Oily hair care treatment. How to care for oily hair at home? Homemade shampoos for oily hair

The sebaceous glands are located at the roots in the upper layer of the epidermis, as a result of which, with their accelerated work, the hair quickly becomes oily. When subcutaneous sebum is produced in moderate quantities, it performs important protective functions: it prevents hair from becoming brittle and split, protects it from dandruff, and gives the hair a beautiful appearance. When fat is produced in large quantities, hair becomes a real nightmare for all modern women.

External causes of oily hair

  • daily use of a hair dryer, straightening iron, curling iron and other thermal devices;
  • frequent and prolonged procedure of combing hair with a massage brush;
  • incorrectly selected hair care products, their improper use;
  • long-term wear of synthetic hats;
  • frequent washing of hair with hot water;
  • environmental exposure;
  • unbalanced diet.

Internal causes of oily hair

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • increased testosterone;
  • genetics;
  • congenital infectious diseases;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • puberty;
  • constant stress, prolonged depression;
  • chronic diseases of the nervous system;
  • taking contraceptives, hormones, steroids.

Basic rules for caring for oily hair

  1. If possible, completely avoid using a hair dryer, curling iron, hot rollers or curling iron. Otherwise, limit yourself to cold temperatures.
  2. Purchase a range of hair care products that contain lemon. When using lotions and balms, apply them along all lengths of hair, avoiding the roots.
  3. Do not overuse baths, saunas, or hot tubs. Wear a silicone cap in the pool and always rinse your hair after contact with chlorinated water.
  4. Products with a thermal protection function will help normalize the level of fluid in the hair structure and reduce the work of the sebaceous glands. These include spray, varnish, foam, mousse, gel, wax, serum.
  5. If you dye your hair, do the procedure no more than once a month. In this case, you need to choose a shampoo and conditioner labeled “for colored, oily hair.”
  6. Wash your hair with warm water, the maximum temperature of which does not exceed 28 degrees. The procedure should always be carried out in the morning, because at night a lot of subcutaneous fat (sebum) is produced. It is advisable to wash your hair no more than three times a week.
  7. If you like curly hair, we recommend getting a perm. It retains subcutaneous sebum in the root zone, thereby keeping the hair looking well-groomed and clean longer.
  8. Change bedding frequently, especially pillowcases. At night, the sebaceous glands work at an accelerated pace, as a result of which fat is absorbed into the tissue.
  9. Avoid spicy, salty and fatty foods. Switch to proper nutrition, it contains a maximum of healthy vitamins and minerals. Eat less baked goods and sweets. Remember, carbonated drinks, unnatural juices, fruit drinks and overly sweet compotes are your main enemies. Drink more green tea with herbs and still mineral water.
  10. Choose products only for oily hair, they reduce oil production.
  11. In the summer, use appropriate products with the highest level of UV protection and cover your hair with a hat. In winter, wear a hat that does not fit tightly to your head.
  12. Do not use massage brushes with sharp teeth to comb your hair. Avoid iron pins, tight elastic bands, and too tight hairstyles (ponytail, tight braid, etc.). Try to wear your hair down or braid it loosely.

Trichologists say that it is harmful to wash oily hair every day, since the level of sebum is replenished in the upper layer of the epidermis within 3 days. If you wash your hair every day, sebum will actually not have time to accumulate in such a short period of time, as a result of which the subcutaneous glands will work at an accelerated pace. In order to protect your hair, follow a number of simple recommendations.

Wean your hair off daily washing. To begin with, make an interval between procedures of 6-8 hours, then 8-10, 12, 14 and so on until you reach an interval of 3 days. If you can't afford this luxury because of important meetings, use cornstarch and talcum powder for your hair. They will absorb excess oil, making your hair look more well-groomed. You can also use professional series dry shampoos, which already contain the above-described components. Wear headbands, wide headbands, beautiful hats or scarves.

Apply shampoo correctly. First, squeeze a little product into your palms and rub them together until a thick foam forms. Wet your hair with plenty of warm water, then lather the root zone and massage it for 1 minute. Then you need to rinse off the shampoo and repeat the manipulations, but now distribute the product over the entire length of your hair, not forgetting the roots. Rinse again and repeat 1 more time. The first shampoo washes away dirt and dust, the second removes applied cosmetics (foam, mousse, varnish, etc.), the third cleanses the hair of subcutaneous fat.

After using shampoo, apply balm. It is strictly not recommended to cover the roots with it, since the main properties of the conditioner are to smooth out the hair scales and add shine. The balm has a thick and oily consistency; it clogs the pores, which causes the glands to produce more sebum. Apply the composition along the entire length, retreating from the root zone by 2-3 cm.

Wash your hair only with warm or cool water. Hot food is strictly prohibited. It dries out hair, irritates the scalp and accelerates oil secretions. Cold and warm, on the contrary, moisturize the hair, eliminate the statistical effect and add shine.

  1. If you haven't given up blow-drying your hair, use a diffuser more often. In such a nozzle, the air is distributed to the sides, so the roots are not exposed to temperature.
  2. In order to straighten your hair with an iron, you do not need to grab it at the roots. Sebum has a dense and viscous consistency; under the influence of two heated plates it melts, and then you distribute it yourself along the entire length of the hair.
  3. During the day, pull your hair less, especially in the root zone. Comb the strands from the ends to the roots, squeezing them with your hands in the middle and gradually moving upward. If you are still tempted to comb your hair, wash your hands well. For intermediate combing, use a wooden or plastic comb with sparse and wide teeth. Give up iron combs; such a tool is becoming a thing of the past.
  4. Choose mousses, foams, serums and sprays as styling products. They do not contain oils, so they do not weigh down the hair, but on the contrary, give it volume and lift curls at the roots. Be careful with styling products that are designed to add shine to hair; they are not suitable for oily hair.
  5. If you decide to get a perm, choose the latest gentle techniques. They are designed for a shorter wear time, but you won’t damage your hair.

Crushed sea salt will help you in the fight against excess fat secretions. Take 150 gr. and place it on a cotton handkerchief or gauze, tie a knot. Massage your scalp for about a quarter of an hour, paying special attention to the areas behind the ears, parting and hairline near the forehead.

Aromatic combing
This procedure is only suitable for girls who wash their hair daily. By carrying out simple manipulations, you will slow down the work of the sebaceous glands, as you saturate the skin with essential oils. Take sandalwood ether, rosemary ether and grapefruit ether in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to a flat, wide comb and begin to comb your hair slowly, moving from the back of the head, gradually moving to the sides and forehead. Perform the procedure for 15 minutes. Frequency of use: 2 times a month.

Fir infusion

Brew 65 gr. fir needles in 700 ml. boiling water, leave the composition for 3 hours. After the time has passed, add cucumber chopped in a blender and 100 ml. ethyl alcohol, strain the infusion and rub well into the scalp. Leave for 10 minutes. The recommended course duration is 20 procedures, once every 5 days. If the result is insufficient, add another 5 sessions.

Lemon infusion
Cut 1 lemon into thin slices, add 40 ml to it. vinegar and steam in 600 ml. boiling water Wait at least 3 hours, rub the broth into the scalp and distribute evenly throughout the hair. Use the product once every 10 days.

Birch shampoo
Pour 50 ml. birch sap, 50 gr. sage and 120 gr. oak bark 700 ml. hot water, wait 1 hour. Strain through a colander or cheesecloth, add 100 ml. vodka/cognac and 3 egg yolks, beat with a mixer. Rinse your hair with shampoo several times and remove with cool water. The frequency of use varies from 1 to 2 times a week.

Tired of struggling with oily hair? Wean them off daily washing, do not use products that contain oils, with the exception of scented combing. When using a straightening iron, do not treat the root area; try to dry your hair with a hairdryer only on a cold setting. Eat less spicy, salty and fatty foods, drink about 3 liters of liquid per day.

Video: how to get rid of oily hair

People with oily hair, trying to cope with the problem on their own at home, begin to wash it daily. Trichologists say that this should not be done. The solution to the problem must be approached individually in each case - use medicated shampoos, rinses, homemade masks.

What to do if only the roots are oily

Some tips to deal with the problem:

How often to wash your hair

In order not to wash off the protective film from your hair, it is best to wash it no more than once every 3 days. To prevent your hair from getting dirty quickly, you need to use washing products designed for oily hair.

How to properly wash oily hair

If your hair is oily, it needs special care. You can do this at home, the main thing is not to cause harm.

Care Tips:

What vitamins to take

Which shampoo to use for oily hair

The range of products for caring for oily hair is extensive, the main thing is to choose the effective one:

In addition to liquid shampoos, there are dry and solid shampoos, which have proven themselves to be effective and reliable products.

  • Syoss Anti-Grease looks like a spray. It contains vitamins that hair needs, thanks to which the hairstyle will look not only fresh, but also healthy. Its frequent use is not recommended, since it also contains chemical components that are not entirely useful;
  • Lush Jumping Juniper looks like soap. The series with juniper is designed to care for oily hair. Thanks to the composition of this product, the hair becomes smooth and soft. The problem of rapid hair contamination disappears, and it takes on a healthy appearance.

How to treat seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrhea is a disease that most often manifests itself on the scalp. It takes on a shiny appearance and sometimes peels off greatly. One of the causes of the disease is hormonal imbalance in the body. Deterioration may also occur due to problems with digestion or the nervous system.

Seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Due to this disease, the hair constantly becomes oily and dirty.

The condition worsens when a person is nervous or experiences physical exertion.

Treatment can take a long time, so you need to tune in to this process both psychologically and physically.

Doctors recommend paying attention to hair and scalp care, as well as starting to follow a diet, taking vitamins A, D, E, K, group B (1, 2, 6) and ascorbic acid. In addition to vitamins, it makes sense to start doing cryomassage with liquid nitrogen. Thanks to it, the intensity of the sebaceous glands decreases, and the skin becomes less irritated.

A cosmetologist can recommend special shampoos and balms. They do not contain dyes or harmful substances, as they are designed for problem skin. Gastroenterologists prescribe diets that help strengthen the liver and intestines. When there is a problem in the nervous system, the neurologist prescribes sedatives.

Before self-medicating seborrheic dermatitis, it is important to consult a trichologist and find out the cause of the disease, otherwise there is a risk of remaining with the disease even after attempts to treat it.

Pharmacy products for oily hair

Oily hair (experienced pharmacists will tell you what to do at home) can be successfully tidied up with the help of pharmaceutical products.

For greater effectiveness, the use of drugs should be combined with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. All of the above products contain vitamins A, B, E and zinc, which are beneficial for the general condition of hair.

Mask recipes

To get rid of oily hair at home, make masks. They will not only help overcome the tendency to become oily, but will also strengthen the hair roots.

Hair is cleared of oil and becomes softer. They can be used every 5 days.

Recipe 1 - mustard and kefir

Masks with mustard have a drying effect.

Mustard and kefir mask:

Mix the ingredients, apply the mixture to your hair and wait 40 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Recipe 2 - protein and burdock oil

Masks made from chicken egg whites reduce the intensity of the sebaceous glands and give volume to the hair.

Egg white and burdock oil mask:

The components are combined into a homogeneous mixture and applied to the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots. Wash off with shampoo.

Recipe 3 - cognac and honey

Masks with cognac can reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat, thanks to the tannin.

Cognac and honey mask:

The ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair. Cover your hair with a towel or cling film for 40 minutes, and then wash off the mask with shampoo.

Recipe 4 - coffee

Coffee masks effectively remove fat and dead skin cells.

Coffee mask:

Brew strong coffee, or take the grounds left over from your morning breakfast, apply the mixture to the roots of dry hair and leave it for half an hour, covered with a towel. Wash off the mask with water.

Recipe 5 - potatoes and kefir

A potato-based mask eliminates excess oil and strengthens hair.

Potato and kefir mask:

  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • kefir – 0.5 tbsp.

Raw potatoes should be grated and squeezed. Kefir is heated in the microwave. Mix potatoes and kefir into a single mixture and apply it to the roots. After 1-2 hours, wash off the mask with shampoo.

Recipe 6 - bread

The bread mask dries and cleanses the skin, so it is good for oily hair. It is recommended to use the mask at least once every 7 days.

Bread mask:

  • bread – 4 pieces;
  • water.

The bread should be soaked in hot water for 2 hours or overnight. The resulting mixture should be squeezed through cheesecloth and rubbed into the roots of the hair. After 40 minutes, wash off the composition with warm water.

Homemade scrubs for oily hair

Using hair scrubs, you can eliminate dandruff, get rid of impurities, allow the scalp to breathe, cleanse the surface of the skin of dead cells and improve blood circulation.

Homemade scrubs will help you cope with the problem of oily hair. They use common ingredients that can be found in every home, which makes such products cheap and convenient for use at home.

To combat oily hair, a mixture of inexpensive ingredients is excellent:

  • soda;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • coffee;
  • ground seeds from fruits or berries.

Before making a homemade scrub, you need to pay attention to the fact that sugar, salt and soda dissolve in water, so they can be washed off easily. It is better to use coffee and seeds on short and dark hair, so that there are no problems with combing it later.


Dry substances are diluted with water and distributed over wet roots with massaging movements. The mixture should be kept on the hair for 5-10 minutes and then washed off with shampoo. Each of the scrubs dries out the skin, so you should not apply them more than once every 7 days. After using the mixture, there will be a noticeable improvement in hair quality.

Herbal decoctions for rinsing

Herbal decoctions, which can easily be made at home, help in the fight against oily hair.

To prepare the infusion, you need to buy the necessary ingredients to choose from at the pharmacy:

The liquid is most often used on clean hair. It eliminates oily hair and skin, improves hair structure and appearance, helps fight hair loss, strengthening hair follicles.

Herbal infusion recipes:

You can mix any decoction yourself, but the main thing is to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to it. To make the infusion more effective in ridding the hair roots of excess oil, you can add 10 drops of lemon juice (1 tsp).

Essential oils for oily hair

To stop your hair from being greasy, you can use essential oils at home. This is easy to do if you purchase natural tea tree, lavender, lemon or cypress oils in advance.

How to use essential oils:

  • Tea tree is best used in conjunction with shampoo. You need to put a couple of drops on your hair while washing your hair. You can also add 8 drops of oil to a spray bottle and dilute them with plain water, and then spray the resulting liquid on your hair, closer to the roots;
  • Lavender is used in the same way as tea tree. It dries the roots well and gives strength to the hair.
  • Lemon oil gets rid of hair oil, but it is better to add it to masks or shampoo.

Compositions for rubbing

There are 2 types of compositions for rubbing into the hair roots to combat increased oil secretion: natural and in ampoules. You can make your own natural mixture based on essential oils and other plant materials.

Recipes for natural ingredients:

To care for oily hair, ampoules with nicotinic acid are suitable. To get full results you need to buy 30 ampoules. For 1 month, apply the contents of one ampoule daily to damp scalp. No subsequent rinsing is required.

These options will give positive results, but the principle of regularity must be followed, otherwise there will be no benefit.

How to use flour for oily hair if you don’t have time to wash it

Each type of flour helps combat different problems:

  • If you thoroughly mix pea flour and shampoo, you will get a consistency that will have a positive effect on the scalp. The main thing is not to let the mixture dry out, otherwise it will be difficult to comb it out of your hair;
  • If you mix corn and pea flour and add beer, the resulting mixture will make your hair bright and moderately moisturized. To achieve results, you need to distribute the mask over dry and dirty hair and leave for at least 25 minutes.

To combat oily hair at home, pea, corn, and soy flour are well suited. To make a special product, you need to mix essential oils, any flour and shampoo.

If for any reason your hair is prone to oiliness, this problem can be solved with the help of masks, scrubs and herbal decoctions, which are effective and inexpensive.

Video about how to cope with the problem of oily hair at home: what to do, recipes for effective masks

What to do with oily hair roots:

Masks for oily hair that are easy to prepare at home:

Caring for oily and thin hair initially requires choosing a shampoo that will not make it dry and dull.
Women of the European type often have thin hair. This can be attributed to the fact that there are no severe frosts or scorching heat on the Eurasian continent.

Thin hair cannot be called a 100% disadvantage, because it often looks silky and soft to the touch. The strands are easy to style, they are manageable and fit perfectly into any hairstyle.

The real problem arises when such curls begin to quickly become dirty. This problem is familiar to many women - as soon as you wash your hair in the morning, towards the middle of the day the strands fall off and take on an unkempt appearance.

Below we will tell you how to take care of oily, thin curls.

Skin or hair that requires more care

The condition of the hairline is genetically determined in the body. You cannot change the thickness of the hair or its color. You can't change straight strands into curly ones.
It is easy to influence the condition of the skin and reduce its oiliness.

With proper care for thin, oily curls at home, they will look better. It is important to choose a harmonious care system.

Many people make the standard mistake - they try to wash it until it’s squeaky clean with aggressive anti-greasy shampoos. You can't do this!

If the product completely removes all sebum, the glands begin to produce even more of it. This threatens to make the strands look greasy all the time.

Another problem is that you can end up with broom-like curls. Sebum gives shine and smoothness, and if it is regularly cleaned aggressively, the hair shaft becomes rough and dry.

Dry strands are difficult to style, they do not shine and are unpleasant to the touch.

You notice that you wash your hair more often. Excess sebum has a bad effect on the hair and scalp. The sebaceous secretion clogs the pores and does not allow the skin to breathe.
This may cause dandruff.

The standard mistake girls make in such a situation is to take anti-greasy shampoo from the supermarket shelf.

This product may cause another problem - oily roots and dry ends. Too aggressive a product can cause scalp allergies and other unpleasant symptoms.

Where to start care

The first thing to start with is choosing a shampoo. No need to buy a bottle labeled for oily hair. It is quite suitable for normal people, the main thing is to read the ingredients. It should not contain components such as lanolin and silicones.

They make the appearance greasy and dull. It’s great if the product contains herbal extracts, for example, horsetail extract or oak bark. Many companies began to produce shampoos for this type.

The second important rule is to wash your hair properly. Many people do not know at all how to do this correctly; they rub their strands like laundry when washing. The shampoo should be applied only to the scalp, after diluting it with water in the palm of your hand.

It is absolutely unacceptable to pour product from a bottle onto your head. Wash your skin with gentle massage movements. There is no need to apply shampoo to the ends. The amount of product that gets on them when washed off is enough.

It is better to wash the ends with conditioner. Water can be pre-softened with soda.

Baking soda is added to shampoo to create an excellent deep cleanser.

Pour shampoo into your palm and add a tablespoon of baking soda.

The shampoo needs to be used 2 times - the first time the product washes away dust and dirt, and the second time the beneficial substances begin to act.

Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly, for at least a minute. Its remains cause irritation and dandruff.

Do not wash your hair with hot water! Only warm, and a cool rinse at the end.

Hot water makes the sebaceous glands work harder and makes them dull. Cool water perfectly reduces fat ducts and clogs open hair scales.

It is good to rinse oily hair with an acidified solution. You can use vinegar or lemon juice.

Take a liter of cool water and add a tablespoon of vinegar (apple, wine) or a teaspoon of lemon juice. This rinsing works well to shrink pores and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Frequent washing does not aggravate the situation at all, as our grandmothers like to say. It is much worse for a woman to walk around with a dirty, unkempt head.

It has been scientifically proven that proper hair washing has no effect on oiliness. Walking around with a greasy head is harmful. Dirt and sebum clog pores and help the growth of various bacteria.

It is useful to rinse your hair with various herbal decoctions, for example, a decoction of burdock root, oak bark or sage.

Train yourself not to comb wet strands! This will lead to their injury.

It is better to comb them thoroughly before water procedures, and gently wash the curls with massage movements. Be sure to use a light conditioner, it makes the hair smooth and shiny.

Don't forget about masks and leave-in care products. The mask will thicken the hair shaft and add volume to the hairstyle.

As for various fluids and serums that do not require rinsing, they protect the hair from external influences and remove electricity. Leave-in oils prevent split ends.

It is important to comb your strands correctly.

You should start from the ends, carefully moving towards the roots. It is better to use a wooden comb with rounded teeth. The use of hair dryers, curling irons and straightening irons should be reduced.

Manipulation only adds problems. For example, to make your hair curly, you can wash it the night before and roll it wet in curlers.

To straighten them, you can buy a comb in the form of a straightening iron. She needs to carefully comb her slightly damp strands, after applying a light styling product or oil to them.

The condition of skin and hair depends on nutrition. To make them less greasy at the roots and silky at the ends, you should limit some foods or even completely remove them from your diet.

These include alcohol, smoked foods, fatty, fried foods, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea. The entire list provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands, and alcohol and coffee also dehydrate the body.

It is enough to follow all these rules, in a few weeks you will be able to see the difference in the condition of your hair. The main thing is to regularly follow the tips given above, your curls will only delight you.

Those who have been given weak and brittle hair from birth are destined to constantly limit all kinds of thermal and chemical influences - it is important to carry out good care.

But don't despair, every problem has a solution. It is necessary to use more gentle paints without ammonia.

The use of herbal-based paints will give amazing results. These paints, penetrating into the structure, nourish them, giving thickness and volume.

Frequent hair washing is contraindicated, and it is advisable to comb with a comb with sparsely spaced teeth. Try to choose a haircut that will effectively highlight the advantages of your face and hide the lack of thickness.

An important point is that it must be dried only naturally.

Rinsing them with mineral water will significantly strengthen weakened hair.
The approach will give immediate results.

Suitable for those who want to lighten their strands.
Well, or make them at least one tone lighter.
Try it.

The mask is also suitable for hair weakened by constant coloring.

Tips from trichologists and dermatologists will tell you how to care for oily hair at home. A list of effective cosmetics and folk recipes will help you choose skincare treatments.

Oily hair requires careful care using specialized cosmetics. Such care will help keep your hair styled and neat for much longer than without any care procedures.

Cosmetics for oily hair

The main reason for the rapid contamination of hair and the appearance of a greasy sheen is the increased secretion of fat by the sebaceous glands. All products aimed at solving this problem contain substances that help normalize the process of sebum production. The first procedure that you need to master for proper care of oily hair is washing head.

The opinion that frequent washing of oily hair will get rid of this problem is wrong. Trichologists and dermatologists say the opposite: frequent hygiene procedures only worsen the situation.

To perform the procedure correctly, you must understand and follow a few simple rules.

  1. You need to wash your hair not often, but regularly, preferably at regular intervals.
  2. The water should be warm, but not hot.
  3. The head is washed 2 times: the first time - the hair, the second - the skin.
  4. Movements of the fingers should be light and not scratching.
  5. The shampoo must be specialized. with an inscription
  6. It is advisable to rinse using cosmetics or decoctions based on folk recipes.
  7. When using conditioners to wash your hair, you should try not to apply them to the scalp.

The best shampoos for oily hair

There are several ways to choose the right cosmetic product:

  • get recommendations from a specialist: dermatologist, trichologist, cosmetologist;
  • buy only those products that are marked: “for problematic and oily hair.”

Cutrin Bio+ Oil Control

One of the best products for caring for oily hair is shampoo. Cutrin Bio+ Oil Control.

One of the ingredients is menthol. Thanks to him, after washing your hair, the feeling of freshness lasts for a long time.

Regular use of this cosmetic product solves three problems at once.

  1. Thanks to its constituents hops, cinnamon bark, and glycine, the natural lipid balance of the skin is restored.
  2. The secretion production of the sebaceous glands is normalized.
  3. It provides an antibacterial and antifungal effect, which prevents the formation of dandruff.

Shampoo Cutrin Bio+ Oil Control effectively softens and moisturizes the scalp. The Bio+ line includes three drugs: Cutrin Bio+, KERASTASE Bain Exfoliant Purifian, Hair Soap with Marigold. They all solve one problem: provide high-quality care for oily hair.

Shampoo-bath KERASTASE Bain Exfoliant Purifian

Shampoo-bath KERASTASE Bain Exfoliant Purifian Intended exclusively for washing hair, avoiding skin if possible. This cosmetic product effectively removes fat and other contaminants, restores hair structure, and smoothes keratin scales.

The strands fall off and look unkempt. Shampoo-bath is used as the hair gets dirty.

Desert Essence Organics Lemon tea tree shampoo

Shampoo Desert Essence Organics Lemon tea tree consists of natural ingredients. It contains no fragrances or synthetic foaming agents. A rich assortment of medicinal herbal extracts allows us to call this cosmetic product a “mask”. The shampoo contains aloe juice, lemon and tea tree oils, extracts and calendula. The drug thoroughly rinses the hair, quickly removing the fatty film. Recommended for regular use.

Lotion for oily hair “Yarrow and Rosehip” Green Mama

Compound "Yarrow and Rosehip" It is not replete with many healing components, but it contains everything necessary to protect hair and improve its “manageability.” This is aloe extract, horsetail, yarrow, oak bark, and a complex of vitamins. It has been noticed that after using this cosmetic product, oily hair is easier to style and it lasts longer. This drug has no contraindications. It can be used daily.

Folk remedies for oily hair care

Traditional recipes for hair and scalp care can be used if you are not allergic to the substances included in the drug.

Skin care before washing your hair

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and microflora, it is recommended to apply the following composition to the skin 30-40 minutes before washing your hair:

  • 1 tsp. ;
  • 1 tsp. alcohol tincture of calendula.

The components are mixed and rubbed into the skin for several minutes. If the hair is long and thick, the volume of the treatment is increased 2-3 times.


After washing your hair, rinse your hair and skin with decoctions. To prepare, take 1 teaspoon of plant material and brew it with 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for half an hour. Strain through cheesecloth or a sieve and use as a rinse for oily hair. The following herbs are suitable:

  • coltsfoot;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • nettle;
  • yarrow.

Masks for oily hair

For oily hair, masks based on eggs and fermented milk products are recommended. Through 2-3 days It is useful to make masks from fresh kefir, without any additions. The fermented milk product is applied to the hair and scalp, lightly massaged and left for 1 hour. Then wash off with warm water without using shampoo.

Salt peeling

Effectively cleanses oily scalp of dead cells, stimulates blood circulation, promotes new hair growth. To carry out the procedure, only one component is required -. Apply it to the skin and massage the head with light finger movements. within 1-2 minutes. Rinse hair under running water. The procedure can be repeated periodically Once every 10 days.

Experts do not advise frequently combing your hair or touching it with your hands. There is always dust in the air, which will settle and stick, giving your hair an unkempt appearance. Another useful tip: you need to control your emotional state, as the sebaceous glands react to nervous overstrain, which leads to increased sebum production.

In general, oily hair is very difficult to care for. On a woman’s head, oily hair does not look very beautiful; sometimes it sticks together into greasy strands, and dirt, sweat and grease accumulate in them. The biggest problem for those with oily hair is that their sebaceous glands are very active and therefore difficult to treat. You need to remember a few rules and follow them.

To reduce oily scalp, make tinctures and rub them into the scalp. They need to be used every other day for a month. You can also use ready-made calendula tincture. There is one old recipe: take 3 tablespoons of green spruce, fir and pine needles, pour a liter of boiling water over them and boil for 20 minutes, then strain.

If you have oily hair, you need to follow these guidelines. To nourish your hair, you need to use herbal rinses and make compresses.

Compresses for oily hair.

1. Finely chop mint leaves and grind them with rowan berries, leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes, then rinse your hair.
2. Grind plantain or dandelion leaves to make a paste and rub it into your scalp. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

It would be even more useful to lubricate your hair with curdled milk or kefir before washing, tie your head with a towel and hold the compress for 15-20 minutes, then rinse the compress with water with added shampoo and rinse with acidified water with the addition of vinegar. To reduce the greasiness of the hair, you need to rub in the tinctures every other day for a month.

Rules for reducing oily hair.

1. Use shampoos that add volume to your hair.
2. Eliminate spicy, sweet and fatty foods from your diet. Consume more dairy products, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
3. Do not straighten your hair with your hands often.
4. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.
5. Try not to comb your hair with a brush, because... it spreads oil from the skin through the hair.
6. Massage your hair frequently before going to bed.

Wash your hair as it becomes dirty, but not with hot, but with warm water. Before washing your hair, it is useful to rub yogurt or kefir into the scalp, but to treat oily hair, use infusions of medicinal herbs or decoctions.

Infusions of decoctions of medicinal herbs for the treatment of oily hair.

Infusion of birch buds or leaves.
Take birch buds or leaves in a ratio of 1:10, add hot water and rinse your hair with this infusion 2-3 times a week for a month, and then take a break for three weeks.

Infusion of chamomile flowers.
Take chamomile flowers and pour boiling water over them in a ratio of 1:10, then rinse your hair with this infusion 2-3 times a week; you need to use this infusion within 3 weeks.

Infusion of bitter wormwood.
Prepare an infusion of wormwood in a ratio of 1:10 and rinse your hair with it every other day for a month, then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat again.

Lemon juice infusion.
Rub your scalp with pure lemon juice (freshly squeezed or a slice of lemon) 2-3 times a week.

Aloe tincture.
Cut off the lower leaves of aloe, squeeze the juice out of them, add 20% alcohol. Store the tincture in the refrigerator and rub it into your scalp partings every other day for three months.

To reduce scalp oiliness, make tinctures to rub into the scalp. These procedures should be applied every other day for a month; you can use ready-made calendula tincture. Use an old recipe: to do this, take 3 tablespoons of green pine, fir or spruce needles and pour a liter of boiling water over them, boil for 20 minutes, and then strain. Use the decoction to rub into the scalp, mixed with alcohol or in pure form. You can also use fir oil, but you need to dilute it with 1:2 alcohol.

If you are not allergic to mustard, then use the following recipe to wash your hair: dilute 1 tablespoon of mustard in 1 liter of warm water, rinse your hair with this infusion several times.

Rinse oily hair to strengthen it.

1. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs: oak bark, peppermint, horsetail and pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it steep, after 40 minutes, strain the infusion and rinse your head with it.

2. Take 1 tablespoon of chopped tansy stems and flowers, add 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, and then strain. You can rinse your hair with this infusion, as well as wash your hair without shampoo.

Masks for oily hair.

Green onion mask.
To reduce the greasiness of hair and fight dandruff, take 100 grams of green onions, chop and grind it until the juice appears, add 25 grams of alcohol and apply this whole mixture to your hair. After an hour, rinse with water.

Mask with garlic, honey and aloe.
Before washing, smear the scalp with the mixture; to prepare it, we need 1 teaspoon each of honey, lemon juice and aloe juice, 1 grated clove of garlic and 1 yolk.

Yolk mask.
Mix 1 raw yolk with 1 teaspoon of alcohol and water. Rub this mixture into your scalp for 10 minutes and then rinse with water.

Black bread mask.
Pour 150 grams of black bread with a small amount of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, rub the mixture into the scalp, tie it with cellophane and wrap it in a towel, hold for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Blueberry mask.
Grind 300 grams of blueberries with a mixer, pour a glass of boiling water, when the mixture has cooled, apply the mask to your head, cover it with plastic wrap and wrap it with a towel. After half an hour, wash your hair.

When it comes to dealing with oily hair, follow these tips.
1. Wash your hair often, preferably daily.
2. For your oily hair, use special shampoos.
3. Make sure that there is no shampoo left on your head after washing your hair.
4. Avoid hair conditioners altogether.

Rinse dark hair with water and vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water), rinse light hair with chamomile infusion (2 tablespoons per two liters of water) with the addition of citric acid.

If you have oily hair, then eat less smoked meats, fatty foods, alcohol, coffee and eat less sweets. There is no need to eat salty and spicy foods, canned food, or spices. Try to go for walks more, play sports, and your hair will definitely become beautiful.

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