bless your union
To you in love, consent
Live a happy life.

Today is the day, girlfriend, do you hear?
Today is the day of all lovers.
Put on a high skirt
And put on a thin hairpin.

Today you should be sweeter
Tastes better than any dessert.
More fashionable, happier and more beautiful,
For people to love you.

Shine with happiness, smile
May Valentine keep you
You give yourself completely to him.
He will reward you with love.

Happy Valentine's Day dear
Good girlfriend.
May the beloved always lie
Next to the pillow.

Let the coffee wear properly
Gives "bruliki", flowers.
I want attention
You always drowned.

My beloved friend
May Valentine come to you
Together with the February, winter blizzard
Love will bring more!
I wish you lovers on this day
To keep you warm,
To be inspired by a bright feeling,
Your beloved gave bouquets,
So that you live like in a fairy tale
To make life seem like a wonderful dream,
I wish tenderness and affection
To you in any moment!

My dear friend, Happy Valentine's Day! I wish you great, pure, sincere and true love. Let it fill all corners of your soul, give wonderful emotions, wonderful moments and unforgettable memories. Let there be exactly the one who can share with you all the stripes of your life.

Happy Valentine's Day
Congratulations, paws, you.
Let your picture of the world
Decorate life loving.

My best friend
Time only gives us the suit.
Take care of yourself from the plow
Keeping the old passion!


The first valentine carried a declaration of love. Since then, it is a love confession that has been the most common content of this postcard, which you can buy in a store, or you can make yourself. They make small hearts from paper, velvet, gift wrapping and other materials. It is also better to sign on your own, although many of them are sold with ready-made confessions.

Put in the words that you write in, all your feelings for the addressee. If you know how to compose poetry, this will be the best option. There is nothing more pleasant for the recipient than a poem dedicated to him personally.

If poetry is not your element, warm, sincere words will do, expressing all your feelings for the recipient. Most importantly, write from the heart. A small lyrical poem by a famous author can supplement your words.

But if your rhythm of life does not allow, not only make a valentine yourself, but even just buy it and sign it, congratulate your loved one by sending an SMS or email. By the way, in addition to a few kind words, in both of these cases it is quite possible to put an e-card in the message.

To keep some intrigue, you can not sign the Valentine. This will surely intrigue the object of your adoration. And so that he can guess who the love message is from, write a congratulation so that the beloved can associate it with you. For example, using nicknames or only words you understand.